'W ! $' , . : i to y ' re Ti. .' m i I m v ' u Fk , M SIS DAILY CAPITAL JOUBWAI,, SALEM, OREGON, SATURDAY, AUGUST 27, 1004. Globe-Wernicke Elastic Book Case Yot Library They Gow With JmS ' a pffiPiBsinl B . .Furnished in all grades and styles at factory prices by cpiJua ((vmitono nflfiiH"! I IMi'filiill iii I m0 CZAR TELLS SOLDIERS HOW HE LOVES THEM Troops Get a Package of Boquets From the Monarch at Home 8t. Petersburg, Aug. 27. Tho Czar ' on Thursday nt tlio following tomo gram to General Kuropntkin; "During tlio liaptixm of Alexin, tho hoir to tlio throne, her mnjesty and I were thinking of our valiant troopR nnd arnincn in tho IX" Knst, and invit cd thorn, from our hearts to bo sponsors for tho czarwitch. Lot him preserve for his wliolo lifo this spiritual link with all our troops, from tho highest rhiof to privnto soldiers and senmen, who aro dear to mo and Russia, and who liuvo prove ilthelr lovo for the fathorland and sovereign by self-sacri-flco and exploits, while suffering prlva tions and encountering extreme dan- gcrs." MARRIED. . MOORE-BRANNON.-At tho resi dence of tho officiating minister, Rov. II. A. Ketchum, of the, First Presby terian church, at 8:30 p. m., last ovening occurred the marriage of Miss Grace Brannon to Mr. C. W. Moore, of Marion county. The brido is n popular young lady of West Salem. Sho recently came here with her parents from tho East, but has already won many friends. Tho groom is a well-known young man of this county, and one of many sterling qunli ties. They will make their homo hore Excursion Rates to Yaqulna Bay. On Juno 1st tho Southern Pacific Pnmnnnv will rAciitnn cnln nf avmii". ision tickets to Newport and and Ya qulna Bay, both season and Satur-dav-to-Monday tickets will be sold. This popular resort Is growing in fa vor each year, hotel rates aro reason able, and tho opportunity for fishing, hunting and sea bathing are unex celled by any other resort on the Pa cific coast. JEFFRIES REGAINS , CHAMPION ' t Jack Munroe No Match for the Big California Boxer 3 8au VramjlHco, Aug. 27. Jamos Jeffries rotaluod the titlo of champion of tho world, and Jack Munroe, of Hutte, Montana, lost ovary ohaimo that ho ever had of becoming u pugilistic tar. Last night before 0000 pooplo Jeff ries bested Munroo in loss than two xoumlH, after one of tho turnout exhi bitions over witiiOHiod lu this city. It km no ono-Hlduil ami disappointing that tho jipeotntors lioutod tho would-be lighter. , Muuroa nppetired seurod und timid throughout tho short Wit. JolTriea lauded on him at will, and recuivod hardly u mirnth In ruturn. At Jim end of tho flm round Miiuruo was timed nutl groggy, while .lolVrlpti walko.1 nrouud and sneenxl. Forty-Ilvo see ()ud aflfl' the set-oud round mm willml Munroe was down and out, a crualitKl uud crestfallen tighter. MAJORITY WILL BE LARGE Congressman Landis Says Indiana Is Safe for Roosevelt Oyster Bay, Aug. 27. Congressman Luitlus N. hltuuer, wlio wns at Saga moro Hill, left this morning on an ear ly train. Reprosontativo Landis. of In diana, is hero today to tell tho Presi dent of conditions in the lloosier Htate. and assured the President that there wsa not tho slightest occasion for alarm, as tho Itopublleun national tick tt would roll up a tine majority. Books rrom tho President. Caroline I.. Urutel KaUth.t'r, ttf the Salem Public library AwweJatioi, hrfs jtfcelvod thrt following! "PrUHlduutml A..lr.m- u,I suta Papers ( veil.) ut tho gtft if the au thor, Preuldent Thwxlotw RtHwwYalt. These were, bllltxl through tptm tka White Hnusiv On lb ily-Iraf wh writ tent "Wltfi inrUa of TImkIm Jtoojwrolt, Aignt IS, IWM," iH tin Trealdtmt ' linmlwrltiHR. Tie bookd wro ac)iuwuiitHl by tho following kt-ten Vlllt HOUM, VahiltgUa, Attgwtt IS, 101. Dear Mmlawi Tho lVwiddMt has re ceived your lettr tf tU ltfth Irc, nuil tnkwt pi tw sure iu wading you tb accompanying lv voiiMiw of din ad tlresso imil Hale patri, tto the li-1'ntJ-y y.4 ihjwUwi. PImum eept tkw with the Prwtttont eiipltmnU awl good wlthoH, Very tnl' ywiw, AY.r. LOBlt, JR, Sittry tf th Prldent. m ii ii i. i ii in i Broke Auto Record. New Yoik, Aug. ST. -J. A. Kllk Kid A, O. rkhmltlt, of Chiengo, Wok th automobile rwwml Wtwn ("Uim hh4 Xeiv York Uy thrt htwm ana fwt Jiliunte, ThW Uft Ohiwini at t o'clock on the mmlug f AujfMt .'lik, mud arrived tit VeUkvu tt 3 40 )Hi iu.iuhig. "Whltoy" Was Wrong Horse. . Tho boys toll a good tor on Newt lVrrell, and, from all indications, there may be some truth iu it. Newt and bis brother, Jim, were in tho mountains for several weeks, and finally wound up their trip at Detroit, preparatory to a spin up tho canyon. Tho morning nfter ihoy anived in Detroit, and while they wore resting from the many days of unaceustoiued toil hi climbing tho rugged hills ami btttw known lu common pttrlianoe as tlio t iiMiide mountains, a mirty of Port land pwiplo nrrivod with a puck train. .evt always was an early rliwr. and the Hioruing iu iudimi ho kept uj bis , rccurd. Along about tho time that lit .tlt Wrdd x idphig their rlmt lays, INmvt awok froi his pHcful slum ,br, and, AVitk joyful steiM. wendiM bit way to th lwrn. ' I H ftl his horss, for .wt and lus 1 .iMrothcr Ud provided thtulvts with nicMtis of trmnsjHirUUou before tliov Uft iwtlcw. 0 hum was a bright my, a 11 J ih Qthvr a smmy white. He cjirfrtty groouuHl the Imui. aud, with I light heart, tUrtU for camp to jwr- l ot idc juicy vcS)Iom uud other .Uli caci. that UroUr Jim kd provided. -Nwt rcturaw.1 to th Jmru. aud jHtmtcl oh his trip up to the IlrWteu I but hot prmH. AUm kv m.I p, the vttL Portland mhh. with u.uj I b hU ty, dMMMd4 the the roturu of WWity." BxiilftMftUoiu follow, l it m mm appirciu that th wroKf hunc Ui Wm Mddlcl, and to thu tlay Nwt 4m at V how ta HJtaki kpa4. At aay ru that Wt what U talk the bova k tk.v ..l alia aay )tlai. TIME CARD NO. 26. No. 2 for Yaqulna Leaves Albany 12:45 P.M. Leaves Corvallls 1:45 P.M. Arlves Yaqulna 5:40 P.M. No. 1. Returning Leaves Yaqulna 7:16 A.M. Leaves Corvallls 11:30 A.M. Arrives Albany 12:15 P.M. No. 3 for Detroit Lea vo Albany 1:00 P.M. Arrives Detroit 6:00 P.M. No. 4 from Detroit Leave Detroit 6:30 A.M. Arrives Albany 11:15 A.M.i Train No. 1 arrives in Albany in tlmo to connect with the 9. P. south bound train, as well as giving two or threo hours In Albany before depart ure of S. P. north bound train. Train No. 2 connects with tho S. P. trains nt Corvallls and Albany giving direct sorvlco to Newport and adja cent beaches. Train No. 3 for Detroit. Broltenbush and other mountain resorts leaves Al bany nt 1:00 p. m., reaching Detroit about 0:00 p. m. , For further Information apply to EDWIN STONE, Manager. T. COCKRELL, gent, Albany. II. II CUONISE, Agent. Corvallls. Low Rates to California. Tho triennial conclave Knights Templar wdll be held at San Francis co, September 5 to 9. and tho Sov ereign Grant Lodge I. O. O. F. will be held at the same point September 19 to 25. For thene occasions the Southern Pacific company will place m effect tho extremely low rato of one and one-third fare for tho round trip, not to exceed $25.00, the rate from Portland. Thos who aTe plan ning a trip to California should take note of theso ratea. 8-11-eod 0 Special Excursion to St. Louis. August 8, 9 and 10, September 5. 6 and 7 and October 3. 4 and k nm the remaining dates unon whir t!Mc. ets will be sold at the reduced rates! iu " ai, iMua iair. xneso rates apply ovor the Denver and Rio Grando and Missouri Pacific. For tho pat rons of these roads special excursldn cars will bo run throueh from Port. land and St. Louis without nhiro See the many points of lntprnst about the Mormon capital and take a rldo through nature's picture gallery. 'uunng mo closing months travel to tho fair will bo very heavy. If you contemplate going write W. C. Mc Bride, general agent at Portland for tho Denver and Rio Grando, for par tlculars of those excursions. 8-5-2m. REDUCED EXCURSION RATES. From S. P. and C. & E. Points to the Seaside and Mountain Resorts for the Summer. j .... Tno 1 1904. the un anu uu """ - .. n ifl In .nnnpetlon with SOUinern -ruc-wi., '" - the Corvallls & Eastern reailrlad, will have on salo round trip tickets from .- ,,nin iinp to Newport, Ya- iiiuiiLrt tin. liivj -. ----- qulna and Detroit at very low rates, good for return until October 10, 1904. mi. ,i.. nr.hote tn NowDort and Yaqulna, good going Saturdays and returning Mondays, are also on salo t. toot sm nnlnts. Portland to Eugene Inclusive and from all West ... 1- 1- ..ifit Side points, enaoimg peopio i their families and spend Sunday at the seaside. Season tickets from all East Side points, Portland to Eugene, Inclusive, and from all West Side points, aro also on salo to Detroit at very low mtoa with ston-over privileges at Mill City or any point east, enabling tourists to visit the Santlam and Brel- tonlinah Vint mrlneq In the Cascade mountains, which can be reached In ono day. Spnsnn tlnkets will be COOd for TO- turn from all points until October 10 Three-dav tickets will be good going on Saturdays and returning Monlays only. Tickets from Portland and vi cinity will be good for return via tho East or West SIdo at option of pas senger. Tickets from Eugene and vi cinity will be good going via tho Leb-anon-SDrlnefleld branch if desired. Baggage on Newport tickets checked through to Newport; on Yaqulna tickets to Yaqulna only. Southern Pacific trains connect with the C. & E. at Albany and Corvallls for Yaqulna and Newport. Trains on the C. & E. for Detroit will leavo Al bany at 7 a. m., enabling tourists to tho hot springs to reach there tho same day. Full Information as to rates, with beautifully Illustrated booklet of Y. qulna bay and vicinity, timetables, !etc can be obtained on application to Edwin Stone, manager C. & E railroad, Albany; W. D. Coman, G. P A., Southern Pacific company, Port land, or to any S. P. or C. & E. agent Bate from Salem to Newport ...15.00 Rate from Salem to Yaqulna ....$4.50 Rato from Salem to Detroit ....$3.60 Three-day rate from Salem to Newport $3,00 M ARKFT QUOTA. I IUIN5 I ODAY "Make Salem a Good Home Mh,i, Poultry at 8telner' Markt Young Chickens 10c. l Hens 8c. Eggs Per dozen, 20c. Harrltt & Lawrence. Eggs Per doz, 20 .c Hop Market Hops 1925c. Potatoes, Vegetable, Etc. Potatoes lc. Onions 2V&C Wood, Pence. Posts, Eta, Second growth $5.75. AFh $3.00 to $3.75. Grub oak $6.60. Cedar posts 12c. Hides. Polta and "urn, Green Hides, No. 1 So. Green Hlues, No. 2 4c. Cult Skins 45c. Sheep 76c. Goat Sklnn Z60 to 11.81. Grain and Frour. Oats Buying, $1.10 per cwt Barley $21 per ton. Flour Wholesale, 3.75. Live Stock Market, : Steers22Vc. Cows 11 c. Sheep $1.502.0O. Dressed veal 45c. Fat hogs 55 c. Hay, Fead. eta, Baled che'at $10$11. , Baled clover $9. Bran $22.50. Shorts $24.00. Eggs, Butter and Cream. By Commercial Cream Co. Eggs lCc, cash. Butter 22 25c. Butter fat 22ic, at station. fMHMmmiMMIMIIIWWWaMWMWaaMaaaa.- i The Question Of 2 What Watch ! To buy is a hard ono for the average man to decide. Dc ana of crades 1 are told under tho same name, and it puulua any but an expert to de i cido w hero practical utility stops and extravagance tegln9 We are I WATCH EXPERTS and will gladly help you In this matter. Our stock embraces the beet watches made. Come in and look them over-Wre always pleased tn ehow-vibotheryoubuyornot. And, REMEMBER, repairing ie our specialty. Our prices are right. ChasaH, Hinges, I Bush Dank Manufacturer Dead. Marlon. flMa i..- te. . 7 "-- "- wwinw IlluU-r, head f th lawxa thrwhir aw. Plonaar Optlelan. 83 State Street Next door to Ldd aM eM&taaaaaa4aiAAA.A......-. I Do What Wc Claim I Wh niiltp.infaa nilltUH ... a. . V " " """" pul inai or' J F Cook the Botanical Doctor cure, all kind, of disease, after all other school, and doctor, have (ailed, iucl a, cancer, tumor., (external and Internal) Gravel blrtnau kirn. Jl... ' "BI -..vt -.. u,. wanaumption, Qall stonea, rheumatl.m dropsy, and dlabet,, appendicitis have nivnn ,h.j ... . ji... ,. . su, ana icmaio u..,, fl o .oreootng withuot the knife, or platter or poison, and with no pain to the patient whatever. ' Testimonials of prominent people. Consultation free Da J. Fa C00fc out uDetty ., sXzmt 0reR()n Formerly of Omaha. Neb. WWWMIWIMWMWIMIWMMMWM4J Summer Excursion Rates and Special Train Service Now On Between Portland and Clatsop Beach. The summer schedule of tho As toria & Columbia River rallroart has been inaugurated between Portland. Astoria, Gearhart and Seaside, in con nection with special round trip excur slono tickets to all Clatson nnrt Nnrtt, Beach points, and train leaves Union aepot s a. m. dally and runs through direct, arriving at Astoria ii-an Gearhart 12:20 p. m. and L.Z 12:30 p. m. The Portland-Seaside Fivr ico Union depot every Saturday at 2.30 P- in-, arriving Astoria n!Kn n m .i runs through direct, arriving at Gear- "i u. p. m. and Seaside 0:50 p m In connection with this Improved service, special rotimi t,i . tltkota are sold fiom Portland to all -laisop and North nenrh t. .. rate of ?4.00 tor the round trip, good tor return nassatro until rwi.. .. - .. uwivuer 10. bpecial commutation tint ., for five round trips, are sold' from tortland to same nolnts fn. ., Eood to return until October 15 ' ' Saturday special round trip "excur- slon tickets from Portland . . ," sop and North Beach points on sale ier.;srrdaj-.nteof$2.5o?o; rZ , B0a, return snday. Tlcktto sold from Portland to North Beach points are Issued in conned ' l i. n. & n. steamers from As to a and bnggage (s m As and from depot and 8teamer docJ J land to Clatsop and So'rth p '!.' WJU are IntUUrj be honored on train, , ,v,. a H1 X2L!r "- ssk u iir!1 '. PORTLAND MARKET. Wheat Wal'a Walla, 80c. Valley 83c. Flour Portland, best grade. J4.25B $4.55; graham-, $3.504.00 Oats Choice white, $1.22. Barley Feed, $20 per ton; rolled $22. Jlillstuff Bran, $19,00. Hay Timothy, $15$16. Potatoes Fancy, $1.25(9)1.4(1, Eggs Oregon ranch, 2021c Poultry Chickens, mixed, 1201PC per pound; turkeys, 14(S16c. Pork Dressed, 738c. Beef DTessetf, 4Cc. Veal 67c. . Mutton Dressed, 45c. Hopsl903 crop, 2225c. Wool VaUey, 1920c; Eastera Or egon, 1017c; Mchalr, 30c for choice. Hides dry, 16 pounds and upwuds, 1615Vc Butter Fancy croamerfy, 22c. jMstaftHaW V ffl id UN IQN PACIFIC Three Tralno to the East Dally. Through Pullman standard and tourist sleeping cars dally to Omaha, Chicago, Spokane; tourist sleeping cars dally to Kansas' City; through Pullman tmirtot Hionntne cars (per sonally conducted) weeKly to Chic eo; reclining qhalr cars (seats frea) io me East dally. 7f " HOURS v 7fj V PORTLAND TO CHICAGO V No Chance of Car. C A. stawart. agent 7 a" . ross Portland. Oregn or J n t treet' souvenir of 1&04 wn, ?5 ' SeasIfla your address free ib9 malleJ o Write fori? W UP0n aPPHcatlon. M-2m T """"i?88. POMONA and Altona leavc for PcrUand daily cxcts dayat7a.m. I oeck: Foot Of Tr.H. b. BKPABT FOB Pnrtlaud BrecUl 9l5a. a 'miluai- lagton RmIi Ijiirn n.tivA. irt "'-."- w...w, . .. "una. uiudi, .viuiuu Jltv. it. Iinlt. Hiicasio .;..t-j... ' MiU lt Atl&ntlo .KJprem -W p. m. l Hunt. logtoa St. Paul ."MtMaU " " . ta. "Pokaat, T1MB SCHEDULES From Portland, Or. 'felt Lake, Denver Ft. uuiiu, umut. MUM Cntr St. Urnln, Chicago uu MJU IVftlla Wall , aw. ...in Spokane. Wallace, PuU ?tan, MUmearoUi Bu Panl. Tltilnth XftlwanVAA Ohlc&so, and East. ABBIVI FROM 5 2ip n 7 15 a, ffl. a d Ocean and River 8chedule. For San Frnnolwrv'C'irnrv five dT at 8 p. m.. For AcitoHn wnv nolnti aad North Beach Dally (except Sua- aay) at 8 p. m,; Saturday at 10 p. o Dally servlco (water permitting) oa Willamette and Yamhill rivers. For fuller Information ask or writ rour nearest ticket agent, or A. L. CRAIG, General Passenger Agent The Orejro'n Railmnrt Vavicatloa Co., Portland, Oregon. BRiGUNN' onion alif1wiu S!d,V' Th 0,i rianal Home Ca WU I ImLM- BSANKO CO PWUtftlpWivK- 'wtin(i,Mi VM a p, eg., t..ti II