"Trjr f y-TUr UmAmSImi n I DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM, OREGON, MONDAY, AUGUST 22, 1904. SEVEN iiTffiUniu. CLASSIFIED WANTED. Wanted. A middle-aged lady wants work in a private family. Reason able wages. References given if wished. Call at Sprague's agency, 180 State street. 8-18-3t Hop Pickers Wanted Resistor P.r. Johnaon-fc-tsr-tfoiairrg store. Easy picking, near town 8-6-tf Wanted. To purchase a piece of land u BuuaDio ror potatoes. hoDa or hnv. JJV.IflrAQQ wttTl nn.Mfiii1n.a lnMl. l.nw 488, Salem, Oregon. 7-1-tf .Place Wanted By a JaDanese few hours work daily, general housework or somo other kind of work. Inquire 204 Commercial street. 8-lG-3t FOR 8ALE. w For Sale A two-seated carrlace e: surrey, as good as new, for about half price. A. P. Hofer, Jr., Jour nal office. For Sale. Three-fourths of an acre of land, within city limits, near school house, good house and barn, fruit of all kindB. A bargain at reason able terms. Inqulro at Journal of fice. 8-2-tf Screen Doors Lawn and field fence, barb wire, shingles, P. & B. ready roofing and building paper. Exten sion ladders, gates and gate hard ware. All at lowest prices. Walter Morley, CO Court street, Salem. MI8CELLANEOU8. Lost A small gun metal Gibson head pin. Return to Bessie Schultz, Jour nal office. Escaped A parrot from the resi dence of Dr. Starr, 311 Summer street. Anyone returning the bird or giving Information concerning it will be suitably rewarded. Dr. I. W. Starr. 8-12-3t George H. Hall & Co. Livery and transfer line, Newport, Or. Special attention given to handling baggage and camp outfits. Hack to Otter Rock and Lighthouse. Good saddle hersos. One block east of steamer landing. 7-13-2m Hotel Scott Newly furnished, every thing clean and first class. Rooms at reasonable prices. In Cottlo block, Salem. A. Scott, prop. 7-6-tf. New Lodging House. Everything new, clean and comfortable. Schrelb er block, 149-151 Stato street. Mat tie Hutchlns. prop. C-9-tf Say Have you tried Edwards & Lusch er's for meats. We have the best sausage in town. Come and try it, and be conduced. 410 East State street 8alem Truck and Dray Co. Oldest and best equipped company In Sa lem. Plaqo ard furniture mov.ng a specialty Office 'phone, 861. W. W. Brown & Son, proprietor. Offlco No. 60 State street 9-1-lm FOR RENT. For Rent. A good grain, and stock farm for $1.25 per acre. Address box 113 Turner, Oregon. 8-18-3t For Rent 7-room house, with well water pipes in house. Inqulro of A. Schrelber, 424 High, or 153 Stato street. 8-15-tf For Rent NIco 5-room cottage, with rioTV flirnltUlo. Goo Tiaip) Su Will sow. 8-15-3t For Rent Two or three furnished rooma, also somo regular boarders wanted. Inqulro at the northwest corner Winter and Mill streets. 8-16-3t. Rooms to Rent Twelve furnished or unfurnished rooma to rent Loca tion on streot car "line, and one block to S. P. depot. Call on J. C. Goodale, 12th and Oak streets. 6-20tf UNDERTAKERS. Mat" Undertaker. We carry the laws' and finest line of undertaker's goods in the city. Prlcoa to suit all Black and white hearso. Prompt reliable. Save money by callins v No. 167. A. M. Clougb, A. J. Bmj lAt-tt TON80RIAL AND BATH8. Evan's Barber 8hop Only first-chui shop on State street Every tilai new and up-to-uato. Finest pore lain baths. Shave, 15c; hair-cut baths, 25c. Two flrst-clasi boot blacks. O. W. Evans, proprietor Hop Baskets. Hop Basket-All kinda of baskets. how youi oraors ior wnwnr ui ley, 60 Court street, Salem. DRAYMEN. Welch &. Whlto do a general dray and transfer business, meet all trains. 'Phones, down town, Main ?isi MiMnniwi nitm IS. red 2076. Stand 218 Commercial street 8-12-lm OSTEOPATHS. Drs. Schoettle and Mercer, successors to Schoettle, Barr & Barr, Oste ophaths, Odd Fellows' temple, Sa lem, Oregon. LODGES. Hvo-Lodaci-Nor-ia h-Or-O.- Fi 1. O- O. P. Hall, Saturday each week, at 7:30 p. m. B. B. Herrlck, Jr., N. O.j Frank F. Toevs, recording secretary Salem Camp, No. 11B, Woodmen of th World Meets In Holman Hall overj Friday at 7:30 p. m. P. L. FrasUr Consul. Wylle A. Moores, Secre tary. 1-12-lyr Valley lodge No. 18, A. O. U. W. Mwii in their hall In Holman block, cot ner State and Liberty, every Mea day evening. VlBitlng brothr welcome. Emil Donaldson, M. W. A. E. Aufrance, Recorder. Central Lodgo No. 18, K. of P. CmU. Hall In Holman block, corner 8tat and Liberty Sts. T-esday of eel week at 7:30 p. m. H. H. Turner C. C; W. I. Staley, K. of R. and S. Foresters of Amorlca Court (8k wood Foresters No. 19. Meets Fxl day In Turner block. H. O Meyer, C. R.; A. L. Brown. Seo. Modem Woodmen of America On gon Cedar Camp No. 5246. Mutt every Thursday evening at 8 o'cleI Holman Hall, E. E. Matten, C: A. L. Brown. Clerk. WATER COMPANY. SALEM WATER COMPANY OFFICE CITY HALL. For water service apply at offle Bills payable monthly in advanei Mae all complaints at the office. 43 CWaMHM ALL KINDS OF FRUIT TRAYS AND ORCHARD BOXES atthe shop of I G. F. Mason ! Miller street, South Salem PHONE 2191 Red. WWW WWW WW www www HUIE WING SANG CO. Great salo of Chinese and Japanese fancy goods. Wo also make up all kinds of wrappers and waists, under wear and skirts. Gents' and ladies' furnishing v goods, silks, laces and em broideries, All kinds of summer foodr matting, etc. Court street, corner c tlley. Salem ITir WSJP1 inpin.iinjMU PILES RU- suppositom Ond.d SchMU. SllU.rtlU. .H. C . wrlt.i I " I u ! Ur d tl in cltlit lor ibmi " vt, B. U. Ixtoh, I tUruRMk.W. V.friw. MTb7ilftuttrriillftlU- 1" rMiit.fi." Dr. u. u Mem!!, utiiibirc. Ttoa.. wric "lm prMilt ef 11 jtui. X b. faiEt-1 r.nu,. Qftl jearl." rici, 11 Cirts. S.oifl.. Frt. SI I) DnslUU. uHr,TN H'JDT, lANCHlTCN. r. Sold In Salem by 8. C. Stone. Call for Free flamples. FRANK DAVEY Notary Public; conveyancing and examining titles. Life, health ind accident insurance. Room 9, Odd Fellows' building, opposite Court House. Listen At the Salem Steam Dye Works. You can get your suits pressed for 50 cents. Try us once, and you win come again. MRS. C. H. WALKER. MM Hops rtisit Big Crop? I The crops in this line aro not I the largest, but good. As a result many villi need repairs made on their driers. We are prepared to do quick and good work in this line. BURROUGHS & ERASER Sheet Iron Workers and Plumbers. TMMMM11MMM1MW " toot oouragm and though I would noror regain my hmmUh." "Three years of delicate health trying doctors' prescriptions and patent medicines" without benefit might well sap the courage of any woman. And vet Mrs. Bryant proved that the question of the cure of wom anly disease is only a question of using the right remedy. A few doses of 'Favorite Prescription' restored her courage and revived her hope, because she could sec na deemed change from the first" Three months' use of the medicine re stored her to perfect health. Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription cures irregularity, dries weakening drains, heals inflammation and ul ceration, and cures female weakness. Mrs. Sarah Bryant. Fitsldent or MrmphU Sodal Science Club, residing at 171 Atkinson Ae., Memphis, Tcnn., writes: "t suffered with delicate health for three years, trying doctors' prescriptions and patent medicines until I lost courage and thought I would never refrain my health; but a lew doses of your 'Favorite Prescription' made mechanic my mind. Could sec a decided change from the first, so t kept on talcing it for three mouths faithfully aud am now in perfect health." Dr. Pierce's Medical Adviser, in paper covers, is sent free on receipt of 31 one-cent stamps to pay expense of mailing only. Address Dr. R. V. Pierce, Buffalo, N. Y. GARDEN SPOT OF WORLD Salem Contractor Returns From Eastern Oregon Plains Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Gray returned last evening fionu Prlnovllle, where they have been spending the summer. Mr. Gray thinks that Eastern Ore tract, erecting a county high school building, which was constructed of stone and brick, and Is a fine educa tional monument. This la probably the first county high school built in the state, under the new law providing for such action, and meets a great need In that section of the country. Mr. Grfny thinks that Eastern Ore gon has wonderful resources, as ho says that Intense "neat la the natural order of things at this time of the year, but It is Interspersed with wind storms, and storms and water spouts and other little, etcetoras, that mako life a burden-. Ho says ho would not exchange one square foot of Wlllam ette valley soil for 100 squat e feet of that country, and i still of the opin ion that this Is the garden spot of the world. Sure Cure for Piles. Itching piles produco moisture and cause itching, this form, as well as Bllng, Bleeding or Protruding PII03 are cured by Dr. Bo-san-ko's Pile Remedy Stops Itching and bleeding. Absorbs tumors. 60c a jar at drug gist, or sent by mail. Treaties freo. Write mo about your case. Dr. Bo sanko, Phlla-j Pa. Foro salo by Dr. S. C. Stone, druggist A Real Estate Bargain. 320-acro farm' In Minnesota to ex change for a farm In the Willamette valley, also three dwellings in Des Moines, Iowa, to exchango for resi dence property In Salem. 8-20-3t DERBY & WILSON. Carpentry. A, Ollnger, the old rellablo carpen ter, has again opened a shop with W. T. RIgdon, the Court-street undertak er, and is ready now to tako orders for job work on Immediate call. Rig don's phone, 2271, 142 Court street lm A. OLINOER. ACADEMY OF THE SA CRED HEART SALEM, ORE. Tho forty-second scholastic year begins September 12. Sanitary and other improvements lately mado in tho building. Academic, commercial, grammar grades Intermediate and primary courses. Pupils prepared for toachor'a certificates. Full course In muulc. Particular attention paid to health atd moral training. Address Sister Superior, Star Restaurant Best 15c meals In- tho $lty. Coffee with cakes 5c. 21 meal tickets for 12.75. 204 Commercial street. POST OFFICE RULES Changed So as to Allow Un stamped ; Parcels to Be Mailed Washington, Aug. 22. Merchants and manufacturers of this city will bo much interested in tho series of regu lations scon to be Issued by Third As sistant Postmaster-General Madden for the execution of a provision of the postofflco appropriation bill designed to facilitate tho mailing of largo quan titles of circulars, catalogues, cards, calendars, samples of merchandise, etc., practically identical in size, weight, shape and general apiear once.. Tho provision of tho bill re ferred to 19 cs follews: "That hereafter, under such regula tions as tho postmaster-general may establish for tho collection of the law ful revenue and for facilitating tho handling of snch mattor in tho malls It shall bo unlawful 'to accept for transmissien: in tho malls quantities of not less than 2000 Identical pieces! of third and fourth class matter with out postage stamps afflxed1; provided, that postage shall bo fully prepaid thereon, at tho rate required by law for a singlo piece of such matter." Every merchant who has had occa sion to send out even a few thou sand circulars or catalogues appre ciates tho tedious and expensive work of stamping each separate piece of matter. The government also finds it costly business to properly cancel each stamp, for If tho Individual pieces of mall matter differ materially in shape aud size from an ordinary letter they cannot bo run through tho automatic canceling machines, but must bo laboriously hand-stamped. Tho general scope of the regula tions hns been: ascertained and can be stated here. Any person dosiriug to avail him self of tho privilege conferred by tho new law will bo required to fllo an application with tho postmaster of tho city or town in which his business Is located. After the approval of the application by tho postmaster tho ap plicant is registered In a book pro vided for that purpose, which consti tutes a iermanent record, obviating the necessity for subsequent applica tions. Upon receipt of a lot or mall mat ter, amounting to 2000 or moro pieces meeting tho requirements of tho law, tho postmaster will select a few pieces at uandom, which ho will open and examine to determine their iden tical characte.' He will then weigh several plecos to ascertain tho aver age weight and rato of postage per piece, after which ho will weigh a sufficient numbor to mako a pound, and front that basis will detarmlne tho total amount of postage to be paid. riioro Is an Important distinction between tho manner of ascertaining tho amount of postage to bo paid on matter mailed under tho new law and on eecond-clasa mall mattor (which goes at tho pound rate) which all morchnnta and others who may lm tend to avail themselves of tho now statute should clearly understand. Tho publisher' rato is levied on tho total amount or matter mailOu at tho statutory rato per pound, with out regard to tho numbor of pieces re quired to mako a pound. Under tho now law, however, tho rato per pleco on tho ontlre lot of mattor offored for mailing will bo the same as If a singlo pleco had boon mailed. In other uords, a sample of merchandise on which tho rate is ono cent per ounce will bo chargeablo at ono cent for each pleco, although it may weigh but little an ounco, or even less that Is to say, tho prlvlloge of mailing mat ter In bulk undor tho now law will not result In any reduction to tho to tal amount of postage to be paid. Inaimueh as tho new law Involvos tho opening of a systom of accounts not herotoforo provided for, and bo cauo tho total wolght of any glvon lot of , mall will ufford no Indication of the amount of jwstago paid thoreon, It wll le nocoseary for tho depart ment to tako special moaHuros to pro vent tho defrauding of tho rovunuos by collusion botween pc-stmastors and their patroiM). A very, skillfully preparod system of forms and roponte will bo, employed for this purpoo, however, nnd It l believed that without imposing any unnecessary restrictions upon tho ex ecution of tho law it can bo admini- tered with entire safety to the government. LtlAxxsJCC?xacJox Tho Kind You Tlavo Always Bought nntl which lias Uoch. la uso for over 30 yenrs, has homo tho signature of m ? ntl has hcou nrnilo undor hla pcr- C jCJ&Jty'flPir sonal supervision slnco its infancy. ytaf?ft JC4CCAM Allow no ono to deceive you in this. All Counterfeits, Imitations and" Just-ns-gootl"nro but; Xlxporlmcnts that triilo with and endanger tho health of Infants and Children Esnerlcnco ngaiust Experiment. What is CASTOR! A Oastorln is n harmless substltuto for Castor Oil Ford" gorlc, Drops nnd Soothing Syrups. It is Pleasant Ifc contains neither Opium, Morphluo nor other Narcotic substance. Its ago is its guarantee It destroys Worms nnd allays Fovorlshncss. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation ' and Flatulency. It assimilates tho Food, regulates tho Stomach and Bowels, git ing healthy aud natural sloop. Tho Children's Panacea Tho Mother's Frlond. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAVJS Boars the The Kind You Have Always BougM In Use For Over 30 Years. TH ocHTMtn oommnt, v satliiRky Tncrr, niw torh errv. mmm99999im Do What We Claim We guarantee sufficient proof that Dr. J, F. Cook tho Botanical Doctor cures all kinds of diseases after all other schools and doctora have failed, such as cancer, tumors, (external and Internal) Grave I Z kidney, bone diseases. Consumption, gall atones, rheumatism, dropsy, and dlabets, appendicitis have never yet failed, and female diseases, all tho foregoing wlthuot the knife, or plaster or polaon9, and with no pain to the patient whatever. Testimonials of prominent people. Consultation free Dt J. F Cook 301 Liberty St., Formerly of ga8aaeaasi) Shave Yourself It la a pkmsuro and real homo ccmfoit with the genuine "Threo Star," tho original and mechanical porfoct Safoty Razor, Over five million users approclato daily tho valuo of thl marvel of sim plicity; Star Safety Razors, in usoovory drty sinco 187C, aro still giving absoluto satisfaction today. This speaks for tho quality and1 merit of tho "Star." Saves Money, Tlmo and Inconvenience. Tho oxpeiuto of being shaved ly a bar bo r amounts to 'about 40 to $G0 a your to tho avorago gentleman. It Is lmpossiblo to cstlmato tho valuo of fimo lost In tho harbor ahop, as you aro vory often compelled to wait until tho harbor gets ready to call "noxt." To shavo comfortably with tho Star tako from throo to flvo minutes and requires absolutely no oxporlonco. It Is lmpossiblo to cut your fnco or oven scratch eamo whllo shav ing youreelf. R. HI. WADE & CO., Salem, Ote. niaif 8giW!?"g:a:is:c4;;i;;siiiiwi ::::::A G E N i BALFOUR, GUTHRIE & CO. I fiR AINbDYBRS AMD 8HIPPBR80FCR AIW Oats For Sale. HOP PROWERS SUPPLIES. Crude and stick Sulphur. J. G. Graham, Agent, j.9tmi8tttMt.8aatimtfl Havo You Ever Ordered Haffitt & If not, you are away behind tho ways giaa to oo new patrons, ana moro than pleased. You will And and Ferry streets. M Bw8w)weniaftg University Collego of Literature, Bclence ami the Arts College of Science and Engineering. School of Mines aud Mining, KMinnt of Mimic. School of Law. School of Medicine. f The cession of lCO'i-4 opens Wednesday, September 14, For catalogue, auuicuo, REGISTRAR University of Oregon, ttjtttitittiitiitittttMmiaiitttt' m Signature of iww J Salem, Oregon. Omaha, Neb. C Y O F:::t 207 Commercial St., Silem, Ore. J Your Orooerles from Lawrence times. However, tboy aro al- z u you can on mom, yon win m w Unm at tho cornor of Commercial of Oregon Eugene, Oregon."! i 5&i& 1 I r 1 ; a !l r FS 1 1. 1! jii l t ft i f