i-ajFwrffMr' v - c J.KC . DAILY CAPITAL JOTOMAflAIffiMORTOOy.'MONPAYrSpPTKIiJBEBrigO' KlUMSHWUlK-'d IF Stocktpn j& Cp -" ' At ViffibID WHITE CORNER THE STORE TJiat Ney-e WKst.ep eseivts OUTRAGE ON TWO P iental Cushion J Covers Wo just received a lino of Oriental cushion covers, such as yon some times boo offered at special sales. We bought tbem to Bell at 23 cents each, -never wore never less. No' limit to customers. Plenty for all. Radium beams with brightness emitting a vivid light of splendor, qualities of goodness. Were Assaulted the Biff Steel Bridge on Were Knocked off Their BiResfand Pommelled by White Men PRINTER SHOT HIMSELF nennar nut no " 1 1 Mki W. ft. 8 W ,AUt ON Radium silk We have It in nil shades. beams with nil the r ASK TO SEE IT Hop Picket? i Gloves Another big line came in yester day. Ladies' gauntlets that t and wear. Hen's and boys' cotton and buck skin glov. Best m Town See the New ' Dress Goods Received Yesterday MfcSfeir tie Bgf t $1.00 Comforts la Oregon New Comforts The brightest and most attractive most beautiful line of plain and fan oy comforts ever shown In Salem arrived at our storo yesterday. $1.50, $2.00, $2.50 Announcement Mrs. M. E. Fraser, qf The Loader, an nounces to her friends and oustomers her aliening of the mllltnexji depart ment Jbyrsday, Friday and Satura. jp if JfW PERSONAM. SC J. A. oPoler was In Albany yesterday. Miss Ernestine Hulley returns home tonight from an extended visit with xclatlvcs in Astoria. Who alio spent about a month at Clatsop, nt tho home of Hon. C. W. ('uruahau. A Carrlspo for 23c Tako a cab to or from tho depot for 96a Olmpson'a livery stable., oppo ftlto court house, a Waat Is Life? In tho last analysis nobody knows, but wo do know that it is under strict law. Abuse that law even slightly, pain results. Irregular living means derangement of the organs, resulting in Constipation, Headachy or Liver Trou ble. Dr. King's New Life Tills quick ly readjusts this. It's gentle, yet thorough. Only 25e at J. C. Terry's drug store. Sunday at 4 o'clock four white men driving in a hack across the big bridge saw two Japs coming the other way on bicycles. After hurling abnsivo epi thets at the Orientals, one of the white men, unknown to the reporter, jumped off the vehicle, leaped over tho railing, knocked the Japs off their wheels, and proceeded to pound them with his fists. The blood flowed, both the Japs were bruised and beaten, and then tfio white men drove off. 8," shouted one of the gang. ""What right have they to ride bi cycles! Let them walk," was ap parently the only excuse the white men had for making the assault. The names of the unoffendine Jap anese are M. Okiyama and K. Itano. They are small brown men, and work bard all tho week through, and were out on their wheels for a little Sunday out' ing. They have notified Sheriff Culver and Chief of Police Gibson, and will swear out warrants, if they can identi fy their assailants. This being Labor Day the Japs have not been able to get boforo a magis trate. One gentleman, who saw the outrage, says it was the worst case of tho kind that has ever come to his no tice. He was riding a wheel, and dared one of the men to get off and try the game on him, but got no response. He saj-B the men wi're about half drunk at the time. E. J. Degarrette accidentally shot himself in the right foot Sunday after noon while carrying a rifle. The bullet went through the foot from the top, emerging in tho center ofthe sole. The aeeident happened in a hop yard, and Degarrette was brought to this city, where Dr. Byrd dreed the wound, and Decarrette was taken to the Salem Hospital. He is a printer, and resides in Portland. NEW TODAY 'jflBOUT THAT COAT You wear a coat. Why? To keep the cold out? No; to keep the warmth in. What of the body that has no warmth the thin, poor body that lacks the healthy flesh and fat it needs? For such we'say that Scott's Emulsion provides the right kind of a coat. Why? Be cause Scott's Emulsion builds firm, solid flesh and sup plies just enough fat to fill nature's requirements no more. That means bodily warmth. VtTl rati jot aaph tnt upon rtrpik SCOTT & BOWNE, 409 Ptwl Street. New Vett X lie New Suits I rarm to Rent. To the 330 acres on Howell particulars inquiro of M, le, court house. right parties, Prairie. For A. McCork-0-3-3t Lost In Salem or on Liberty road sealed envelope with two inclosure. Reward if returned to B. B. Herrick, county surveyor. Wood for Sale. Good second-growth fir delivered for $3.00 cash on deliv ery. See T, L. Williams, Leslie street, between 23 and 24th streets, or ad dress bv mail R. F. D. No. 5. 03-lm Cab Hire at Half Price. Tho -war on prices of caba is still raging Simpson's stables made the cut to one-half price, and still main- I tola those prices. Opposite the court Claims Collected. Any one having claims against the government, eithe. military or civil, can write me nnd I will adviso them. I have responsible connections at Washington and am in a position to assist claimants. WARREN THATCHER, Salem, Oregon. -,r- Mrs. Minto III. Mrs. John Minto is seriously ill at her home in this citv. Funeral Rates Reduced. Cabs and carriage for funerain at half price. Simpson's livery, opposite Court house. tf CASTOR 1 A For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought dU0g& Bears the Signature of tl ll B HIMimiMI 1 Tie Question Of What Watch To buy l a hard ono (or the average mau to decide. Doxeni of grades aro told under th same name, and It pussies, any but an expert to de ido where practical utility Hops and extravagance begins. We are WATCH EXPERTS and will uUdly hh vou Iu this matter. Onr stork unlmM. .. ..... iteatcbes made. Qom In and look thorn over we're always pleased to f 4or-wliethar von bu or not. And. IPMDmibs ..n.i.i.. 1- X w -- ------ -- -.- . "( nhtiMiskni vfMwK a uur m prmuy, war price are tigui, ' '""''"'" MM I 111 I in 1 iChasoH. Hinges, I fHOM'r Ortkhtn. M 8Ut Wt Noxt deer ta La4J &. Bu&h b.w ' Appearance Counts You know, I know, in fact everybody knows thnt nice teeth add 100 per cent to the appearance of tho face. Teeth which aro taken care of is a first-class criterion of the persons' character. If your teeth aro bad come in let us tell you exactly what they need to put them in first-class order. If you need teeth extracted we do it painless. If you need them fillcd,crownedor bridged in wo do it painless. Examination coats you nothing. isisisisHrE& Crowns $5 Plates $5 Fillings 50c From now uutil October 1st every pa tieut receives a coupon for every dollar paid, some one of which will entitle the bolder to the Diamond ring, worth f 150 on display in Thompson 4 Company's window, State street. This la n cheap ring valued M 150, but is a pure wntte stone and worth every dollar for wtloh it is advertised. Ask Mr Thompson. Qp. B. E. Wright Steuslor? Bulldlno, Court Street Heura: 8 a. m. to 6 p. xn T p, tn. to 8 ft, m,j Sundaya 10 a. m. to IS so. PHONE MAIN 2591. Branch Office, little Patece Hotel, Independence How Is ThU. Wo offer One Hundred Dollars Re- Tard for any case of Catarrh that can not bo cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. F. I. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, Ohio. Wo, tho undersigned, have known F. J. Cheney for the last 15 years, and believe him perfectly honorable In all business transactions and finan cially able to carry out any obliga tions made by his firm. WALDINO, KINNAN & MARVIN, Who'esalo Druggist. Toledo, Ohio. Hall's Catarrh Cure Is taken inter nnlly, acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of tho system. Testimonials sent free. Price 75c per bottle. Sold by all druggists. Take Hall's Family Pills for con- pation. iHIIIIIIIIIIHInnini) Capital National Bank of Salem, transacts a general banking business. Only Na tional Dank In Marlon county. : : Savings :: 'Bank : Department Pays three 'per cent Interest on savings accounts. Deposits of ONE DOLLAR or more re- J reived at any time. Pass book f Issued to e&cb depositor. 4-tl H M )in ,nn.M X ACADEMY OF THE SA CRED HEART 8ALEM, ORE. The forty-socond scholastic year begtna September 12. Sanitary and other improvements lately mado In tho" building. Academic, commercial, grammar giudoa Intermediate and primary coureoa. Pupils prepared for teacher's certiflcatea. Full courso In muwio. Particular attention paid to healta and: moral training. A&keis Slater Superior. Moflcy to Loan THOMAS K. FORD. Ovff Ladd h, Barti' Bank. &Uem, Or CHICAGO TRAIN WRECK ,Chicago, Sept. .Seven were serious ly Injured in a collision on the Lake street elevated road at St. Louis aven ue this morning. A crowded train crastied into a string of empty cars that were being switched into , the yardi, and the passenger train left the track nnd narrowly escaped being pre cipitated into the street. The injxred are: Motorman B. dowry, Mrs. Helen Otterbach, Otto Olson, John Willing, C. T. Hayes, E. Evans, Conductor V. G. Smith. The first shipment of "Pal. mcr" suits is nearly exhausted. Another largo lot expected early next week. Prudent shoppers will bo on hand first. "Palmer" garments have that style, snap and "go," that every lady op predates. Se the new Furs, Jackets and Raincoats. Dress Goods AH the new weaves in "Read's" fabrics for fall, including Pru nella, Cheviot, Serge, Granite, Hopsack, Readona, Crepe, Eoli enne, Coughton Crepe, etc. Panama Model Contest Result at 6 p. m. Friday: Total vote 454S Xo. schools voted for 35 Five leading schoels: Reform '. 1453 East 1152 Xorth vft 810 Keiser t ,532 Park .TV 193 Store closed all Day Monday- Labor Day. Died at Albany. Virgil Parker, a business man and a prominent member of the Knights of Pythias and Workmen, died at Albany Saturday afternoon. IB m K "Where quality reigns supreme" ' 1 " 1 1 1 1 1 1 u 1 1 1 1 1 m 1 a- we 1 n 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 n 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ' .The Shooting Gallery... Valuable Prizes, Accurate Guns, Best Tareets. l a une riammeriess Bnotgun ottered to the best phot. Alfo cash prizes, t . We Are Here to Stay. State St . Occoslte White House Rest.nrant X 1 1 mm hi m 1 iiHiiiiHin m 11 1 -hi 1 1 1 1 n 1 1 1 1 if (iiuooSw,m rail opening Mountains of New Goods Now Ready fo Yos In spection . . . . Never In the history of tho store were wo in such position to offer our many friends and patrons the newest and most durable line, of npto-date mer chandise that can be found anywhere in the Northwest; neither pains nor money has been spared in making this granJ selecton f ow e are showing the same line, of goods as are shown in Chicago by -the most fashionable houses. You willfin.i lou willfiml our praces to be always lower than any other house in this part of the world. lMttxr B.rtft.1,. I New Fancy SUks. New Black SUJts New Fancy Velvets New Velvets In Black nd all colors New Taney Dress Goods. New Black Dross Goods. New Broadcloths New Scotch Tweeds New Zebellnea. New SUk Waists New Velvet Waists New WalsUngs New French Flannel Waists' New Wool Shawls " New Dress Skirts New Walking Skirts New Jackets New Capes New Chlldrea's Jackets. New Goods New Furs New Capes for Children and Girls New Belts New Wrist Bags New Kid Gloves New Ribbons New Hosiery New Blankets New Comforts New Outing Flannels New silk Petticoats New Men's, Women's and Chil dren's Underwear. , New Corsets New Neckwear for Ladies New Muslins New Calicoes New Dress Trimmings New Notions New Yarns. HMHM . ,1