FIVE CARNIVAL 'UwJIt" I -ifc mVS?....-'' -v HURTH ,1 SALEM1 MIR A I v' i BLUE : OPENS TUESDAY The Attractions Arrived at Noon by a Special : Train A. i. j, MAIL ROUTE FIRE Residence Occupied by Hrs. Perry Mauzy De stroyed Serge Hats 0 Congressman Hermann Noti fied That One at Sublimity Is Established DAlLY-CAPITAlJg-JOUWNALT-aALEMf OREGON, MONDAY, AUGUST 8, 1904. 5,l,i,,B-(-",l,lBB,B,??",l""""""""""w"""""""""""""" FMBfapy yT fomjhirtdomj; The Southern Carnival Co. arrived In Salem at noon today by special train and the work of putting'up tho tents and other apparatus will com mence at once. The shows will all be In readiness for the grand, open ing of the carnival tomorrow evening. Tho flrst night will be In charge of the Woodmen of the World and Wom en of Woodcraft and promises to be a grand affair. The parade will form at the Wqodmeu hall and march to the grounds, .under escort of tho car nival bands and company. The attractions at the carnival con sist of five freo attractions and 15 paid showa, Including all the latest acts that money can secure. Dlavola, the daring young bicycle rider, Is one of the best In the world. Nat Itelss Is an experienced carni val and amusement manager, and has the largest company on tho road. Tho Woodmen of the World have la bored hard to make the carnival a srand success and have advertised It liberally throughout the, country. It Is expected that large crowds from neighboring towns will attend, as re duced rates have been made from all nearby points. 1 o Will Live In Town. A. G. Perkins, has purchased through Derby & Wlllson tho Hetz ler property, now owned by G. F. "West, on the south side of State street, between 16th and 17th streets. Mr. Perkins recently sold one of his farms north of the city and now pro poses to move his family Into the line new home just purchased. Will Enlarge Home. W: H. TImm who recently bought the J. A. Flshburn property In South Salem, is malcing quite a decided Im provement, In the way of a large ad dition on his house. The addition will be two stories and will enlarge the house considerably. Wheeler County Patient. Sheriff P. L. Keeton, of Wheeler county, brought Robert Palmer to the asylum this morning. He is suffer ing from a severe attack of Insanity and was a very difficult patient to handle. How would it do for you- grocer to sell poor stuff or deat stuff as he sells Schilling's Best? Moneybacl:. III lllilllllllllllllllll' Log Cabin Creams and I Peppermint Chews at Zi nil s 154 State St. Phone 1971 I !'' I-M 1 1 1 1 1 M I M I III 1 1 Wonderful bargains in the REMNANT SALE At The Old Cronise Studio, Over the New York Racket Store. $2.50 pet Dos. MMIIMMmillWM' iiwmnmatitMff"'ili"l"laa"ia''a'aai" 20 Pet Cent Off or tho best fruit jars in tho markot-ECONOMY VACUUM FRUIT JARS Pints, quarts and half-gallon sizes. Fruit never spoils in them. Even at regular prices thoy'ro the cheapest Jar, Just as a ce ment walk Is tho cheapest walk, and at the reduced prices they're a veritable snap. Don't wait till they're gone. ATWOOD & FISHER I Phone 57 i. Grocers Corner The dwelling house occupied by Mrs. Perry Mauzy, In North Salem, and owned by the F. E. Hodgkins heirs, was destroyed by fire Saturday after noon about 5:30 o'clock. The origin of the fire is unknown but It is supposed that a spark had caught In the wood and smouldered during the day, as the stoves had been cold since early in tho morning. Tho loss on tho building will bo about ?G0O according to the agents of the property, Bonhani & Martin. Mrs. Geo. Pearl a daughter of Mrs. Mauzey lost some household effects, Including several valuable pieces of Jewelry and clothing. Almost every thing else In tho building was saved. The Salem Are department made a splendid run, but were unablo to turn on the hose on account of the lack of water. The building and contents were not Insured. BATTLE WITH THIEVES A battle took place between a sher iff's posse and a band of horse thieves in Wheeler county- Saturday morning, in which Doputy Sheriff Shields was shot In the mouth and dangerously wounded. The posse was led by Sher- Iff V. T. Kpofnn n'hn$i fnmllv roalria In South Salem most of the year. One outlaw was wounded, but escaped with the other members of his gang. Officers are In pursuit of the outfit. ROOMS WERE SCARCE Qulte a commotion was caused Saturday night at a late hour by tho arrest of two young peoplo who w'ero occupying a room In a local lodging house b Chief of Police Gibson. The complaining witness was the girl's father, and he Intended to swear out a warrant this morning, but on sec ond thought refused to do so when the time arrived, fearing a prosecu tion of his daughter. SCHOOL BOARD MEETING At a meeting of the school board Saturday evening Miss Carrie Judd was elected to teach ' In the High school. She Is a daughter of Hon, E. T. Judd and is a graduate of the Chicago university. Septic tanks were ordered con structed for the North school. The usual bills against the district wer allowed. o Bring In the Babies. C. M. Eppley, of this town, will pre sent each and every baby, under one year of age. brought into his store during this present year, a fine gold baby ring. Call at his store and make application for one of the rings. Also look over the fine display of Jewelry which ho has on hand. Yours truly, 8-8-4t WESTERN MFC. CO, What the Times Demand. Modem times demand modern im provements. Tho modern way now is to use ono of our new gas ranges. Citi zens' Light & Traction Co. 7-22-ti Commercial and Court. mm"'"""'"" The petition for the rural delivery route from Sublimity lias been ap proved by Inspector Clements, owing to tho efforts of Congressman Her mann. A letter received by him from tho fourth assistant postmaster-gen-eral says: "Replying to your letter of July 18, you are advised that favorable re port has been submitted to the de partment on proposed rural route from Sublimity, Ore., and orders will bo issued for installation of tho route September 15, 1904." The rural route will accommodate a large number of patrons and add another to the many already In effect In Marlon county. KITTENS SLEPT IN TREE John Knighton says that a man learns something every day, in fact he is not satisfied at tho end of each and every 24 hours, unless he Is wiser. Tho latest thing that John has learned Is rather novel, and worth re peating. He was presented with two white cats tho other day and took them to his home In South Salem. The little fellows amused themselves as only cats .will and seemed to enjoy their new home, for John Is a pretty j nlco fc,low an' wa' nnd always enter- tains his company In the best possl ble manner. When the shade3 or night fell around the Knighton home the kittens were comfortably housed In tho wood shed anfl tho family retired to peace- ful slumbers. In the morning It .was to be expected that pussies would still occupy tholr special quarters, but upon Investigation the cats were no ticeable by their absence. Search was mado and at last the almost distracted owner, who had almost abandoned the hunt, found them In an apple tree, where from all appearances they had spent tho night. A peculiar formation In tho tree enabled the little fellows to coll up and be comfortable. This Is the flrst Instance to our knowledge that cats have roosted, especially provided with comfortablo quartors. WILLSON AVENUE CONCERT Tho Salem Military band will give Uiolr concert at Wlllson Avenue this oveulng. Tho following program will bo rendered: March "Officer of the Day" Hall Selection "Bohemian Girl".. ..Balfe Gavotte (request) "Tho First Heart Throbs" Ellenberg Barltono Solo "Old- Kentucky Home" Rolllnson Mr. Ivan Martin. Waltz "Sweet Remembrance" ... St Clair Patrol "Tho Passing Caravan"... Meacham Japanese March "Klmona Girl"... Blake Polka "Anvil" (request) . ...Parlow March "The Concllltor".. .".Scouton W. E. M'ELItOY, Conductor. Want to Play Ball. Chas. Monroe, of Portland, was in the city yesterday with a viow of making arrangements for a gamo of baseball between the Portland hotel team and a local nlno. The former club is composed of the colored cm ployes of tho big hotel, and recently defeated tho Pullman car aggrega tion of Seattle. Charlie was former ly at the Willamette and has played ball on tho Salem diamond, o Universal Craftsmen, Rochester, N, Y. Aug. 8. Tho sec ond annual convention of tho Univer sal Craftsman's Council of Engineers opened In Rochester today for a four days' session. As tho members of the council are all Master Masons the convention Is being held In the Ma sonic temple. The council, which was formed last year in Cleveland, Is com posed of seven lodges In Boston, New York. Chicago, Buffalo, Detroit, Cle veland and Rochester ' As usual, we are the first to show the latest shapes and colors in Hatsthe Blue Serge. Ask to see it. OUR LITTLE BOYS' SUIT SALE Continues and is meeting with the highest commendation. STRAW HATS HALF Salem Woolen Mill C. P. BISHOP, Proprietor. I PERSONALS George Watt is a Portland visitor today. Paul R. Sroat spent Sunday with his family at Mehama. Attorney A. M. Cannon is spending a few days In Newport. Mr. and Mrs. R, B. Goodln spent Sunday with friends in Portland. Miss Nellie Oilfry, of Portland, Is visiting with tho Misses Crelghton. Dr. E. M. Pomeroy, of Portland, Spent Sunday with friends In Salem. Attorney C. P. Martin returned this morning from spending Sunday at the beach. Mrs. A. W. WItherel and daughter Mary, of Portland, are visiting friends in this city. W. A. Teutsch, representing the Pqet Soap Co., of Kansas City. Is In the city today. Miss Addio Hayes, of Baker City, i is spending this week with Miss Mar garet Messlck. Mrs. W. Hi, Steusloff and chlldron returned this morning from a week's stay at Newport. Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Plum and John and William Plum left yesterday for a ,ylslt at Heppner. Mr. F. As. McAteo and son Bert, of Portland, are spending a few days with Salem friends. Mrs. Rachel Smith, of Portland, Is sopndlng a few days with her sister, Mrs. A. F. McAteo. Miss Leona Penland is homo from a visit with her sister, Mrs. Guy Gil bert, In Washington. Miss Lillian Craig Is spending somo time in Portland, and later will go to Seaside for a visit. Mrs. M. J. Magors has roturned from a several weeks' visit with Sll- verton relatives and friends. Miss Elsie Morgan has returned to her homo In Portland, after a visit with tho family of Frank Davoy In thlsity. J, 0. Von V!e8ko went to Gervals this morning to finish up soveral buildings he had undor contract at that place. Mrs. Lee Clinton roturned Saturday evening to her home In Portland, af ter a visit with her mother, Mrs. L. M. Kirk, of this city. Miss Ella Engle, of Philomath, who has ' been visiting In San Francisco and stopped off in this city Saturday to visit friends, has returned homo. H. N. Cockerllne, the insurance man. formerly a Salem resident, now of Albany, has Just returned from a several weeks' trip to the Eastern states. Mrs. A. A. Burton and Mrs. L. Bup ton left this morning for Wllholt Springs, via Sllverton, where thoy will Join Mr. and Mrs. Roy Burton, In camp for a short time. Mr. and Mrs. Pettys left this morn ing for an extended visit In tho East. Thoy will stop at Boulder, Colo., ami visit Mr. Petty's homo In Dakota, and tako In the St. Louis fair boforo their return home. frl 1 1 1 1 III 1 1 IHIHtHdtfU ; ; Hot weather meals, cool weather meals, every ;; thiag appetising and fresh. :: White House :: Restaurant George Bros. Props. ! tlM ! t M It I i lit M PRICE Miss Berafco Sears, of McCoy vis ited In this city Saturday. Miss Florence Price, went to Now port today for a fow weeks visit. Will Walton, left today for Newport, where he will spend his vacation. Ivan Putnam, was among those go ing over to the Bay this morning. Cloyce Matthews spent Sunday in Portland, returning home this mprn Ing. Claude Butler, left Saturday for Portland, where he will hereafter re side. Chas. Freenufi, loft this morning lor Newport, after a short visit in this city. Attorney H. J. Bigger carao up from Portland today, from an over-Sunday vlsjt with his family. George Keeton, came down from Fossil this morning, whore he has been spending tho summer. Mr. and Mrs. M. T. Rlneman mnd daughter Grace, "nave gono to Casc'adla where the'y will spend somo tlmo. Miss Sue Schaefpr, of near McCoy, Is In tho city, the guest of her sister, Miss Bess Schaofer, ono of tho nurses at the Florence Sanltorum. Mr. and Mrs. Will Bennott, Mr. and Mrs. R. T. Parker and chlldron and Misses Laura Bennott and Ethyl Van Patton, left this morning for a two weeks outing at Newport, Mrs. E. E. Whiting nrrlvod In the city Saturday from Seattlo and Is tho gue3t of Mrs. Frank M. Brown on South Commercial atreot for a fov days before returning to her home In San Francisco, Mr. and Mrs. Unas. Parrnentor left this morning for an extended trip, covering several of tho Eastern states, Washington, SU Louis exposition, and othor points of Intorost. Thoy will bo absent soveral months. F. M. Rowley, of San Francisco Is in tho city with his family, .visiting O. C. Hutching and other old tlmo frlonds. Mr. Rowley will bo ro mem bo rod as driver of tho laundry wagon and as drum major of tho Salem Mill tary band. Ho Is now engaged In tho Insurance buslnoss. 0. L. Darling, who has boon nt Grant's Pass for somo months, Is in tho city. Ifo reports having soon a rich find of gold brought In thoro re cently and Is qulto enthusiastic over It. Ho has boeu assigned tho posi tion as station agent at Newberg and goes to take up that work soon. Miss Ethel Do Parquo, of 1210 North Ninth street, Tacoma, Wash., enter tained a number of her frlonds last Wednesday afternoon, among them be ing Miss Lelah Bell of this city, who Is spending tho summer In Washing ton. Miss Do Parquo Is also well known In this city, her father bolng P E. Do Parquo, former managor of tho Wostern Union office hero, The Chump. He'd tarried late; lior pator's volco Came to him like a shoek: "Hark yo, young man! aro you awaro It's almost twelvo o'clock?" "Yes, sir. But that Is you see She's now an hour or so Been sitting on my hat, and I I roally couldn't go." "And aro you chump enough to got Your bat In such mishap? Hereafter hang it in tho ball; Don't Keep it In your lap." CASTOR I A For Infants and Children. Tin KM You Have Always loM Bears tba Sigoutare of (&&& The Special Reduced Prices on Men's Shirts. Remember all $1 .50 lines now for 95c, and all $1.00 for 65c STRAW HATS HALF PRICE Store a Of Age When a man comes of ago ho must take his place in tho world, but when a busi ness roaches that period It Is established in such a way that Its policies aro seldom questioned). It Ikqows tho linos of goods to keep and how to plcaso tho trado. Our business Is not qulto 21 years old but it holds tho, hlghost position In Its lino? s 2 Patten's Book Store. tlMMIIMIMI Milt MS What Stands (or Purity? EPPLEY'S Who's ie always full weight? EPPLEY'S Who can mako every claim good? EPPLEY Who saves you both in weight and waste? EPPLEY Who leads the Leader? EPPLEY When you buy, BUYI If your grocer does not keep it, call up phone 1041 lEPPLEY'St PERFECTION Pure Cream nf Tarter Baking Powder atttgi 11.00 a Sack, Cash Price, Evory sack warranted. Just as an Inducement for a cash buslnoss. Positively no credit at abovo prico. iD.A.WHite&Soni FEEDMEN and 8EEDMEN. 301 Com'l St. 8alem, Or. 2 IIMIIMIMmmiMHM j Wall Paper Latest designs in stock, 2 and good work guaran- teed. We have the smaN J store and smaN prices E. L. Lemmon 299 Liberty St. Phone 2475 Four