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About Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919 | View Entire Issue (July 30, 1904)
t p rTP9,lighif w " DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, 8ALEM, OREGON, SATURDAY, JULY 30, 1904. TWO ' j. Mil CAPITAL JOURNAL w DY HOFER BROS. 0mqniM1 SS' National Ticket Republican For President. THEODORE ROOSEVELT, of Now York. ! For Vice-President, QUA8. V. FAIRDANK8, of Indiana. For Presidential Electors:' K B, Dlmlck, of Clackamas.' At. C. Hough, of Josephine -J, H. Hart, of Polk, G. A. Fco, of Malheur. o RESIDENT AND THE 8TRIKE8. Tho resumption of tho packer' ttlrUta will Tonow tho suspicion that tmi la politics In It. It Is easy to telle vo tho Washington report that President Roosevelt was working qraletly to 'bring' about a settlement of the recont strike Ify tho samo persons. The President like all othor good citi zens, would llko to avort labor contro W1es. Ho used his Influonco with 'both sldoB to tho coal strlko of 1902 to bring a cessation of tho contosfi. JHo "would bo glad to soo th'a ronowed tt:lko como to an. end as quickly as BOBslble. JIo will probably uso his TOMl offices again to bring peace. Qiut tho President must bear In smlodj that many attempts, for parti w& purposon, will bo mode to foment JtoCtw troublos this year. Democratic atttjvore freoly charged that thoio was Optics Ih tho packers' strlko that was temporarily ended a fow days ago. JProbably thoro Is also In tho prosont oae. Tho packore woro angry at tho "administration for invoking tho law iBaljjBt tho boef trust, and thought h&t a strike among Iholr omployos would glvo tho trust a chanco to a3iall Wj ProaldonL The hoof mnirnntnii Qcnow Uiat tho Homestead strlko In 3892 contributed toward Harrison's do Juki and Cleveland's victory. Thoy "wtmid! bo glad to soo labor contests Uii year aa a moans of omharrasslng 51 r. lUxuovolt. "Tlila strike dodge, howovor, Ih woll "Vudorstood. Tho country will bo vony -auspicious of any labor disturbance yrhlch takes placo botweon this tlmo and Kovomlior 8, 1001. Thoro will bo n strong roosou to bollovo that politics will inspire any strlko which occurs to tho tioxt four months. Tho genornl business eltuatlori throiiKhout tho country Is favorable. Labor Is em ployed at good wages. Tho outlook Is brirfit, for tho chancos for a brilliant ltopuhllcan victory nro oxceodlngly Sooil Hut tho Democratic campaign malingers would bo glad to Incite n noriua of lalwr disturbances. Tho more harm those would Inflict on tho coun try tho bolter tho Democratic loaders rould bo pleased, for thoy would soo votes for Parker In all such disinters. This Is a fuel which the country must lwsp In mind. Tho dosporato and tin bcruputoua. Tho partly walch con coctod tho Moray forged tho lottor of 3888 against (larllold would bo cap tiblo of perpetrating nny sort of an atrocity on tho country with tho hopo of gaining veto for I'nrhtJr. .m S?of Do thov bolone to tho beautl fuf sex? Too manr6f them seem to thlnle thoy do not, and Itf 'despair try fo become strong like men. They will make a great mistake. Thoy can still belong to tho beautiful sou. though their faces and figures bo not beauti ful to tho eye. Just as some men, for the very reason that thoy are physic ally weak, become tho stronger men tally (genius has has often dwelt in a weaK man's nody). no women wno lack physical charms may, by cultivat ing spiritual beauty, excel their more favored sUters In tho ah of fascinat ing mon. "Spiritual beauty follows tho same lines as bodily beauty. Shakospear sums It up In four lines, when he makes a woman sayj Why are our bodies soft and weak and smooth, Unapt to toll and trouble In the world, Dut that our soft conditions and our hearts Should wo agreo with our external parts? "In poio women's minds, like their bodies, should bo soft, smooth, dell cato, never angular, hard, robust, stur dy llko those of mon, Tho charm which comes from mental beauty Is much moro alluring and lasting than a pretty face. Some of tho most fas cinating women known to history had but llttlo or no physical beauty. Giv en two women, ono of whom Is plain- ioaiurou, nut genuo, tenaor, sympa thetic, Eoft-volcod, patient, sweet, kind, raodo3tv cheerful, dovoted, vi vacious, In a word wlnsomo, tho othor pleasing to tho oyes, but without tho mental beauties Just named, and very fow moa would find tho second as captivating as tho first. There Is deep philosophy In Goldsmith's maxim, 'Handsomo Is that HanJsomo doos.' "It Is of tho utmost Importance that womon should understand clearly that thoy woro predestined to bo tho beau tiful sex, and not to compote with men in trials of strength, for which thoy aro wolghtod unfairly by naturo. Thoy should romqmber that 'moro strength Is not tho hlgnost criterion of noblll- f) "Dut modern man has a senso of boauty, and It Is thoro that ho Is weak and vulnerable and easy to onslave. Hcnco, wlso women will cultivate tholr charnvi, physical and mental, above all things, and avoid work that dovol ops strongth at tho cost of beauty." a X-RADIUMS i -, i in The Improvements that do most for the town cost tho least, as witness tho State street clean-up. The war dispatches from Port Ar thur, Toklo, Esopus and Oyster Bay are often confusing In their islmllarlty. ilwas authorized by the banking law, I ' .1 I, a and the Trust company preservuu. a solvency oniy by cutting Its capital In half. 'lis losses wiped out its en tiro surplus and necessitated the sacri fice by stockholders of over one half their holdings. Over a million of dol lars was charged to profit and loss." George W. Alger, In the August At lantic o DEMOCRATIC EDITORIALS. Which Frightened Judgo Parker Into SendlnQ His Dispatch. tinCREATIONMAD GENERATION. We llvo to sum up tho situation la a generation that has gone reorea -tlon-mnd. Outdoor sportu and Indoor :porbs fill up our moments, or la kaiuti cases, all our moments. Ath letic, golf, tennis, jfumes of all man ners mill lacking manner, rls ilout lb, deoay, The race horse, the bl yul niul the automobile pursue each -other norufti the ain't of action. Wo Iriny at being Intellectual, we plajy at being religious, ww piny at IiIiik louwh, ami all tare are merged and 4noludetl tti being iihmi and women "of iho world, "The Imrirument of an owasloflal hilarity has an unfortunaU teinlunoy to dtivektp Into the inlnlsUr to n ciutmchlttM thlrtMr. Martha 3 taker Dunn, In the August Atlantic TMJJ OEAUTIFUL 8EX. DUhhimin; tlt uumUm "WHkfe Is th llttauUIUI Sx" In th August V niwu's I(om Oomiwnkm. llwiry T. "MhoX Whk fmtv4 that In Ualy of iHMly wouitM r( ahd of mw, fray: "Hut box about tho uwk who Ho not hoprX'M to b bautlfu to Ui A Pill in Time will save a wrlom sickntws, crcklly Jo ixonle subject to lllllou attacU, akk Huailachoa or who suitor irom Stomach dlsorUe, A pill In nectl b u uknd ImIhI, ami you should ncwr l without a box of Beecham's Pills ""aoM Rrtrrkr. In Ui J;0c tj c (From tho N. Y. Tlmos (Dem.) Satur day, July 0.) On Hryan's platform Judgo Parlor will novor bo oleotod. Ho must make his own, and ho must mako It prompt ly If ho would stay tho tldo of defec tion. The convention oxpressly io (used to declare for gold, thereby con fessing that tho Democracy Is not cured of tho froo-sllvor craze, Hy easting out tho platform declaration recognizing tho gold standard as os tabllshed permanently and boyond nuostlon, tho Domoornts at St. Iouls have In ottoct reanirmod the platforms of Chicago and Kansas City at least sodnd-monoy DomooinU will so con strue tholr amazing nctlon. Tho blund er can bo amended, so far as It Is amendable at all. only by the candl date and nt this hour of writing, be fore tho taking of a bnllot, wo are as suming tho nomination of Judgo Park er. Ho must nt onco declare, sound- money Democrats will ilomnnd that he doclnro that tho gold money standard, as now established by law, Is perma nent, and no longer open to question. We do not soy that by such a ileo laratlon Judge Parker can avert de feat; wo fear It Is too late for that. Hut he will put the Dumoomtlc party In a sound position so far as Its can didate U concarned. uiul he will save hi peronal roptiiatloui "The Time for one would do the utmost that lay In Its power to make the defeat exemplary and memorable. ""Hotter another term of Roose velt, better Roosevelt Indefinitely, than oho term of a preildeiU capable nt yielding In the llghtt degree to the dangerous demands ot a party which still coH(es luelf to be Mill liwiHe and una'e." IFiww ta N. Y. World (Dw.J, Sati daj Juli- bia.) "Have the uwwwr ot the St lU couv-mUou km tklr ? Do thy want to glvn Mr. Roosevelt a wnNraver Ih the 4ectUwr (Pn the N. Y. Shi (Dew.). Shtur. day, Ji- 9U,) "The RMbllcaH iilatftwa) It HAL au4 Judjpt IHirher lwow U. lie knows ao that Ui DeowcraU nhtUorm It wromr-fevwotteV wro not mere U I a aenruilve vw ly a slo of otui km. but bj- the iHMttlr ad Aggtm ve ami trlklg alliDcatt camtella lion of n aa oraslve pauk tinted with the sound doctrine oa tho money uueUB, WW Juja rarltor accept ie txHuocrotlc nomination With State and Court streets cleaned up and that fountain Im provement completed, Salem will look pretty good to state fair visitors this fall. Of course, tho good people of Lib erty and Rosedale want that electric road, and thoy will be ready with their share of tho dough when tho time comes. Hurrah for tho Holy Rollers. They aro subject to abuse, without means of redress, and that seems to bo what most nowspapers are looking for these pious days. "Our words have wings, but fly not where we would." This was written before you woro born; but It true to day of advertising which is placed in a poor medium. t "Tho creation of a thousand forests 13 in ono acorn;1 'and tho "big stores" of ten years hence aro probably tho "llttlo shops" or today. Dut tho llttlo shops of today whoso owners aro not good advertlsors will still be tho llttlo shops ten years from now. Tho newspaper which Is "edited with a pitchfork" Is read with but half an eyo, and less than half a mind Store advertising In a newspaper which Is only casually read is scarce ly glanced at. In a newspaper which commands Bcrlous attention, advertis ing recolvos serious attontlon. When tho car company gets Its headquarters across tho street from Tho Journal ofllco tho mud will surely havo to bo kept oft the street or the X-Ray man will moot his doom next winter or dlo In tho attempt. Flanagan and Kelly to Meet. Now York, July 30. The athletic tournament to be held at Celtic park tomorrow under the auspices of the United Irish-American rocletles ot New York, unles3 all signs fall, will bo ono of the most notable seen In the metropolitan section this season. Sev eral world champions and record-hold ers wll take part. Thomas F. Kelly. tho world's champion In all around athletics, will be on hand, as will al so John Flanagan, tho worlds cham pion In weight throwing, who will gc against his own record of 40 feet 2 Inches with the 56-pound weight. o Canadian Pacific Plans. Toronto, Ont, July 30. It Is re ported on good authority that the Canadian Pacific Is about to begin the construction of a new line from Sud bury to this city at a cost of $8,000, 000. The construction of this line, together with tho purchase of local lines near Tllsonburg, Ontario, and tho probable Installation of a ferry sorylco across Lake Erie Is expected to bring tho cost up to some $12,000,- 000. This, It Is belleved.'ls the founda tion for the recent report that the com pany would Issue $20,000000 of new stock. , f r i inn EJ.V Hnlhnnr of it. They would think JLIUII A ww7 ft so strange. You see thev know Ayer's Hair VWSiSSi ctnfes color to gray nair, anu inarms .c &. i.ow.n.yj,- Democratlc Leader's 50th Birthday. Washington, D. C, July 30-Some-one about the captol today recalled the fact that this was the 50th birth day of Congressman John Sharp Wil liam, the minority leader In the house and temporary chairman of the recent Democratic national conven tlon. Tho word was pas3ed along the line and the result was that several messages of congratulation wore dls natched to Mr. Willams from Demo cratic leaders who for ono reason or another have been kept In Washing ton during the dog days. Mr. Willams Is considerably young er than tho majority of those of equal prominence In public life and his friends are confident that he Is des tined for higher honors than any yet bestowed upon him. His leadership of the Democratic minority and the prominent part ho took In the St. Louis convention have made Mr. Williams so well known from one end of the country to the other that It Is dlffcult to realize that his public career began but little over a decade ago. Yet such is the fact, his election to congress In 1892 having been his first public office. APPEARING OLD If that Portlan I and Eastern syndi cate wants to build .a mlle-a-mlnuto road to Salem thoy will do It with or without tho consent of other nations, but If wo want that business-producing road Into tho rich prune belt we shall bo obliged to dig up something more than hot nlr, and vorlly It Is worth tho prlco. o Good Spirits. Good spirits don't all como from Kentucky. Tholr main source Is tho liver and all tho fine spirits ever made In tho Dluo Grass state could not remedy a bad liver or tho hundred and ono III effects It produces. You can't havo good spirits and a bad liver at tho samo time. Your liver must bo In fino condition If you would foel buoyant, happy and hopeful, bright of eyo, light of step, vigorous and successful in your pursuits. You can put your liver In fino condition by using Green's August Flowor tho greatest of all medicines for tho llvor and stomach and a certain cure for dyspepsia or Indigestion. It has boon a favorite household remedy for over thirty-flvo years, August Flower will mako your liver healthy and actlvo and thus Insure you a liberal supply of "good spirits." Trial slzo, 25o; regular bottles, 75c. At all druggists. At Dr. Stono'a drug stores Ac na a nnr to Ptofltable Employ dent. You cannot afford to grow old. In these days of strenuous competition It Is necessary to maintain, as long' as possible ones youthful appearance. It Is Impossible to do this without re taining; a luxurious growth of hilr. The presence of Dandruff Indicates the presence of a burrowing- germ which lives and thrives on the roots of the hair until tt causes total 'baldness. Newbro's Herplclde Is the only known destroyer of this pest, and It Is as effec tive as It is dollghtful to use Ilerplcldo makes an elegant hair dress ing as well as Dandruff cure. AccopJ no substitute there Is none. Sold by leading druggists. Send 10c. In stamps for sample to The Ilerplcldo Co., Detroit, Mich. Daniel J. Fry. Special Agent. Chittim Barb Highest Price paid at Fry's Drug Store, Salem, Oregon. Parties desiring to hold their bark for higher prices, will be giv en Free Storage at our warehouse. We are the largest buyers of Chlttim Bark, Oregon Grape Root, Oregon Balsam of Fir and Bees Wax. We will buy for cash, sell on commission, or give you free stor age. Write or call upon U3 before you sell. DANIEL J. FRY, Whole sale and Retail Druggist, Salem, Oregon. Christian Culture Assembly, LaPorto, lnd JUiy 30. The pfc Lake chautauqua or Indiana BaptlsJ Christian Culture assembly being J annual session nt Pine Lake tomal row and many visitors aro on hand I take part. The opening sermon n be preached by Dr. A. P. Hite, prwA dent of tho Chicago Bible Instltuti Tho assembly will continue for otJ week. The speakers will lnclujj, President, w. i. oukl oi JranKiin.cotl lege, Professor Ira M. Price of thtl University of Chicago and a numbttl of other prominent divines and educaJ tprs of Indiana, Michigan, and neigU boring states. 0 -Wood. Twelve to thirteen, teams hauling. Wo are bringing In our wood from the timber. We havo big flr, second growth flr and ash coming in. Now It tho time to buy .your wood, and have It hauled direct from; the timber. CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT CO. 7-29 At 319 Front Street Pay hlph rates (or insurance on un exposed dweHlngs. The old line companies charge yoa $3 (or $500 of insurance, while for 75 cents yearly you get the same amount by becoming a member o( the Oregon Fire Relief Association oi McMinnviUe, Ore. A home company working (or home insurance on a home plan. Let me tell you about itl H. A. Johnson, Murphy Blk. Salem. Heal office McMinnviUe. Oregon. Modern Buslnesp Vampires When shall wo begin to considor Iho real Importance of dealing vigor ously through tho criminal courts with tho modorn business vampire? By what process of reasoning tan wo make a moral distinction between the larceny or the despised greengqods or gold-brick uwlndlor and the equally real larceny acconnlihix r v. ample, by the rloh and quasi-respectable promoters of the American Ship Building company, that bubble of fraud concerning which the public pretu hat had much to y recent ly. The trustees who hasards tho fiiMie of hU true estate in Wall street gambling, ami toe, spocdlly learns to oW sorrow that hU olfensc It embeatlemeiH. and hU puulshmont severe. How do we tiutinsitish i. twen the conduct which phcea him hMnd the baN vf a urteoa and that. fer ttamtile. of-the present and di rectors of the True cooiiwhj to close ly uwoetoted with the ship building swindle, upon which the financial port of the New York state bank w anUner he recwtUy beee made public? wwvwmvfvi jlAfte i : Remodeling i i Thei i i Plant and putting In nearly a complete llnp of now machinery, tho man agement of tho Salem Steam Laundry feel proud that thoy havo ono of tho most con pleto plants In tho country,' and are this week giving a hand some somonlr fan which re tails In Portland at 35c each) with each package of laundry. Try tho now work and receive ono. MMttstae8taitMtaijtatMMjttM College ol Literature, Science and the Arts College oi Science and f School of Medicine, f University of Oregon Engineering. School o( Mines and Mining. School of Music, School of Law, The eeseion of 1903-4 opens Wednesday! September 14. For catalog nuuiouo, ue, REGISTRAR University of Oregon, Eugene, Oregon. IMW WWMtMWMIHIlH &eaacaMtMHw Salem Steam Laundry ii 230 Liberty St Phone 411 ' aMttccftftawQstateegeg ! That report altow that these direct ow wade Illegal und practically unso. ourod loans of wormotM amount and pormmed tfciHr president tq uso his ofjolal position and. the money of stockholders and depositors to gamb le in floating a sc-callod trust of the under most flagrantly fraudulent cb.ara.oter lhee coadlUoM? Can ho consent to iiirtP t.. . .w. .... ... o. .rt . ,,,,- ,;;;, "; --",' The Yost No. 10 The Machine Behind the IFne Work Excels all others In LIGHT RUNNING PERFECT ALIGNMENT PERMANENT ALIGNMENT EASE OF ACTION BEAUTY OF CHARACTERS AND DURABILITY. 75,000 Sold Yost Writing Machine Co. 230 Stark Street, Portland. C. M. LOCKWOOD, Local Agent 288 Commercial Street. Salem, Oregon. Wo RnL We Sell. We Exchange Wo Repair. i !! -f2iU.irN ' ' CrJSsVn t MmlrA V ) I fcBSiM&waiLjLi- i WUMksw l & C'JR CUSTOMERS LEAVE i WELL SATISFIED an times when leaving their sr at our discretion that we will trim and send homo ready for -fca flro the primest, choicest, ton--erest and julcest boef, lamb, mut- ..oi. or pork. We keep at all tlmos i choice meats, and wo cut them in 'Xpert manner, and sell at tho low "St prices. E. C. Ctoss. - wiio oircci Marxer. Phene: Main 2953. ALt, WORK DELIVERED WHEN PROMISED f93 Commercial St. Oner The Journal. 1IIMIMI I I Safety Hop Tickets Have your tickets numbered on stub and True I. nnd know wbero yu aro at nil tho time THE N. D. ELLIOTT PRINTERY X93 Commercial St., Salem, Or. i!?w.,inuimb,er8 Prorates, and binds your SS. til? hooiu or 5-Si per tliousaitd anM h mle,r- Get 1 ordr Q N0W Seed them yUr tiokota whon y0U PROOFS SUBMITTED OH ALL WORK. tlllllH rr,FrWlliaiiiilfr!: THE PICK OF THE FORE8T ii Has been takon to supply the stock of. lumber in our yards. Our stock l! ! complete with all kinds of lumber; Just received & car load oi Na In' shingles, also a car of fino shakes.;! We are able to fill any and all kind; ; of bills. Come and let ua show yon; ; our stock. ! ' Yard and office near 8. P. pasBenger! ! depot 'Phone Main 65L- ! (i 4t GOODALE LUMBER CO. ,.m2Z1n'","'iiiiiii t h 1 1 1 n 1 1 1 1 n 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 i.M-j MM-HjTrv: Wfint,f t--ry-w hi niimimi i 1 '.Tk' " F"Y Lq-ot Sto Full line of liquors and li ommere,a' Street McBrier brand-tha h. . . Cedbrook whisky formerly I Urered In the city 1.; .;."r t uTerea m the elr limit. .J - m wniimimiiSl?: Phono MaItt "51. use. All order filled the and 'lo- wwaH,,,l,,,,,,,j WTjBwiifflriHBj ttr J