Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, July 29, 1904, Page SIX, Image 6

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    nyqnr TfWiyii)wi'
Party of Engineers Working
South From Oregon
Engineers are la the field survoying
lio proposed routo of the Portland
SoTrthorn Electric Company, says tho
bPortland Journal, For tho past week
a corps of engineers have been at work
With of Oregon City.
Tho first construction work of tho
3MJW road will bo dono between OregoH
City and Salem. When, It Is com
pleted between thoso two points It
sJll bo extended Into Portland, then
fiwnl Salera to Eugene through Al
bany on tho other end. Tho dlstanco
botwota Oregon City and Salem Is 38
Sri tea.
Construction work on that section
of tho road wilt bo begun within a
Jdiort time, It la announcod. Tho road
will bo standard gaugo, enabling the
.transfer of cars or other equipment
Jbom any otbor road. Tho system) will
fe operated by electricity. , Tho lino
.will .parallel tho tracks of tho South
ern Pacific, and wilt pcnolrato one of
tho richer and most populous sec-
tkraa of Orogon.
Tho road Is financed by capitalists
C Detroit, Mich. They havo been en
gngod for many years In constructing
ami oDoratlna Intorurban roads, and
tho Investment la Oregon property
may result In tho further building of
itnterurbarv roads. They are roprcv
ented In this city by J. C, French,
-who Is ono of tho Incorporators of tho
sow company. , ,
Thoro will bo a meeting tho latter
pari of this week for tho purposo of
oVoctlng officers and 'directors of the
-(ipBipany. Tho meeting will bo held
iff tho offlco of Attorney 0. W. Miller.
VflVlrllo tho Incorporator aro Inter-,
estod In tho now roadv wo nro not tho
real promoters,' 'said Mr, Miller today,
'Tiio road ii being financed by Easf
era capitalists, who deslro that their
Ideality remain unknown for tho pres
et Engineers aro alroady at work,
msA thoro is no question but that tho
road will bo built. 1 am Informed that
ctivo construction work will begin in
ft short time."
The tomb was almost hidden beneath
a mass of magnificent floral offerings.
Tho anniversary has renewed in
terest and speculation In tho fate of
tie assassin, Bresel, concerning
which numerous contradictory stories
are told. It has been reported at In
tervals that Bresel Is dead, but this
is not generally credited. The prob
abilities aro that he is still confined
in prison and that he is totally mad
as has been reported.
Honor Kino Humbert's Memory.
Rome, July 29. Today was tho
fourth nnnlvorrary of tho tragic death
of King Humbert, who was assaisln
td at Monza, July 23, 1000, by Oao
la bo Jlroscl, an annrchlst. In accord
aooo with custom1 tho nnnlvorsary
waa observodi Ifyi commomdratlvo ex
orcises throughout tho kingdom. In
tho capital thoro was a pllgrtmago
of many thousands of visitors to Uio
tomb of tho dead king In tho Pan
tiieom Kins Victor Emmanuel, ac
companied by Queen Helena and
members of tho royal family, viilted
tho tomb and spont an hour In prayer.
Thin People.
Thin, Bcrawny, fleshless people aro
usually nervous, irritable, bilious and
dyspeptic. Every chango of weather
effects them, if tho happen to eat or
drink anything containing disease
germs, It develops at onco, and they
aro tho nrst budjccis or any conta
gious dlseaso coming into tho neigh
borhood. Their llfo is a continual
worry In their efforts to avoid expos
ure to damp and ma'arious atmos
phere. People can gain from ono to
three pounds of solid, healthy flesh
por week by the use of Dr. Gunn a
Blood and Nerve Tonic, It puts their
system In condition to resist sick
ness. This Tonic Is In tablet form,
to bo taken right after meala Sold
by all druggists for 75c per box or
three boxes for $2. It turns tho food
you eat Into strong rich blood, this
prevents and cures disease. People
toll us who havo used tho Tonic that
It euro? tbem, then keeps them from
getting sick afterward.
Foro sale by Dr. S. C. Stone, druggist.
Good Find of Alabama Ore.
Birmingham, Ala., July 29. A dis
covery of a largo deposit of gray of
magnetic oro near Sycamore, Ala.,
has caused considerable Interest In
Industrial circles here, Inasmuch as
It develops tho fact that thore is oro
In nbundanco In other places besides
on tho mountalus in the immedfato
Birmingham' district or on Lookout
mountain. Tho oro runs 4G to 47 per
cent, metallic Iron with other ele
ments about tho same as tho red ore
In Uio Birmingham district except
that tho oro has fluxing elements
equivalent to six por cent, of car
bonnto llrao. There nro probably 10,-
000,000 tons, If not moro, In a six-
foot seam which has been tapped.
Governorship Wili Be One of
the Leading Ques
Illinois Baptist Assembly.
Gnlesburg, 111., July 29 Judging
from today's auspicious opening, tho
Illinois Baptist assembly this year
will bo ono of tho most successful as
semblies over held by tho denomina
tion In thla state. Mrs. John A. Lo
gan was tho principal speaker today.
Among those to bo heard during tho
coming -week aro Rev, A. W. Lamar, of
Nashville, Tenn.; Rov. Dr. IU S. Mo
Arthur, of Now oYrk City, and Rov.
W, A. Sunday, tho baseball ovam
Lprd Dundonald 3lls.
Montrenl, Que., July 2D. Lord
Dundonald, lato commander-in-chief
of tho military forces In Canada,
sailed for England today on the steam
er Tunisian. '
New York, July 29. Tho question
concerning the probable choice of
EHhu Root as gubernatorial candidate
on tho Republican ticket is still unde
cided and the situation seems more
hopelessly complicated than ever. It
is well known that President Roose
velt favors Mr. Root, but Governor
Odell Is strongly opposed to Mr. Root
and docs not seem to be inclined to,
yield to the wishes of the president
The governor It ambitious to be the
absolute ruler of the Republican pan
ty In this state and be Is afraid that
Mr. Root,, being a s'rong and ener
getic maD, and strongly backed by In
fluential elements in the party would
not submit to dictation and would
coon assume the leadership which
Governor Odell covets. The govern
or had a conference with the presi
dent tho other day, but as nothing
has been said about he result of the
meeting, It 13 safe to assume that
Governor Odell has not changed his
attitude. There aro two other candi
dates In tho field, ex-Governor Black
and ex-Lieutenant-Governor Wood
ruff. Black would bo acceptable to
President Roosevelt If Root's nomina
tion should be Impossible, but Mr.
Piatt is strongly opposed to Mr. Black
and Insists upon Mr. Root's nomina
tion. Woodruff Is not seriously con
sidered by either faction, as ho is
believed to bo tho weakest of the
three candidates. If Odell and Piatt
should remain obstinate, however, it
would not be surprising should Wood
ruff bo nominated a9 compromise candidate.
Woodmen of the World
Salem, Oregon, Five Days Commencing
Tuesday, Agst ?
The Nat Reiss Southern Carnival Co.
Tho renewal of tho packing house
strike promises to cause considerable
trouble In this city. Now York on
Btimes enorbious quantities of meat,
and tho serious curtailing of tho sup
ply is bound to bo felt by all classes
of the population. Tho meat prices
havo reached a dizzy height already
and tho poorer classes are even now
compelled to adopt vegetarian diet.
Nearly ono thousand small .butcher
shops In tho poorer districts of the
city havo boon forced to close, owing
to their Inability to procure moat from
tho wholesale dealers The opponents
of meat dlot are reJolcimr because
they see in the prosent meat famine
a welcome opportunity to prove tholr
pot theory, but tho suffering masses
aro not so enthusiastic over tho scan
city and costliness of their principal
article of food.
bn unW
Swollen Klumls, tumors, whUoBweHitiff, sores, push
rucaiy sum eruptions, flabby muscles, brittle bones, wenk
digestion, emaciated, illy-nourished bodies, are some of
tbc well known earmarks of Scrofula. Scrofula is inker
itetl, Parents too closely related by the ties of blood, or
tainted with consumption or blood poison, may look for
jffa of Scrofuln in their children. The middle-aged often
fcnve It, but children urc the chief sufferers. Scrofulr
Dreaxa uovrit tlie vital forces, m...i.rf m.i- .......
,1 I), m.i i. .,.,... ,71.nd Ohio, Auiuit 11,1008.
Weak and poor that it docs not Si2,!,"t10fl?'r.oi ,. p blood and a run
sourish the lm.1v. Tli .-.... SEtA'Ji'i'SSlM J?5?,LA. wum. 1 har.
cdy in nit nciofulous
tlona must bonne that uu
.. :, .....;:. ..vv. ""-! uu promoi! dd
lueuiseoaeu Mood, builds up i,i"""an' KT',.?,?ltn "d enarry.ViiUU up
the wlf .W.,..Hnn ..,...... !DWJ? 1 ry way. and In addition
,. .,. ' . 17. "-" wiui uiuou purmtr, it add to Ua " a mini auve wlln tno larvaii
oiesiorcea. Noiucdiclnelms " urown at. . ,. nuiuuuuw uio water is
Won so mucli fame as a blood purifier as 8. S. S., and its tonic effects upon
..... ..,.. i.., .v ui cuvicii oy any outer remedy. It
makes the weak, tainted blood rich and strong and
drives out of the circulation all tubercular deposits
and morbid matter thnt cause the glandular dwelling.
Mt make Scrofula o dreadeil aud danKeroud. ' vfm
Write us fully olwut your cne. Meilical advice will cost vou nothinir.
mw vifHiiuaui ui nnTiiei.ni rtw mhia
nilcc- Pnoa t UifTrnt timoa. but thir trfctmnt did
tit anil
Tho mosquito plague In Brooklyn
he's begun somewhat earlier than in
former years and llfo out of doors In
that borough Is a burden at present.
particularly at night. Brooklyn
abounds In choice breeding places for
theso winged posts, but no determined
effort hns boon made up to tho pre
sent, to reruody the evil. It is stated
now, howevers thnt soon a beginning
is to bo made. Tho authorities have
come to the conclusion that the pond
In Prospect park Is ono of tho largost
and most prolific breeding places for
mcMiultos In New York and needs at
tention. Tho pond hns no outlet and
tho stagnant waten has never been
let out as long as the park Is In ex
istence. Tho water Is extremely ntthy.
filled with a luxuriant growth of
Nator plants and in many places
covered with a thick green scum.
wnien la fairly alive with the larvae
ably Con
ducted TWh
ftitty Advertised
Big Free
Diavalo Looping tne Loop
Free Acts
More Real
Features "
and More
Tnan Any
Big Pay
The Most Sensational Act Before the Amusement World
TIT A VniT A looping the loop on a common bicycle, defying all laws of
VV JM gravitation, moving through space head downwards, mafc-
ing a complete saumersault in midair.
Tan Funklnos slide for life; dazzling fireworks display; band concerts; sports; contests; every day a big
day; every night a feature night; something doing every minute.
Two Peiomances Daily 2:30, 7?30 P. M.
General Admission iOc
Wednesday, August 10th Children's day at the Carnival. All children under the age of 16 yeare, calling at
Joseph Meyers & Sons' Store will receive a ticket to the Carnival Free.
posslblo with
If tho matter would develop Into a first would have been
class scanaai. u seems mat ue com- sweepers. To wash a block on Madl
mlttee which had been appointed by ' son avenue, which Is 43 feet wide, con
Mayor McClellan to take charge of suraed 112 galcns of water and, with
and. distribute tho funds, found the out hand labor, finished the work in
work too onerous and left tho work of less than 15 minutes,
distribution to A. A. Hill, connected! '
with tho Charity Organization society
of Manhattan. The mothods of Mr.
Hill aro severely criticized. It Is as
serted that Mr. Hill, who lives out of
town, took quarters at a hotel and
surrounded himself with n staff of
Mrn Hannah H. Browne celebrated
her hundred and first birthday a few
days ago, surrounded by a small cir
cle of friends. She Is mentally still
sound, but her strength Is gradually
falling. She was bom in Smith, ..,
14 clerks and stenographers, paying Long Island, In 1S03. Tho town was'
not only their salaries, but also his 'named after hr fnti,. c,
botol bills out of the relief funds. It nino .,-. nM vhM .,, ' .'
'LT1 f ,th t0ml ?,mount.b out and she distinctly remem"
about J25.0OO have been expended so, bars the troops marchln. off , T.
sum only a little fmnt At , ,o ..
$4000 was used for relief pur.w.,h : JZ.J "' " movea
posos while tho rest went toward pay- the present Grand street, MaXtin
imr fnn Kiiinrw ,. . ..., .-. . . . "" -utt.il, .Manhattan
. t," :.;..r :. m ,w 8ne as " tow her wends
se and her lover
far, but
25c, 35c, 40c
Fou sizes of Window Screens at
above prices and the best
made, too.
to be drawn oft and the pond thorough
ly cleaned, before it Is ronlled with
clean water.
The Now York Central railway
company Intends to introduce electric
power for etoam power In IU subur
ban sen-Ice and has ordered seeral
electrical locomotives from the den
eral Btwtrlc company, which are x-'lHH.-ted
to solve tho tractjon problem
In a perfect sallsfactorj- manner.
The new electric locomotive will have
ft leuKth of 37 feet and will develop
frout MOO to 3i00 Aorse Kwer The
big enjrlnea, which haul the Kuplra
oiaiw prMM nuve an IndJcatett horeo
ixser of vinly about 1500, The elec
tric locomotive WH be a double nd
er and work wjualty wett la either dl
I Imwediatery aftftr the QeneraJ Slo
eum vMater eeutrilmtloiw for the
survivors of the 1etlms began to.
leur In and In a short time ovw
MOd.COO wo3 Ui the refund. The man.
ner la whksh tho fund has Ween man
aged and th rHMho0 at ittHribntina
it aaa causett cg4Uerable diai,..
factlo and it wxMtM not be surprUms lew
bill?. Tho attention of the mayor has
been called to tho matter and It Is
expected that an investigation will be
made to ascertain tho actual facts in
the case.
The Holland American Steamship
company is tho first trans-Atlantic
lino which will Introduce tho wireless
st)-stom of telography on all Its steam
ships. A contract has been made be
tween tho company and tho Marconi
company for the Installation of the
eastern on tho steamers Rotterdam.
Itotsdnm, Amstordam. N'oordam. Stat
nedam. Ryndam, and also on the new
liner wbleh is now building for that
company. Tho steamer Rotterdam
will bo tho first one to be equipped
with a complete receiving and send
ing -complement.
Tho officials of the street cleaning
department attended tests of a new
streot oleanlng machine, which gave
promise of solving the vexatious
street cleaning problem In a more sat
isfactory manner than any othor con
trivance tried heretofore. The ma
chine is really a washer, wIch expels
tanaW streams of water under high
air pressure. Tho tests wore made
both on asphalt and Belgian block
pavement and were highly satUfac-
qry. Botli wore washed clean with
water and in less Umo than
iod to roam
beautiful woods that
covered tho space now occupied by the
hi urooKiyu.
through the
The death of WiUon Barrett will
cause a slight change lu the plans of
Charte. Frohman. who recently came
back from his an.uml European tour
Just In.
A large and complete line of gas
ranges just received. Citizens' JJgnt
& Traction Co. 7-22-tf
O .A. s T o ara. X .A. .
Betri tne , Tl Kind You Haw Always Bought
Bigmtnro Vr , VvJ . -7r
No. 2 for Yaqulna
Leaves Albany 12:45 P.M.
Leaves Corvallis 1:45 P.M.
Arlves Yaqulna 5:40 P.M.
No. 1. .Returning
Leaves Yaqulna
Leaves Corvallis
Arrives Albany ..
No. 3 for Detroit
Leave Albany ..,
Arrives Detroit ..
No. 4 from Detroit
Leave Detroit ...
Arrives Albany n:i5 A.M.
iraln No. 1 arrives In Alhanv In
time to connect with the s p. south
bound train, as well as giving two or
three hours in Albany before depart
ure of S. P. north bound train.
loaded down with plans for the ,'....-. 2 COnnects wlth tho S' Pl
season. Mr Frohman has , i- J I ,, "s Ul orval and Albany giving
to hrino V'lU,. , H ""
.. 7:15 A.M.
...11:30 AlM.
...12:15 P.M.
.. 1:00 P.M.
... C:00 P.M.
6:30 A.M.
...,uh ,,,,WIl jiftrrott and h(s com
-j uvw ueru ror a tour of
.u.ury, out the death of the
i-ior win prevent
ulrect service tn 'AnnnPt nn oin.
cent beaches.
tram No. 3 for Detroit. TirMfrtniMiari
-., - VWww.-r
veteran and other mountain resorts leaven Al
reaching Detroit
the onrr . "'""' '
... mjwii: inn inH. .1. AA
oi tan Plan, sir Charl w'Z ". y M l'w P- m
sad his coPaBi- w L:''-?rVDout 6:00 p. m.
by Mr. Frohraan. ai ruT " U Q
"o. iiiincu
Frohman. a!o
Campbell and Bllen Tecr" Is
For further information apply to
rvw-, ", wu4u, wautu
to appear in a ar u,t. The X' . C0CKRELL, Agent, Albany.
JJ-H-jr have not be, aecide4
A Gold M4.i
Will be given awsw- t t. .u...
T for the best shotOn
7 2S-U
H CRONISB, Agent, Corvallis.
the White House restaurant.
For Infant, ...im,",,.?'
Be Kind You Have Atwajs Bought
Bears the
and Altona leave for
Portland daily except Sun.
hy at 7 a. m.
ueck: Foot t4 Trtit m