P: ', s & fe ft rV ,a ?& t f DAILT CAPITA!, JOTONAL, SALEM, OBEQON, THUB8DAY, SEPTEMBEB 1, 1901. SK, DAM CAPITAL JOURNAL c DY HOFER BROS. BOOSEVELT AND FAIEBANKS New York Sun (Dom.) Tlio campaign in jiow on. Doth par tics nhl both cundidntoa liavo spoken. On tlio ono bIiIo a conservative party "Willi a radically inclined and erst While too strenuous enndidato for Pros Idont; mill behind him, for tlio vice presidency, n nmii of undoubted sagac ity, sound opinion) and inentnl nnd physical promise of endurance. On tlio other side u radical pnrty, J .... V,,i- '..-. sL i.!tt. i..! ...,i,,i, ,. .1i T.Tofnn-n'cnnifi from Judeo' Parker's lips or pen wim an ,inuanu capacity ipr hubchici .inuuuuiu uuumm ...v ...... jjg. ..v.... , - - - and a stupendous record of mischief nc- which the first election of M&Inloy w- to indicate that he possesses a single . .... ...... .. ,.-i.i...u..i fnltMnnl Idnu mnrkinc him us n states- tablishcd. ! political Ulea mnrKing nim ub ii Biuit-o- Two tilings might havo hnppcned to man of Independent Initiative, of mako the choice of 1001 a choice he- ( courage superior to the St. Louis brand, ,,., !,iii,inul mHior Hmn i.niwomi of stature to command nnd lead. With ...HJ 0..n,1l.,rr nn H.oii- rn.nn.tli.n rno. Mm tWO CXCCtltlonS nOtPll, llO Is an CCllO Iinri nir vii;u-irfUBiuuiit Uliu viiiudu ua- i mi huo ifii..i. .... ....... ..,...,,,.., ...- - - . .... .... I ..... .... ... i ' .1... ..nit,.. nntl tinurrlif linuIllP. treme age is the sole but sufficient reu- onls. Aoitlicr or tno two tuings lias oi mu tim.cni.u.., ...... ......6... --. ... .. I. ...,.. ....... 1- ! ..4 !. ..nlnnii'M ntinntltf fllllt tually accomplished, presenting . for President a conservatively Inclined can didate of irreproachable character and attractive personal accomplishments; nnd for vice-president one whoso ex- son for iipprehension In enso Ills succcs sion to tlio presidency. Bucli is the choico before the indc peudent voter, nnd It Is tho indopond ent voter who will decide this election. l,a,.,.n..,..l Tlin first nnnnrtiinitv wns Ho is Vet tlio unknown nuantll I mil deliberately avoided by tho co'mpromis- he was throughout tho preliminary pe- Ing tricksters at St. Louis. Jhe second riod of slleneq prescribed by judicinl was deliberately thrown nway nt Hose- dignity. Instead of rising above the .,,., ...,ur,i,. iinrrim. M.,n n,rl. iiintfnriit. .Tndpn Parker has crawled It VUlUr ViUKi Will IIUCIUU HUB Ull-tk.V... I lliuui.i. ;iDi.t'iUJ1 .... .. "tiugu .... ,-..- j r- Ho cannot take Judge- Parker on tho or's gold telegram of 1904, offsetting in pretty Ignoinlnlously beneath it, In our Itcpubllcan platform and record. He somo degree this two free silver votes reluctantly expressed opinion. He him- . -. -ir ti it .iti. n. . t - ii.. i iuoh r.n.1 1 linn .. .1 im.. unit ima iii.prApii rnnr r.nii piinicfi in mu cannot reject iur. jiuusuvuii. mmuut iui ui;u jw"u ..'. juuf ami '.- w .... ..... beckoning to tho distant Hun; without ring a politic nnd anti-second term independents shall be one of parties and helping to open tlio gntos (it power to pieugu which migui nave ueeu muue, rucorus nun iiiiiiinv3, ii .-"" " political forces of uniiienstirpd ilcstruc-1 perhaps, more gracefully in an innugur- men. tivo potentiality. It seems better to al nddrcss after election, nothing 1ms To state The Sun's position and its reasons therefor requires no metaphys leal subtlety of explanation. The main consideration is as broad ns tlio nation s interests. As the enso Is now mado up, we prefer the impulsive candidnte of the party of conservatism to tho mildly conservative, temporizing, opportunist representative of the Hun vote in tne background. Wo havo moro faith in the distinct promises of the Chicago platform, not ignoring the many seri ous defects of tlint document, than wo havo in the miserable hollbroth of dish water and dynamite concocted nt St. Louis n month ago by a pnrty afraid to renounce its criminal follies, mid tasted vesterdav nt Hsonus by a re spectable candidate who declares with gusto that its flavor is admirable. We shall, therefore, advocate the I nlnlllftnl t Pnn.ni..U . ' ""uu -"uuouvcn and ti. and advlso tho dnfnnt t iJ1L t VL rka ivuviBiKiirusurvinir our own .v . dcponilgnco of organic control. irocuom ai juugmont ns to ttb clfle. ntiestlnn ncpnrrlnn i . ; .;...:, """ rtnilM lion. xneouoro i(ooscvclt') mood continuo, nnd if ho is i.-V tho discourngor of precipitau,J niniiyti ui ins ciuow. I In tho politics of tho EmpiJ so mr ns tnoy concern stato mwl shall support tho candidate j may bo tlio partisan doslirnatlnl ticket, who scorns to us the mJ to givo tlio peoplo of NeW yJ honest nnd competent mlmlm. their public affairs so grievotiW nntl fn wlnn Anf tlin uli.i..iA .. ...... ... .,.,. ..v ... H...UIII' amj,,' existing grocery conditions at ii THE BENIQA HANCOCK DISC PLOW Against The Wotld Hee Ate a Few of the Many Commend atory Testimonials We Con-, stantly Receive Halcm, Or., Aug. 15, 100-1. Mr. l A. Wiggins, Halem, Oregon. Dear Sir: Will toll yon what wo think nf tho Itenlcia-Hancock Disc Plow. Wo would not do without our plow, Wo can plow wheu other peoplo that li no tho old mold board plow have to wait until It rains. Wo find early full plowing an ndviin tngo becausi) wo cau sow boforo tho winter rains commonce, nnd results havo been good with us. Tho dlso plow will plow where tlio mold board plow will m stay In tho ground. Pour horses walk right along with tho gang. You must lmvo plenty of weight to maku tho plow run steady. Tho I)ls Plow scours In our soil, red and black, tho dirt will stick to tho dlso only when tho dirt is between a wet and n dry. Wu could not plow our sido hill land uutll wo had the rear wheel controller nnd front furrow shift. The jointers wo havo not used enough to say, but think thuy will bo nil right. Tho llenlcin-llaucnok Dise Plow is u good nil round plow. Yours respect fi'lly, OHIMK8 HHOS. Salem, Or., Aug. 15, 1004. Mr. P. A. Wiggins, Snlein, Oregon. Dear Sir: I plowed M0 anros with n Heiilela Ilniieook Dlso Plow. 1 am very iiuipIj pleased with Its work and nm sowing oats on early fall plowing. Always raises about tun bushels mora than spring sowing. I can do just as good wmk as any Chilled Plow on n sido hill with tho rear wheel controller. Tho jointers nro sntlsfactory. Yours truly. W. J. IIAHHItliY. Mucleny, Or., Aug. 20, 1904. Mr. V. A. Wiggins, Salem, Oregon. Dear Sir: In reply to your lotter ro gardlng my opinion of the Honicia- Hancock Disc Plow, will say I think it tho best Dise Plow on thofynrkot, and were I to get another would got tho Hancock, on account of Its weight, which is u great advantage to it nnd peoplo who buy lighter plows will find it out to their sorrow. I liave used the Hnncock two seasons, and know whnt 1 am talking about. T find tho Simcrnl Jointers a good thing to turn under stubblo nnd trash. I havo not got u rear wheel controller on my plow but know they are a good thing and expect to get one. Tho fact is I would not farm now with tho Henlciii'IInncock Disc Plow. Yours truly, HZKA WILSOX. August G, 1904. Mr. F. A. Wiggins, Salem, Oregon. Dear Sir: I consider tho Dcnicin Hancock Disc Plow all right, especially for early fall plowing. It is n good pulverizer nnd it goes down to tho bot tom nnd turns up new soil. I think it will scour in any soil if properly hand led. I used it on hill hind without rear wheel controller, ns I did not havo one on my plow. It appeared to do all right. ouId do better with rear wheel controller. I think the Weight nil right. It runs much lighter than a mold board plow and you can do so much more plowing in a day. Yours truly, GIBSON' MKYI3KS. Salem, Or., Aug. 4, 1904. Mr. F. A. Wiggins, Salem, Oregon. Dear Sir: I regard tho Benlchv Hancock Disc Plow ns a valuable nddl- Tlio fourth successful season fur this time tried plow in the Willuin otto Valley. Wi wild our fir Rni..i,i.lfun,.n,.l.- niun 1i... : n. j.n ... mm ...... mncocK Uisc are now entering our fourth year of eoi.stnntlv increasing sales. Dllr- ,nrmer ' "tfit fr th fo1- In.. tl..,M vn.., ti. ...,,... i,..u ...i.!.,.! I.." ... , lowing reasens: ... - j .. i., j ...... ,mmli iiuiut L-iiiuiiui, nun inaiiu t, u, ,. .. . . . -. ........ n ...in iu uiiii pinning ins and today this lannli i.linnirfia na linvn Itnan uiti.i...al.l 1... nu....u; .,11 - w "" '" v hHrawi .,,, vAn-rii-iiL-v, iii louay tins ,1,,. . , , , t, , ' . plow holds a place several seasons In the lead of any disc plow on the , . ' ,,nys ROt 8,,0rt nnrt 1...1 ' tho rnillS cenin: tlin ilrnff i..n.. i, , ...w ...... v 1.,. tlu tl market. Salem, Or., A'ug. 2, 1904. Mr. F. Ak Wiggins, ( Salem, Oregon. Dear Sir: A fuw words in 'favor of tho llenlcia-lluneoek Disc Plow might lie of uso to you. Tlio plow that I bought of you Is all' right. I hnvo used It in all conditions of plowing and find it nil right. I plowed .'Iii neres of summer fallow In tho mouth of Juno U'lintl Mm iirmiml u'iib .I... n...l I...-.I I.. ...... ..... .....tti. ,,., .., 11.111 lllllll, and did n good job of work. I can plow with my Disc Plow when u mold l. l ii . ... 1 iiimru uiin uui ne usetl at nil. l Hko j tho jointers, for with thorn one can J turn under anything, 1 think reur wheel controller a good thing, although I have not got one on my plow, and I nlso think tho weight of your plow is In its fnvor. 'With best wishes, Yours truly, J. DUNHAM. littlo heavy, but the amount of lnnd turned compensates for this fact. The plow drops down and toars up land tlmt W-OUllI nnt 111! fnnnlin.l 1... 41. 11 I " -". '-M uj inu 1I1U1II board plow. The ground turned over -. in very good condition. The woight WEIGHT. ot tl10 ,llst' I'lnw ii necessary to hold It Heavier tlmii others; a very necessary factor in hard cround !'" I''0 i:mm'1 u (,('01lrs "'ell in tho " ' various Soils nml ivill ti. .ni LAND GAUGE LEVEB. whoro aiinllinr ,,ln. ,....i.i ... hmililing operator to swivel front furrow wheel, so ns to tuko moro X 1,ve not used a jointer on my plow. ... .v- .....,., i,.,., m.i.iiii,; mo i.iow to place in Hillsides, or hard.0"1 real wheel controller I regard n vaiuaiiie part or tho plow. Wo could not havo dono our work last sea sou on nccount of tho rain, had wo not had the disc plow and commenced work enrlv. Wo hopo to begiu plowing ns soon ns is over una uetoro tlio rains Yours truly, W. J. CBAWPORD. K.F.D. No. 1, Salem, Or., Aug. 20, 1W Mr. 1 A. Wiggins, Salem, Orogou. Denr Sir: I havo uso tho BenltJ Hancock Disc Plow purchased in you for two seasons nnd wish to i that it has given groat satisfaction! dood. For early fall plowing it has 1 conio indispensable. I do not wait an for rain, but plow ns soon as tho otl fall work permits..! find that it lea the ground in ns good condition as t! ordinary milking plow plus one k rowing. It draft is less por inch turned tin! tho wnlking plow. I huvo never hnd any trouble in ill scouring, though I havo given i( thj most sovero tests. In heavy, wet spring plowing it gives less satisfy tory results thouclu oven here it ii equnl, if not suporib?, to the walking plow. A special merit It possesses ia its material and workmanship. Mr discs aro almost as good as njir, laro nevor needed sharpening, yet I hive givon it tho sovercst trinl among rocks. Yours truly, J AS. R. SHEPXBD. ground BEAB WHEEL CONTBOLLEB IF DESIBED. Which does the same with rear furrow wheel, both featuios milk ing this plow the only ono that is n success on steep hillsides. JOINTEB3. Simplo attachments that do tho work perfectly, nnd havo provon thoir worth in stubble or trashy ground, turning nil under. DUST PBOOF BEABINGS. No dirt ean enter and wear out bearings, three yours. .ot ono. replaeod in A Few Ownefs of Benicia Hancock Disc Plows. r. M. Walker, Ihmoll; t. P. DcUuire, Mllvurl.kM l.ilit. 1... 11-1! I - ui.ii ittimwj-, rtMK couuiyj f. J. Hlwerl, Mfulnty; Frank Star buck, Polk ottUMty; Jo. Drmr, 8d lieyj . A. Clrk, SkUihj Frnk Huhi phreys. I'lymw; Churls Humphreys, flyiuer; Win. Glr, ShUm; jMk BinliiM, HiIvwMum; l'Vlllip le y. loin; aimuM.t lirtM., Klumb; .1. J. Hurley, (Inn is; j'n,HK Kellegg, WhmitlHHilt 1). J. Henry, Newlierjct A. T. WIh, SAleuit J. u rrowwU) KBR. Htonj W. P. Hayee, Kiimtei KriiMt Hhwi.lt, Polk comity j Pml Aehtllwi, ailwii, UrlwM llrou, TurHr; S. W. Mile, Polk eottwty, Uiekrtstl; The. K.lwanl, Turatr; a. II. ltiwwH, Mr. Ian. Tho Iivhs, 4r; UiUeu Myern, L.uis; Kra Wilnoa, Ml ; vm. Hliiek, KiwHNiitlv; Wwi Sgi, ); Klmer King, I.ewisburg; l H. Kser, MhcIohj; H. P. Allen, Salem (Polk rounty); Oregon Nursery Co., Salem; John SykoB, Salem (Polk eeuuty); J. U. Sheptirtl, Zeim; lUrrv Taylor,' Mne Iwhv; Jwsper DenlwiH, Turner; Miehaul Schneider. Sublimity; Alfrwl Zleloseh, HhIwh; II. ll. ThiulMin, Polk county (Snlem); l,iter Matthleu, Huttevllle; I. II. Lewis, Huttevllle; J. h. Purvine, MhcuIu; S. T. Pupp, ShUih; John Man Hg, GwpvhW; John Mhwiii, Jr., S lew; Ueurge Poiter, lirtlm (iok eeunty); G. H. CfHwferil, Wm; W. J. Crawford, Um; ItyroH Hurritt, Sttlem (Polk eouety); f, T. GllUert. Xm.- r. $, VmJmv Howell Itfe eound jilow); urw irry iv, UeJr-fo0Hd pWw; U. J. ftttitk. HowtL D. Him-.l. Hkmvi A. siwrt. SkImmi it l). it BEMOVABLE BOXES IN HUBS. In enso it over becomes necessary to replace a hub box, no need to buy mi ontlro wheel. INTEBOHANGEABILITY. Plow can bo built from ono. 'to n two, throe, or up to six dise if neceeHjiry, one stop nt a tfiuo, without buying anything but the bourns and dises. Some plos require now heads In making changes of this sort. ' , , MOLD-BOABDS. ',, Chllle.1 or steel us deeirwl, 'fb.r uo in uny sell i the state. HITCH. ,r All plows sold with eoHumlhitehea. Tk tw dt3a fHAS ,our. horse ovener and iloHhUtrees. ' COMPLETENESS. ' V All plows sold randy for-fwjyi Intan amf rr w)mI wntral lers as an option. 'IE? f hnrvost come August 2, 1004. Mr. P. A. Wiggins, Snlem, Oregon. Dear Sir: Havo used thn nii Hnncock Disc Plow two seasons for drv plowing m fall, and pleased with results. bettor erop than sow! If one would use CK uise now lie would nevor have any hard pan. Plenty of weight Is a good feature for the Disc Plow. Yours truly, J. F. HlMPHRFA'S. Mr. F, Jordan, Or., July 30, 1901. A. Wiggins, Snlem, Oregon. Denr Sir: Tlio Bcnicia-Haneock Dise Plow is n grent success with me. IUm all of our pen and cheat urounu 11 Oil. Have donn ll nnlnmliil inli nf wort i Havo no doubt but wo can kill the blue grass by dry plowing. Yours resjwt- fully, C. M. BEAVEB. Salem, Or., Aug. 8, 1901 Mr. F. A. Wiggins, Salem, Oregon. Dear Sir: I hnvo used tlio Benie Hancock Disc Plow nbo it threo yei nnd could not farm without it. 1 tearing up old hard-pan. I enn coll deep as I want to and with four horW can do two men's work with n walkinj plow nnd not bo ns hard on tho horsfl as a threo horso walking plow wooll e. ean plow on nny sido hill witk the renr yheel controllor whoro I cs plow with n wulkincr plow, nml cut i full swnth, and when I nm throuzl tie have boon well . "' """ w,,0tt X nm tl,r Think I got a ,,?1T,nBlt, erol,ni1 is "a'V ' ing in tho spring. J1"" W,tUont wonrinB M tho Bonieln-Han- S0S out """owing it. I would ndviso a lazy mnn that b i rock on his farm not to get n Disc Plow, us it will tnko him nil summer to haul off the rock tho plow tears out lours truly, j, C QONNOY. & The Bcnlcla SfdehlU Reversible A cut of whleh we are unable to show, Is a itgi di for km aa MttU ami wai is K,UK 8,,lwidlil satisfactioa. The eiwrator .ll Pl drive the tea, back a. forth on the same side of the lud Z .! ravmiiiK aa thr..,h. ,l,0 il the same .l.r,vt, u tilP't.me A Few Owners of Benicia Hancock Disc Plows. i, oaiBJii f i'o k ooullH. n i ,.... el, Hueim Vjstu; K. F. Gbolwu' Un. eoJ; W. J. lMrW Sllt. U'''1'1- i ' M,nrt' w; Jorih aroruy Maeleay; W. L. Cook, JSena; D t MUlerraeleaylTraiAar: r C iw. T?-VS' "' 8dcana P,0vv; C Bolter, lrker Statien: Ai, urp.r, Sidney; Wlioatlund; State Prison; C. M. Be- r, jorilnn; Albort urper, H. T. Daviilgon, Jr.. Shtn.lnn- v.. Fdmunl- n, Maclony. Hosidos tho nbovo wo havo sold number of ploWS throuch sub-ngonti waking n total of sovon additional plows sold from bur placo in Salem, -Not n bad record. F. A. WIGGINS IMPLEM 255-257 Liberty Street, HOUSE Salem I ipMM!MteH0mwi& " MB