Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, August 23, 1904, Page THREE, Image 3

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Tnat irjr
. ."iz--ac ::irxa , ,a;
S '
Wanted Lady or gentleman of fair
education to travel for a Arm or
1250,000 capital. Salary $1072 per
year and expenses; paid) weekly. Ad
dress with stamp, J. A. Alexander,
Salem, Or. 8-19-3t
i 150 Hop Pickers Wanted Hegtster
at Q. W. Johnson & Co's. clothing
store. Easy picking, near town 8-G-tf
Wanted. To purchase a piece of land
suitable for potatoes, hops or hay.
AddrosB, with particulars, lock box
488, Salem, Oregon. 7-1-tf
For Sale A two-seated carriage or
Burrey, as good as new, for about
halt price. A. P. Hofer, Jr., Jour
nal ofllco.
For 8ale. Three-fourths of an acre of
land, within city limits, near school
house, good house and barn, fruit
of all kinds. A bargain at reason
able terms. Inquire at Journal of
flco. 8-2-tf
Screen Doors Lawn and field fence,
barb wire, shingles, P. & B. ready
roofing and building papor. Exten
sion ladders, gates and gate hard
ware. All at lowost prices. Walter
Morloy, CO Court street, Salem.
For Sale. Carload split cedar posts
for sale, also sawed and' surfaced,
fivo grades of shingles on hand, the
only plaqe in the city you can get
Detroit ehlnglos. Lumber of all
kinds ready to go to any part of
town, Eoon as you order It. S. P.
McCrackon. Detroit Lumber Yard,
High and Trade street. Phone
2495 Black. 8-19-lwk.
Lost. Ora Friday, small chain brace
let with gold heart. Return to Mrs.
Chas. Hellenbrand, Willamette hotel
Lost. A small gun metal Gibson head
pint Return' to Bessie Schultz, Jour
nal ofllco.
George H. Hall & Co. Livery aud
transfer line, Newport, Or. Special
attention given to handling baggago
and camp outfits. Hack to Otter
Rock and Lighthouse. Good saddlo
herso9. Ono block east of steamer
landing. 7-13-2m
Hotel Scott Newly furnished, every
thing clean and first class. Rooms
at reasonable price3. In Cottlo
block, Salem. A. Scott, prop. 7-6-tf,
New Lodging House, Everything
now, clean and comfortable. Schrelb
or, block, 149-1B1 Stato street. Mat
tie Hutchlns. prop. 6-9-tt
Bay Have you tried Edwards & Lusch
er's for meats. We have the boat
sausage in town. Come and try it
and bo conlnced. 410 East State
Salem Truck and Dray Co. Oldest
and best equipped company In Sa
lem. Piano and furniture mov-nj
a specialty Ofllco 'phone, 861. W.
W. Brown & Son, proprietor. Office
No. 60 State street 9-1-lm
For Rent 7-room house,
with well
Inquire of
v water pipes in house.
A. Schrelber, 424 High, or 153 Stato
Romi to nont Twelve furnished or
ULfurnished rooms to rent Loca
tioi, on street car line, and one
bkxk to S. P. depot. Call on J. O.
QoodW 12th and Oak streets. C-20tf
Undertaker. We carry the larrw
and fintst line of undertaker's jroodi
In th0 city. Prices to suit all
Dlack and white hearse. Prompt
reliable. Save money by calling '
ISo. 187. A. M. Clougb, A. J. Ban
Evan Barber Shop Only flrflteUw
hop on State Btreet. Every tki
new and up-to-uate. Finest pom
lain bathB. Shave, 15c; hair-cut Mt
baths, 25c. Two nrst-clasa bo4
blacks. O. W. Evans, proprUtor.
Hop Baskets.
Hop Basket, All kinda of baskets.
Hold youi orders for Walter Mor
ley, CO Court Btreot, Salem.
Welch & White do a general dray
and transfer business, meet oil
trains. 'Phones, down town, Main
2181, residences, Blue 15, red 207C.
Stand 218 Commerslal street 8-12-lm
Dra. Schoettle and Mercer, successors
to Schoettla, Barr & Darr, Oate
ophatha, Odd Fellows' temple, Bar
lem, Oregon.
Ollvo Lodge, No. 18, I. O. O. F. I. O
O. P. Hall, Saturday each wook, w
7: JO p. m. B. B. Herrick, Jr., N. Q.
Frank P. Toevs, recording socreUrj
8alem Camp, No. 118, Woodmen of thi
World Meets in Holman Hall ever;
Friday at 7:30 p. m. P. L. Frasle'
Consul. Wylle A. Moores, Seen
tary. 1-12-lyr
Valley lodge No. 18, A. O. U. W. Mwti
in their hall in Holman block, co
ner Stnto and Liberty, every Hot
day evening. Visiting brethr
welcome. Emll Donaldson, M. W.
A. E. Aufrance, Recorder.
Central Lodge No. 18, K. of P. Casu
Hall in Holman block, corner Stat
and Liberty Sts. T-esday of eat'
week at 7:30 p. m. H. H. Turnei
C. C; W. I. Staloy, K. of R, and S.
Foresters of America Court Bat
wood Forestors No. 19. Meets Yr
day in TuYner block. H. 0
Meyer, C. IL; A. L. Brown. Sec.
Modem Woodmen of America Or
gon Cedar Camp No. 5246. Mtt
every Thursday ovoning at 8 o'cleel
Holman Hall, E. E. Matten, T
C: A. L. Brown. Clerk.
For water service apply at otflct
Bills payable monthly in advane
Mao all complaints at the office.
shop of
! G. F. Mason
Miller street, South Salem
PHONE 2191 Red.
waf wwhwb
Great sale of Chinese and Japanese
fancy goods. Wo also make up all
kinds of wrappers and waists, under
wear and skirts. Gents' and ladles'
furnishing goods, Bilks, laces and em
broideries. All kinds of Bummor goodr
matting, etc. Court street, corner c
alley, Salem
PILES Bu Bupposllorg
rm-ww n u... ThoinM... Bict. I
Oltdad SdSMlf, BltUlvlUt, X. C, mltM i ( ... MJ I
Uuy d. .11 yw ilila for thra." Dr. p. V. Ixrort.
IUtu Bok, w. T... wrlui t ' T.r f 1. uMf m.1 itUs-
rutiB." ur. 11. u. ucuiu. iiti.i&.fr. l.n... wtir
"US BtMUM r 11 jmii, i ..t. wuQ4 mo rim!,
iul TMrl." rues. 10 Cirra. Staple! tnt. it
Sold In Caltm by S. C etona.
Call for Free Samples.
Star Restaurant
Best 15c meals a the city. Coffee
with cakes 5c. 21 meal tickets for
$2.75. 204 Commercial street.
Notary Public; conveyancing
and examining titles. Life, health
and accident insurance. Room 9,
Odd Fellows' building, opposlto
Court House.
At tho Salem Steam Dye Works.
You can get your suits pressed for 50
cents. Try us once, and you will
como again.
Big Ct op?
The crops In this lino are not
the largest, but good. As a
result many will need repairs
made on their driers. We are
prepared to do quick and good
work In this line.
Sheet Iron Worker and
May be gone audyet the remaining lung
will be amply sufficient to sustain a vigor
ous vitality. As a general thing few peo
ple make more use of both lungs than is
equivalent to a healthy use of one lung.
These facts are nil in the favoc of the
man or woman with weak lungs, even
when disease has a strong grip on them.
Many a person
living in health
to day lias the
lungs marked by
the healed scars
of disease.
Dr. Pierce's
Golden Medical
Discovery makes
weak lungs
strong. It cures
obstinate, deep
seated coughs,
bronchitis, bleed
ing lungs and
other conditions,
which, if neglect
ed or unskilfully
treated, find n
fatal termination
in consumption,
"Ihad been troub
led with, lung dU
enie and pleurisy
for number of
Venn and the trouble,
had almost become
chronic," write A. 8.
Itlam, of Hone. la.
t Had several kinda
of medicine from different phynldim without
much benefit. At last wrote to Dr. R. V. Pierce
and pot his advice, and began using his 'Golden
Medical Discovery.' I have used twenty-five
bottles. When I commenced fating it I had no
aonetite. mv system was comDletefv run-down.
had no ambition to do anything. Now I feel
better than I did before I got sick. Have a good
appetite and am able to do my work, I sin
cerely recommend Dr Pierce's Golden Medical
Discovery to alt who are afflicted as I was."
Those who suffer from chronic dis
eases are invited to consult Dr. Pierce,
by letter, free All correspondence
strictly private. Address Dr. R., V.
Pierce, Buffalo, N. Y.
Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets assist Uu
action of the, "Discovery."
American Microscopical Society.
Buffalo, N. Y Aug. 23. The Ameri
can Microscopical society is holding
Its twcntyifourth or silver Jubilee
convention In this city where the so
ciety was first organized 25 years ago.
Prominent scientists from' many parts
of tho United States and Canada aro
in attendance At the opening session
loday Mayor Knight welcomed the
visitors on behalf of the city and T.
Guilford Smith extended greeting for
tho Huffalo Society of Natural Sci
ences. Tho sessions will contlnuo
threo days, with Professor T. J. Ilnr
till, of Urbana, III., presiding.
Ancient Order of Hibernian..
Camden, N. J., Aug. 23. The An
cient Order of Hibernians began Its
annual stato convention here today.
About 350 delegates, representing all
the divisions in Now Jersey, are in
attendance. Tho convention was
called to order by President James
A. Hrcniian.
Ontario Rifle Matches.
Toronto, Onti, Aug. 23. Tho annual
contests of the Ontario Hlflo associa
tion began loday at tho Long Branch
ranges and will contlnuo until Friday.
The largo unmber of entries is expect
ed to result In somo smashing of reo
Sure Cure for Piles.
Itching piles produce moisture and
causo Itching, this form, as well as
Bling, Bleeding or Protruding Piles
aro cured by Dr. Bo-san-ko'a Pile
Remedy Stops Itching and blooding.
Absorbs tumors, 50c a Jar at drug
gist, or sent by mail. Treaties free.
Write mo about your case. Dr. Bo
sanko, Phlla., Pa.
Fore sale by Dr. S. C. Stone, druggist.
A. Olingor, tho old reliablo carpen
ter, has again opened a Bhop with W.
T. RIgdon, tho Court-street undertak
er, and is ready now to take orders
for Job work on Immedlato call. Rig
don's phone, 2271, 142 Court Btreet,
Tho forty-second scholastic year
boglns September 12. Sanitary and
other improvements lately mado In
tho building. Academic, commercial,
grammar gradea Intermediate and
primary courses. Pupils prepared for
toachor'B certificate's. Full course in
mtnlc. Particular attention paid to
health and moral training. Address
Sister Superior.
Tho rarest of all wild beasts Is tho
rhinoceros, and tho only ono Jn cap
tlvity is In tho menagerie of Rlugllng
Brothers' World's! Greatest Shows.
Naturalists estlmato this specimen as
ieyond price, and scientist, explor
ers and students have como from all
parts of tho world to Inspect tho curl
ous heart. Tho educational value !
a visit to this menagerie rannot be
For Infant and Children.
Tfis Kind You Have Always Biufbt
Bears tho
Bignatroro of
Donned Garb of a Chinaman,
butWa6 Discovered
St Petersburg, Aug. 2?. An inter
esting stpry of the. adventures of n
Russian spy named,Vdlkbrf is pub
lished hero.' The man gives the fol
gives the
lowing account,, of hlsyexperlences.
"After tho,battlo.of Wafangkow 1
was lying -near. General Sanisonoff's
tent, and 'heard him iay lolo com
mander of tho regiment, 'Wo must
send out a scout to tho Japanese who
could spy out their positions and re
port to us.' I offered to go disguised
to the Japanese position. I was given
six roubles to bribe Chinamen, if nec
essary, and also a revolver. I shaved
my hair In front like a Chinaman,
tied on a pigtail, and. put on a Chinese
dress, with slippers and hat.
"At dawn on July 20 I eamo to tho
town of Senuchon. There was nobody
there. The Russians hnd left It, and
tho Chlneso had nil run away. Sud
denly a cavalry detachment of about
20 men with an officer camo toward
me. Tho officer rodo out and asked
In Chlnoso whero the Russians! wore
and what was tholr strength. I know
a llttlo Chinese, ami answered him,
but olther I said something wrong or
ho noticed my revolver and money
bulging out. At any; rate, ho became
suspicious, and sioko somo words tc
his men. Two of tho lnttor thereup
on dismounted and camo toward me.
I decided to ell my life dearly, for
I knew It would bo forfeited if I were
captured. 1 pulled out my rovolvcr,
and as tho two soldiers approached
I fired two shots at thorn. Both tho
men fell. I then fired at tho officer,
bringing him to tho ground, and af
terwards emptied tho revolver at four
other men. Tho soldiers lost tholr
heads and galloped away, and as tlioy
did so I saw four mon 1 had shot at
fall seveially from tholr caddies
"Thon I jumped on ono of the
horses which had remained closo by
and galloped away for my life. General-
Samsonoff promoted mo to tho
rank or an officer, gnvo mo tho horso
and saddlo, and sent mo on to the
commander-in-chief, who thanked and
embraced me."
Texas Republicans.
Fort Worth, Toxas, Aug. 23. With
prospects bright for a harmonious
gathering, tho Republican stato con
vention to nomlnato a stato ticket
was called to order horo today. With
practically no chanco of capturing
any of tho stato offices tho party lead
ers aro hopeful of winning In ono or
more of tho congressional districts
and Xo this end will urge the national
commltteo to contribute to tho cam
paign fundJ. It Is said that tho con
vention will adopt a resolution for
mally Inviting ox-Governor James
Hogg, who recently assailed tho Dem
ocratic national ticket, to Join tho
Republican party.
Tho Republican Ivcaguo of Texas
met this morning and chose dologates
to attend tho convention of tho Na
tional Republican league to bo held
at Indianapolis In October.
Texas Prohibitionists.
Waco, Toxas, Aug. 23. Roprcsenta
tlvo Prohibitionists of Texas assem
bled In stato convention horo today
aud weto called to order in tho city
hall at 10 o'clock this morning, Tho
convention will namo candidates for
tho stato offices to bo filled at tho No
vember election. On tho opening of
tho stato convention a rousing ovation
was given Geogo W. Carroll, of Beau
mont, tho Prohibition candldato for
Dominion M. D.'s In Sesnlon.
Vancouver, Ik C, Aug. 23. Promi
nent physicians and surgeons from
all over the. Dominion wore present
today at tho owning of the annual
convention of tho Canadian Medical
association. Tho convention will bo
In sosslon several dayB. Following
lt closo tho membors of tho osaoeia
lion will take an exquraipn to Alaska
as guests of tho Coast raodlca frater
.. o
The Divine Sarah Mulcted.
Paris. Aug. 28. A child aotross.
Suzanne Juglerska, ha obtained ?50
Jamages from Mmo. Sarah Hdrniianlt
for breach of contract. Tho youthful
ao tress had boon engaged for tho rolo
of Madamo Royal, In "Varonnes." but
after 10 rehearsals Mmo. Bernhardt
refused to let her appear. Tho court
held tfiat this could not be done
without incurring a liability, nor was
lh artist bound to accept the sub
stitution of another role under such
Tho Kind Yon Hnvo Always Bought, anil which 1ms bccqi
in uso for over 30 years, 1ms horno tho slfrnntnro of
nml litis been intulo under his por-
A jC&"ffljtV sonnl supervision slnco its lnftinoy.
tanrrt 'tCA4K Allow no ono to decelvo you in this.
All Counterfeits, Imitations nnd"Just-ns-frood"aro bufc
Experiments that trlllo with and endanger tho health of
Infiuits nml Children Experlonco against Experiment.
What is CASTOR I A
Oastorla is n harmless substltuto for Castor Oil, Fore
gorlc, Drops and Soothing; Syrups. It is Pleasant ,Ifc
contains noither Opium. Morphino nor other Narco'tlci
substance Its ago is its guarantee. It destroys Wornw ,
nnd allays Fovorlslmcss. It cures Diarrhooa and Wind,
Colic. It relieves Teething' Troubles, cures Constipation
nnd Flatulency. It assimilates tho Food, regulates the
Stomach nnd Bowels, gii ing healthy and natural sleep.
Tho Children's Pauacca Tho Mother's Friend.
Bears tho
The Kind You Have Always Bought
On Use For Over 30 Years.
wf on f atae
Do What
We guarantee sufficient proof that Dr. J. P. Cook the Botanical)
Doctor cures all kinds of diseases after all other schools and dootora
have failed, such as cancer, tumors, (external and Internal) Gravel
kidney, bone diseases. Consumption, gall stones, rheumatism,,
dropsy, and dlabets, appendicitis
diseases, all the foregoing withuot tho knife, or plaster or poison,
and with no pain to the patient whatever.
Testimonials of prominent people. Consultation free. .. ,. . ,.,
D. J F. Cook
301 Liberty St., Salem, Oregon.
Formerly of Omaha, Neb.
Shave Yourself
It la a p!easuro and ronl homo comfort with the genuine "Three
Star," tho original anil moChanlcnl porfect Safoty Razor. Oyer
five million users appreciate dally tho valuo. of this marvol of slnv
p'.Icity; Star 8afety Razors, in usoovory doiji slnco 187C, nTO stlli
giving absoluto satisfaction today.
This speaks for tho quality and1 moult of tho "Star." Saves Money,
Time and Inconvenience. Tho oxponso of being nhaved by a bap.
bor amounts to about $40 to $G0 a year to tho average gentleman.,
It Is Impossible to estlmato tho valuo of time lost in tiio harbor
hop, as you aro vory often compelled to wait until tho barber geta
ready to call "noxt," To shavo comfortably wltit tho Star takes
from threo to five mlntitea and requires absolutely no oxporJoiico,
It is Impossible to cut your face or oven Hcratch eamo while shav
ing yourself. ' '
R. JM. WADE & CO., Salem, Ote.
:?::::::A G E N
"""""""""""","1 "" "
Oats For Sale.
HOP GROWERS SUPPLIES. Crude nd otlck Sulchur.
J. G. Graham, Agent,
Have You Ever Ordered Your Groceries from
Ha2tt & Lawrence
It not, you aro away bohind tho times. Howovor, they are Hi
ways glad to ice new patrons, and If you call on thorn, you will b
tnoro than pleased. You will And thorn at tbo cornor of Commercial
and Ferry streets.
Sale Ten Million Boxes a Year.
25c, 50C
Signature of
We Claim
have never yet failed, and female,
C Y O F:::mti
207 Commercial St.t Saltm, On.' j
! fl
; 1
, if