Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, August 20, 1904, Page TWO, Image 2

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U i
', i
Republican National Ticket
For President.
, of Now York.
For Vico-Preaidont,
of Indiana.
For Presidential Electers:
Q. B. Dlralclr, of Clackamas.
'&. C. Hough, of Josephlno.
dr. H. Hart, of Polk.
13. A. Fee, of Malheur.
retail and consume?, them of nearly
ono ttibiieand' million dollars. Yoar !
by year tho consumption Increases,
'.moro fiiaro keeping pace With our ad-
vanco in population.
Senator Galllgor has Introduced a
bill which In terms prohibits tho is
sue of an Intornatrovonuo tax receipt
by tho federal authorities covering
any phase of tho liquor traffic, unloas
tho applicant oxhlblts to the collect
or a llccnso or permit Issued in no
cortianco with the laws of tho state
In wMch business Is to bo done. The
necessity for this enactment. Js Is
urged, Ho In- tho fact that every Il
legal, surreptitious place whoro liquor
la ent.l'lr. ..!. II. ln 11
owiu in jfiviiiuitiuii uiir ur pru-
hlblted districts has what Is known
as a government license. Legally and
in faot this document Is merely an
lntonrat rovonue tax lecelpt, Tho
govornmont officials are so diligent
In their mi rail It of those wlio should
pay Uio government tax that few nor-
sons venture to sell liquor without
having paid this tax. Tho display of
tho receipt, thorefore, Is their protec
tion ngalnst further molestation. But
that ronolpt Is sometimes claimed to
bo a legal iwrmlt to do business when
It Is In reality only an evidence that
a required tax has been mil.
That tho federal government Is le
gally entitled to collect those taxes
Operation In Regulating the Liquor
Sleeplessness Is a
Sign of Nerve Trou
ble and Should
Be Loolled To.
There aro tlireo different manifestation-!
of sleeplessness.
First, hardly to Bleep a wink all night,
second, to llo awake a long1 tlmo before
falling asleep; third, to fall asleep xoon,
waking up after several hours and then
find It hard to sleep again.
They mean that nomewhere In tha
nervo fibres, somewhero in the brain
cells, somewhere in tho blood vessels
that carry blood to tlio brain, something
is radically wrong, and must be righted,
or tho end may bo worse than death.
To right It, take Dr. lilies' Nervine.
Some other symptoms of nervo trou
ble are: Dlzzlncs, Headache, Back
ache, Worry, Fretfulness, Irritability,
Melancholy, Lack of Ambition.
They Indicate diseases which may lead
to Epilepsy, Fits, Bt. Vitus' Dance,
Nervous Prostration, Paralysis, Insanity.
Nothing will glvo such quick and last
ing relief as Dr. Miles- Nervine.
"My husband had been sick for weeks,
could not sit up to liavo his bed made.
With all the medical help wo could get
ho continued to grow worse. Ifo could
neither sleep or cat. Our baby girl was
sent away, and all callers burred, be
cause he could not stand a bit of talk
ing. I read of a case of nervous pros
tration cured by Dr. Miles' Restorative
nervine, wo- ucgan giving it to him
hai, It Is said, never been disputed.
But It was nover intendctl that tho
payment of this tax should absolve
tho dealer from his obligation to obey J
laws and ordinances, lot It is in
effect used by law breakers to on-
ablo them to enap their lingers at
scandalized citizens and pretend that
thoy nro protected by the shadow
unci in a few days he was able to be
urcsiea. xrom mat umo
Th6 question as to how far tho
Venoml govornmont may properly go I
&a helping to enforce state laws or u hlchor Authority
idly ordinances regulating tho salo of Even those who do not believe In
SntoxIcnUng liquors, Is ono that ap-tato prohibition as a practical or a
rpcaru to tho Sentry well worth sorl- dosliablo ond, usually admit that
oob consideration. This Is all tho law broaklnc. ovon whim n. w
wioro necosaary Blnco
owoa logutlation on
ui I .
tax to tho revenue ofneer, few of them
would daro to engago In the Illegal
traulc. Hence thero comes from many
Influential sources an emphatic de
amnd for tho enaettnent of such leg-
thoro Is pro aro unjust and harmful. Is not a nrao ls lat'011 n8 ls Proposed in, tho GalHn
Which an ox- tlco that can. safolv. ho nni-nnmi in Isor bill THE SENTRY,
Imnrni wf Vfwlnn nonl
MIlS. A. Q. IIASKJN, Freevllle, N. Y.
TPpPti Write to us for Free Trial
X XV.Cj.Ej Package of Dr. Mlleo' AMI
Pain Pills, the New Scientific Remedy
for Tain. Also Symptom Blank. Our
Specialist will dlagnoso your case, tell
you what Is wrong, and how to right It.
I Should a man marry a girl for her
I No. But ho shouldgnot let her be
come an old maid because she-'s rich.
la an engagement as good as marriage?
It's better.
How may we tell when a courtship
has progressed?
When a man takes to yawning In tho
girl's presence.
When two thin people become en
gaged, what happens1?
They immediately grow very thick
When a man has popped the ques
tion, Is ho finished?
No; ho lias yet to question, pop.
When asking papa, how should a
young man act?
Ho should 'face nana manfully and
never give him a chanco at his back.
Why does a bride wear a veil?
So that sho-may hide her satisfac
When a man marries, has ho seen
tho end1 of trouble?
Ye3, but it ls usually tho wrong cnJ
What is greater than a wife's love?
Hon temper.
Do married women suffer in silence?
Yes, they all suffer when they may
not talk.
When a man says he can manage his
Lwlfe, what does he mean?
He means he cam make her do
anything she wants to.
Is It iossIble for a married man to
be a fool without knowing it?
Not If his wife s alive.
What Is a mother-in-law?
See General Sherman's definition of
o I
rr i iimiiiiciuis iiciuiair hon.0
Ynnna tiair Min?y?fc M
JXt w " m rnin. Nllllir ijrau K It.-.. 4
member, Ayer's Hair Vigor always restores color to gra
hair, all the dark, rich color it had years ago, fcogg
New Opera Company.
A new onera company ha9
formed In this city, under the name
of tho Juvenile Opera Company, and
they will Blvo their performance
throe nights next week, August 22,
23 and 24, at their tent at 452 Liberty
street. Tho managers of tho opera
mmmnv are rd Tarpley, Roy Dun
can and Miss Marie Wilson. On Mom
day afternoon a performance will be
given at 2 o'clock, and tho remaining
performances will all begin at
o'clock. The program will consist of
dialogues and dramas, and Miss Marie
iini,. v. otor olnirni. from Edison's
Hliouu, uiu aim f.d- i
Theater, will be on the program. Lit
tle Miss Mona McMelon will also sing.
Tho admission Is, dreJS circle, 10c;
boxes, 15c; general admission, Dc.
Good houses should bo assured thi3
little company.
3iwiim or public opinion may scon n frog govornmont. Henco, when the
eJ?WnftmW' national authorities In tho exorcise of
Tho abstract quoitlon of piohlbl-, their right to levy an internal revenue
tkmv high llceiwo. etc., are not horu tax, do recognize a business that is
at issue. Those who aro sufficiently Illegally they contravene tho purpose
orsalod by banquets) or root boor and of tho stato and Ignore Its right to
xdllsh. balk, and those who habit- protect .ILrotf against alleged evils
mally wror hip pockets of full quart While It Is no part of tho business
NOTE. The rosponslbllty for the
opinions, and utterances of "tho Sen
try" Is assumed by tho Sontry Box
bureau, of 825 Vermont avontio,
Washington, D. C. EDITOR.
Marriage Proverbs.
-. . : - i - " - "" "iiBiuuM j "u luuunius Hums in relation to
o represent the two extremes of of tho fodoral government to assist marriage havo been compiled by an
opinion, in tomporanco matters. Hum In tho onrmv.imni r.t .... i . '..ni,.,.... ...u. r, .......
.....w.... w. phiw lunn, ti
is perhaps a duty to seo that It
opinion, in tomporanco matters. Hut
tho conflict of Jurisdiction botween
local and national authorities to
which wo now refer, cannot bo ad
justed by tho merits or demerit oi
vthelr conteutloiiH.
Tho nation's Increeslnt: consume
"tlon of llqiur prosontm flguivs which
not foster law breaking. Theoretic
ally, the state could enforce their
laws as well in tho governemnt en
force Its laws, but In practice few oi
none of the states do so. Co use-
quuntly, tho undeniable truth is that
unknown author. Ho probably nev
er recovered from tho shock.
What is marrlngo?
Marrlngo Is un Institution for tho
Why do some peoplofover marry?
Because they do not bollevo In dl-
aro .Important to wonomlsU niul ap- In giving Its receipt ror tho salo ol Wnen a man thinks seriously of mar
liUn t, moiallrtn. Tho Unlte.l States llquora In prohibition states or dl J rlngo, what happens.
,w "i. var n lomi or J17S.- triets. it tn ui intntj n.,.i ,.,... i n i.. .
" -.-- B.Uw,v , iiv iVHitltllO OlllklV
Icensos law breaking. Evorv ono' l)nn iriri ..... ti,i..i, ..f ..u.i
w .- .. a x . Ltiiiiiv in inn i iiiiil:
Oregon Bee Industry.
What can bo done with bees as a
money maker Iiu Lincoln county has
boon notably demonstrated! by P. A.
Miller, of Pioneer, this1 year. Mr. Mil
ler has 17 colonies of bees1 which havo
produced' this year 1723 pounds of
honey pf this honey more than 1300
pounds were choice, whlto honey, that
ho readily sold at 15 to 18 cents per
pound, and then could not supply tho
demand. The balance that he has
sold has brought him an average of
14 cents per pound. All tohli ho hns
received from his bees a product that
will net him about J275. or about JIG
per colony. This may be regarded by
some as a phenomliml yield, but it is
so only in price. Mr. Miller, by Intel
ligent care for his bees secured an at
ti active and superior quail 'v of honov
which enabled! him to trot n hnHr
price for It. Any other farmer's bees
Do It loaay.
The time-worn Injunction, "Never
put off 'till tomorrow what you can
do today," ls now generally present
ed In this ferm: "Do It today!" That
Is tho terse advise wo want to give
you about that hacking cough or de
moralizing cold with which you have
been struggling for several days, per
haps weeks. Take some rellablo rcmc
I dy for It TODAY and let that remedy
be Dr. Boscheo's German Syrup, which
has been in use for over thirty-five
years. A few doses of It will undoubt
edly relievo your cough or cold, and
Its continued use for a few days will
euro you completely. No matter how
ftonn.eAnfarl vnnv rtnttnU nn If Aw.J
..! wt...i.u jjui kuugli, VVUU II UICUUi
consumption has attacked your lungs,
German Syrup will surely effect a
cure as It has done before In thou
sands of apparently hopeless cases of
lung trouble. New trial bottles. 25c:
regular size, 75c. At all druggists.
At Dr. Stone's drug stores.
Good Mill at Turner AsurtdJ
T. N. Humpnrcys was in t
yesterday. Ho has but recently bJj
irom inynio ureeic to Turner ,
he has leased the Star flouring
and Is busy remodollng them.
Iate3t invnroveld1 sifter svntom ...
ery has been Installed1, and uVw.!
will bo thoroughly refitted. Mr vO
phreya will run the mill for rari
trado In the Inteiost of tho farmenJ
i o
Low Rates to California,
Tho triennial conclave Kni
Templar will bo hold at San Fn
co, September 5 to 9, andl the
orelgn Grand lodigo I. O. 0. w
be hold at the- .sumo point Septemj
19 to 25. For tiheue occasions
Southern Pacific company will ta
In effect two extremely low rats
ono and ono-fnird faro for tho
trip, not to exceed $25.00, the
from Portland. Tlios who are A
ning a trip to California should i
noto of theso rates. 8-:
Illinois Democrats Open CampiJ
'Aurora, 111., Aug. 20. Tho De
cratlc state campaign, in beaalfj
Lawrence B. Strong, candidate
governor, was formally opened
rora today Delegations of mard
club5 and other visitors were on I
from various points throughout I
state Senator Bailey, of Texu ,
llveied the principal speech of t
Charles Eppley came over frail
week sieiit at the Bay last evenlnt
Minnesota State Tennis.
St. Paul, Aug. 20. Tha annual
tournament for the lawn tennis cham
pionship of Minnesota In singles and
double.) opened ausnlciouslv toMnv on
tho couits of the Town and Count
niul. TU 1 - . ... I
."". uic laTKe num inr niul hioii
w),000 tax on wplrlts nnd boor. This
mid to lndlcato niv expenditure by
We mhu1u who buy those articles at
known that If tho surreptitious Hnuor but innrrlnco?
wller wurw not permitted to pay n Only that, and how to get married.
5he September
ClaSa Of tho nntriloa omnlilno ,)..
will do the same thing If they are as j Prmlso of one of the most success
proporly cared for. This Illustrates ful tournaments ever held In the
wnai might bo done with the apiary s,nlt-
contains readable things on
in Lincoln county, and also suggests
that a large source of wealth each
year Is going to waste for the want of
Intelligent efToit to an est It Tnln.v.
o .
Lodges Consolidate.
Tho two Masonic Indue In Allmnv
have decided to fonsollda'o ami nt i,
Joint meeting, to be held on the e
enlng of Sepiombor 3d. the details ol
tho consolidation will bo completed
an (In n nniue Tor the new ItMlge IP
be selected. At that time a now ot nr
olllcor will be oleotod. nnd other bust
noss In connection with the coiwolldn
Hon- will ba dlspowd of. Tills move
mont will nmko the Albanv kideo nn..
of tho strongost n the state.
Plenty of Telephones.
The Bell telephone people have
opened wide tholr hoarts. Free sullen
Ing Is now given over Linn county, In
volving 1G0 now subscribers, and three
lino with intPivening coniiwitons
Peona, Halsey and Sh.slds -n now b.
ronched free. A list will bo published
next weelj Coivnllls Onietto.
Flour for Jaoan.
Th Solem flouring mill has Just
Martod on large onlar or flour for
JniKin. Tho brand Is known aj the
"PagtMla." and wlH bo delivered nt
Bin th ,4 1h3 Kind You m Always Bought
pay high rates of insurance oi
unexposed dwellings? The old to
companies charge you $3 for 30i
of Insuranco, while for 75 cents
yearly you can got tho sm
amount by becoming a member ol
Oregon Fire Relief
a home company working for honil
insuranco on a homo plan. Let rati
tell you about It.
H. A. JOHNSON, lyiurphy, Blk..
Murphy Block, Salem. Head offietl
McMlnnvllle, Oregon,
will show you why it Is that
our meats aro always fresh
ami appetizing In the hottest
weather, when meats would
spoil If not properly cared for.
It would also show some of the
fattest sides of beef, tender
and flno quarters of lamb and
mutton. Our meats nre high
grade and low priced.
E. C. Ctoss.
State Street Market.
Kipling's New "Soldier" Story
For Sale by All Newsdealers
A 35-cent Magazine for 15 cents
How Is ThliT
We offer Ono Hundred Dollnn. n..
ward for any case of Catarrh ti,t ,,.
not bo cured by Hall's Catarrh r,.,
P. I. CHUNKY & CO., Toledo. Ohio!
We. the undersigned, have known
V. J Cheney for the last is von-
and believe him perfectly honorablo
hi an uuiineas transactions and flnai -aiallw
al.U te csrrT ulll nnv M ..
Uous made by his firm.
Who'osala Drugslst, Toledo. Ohio."
HalPa Catarrh Cure Is mvan tnt'
nally. acting directly Upon the blood
and mucous surfaces of tb .,.,
TeslliuonJaU sent fre. Price 7Sc nor
DOttlo. SoM by all druggists.
Take Hall's Pauilb- mil f.
IUngMng Brothers' iertt ,. ...
MMons cover more Uhui ni acre of
BTOMtid and cottatltMte a vaHt.iio i...
of teuta. Te niawmou stau iii,.
eiKKHaoular produeUoH of "Jerusalem
and the Gruad, whlofa j mbodiej
"-1" ' in iii"- " "
Phene: Mam 2953.
193 Commercial St.
wer i ne Journal,
' '" I ft.A I M FAIT twonrecom
the Uoml Printer tl . b,Qed keer
TThe Good Hon ;"' f tho P00r BoWe class.
ordering the sAter fc8 Reed tl,ln8' n,ld ,8
euce to the 2hS,n nP H?.P, y'OKBT in prefer
Got in .1lcJS,P.one 8uPPHod by tho other fellow.
" ill tYUHK.
- .! vim at., snlctui or.
.81 M
i iMi-himmm
'hti t i .1 !?" i
Has been taken to supply the stock of'
lumber In our yards! Our stock Ji!
complete with all kinds of lumber-!
". received a cor. load ol No. v
shingles, also a car of fine snaked
We are able to nil any and all kind;
oi bills. Come and lot us enow yon;
our stock. I
Yard and office near a P. passenger!
depot -Phone Main 651.
' niiaiauntaiaiBt
Wholesale and p! l!?iyHH" i n 1 1 1 1 1 n
- ' S 2?5L?!hr t-lq-or Stan I
in mo nipjHxirome amDhlihftiii. i.
t . ' 0I "1or and i wumr"ecial Street
j me arst ever coatructed and la
absolutely Impervious to iain '
Ur!:.U.In.1U 'Paone uZT 0rde flUed d w