Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, September 05, 1904, Image 1

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no; ana.
mi'f im.iw iiipi l
y oil
a. A.
Striking Butchers in Chicago Received
an Ovation All Along the
Line '
ibor dny passed off quietly in Ore-
, asido from tho closing of tho
offices, the banks ami a few union
tho dny wis not observed in any
manner in tho city of Salem.
tho Eastern stntea many large pa-
were held and picnics and outing
s gave tho toilers a chance to
a pleasant holiday with their
iea. Tho tendency seems to be to
il picnics and pleasure excursions,
ad of tho tiring parade and spec-
fir demonstration.
cago, sept. o,-witn o,uoo men
e, as compared with 75,000 last
tho annual Labor Day parade
d at 10 o'clock this morning.
itbstanding tho action of tho Chi-
'ederation of Labor, in declaring
vor of picnics and outings for
men and their families, a number
mons determined to snow their
gth in tho parade.
trominent in the lino of march wero
nions of striking butchers, with
ident Donnelly as marshal. Tho
seshoers and freight handlers wero
included. The butchers received
ovation nil nlong the line. At tho
Jon picnic at Thornton Park address-
were made by District Attorney Den-
and L. K. Stinger respectively Be-
blican and Democratic candidates for
Two Parades in Toledo.
Toledo, Sept. 5. Five . thousand
harchers turned out for the Labor Day
lemonstrntion today. Owing to an ob-
bction raised by tho""bUtchers' union,
me employes ot the Jones & Co., of
which Mayor Jones was tho head, wero
not allowed to participate. The Joues
employes hold a parade of their own,
covering the" same route as tho official
Outing at Cincinnati.
Cincinnati, Sept. C Seventy unions
turned out for tbo Labor Day parade
this morning. An outing at Chester
Park followed.
Many Unions in Line.
Now York, Sept. 5. Tho Sons of La
bor, to tho number of 40,000, marched
through the New York streets today.
Grand Marshal Jns. B. McCabe, of tho
Central Federated Union, led the pa
rade, which started at COth street, and
marched down Fifth avenue to Wash
ington Square. Many unions marched
for tho first time.
Speechmakiug in Missouri.
Kansas City, Sept. 5.-Labor Day
was celebrated with a parade by organ
ized workingmen, including the strik
ing meat workers. Twelvo thousand
were in line this afternoon. Thero was
speaking in tho park by Hon. Thos. E.
Watson, Populist candidate for Presi
dent; Jos. W. Folk1, Democratic candi
date for governor; Cyrus P. Waldbrige,
Republican candidate for governor, and
In Pennsylvania.
Newcastle, Pa., Sept. 0. Labor Day
celebrated hero with a parade of sever
al thousand mon. A large number came
from Sfinron'and 'Elwo'od city.'
Beach Tholr Shrine.
jSan Francisco, Sept. 3. Over 10,000
siting Sir Knights, with their lady
Bends, wero added to tho list of
iters who are to own San Francisco
the next fivo days. The big rush
gau yesterday and though the rail-
lid mon wero taken somewhat by
prise they made hurried arrango-
lats to meet tho emergency. Incom-
trains wero crowded with gnily
Bformed visitors, anl but for the
it that business houses wore closed,
would hnvo been hard to tell that
Iwas Sunday. Few of tho special
litis arrived on time, two to four
urs lato boing tho rule. But tho
Iters took the delays in good spirits,
Id seemed as iollv as if they wero
Iht on time. During tho day special
Inday services wero held in several
the churches.
Today is a day largely of prepara
In for tho big events to come. About
le Palaco Hotel headquarters tho Sir
flights, swarmed like bees, whilo in
fo tho grand officers were busily en-
I their triennial reports and completing
mo nnni ucians or mo conciavo pro
gram. Every ,onc is looking forward
to tho big parade tomorrow and it is
predicted that there will be more men
in lino than at any former conciavo
hold by tho order in this country.
Dispatch Says Twenty Five
Thousand Men Were
London, Sept. 5. A dispatch to tho
Contral News agency from Koine states
that Stackolbcrg's army, numbering
a.ljOOO, which was roported cut off by
tho Japanese, whilo attempting a junc
tion with Kuropatkin has been com
pletely wipod out.
A dispatch coming to tho Exchange
Telegrnph from Rome states that Kuro
patkin had two horses shot from under
him during tho retreat from Liao Yang.
Tho dispatch regarding tho loss of
Stackelberg's forces is discredited here.
Packers and Strikers Hold
tiong Conference With
f , Some Success
London, Sept. 5. Tho St. Petersburg
correspondent of Reuters' Agency
wires thnt, despite tno denial of the
war ofllco, n report is persistently cur
rent thnt Goneral Kuropatkin -was
obliged to abandon 200 guns nt Liao
Yang. Sbmo were damngTSTl in fighting,'
and the rest wero spiked by order of
Kuropatkin. It is also rumored in St.
Petersburg that Gcncrnl Linovitch,
with troops for tho relief of Kuropat
kin, has arrived not far from Mukden.
Wisconsin State Fair.
Milwaukee, Wis., Sept. C.-Tho an
nual Wisconsin state fair opened to
day in a blazo of glory and wjth pros
nocts bricht for tho most successful I
exhibition of tho kind ever held in tho
state. Every department without ex
ception is well filled, but especially
notoworthy are the agricultural
All Eyes On Vermont.
Burlington, Vt., Sept. 5. Tho eyes
of the nation aro on Vermont. Tho re
sult of tomorrow's election in this
state will bo sicuifiennt. It is tho
straw thnt will tell which way tho
political wind is blowing. If tho Re
publican majority should bo light the
Domocrats of tho country will consider
it nn omen of good, while, on tho other
hand, should tho majority bo heavy,
tho country will tnko it as an indica
tion thnt Roosevelt will sweep the
t-land. " "I
It is contendod that- aItcpublicnn
majority-of-more--than80,000-In Vcr"'
munt will bo a suro sign that Parker
will meet dofeat. Should tho Republi
cans have less than 30,000 votes to
spare tomorrow tho result of tho com
ing national election will remain in
duubt until November.
Tho Republican candidnto for gover
nor is O. J. Bell, of Walden. . Mr. Bell
is n' farmer nnd is being supported by
tho Stato Orange. Tho Democratic!
Chjcngo, Sept. 5. A secret confer
ence' by representatives of tho packers
nnd striking butchers' committeo is in
profess, looking to a settlement of tho
strikej Manager Stalner, of tho Union
StocKYards & Transit Company, spent
more than nn hour this morning in con
sultation with tho striko leaders at tho
Transit Houte. It is authoritatively
staled that President Donnelly held n
conference on Saturday night with T.
J. Connors, of Armour & Co., nnd that
he will meet other representatives of
tho packers today. It is stated that n
plan has been made for tho immediate
roturn'to work of tho strikers. It is un
derstood that the packers havo agreed
toT3 all the old njen to work ns fast
nstpossible at the old ierms. Tho only
condition is that unions call the striko
off. &8 n result of tho efforts of tho
polbjg to stop night picketing in tho
stockrynrds, 38 men wero locked up
during the night.
State Development League Work to jBe
Taken Up at the City Hall
NqWj York, Sept. 5. Tho police gunrd
is still kept up todny nt tho plants of
Schworchild & Sulzberger, nnd tho
United Dressed Beef Compnuy, through
theJfU-lking butchers wero called off.
Tho guard will be kept up until tomor
row, when the strikers npply for thoir
to help promoto tho progress at this
community, and if 'we tnko hold witVst
will Salem can add GO per cout to hw '
population in ono year.
Morehajits, lawyers, bankers', con
tractors, mechanics, owners of houses,
and all who aro alive to thoir intercstm
can seo what this means. Thoy ohoutdi
not stand back nnd lot others do thti
Thero will bo a mass meeting to
night nt tho city council chambor at
7:30 o'clock, to prcparo for the big im
migration harvest coming to Oregon.
Two hundred business men, commer
cial men, professional men nnd property
owners' have been asked to move in n
body to secure for Snlctn tho lion's
sharo of tho coming immigration.
Two hundred new.mombers aro to bo work. Lot nil tnko hold
enrolled in tho Commercial Club for no- A two-days' mass convention for Ur
tivo work for tho coming 12 months, Ivolopmont work, has just boon holtl'afc
when thero will bo more tourist nnd im
migrant trnvel to Oregon than over be
fore. A correspondence committeo of 1000
persons, who have como to Salem and
Hiirroundlng country In tho past 10
years, will be prganizod to reach ono
M to 100 of their friends and ncquuint
uncos in tho East, who aro coming to
Baker City, nnd if Western Oregon iit
to hold paco with Eastorn Oregon, Ssr
loin und Marion county must got a
movo on.
Como out tonight and hear tho live
business mon talk progress. It will do
your heai t good to hoar short, sharp
talks from tho following men: V. VP.
Wigging J. II, McNnry, Mayor Waters,
ox-Mayor Bishop, L. K Page, Thro. IL.
Tho development lenguo work is on Barr, A. Welch, J Q, Dockabach, I. Lx.
u broad bpuIo that slll enablo ovcryono PattcrBon and others.
I. . .I, t ,r , m :.
old places.
For Shorthand Championship.
St. Louis, Mo., Sept. 5. Shorthand
To Bar Impuro Torelgn Foods,
Now York, Sept. 5. Tho first of n
number of port laboratories projectod
by tho department of ngriculturo to
prevent Impuro food, tho product of
foreign countries, onteriug tho United
States, was opened tbdny in tho A
pralHor's storo building in thin city.
writers every whero will bo Interested i1"0 laboratory is thoroughly equipped
in a contest begun hero today for tho and will bo used to mako annlysls of
world's shorthand speed record. Tho tho various food products nrrlvlng nt
contestants aro Robert Tennis, of this Jiort. This wll) obviate tho, delay
GreotfBaj', Wis., who holds tho world's of requesting samples by tho secretary
rocOru ofa230 words'- a minute,1- ami of agriculture from tho 'secretary of
ft?ster,?H(rgRen,-of -Londonptho-EilW-the treasury, mill ' thVlninsmission- of
pean champion, whoso record is said to theho samples to Washington for
bo 210 words a minute. The contest analysis. If tho plan proves u success
was arranged by tho National Short- similar laboratories will bo established
hnnd Association and tho winner will at Philadelphia, Boston, Baltimore,
receive a substantial purse in addition Now Orleans, and other important
to tho championship title. ports of entry.
Letter Carriers' Convention.
Allontown, Pn., Sopt. 5. Tho fifth
unnunl,convontion of tho Pennsylvania
Stnto Association of Letter Carriers
openod hero this morning with ubout
sovonty-flvo delegates in uttendnnco-
At tho oponing session reports show
ing the work and conditon of tho cr
ganiKution wero presontod by Prcsl
tlont John J. Ferry, of Wilkeebiirre
Socretary ,T. S, Reynolds, of York, audi
tho several other ofilcers. Tho- moot"
ing closes with a social session undl
banquet this evening.
Dr. Robert Forbes, of Philadelphia
Is tufjtcctoil to arrive In tho nlty todiiv, t
und will bo ontortnined by Mrs. J. iu
Sanborn. Dr. Forbes Is secretary qC S
tho church oxtqnsiim work of that city,
and wus pastor ifef Alio church formerly
uttended by Mrs, Kuuborn in Mlnnoori- v
, , "si i
candidate is Eli M. Porter, of Wilming
Today is Labor Day We Remain Closed Alf Day.
Admires Flowers.
C. I). Frazor, who travels for tho
Wudhams & Kerr Bros., of Portland,
says the Hotel Willamette has the fin-
,! est flowers in tho dining room of any
exhibits, hich for hoU,i on tM rolul- Uo ia thero eve-y
Afnmln v. 11ml linn linnmn nn nnMinalnut
number and class have never been ex-i"" ' """ "" "u,uu "u
ii i i !. -.. rn, ,, nt over mo giauioius. tho
ceueu iu mis diuic. uv ivgiui w.
trotting and pneing races was inaugur
ated today and will be continued
through tho week,
grown in tho open air at Salem aro cor-
Collector Dead.
Ogdensburg, N. Y., Sept. . Daniol
Magono, formor collector of tho port of
ged putting tho finishing touches to New York, died last night.
Low Pfice Doesn't
Jways Indicate a Bat gain
You must consider the quality ns well as tho price. t
And economical business methods make it possible for us to sell goods
at a smaller margin of profit than "regular stores." That's why wS
crivn vnn lwttnr roods for the monoy than you can find elsewhere.
Wo nover buy an article unless tvo, aro sure that it will prove jatisfao
tory to the customer. Complete assortments in every line.
tainly tho most showy flower for hotel
nse that has evor been developed. Ono
Salem grower ahs been furnishing
those flowors to several hotels to con
vinco the traveling public that this is
moro of a flower stato than some oth
ers, ns ho believes that our summer
climato is adapted to flower culturo out
doors better than nny climato in tho
world. It is gratifying to find that
they'nro appreciated. J
Dry Goods,
American Brido for Austrian Baron.
Nojvport, R. I., Sept. 5. Newport
society was much interested todaj' in
the only international wedding of tho
season, thnt of Baron Bachofcn von
Kfllit, of Austria, nnd Miss Alico M.
if. Pfizer, which was solemnized at
Linden Gate, the villa of the brido 'a
parents. Tho affair was n very exclu
sive one. tho guests boing limited to
the relatives and a few intimato
friends of tbo contracting parties. Miss
Anna Maud Harrison was tho maid of
honor, and tho best man was Lawrence
La Tourotto Driggs.
Fake Ad Writers.
Salem business men aro besieged by
fake advertisement solicitors, for vari
ous kinds of programs and advertising
cards to bo Mattered, no ono knows
wherq. AH they want is a dollar or two
and thoy will do tho teat. The wise
advertiser turns down the&o proposi
tions about as fast as they como into
his office.
Cleverest id Most Exdnsare Autumn ite
In Women's Tailored Stilts, Coats and Sk:'r!s
Our proud position us leaders in tho field of women's missoM and children's outer garments Is recognized nn
far East, North, West and South as people come to Sulom to buy. This pinnacle of fame has boon attnlnwl
through merit ut our merchandise. Our groat second floor tho handsomest deparlmont o( its kind in tho country
Is a standing monument to our business integrity and progresNlveness. Tho mugnificont autumn display Ih k
showing which is a revelation in ready-to-wear upparel. Kuch individual offering is of special importance to somn
one perhaps to you. Every qualification of perfect uttlrc is mot here.
he New York Racket
Salem's Cheapest One Price Cash Store.
Murderer Electrocuted.
Albany, N. Y., Sept. 5. Guiseppe
Versalie,ag6l 1 years, was electrocuted
at 6:4 o'clock this morning. The elec
trocutlon was without incident. Ver
saile and Antonio tijrogio, who was
electrocuted here last week, killed John
Vasgorder and his half sister, M'
Farnham, m AlUghauey county )a$
7 H M
( tttr w f f V
vJ5bU MA
II 17
I 'Mnu ImK
Wednesday Only
Special salo No. 102. For next
Wednesday's sale we offer u lino of
Spachtel Covers
fine assortment to choose from,
nd aro great bargains at
Bee Conrt Bt. Window
Fine Walking
Made of mixture in various shades,
also kerteye and broadcloths, trim
med with strap and button. The
most compute showing to be found
In the eity New styles now ready.
f 2.0 to $37.50-
It's wonderful this difference in
Idea concerning the ambtilliuhment
of a costume. Home women look very
wull in a plain frock, but most look
better if tioat and pretty trimmings
bo added. To meet all tastes we
have tho moit eompleto assortment
of up-to-the-minute novelties.
t Styles
There is no better illustration f
how our i'.Io thing department Iteepn
abreust yes, oven alt cud, of tho
times than to point to our suporl
stoek of, suits and overcoat. Droit
sy wear men aan select from thws
lines with satinfaetion and economy.
Havo you seen tho now tbiugxf
I We will be pleated to have you call
and seo theso lines, and are eanfi
dent we can please you.
E. T. BARNES, Prop.