It MI ,s. '" "Sl r V DAIUV CAPtfAiSJOURN SALEM, OREGON, FRIDAY JULY-29, 1904. FIVE A Big Line , Of men's working add tlrfess pants i just arrived. Heavy alfwoof pants b for ?2, $2.25 and ?2.50. Nothing ev. '. er Bhown In Salem to compare with them for "the pried , Boys'. Fine Pants 50c All wool every pair guaianteed not to rip a now pair If they rip. Wquld you want anything better than that? Come and see then Btiy the Fo'stei? Hoso supporters. They are the boatt and we sell them much cheap er than the other stores. , PERSONALS Mrs. W. H. Byrd went (o Portland today. J. A. Jeffory, the attorney, went to Portland today v David Simpson Is spending: a few weeks at Newport. ' MlsS Edna Humphrey returned this morning rom Canby. Miss Edith Hazard, of Jefferson, was a Salemi visitor today. Frank J. Bolter, of Brooks, was a Salem visitor yesterday. Miss Leola Hicks, of Sllvsrton, is visiting irlends in. Salem1. N. J. Judah was among those going to Newport this moiming, ' Charles Moran left last evening for Seattle, where he will reside. Mr. and Mra Sousbee and son went to Newport today for an outing. Mrs. S. R. McCracken and little daughter went to Detroit this morn ing. V. Lair Thompso'n and Willard L Marks, .of Albany, were in the icity today.' Miss Clara Albert returned .last evening from a weeks outing at New port. Rev. and Mrs. D. J. Goode returned , What. Schilling's Best .does for a family: saves all care about . baMng.powdar flavoring tiUraatc pica coffin and settles those questions once for all. At faux finctr'i; naatybwlh inni niiniiii itiiti-n- ! I Log Cabin Creams :: and : : Peppermint Chews Zfilil S :: 154 State St. Phone 1971 J imiiiiiiiiin iHiMiH I Wonderfal bargains in I , WFTMWANT SALE At The Old , Cronise Studio, Over the New York Racket Store. $2.50 pe Do. I I 20 Pet? Cent Off o the beat fruit jars In the market-ECONOMY VACUUM FRUIT JARS-Plnts, quarts and' half-gallon sizes. Fruit nevor spoils In thorn. Even at regular prices they're the cheapest Jar, just as a ce ment walk is tho cheapest walk, and at. tho reduced prices the re a verltablo snap. Don't watt till they're gone. ATWOOD & FISHER Phone 57 1. Grocers Corner Commercial and Court. l0BtlPlllrIT"'''"B1lll, t Bee Hive Salem's Blg-Ltttlo Store, the Store with the Bargains and Little Prices. GEO. MELSON, Proprietor. Oaf Shoes They are giving satisfaction. A hundred cases just arrived. See the. shoes and then hear us tell you trie price, and then hear your self say: "That Is the vbest shoo I ever saw for the money." That is why you seeso many people com ing out of store wlthva pair of "Star Brand" shoes under their arm. Out Gloves M,uch lower In price than other stores. Steam and fire proof horse hide that is the kind we sell. lout evening from a visit with rela tives at Lebanon. W. H. Dlndlnger, of Pendleton, Who has beem visiting with mV and Mrs. H. R. Hyde, of this city. Ex-Alderman an'd Mrs. Thos. Bur rows loft this mornlrtg for their sum mer oiiting at Seaside. W. H. Dunn, of Boise, Idaho, went to Portland yesterday, after a short visit In this city. Mro W. E. Dunn, of Spokane, and Miss Moore, of -Portland, aro the guests of Mrs. A. C. McCoy. Mrs. D. F. Brunner and little son. returned last evening from a visit with Portland friends. Dr. -and Mrs. W. Cuslck went to Newport today, whero they will enjoy several weeks' outing. Mia R. A. Kirk and Miss Agnes Kirk went to Newport yesterday, whore they will spend a two weeks' outing. Mrs. EmlV Roberts, of Marlon re turned to her home yesterday, after a visit with 'Miss Morgan; Conger, of this city. Mrs. J. L. Gojn returned to her home In Albany this morning, after a two weeks' visit with her parents In this city. B. T. Waggoner, of Arizona, who ha been visiting In tho city, left yester day for a visit to Portland, en route to his home. F. E. Shafer went up to Turner last evening, where ho" will spend a few days with Mrs. Shafer,' who is camp lng near that place. Miss Bertha Statfoid, of Canby, who has been the guest of Miss Julia Ray- mand, went to Eugene yesterday, ' where she will visit, Mr, Hans Larsenand Miss Martha Larson left for their home in Iowa yesterdaiyv after a visit with Mr. and Mrs. Eric Larsen. Mr. Gideon Stolz and daughter, Mrs. W. G. Westacott returned yejtorday from a visit to Portland and outing at Collins' Hot Springs. Mrs. U Coppens, of Walla Walla, who have been visiting friends here, left yesterday for Gervala, wheie they will visit before going homo. Mra. G. O. Bontley and children re turned to her homo nt Myrtle Creek today, after attending the funeral of her mother, the lato Mrs. Tucker. Miss Eva Gooding and Willie Good-, ing returned to their homo at Marlon vesterdav. after visiting with tho family of Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Hend ricks. Mies Lucillo Jerrold, accompanied by Mrs. George Broker of Ashland, passed through this city last even ing, enrout to Miss Jerrold's home at Tacorna. Miss Adah Ward, of Albany, re turned to her home this morning, af tor spending several weeks visiting at the ttomo of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Ward of this city. Miss Adelo Mlllor, of Sublimity, re turned to her hamo this roornlns, af ter a visit with tho Misses Mary and Matilda Eckerlon of this city. She was accompanied home by Miss Ber tha Kllngor, who will visit for a few weeks. MICROBE BACK NUMBER Woods Hutchinson Hot on Ti ail of Gopher Tick Guinea Pig Died, but Doctor is Still' Alive to Wage J the War Dr. Woods Hutchinson, tho Portland typhoid fever microbe finder, la now, hot In pursuit of tho gopher tick, and, as tho job- is about his Bize, ho will probably succeed in exterminating the pest. The wood-tick lives upon tho body of a gopher, and is said to carry the microbe of a disease known as; "knot ted fever" Into the human body, and as 90 per cent of the "spotted fever" cases -prove fatal to the human family there has been a determined effort on the part of medical men to classlfythe disease, and find an antidote for it. Tho Investigation has been carried on .to an advanced stago by tho Oregon state board of health, and Dr. Matson, tlie bacteriologist, has satisfied him self that the "disease is actualy trans mitted to man through tho bite of tho gopher tick. Tho Investigation first started In Idaho, where the bite of the, tick Is tfartlc'uarly fatal. The victims. were chiefly sheep herders and pros pectors. The disease attacked man in much the same manner as spinal men-, ingitis, and an eruption under the skin followed Its course. It was for -a long time thought to bo caused by drinking snow water, but now It is at-j trlbuted to one of the animal microbes.' The fever made an: annual visitation, to Harney county, and the Baker Cltiy country, and usually prevails during July and August. It is not usually .fa tal here, as It Is about Bitter Root valley, Idaho, although In both places the gopher Is very plentiful, and his blood is found to bo swarming with the microbes. Dr. Woods Hutchinson, secretary of 'the state board of health, had a guinea pig Inoculated with blood, frora an afflicted man at Hood River, and the little "animal died- within 48 hours. The docters: aro now seeking an antl-toxlne that will destroy tho ef fects of the tick bite. o Band Concert Tonight. Tonight In Marlon square the Salem Military band will glvo another of ltij always popular concerts, and' the la dles of the Marlon Square Improve ment League will servo Ico cream and cake an dlemonade to all. It is hoped there will be a large attend- anco, and thus help along the desired Improvements. Following Is tho program of tho band, which Is under tho efficient leadership of Prof. W. E. McElray: March Uncle Sammy Holzman Selection Bohemia Girl Balfe Baritone solo Old Kentucky Home Rolllnson Mr. J. Van Martin. Valtz Hearts Courageous... Blanke Serenade Lovo In Idleness. .Macbeth Two-stop Officer of the Day Hall Caprlco Venetian Beauty Rolfe March Tho Conciliator Scouton Wood. Twelve to thirteen teams hauling. Wo aro bringing In our wood from the timber. Wo have big fir. second growth fir and ash coming in. Now Is the time to buy ,your wood, and havo t hauled direct from tho timber. CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT CO. 7-2!Mf 319 Front Street, o Important Meeting. There will bo a meeting of the delegates appointed to attend the State Dovolopmont Leaguo conven tion at tho police court room In the city hall, Monday, evening at 8 o'olock. All such dolegatos and others Interested are urged to attend 7-29-3t Tho hydrujeopo may render useloss torpedo boats and mines. Shodld -the captain of a cruiser seo tho submarine prowler or projootllo h6 could dostroy It before any damago was done. In navigation the instrument should also bo' sorvlceablo, as rocks and sand banks wll bo clearly seen. "Ho Is not 'worthy of tho honey comb who shuns tho hives becauso tho boes have stings," and tho mer chant who la afraid to advertise well because of Its cost will secure a meag er share of tho honey of success. Thero aro still 1,196,900 acres of vacant 'government land and 987.876 acres In various reservations in tho leading agricultural state, Kansas. Fifty yeaw ago It was almost a tree less waste. IHM Men's Shirts Boys' Suit Sale Our boys' eult salo is bringing in many mothers to fit out itlielr boys for' tho coast, or for school. Tho sulta aro arranged in lota and you can pick your own price. Ages from 3 to 15 years. Suits that were selling from $2.00 to $7.00 now $3.35. $2.85, $2.35, $1.85 and $1.15. Como quickly to got your choice. STRAW HATS HALF Salem Woolen Mill C. P. BISHOP, Proprietor. POST MASTER SHORT Roseburg, July 29. During the past day or two rumors have been gaining circulation in this city of somo irreg ularities In tho Roseburg postofflce. Today these reports gained moro defi nite shapo, In the assertion that Post master Frater had been charged with being about $500 short in his accounts Coupled with this Information is- -the statement that Mr. Prater' has mado good tho shortage. Postal Inspector Butler was in town this morning, but would nolthor confirm nor dony thosa reports. One rumor stated that Mr. Prater's bondsmen would place some bno else In charge of the office, but this, we understand, will not bo done at nresan't. nendliur further InvestlKa- tloii and advjcs from the department at' Washington. His promptly mak- ing" good the shortage Is cited as showing that there was Intention to defraud on tho part of Mr. Frater. Pendfng further investigation, details are,, unattainable. . ' ' , i ', V-Judae Cleland Injured. -John B. Cleland, judge of depart ment No. 3, In tho Multnomah circuit court', met with ah accident at Seaside last Saturday, which will doprive him of tho use of his left armi for some, time. For tho past 10 days Judge Ololand has been spending his vaca tion with his family at Seaside. They occupl)' a pretty cottage on a hill some distance from the beach, which Is reached by an elevated road. Tho road was built Insecurely at one point, and a? Judge Cleland stepped near the nilirn nw f. I o urnv ti t?lA llAflfttl If fl-1ITTI. uu)j uu Ilia nu r ..w mv ... .. u... bled andahrew him) to tho ground Be ing a large, heavy man, weighing 220 pounds, Judge Cloland's Impact with' tho sod was with such force as to so severely wrench hla shoulder. After Chinaman's Money. Tho heirs of Young Chung, the Hubbard hop Chinaman, who was killed by a train at that place last fall, havo petitioned tho county court for a division of tho estate. G. M. Fry, tho administrator, has filed his final account, and there is $1C00 cash on handi Tho holra consist of his moth er, wife and son, all living In China, Funeral Today. Tho funeral of tho lato Ernostlno Plpor.daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Piper, of Sellwood, was held from tho Losllo M. E. church this aftornoon at 2 o'clock, Rev. H. A. Ketchum con ducting tho services,' and tho Intor ment was had In tho I. O. O. F. corno tery. State Treasurer Onarlos &. wa3 a Portland visitor today. Mooro MH Open for Business Tho Star Bottling Works, cor ner of Broadway and Market streots, North Salem, aro now ready to fill all ordora on short notice, In tho lino of soft drinks. All kinds of sodas at 75c per case. Quart goods at $1.50 per dozen. Quality guaranteed. Special Rates to Dealers. Phono 235 White. Special Fo This Week Twice a year this store sots the shirt stock fro order. Soft shirts, stiff shirts, plaited shirts everything; goes at prices that always .soil them quickly. ?1.G0 shirts now 95c, $1.00 shirts now 65c. Seo our window. PRICE RESULTS WERE GOOD Tho town of Hubbard has boon ex perimenting with crudo oil xm tho streets. A correspondent says! "Tho city has had a lot or crude oil put on somo of tho streets aB a test to seo what effect It would havo on the dust, and also to seo what it will do this winter. So far this season it has kept tho dust down in good shapo. Tho olt is much cheaper than sprinkling the streets wljh, water, and also lasts longer." Rich Oregon Mine. W. J. Wlmer, of the Deep Gravel Mining Company, at Waldo, camo to Grants Pass Tuesday with 190 ounces of gold, the result of a test run of seven days and nlno nights, with two Inch nozzle at 180 feot pressure. There havo boon sevoral cleanups this season, all of which glvo sptondld returns Tho flumes and races wore cleansed up, and this tost run mado with tho last water of tho season. Tho company, which Is composed of W. J. Wlmer and E. A. Reamos, last year Installed a Hendy elevator, which has proved a splendid success. It Is a tubular elevator, tho pipo being 10 Inches in diameter, and the gravel Is raised 14 v foot. The gold taken out runs about $18.50 to $19 per ounce, bringing tho test run to about $3G00.-VGrarits PaBs Courlor. o - Wapts Sentence Commuted. Beatrjjpe Totei has commenced a suit forTdivorcb fromi her husband, Roub'en Toter. Tho parties wore mar ried In this county In 1898, and havo resided1 hero over slnco. The grounds for the dlvorco ia desertion. M. E. Pogito Is attorney for tho plaintiff. Tho 8hootlng Gallery Is offorlng a prlzo for tho best rifle ehot. Do not fall to Investigate. Op posite tho Whlto Houso restaurant, 7-28-tf OR HABERLY'S WHITE PINE 0 G JO 0 2 W trt o P 0 p 13 0 Expectorant An Excellent Remedy for COUGHS, COLDS, Hoarseness, SoreThroAt and all Dis eases of tbe Throat and Lungs. DIRECTIONS. 8U months tooneyear,10drop8 1 to 2 years, 20 drops j 2 to 6 yean, 26 drops; 6 to 10 years, Jvteaepoonful. Adulti 1 tosspoonlul every 2 hours. PALACEPHARMACY J, M. HABERLY, 118 State St. Salem Of c. BEWARE OF COUNTERFEITS, N. B. I would warn tho public that thero aro Imitations of this cough euro. Nono genulno without tho above label. STRAW HATS HALF PRICE Store " Books on S Photog- S taphy 5 M A foil line of the Pfco- 2 to - Miniature series 5 w in. 2gf 9 2 Patton's Book Store. 5 ! It Seems Strange When eo many goods aro put up short weight, or adulterated ia some way to deceive. To find an article of common ueo Ptstt Foil Wdgfet and in every way to tbe Interest of the conoumer. A trial will prove Eppleys Perfection Baking Powder la Just what we claim for it, Mado in Oalom, told by moat Sa lem grocers. Phone Main 1041 C. M. Eppfey State Street, Corner 10th. MMMHWItlMIMMIHM iFlouri $1.00 a Sack, Cash Price. Kvory sack warranted. Just as an inducement for a cosh business. Posttlvoly no credit at abovo price. iD.A.White&Son FEEOMEN and 8EEDMEN. 301 Com'l St. Salem Or. M t-fr ! II ! fr H" H-M i THE WILHOIT WATER. I have arranged, as usual, with Mr. W. T. Stolz, of tho Spa, to draw tho famous Wllholt ' t f Mineral Wator through his foun ; ; tain, and your people can rely oa Its purity. W. F. McLoran, , , Proprietor Springs', IIHIHH1IHHIIHIIIH 3