&. -, , S, DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, 8ALEM, OREGON, MONDAY, AUGUST 1, 1904. THRER Jpj Makes Friends Fast Jr an -Fa Friends 1 1HL H will vr m LARGEST SELLER IN THE WORLD, r f' lb Band is the Smoker's Protection, f CARNIVAL ' GRAND SUCCESS California Paper Testifies to the Beauty of the Performances She Puts Him Out. Fresno, Cal Aug. 1. Nig Normart, a Armenian prizefighter threw con- etti in a woman's face the other eye ing. The parte where the Incident took lace was thronged with people who had gone out to witness a local cele bration, and Normart was with n rough crowd of youths who amused themselves bombarding the passers by -with confetti. He threw confetti directly in the face of Mrs. Al. Ward, the athletic wife of a mechanic who Is a director in the young ladies gymnasium. Mrs. Ward Instantly resented Hhe rough familiarity and quick as a flash turned on the prize fighter and slapped him in the face. She followed up the slap with sev eral earnest punches and Normart's prize-ring guard was no proof at all against the furious onslaught. In his surprise Normart stepped backward over the curb and before he could recover his balance he was down and out, a -wicked shorkarm Jolt In the region of his solar-plexus bringing him "to earth. The crowd cheered the plucky little -woman to the echo as -ehe mad her "get away" with' flashing eyes, through the admiring circle that had gathered around. Mrs. Ward is said to be one of the cleverest woman boxers on the coast. Big Shoot at Fort Riley. Fort Riley, Kas., Aug., 1. Begin nine today and continue until near the end of the present month, Fort Riley will be tho scene of some not able shooting matches in which tho best shots of the northern division of the army and representatives of the marine ctfrps, tho state militia and the National Rifle association will contest for supermacyi The matches will be shot on the new target range, recently completed at a cost of $10,000. The matches are under tho general direction of Brtaadler General Francis Moore, U. S. A. To the winners of the various events will bo awarded ca3h prizes and medals aggregating several thousand dollars in value. MARKET QUOTA TIONS TODAY "Make Salem a Good Home Market" Capital City Mills Quotations. Bryant & Pennell, Props, Wheat 77c. Buckwheat 80a Tho Santa Rosa Republican In writ lng of the Southern Carnival com pany's show at that city says: Each night of the Eagles' merchants carnival this week under Nat Relss' efficient management has surpassed tho night previous In crowd3, and It Is expected that the attractions of tho "spieling" contest this evening will draw the largest number who havp yet passed within the carnival gates on B. street between Tenth and Lin coln. Remember, It is Eagles' night the members of Santa Rosa Aerie to take the place3 of the paid "spellers" and to do the crying of attractions themselves, tho one most successful to obtain a prize. The Eagles will al so repeat the parade of, tho opening night They will form in line at Eagle'3 hall, this evening and with some features of the carnival show will march to the grounds. Tomorrow night will be Elks' night. The members of Santa Rosa ' lodge wllj be out In force on that occasion. At Wednesday evening's meeting they accepted the Invitation of the Eagles' Merchants club to visit the carnival on Friday night. The mem bers will form In line at Elks' hall at 7:30 o'clock and, escorted by tho carnival band, they will march to the scene of the festivities. Some special features are being planned for Elks' night. Tho visl tors are to be made not only welcome, but the best possible entertainment is to be provided for them. The carnival grounds present a beautiful appearance as well without as within, each evening. The myriad incandescent lights and the numerous arc lights make the block aglow with brilliancy and beauty. Not only is tho long approach to the loop radiant with light but the big FerriB wheel towers gracefully on high with Its re volving lights and tho dangerous Poultry at 8telnor' Market Young chickens 12c. Hens 8c. Eggs Per dozen, 17c. Harrltt & Lawrence. Eggs Per dozen, 18c. Hop Market Hops 1926c. Potatoes, Vegetables, Etc New potatoes' 1V&0. Potatoes 50c. Onions 2&C. Wood, rtancs Posts, Bts, Second growth $5.75. AFh J3.00 to 3.75; Grub oak $50. Cedar posts 12Vc. Hide, Pelts and Purw. Green Hides, No. 1 6c. Green Hides, No. 2 4c Calf Skins i6c Bhoep 76c. Goat Skins Z5o to SLM. Grain and Ftaur. Oats Buying, $1.10 per cwt Barley $21 per ton. Flour Wholesale, 8.75. Live Stock Market Steers 3&54c. Cows 3c. Sheep 3c. Dressed pork 6& 6. DresBed Veal 5 6c. Dressed hogs 6Gc. Live hogs 55Uc. Mutton r 3c. Hay, Fead. Ete, Baled cheat $103$11. Baled clover $9. Bran $22.50. Shorts $24.00. Eggs, Butter and Cream. By Commercial Cream Co. Eggs 16c, cash. Butter 22c, wholesale. Butter fat 20c at station. mm mim. UinaHE&iFiC! Three Trains to the East Dally Through Pullman standard aa& tourist sleeping cara daily to Omaha, Chicago, Spokane; tourist sleeping cars dally to Kansas City; through Pullman tourist Bleeping caro (pois Bonally conducted) weekly to Chica go; reclining chair cara (seats froe to the East dally. 7n" HOURS v 7Q J PORTLAND TO CHICAGO Jf So Cbaacs of Cars DEPART FOh Chicago Portland Be cclti 9 15 a. a via Hunt lngton "au&ijUo' Kxproai 8:1$ p. m, via Huntington Bt.Janl Fat Mall c v r . . VUk Bpokan TIME SCHEDULES From Portland, Or. Salt Lake. DenTer. Ft Worth, Omaha, Kantai City, tit. Lonla, Chioago ana ami. 'jilt Lake. DonTor FL Worth, Omaha, Kanaw city, Bt. Luula, Cblcsfio tnaran. Walla Walla, Lowltton, 3UL... W.ll.M Inll- nan. Mlnnenpoua BL Paul, Dolnth,MUwaakeo unicago, ana juui. ARRIVB FBOM 25p ra. 7:15 a, , 8: a. a e DRUMMER'S CARPET SAMPLES c 3 3 CO About 200 Drummer's Carpet vi Samples All wool, two ply, 35c each o 3 fo $1 .00 Extra heavy all wool Rajah and Flemish Tap esty, 45c each. These Will Be on Sale Monday Morning July 25th The House fiinMing Co. 269 Liberty St. Stores Salem and Albany. Q G 3 3 w p M 3 r r I 'pathway of DuBall, and the supports of tho high trapezes on which tho Oil- !- II.. n.n n!1 lirllllnnHv Illuminated. The effect Is probably prettier without than within, for with out tho entire view may bo obtained particularly from Washington and Lin coln streets. "Dreamland" the great Pan-American success, Is one of the most inter esting shows in the carnival. It is under tho personal supervision of J. O. Fenn, the business manager of the carnival company, and Carl Cook. No more appropriate title could have been found to designate it than this. The performance, in which a handsome lady, elegantly gowned, but under hypnotic spell, plays an important part, causes the audience to almost im agine Itself In dreamlandi ii i, n Do It looay. The time-worn injunction, "Never put off 'till tomorrow what you can do today," Is now generally present ed In this ferm: "Do it today!" That Is the terse advise we want to give you about that backing cough or de moralizing cold with which you have been struggling for several days, per haps weeks. Take somo reliable reme dy for it TODAY and let that remedy be Dr. Bosch ee's German Syrup, which has been in use for over thlrty-flvo years. A few doEes of it will undoubt edly relieve your cough or cold, 'and its continued use for a fow days will cure you completely. No matter how deep-seated your cough, even It dread consumption has attacked your lungs, German Syrup will surely effect a cure as It has done before in thou sands of apparently hopeless cases of lung trouble. New trial bottlee, 2Bc; regular size, 7Cc. At all druggists, At Dr. Stone's drug stores. o Parcels Post to Japan. Washington, D. C . Aug. 1. Tho par ctls post agreement recontly signed by Postmaster Genoral Payno, on be half of the United States, and Minis ter Takahira, on behalf of Japan, went into etfect today. The treaty allows a maximum limit of weight of four pounds six ounces in tho malls between the two countries. The rate fixed Is 12 cents a pouud or fraction thereof. DRUMMER'S CARPET SAMPLES mm J The 8hootlng Gallery la offering a prize for the best rifle shot, Do not fail to Investigate. Op posite tho White House restaurant. 7-28-tt O.OL Stars tU fiJgnatw tf ITOnZA. EltoatedVw Haw Atari BwgM o&t&mjfa Ocean and River 8chedule. For San Francisco Evory five day at 8 p. m.. For Astoria, way point and North Beach Dally (except Sun day) at 8 p. m.; Saturday at 10 p. m. Daily service (wator permitting) on Willamette and Yamhill rivers. For fullor information ask op write your nearest ticket agont, or A. L. CRAIG, General Passongor Agent The Oregon Railroad & Navigation Co., Portland, Oregon. PORTLAND MARKET. Wheat Walla Wallo, C7C9c. Valley 78c. Flour Portland, best grade, Jt.OO $4.05; graham, $3.50$4.00. Oats Cholco white, $1-20. Barley Feed, J23.00 per ton; rolled $24.50$25. Mlllstuff Bran, 19$20. Hay Timothy, ?15$10. Potatoes Fancy, 7Gc$1.00. Eggs Oregoni ranch, 1919Hc Poultry Chickens, mixed, 1212o per pound; turkeys, :M3lCc. Pork Dressed, GGc. Bjef Dressed, C&c Veal G7c. Hops 1903 crop, 23c. Wool Valley, 1920c; Eastern Or egon, 1017c; Mohair, 30c for cholco. Hides dry, 16 pounds and upwards, 1515c. Butter Fancy creamery, 20c. REDUCED EXCURSION RATES;. From 8. P, and C. & E. Points to the Seaside and Mountain Resorts for the Summer. Summer Excursion Rates and Special Train Service Now On Between Portland and Clatsop Beach. Tho summer schedulo of tho As toria & Columbia River railroad has been inaugurated between Portland, Astoria, Gearhart and SeaBldo, In con nection with special round trip oxcur siono tickets to all Clatsop and North Beach points, and train leaves Union depot 8 a. in. daily and runs through direct, arriving at Astoria 11:30 a. m., Gearhart 12:20 p. m. and SeaBldo 12:30 p. ra. Tho Portland-Seaside Flyer leaves Union depot evory Saturday at 2:30 p. m arriving Astoria 5:50 p. in. and runB through direct, arriving at Gear hart G:40 p. ra. and SeaslJo G:50 p. m. In connection with this improved service, special round trip season tickets aro sold from Portland to all Clatsop and North Beach points at rate of $4.00 for tho round trip, good for return passage until October 15. Special commutation tickets, good for five round trips, are sold from Portland to sarao polntB for 1G,0(T, good to return until October 15. Saturday special round trip excur sion tickets from Portland to all Clat sop and North Beach points on Bale every Saturday at rate of $2.50 for round trip, good to return Sunday. Tickets sold from Portland to North Beach points are issued in connection with I. R, & N. steamers from As torla and baggage Is transferred to and from depot and steamer dock at Astoria free of charge, and all tickets sold by the O. R, & N. Co. from Port land to Clatsop and North Beach points are Interchangeable and will be honored on trains of this company in eithor direction between Portland and Astoria. For additional information address C. A Stewart, pgent, 248 Alder streot, Portland, Oregon, or J. O. Moyo, G. F. & P. A., Astoria, Oregon. Seaside souvenir cf 1904 will bo mailed to your address free upon application. Write for it. 7 l-2m On and after Juno 1, 1904, the. Southorn Pacific, In connection with tho Corvallls & Eastern roallrlad, will bavo on salo round trip tickets from, points on their lines to Newport, Yd qulna and Dotrolt at vory low ratos good for roturn until Octobor 10, 1904. Throo-day tickets to Newport and Yaqulna, good going Saturdays and returning Mondays, are also on salo. from all East Side points, Portland to-, Eugene Inclusive and from all Wostt Sldo points, enabling peoplo to vlslti their families and spond Sunday ok tho seasfdo. Season tickets from all East Side points, Portland to Eugene, lncluslvo,' and from all West Sldo points, aro also on salo to Detroit at vory low rates, with stop-over privileges at ( Mill City or any point east, enabling tourists, to visit tho santiam ana Urol tonbush hot Bprlngs In ' tho Cascade mountains, which can bo reached la ono day. Season tickets will bo good for re turn from all points until Octobor 10. Three-day tickets will bo good going on Saturdays and returning Monlays only. Tickets from Portland and vi cinity will be good for roturn via th East or West Sldo at option of pao songor. TlckotB from Eugene and vl clnlty will bo good going via tho Lebanon-Springfield branch If dosired. Baggago on Newport tickets checkod through to Newport; on Yaqulna. ttckots to Yaqulna only. Southorn Pacific trains connect with tho C. & E. at Albany and Corvallla for Yaqulna and Newport. Trains on tho C. & H. for Dotrolt will lcavo AU bany at 7 n. m., enabling tourists to tho hot springs to reach thero tho samo day. Full information as to rates, with beautifully illustrated booklet of Yr qulna bay and vicinity, tlmotablos, etc., can bo obtained on application to Edwin Stone, manager C. & K. railroad, Albany; W. 19. Coman, O. P. A., Southorn Pacific company, Port land, or to any S. P. or 0. & E. agent nato from Salem to Newport ...f 5.0ft Rate from Salem to Yaqulna ....J4.60 Rato from Salem to Detroit ....$3.60 Three-day rate from Salem to Newport $3.06 Excursion Rates tp Yaqulna Bay. On Juno 1st tho Southern Paclflo Company will resume salo of oxcur slon tickets to Newport and and Ya qulna Bay, both season and Satur day-to-Monday tickets will bo sold. This popular resort la growing In fa vor each year, hotol rates aro reason able, and tho opportunity for fishing, hunting and sea bathing aro unox colled by any other resort on tho Pa clflo coast.