Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, September 05, 1904, Page 3, Image 3

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iiniiiiiiiiiiianiiiip..ini,inmiiiiiiiu m
' l(UHI IJIMIlll HJLiiS!l
usar .w -i P"l -r.TJ., Tnii nfnwTufflipi
ated 200 bushels of Italian prunes.
(Highest price paid. Drive one-half
mllo east of asylum, tf. Welch.
t 9-3-3t
fantod at Once A middlo-nccd wo
M man to do liirht housckoenini?. and
take enro of n 5-year-old girl. Apply
atj208 Liberty street. , 9-2-3t
Wasted. A bell boy nt the Willamette
JlaHotol. Annlv nt onco.'fr
Wasted. To trade a .good span ot!
- 'young mares, harness und wagon for
attuSi. ... i ai. t
ifciui uu jfturcii All ui uum kjuiuiu. ...
Ml. Goode, 309 Commercial street.
Wanted. At the muto school, a middle-
lagcd "woman to wash nnd iron. Wages
C$25 per month. Apply to Thos. P.
) Clarke, suporintondent. 8-31-tf
iTantod. Two dry .goods salesladies.
! Apply at tho Chicago store, Court
treet, Salem. James McEvoy. 8-30-tf
panted. A good driving horse. Call,
with ' horso, -at Mitchell, Lewis &
Staver Co., CI State street, 8-30-3t
anted. Four
extra waitresses for
or sooner. Wlllnmotto
anted. A party to furnish, pasture
I and look after a 2-year-old colt, from
Know till next spring. Will pay good
price. Must bo no barbed wire. In
quire at Willamette hotel.
anted. To purchase a piece of land
suitable for potatoes, hops or hay.
Address, with particulars, lock box
488, Salem, Oregon. 7-1-tf
IFor Bale At a bargnin, two seated
Studebarker four-sprinif hack. Walt
S. Low. 9-3-3td-lwk
For Sale A bargain in a good saw
mill soven miles oast of Sublimity.
Plonty of timber. Derby & Wilson,
Salem. 8-31-3t
For Salo. English .Better pups. Iu
quiro of Anton Van Laanon, at Irvin
& Potty's, 94 Stnto street. 8-30-3t
For Sale. Span of .horses, cheap if
taken at once. Call at rYvino & Pot
ty's flhoo store. 8-29-3t
Salo of Goods. Private sale of house
hold goods from September Gth until
sold out. Also a flno young Jersey
row for sain. Ono block north of the
Star Bottling Works, North Liberty
street. ' 8-291wk
For" SaleMovlng .picture outfit, in
first-olass condition. At groat reduc
tion. Address "L. F. 11.' Salem, Or.,
care Journal. 8-20-tf
For Sale at a Bargain. One flno span
of bay mares, well matched, 7 and 8
years old; gentle and well broke.
Inqulro or call at Smith & Ward's.
Liberty store. Phono 28G White.
For Sale A
surrey, as
half prico.
nal office.
two-seated carriage ot
good as now, for about
A. P. Hofer, Jr., Jour-
For Sale. Three-fourtns or an acre of
land, within city limits, near school
house, good house and barn, fruit
of all kinds. A bargain at reason
able terms. Inquire at Journal of
fice 8-2-tf
Screen Doors Lawn and field fence,
barb-wire, shingles, P. & B. ready
roofing and building paper. Exten
sion ladders, gatea anU gate Lard
ware. All at lowest prices. Waltor
Morley, 60 Court street, Salem.
And board for man and
wife at 204 Cottage street, cornor
Ferry street.
Found. At, the Capital Drug store, a
lady's purse. Inquire nt this office.
Salem Steam Dying and (Heaping
..Works. At this establishment you
can get anything cleaned, dyed and
repaired, from a pair of trousers to
the most elaborate silk gowns, also
suits presse- dby tho month $1.00, by
the suits 50 cents; velvet collars on
overeats, coats rellned, buttons
put on, hats and gloves cleaned.
Suits called for nnd returned. La
dies call and we will perfume your
haudkerchiefs free. Mrs. C. H. Walk
er, 195 Commercial street. Telephone
Lost In Wilson avenue, open-faced
gold watch and fpb. Leave at Jour
nal office and receive reward.
George H. Hall & Co. Llrery and
transfer line, Newport, Or. Special
attention given to handling baggage
and camp outfits. Hack "to Otter
Rock and Lighthouse. Good saddle
horses. Ono block east of steamer
landing. fr12"
Hotel Scott Newly furnished, every
thing clean and first class. Rooma
at reasonable prices. In Cottle
block, Balero. A. Bcott, prop, 7--t
New Lodging House. Everything
new, clean and comfortable. Schrelb
er block, 149-151 State street. Mat
tie HutchlnB, prop. 6-9-tf
Bay Have you tried Edwards & Lusch
er's for meats. We have the best
sausage In town. Como and try it
and bo convinced. 410 East State
8alem Truck and Dray Co. Oldest
and beBt equipped company in Sa
lem. Piano and furniture mov.ng
a specialty Offlco 'phone, 861. W.
W. Brown & Son, proprietor. Office.
No. 60 State street. 9-1-lm
Hop Baskets.
Hop Baskets. All kinds of baskets
Hold youi orders for Waltor Mor
ley, 60 Court street. Salem.
For Bent. Willamette Univnrsitv
scholarship. Apply nt Capital Jour
nal office. 9-1-tf
For Rent. A farm of 40 acres of good
cultivated land, for cash or one-third.
Inqulro of John Baker, on Garden
Road. 8-31-3t
For Rent 7-room house, with well
water pipes in house. Inquire of
A. Schrelber, 424 High, or 153 Stnto
street. 8-15-tf
Rooms to Rent. Twelve furnished or
unfurnished rooms to ront. Loca
tion on Btreet car lino, and ono
block to S. P. depot. Call on J. C.
Goodalo, 12th and Oak streets. 6-20tf
Changed His Office.
Dr. E. B. Jackson, he voterlnnry
will be found at Gnliam & John
son's Old Postofflco barn, C2 Ferry
streets, Instead of at the Red Front
stables. Offlco phono, Malm 2341;
residence No. 17, South Commercial
streot; tolephono Red 2011. 8-25-lm
Jndertakert. we carry the largei
and finest lino of undertaker's goodi
In the city. Prices to suit all
Black and whlto hearse. Prompt
reliable. Savo money by calling a
No. 107. A..M. Clough, A. J. Baa;
Evan's Barber Shop Only first-clan
shop on State street Every thing
new and up-to-uato. Finest pore
lain baths. Shave, 15c; hair-cut tfc
baths, 26c. Two first-class boe
blacks. C. W. Evans, proprietor.
Welch & White do a general dray
and transfer business, meet all
trains. 'Phonos, down town, Main
2181, residences, Bluo 15, red 207C.
Stand 218 Commerslal street 8-12-lm
Olive Lodge, No. 18, I. O. O. F. I. O
O. F. Hall, Saturday each week, at
7: SO p. m. B. B. Herrick, Jr., N. Q.j
Frank F. Toevs, recording secretary
Salem Camp, No. 1t6, Woodmen of th
World Meets In Holman Hall ererj
Friday at 7:30 p. m. P. L. Fraslei,
Consul. Wyllo A. Moores, Seer
tary. 1-12-lyr
Valley lodge No. 18, A. O. U. W. Ms.u
in their hall In Holman block, eoi
ner State and Liberty, every Mm
day evening, "visiting brethrr
welcome. Emll Donaldson, M. W.
A. E. Aufrance Recorder.
Central Lodge No. 18, K. of P. Catr
Hall Id Holman block, corner Stat
and Liberty Sts. Tuesday of oaas
week at 7:30 p. m. H. H. Turner
C. C; W. I. Staley, K. of R, and-6.
Forester of America Court 8ai
wood Foresters No. 19. Meets Fit
day In Turner block. H. Q
Meyer, C. R.; A. L. Brown, Sea
Modern Woodmen of America On
gon Cedar Camp No. 5248. Meeti
overy Thursday evening at 8 o'oleet
Holman Hall, B. B. Matten, 1
O.: A. L. Brown, Clerk.
For water eerylc apply t oet
GUIs payable monthly In adranM
Mae all compiainta at me omw.
shop of
G. F. Mason
Miller street, South Balem
PHONE 2191 Red.
Great salo of Chinese and Japanese
fancy goods. We also make up all
kinds of wrappers and waists, unJer
wear and skirts. Gents' and ladles'
furnishing: goods, silks, laces and em
broideries. All klnda of aommer oodf
oattlnt. etc. Court itreet, corner e
kally. EaJea?
Tust within her grasp
is safety but she
docs not see it; she
is looking the wrong
way. There's many
a woman struggling
in a sea of disease
who is doing the
same thing
looking the
wrong way
snatching at
straws when the
life buoy, Dr.
Pierce's Favorite Pre
scription is within her
So uniformly successful hM Dr. Tierce's
Favorite Prescription proven in all forms
of Female Weakness, Prolapsus, or Fallinjj
of Womb, and Lcucorrhea, that, after over
a third of a century's experience in curing
the worst cases of these distressing and
debilitating ailments. Dr. Pierce now feels
fully warranted in offering to pay $500 in
cash for any case of these diseases which
he cannot cure.
It Stands Alone. The "Favorite Pre
scription" stands alone, as the one and
only remedy for these distressingly com
mon forms of weakness, possessed of Mich
positively specific curative properties as to
warrant its makers In proposing, and
binding themselves to forfeit, as the pro-
Erietors of that wonderful remedy here
y do, to pay the sum of $500 in legal
money of the United States in any case of
the above diseases in which after a fair
and reasonable trial of our treatment, we
fail to cure. No other medicine for
the cure of woman's peculiar ailments is
backed by such a remarkable guarantee ;
no other medicine for woman's Ills is pos
sessed of the unparalleled curative prop
erties that would warrant Its manufacturers
In making such an offer ; no other remedy
bos such a record of cures on whichlto base
such a remarkable offer.
British Trades Union Congress.
London, Sept. 5. At Leeds today
delegates representing nearly ono nnd
a quarter million of organized trado
unionists of Great Britain wore pres
ent nt the oponiug session of tho Brit
ish Trade Union Congress. W. D.
Ryand nnd D. D. Driscoll, tho fraternal
dolegatcs representing tho Amorlcan
Federation of Labor, were given a
hearty reception.,
Returned from tho East.
And ready for business. Soveral
propositions were offered mo, nnd whllo
I would like to iicceit nnmo of them,
I am not certain that 1 could stnnd tho
winter climate, so I have determined
to nuikd n trial, pud go East on tho 1st
of January, nnd spend tho winter there.
Iu order -to dq this I must dispose of
my stock of goods, here. 1 havo can
celled soveral ordors for goods, but
houio houses refuse to enncel, and I am
enmpolled to take their goods, nnd will
havo to make n great sacrifice. Any
one desiring to go into business will
have 11 good opportunity to purchnso my
stock of goods und fixtures, nnd until
1 find such a customer, evory articlo in
the houso will bo marked down so that
nil will purhuso tho articles needed, as
tho prices will surely suit them. A trial
will convince tho public that it will pay
them to purchnso iu lnrgo quantities
nnd help dispose of my stock.
You will flndme nt
A 140 State Street,
' t
A. Ollnger, tho old reliable carpen
ter, has again oponod a Bhop with W.
T. RIgdon, tho Court-street undertak
er, and is ready now io take orders
for Job work on Immediate call. Rig
don's phone, 2271, 142 Court stroot.
Star Restaurant
Best 15c meals lm the city. Coffee
with cakes Cc. 21 meal tlckota for
$2.76. 204 Commercial street.
Notary Public; conveyancing
and examining titles. Life, health
and accident Insurance. Room 9,
Odd Fellows' building, opposite
Court House.
I Hops
Big Pop? I
The crops In this line are not
tho largest, but good. As a
result many will need repairs
made on their driers. We are
prepared to do quick and good
work In this lino.
Sheet Iron Workers and
fcliiiiiiiiiiiMiiiiiiiiii s
Col. L.K.Page and As:ociates
will Open a New 'Insti
tution It is now known thnt Salem is to
havo another banking Institution in tho
near future, and it is believed by Thnso
who know the moving spirits in tho
matter that it will be an institution
thnt will prove a credit nnd a great
boneftt to our community. The now con
corn will be incorporated under the
law of Oregon, and will bo known as
tho Salem Stnto Bank, with n cnpital
stock of $50,000. It is not yet known
whero the concern will bo located, nor
who will be its officers, except thnt it is
assumed thnt Col. L. K. Page will bo
its president.
It lias been well known that over
since Colonel Page enmo to Salem that
he lias had an oyo on tho town with n
bnuking business in view. It Soon be-
enmo knowu that ho had had cousider
able experience in that Hue, and it has
also como to tho surfaco that ho is
amply nblo to go into tho business.
Ho lias been importuned by many of
Salem's best business men to nssociato
himself with them iu a business of this
kind, but he has been conservative, nnd
not moved until ho felt thoroughly sat
isfied that it was tho thing to do.
Colonel Page was seen by a Journal
representative nnd discussed tho situa
tion nuito freely. He is frank to ad
mit that ho considers Salem 'an excel
lent point to outer tho business, nnd
says he has assurances of business for
the now concern thnt already insures
its success. Salem has had as high as
Avo banks, nnd nil of them mndo mon
oyj Now thcro nro only two to trans
net all this business. Thilo they are
strong rnncorns, and a credit to any
city, the now concern believes thero is
room for another without encroaching
upon tho business of thoso already hero,
Salem is the natural business center of
tho richest valley In tho world, nnd is
rapidly growing, and to take tho bono
fit of this growth is tho purposo of tho
now concern.
Col. i'ngo very frankly discussed tin
situation, and says that, while his eon
corn will have u capital of only 450,
000, tile men back of it nro amply nble
tn-increaso Its capital us business-re
quired it, even to the amount of live or
tun times fts original stock. They pro
poso to do n conservative business nnd
feel their way, growing with tho ox
pa'nding tendency of tho state, nnd' nl-
ways boing within the limits of what
is termed safe banking. Ho goes on
tho old-fnshlonod theory of doing ono
thing afu time, nnd doing it right. Ho
bollovcs that if a banker knows his
business tllo bank will always bo safe,
for ho will cither havo tho money or
tho secureties which aro moro than
good for tho money.
Mr. Page could not yet stnto who
would bo cashier of tho new concern, as
ho has sovcrnl mon under consideration
bothjiomo unll now material. Ho Is
confident thnt tho new bank will bo
able to select a good man out of tho
timber at hand, and says ho hopes to
bo ablo to transact buslucss In n manner
thnt will bo acceptable to, tho business
public of Salem. As tho now location
and the bank's ofllcerB nro finally
agreed upon tho public will bo fully in
formed. Bmi ti -Ito Kind You tn Alwajt Bacht
' nun 1 ii
Office Icemovcd.
Br. Frank E. Smith lies removed IiIh
ofilces from tho roomB over tho Rod
Corner drug storo to tho now Breyman
block, lover tho New Yokohama Tea
storo. Patrons plenso toko notice.
8-30 tf
Wo havo Just received a small
lot of choice sc-ed. Call ln and
Bocuro what you nood boforo It
U gone
Seed Vetches,, Seed Rye,
Seed Oats
And a comi)oto stock of grass
and clovojr seeds always on
Wo handlo only good seeds,
and you will find our prices tho
lowest In tho city.
D. A. White & Son!
301 Com'J St Salem, Or.
iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiliimin i
Tlio Kind You Havo Always
In uso for over 30 years,
1 - and has hconmado under his per
JyA B0iml supervision Rlnco Its Infancy.
'Ct&'WK Allow no ono to decoivo you In this.
All Counterfeits, Imitations and"Just-as-good"nro but
Experiments that trlllo with and endanger tho health off
Infants and Children Exporlonco against Experiment
Castorla Is a harmless substituto for Castor Oil, Pare
goric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It Is Pleasant. Ifc
contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Nnrcotio
substance. Its ago is its guarantee. It destroys Worms
nnd allays Fovcrlshncss. It cures Diarrhoea and Whul
Colic. It relievos Teething Troubles, cures Constipation
nnd Flatulency. It assimilates tho Food, regulates the
Stomach nnd Bowels, gh ing healthy and natural sleep.
Tho Children's Panacea-Tito Motlier's Frlond.
Bears the
The KM You Have Always Bought
In Use For Over 30 Years.
The Star Safety Razor
Has boon on tho mnrkets of tho world for the last quarter of a contury,
bus nlwnys proved that it is whnt it professod to bo
"The Gentleman's Friend."
It lias glvon such uhsoluto ami gouornl satisfaction, thai it hardly
seems necessary to cnll attoutlou to tho fact thnt It Is tlio
Thnt dqes not hello its name, nud is really a Bufoty Devise, which
reudors slaving an easy nud convenient luxury und pleasure, shaves
clean and saves time und money.
R. M. WADE & CO., Salem, Ore.
::::::A G E N
fiR AIN boybrs and
Oats For Sale.
nop GROWERS SUPPLIES. Crude and stick SulDhur.
J J. G. Graham, Agent,
Have You Ever Ordered Your Groceries from
Hamtt & Lawrence
If not, you aro away bohlnd
S ways glad to soo new patrons, and
' moro than pleased. You will And
W nnt. trnrrv ntpAAlM
and Forry stroota.
Do What
We guarantee sufficient proof that
Doctor cure all kinds of diseases
have rauea, sucn as canoer, lumors, (external ana internal) uravei
kidney, bone diseases. Consumption, noil 'Vv'st9rie rhumatlm.
dropsy, and dlabets, appendicitis have never yet failed, and femalo
diseases, all the foregoing vvlthuot the knife, or plaster or poisons,
and with no pain to the patient whatever, j,
Testimonials of prominent people. Consultation free. ..
Dr. J. F. Cook
30! Liberty St.,
Formerly of
College of Literature, IJcIenco and the Arts College of Bcleuco and,.
Engineering. School oi Miuea.aml Mining, $ r' .,
Bchool of Music. Befool of Law. ''!Bcuool of Medicine.
1 The tension of Wi-i opens Wednesday, September 14. For catalogue, X
REGISTRAR University of Oregon,
Eugene, Oregon.
Bought, nnd which has becu
has homo tho signature of
Signature of
C Y O F::::m:
shippbrsof GRAIN ;
207GomrcercilSt.,Stlt, On. i
tho times. However, thoy am J- S
if you call on thom, you will b
thom at tho cornor of Commercial
We Claim
Dr. J, P. CooHJ riieBotanlcl S
after all other schools anaftatyGtora S
Salem, Oregon.
Omaha, Nef.
of Oregon
! IW