Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, September 03, 1904, Page 2, Image 2

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, "
r .
SRepiMcan National Ticket
For President
of Neir York.
For Vlce-Pealdes -CHA3.
of IadtaaJ I
For PreridenUal Btecters:
high grade of rubber known to tbe
trade as "MaBieoba." The area ii
said to be vry larger The best rubber
KjiKfc 4bas tome irwn tuts tree dm
beta proparod by aa American aad has
tfCfl olWed ia XoijfrYjrk and Lifr
peSM a eqoal to njaTquallty Parti ru.
ber. Tbe eMKml, from his iavestiga
tic a. in foanatd that tbe culture "f
tbe Maoieoba could be mort adraa
tacpoMly introdlHd ifito ibe tout of
il United SUt and ' gjirtloolarly
fato Poeri ifteo a.djtba Philippine.
Tbe United States geological survey
has iwoed reports on tbe prodneiioa
Cfo B DJialck, of Clackamas)
Ciailoucb. of Joteoalne. ?
5. IjjHartor Pott. -El
A. Fee, of SLalheur.
3Tp be fully awake to this tfutuuin
tfcae'of tbe year neaas to aaVe a rep
Ire eapaoity for tbe beauties of nature
on a large coate. What tan ho more
beautiful (ban to rotaprebead tbe ekwe
of ibe Nfflner ftoasoa, and tbe fulIaoM
of tbe aatamBal period f Xatare bat
perfected her handiwork, fiaisbml an
other year's production and turns them
rer to roan with a wealth and aboad
Quree of beauty and eolor and perfume
that taxes our ability to enjoy to tbe
Wtmost. Tbe sun rises tbrougb a glow
ef color, and all day rides in a mellow
atmosphere of 5'ellow, tbe emblem of
perfection. Toward ereninjf tbe golden
stt&riot of illumination rides in triumph
2wn a stairway of red and gold into to $40.
smoky atmosphere over tbe moun
tains that shut ns out from the I'aelfie.
The hills are delicately outlined
through tbe hazes, and from any eleva
"tlon tbe valley and mountains take en
a rtrh panoramic eoatour that gives one
a Irapresslen of a great table set with
"Nature as tbe refleetioa of Oed 'g
of peUvtenm, afflbaltwa, awl bituais-
oS rek aad , ofcpoer is tbe United
States 4tfig the" year 1HM. Tbe pe
troJeom production was 100,411,S37
barrel, valued at 4,004,05, agalnot
SS.TMld borroie, rained at t7 1,173,-
910 ia 1902. Prodaetioa ia California
ineread over 10,00,000 barrel?,
while tbe Texas production decreased
over lfiO0,(tQf barraja. The production
of tapper was 78044,517 pounds,
agaloot 06905,644 pounds in 190.
The production of aophaltotni and bi
t)mb4c rMk was 111 55 tons, val
ued at $lMfi,l04. Thi was. a smaller
aBNuat by over oae tfcoosand tons ia
(ptnntlty than tbe year previous, but
its value was tbirty-oae per cent
A new nbae was ziven to tbe trans'
Atlantic steamship rate war fast week
by the Canard Company, which has
made a! cut fn the east-bound cabin
rates. By tbe cut the ininitsum first-
cabin rates oast on steamships Camp
anula and Ltteaaia are reduced to 00,
from $100, aad the seeond cabin -rate
The minimum first cabin rates
on all other passenger steamers of the
line from New York and Boston are
plaeed at 50, and tbe see4nd cabin
rates at i&Q. This eut was met at
once by the White Star Line The
Americas, tbe Aaehor, and the Ley
laud have also met the reduction.
Aeeerding to figures compiled by
the Atlaatie Coast Liae for tbe entire
dfiMfrr''4' i yy '
XjtJtJtijrTvliH m la ivv
It tbe personal equation can be got
ten rid of ia the postal investigations
and tbe limelight turned a ri of
its fundamental defect, tbe recent
upheaval wlti not have been "in rain.
ike beatry sees much eeraphuat ia
ntAVnaaAnt at tintrria matAiva Arnr 11
hlne is net satisfied to ked ipn",,, there wag a toU, of 2f64, Mrs
litfmulljr the abundance of good thing. , -r ,., eompare.1 with
art nlalM aalaH Oli .-. .. I
,, '. 7. T l." for tbe SMsoa of 1908. The
an i that awaken the lav, for the beau- Georgia, Flarbla aad Alabama for
llful and woo. the soul, of men away iho VfMfmt was 4,U ears,
from the sordid and material. Man is Me tait j.the total was S4
1. dominion ever the o-rth al tbe;,. It ,s fi tta of
iullnes, thereof, arjd in addllan, is, r.'tG6 e M , ,M
-iuuuucu nun luiiimc rerriaiioBS OI
'charming effeels, in tho soft tints upon
nho foothills, in the glamour of color
"aurrounding the sunset, a red glow that
veils tbe sun and easts a halo of mists
nround tho harvest moon riding low
over the Knst. A little tinge of mys-
for this season, counting over one
thousand good sized melons to the ear.
Our Domoeratir friends appear to be
worried over the fact that our tunuu-
tery attends oven the twinkling of ev- Jfacturera sometimes raeot foreign com
the newspapers at the failure X Con-
greas duriag its late session to estab
lish tbe Post Cheek currency- systess.
This measure has been before it for
two years; baa been strongly endorse-
by numerous commercial bodies; has
been petitioned for by thousands of
business men and has the practically
unanimous support of the press of tbe
country without distinction of part.
It was approved by tbe House poji-
ofiiee committee of tbe previous toa
gress, but no legislative progress was
made during tbe session just closed,
largely because tbe postal reaadals
monopolized attention. '
The money drdor systjjm coa-
lessedly crude and complicated
faults wbieh the post cheek would
promptly aore. There are numerous
other glaring defects almost equally
important, which it would reraedr.
The river that is a mile wide aad
only ten inches deep may lubricate
many reefs nnd boulders, bat will
nourish tew bumming marts of trade.
A public function which is filled with
contradiction aad complexities will
flourish chiefly as a breeding place for
scandals aad a field for efforts at re
Sueb is the postal service of tbe
presoat day. A reminder of one of
its ineoavenieaees is found ia soote
recent complaints in regard to the spe
cial delivery stamp. That stamp, it is
saw, does net guarantee any special
protection ror the letter to which it
is affixed, neither does it secure added
attention for the letter at the for
warding office, although it implies
prompt delivery at the final destina
People are undoubtedly confused in
regard to tho functions df this system.
There is a prevailing notion that a
letter bearing the special delivery
starn hasj as much protection as a
registered letter. As a eonqunee,
many people jmnd money and valua-
oios by tbis imwns and thus merelv
ideas aboTe aBW to. Soaw people
put both stamps oa. but derive little
beaeft tkonsfronfc. Registry is a. great
pntectioa as stti$. Bt .as we
have sows so . roteoiioau'frwouM
mi be aeoiW If tb post eheok were
ia -
Special deHnery staaauu iaenooe tbe
rai m thy B aoni to the im
pKttmn awl pIMte taae of tie W
tt or parcel. A resiMoC thi'Uws
imi rales that ynmkf bAjc Obese -fase-i.
atajraii features into har
aroay, awl thSMfatbM of the simple
.fc-riee aMtea whfh would leeses
ta aeei of both, would be a long step
ia tbe right direction.
Nerve Fag.
If You Waste Your
Nerve Energy, After
Awhile You Will
Suffer For It.
Tea can waste nerve force by excess,
over-work, worry; anxietr. etc.
Tou can weaken rourseU by not eating
proper food or securing sufficient rest to
renew the nerve enentr jou use np.
The proper treatment. In addition to
gsod phosphatlc food, such as whole
zscal bread, prepared -cereals, etc., la
Dr. Miles' Restorative Nervine.
This Is as truly a brain and nerve
food aa any food you could eat. and be
sides, famishes strength and tone of Ita
own. which goes to the weakened nerve
system, and sets it to rights.
Dr. Miles' Restorative Nervine is a re-
freshlns; revttaHrlng tonic food-medlclns
for the brain and nerves. It reconstructs
worn-oat nerve tissue, and fills your
languid brain with new life and rigor.
Dr. Miles' Nervine has made so many
marvelous cures, of people so sick tho
doctors thought they were" Incurable,
that it is today the standard medicine
In many thousands of American homes.
The first bottle is guaranteed to help
you, or druggist returns your money.
The extreme heat, close confinement
and Intense mental strain incident to
the bankimr business, has caused ma
to suffer with nervousness and Insom
nia, it sives me pleasure to say that
I have used Dr. Jlllea" Nervine with
very satisfactory results in the treat
ment of these affections. I am now on
my fifth bottle, and eat and sleep well.
ract nave almost forgotten that I
seas nerves." R. I DALBT, Asst.
hier. State Bank. Texarcana, Ark.
T if JMMM.aaa 1 Tt "1
Tf 7 B easily uibcumagcur lllnftt
v z u uuz i "" y.r se$j
wuiu uuu i'wvuus ex
tion," your doctor says. Ask him to tell you ail i
Ayefs Sarsaparwa. oom iui va ycm.
Pnrssa Pound In Sewer.
Two empty jmrses were discovered
vesterday afternoon ia a sewer ennoc
tioa at the rear of Talkiagton's saloon.
Tbe oflseers are of the opinion that they
repreiit tbe work of the elreus day
light-fingered gentry." One pars is
of red morocco, while tbe other is tbe
ordioarv buckskia elasp variety.
Bucklen's Arnica SilTt
Has world-wide fame f.r
eures. it surpasses anv cth
ioiioij, uiutmtiut or ua r. ,
iorns, uarns, isoils, .s.rrj plfcl
oers, ieuer,ait itheutr, FTe
Chapped? ytLDSls, Skin Lr puj
falIipirfor NPiies. ( cro gn,i
Only 2oe at J. C. Perry's n.
Sure Cure for Piles.
Itching piles produce molstare and
cause Itching, this form, aa well as
Bling, Bleeding or Protruding Piles
are cured by Dr. Bc-san-ko's Pile
Fearful Odds Against Hi'
Bedridden, alone and Jcsmmj
in brief was the conditua of Jos'
soldier by name of J. J. Haven
soilles, O. ior years he was
Remedy Stops itching and bleeding, with Kidney disease an! untie
tors nor mediafne gave hie, reLB
length he tried Electric Bitten,)
him on his feet in short crier ujl
he testifies. "I 'm on the rot&tA
Absorbs tumors. 50c a jar at drug
gist, or sent by mall. Treaties free.
Write me about your c&se. Dr. Bo-
sanko, Phlla., Pa.
. a t . T
Fore sale bv Dr. S. U. stone, arnggiau pieie recovery.- nest on eiml
Liver and Kidney troubles 1
j forms ot stomach and BowriJ
plaints. Only 50. Guarantee j trl
Perry, druggist.
A fin cuncH4 If n. tM
luors RiinnnsltnTn
0. VuL IWiiit. IteL
OnUt SOm'4, SutMria y C, nfu -1 tu wr
thT it 13 tn utM br Ita. Df IK limn.
bnalI.V T,rltM -Tbri1mtlftr4HKU-1
hrilj.- D, II. D MiGllL CUlkltVLTnL. WT l
'it trSf tt B inn. 1 1' nt, -I
tfut tm. Tun, M Cttt. Umt Tn. 'I
i) urvfuu. -viiimN a-joT. uncitTtit, r.
Sold In 8Um by 8. C Stont.
Call (or rroo Sample.
CrV Star. The Vour is nt its tjmiIMi. nml Detitom on thnir nun orcunil lit- t.if.
fivery breath tolls of tbV fruiting and ting prices. There is no drmvinc that
tbe vintage time of the year. To those this is sometimes done, ami there is no advertise to dishonest postal emplove's
who comprehend, tbe soeriflre of pray ' apology to ofTer or doing It. .Stme-jtbe fact that something of value " is
r Is offered on altars of gratitude. j times it Is for jbbo roasoa, sometimos enelosel in the package
I'ai" auother. Horc are a few give to' The result is that aa unduly large
To go upon aa elevation and look the Industrial (Vwimliwleti: proportion of special delivery mail Is
over our aity and valley, with tbe woa- J "Cash paymunts and targe pur-Jlost is transmission. Suh auiil is
derful taskgrouBd of mountains fadinij ohaswi ia tho foreign trade, 'whore often detained aad examined by those
nway Into the oceans of atmospkeris the uomostte trade it Imso4 oh trodlta I who are iMliaod to pilfering among
mystery beyond, one is impressed with 'and wuall tH.rcbass. ft be clerks or carriers wba haadle it,
tho solemn massos of ovorgreoa ritig "The drawUfk or rebate of the' aad of tea tho money or valuables en-
,-- ...v .,.t """"op. i urawn Mini on impwioii raw mniermi of.ciosort aro promptly eoafiseattxL This
oi ne ry vnuys aiw uimKit are re-'Room ntaaunieturod fw export.
PTiT!TJ! 37rit0 to us for Freo Trial
f Titi Package of Dr. Miles' Antl
Pain Pills, the New Scientific Remedy
for Pain. Also Symptom Blank. Our
Specialist wilt diagnose your caae, tell
you what Is wrong", and how to riant It.
Vogct Lmber
:: and
: : Fticl Company.
; Rough and dressed lumber,
sash, doors, lath and shingles,
1 ash and fir wood. Salem Ore.
Down town office 112 Court
street. Telephone Main 215L
One block east of S P. pas
senger depot
Hm i inmmmt tin t-T
pay nigh rates of Insuncct
unexposed dwellings? TheoHs
companies charge you $3 for!
of Insurance, while for "5
yearly you can get the
amount by becoming a member
Oregon Fire Mm
a home company working for
Insurance on a home plan. Loi
tell you about it.
H. A. JOHNSON, Murphy,
Murphy Block, Salem. Head rial
McMinnville, Oregon.
If the truth was told on some of the
libel lawyers around town, it would
not be necessary for them to "rustic"
clients. '
tbrf tariff of othfr
iqrcii oy traceries or lighter green' "To ovret
along the waterway where tbe isdl- 'countries.
Kn fweatry iwjglas to show oujori Tte secure 'new markets,
ohangtpg'to bright yollows nud rmrt "To bold a mar Rot agafojt
wn,.l Rrsy, in but few iU aro tho tomjiotitoris,
algns of Irrigation, Ut few gardaas' T tfer m mdr, Uk or to
Bd TkwM fwl th revtvlng teuoh of jwovoHt, a MUtff Hud Maoreosed
tvalor or aro gay with flowers. We do ewtt of produetiofl, and koop wills rm-
Mt wake as mwh of our floral woulth'alug and men employe.
as w idMMtrf. Tho Miwwor boro would "To get rid of sawplrf njMl out of
iroiu stwtM HMiioa of Mr ttoKet ilatu ramU. I.r ..i..
: ... i " i-i w"wj- saie means of paving
f tby w.ro forUflod with wator. UJ "Uh tho wpso of .oUi.g aad'doUs due at a tUoUneo from the sond
her lavish way Mtro Imm. ooao so mk advert Mag b U abrtmd tba. Ht , or. l,mm, sineo tho ..ost check is
.-, .. . wmwnwwm. m hm, MtyaM only to tho
.. m-,w ., ,T wmm. a mi wwk4iy no a to iojwod, and.tboroia no
aooat ror tuwaty, a.t blfibor apprh. hm? an. baetotl. First, tho work-
tion for mt puanbiliiioa, wo shall do 'man is WaealwL Inmumm h baa mot
mffrymmi. If wo export JftOo.OOo,
000 worth of WHHofaeturwl eoo4. no
vecars eaue ike serMlers fair to
understand tbe purpose of the stamp,
or bao tho department faHs tfe
logically earry oat th'boaejiis wBtah
tho special delivery system is sup
ooil to eoofer.
All this, whha ooafirmhsg the de
asvU for greater simplicity an.! efli-eios-
throughout the Mrvtre, niB
empbaslaos the necessity for the post
eboek curroocy. That reform -ui.i
Golden weather, a golden hop crop,
a goldea state fair, nnd, best of all,
gold in the pockets of the people.
It looks kind o natural torsco old
Sam Clarke arooad oa the streets.
A Carriage for 25c.
Take a cab to or frosa the depot for
25c Sirapsoafs Mrery stabler, oppo
site COHrt hOOMC. tf
bolter, a.l rootoro tho paradlt-t that al
roady ! ia tho aU of moo.
bono no
person named
oae olso could cask It;
would tare to steal it.
If the post shock wore ia eouimoR
ae, Mtek of the noeoaoity for register-
ri r --- "www ww luvMimi ami iant
mattor what tho Jllag priw, tho soriuo.tiy much of tho owiftwU, wMf;
laborer geta nbosU 1MM .f fc. Ms botw. tho rogistry aad sjelal
.- ... . r,.... ... ito iB lM airvov MauuHOiuro, oollverv svMohm mmU lu. ,v..,.ii
l.h AiMorimiou fm tho MvuimmmmmV Uatb and nwo.ljMrv. tk .Wb.!1!. .ui .. . ATT . r.
of 8c,oaoo to roeoaio. of U mo W-i. cory pr. o d SoMry iTJ k7v.wTasi.rfe 1
a. an iavontor. Ho tho to.r tm, hwt ad all tho tHO, Tho mtii whS SS, worV 1Z
of the a t,UH U, wiu. Uo-o ho .otto num 'ITtb JZL 7," i
At a rocoot eo.vo.ti of tho I a tor- of hia product rirtu at hoMo t proM-lwtmU Uo ro-oW ,-,, 5ZI "
vmtteoal Typ-Btaphhsol Vm at ft. .Uo prico. Tho msMrfaoitor W ' iy. ',"'k e"r
oipuWio. w votod .lonn. Lp mart. Tho tart - nhinr ' 4oUrorv. but tn. J!L- .,TT
BeUe-res bt AdTertlsing.
An Arlington phyitciao a4vrties in
manKn iv ran wvi ib state meilic
al board oo hint: renu.tioc at my
oflko or by 'phone fr; tooth extract
fed W coats oacb; boo enlh i. Arling
ton 1 oach; conatry ealbs SO coats per
mile one way, with carriage furnished
me. No charge for modiei.es on trips
over 10 mile. Confinements $12.'50
IMMMlMMawaMtttM MWn)tHHijfttf)at;ftMt
will show you why It is that
our meats are always fresh
and appetizing in the hottest
weather, when meats vould
spoil If not properly cared lor.
It would also show some ot the
fattest sides of beef, tender
and fine quarters of lamb and
mutton. Our meats are hlsa
grade and low priced.
E. C. Ctoss.
State Street Market
$ TJJU,t!rJi cwwc,
A guM modal luw boon r.td to Ho
A w Ootumb anil frirtw. ntotnL
Hlso rocvmntoadoil for dynamo broths,
ooosiota of of ruppor tutor sor tod with
wirtloloo of grapbilo. Tho mntorin) io
produood by spfinklfee a plote Wh
grdtilo and dipping it into aa
trolyUo both until a hniit oonpor
ottvora fh gfopbitc, thou wHbiUawing;
priakllng again with gta polio, and
ro-lutrodooiog lata th hoik, Uo opor
at (oris being ooatlauMi until tho ro
qulred drnmotor is roachod. PriU
the alloy pr4d in this way
bwly ToloaM b partithM of graph
ito, whUh thon aot as a ksWIoaut
Tho Untie Slot otMtjl at JUhk,
airaril, in a roport to tho itate dopart-
iwout, tells of tho dlwry la Drattl
f vut foresta of ifanlooU rubber.
' troes, from, wbirh aa b trodtMe4 the
nw.wHiHT. uui ino oawsiiou ,,r ika
to 4o with It, oxoo4 tiwt both Dmo,.two foreos aro eatiroly diotinct and It
"ZH,9 bnv. nmy bo soW, .,,"
HfortOod foe h mImm mm Mnt.WMh. tho "eiul doUvorv'- e
of tho dnty o. .nntel. imud i tho a a "intr
wnuh onlor int- jnannrnatauoa Mr r. ' n.1,.. - , 1...-J ....
- i - -ir .r .- .w - w. i.o aa.lre!fl,
r"1, U0 roetotrv nrlmmt aili .1.1.. .
QoMMnU and Pwo- hhas rosHa fvoon tho f tk.. " t "
wr un.n.fnotar.trod mattor is roaliiti r. v..t
Benutr Dociora Endorse llerplclde.
Jlfrlnjr otbr women oorae pretty near
J." Z"1 w" brtBf atw" the best
rwutta. Here are letters from two. con
esralBK Herpietde:
.',l ..n .reeorftmend N'ewbro's "irerol.
ckle." as It stopped my hair from faille
jot; and. as a draslnff It ha, Ao supe?
(Sned.) Bertha A. TrmHBr.
u. ,. . Complexion Specialist.
H Morrison St. Portland wi
"After tMlHg- one battle of "Herplclde
my hah- has stopped faHins ou" aVd m,
HZL2?ln,Y r"V" dandruff m'
(Sfsned.) Oraeo Dodge
"1 Sixth St. Por,.ndOreyIC,0r
sow t- Ieadkur drurrUts. Per.l 10c ft
IHniel J kVy. aooclal Asent
Phene: Main 2953.
193 Commercial St.
Orer The Journal.
the Good Prluter out nf tha ..r!,nJ. .?..!
1? "ffiS5??r Kowa KPdthlng. andh
r- ii.the Che.ap one ?uPPlied the other fellor
-v. .u,UUi uiuora eany time is getting short.
93 commercial St., Salcui, Of.l
taMftM njUr Hm
HMMfg f a, (wg undo it k hr4
to EM, wWm Utoy oVjoet to tho
nwiona wrMoewaa Mh; oant
v Humn an poui omployeo
ohargod vriU Ita ewttody. iu4e,
t og rooto wtu many caa.
t??? ?? L .1 tk P-R '- Zr
Mrdjty win
M thin
vMs for thohr wtnJUnU
Mf?Z 4eAJUt
M itooontiy M.yi in haadLng,
Hfcilo unrogiotorod waU goos T,j.s,t
long. A loiter from Jfaw York to
ww. i'wi nil somottwos be two!
r I. mating tho latter
point wider tho rogtotry arro.itmnt.
The fa mro Hk noderstood by
tho pVttc-hMM the cofk of iculiri ot tne oxer, s!
Funeral Rates Reduced.
Cab and carriage for fuBoraui at
half prtoe. Sianwoa's Urory. oppooite
Court hottce. tf
Special Excursion to St Louis.
August 8. 9 aad 10. Soptombor S
6 and 7 and Octobor 3. 4 aad S are
the realising daloo upoe which tick.
els will bo mm at tho reduced rates
to wo at. umu, rair. nm ntM
apply orer tbe Doarer aad Rio Oraade
aad Mtowri Partftc. For the pat
real of thoM roads spoctai wears ton
oars wilt We run through froas Port
land aad St Louis wlUHot chaaga.
See tho maay polaU of uurMt
about the Mormoa capital aad take a
ride through nature's picture galfery
Durlng the etottas asonths traTol to
tho fair will bo Tory hew. If ,
oonteioplato golDB write W. a Me
Brido, general agoat at Partlaad for
tho penter aad Rio Otaade, iw p,.
.Itillll.l,,,, lttlt)B
Has been taken .to supply the stock ol
lumber In our yards. Our Jitock l
complete with all kindB of lumber.;
Just received a car load of No. li
shingles, ahio a car of ana shake;
"We are able to fill any and all kind;
of bills. Come and let us show yw
our stock.
Yard and office near 8. P. passenfei! '
depot 'Phone Main 651. 1 1'
- mumioMMiaii-iniajni
i 1 1 i i 1 1 1 1 i i
k -----. . . . . .. . . . - ...
m i i i a i I u
Hill IIHiiMr
t Full line of Uquors and vrlZ TA, T ,8treet
t McBrier brand-tho w I'"?- ..Cedarbrook 'Miky-formcrly
lirered In the city Umlt. Vk UJ' A!1 "dera, filled an
ujjllllu. ...... ' "" main 1151.
'" I H I II 1 1 ia. y -'-
- - - ii i arar-n'inun m m s avv
MMoaMan.-. ,wtt.a " ' M I I l I I II "
tordtag ,, opportun.Ueo for"
Nobor fknur aad April
UVUlBIDnAl -Ml 1AAI . '' M
affording oouai n..' T, . ' our nns In each school ; ii
tiu. .- . -nwiuumes ror luirinnin. - . . "'I
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