Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, September 02, 1904, Page 5, Image 5

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    -y tit -
City Recorder Judah Sub
mits Report of In
vestigation City Recorder Judah has submitted
4the result of his investigations as to
,8ghothor the provisions of the direct
Jprimary law applied to tho city elec-
;tions in Salem. Tho council at a re
cent meeting directed that tho matter
should bo investigated, and Recorder
Judah submits tho following report.
"In obedienco to tho provious or
der of this council, I have investigated
tho Direct Primary Nominating Law
of tho State of Oregon, adopted by the
peoplo at tho last goncral election, and
now in force, as to .its bearing upon,
and application to, tho regular munici
pal elections of tho City of Salem, and
herowith respectfully submit my find
ings, as follews:
"Tho law docs apply to municipal
elections in' this city.
"Tho city recorder is tho ofllcer
charged with tho enforcement nnd op
eration of tho law in its bearing upon
all municipal olections.
"Tho existing list of judges and
clerks ot oiection, serving under ap
pointment of this council, are amen
able to duty nt and for said direct
primary nominating oiection within
tho city.
"Notice of such primary election
must be issued, served and posted by
Thursday, October 6, 1004.
"Such direct primary nominating
election in and for tho city of Salem,
Oregon, must bo hold in said city on
Saturday, November 5, 1904, from 112
o'clock m. to 7 o'clock p. m.
"I respectfully ask tho appointment
of a special committee on election
(with tho Hon. Mayor as chairman
thereof) to nssist in tho initial applica
tion of this lnw to the affnirs of tho
Bucklon's Arnica Salve.
Has world-wido famo for marvelous
cures. It surpasses airy other salve,
lotion, ointmont or balm for Cuts,
Corns, Burns, Boils, Sores, Felons, Ul
cers, Totter, Salt Itheum, Fover Sores,
Chapped Hands, Skin Eruptions; in
fallible for Piles. Curo guaranteed.
Only 25c at J. C. Perry's drug store.
Bears the V N8 Kind You Kara Always Bought
: Wall Paper
Latest designs in stock,
and good work guaran-
teed. We have the small
store and small prices J
E. L Lemmon I
299 Liberty St. J
Phone 2475
it n 1 1 u 1 1 1 i'i n 1 11 1 1 11 tji
Ice Cream in Paper Pails to take
H Pt. paper poll 10c
1 pt. paper pail 15c
1 qt. paper pall 25c
gal. paper pail 50c
I 154 State St. Phone 1971
u 1 t i' u 1 1 1 ii ' niim i
Hop Pickers. Remember...
That wo are prepared to supply you with eatables of nil kinds suit
able for camp life. Hams and bacon, canned goods, croam cheese,
etc. Money back for any unsatisfactory article. Try us.
Phone 57 1. Grocers Corner Commercial and Coart.
the Council
KHrifltr Block, 141 State St J. A. Cooper,
There's nothing better
than Scott's Emulsion after
the .grip. When the fever
is gone the body is left weak
and exhausted; the nervous
system is completely run
down and vitality is low.
Two things to de: give
strength to the, whole body
and new force to 'the nerves.
Scott's Emulsion will do it;
contains just what the worn
out system needs.
Rich blood, healthy flesh,
resistive force, more and be
ter nourishment are what
Scott's Emulsion supplies to
the convalescent.
We'll tend you a mple free upon requett.
SCOTT & DQWNE, 409 Peirl Street, New York.
Murdorous Horse Thief.
Lovejoy, tho ex-convict horso thief,
who shot Deputy Sheriff Hugh Fields,
of titis county, in tho mouth, is report
ed ot hnvo been at the Keys ranch, near
Muyville, on the 20th. Tho man, who
had a scar on his forehead, nnd other
wise tallied with the description of
Lovejoy, was working for Mr. Keys in
tho" harvest field, when Miss Mary
Keys, who is an export nmateur photog
rapher, essayed to take a picturo of
tho harvesting crew. Tho stranger lie
camo angry at this, refused to bo pho
tographed, and demanded his pay, upon
receiving which ho left for parts un
known. Sheriff Keoton has had men
on Lovejoy 's track for nbout two
weeks, and the traced liim to the
Mayville neighborhood, nnd feel sure
that lie is tlid ' mail wanted. Fossil
A. Ollngor, the old reliable carpen
ter, has again opened a shop with W.
T. Rlgdon, the Court-street undertak
er, and is ready now to take orders
for job work on Immediate call. Rig
don's phone, 2271, 142 Court street.
Feck Nominated.
Oskosh, Wis., Sept. 2. Tho Domo
cratic state convention tonight nomi
nated the following ticket:
Governor, George W. Peek; licuten-ant-governor,
Dr. H. A. Lathrop; sec
retary of state, James P. Nolan;
treasurer, Andrew 'Jensen;
gonernl, William F. Wolfe; railroad
commissioner, Edward L. Hanlon; in
surance commissioner, Henry Fetzer.
Good tea, good coffee, best
baking-powder, best flavoring
extracts, best spices, pure soda,
at fair prices and moneyback.
Schilling's Best, at your
:: Substantial
:: Meals...
at the
i White House
I Restaurant
. George Bros. Props.
Just received a lot of new tires
direct from the factory. If in
need of a tire see mo.
Century thorn-proof tires $8 pr.
Century toughtread tires ?7 pr
Century No. 100 tires J6.00 pr
All guaranteed.
Best of everything.
Wines, Liquors and Ggars
Prop Phono wain w.
Ned Gnmblo spent Suudny nt Albany.
Mrs. E. C. Dick is homo from a visit
at Portland.
Wm. T. Miller, of Amity, was in the
city during the week.
Mrs. A. L. Hussey returned to her
homo in Turner today.
Mrs. A. D. Leech and children went
to Sweet Home yesterday for a visit.
Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Moisan, of
Brooks, spent the day in Salem yestcr
tlay. Miss Ruth Roberts, of Eugene, is tho
guest of Miss Olive Metcalf for a fow
Ex-Land Agent B. W. Geer went to
Oregon City today to take up a home
stead. Miss Helen McCoy returned from
sponding the summer nt Mehama last
Mrs. H. E. Levy, of Victoria, B. C,
returned last evening, nfter n visit with
Mrs. J. Adolph.
Mrs. Ida Babcock and daughter,
Mamie, nro homo from the nttending
tho Astoria regnttn.
Dr. Anna Barr returned to Portland
Inst ovening, after an extended visit
in this city and nt Newport.
Miss Pearl Macoy loft last ovening
for Spokane, after spending tho sum
mer with her pnrents in this city.
Mrs. Thos. Howe, of Mt. Angel, re
turned homo last evening nfter a visit
with Mrs. S. 11. Vail, of this city.
Judge Scott was called to Aurora to
day, between trains, in consultation
.with County Commissioner Miley.
Mr. and Mrs. P. McBroom, of Pen
dleton, returned homo hiBt ovening, af
ter a visit with friends in this city. .
Mrs. E. B. Thompson returned today
from an extended visit with her sister,
Mrs. Emily Bartges, of Dayton, Wnsh.
Miss Nellie Connelly, who has been
visiting her friend, Miss Margaret
Purkhurst, returned to Portland this
Mrs. John Bobbins, of Canby, re
turned to that place last ovening, nfter
11 . visit with her brother, Mr. A. W.
Levi Westbrook left this morning for
Ottenheimer's hop yard, whero ho will
run tho Fuller & Douglas store during
the season.
Miss Pearl LaPort, of Albany, camo
ilown to this city last evening, and is
, Visiting ait the home of her sister, Mrs.
Wll, Woh.i,
Airs, Susannah Farmer, of Santa
Hosa, Col., nrrived in tho city lust ov
ening, nnd ix visiting relatives nnd
friends here.
Wnlker and Philip Kiiinin, of Port
land, returned to their home lust even
ing, after visiting thoir cousin, Miss
Madeline Walker.
Bruce Ij. Neelnnds returned this
morning from Albany, where ho Iiiih
boon spending tho past two weoks with
his grandparents.
Mrs. D. H. Mnokie returned to hor
homo in Portland last, evening, nfter at
tending tho fuuoral of hor brother, tho
late Oeorgo P. Hughes.
Afrrf ft. T. Hiiii'kliia nml fsnti. llnr-
man.., who have been tho guests of
Mrs. W. W. Walker, returned to their
homo at Dalles yesterday.
Miss Lillian McXnry, matron of the
Salem Hospital, returned from San
Francisco Inst pveniug, where she at
tended tho famous Lane lccturos.
Miss Alicia McElroy, of Kugono, who
is in tho city for a short time, wont to
Clioniiiwn last night for n visit with
her aunt, Mrs. Mnggio McFnddon.
Mr. nnd Mrs. W. P. It. Smith, former
residents of this city, expect tp arrive
hero somo time next week from Ta
coma, to again make their homo here.
Mr. nnd Mrs. S. O. Trullitjger nro vis
iting at tho homo of Mr. Trulllnger'n
sister, Mrs. T. T. deer. Mr. Trulllngi-r
is deputy county clerk of Clatsop county-
Mrs. Mnggio Harris camo down from
Albany last evening, and stopped off in
this city for a visit with Mrs. Joshua
Smith, en routo to her homo in Pendle
ton. Mrs. Prank Howe nnd duughtor, Miss
Helen, of Portland, who have beou vis
iting at tho homo of Mrs., Howe's sister,
Mrs. S. II. Vail, returned homo last ev
John Portor. of Wont Stnyton, re-
turnod tills morning ucoompanled by
Mrs. Porter, who has reeontly gwio
through a successful operation at the
Ploronco Santntorium,
Miss Virginia Hyrd is here to resume
her duties as stenographer ia the
United States land office, after an ex
tended vacation apont at her home in
Salem. Itoscburg Keview.
Mr. Clem Lewis, of tho Wclls-Fnrgo
Express Company, left yesterday for
Eastern Oregon, where he goes to ac
company his mother and brother, the
latter being very weak, having jtt re
covered from a siege of typhoid tever.
V. AV. Aupperle, a brother of the Jff
ferson banker and miller, from Iowa,
who has been visiting that gentleman,
came down last evening, to hear Ber
retary of the Treasury Bbaw speak, and
left this morning for the East, after a
RB "I"1 ,aM flB
Attorney J. N. Brown was a pas
senger ,to the bay this morning.
Morris Winter, of Albany, has been
in the city on business for n fow days.
Mrs. Helen Denrborn cumo up from
Portland this morning for 11 visit hero.
A. A. McGlll and family went to
Newport today for 11 few weoks outing.
Mrs. It. P. Hnbcrslinm, of Astorin, is
visiting nt the homo of Mr. and Mrs.
Frnnk A. Frisby for a few days.
Miss Kiln Welch went to Boswoll
Springs this morning, where sho will
spend her vacation.
Prof. L. It. Travcr returned homo to
day from Tho Dalles, whore ho has nt.
tended the institute there.
Oliver Corl, of Albany, who hns beon
in tho city on business for a few days,
returned homo this morning.
Mrs. It. D. Gilbert spont tho day with
relntivos tit Jefferson this morning.
Mrs. Steiwer nccompanicd her homo.
Mrs. W. Carlton Smith left this
morning for Hoquiam, Wnsh., whore
bIio will visit friends for a fow weoks.
Chief Justice Wplverton went to Al
bany today, and tomorrow will lenvo
with Mrs. Wolverton for n plensuro
trip on Pugct Sound.
Mr, and Mrs. John F. .Cordray camo
up from Portland last evening in thoir
automobile, and spent tho day innkiug
preliminary arrangements for tho opora
houso season. .
John Maiirvr, tho gunsmith, went to
Kugono. to day on bushiest, but was
armed with fishing tnuklo and tho 'in
tention of spending n few days on tho
trout streams in that vicinity.
Mrs. John Morris and son, Itobcrt,
loft this morning for Palo Alto, Cnl.,
whuro Itobert will enter Stanford Uni
versity. Mrs. Morris will spend tho
con,,nB re"r tlicre-
Bank Improvements.
The Lailil & Hush bunk is making ex
tensivo excavations under its building
for tho purpose of enlarging tho wood
storage room underneath. Tlioy huvo
recently added considerable to tho ru
pnoity of tho heating plant, which fact
necossitntos grouter room for fuel,
henco this substantial improvement.
Manning Bound Over.
II. Ii. Manning, who was arrested on
circus day for touching Elinor King of
a purso containing $85 In cash, was
given liis preliminary examination this
morning mid was bound over hi tho by
Justice Turner in the sum of $500 bail,
to await tho action of the circuit
court. Sovcral witnesses woro exam
ined, and, while tho evidence is purely
circumstantial, yot it is strong enough
to connect tho defendant with t no
crime, in tho opinion of tho magistrate.
His anklo is in very bail eomlitiou as
tho result of his flying leap from the
court houso window.
Do It toaay.
The time-worn Injunction, "Nevor
nut off 'till tomorrow what you can
do today," Is now generally present
ed In this ferm: "Do It today!" That
la tho terse advise wo want to give
you about that hacking cough or de
moralizing cold with which you havo
been struggling for several days, per
haps weeks. Take some rollablo reme
dy for It TODAY and let that remedy
be Dr. Doscheo's German Syrup, which
has been In uso for over thirty-five
years. A few doses of It will undoubt
odly relievo your cough or cold, and
1U continued uso for a few days will
curo you completely. No mattor how
deep-seated your cough, even If dreadJ
consumption has attacked your lungs,
Gorman 8yrup will surely effect a
cure as It has done beforo la thou
sand! of apparently hopeless caiea of
lung trouble. New trial bottles, 2Cc;
regular size. 7Ec. At all drusarlsts.
Your "Toggery' wants, aro as well looked after hero ns your clothing
wants. Wo havo the correct "little things" ttint mark a man ns a "good
dresser.' Furnishings must bo right In order to secure a place in our stock.
Our. store is aglow with tho smartest and nowest Ideas in Neckwear, Shirts,
Gloves, Hosiery, etc. .'-' '
Tho things you'll sere hero nro "different." "" .
We're hatters, of course, as well as clothiers and habordashers. Our hat
business receives our special caro. Evory now and correct shapo Is hero. Wo
sell only tho best makers' best hats. Wo novor hitch fancy prices onto our
clothing, hats, or toggery, becauso of its excellence.
Wo will bo pleasod to satisfy any wnrdrobo need you may havo.
Salem Woolen
Will Yo
Pick Hops
If so, see that your
wheel is in good re
pair before you com
mence for yot may
want to use It.
Watt Sliipp
The Bicycle Man
Will look alter all tho details, call
(or and deliver your wheel, and
you will not be dlseappointod by
having only half job.
258 Commercial St. Phone lied 2161
! Wonderful bargains in i
At The Old
Cronise Studio, i
Over the New York Racket Store.
! $2.50 per Do.
Books I
To help pass tho dragging fQ
m Iioiim away. Hooks to bright- A
A en many dull or stormy days n
that nro bound to come. 7
U Books to amuse, to Interest,
w to Instruct, to suit evory fan-
H cy nnd evory taste. Horo Q
you will find thoin In huge
m "tacks Evory recent book of A
popular Action on hand nt ru- m
a duccd prices.
a Patton's Book Store. J
I The Question Of
What Watch
To buy is a bard one (or the avorage
are rold undor the same name, aud It
A I 1 11 M It A HA aftft A 4Idh&l feiiklli.a &.. AU,1
viud wucin pinvuuBi unnijf stug mm eziravagance begins. tvu are
and will gladly help you In this matter, Our stock embraces the best
watches made. Coma In and look them over we're always pleased to
show whether you buy or not. Aud, REMEMBER, repairing is our
specialty, pur prices are right.
jClias. H.
fJonr Optician, M ttt Stmt.
Mill Stotef
Sold by Most of Salem's
Gold Dust Flour i
ER COMPANY, Sidney, Ore
gon. Mado for family use. Ask
your grocer for It. Bran and
shorts always on hand. .
i P. B. Wallace I
Chicago Market.
Chicago, Sept. 2. - Hoptemlier wheat,
I.07hJ new, $1,07; co-u B3Vjfii'84Va;
Oats, 31tfrt;2lKl.
Mote Baggies
The past few days wo huvo moved
out several more populur-priiitid bug
1'iu-t is we nro more tliau proud of
our vehicle line. Wo hnvo tho fen
tiiros that iiinke an already good buggy
better. In other words, flrst-elnsi stm-k
with up-to-date trimmings and detail,
nil ut popular prices.
Come and sec.
F. A. Wiggins'
Implement House 255-257 Liberty 8t
Farm Implements, Automobiles,
8owlng Machines and Supplies,
man to decide. Dozens of grades
puzzles any but an expert to de. 9
...-Au-..... --.!- VffF. a T
Hinges, j
Next rfwr to UcW A Sui Sank
gr"yMf MARK 3
It .!
very pleasant visit.
r. Stoae' drus stores. '