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About Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 3, 1904)
'"n'T'f'' ajKSBBBStfBRBUt i..n,if iiiiiswMaaBStiMuMiMiii v nnmmrmfi!fSf!!Bm DAILY CAPITAL JOUBNAI-. SALEftl, OREGON, SATURDAY, SEPTEMBEE SIOM. fl?S $mmmmm. wmmwrniuuMmfiw CLASSIflED WANTED. sted at Onco. A lnMdle-ngod, wo- jtn to do light housekeeping, and to caro of a 5-year-old girl. Apply T208 Liberty street. 9-2-3t ted. A bell boy at the Willamette 5tel. Apply at onco. Cjitod. To trade a .good span 0? poung mares, harness und wagon fqr br on property in or near Salem. J. G. Goode, 309 Commercial street. 9-l3t Wanted. At tlio muto school, a middle agodrwoman to wash and iron. "Wagos F$25fper month. Apply to Thos. P. guiarKc. suponntonaent. o-jx-ii jfanted. Two dry .goods salesladies. vpply at tuo (Jhicago storo, uourt; troet, Salem. James McEvoy. 8-30-tf bated. A good driving horse. Call, Efith horse, at Mitchell, Lewis & taver Co., 51 Stato street. 8-30-3t ited. Four extra waitresses for ite fair, or sooner. Willamette Dtel ited. A party to furnish pasture ad look after a 2-year-old colt, from till next spring. Will pay good hrlce. Must be no barbed wire. In- lire at Willamette hotel. ited. To purchase a piece of land altable for potatoes, hops or hay. ydross0wlth particulars, lock box 18, Salem, uregon. j-i-tr FOR 8ALE. iSalo A bargain in a good saw Kill soven miles enst of Sublimity. Monty of timber. Derby & Wilson, Balom. 8-31-3t Sale. English .Setter pups. In- juiro of Anton "Van Laanen, at Irvin F& Potty's, 94 Stato street. 8-30-3t or Sale. Span of .horses, choap if gtaken at once. Call at Irvine & Pet- Fty's shoo store. 8-29-3t lale of Goods. Privato sale of house hold goods from September 5th until sold out. Also . a fine young Jersey cow for sale. Ono block north of the Star Bottling Works, North Liberty street. 8-291wk IFor Sale. Moving .picture outfit, in first-class condition. At great reduc tion. Address "L. F. II.," Salem, Or., caro Journal. 8-20-tf For Sale at a Bargain. Ono fine span of bay mares, well matched, 7 and 8 years, old; gentle and well broke. Inquire or call at Smith & Ward's Liberty store. Phone 286 White. .8-25-lwk IFor Sale A two-seated carriage 'of surrey, as good as new, for about half price. A. P. Hofer, Jr., Jour nal office. IFor Sale. Three-fourtns or an acre of land, within city limits, near school house, good house and barn, fruit of all kinds. A bargain at reason able terms. Inquire at Journal of fice. 8-2-tf Bereen Doors Lawn and. field fence, barb wire, shingles, P. & B. ready roofing and building paper. Exten-, slon ladders, gates and gate hard ware. All at lowest prices. Walter Morley, 60 Court street, j3alem. MISCELLANEOUS. Salem Steam Dying and Cleaning Works. At this establishment you can get anything cleaned, dyed and repaired, from a pair of trousers tol tho most olaborato silk gowns, also suits prcsso dby tho month $1.00, by tho suits 50 cents; velvet collars on overeats, coats relinod, buttons put on, hats and gloves cleaned. Suits -called for and returned. La dies call and wo will perfumo your handkerchiefs free. Mrs. C. II. Walk er, 195 Commercial street. Telephono 685. I Lost. In Wilson nvcuue, open-faced gold watch nnd fob. Leave at Jour nal oflice and receive roward. 8-31 3t George H. Hall & Co. Livery and transfer lino, Newport, Or. Special attention given to Tiaudllns baggage and camp outfits. Hack lo Otter Rock and Lighthouse. Good saddle horses. One block east of steamer landing. 713-2m Hotel Scott Newly furnished, every thing clean and first class. Rooms at reasonable prices. In Cottlo block, Salem, A. Scott, prop. 7-6-tf. New Lodging House. Everything new, clean and comfortable. Schrelb er block, 149151 Stato street. Mat tie Hutchlna. nron. 6-9-tf Say Have you tried Edwards i Lusch er for meats. We have the best sausage In town. Come and try H, and be convinced. 410 East State street ' iem Truck and Dray Co-oi(Wsi and best equipped company In Sa lem. Piano rd furniture moTJj a specialty Office 'phone, 85L W. W. Brown & Son, proprietor. Offlc No. 60 State treet M'-1--1 Hop Baskets. Hop Baskets. All kinds of baskets, Hold ycut orders for Walter Mor ley, 60 Co.rt street. Salem. FOR RENT. For Rent AVillametto University scholarship. Apply at Capital Jour- nnl oQlce. . 9-1-tf WN-"NN-i 'or Bent. A" farm of 40 ncros of good cultivated land, forcasu or one-third. Inquire of John Baker, on Garden Road. - ' 8-31-3t For Rent 7-ropm house, with well water pipes in house. Inquire of A. Schreiber, 424 High, or 153 Stato street. 8-15-tf Rooms to Rent. Twolvo furnished or unfurnished rooms to rent. Loca tion on street car line, and ono block to S. P. depot. Call on J. C. Goodale, 12th and Oak streets. 6-20tf Changed His Office. Tit T T Tn.l'.An 4T.A ..... !.. . t -. . .u. ootiuuu, mo veit-rmar iw.111 bo found at Gilliam & John- son's Old Postofilco barn, 62 Ferry ! streets, instead of at the Red Front stables. Office phono, Main 2341; .residence No. 17, South Commercial street; tolephono Red 2011. 8-25-lm UNDERTAKER. Jnctertakerk. We carry the taric-- and flnost line of undertaker's goodi in the city. Prices to Bult all Black and white hearse. Prompi reliable. Save money by calling a No. 107. A. M. Clougb, A. J. Bmj TON8ORIAL AND BATHS. Evan's Barber Shop Only Drst-ciaw shop on State streot. Every thlui now and up-to-uato. Finest pore lain baths, Shave, IETq; hair-cat Il baths, 23c. Two first-class bc-o blacks. C. W. Evans, proprietor DRAYMEN. Welch &. White do a general dray and transfer business, meet all trains. 'Phones, down town, Main 2181, residences, Bluo 15, red 2076. Stand 218 Commerslal street 8-12-lm LQDGEb. AOIive Lodge, No, 18, I. O. O. F- I. O 'O. F. Hall, Saturday each week, v 7: JO p. m. B. B. Herrlckv Jr., N. Q., Frank F. Toevs, recording secroUrj Salem Camp, No, 118, Woodmen, of tnt World Meets In Holman Hall everj Friday at 7:30 p. m. P. L. Frasl-H Consul. Wylle A. Moores, Seer , tary. l12lyr Valley lodge No. 1U, A. O. U. w. m.. in their hall In Holman block, eo ner State and Ltberty, every Mo day. evening Visiting brethr welcomo Emll Donaldson, M. W. -A. E. Aufrance Recqrder. Central Lodge No. 18, K. of .P. Uuu Hall in Holman block, comer Stat and Liberty Sts. T-esday of mI week at 7:30 p. m. H. H. Turner C. C; W. I. Staley, K. of R. and S. Foresters of America Court TI!Ui wood Foresters No. 19. Meets, Fri day in Turner block. H. Q Meyer, C. R.; A. L, Brown, Sec. Modern Woodmen of America On gon Cedar Camp No. E246. MMti every Thursday ovealng at 8 o'cle-el Holman Hall, E. E. Matten, 1 C; A. L. Brown. Clerk. WATfcR COMPANY. SALEM WATER COMPANY OFFICE CITY HALL. For water service apply at oMe4 Bills p&yablo monthly In advanM Mae all comnlalnts at tho orac. Wf W.g ALL KINDS OF FRUIT TRAYS AND ORCHARD BOXES at the shop of - G. F. Mason N Miller street, South Salem ' PHONE 2191 Red. HUIE WING SANG CO. Great sale of Chines, and Japanese fancy goods. We also mako up all kinds of wrappers and waists, under wear and Bklrts. dents' and ladles' furnishing goods, silks, laces and em broideries. All kinds of summer goodr matting, etc. Court street, cornsr c alley, Salem ACADEMY OF THE SA CRED HEART 8ALEM, ORE. Ti,a fnrtv.tooond scholastic year begins September 12. Sanitary and other Improvements lately maua in hn hniutinz. Academic' commercial, grammar grades Intermediate and primary coursea. Pupils prepared for tMrara. eei-dflcatea. Full courso in muBic, Particular attention paid to health and moral training. Aaurwu-i Sister Superior. The Dinner Pail Of the American working man Is gen erally well filled. In some cases iris too well filled. It contains too many kinds of food, and very often the food is of the wrong kind hard to digest an& containing mile nutri tion. As a conse quence many a work ing man develops some form of stomach trouble which inter feres with his health and reduces his work ing capacity. Where there is indigestion or any other indi cation of dis ease of the stom ach and its allied organs of digestion and nu trition, the use of Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery will almost invari ably produce a per fect and perman ent cure. Mr. Thomas A. Swartt, of Sub Station C. Columbus, O , Box lot. writes 1 "I was .akcii with severe headache, thencramn in the stomach, and my food would not digest, then kidney and liver trouble and my tuck got weak o I could scarcely Ret around At last I had all the com plaints at once, the more I doctored the worse I got until six years passed I had become so poorly I could only walk in the house by the aid of a chair, and I got so thin I had jnirn np to dit. thinking that I could not be cured. Then one of my neighbors said, ' Take my advice and take Dr Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery and make a new man out of yourself.' The first bottle helped me so I thought I would get another, and after I had taken eight bottles in about six weeks, I was weighed, and found I bad gained twenty-seven (17) pounds. I am as stout aud healthy to-day, I think, as I ever was." FrbK. Dr. Pierce's Common Sense Medical Adviser, paper covers, is sent free on receipt of 31 one-cent stamps to pay expense of mailing only. Address Dr. R. V. Pierce, Buffalo, N. Y. Fair Well Advertised. Owing to tho country being billed with circus posters, the stato fair man agement havo not put up the usual amount of hnndbills nnd wall posters this year. But tho fair has beon thor oughly advertised through tho news papers nnd tho railroad advertising. That the crowds will bo immenso no ono can havo any doubt, and it 'will be more of a question of handling tho peo ple than anything else. Carpentry. A. Ollnger, the old reliable carpen ter, has again opened a shop with W. T. Rlgdon, the Court-street undertak er, and Is -ready now to take orders for job work on Immediate call. Rig don's phone, 2271, 142 Court streot. lm 'A. OLINQER. . 0 $100 Reward, $100. The readers of this paper will bo pleased to learn that there Is at least ono dreaded disease that science hns beon able to cure in all its Btages, nnd that is Catarrh. Hall's Catarrh Curo is tho only pojiitivo curo now known to tho meilical fraternity. Catnirh being a constitutional disease, requires a con stitutional treatment. Hall's Catarrh Curo is taken internally, acting direct ly upon tho blood nnd mueous surfaces of tho system, thcroby destroying tho foundation of tho disease, and" giving tho patient strength by building up tho constitution and assisting naturo In doing its work. Tho proprietors havo so much faith in its curatlvo pow ers that they offer Ono Huudrod Dol lars for any caso that it fails to cure. Send for list of testimonials. Address F. J. CHENEY k CO., Tolo do, Ohio. Sold by all druggists, 75c. Take Hall's Family Pills for consti pation. Star Restaurant Best 15c meals la tho city. Coffee with cakes 5c. 21 meal tickets for J2.75. 204 Commerqlal streot. FRANK DAVEY Notary Public; conveyancing and examining titles. Life, health and accident insurance. Room 0, Odd Fellows' building, opposite Court House. iMHIIMHMIMIMUlWf I Hops Ftuit Big Cgop? I The crops In this line aro not tho largest, but good. As a result many will need repairs made on their driers. We are prepared to do quick and good work In" this line. I BURROUGHS & FRASER x 8heet Iron Workers and S Plumbers llllllMIHIIIIIIMIHItW if W -sfff-tt-Hbs. in,iimminiiimi)mit; I SALEM SOCIAL EVENTS I 1 1 H 1 1 1 1 1 1 H I HI M-H-W-M-fr Huelat-Morrls Woddlng. One f tho most brilliant weddings of the late summer season took place last eening at St. Paul's Episcopal church at 8 o'clock, when Miss Miriam Belt Huelat becamo tho brldo of Wil liam AKred Morris, of Portland. The church had been transformed in to a bower of beauty, tho prevailing colors being white nnd green, and wero artistically carried out with whito flow ers, smilax and beautiful palms. Tho nltar was banked with flowers, nnd mado a lovely picture, which will long bo remembered by tho largo number of friends and relatives who wero pres ent. At 8 o'clock Mr. J. W. Bickford, brother-iu-law of tho bride, sang "Thou Art Like Unto a Lovely Flow er," which was followed by Wagner's Bridal Chorus" from Lohengrin, beau tifully rendered by n quartet consisting of Mrs. W. Carlton Smith, soprnno; Mrs. W. P. Babcock, contralto; Mr. Ray Chapter, tenor, and Mr. Ralph Zcrcher, basso. Mr. II. B. Thlelson ac companied them on tho organ. Miss Etma Weller then played tho wedding march, "Trnumerei," by Schumann, and the bridal party entered nnd pro ceeded to tho nltar. Tho brldo was at tended by her maids, Miss George Gilt ner and Miss Lucy Williams, of Port land, nnd tho matron of honor, Mrs. Louise Biokford, sister of tho bride. The groom was attended by his best map, Mr. Fletcher Gaddis, of Portland. Row J. E. II. Simpson performed the beautiful Episcopal ceremony, after which tho bridal party nnd guests r6 paired to the home of tho bride's uncle, Hbn. George II. Burnett, where n re ception was held. colors, nnd the red, whito nnd blue, and, with tho beautifully costumed ladles, made a very brilliant scene. The Burnett homo wns beautifully decorated with flowers and follago, in terwoven with tho Stanford University Dainty refreshments were served during tho evening. Tho brido wore a linndsoino costume of whito lnnsdowno. with trimmings of pearl laco nppllquo, and carried an arm bouquest of bride's roses. Miss Williams was attired in a pretty gown of whito net with Vanon clennes and bluo ribbon trimming, nnd carried white carnations. Miss Giltner woro bluo crepo with laco trimmings, und also carried whito carnations. Mrs. Bickford was gowned in n love ly costume of flowered net over white silk, and enrried pink roses. Many other hnndsomo toilets wero .wnrntby tho" guests. The brido is tho daughter of Mrs. S. K. Hiiojat, of city, alid a grand daughter of tho late Dr. A. M. BelL Shu Is a highly ncenmpHslicd young lady, very popular hi tho social cir cles, The groom is tho son of Mr. nnd Mrs. John Morris, of tills city. He Is n graduate of Stanford University, of Palo AJto, Cal., and U now Instructor of Latin iu tho Portland High School, which position he has held for tho past two years. On September 10th, they will lenvo for Cambridge, Muhm., where Mr. Morris will take u 2-yonrs' post graduate courso in Harvard University. They havo the best wishes of n largo iin-Io of friends, Tho prosonts received woro costly and clegrtnt, and showed the esteem In -Uiu-h thoy aro hold. , n Office Removed, Di. Frank E. Smith hrs- removed his oflicos from tho rooms over tho Rod Corner drug storo to tho now Broymnn hi .k, over tho New Yokohama Tea st re. Patrons pleaso tfko notice. 8 30-tf i S-0 jH6t Seed 1 1 Wo have Just received a small lot of cholco seed. Call in and socure what you need beforo It I& gono ! ! Seed Vetches, Seed Rye, f ! ! Seed Oats J 1 ! And 'a completo stock of grass S and olover seeds always on hand. Wohandlo only good seeds. X and you will And our prices tho lowest In tho city. D. A. White & Son! PEEDMEN and 8EEDMEM. 301 Com'l St Salem, Or. tlfBMtaMMf ! "'. imiraififtfflffiiim lint t. j-.m wmin-m li.1 tiV 1 in I nunt-jH ff Xfcgctable PrepnrollonrorAs slmUallng ihcFoodandltegula ting ihc Stomachs aMBowcis of Promotes Digc9tlon.Chccrful neasandItest.Contains neither OpUim.Morphlne norIlncroL WOT "NARC OTIC . jtoireorcua-sixuamvwi frmfJhStl' !$&JUk JnKrrmt Apcrfecl Remedy forCo-nsUpa-non.SotirStomach.Diarfhoca Wori,(rvul3kHvs,Fevcri3h ncss and Loss of Sleep. Facsimile Signature of NEW VORK. EXACT COPY OF WRAPPER. L-Sa HhhIhw I SPrB' iwp 'VE.b-b-b.Hh 1 f9tmmKMimmM The Star Safety Razor Has been on tho markets of tho world for the last quarter of a contury. has always proved that It is what It professed to bo "Tlie Gentleman's Ftitnd." , It haa glvon such abaoluto and gonoral satisfaction, that it hardly seems necessary to call attontlon to tho fact that tt is tho FIRST SAFETY RAZOR That does not bolio its name, and Is really a Safoty Doviso, which renders shaving an easy nnd convenient luxury and pleasuro, shaves , clean and saves tlmo and money. R. M. WADE & CO., Sajem One. fllflll)gt(IH ! ::::::::A G E N i BALFOUR, GUTHRIE & CO.! 1 r 1 ! ffl? A.TW BUYERS AND Oats For Sale. HOP GROWERS SUPPLIES. Crude gad stick Salchur. i J. G. Graham, Agent, -ijcn-ff-ftiiitf imiMIIWIWIMMIIWmiMHimMMiM Have You Ever Ordered Your Groceries, from Hattitt & Lawtence If not, you aro away bohlnd tho timos. Howeyor, they are al ways glad to too new patrons, and If you call on them, you will b mora than pleased. You will find th)in at the corner of Commorolal and Forry streets. BS TO ST. LOUIS AND THE WORLD'S FAIR Travel via Denver and the tfurlington Route to St, Louis if you want an interesting, comfortable and safo journey. Tho Burlington is the only railroad running its own trains over its own rails nil the way from Denver to St. Louis. Fast time, clean nnd comfortable cars, obliging employes, good meals in dining cars at moderate prices. Let me givo you detailed information about the trip. Write your name and uddruss here. Name AdJrttt . Then cut out this ad today and mail to A, C. SHELDON, fllNIRAt AQBNT BUHLINQTON ROUTK, fOO Tmiho Stkkt, POF1TLAND, ORK, H97, -.-- CASTORIA Tor Infants and Children. wmmmmmammmmmmmammanmmmKmmmmmmamMmtmm The Kind You Have Always Bought In Use For Over Thirty Years CASTORIA thi ec-tTAun eunuir. Mm Tana emr. iaitillBWMl C Y O Fttunti SHIPPERS OF GRAIN ! I 207 ummmui s... Mm, on. ifiiiiaiwiftsnni Bears the yf, t Signature Am1 '4 ii ft