V DAILY CAPITAL JOTJBJTAL,, jlALEM, OBEOON, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBEfi 2, IPO -W 1- jrtW id mtMt'ilrto Stockton & Co. AT THE OLD WHITE CORNER A Store Full of Newness NEW CLOTHING NEW FURNISHINGS NEW HATS NEW DRESS GOODS NEW TRIMMINGS NEW JACKETS NEW LADIES' SUITS NEW SKIRTS NEW PETTICOATS NEW FURS NEW KNIT GOODS t NEW SHOES Watch Our Windows for the Newest Novelties of All Kinds HAPPY WOMEN Are always healthy women, for bap niness and good health go hand in hand. Sickly women, however, need not gaffer any longer for in Hostetter's Stomach Bitters they wilj positively find good health and happiness. It will strengthen their various organs, estab lish functional regularity, induce sound sleep and cure Backache, Cramps, Sick Headache, Vomiting, Nervousness, In digestion, Dyspepsia and Constipation. Try it and see. HOSTETTER'S STOMACH BITTERS Hen's reversablo fdur-in-hand ties 20 cents Regular values. A big line of teeks, bows, four-iri- hands and midgets. Regular 25c values, all new goods. Special. 6 cents "Wallace Ss Sons best Eagle All sizes 56 a paper. Pins. Lodging House Fire. The lodging house of Mrs. Maggie Whitlock, at the corner of Court and Front street, caught fire last evening about 0:30 o'clock, and was seriously damaged before the flames could bo checked. The origin of the fire is a mystery Welcome for English Primates. Montreal, Quebec, Sept. 2. Dr. Da vidson, the Archbishop of Canterbury, was welcomed by a large crowd on his arrival here yesterday from Quebec. In (hrist Church Cathedral last night an address was read to his lordship by the Anglican Arehbishop of Montreal, Dr. Bend, and today a garden party will be given in honor of the distinguished prelate and his party. Office Eemoved. D. Frank E. Smith has removed his offices from the rooms over the Bed Corner drug store to the new Breyman block, over the New Yokohama Tea store. Patrons please tske notice. 8-30 tf Wanted A bell boy at the Willamette Hotel. Apply at once. as the occupants had left for the hop' Vanted at Once.-A middle-aged wo NEW TODAY Ladles' black hose, bought especial ly for the hop fields. Special. fields early in the morning, and the fires in the stove ha'd not been burning! for several hours. It is thought that a smoldering spark caused the blaze. Two hose xiarts were on the scene of the fire in rapid tirae; and they were; soon followed by an engine, but the light frame structure was susceptible to the flames, arid it was only by hard work that the contents were saved1. The loss will be soveral hundred dollars. 8 cents pair m 1 1 1 in 1 1 m si 1 n 1 1 1 1 1 m 1 1 in m 1 1 1 m i m n n ,.The Shooting Gallery,,, Valuable Prizes, Accurate Guns, Best Targets. A Una hatmnerleai hotann offered to the best shot. Aim h nrtro. T r rrc aic neic iu amy. aiaic ai , upposiie vrniie House Restiurant T . l tMMHIMHIl g-M-1-( IHIIIM H I HI I M I I I 81 Ht 1 1 U I Will Have Opening Saturday The Misses Qood would like to an nounce that their line of patterns, tailored and street hats will be on dis play on and after Saturday, Septem ber 3d. We cordially invite everyone to see our line. THE MISSES GOOD, 0 2-2t 309 Commercial St. man to do light housekeeping, and take care of a 5-year-old girl. Apply at 203 Liberty street. 9-2 3t "CT OASTOHIA. Bttntis . 1to M" Vo" Harc Almrays BcsgB T'cSaS&s X&tt Pound Masters Sale. Notice Is hereby given that under the provisions of ordinance No. 200 1 will on Saturday, September 3, 1904, at 1 o'clock p. m. at the pound in tl e city of Salem, Rell at public auction, the following described Impounded animal, to-wlt: Black cow, dehorned, and with bell Unless the above described animal Is claimed before said date, sale will be without reserve. J. H. PENLAND, Poundmaster Seventh Ward 8-25-3t Poundmaster Seventh ward. Salem, Or., August 29, 1904. 8-29-5t nppMWSJSSJMMMUB (t hffffjmnoMiKlluStfiay I Cheap, Economy I I Brand I (Evaporated J I Cream I By the way- a ih neiucuuw H always bears the above capH showing the B label. It means the sameH , new things in H as, telling you that ve B Ladies1 Stfits H back up Us purity with a H for fall 904 H $5,000 guarantee, ftW B Made by the largest pro- H H ducers of Evaporated H B Cream In the world. Cement Plant Burns. 1 1 Youngstonn, O., Sept. 2. The ce "Wnere quality reigns supreme" J Cement Plant Burns. Youngstown, O., Sept. 2. The ce ment plant of the St. Ruthers Furnace Co., at St. Ruthers wa destroyed by fire today, with a los of $25,000. Money to Loan THOMAS K. FORD, Over Ladd & Bush's Bank. Salem, Or a DUMP SALE OF i3 JTX J JCc O m Out great damp sale of Hop Pickers' Shoes, School Shoes, Hunting Shoes, Dress Shoes, Shoes for any and all occasions is now on, at DUMP PRICES TJte Indians Mad. Durajigo, Colo., Sept. 2. A report received here says that the Winiinuehe I'te Indiana at Navajo, threaten to re volt if not accorded better treatment by the federal government Their leailor, Chief Ignacio, claims the interior department has repeatedly broken faith with his people, and that none of the treaties with them are be ing lived up to. He asserts the Indians are not receiving enough ration allow ances to live on, and the irrigation ditches promised have not yet been started. The Indians predict a long and cold winter, and declare they will get enough food if they have to fight for it. Superintendent W. M. Peterson, of the Fort Lewis school, has gone to Xavnjo to make an investigation. I 125patrshildren's shoes, vlcl kid, 75o values. Dump price 100 pairs children's shoes, velours calf, 'Sflo values. Dump prlco , 75 pair child's shoes, tdzo 5-8 $1.25 values. 'Dump prices DO pairs child' shoes, viol kid, cloth and kid top, $1.50 values. Dump price .. , "5 pairs misses shoes, cloth aud'kTd top, sizes i to 2, $1.60 to $1.75 values Dump prlco 150 pairs misses' shoes, cloth and kid top, $1.00 values. Dump price 175 pairs misses shoes, kangaroo calf and vUl kid. liufton mid lace. Good loheal and hoji picking shoe, $9.25 values. Dump price 65 pairs misses' shoes, kangaroo and box calf kid, $8.C values. Dump prlco .. 110 pairs moo's patent leather lace and engrew, 11.50 & $6.00 values. Damp prUe 76 pairs men's tan show, good styles, $MO te $4.00 uluea. Dump price. . . 100 pairs mej's tan shoes, up to dato style, $LQ0 values. Dump price . . j0 pairs men's black vtoi kid, odds and ends, $8.50 to $5.00 values. Dump price 50 pairs men's lieaw grain shoes, $2.00 vulues. Dump price , 45c 50c 75c 75c 50c $1.00 $1.25 $1.25 $1.25 $2.00 $3.00 $2.00 $1.25 77 pairs men's heavy grain work shoes, 12.50 to $2.75 values. Dump price .... 82 pairs youths' shots, hogh top, good winter shoes, sizes 8 to 11, $2.25 val ues. Dump prlco CO pairs boys' high-top shoes, sizes il to 2, $2.50 values. Dump price.... C5 pairs boys' grain shoes, just the thing for hop picking, $1.75 values. Dump price 500 pairs ladles' kid and cloth top shoes, button and lace, $3,00 to $5.00 values. Dump price 250 pairs ladies shoes, turned and welt soles, $3.50 to $5.00 values. Dump prlco HO pairs ladies, shoes, with kid tops, in both button and lace, $2.50 to $3.00 values. Dump price 114 pairs ladies shoes, vici kid, $2.50 to $3.50 valus. Dump price Oft pairs ladies' kid lined shoes, regu lar $3.50 ahous. Dump prioe 425 pairs ladies' black and tan, odds and ends in button and lace, $3.50 and $5.00 values. Dump price 155 pairs ladies' up-to-date shoes, welt soles, $3.50 and $4.60 valuos. Dump priee SS pairs old ladies' comforts up-to-date shoes, $1.50 and $2.00 values in kid and serge congress 43 pairs old ladies comforts in kid and serge, $1.50 and $8.00 values in lace. Dump priee $1.50 $1.50 $1.00 50c 65c $1.25 $1.50 $1.50 $1.00 $2.00 $1.00 $1.10 Boy Shoots Sister. iteming, raJ., Sept. 2,-Four-year-old John Conrad shot and killed his sister, Clara, aged 5 years, morning, at Cassell, in the northeast em part of .Shasta county, 03 miles from Redding. It was an accident. An older brother, William, had been out hunting. When he returned he took the shells from the shotgun and placed them on a table in the room. John loaded the gun, pointed it out the win dow and di harged it. The shot killed his sister instantlv. Editor Missing From Ship. Xew York, Sept. 1. Word was re ceived today th.it Charles B. Spahr, ed itor of the Outlook and Current litera ture, disappeared mysteriously on the night of August 30th, from the steam er Prince Albert, which plies in the English channel, between Dover and Ostend. The message says that ho eith er jumped or fell overboad. He was traveling in Europe for his health. o A Carriage for 25c. Take a cab to or from tho depot for 25c. Simpson's livery stables, oppo site court house. tf o Dewey Prize Money. Washington, Sept. 1. A. W. Brown, auditor of the navy department, today began the distribution of tho prize money won by Admiral Dewey and his officers and men nt Manila. Tbo money amounts to i37o.000 and will be dis- yesterday j tributed among 2000 person. Admiral Dewey will get $17,000. o You Can't Afford To walk to or from tho depot when you can have a cab take you for 25c. Simpson's stables, opposite the court house. Band Concert Tonight. Tho Salem Military Band, under the able leadership of Prof. W. E. McEl roy, will.cive nno nf it. ...,., i. -3 w v Vi-JIUJJUIU Debs Scores Davis. Indianapolis, Sept. .'.-"The working man who finds it in his heart to vote I concerts tonight in Marion square, tor Henry O. Davis deserves tho chain he wenr. He is not fit to be a fiee man." This was the declaration by Eugene V. Debs, Socialist candidate Vor Pr9. idem, in the opening speech of his na tionnl campaign at Masonic hnll laf night. It was greeted with cheers. Text-Book Law Is Effective. Frankfort, Ky., Sept. 2.-The uni- form school text-hook law, pan by the last session of the Kentuckv legis- lature, went into effect yesterday. It Will Pnnrinnu n a. " l u "ration xor rive years lv under the contrau with , a . . Hook iompan. of innnnati I Slight Earthquake. Salinas Sept. 2.-An earthquake, lasting about eight seconds, occurred at 0:30 o'clock this morning. -o-- What Is Life? In the last analysis nobody knows, but we do know that it is undor strict law. Abuse that law even slightly, Pin results. Irregular living means derangement of the organs, resulting in Constipation, Headache or T.,v, rrv... We. Dr. King's New Life Pills quick ly readjusts this. It's nti .,!- tV,n. ,...!. ,-v . 0-..v, ;. UUB". uuiy -Joe at J. P Is is a waste of ink to tell yot of any more of oar marvellous bargains. Come and see them. TERMS OF SALE STRICTLY CASH. All goods fitted at the store if desired. No exchange or moaey refunded, owing to the great valses and broken sites' ump Shoe Store 295 Commercial Street Irug store. mmMRB veojpzes JWGuffimijsR Wc Are Headquarters For HOP PICKERS' SUPPLIES We place 0 sale for this wV i . women and ch,ldreB, ZtZ?' '" that Hne' G1 ' wrfTw-r, blankets. ,of0rts, umTK T ,bnDet8' " ana hevy toys and .. SMt. ."'" J" an chUdren. Workino i .m. r d,M' "vt cloth skirts and wool .ska wis. 1 200 HOP GLOVES 500 pairs of overall S.C "V ""? l"ns, 7 31Z tkw s.le y 10 Mr, prue, were 29 and 35S frfcf lor Perry '3 A I ask Fnr i-tt 'TBI VIEZ-JZZ Jff - -3fc t!"'"1''- -OT(l -.sr-rrass "..,, TLM