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About Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 29, 1904)
iifclU ., it v W- '1 f r. liAik 1 i S k j (, c V ' 1 lie I, TWO DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL " BY riOFER BROS. Republican National Ticket For President THDODORE ROOSEVELT, of New York. For Vice-Prwldont, CtfAfl. W. FAIRBANKS, , of Indiana. For Presidential Electers: O. D. Dlmlck, of Clackamas. A. C, Hough, of Josophlno. J. II. Hart, of Polk. E. A. Fee, of Malheur. o ... .. J3r THE CITY OF THE BLIND PIG. Ashlnnd in acquiring an unonviable reputation ni the invotorntc homo of tho blind pig. Tlmt city also has Sun day closing. As a stato normal ooliool city, as a arellglous and Chautauqua coator, Ash land hn always been famous. Besides Jlahland is a prohibition city. But tho prohibition town of Ashland yrbs known to havo a number of suh ycetod drug stores and family win rlci. From year to yoar ovidonco has ac cumulated that out of all duo propor tion tho blind pig doth flourish there. With all their educational infill nee, with all their churches, and tho resplendent hnlo of Bishop Vincent liai, Ashlanders will not be satisfied "tto quench their thirst at naturo'a foun . Jnins. A prominent druggist has been nr crcstod, because a man nainod Imbler (inveigled 'him into lotting Mrs. Im- Cbler havo whiskey twice under tho proton mat no wan too poor w j?oi it e, millionaire. physician' proscription. T,0 morili satisfaction which the It doth not appear what should l)0l(l0r developed character considers lono with a wicked druggist who will inflnitoly much higher than tho physi- thus allow his sympathies to bo work- Lft, Bat'8fnclion j the wnv of food .for two bottles. Alan, at Ashlnnd, ho nwaketh on tho bnd-luok side of tho iiicoro-board. Because a man is poor and because, forsooth, ho ullegos that his wife has qualms that doinund red liquor for their correction, is no excuse in tho ycs of tho nntl-wiloon league. A prescription that cost $1.00 would liavo itanotlucd tho whole transaction, nnd cast ubout it thu justification of .tho commonwealth. Would it bo posslblu to find in tho .Athens of southern Oregon a phyjdolnu o lost to tho honor of hts profession that ho would lot a patient suggest Ids own particular proforoncc in tho way of modloiuoi Nowhcro but in tho city of tho Blind I'lg oould a physician bo found vhu would lot his pationt dictate hi own romody and thun charge for n proscription for it. Things do not run smoothly flown Ashland way, when th orrlng drug gist must bo eliiwwl with tho Blind Piggeries. What Is tho Sunday closing moo jnont but n diabolical doidgu to bring iibout raids on tho poaeoful and re pofllablo wiling of tho pharmacist on thu chttrga of running a blind pig! A POLL TAX DE0I8I0N. In tho state uf Washington, thp vourta have Jield that a poll tax jc vaiptlnu fur a flmtiMU by a city Is uuroiiittltutloiml. Thl action by our sinter vtalo would proliably bo fullowod b) tho eourta uf this tttMtu if the ttutUtr wow brought licfur thitta. The suprvme court law uMttdMl down mi uplHluH .iKclariug ih exist Ihj; lawn J by wlilrh Htlaa iiitoc n poll tax upon Individuals to m uuouaaUtutlawtt. This dm-lsiuu wan rwtchml m an up poal frow ttt .l,IVr)H touuty twHrta which had dlaml that C W. ItU imtot comply with, tie law m uadw ntood ami pay a $N ill tax. Id took ateps t lwvti th act dtUrd la vlTctlvo and the luuttwr was aplHWlwt to tho supreme omrt. wklili rovetfiw th judKHient aul u)n tht HtMW llgaliut Ida to b dUMHUHMtL Tho court fuuait a defo-t in the law which autlutrU iUM to tHiMM a poll tax by tommh of a lack of ual formlty in it. tax which k ImpwMwU Th act as j ! by lae IwjfUWttart tMtoHtpl a wtemUr of a olHHtar fire lptrtiut, aad it hi beM that tkl AXAmpUoH bt la cwatUct with that (Wh tlou of the ut oiMatltttkloH wkMi rtNnir that aaHit hh4 ootlov tlou of Wxo ibaU m salforw it porsoHH and troprt'. ThU oast) has boot) the aubjwt of wulileraUlo lutorwt amani; Httoraey jiud tk(r throgheut tho state arlHg to tho faat that tkU k tao firtt Hwe tho aaprettto court h boon oalM ujwa 4o dwlilo Hit qwcttlen. Tho opinion U wrlttwt hy Judge T. ,T, Anders and coaturrotl ia by Judges Hadloy aad Mount. Ohtcf Justice Fub ler'ou diwcutx wltheut flllug uu oplu- WEALTH AND HAPPINESS. "Think of the poworf ill influence, that groat wealth gtvc people, say, "Surely that m5t bea source of, great fiappinegi."' Here, however, popular opinion is wrong. Money poaswsos virtual enorgy only when transformed intq actual onergy, work, and this transformation is" only pMglble by introduction of another factor, personality. The merely rich man, the man who merely cashes coupons, who sits im movable on hit money-bags, posaoow neither powor nor inflnenee. , Hfe wealth attracts onjy boggars and swindlers, and if he does not shut himself up behind strong locks ho finds himself surrounded by a crowd of questionable persons whose pros once certainly does not make him happy. Powor and influence como to the rieh mnn only whpn ho possossos per sonality and takes an activo part in common life, In sympathy with his follows. It Is not oven necossary for him te possoH wealth, but only to control riches. Tho energetic prosldont of a corpor ation with n capital of a hundred mil lions wields infinitely more power and influence thnn tho passive posseisor of a billion. Only tho circulation of money, ac tivo money which Is working, brings powor nnd influence. Dead capital lends no splendor to tho possessor, who remains just as Inslgnifirant as if ho did not own a dollar. At somo distant day, perhaps, wc shall havo gained mifllcicnt mastery over tho earth and oursolvcs to make it yield plenty for nil of i. Under such conditions every man will bo judged only according to his personal qualities, Irrespeotlvo of his money. Tho tnlontcd. nctho nnd useful man wo, nmk high abovo the pig-brain and clothes tho glorious fooling of power and Influence is already under stood by the modern euptnin of Indus try, who thinks, works and acts, but not by tho passive millionaire idler at Now port. Money is n powerful weupon, but It Is not tho man who guards tho arsenal where weapons arc kept who counts, but tho soldier who usch them anil wing battles. True, money duos buy ploasurcs. Castles, cottages in charming places, yauhts, private cars may bo hail by unybody who has money enough. But there ore. thiuus which cannot bo bought, tili.l those, us it happens, arc tint very things which count most for happlnoss. , Ilonodt loves, genuine sympathios, Hontimonts tomlor and truo and tastes pure and roflued those, tho soul of hnppluoH-t, ouimot bo bought by an man's monoy. Truo, it million dollar will build a mighty mansion, but it oauuot buy that mjatlo mimothlng whbjh mnkoa u happy himio uvou in a hovoj. It may surround one with h uf Nychophnnts, but oanuot buy one friend. Ynj moiitfy U a good tiling to have, if It poswotwor can only remember that manhood is more than monoy. .fi-ny hojpi o hnppimws, but thor are other things, that help a good doa bettor. WHY MEN DEFAULT. The Insurance Prow publbliM a lot of lottera from preaidiHttB of surety eouiWHloH, dhteutudng tho caution of dafnlent ions' by dorks ami other em ,0yo. Tho statomtntti of thus men may Im aetoptod ait 'authoritative. All soctioHH of the country are ropro- twMted. In Cleveland, where heavy defalca tion have beon mutually uumeroius the mot eomiHon oHHcea asslued are three: "1. New Yerk tdeek occehauge." ". Chloagii board of trmlo." "3. New Orleans eel ton market." la Cleveland, New York nnd llostuu in all canoe whero speowbttton le wit Hlaed & the flret eawo It Is given eoooad plaee, ' la New York a eaiuo that I put pfomlaeaUx forward u tatting oa ltoree race. in llootoM "ec4raMfiaat exiwmll- Ituree oa wowoh" ts tlvea as a leadlaa eaute. At ta South, card playing dooa the autot harm. Ia ail the eitioa iMotapoWHto U given a a twoljft qk of defnbj tloaa, m Kb aWo of bttotne fall urea. These otteete all agm that oaly a mall itfojtoftloa of defwaltera Atlfbor Atoly eet out to defraud tkoir MH)rfy or. The dofuleatfani ia nine easoi out of ten eoiao as a result of db troua pee.ultleu or other teuea. The first step in defalcation I taVea with the tutentlen of returning the money. It i turrcptittouily "bor- DAILY CAP ITAL JOUBNAL, rowed" in an attempt to get out of a tight corner. But gambling) or spec ulation, oven if successful at first, lures ono on doper and deeper into It. And some dfey there cp.mes losses that eannot be retrieved. The showing made by these surety presidonta leave little cause for won der that the largest surety dprnpaaies havo resolved to refuse bontFvto any man who gamblos. o r SETTLERS VERSUS THEORIES. All therole about liandlfngthe for ests and" the mountains are not equal to tho protection that sdttlers would give. One maa for years has advocated running sheep in tho foros rosones. Now he finds that the sheep run in large bands, reduce the mountains to heaps of dust killing tho grasses and destroying tho forage and verdure. Tho geologic survey and department of ngriculturo have beon advocating kcoping out all fires, and fining farm ers aad campers who sot fires. Now it appears that those who have sot fires and burned out tho under growth and cleaned up th'cir timber lands have escaped all fires where large areas of the protected reserve hiivc been destroed. Settlers nro needed. Thero is no use longer fooling with tho theorists. Let the people tnkc caro of their own lands. The theorist wants a government job. Ho has theories to sell.- Ho wants n salary incidentally. The settler is a taxpayer, not a tax eater. Oivo the settlor a chance. Oregon has suffered enough of theories. THE RAINS APPRECIATED. Good showers foil in Western Ore gon Saturday night, and Sunday the mists descended quite freely. For gardens, nnd second crops of clover aad potatoes, this rain has been worth thousands of dollars, i Itain has been very much needed for stock, before tho ground 'becomes cold, to start the grass for cattle. Last winter pastures wore very short because tho rains camo too late, and stock fareil very poorly. Tho present summer has been long nnd dry. Tho public and private water supply has beon almost exhausted at times. Anothor week of rain is needed to put tho potato crop ami the fall crop of clover for seed on its foot. Ono or two wcckH of "rainy weather will help make good pastures. All who havo stock better prepare shelter and be ready to feed well in the com lag winter, ns pasture Is not likely to bo very flush. u X-RADIUMS The Salem hog is no connection of the Ashland blind pigs. v Among other things God mado the sunshine nnd called it good, and they do say ns how it is a most excellent hair tonio nnd comploxion improver. Good poetry is growing mighty aoaruo and wo havo half a notion to w'rlto soinu. ,. a South Commercial street was not covered with broken rock to connect with tho Liberty road. Well, t will bo somo day. itoosovolt Ih putting tho finishing touchois on hia letter, of acceptance, and all thero remains for him to do is to aeeopt tho office. Newort had about all it could stand up under last week, nnd not get ita legs tangled, with throo governors there making speeehos Chamberlnln, Ueer and Fletcher. Tho editor Inst weok worked hard to havo It rain. Ho wrote and pra.unl, and even took off all bis underclothes, know lug from uxporleuco that the wojtthqr will always tarn eooler whon anyone doee tlmt. Ami the ram came. Tho Japs travel light. Tue nro heavier ia guns and lighting than in eommhfetary. HERE AND THERE The elenueat town lu the lultixl State Id Mtid to bo Shaken nun. Ky., iahabiteit by Shaker. It has i large bclek hotel, bat no buelaeee house. Kuropeaa experimenters kae evolv ed a new eombuetlhle, to whuh they havo applied tho Name of "owMnu.' It Is pro4aeod from raw peat. The Uad fe xow)agly greeU. It foo4a ooMtliHHHHly throughout the Might, aad la twenty-four hours can ooome h quautitv of laseeta equal aboat foar tiuica lu stomach oa. lwelty. An Kngbsh fariaer has had eevoral .. rmEQOK. MONDAY, AUGUST 29, 1 cats killed, stuffed and placed in tWBlenine attitudes among iU branches of his fruit trees. '".Not a bird will oome anywhere near the or chard. The late Paul Krugor was not an eloquent man, bdt ho excellent brief and pithy sayings. To a nephew who wanted an office he said: nMy door boy, yed are ndt elevdr enough for a subordinate position, . and all the higher offices are filled." . Two crops of strawborrios havo beon made possible in Texas by irrigation. Budapost has lost ono of its best known cranks, a man who always waat barofoot and barohoodod. His favorite occupation was to offer modi cnl advice to famous persons who wore ill. This being rojectcd he wrote long diatribes ngainst human folly and printed them. The French savnnt, M. Bonnrd, Is convinced that-Nanscn took tho only route by which tho North Polo can possibly bo reached. Ho favors an expedition with two ships connected by wireless telegraphy. Tho timo is estimated at three years, and it is hoped that the Prince of Monaco, who is greatly interested, will contribute tho necessary $300,000. Tho Sultan of Turkey has seventy one titles, nnd on tho parchment con tniaing them are tho words, "As many moro as may bo desirod can be added to this number." Among tho titles are "Abdul Hamid, tho Eternally Vic torious," "Tho Eternally Smiling," "Tho Eternally Invincible," "Dis tributor of Crowns to tho Heroes Seat ed on tho Thrones," and "Shadow of God on Earth." Ia responso to a goncrnl desire of the party, tho officers of tho Porto Rican teachers' expedition at Harvard are making arrangements to havo the Porto Bicnn coffeo served regularly to them, ns this is ono of tho things they havo missed tho most since leaving their homes. Speciul instructions arc to bo given the dealers by a member of tho party as to tho exact method of roasting, ns Porto Rican coffee, to be satisfactory to tho natives, must be roasted perfectly black. SCIENCE PREVENTS BALDNESS. The ratal derm and IU Remcdr Now Facta of Science. It is tho rarest thing tn tho world for a man to be necessarily bald. No man whose hair Is not dead at the roots, need bo Bald tf ho will use Nowbro'a Horpl cldc, the now scalp antiseptic. Herpl clde destroys the serin that cuts the hall oft tit tho root; and cleans the scalp ot dandruff and leaves It In a perfectly healthy condition. Mr. Mannott, In tho Maryland Block, Butto, Mont., was en tirely bald. In less than a month Hcrpl clde had removed the enemies ot hair growth, and nature did its work by cov ering his head with thick hair an Inch lenir, and In six weeks he had a normal suit of hair. Sold by loading druggists. Send 10c. In stamps for samplo to The Hcrplclde Co., Detroit, Mich, mnlel J. Fry, Special Agent THE WORLD'S BEST BY EVERY TEST. Gold Medals for high-standard quality at New Orleans, 1885; Chicago, 1003; .. Paris, 1000 For Sale by AUGUST SCHREIBER September 2 Magazines AINSLEE J SMART SET WIDE WORLD J ARGOSY H W Now In . .. .. M ; J Pattoa,s Book Store. J HARPER WHISKTQ Im NHHaRjaHl 1904, T 1 nr J ivpri I IT&QL IieU kUZW. nrtrH,notr.1v. nhvsicians know I They prescribe it for exhaustion, anernia. g Sure Cure for Piles. Itching Piles produce moisture and cause itching, this form, as well as Bllng. Bleeding or Protruding PI I are cured by Dr. Bo-san-ko's Pile Remedy Stops itching and bleeulng. Absorbs tumors. 50c a Jar at drug gist, or sent by mail. Treaties free. Write me about jour case. Dr. Bo sanko, Phlla., Pa. Fore sale by Dr. S. C. Stone, druggist Woman Known in Salem. ' X. D. Elliott, tho job printer, re ccivod a telogram today announcing tho death of his mother at rairmount, In diana, Sunday aftornoon at a good old age. Mrs. Elliott has been in Salem, isiting here last summer, and will bo remembered by many people. Mr. El liott, who was also hero for some months, was with her at her death. PILES"'' A Mr. ninslMJ If IM lit lUDtfi Riinnns Inm PILE ""fl1""""' D. UnL Riann, B'Pt. Or4l ScliooU, BI4UITI U, V c , ril -1 a "J ik. d. tn m tlm for thm Df. 3 K Uto", EoM.W V.rlw Tft-TllTclfiUMl ,.... - nr. H D UtCU. Clukibuf.Ton.wTtr ' '-ia a prMJct r Tir, i n.. i.a . ....w. nl inn." rui, M MmpiM int. d- ) DnntlU. a,KTIH K IDT. LHCSTIR. P. 8old In Saltm by 8. C. Stone. Call for ITreo Sample. -HHH-H"H"H"HIH-"H- Vogct Ltimbci? AND f Fticl Company. Rough and dressed lumber, sash, doors, lath and shingles, ash and fir wood. Salem Ore. Down town office 112 Court street Telephone Main 2451. One block east of S P. pas senger depot. iinmiiiiiiiiiniiiiHi MMMMMWM I M. eeae9e&sft4iwsaeaeoa ajaAmnwwgg iii'. H'.unjjaf Phene: Main 2953. II -.-.-v HUUUU FAIP FAJR ALL WORK tho Good DELIVERED once to tho Get lu your WHEN PR03IISED THE N. 193 Commercial St. Qtee The Journal. i93 OM III I I I TS-1 llflthtali 1 III! 2 41 ' COowrmciT 99a4eM9i m i-ra ju' tm . . . Hllliiinin 1 1 it; ?S? RctaiI Fam,ly L"'0M store t. ECKERLEN. ;;n r.. i. ... t llrced In a. cltrlta "'J. T'..T:. "' " " : Phone tltiaiaiiaiBmD.-.. NORMAi Bogins its 2Sd v. c,:: ' ..- - .. wyiwuoer so. J oar, affordiusr nnni ,. . .". tniber, ww,HttwwaaL.. . -. k ' ixsZTSiS." " t .a v T"E BEST TRAINING FOR TRArucne !! ge. Write for new cT.w? aMwrance sood positions at good !! i . cemlns courw, of JL ST C0Bta,ulBB Mil information con- 1 1 J ; real condlcons in town m n ? ,Q actual teachs afforded undor ( i . . rtv.i ,u wwn and country school n .. j...... .t " ; Addrowi Secretary j B w I,,r alUonaI advantages ottachod. ; ; ! I LER. Monmouth. Oron! HUTLER or President, E. D. RESS- . ; Tired inat one word teih the whole-story. No rest Nocomfort. All tired n, about Ayqr's Sarsaparjlk Of Interest to Sick People. We have an mo sympatny in j world for sick people, and want J treat them in a serious way, A Is no numor in pain anu a but hard, earnest fact. It is ble for the patient to Impress g, ers tho extent of suffering ' ,4.,vn nn.1 thnll- flYlYlAtV fnr TtA.t - ! uuic, U..H ....... j --. -Iqj l ....II a t vnMmrrkA In L ., j gei won ui uu ioi.oycu ia meitj thought, any remedy that wlllbrlal this about has their everlasting pjj tude Wo havo thousands of letten from people who havo had dyspepi sick headache and bilious attacfc who tell us how thankful they vc for having used Dr. Gunn's Improit Liver Pills. They are sold at drug stores for 25c per box. Onlyojl for a dose. These pills remove tt causo of disease and make the it clear and healthy looking. Fore sale by Dr. S. C. Stone, drugglrjl TOb? pay high rates of Insurance oil unexposed dwellings? The old Hal companies charge you $3 for $5041 of Insurance, whllo for 75 centiS yearly you can get the sane amount by becoming a member oil the Oregon Fire Relief Association OF M'MINNVILLE, OREGON. e a home company working for homtl insurance on a home plan. Let me tell ou about It, H. A. JOHNSON, Murphy, 131k.. H. A. JOHNSON, Murphy Block, Salem. Head office McMlnnvllle, Oregon. A nn ,,. .,- n rt&r niiu wun ICE HOUSE will show you why It is that our meats are always frcsl j and appetizing In the hottest j weather, when meats wou4 i spoil If not properly cared lor. It would also show some of the fattest Bides of beef, tender and fine quarters of lamb and mutton. Our meats are high grade and low priced. E. C. C?oss. j State Street Market 2 eft0scaee8M4 -,.... . , . A rKIINUNU IND whu0li8tTel TDFaTMPMTtwn -,.nmI TREATMEMTJrsS!" Printer out of tho nnnr aninM -.ij 1 The Good Hop Grower knows a good thing, nnd U orderiuctho SAPRTV Itnp nuntcom i'J ".. cheap oue supplied by tho other follow. orders early tlmo is getting short. PROOFS SUBMITTED OH ALL WORK. D. ELLIOTT PRINTERY commercial St., Salem, Or, - - - w w -- THE PICK OF THE FOREST 11 Has been taken to supply the stock oi. lumber In our yards. Our stock 1! ! complete with all kinds of lumber. Just received a car load of No. li i shingles, ahio a car of flno ehakea-l i We are able to nil any and all kind; of bills. Come and let us Bhow you; our stock. ! ! Yard and office near S. P. passenger! ! depot 'Phone Main 651. !i COODALE LUMBER CO, J i i i i I, . . Main 1151. 11111111111 - crHfrtl 7 TJXVZT. uuwii rviursrviuu i n 4 our torms in each school i04 course in Sep- flttattftja, ,,,!? I