Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, August 25, 1904, Page FIVE, Image 5

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Ht Wuk Kn TV
bi rjtmrir
m Evpwt wjB3rrvTvirv
5aLT4'Aki( '
3L - 'Tj' n . fVJ.lSa-.
-VVM : ' : .iw-i
50 dozen black hose will bo offered
special at 8c pair Just the thing for
outing and hop yard wear.
Sc Pair
2 rw
hRMHH S. -
i&Mffi' '4'
Extra Grade
Nlco patterns filled with select
cotton, size 72x75 Inches, largest
and best In the town for the price.
$(.00 Each
Cotton Blankets
The' famous Buell Mills Woolen
Blankets are finished better, are
larger, heavier and cost less than
any other similar goods In America.
50c to $1,50
Ask About
It would be a pleasure to any lady
of refined tastes to glance through
our new- .stock of Imported trimmings.
Depend upon us for your furs.
One line Is In and two more lines
are on the way. We bought our
furs from three different factories,
therefore our lines will be varied
and complete.
Stockton & Co,,
At The Old White Come
Moores went to Newport to-
went to Albany this
A. K
Ed. Lemon
Dr. B. A. Pierce returns home from
Newport today.
Mrs Ed. Mai tin, of Turner, Is a Sa
lem visitor today.
I Mrs. Thomas Reynolds went to
Portland last evening.
Mis. T. H. Caufielll, Jr., Is spending
a few days at Albany.
Mr. and Mrs, James Caine visited
friends In- Turner toda.
Mrs. L. C. Matthes, of Lake Lablsh,
was a Salem visitor yesterday.
Mrs. S. A. Siewert, of Independ
ence, was In the city yesterday.
Clarence 'Underwood, of Albany,
was a Salem visitor last evening.
Mrs.D. Jay, of Portlnnd, is visiting
her daughter. Mrs. JO. Graham.
Miss Adda Simpson went to Eugene
today, where she will visit friends.
Miss Anna Pentland is the guest of
Miss Mildred Bagley for a few days.
Mrs. Stapleton nrrlved homo from
a week's outing at Newport last ev
ening. Mr. and Mrs. George Anderson re
turned last evening from an outing at
Miss Jennie Goodo returned last ev
ening fiom several weeks spent at
Miss Dean Witzel is home from n
two-weeks' vacation, spent at Mc
Minnvllle. Mr. Will H. Burghault, Jr., wont to
Newpoit this morning for a few
weeks' outing.
Mrs. II. A. Ketchum and daughters,
Ruth and Edith, are spending a few
weeks at Cascadla.
Mrs. Charles Watt returned from
several days spent at Portland and
Brooks this morning.
Mr and Mrs. J. W. Clarke went to
Cottage Grove this morning whoro
they will visit relatives.
Ed. Macey returned to Portland last
evening, after several weeks' visit
with his parents In this city.
Mrs. A. D. Dunham, of Pomery.
I ituoii., i vim inju iu uui iiuiuu juaiui
day, after a visit In this city.
Mrs. George II Jones, who has been
Never was there a better chance for you to fit your boy out In a nice,
new school suit at such an exceptionally low price. We have 100 knee,
pant suits, between the ages of 3 and 16 years, that have been selling
from $2.00 to $7.00, placed on our bargain counter at a price within the
reach of everyone. This week we make a special offer of a waist with
every suit between tho ages of 4 to 11 years.
PRICES $f .t5 UP TO $3.35,
....A NEW HAT....
We are never behind with hat styles. Tho fall hats are handsome. We
have different blocks suitable for men of different ages and different
builds. If .lyou.are a stiff hat man or a soft hat man, you will find the hat
here to fit your face as well as your head.
PRICES $3.00 AND $.50
See Out Window For New Designs In Negligee Shifts
Salem Woolen Mill Stoe
C. P. BISHOP, Proprietor.
Miss Mabel Croniso, of Corvallls, Is
visiting relatives In this city.
Lester Seeley, of Portland, Is visit
ing friends In this city for a few days.
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Welch returned
home this morning. The former has
spent sevoral days In tho Mohawk
country, while Mra. Welch was called"
to Albany by the severe Illness of
their child, who was visiting Its
To Confer With Members of the City
Council Strike Breakers
Walk Out
Panama, Aug. 25. United States
Consul-Genoial Hesoklah Gudgor,
spending the past few days at Jeffor-! Chief Sanitary Officer Gorgas and Ad-
son returned home last evening. mlral Kenny, sailed for New York
Mrs. Hussey and son, of Turner, re-' this morning. It Is said that Gudgor
turned to their homo this morning, 'goes to stump Indiana for Roosovolt.
after a visit with Mrs. A. Ollngor. I Gorgas Is seeking materials to mako
Miss Alta Savage left last evening . tho Isthmus more healthy.
Chicago, Aug. 25. The packers at the dangers of strike
tho meeting today appointed a com-mornInK while on his
mIMnc nf thi-no Mnfoi- ruHVl flip J'rdS lUS bUgg)'
peace committee of the council to
took nourishment well. The pros-
jitt Ann tsxtm n AntH f Ahin Kin tnP lstr.
Dr. W. D McNary went to Newport '""-lD ."... . " .
.. , , . . ,r, ., ,, over, ne is sua weaic a cnango ior
this morning, where ho will Join his .. . .,
Fifty strike-breakers at the tho entrance to the yards,
plant, Btruck today out of ,ence of Armour enraged the strikers
sympathy with their leader, Frank and thero were yells of "Stone him."
1 .l..n .1 r 1 1 1 n .1 1 rt A r ! t 1 nnrl
sleeping apartment. The men de- " " "'V, .
mand.ed his reinstatement, which was, ln them n'lnS '" nl directions.
ivmiuur iusi nu uiuo in kuuiuk m-
for Aurora, where she will visit Mls3
Orletta- Krausso for a few days.
Mrs. E. Armstrong has been ap-'
pointed mntron at the W. C. T. U.
i. . -.. . -.. ... i
ilotlng. This IIa", anu vnl ,eslue al Ule na"
way to the
drove Into a crowd
of disorderly strikers whom tho po.,w,le. w mecewea mm a wcok ago.
lice were triinir to force back from I Mr and Mrs- J- 9- Watklns, of Ne-
The pres- va(ln' Iowa, arrived today and will
look over tho capital city for a loca
tion, i
Mr. and Ms. G. Goswlck anddaugh-
camo home last
night from a month's outing at New
Hoar Is Improving.
Worcester, Ma38., Aug. 25-
,,, ,,,, ,loon , ',,',, .,.! te crowd threateningly surround- Mr- nnd rMs- G- Go!
, who had been discharged be- ' tor MIss Jennle c
he insisted on smoking In theied tho migg). The police made a
Chicago, Aug. 25. Ogden Armour
has received Intimate knowledge of
Take nutmeg; one is not as
good as another. Schilling's
Best, in nutmeg, is ground fine
from difficult nuts to grind be
cause full of oil ; the oil is their
virtue. There are dry nuts;
there are wormy nuts. We are
no more careful in nutmegs
than all through.
Your grocer's; moncyback.
side the shelter of the fence.
The packers held a moetlng this
morning and discussed tho letters
sent them by Mayor Harrison asking
them to meet the council committee
tomorrow. It Is reported as prob
able that the packers sent a diplo
matic note to tho mayor agreeing to
meet the committee, but declaring
that tho strilio was ended and that
business Is running almost at Its nop
mal capacity.
A Real Estate Bargain.
320-acro farm In Minnesota to ex
change for a farm In tho Willamette
valley, also three dwellings la Dos
Moines, Iowa, to exchange for resi
dence property In Salem,
8-20-3t DERBY & WILSON.
; 4H 1 1 I III I H-H-l 1 1 I i II II
! I Log Cabin Creams
: and
' '. Peppermint Chews
! Zmn s
'' 154 State St. Phone 1971 f
San Francisco, Aug. 20. Jeffrjea
and Munroo rested all morning. Jeff
ries returning to bed Immediately af
ter breakfast. This afternoon Jeff
ries will row and drive, and Munroe
will tako a walk. Both are In good
spirits, Munroo being especially so.
Ho Is Jubilant over tho stipulation
agreed to last night, that the fighters
must protect themselves In t'na
clinches and breakaways He believes
It gives him an advantago. The odds
remain at 100 to 35. but thero to little
Hllilllllllllllll II HIH i betUng.
the Council
Best of everything.
OPEN ALL NIGHT fine Wines, Liquors and Ggars
I Winner Block, 141 State St. J. A. Cooper, Prop., Phone Main 491.
aMaMl,, '
Miss Lizzie Phllllppl, of Eugene, Is
tho guest of MIsn Rachel Dove for a
few days, and will then go to Inde
pendence to visit.
Hon. Claud Gateii and son went to
Newport this morning, whore they
will Join Mrs. Gatch and Miss Ryth,
and spend a few days.
Mm. E. H Haslam returned to her
homo In Portland yesterday, after sov
eral days' visit with her mother, Mrs.
Mary L. Adams, of North Salem.
Leonard Krebs returned yesterday
from an extended trip In tho East,
where ho visited tho St. Louis expo
sition and soveral other points of Interest.
Dr. and Mrs. E. E. Jackson returned
from the coast last evening. They
spent four weeks at Slak Creek, Tilla
mook, and other rosorts on the
Mia Charlotte Coono, of Portland,
came up today, and will visit with
frlonda for a few days, beforo going to
California, where ohe intends to spend
tho winter.
Rev. and Mrs. O. F. West and daugh
ter, of Seattle, Wash., are visiting In
tho city. Mr West has tho position
of chaplain to the seamen at that
place. Ho formerly rotldod in this
Mrs. John Potorson, of South Da
kota, arrived in tho city today, and
will visit relative. Her husband,
Hon. John Peterson,, who is a dole
gate to the Mining Con gross at Port
land, will Join her hero Saturday.
Mlsa Mamie Haalam, of Portland.
1b vUlting at tho home of her grand
mother, Mrs. Mary U Adams, In
North Salem. Miss Haslam is a very
charming little miss, who has been
with the Baker Thoator Stock Com
pany and was with that company on
their tour of California last year. She
will spend about a week here. Hor
mother, who has been with her. re
turned to Portland yesterday
Dress Goods
Walking Skirts
New Stiits
Fall goods are arriving dally.
Aa usual this fttoro will bo first
to show now things.
Our now lino of Walking Skirts
are tho best values wo'vo Boon.
They'ro made as swell' as nny
garment to bo found, and tho
prices are unusually low.
$4.50, $5.00,
$5.50, $6.00.
When you think of Black Silk
"Think of Morvsybak."
881 Ha(Mfl
Wonderfal bargains In I
At The Old
Cronise Studio,
Over tho New York Racket Storo.
I $2.50 pet Do.
The Willamette.
J. O. Smith, Rlalock, Or.
Wm. J Mariner, Rlalock. Or.
Chas. Gauld,- Portland.
A. H. Dovere, Portland.
Henry Hahn, Portlnnd.
A. McL. Hawks, Tacoma.
Julius Low, Portland.
C. J. Ilea. Portland.
ThoS.'. 'Kennedy, Woodburn.
Mrs 'Thos. S. Konnod Woodburn,
Thomas Rooves, San Franolsco.
John C. Conrad, Portland.
L. :0. Ralston, Portland.
R. W, McIammI, San Franolsco.
W. S. McFarland, San Franolsco,
M. B .Travis, Chicago.
H.C. Sahodo, Portland.
F. E. Van Haren, Ban Francisco,
W.8. Wallace, Boston.
F. J. Eldrlodgo, OervalH.
C. C. Patrick, Dos Moines, It).
A. II. Townloy, Sidney, O.
U T. Ellis, Portland.
A. C. Ievy, San Fronaldco.
Harry C. Boyd, New York. .
E. W. Sanders. I -a Orange, III.
C. Q. Schorger, Aurora, III,
0. W. Hobson and wife, Tacoma.
A. O, Prouty, Philadelphia.
1. Frend, San Francisco.
A. T. BuBwell, San Franolico.
W. S. Clark, San Franolsco.
A. II, Rohror, San Francisco.
JamOB A. Fee, Pendleton.
Geo.'W. Harrison. San Franolico
Isaac M. Allen, PltUtburg, Pu.
J. C. Wolff, Sllverton.
Popular Reading Room.
Mrs, E, Armstrong ha been ap
polntod matron of llio W. C T. U. hall
and has rearranged the roadlng room.
A large number of young men and
women are taking advantago of the
oxcellent publication! and periodicals
on fllo at tho room, and. under Mr.
Armstrong's chorgo, It promises to
become more popular than ever
A 7
"Whoro (luallty reigns supremo"
Uncle Sam's Lottery.
Devils Lake, N. D, Aug. 21. Tho
drawing of land on tho Fort Totton ro
sorvo begun this morning at Devils
Lake In tho prosonco of a big crowd
Tho first allotment, valued at ?5000,
was drawn by Bruce Warren, of For
est RIvor, N. D.
Plentiful Palatable
at the
j j White House
:: Restaurant
j George Bros. Props.
e ! I MMH HM
Wall Paper
Latest designs in stock,
J and good work guaran-
teed. We have the smaH
2 store and small prices
I E. L Lemmon
299 Liberty St.
Phone 2475
Didn't See the Races.
Tho boT toll a good story on "Undo
Bill' Anderson, and hen does not deny
That well-known Jolllor is a raco
horso man of tho old school Whon
ho was on tho turf one of his mottoes
was "If tho races Interfere with your
fun, (pilt tho races," and ho studious
ly follow tho rule, oven to this day
Last woek ho mado a trip to Portland
for tho expross purposo of unending
tho racos now In progress at tho
Irvlngtou track, but he had to con
tent himself with roadlng an account
of the iluslios In tho newspaper tho
next tlay.
Ho was busy, In fact It was IiIh hur
ry up period, and he could not spare
(ho time. He met u dozou or so of his
Old friend, and It wan well along to
ward h train time bofore ho thought
of his object in Portland. The races
were over for the day, and W. It An
demon roturnod to the bosom of his
family. Ho sa)M that he Is going to
employ a ohaperono tho next time he
goes to Portland.
- o
Bun to Ite Kind m Han AI3rtBsht
Sold by
Most of
mor nu HiO'ittainKi hiihiiiihu