' ' V h P. PV' l - I k T -n ' Lu P. &: S DAH.T CAPITA JOURNAL, SALEM, OBEaOK, MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 5, 1901. DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL BY HOFER DR08. DtiiciHHmDBec Republican National Ticket For President. , THEODORE ROOSEVELT, of Now York. For Vice-Prealdont, CHAS. W. FAIRBANKS, of Indiana. for Presidential Electers: 43. D. Dlmlck, of Clackatnaa. Ha. C. Hough, of Josepulno. XL IT. Hart, of Polk. EB.A. Feo, of Malheur. o BABY SLEEPS. XStrowing naught of joy or care, Ruby sleeps. 3Bs3ls on sons of pearly cloud; ITlAots through dreamland, dim and fair, vjijrtfrouii landscapes round him tsrowd tta its rocks o 'cr golden deeps, Kftetft Jili half-formed senses steeps, 3 in by sleeps. fsbaVI tlmt little troubled sigh, Hnby dreams. VktttKrlng round from drenmlond's rim, SM5 mhnpes are drawin nigh fiHtetnnt, vnguo, they monnco him. JiRfl ibfit mother's sholteriug arms Ciuvri) blm and dispel alarms. Jn baby's dreams. Gfceene neoms to fill tho air, liaby smiles. AbjehIs, unseen noar his cot 3lyftJ! converso with him shnro, Vwt baby's realms unsought, Kw may see their forms but ho 8r8ienr thorn sing his lullaby As baby smiles.. CRUEL. PUBLICITY INEXCUSABLE. Tho past week a young man and woman from this city were arrested at Portland on a charge of taking articles from rooms where they had been stopping. Tho young woman's conduct was ex emplary under the circumstances, whatevor the man may have done. The Portland paper said she had pro tested against tho questionable act for which ho was arrested. But the innocent party, with the milHl- liml in 1m anrnoil In Mm una',. " '" "" "I"-"- " ' "-" I turcs are greater than at certain pre vious years which-he used in compari son. It would bo very casy,liowever, to select other years, and'.rhnny of them, too, in which our percapita ex penditures largely exceeded those of tho past year under President Boose velt. It must be remembered, how' ever, that the executive does make the appropriations. They aro made by the congress, and the execu tive has no alternative but to carry out tho laws as enacted, whqther they be extravagant or otherwise. The fact papors, with all their family history, is, However, that, an tilings consider- nnd nn irrcparablo injury dono the cd, our present expenditures are ex young woman nnd her parents. I ccodingly moderate. After nil the airing in tho papors Without discussing tho question of the case was dismissed, and the young imperialism, we have on our hands tho pcoplo como homo with reputations Philippines, which must bo guarded injured ns far as it lies in the power and protected at whatever cost. Wo of inoxcusablo publicity to bring rank among tho foremost nations of about such a result. Meral: Don't kick a dog because ho appears to be friendless and is small. As a matter of fact, The Journal had not the slightest Idea that it had ever dono an injury to so good nnd pure a man as the Salem Chief of Police. Ho is n man and nn otuciai wuu not1 whom it had always had the most friendly relations, nnd when people bring us clippings about tho troubles of dog-catchers wo reprint them out of sympathy. It is the meanest, most unprofitable and disagreeable part of n police offi cial's duty tho impounding and re straining of domestic animals. But the best will make mistakes and tho purest officer under the sun will go wrong on some little thing like kicking a homeless nnd friendless dog, whilo ho might be perfect in tary of -war . tho omuiera tn rnzorsjOnstead of Krag.J0rg(aj(1 I the earth, and every loyal patriot is Tho Journal's protest against such desirous that our navy should bo of salacious nowspapcr practices. The such proportions ns to carry with it iinme of Judge Bonham's daughter peace, because wo are prepared for should never have been dragced into war. the Portland newspapers. She was In- The inauguration of the Panama nocent nnd was never charged with canal, towards which wo have already any crime. appropriated fifty millions of dollars, I An Innocent woman, who may have is another expenditure that no' loyal been led into an error of judgment by American regrets. Our rural free de hor fcolings in marrying a man capa- livery service, for which tho last year ble of wrong-doing, but in her heart wo appropriated over twenty millions and soul puro as an angel, should al- of dollars, is another additional ex ways bo protected. j pense not known to previous ndminis- Tho press, that will shield wrong- trntions. doorM in high political station, that Largo esponsibilitics carry with will cover up tho misdeeds of it favor-! them largo expenditures, but it may ites, nnd the follies of people in high bo ndded that tho American people buciui-, Biiouiu never siriKO aown a uro noi uoing taxed today nt any woman. greater rate per capita than has been Tho rights of a privnto citizen to ' the enso for mnnv years and ilnrinir evory other respect. THE PEOPLE LOVE A SHOW. No one could look nt thojhousnnds who stood' on the streets nnd watched . i . i L? . ni nrnop if m ha m a ... rim rirriis narauo ni cwicm iuo umc. ji, m iui, uuueasurv rn. . l ...-... n 4a Ati.tliiaint1 T?inanrk1f 4n .1. uay and noi m iu mc ."vi. .i.uuuu.u.i, iv mami any ttej that tne American peopie nro u Buuit-tapcuucs. xuu American peorl rtnina npnnle. wuuro xio siunus on ftvirv 1- e 1--1- . i j itn,i About uu people wem ou iu --- cuiiL-uru uiuir wcirare. cursion train from Detroit in tho Cos-1 . With a High of soft content, Baby wnkes. "Tbo but ho knows bnbylnnd, Stw tho angt'ls Ood has sent; ViflwIesH, yet ii potunt, band, Qnnrdlng him with gontlo might STa bis slumbors pure nnd light, Till baby wnkes. John II. AleLcau, in New York Hun. life, liborty and happiness are guaran teed by tho constitution," and tho press has no right to pour humiliation nnd degradation out upon tho heads of the innocent. Tho only oxeuso is that tho public demands tho news. But thero is a great deal culled nows that tho public would bo better without. many dejades of our previous history. AFTER MANY YEARS. The fishway over the Willamette Falls at Oregon City is now completed nnd the fall run of salmon can enter the upper Willamette and its tributar ies, among them the Pudding and Jlolalla rivers. What effect the new fishway will have remains to be seen nnd may prove highly beneficial. Thero are twelve pools la the way situated about three feet apart ono abovo the other. They are for the most part blasted out of tho solid rock and others have concrete walls, making tho fishway indestructible. For onco the stuto appropriation proved sufficient, and the fishwny was built at tho cost of $.),000 as estimated. There is a law prohibiting all fishing withing 600 feet of the fishway. cade mountains to Albany to sco tho Singling circus, part with tho money earned by hnrd labor, and enjoy do ing so. At Eugonc, 1,743 country pcoplo camo in over one wagon road between the hours of 0:30 and 11 n. m., and many must have como earlier to sco tho circus unloaded off tho cars. In Lane county pcoplo drovo fifty to seventy-five miles to attend. By rail people went over 100 miles. All this nrgues that the Lewis and Clark Fair at Portland will draw hundreds of thousands of people. If that is any kind of n show nt all there is no reason why it will not bo immensely profitable to the stato and to tho city of Portland. Of course, it can bo hurt by mismanagement but probably will not be. Tho advance guard of the DJ ic nosi nas reacnea tho E Ku.u namuuu uuhij,. MllOy may I pected to catch up on tho tariff. of progress in about eight morel Eastern Democrats insist that party lias Don reorganized, but rofuso to meet Mr. Bryan in debnto on that question. "Tho They POLITICAL PARAGRAPHS, "Uncle Joe" Cannon says: Republican fences are all right aro staked and ridercd and wo are ready to put two strings of barbed wire on top to keep tho Democrats out, but they will not climb much this year. Hut wo hnve got tno uarueu wire and tho fellows to put it on if nccessarv." It was nn easy task that Tomi son assumed when he exposed the J sity of Democratic claims of suwiJ on tho monoy question. Domocrnts propose to carry ot aggrcssivo campaign, but it is d thoy will not ndopt Champ rjy plan of cutting tho throats of all! do not ngreo with them. THE REAL TEST BIO ENTERPRISES COST MONEY. Sonntor Davis, taking his cuo from tho Now York World and other Demo cratic papers, mndo tho nttempt to show that tho admlntsrtntlon of Presi dent Hoosevelt had beon extravagant pers about dogs and officials and libel DOOS HAVE FRIENDS. Tho Journal receives many friendly expressions of interest in its misfor tune, for having a libel suit on its handH for having tnken up for a friendless doi? nmiinst a nubile nfllMnl. A number of persons have driven SW .JV.Ue'd T& long mstnnces to oxpress thoir friend-1 vigors may look nice and ship and say they aro willing to help us pay for that dog or whatever tho court ami jury say should bo paid for. A number of persons havo brought in press clippings from other newspa John Sharp Williams has been cnlled "the gadfly of American politics." Tho gadfly does n frightful nmount of buzzing nnd seldom stings. In tho extrrmo nnd that our expend!- suits, and what not, somo being funny tu res pyr capita wero creator than nt n.l niir. Bn,u,, per capita wero greater than nt any previous period. It is truo that Mr. Davis did present a table showing that our present per capita oxpendi- and othors serious. It nil goes to show that tho poorest dog or oven n nowspapcr ns smnll as tho ono cent dnlly may hnvo frisads. Of Uerplclde I la Giving It Thor ough Trial. There Is only one test by which to Judge of the efficiency ot any artlcla to do that Many hair smoll nice. dui me point is uo tney eradicate Dan druff and stop falling: hair? No, they do not, but Herplcldo does, because It goes to the root of the evil and kills the germ that attacks tho papilla from whenco tho hair gets. Its life. Letters from prominent neonla nvnrv. where ore dally preving: that Newbro's Herplcldo stands the "lest of use." It Is a delightful dressing, clear, pure and free from oil or grease. Sold by leading druggists. Send 10c. in stamps lor sample to Tho Herplcldo Co.. Detroit. Mich. Hnlel J .rv. Special Aitant "1 believo incidental protection to our own industries is right nnd prop er," said Henry O. Davis in tho Amer ican sonnte. This is tho same Henry Q. Davis who pronounced ns "admir able" tho St. Louis plntform which declares that protection is "u robbery of tho many to enrich tho few." "We hnvo been wrong eight J nnd you hnvo boon rjghtj therefori ought to bo placed in power," gist of tho Democratic argument. somo people say thero is no hunoj a political campaign. Domocrntic lenders in Missouri t denouncing oach other ns liars rascals, and tho people are leari tho truth. If Schloss is oa the Label You Are Safe V 'Mi WItmSMSIIuVZ " i Kiwi 170 (i t tti'iwwnra G. W. JOHNSON & CO. Incorporated. Advance Showing Of Fall Suits, Overcoats and Ca- venettes Schloss Btos &, Co Fine HancJ-Tailotfed Suits, Ov ercoats and Geavenettes. . David M. Pf aeke & Co. Youths and Boys Fine Suits and OveI coats We take PHde m advertising the names of the makers of the trW of rUU sett. The above two mentioned makes are unquestionably the best in Ameriea Get in Shape iot the Fa.it . All kinds of wearables for the well dressed man. We dress you from head to foot in the J best of makes at a moderate I? I price. ? Judge Parker demands that we give tho Filipinos self-government " ns soon ns they are reasonably prepared for it." Just what the Republican administration is doing, Judge pre paring them for it. AVhen Champ Clark becomes secre- A Boy's Wild Ride for Life. "NN ith family around expecting 1 to die, nnd a son riding for life! miles to got Dr. King's New DiscotJ for Consumption, Coughs and Col W. H. Brown, of Leesville, Ind, J dured death's agonies from nsttos but this wonderful medicino ganhl stnnt relief and soon cured him. ll writes: "I 'now sloop soundly tw night." Like mnrvelous cures of Ca sumption, Pneumonia, Bronclittti Coughs, Colds nnd Grip proves itil mntchloss merit for nil Throat uJI Lung troubles. Guaranteed bottles 50(1 and $1.00. Trial bottles free at J. CI Perry's drug store. OASTOHZA. Bmm tin sj Tha Kind Yen Mttnp &jt Bigaatuo of oSz&mMu iTABrVTrtnul i fCHLOSS BROS &Co Nil CLOTHFS MAKFD.Q flALTiMftar ... zT. NIWYOA MM . n G. W. JOHNSON & CO ,v,wjrxf UKAIED h. if v i Jj 4 N---Nr .. w7 I Good Pointing Good printing is like good clothes. It looks tetter, gives a better im pression and commands attention. "Good clothes make the man." So does good printing make the business. We do good printing, printing that commands attention. Call up 2824 Main and we wi 1 call and get your work. The Gault Printing Company Y. M. C. A. Building 71 Chemeketa Street ON TIME EVERY TIME. Phone 2824 Main SALEM OREGON ! Umbrellas i; Gloriasilk, from40cup, all steel rods. J i! $,,2,5,S,!!,aHor La. Sood Gloria, new fcrome "ta i II $,,7toogeut'a$ifoIoea;S0ef G'"a' fan,fes' i sZuz::' $,,5A0mSeS,focMc".SOod GItla, bcst nlaes ta i Lots of Wo,, n . a . . wrY vrvoos Arnvine' i 1 ijROSTEIN & GRFfwraiim! !! DRY GOODS iwrrr,. -"-iuauiWj il ma r WBKY AND CLOTHING.! 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