Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, July 27, 1904, Page FOUR, Image 4

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New YorW, July 27. Evofy Beason
ttaa. Itfl characteristic and 'peculiar fea
ture of fashion, aside from the cut
and oiitllno of the various garments,
ITbcw, characteristics vary. "Some
time It Is a certain color or tint which
&ceoma bo popular that It hecoraos
Abe- mature of the aoason, or somo
dlnrofl a cortaln material practically
dominate the season, or some parti
cular kind of trimming forms the keg
noto. The characteristic features of
IMo present summer season are the
unjnsocdouted popularity of linen
mntorlnls anl the remarkable prefer
ence lor whlto.
JUttiough llnons havo been used for
unnr Jrewtes for a great many
years and In somo years wore quite
j)ojwJiir, tholr popularity was novor
am crcat as this year. Thoro has boon
Htt exceptionally flno solectlon of lin
ens of oil grades, textures1 and colors
5 r. 15)c market and tho demand was tin
pamllolciL Unons are not only used
mora ihls year, but thoy arc used in
e greater variety of stylos and for a
affronter range of iuriosea than over
i!onx Linen Is used for shirtwaist
Crocks of the simplest and Bovorost
AJnJ, is mado Into tailored gowns and
cctmls, Js employed with remarknblo
tsnccesn In boleros and praotlcally all
Admits ot skirts, from tho plainest to
4bH most elaborate afternoon or oven
Knp gpwns.
WMto decidedly predominates In
jBMatmer stylos this year In Paris as
wU as hero. White drosses arc- to be
won evorywhore. Those of linen are
wxtrcmoly popular, iiartlcularly In com
urination with bro.lorlo Anglalso. Dut
axlro In Bilks, voiles, lino woolens.
Ifanttstu and othor matorlals whlto Is
tho predominating cotor. Somo of
tho iont oxqulslte summer kowtis and
nilro units ore In white, evon to the
ftrirmnlngH and accessories. Many wo
men. In lhirls as woll as horo, oven
wear while shoes with their whlto cos
iiiiiws and the general effect Is decld
eillr dainty.
Tlio summer season will soon be
oor and then tho supermacy of linen
mnu Uio popularity of whlto will come
to an end. Judging from Paris roiKirts
choclcorod materla's and cortaln Bhadoj
of rud 11 bo extremely popular dur
ing tho coming fall. Somo very at
tractive allien lu plaids and checkers
uro hIiowu lu tho shops and among
tbanx uro many striking color combi
nations. There Is u cortaln simile of
retf, cnllod "dreg of wlno' 'In Paris,
whloh tins made quite a hit In Paris
ami as tho color l really quite boautl
ful, there Is ovory reuson, to believe
tii at It will also become popular horo.
To bo correctly dressed every nth
Jetlo girl und every womuu who Ib
fond of outdoor sports, must have a
Potor Thompson wnlst. This lntest
ail in waists Is really nothing but a
turt of bloiifo that U slipped over the
hoad and has n gntliorlug string lu tho
I)ollom, by means of which It Is tied
uround the waist. All kinds ot mate
rials are used for those waists, but
tho most npporprlnto fabric uro cotton
or linen duel, coarse or line Iluon, or
a coarse cotton material, loaombllng
mill cloth TIkmv wnlsta are. of course,
worn with n slioit skirt and ore often
omlioHlshod with n binart sailor collar
for th tNtU. H prTut ileor. I
htnltn tho kuiui tail yurtflM th
titth Mil inouth.
Hot weather meals, coo!
weather meals, every
thing appetUing and
White House
George Bros, Props.
t IHIUIIIIH ii t -f
: Wall Paper :
a Latest designs in stock,
J and sood work guaran-
tccd. Wc have the small 1
store and small prices
i E. L Lemmon
299 Liberty St,
Phone 2475
and hand-embroldored Insignia on
shield or sloovo. The advantages of
thla waist over the ordinary shirt
waists are that It Is easily put on, or
off. Mays in place and gives freedom
to the movements of the arms and
shouldors. Thoro In but one drawback
Mils kind of waists only looks becom
ing on slondor and graceful women,
while It makes stout women appear
much bigger than they really are.
Capes made in shawl fashion are be
coming quite popular In Paris and will
probably make a hit hero, If they once
become fairly Introduced. Many of
them aro nt a combination of lace and
black velvet ribbon, threaded through
tho laco or made Into little Ikws,
Othors aro of black Chantllly laco laid
over white. Anothor mothod of trim
ming theto capes Itr with ribbon, gath
ered Into a ruche. The ribbon ruch
Inge aro frequently nlso used to form
ornamontal designs on the dross worn
with tho capo. These rnpes are quite
graceful and becoming and deserve
popularity for more than One reason.
Thero has novor been so great a
demand for whlto shoos as there la
this season. Women of all ages, con
ditions and projwrtions wear them,
and oven mon and children share the
crazo for white shoos. Canvas and
doeskin bIiocs and pumps- are particu
larly popular. This unusual state ot
affalra Is not easily accounted for.
Whlto shoes becomo soiled very quick
ly, cannot bo worn with every dress,
and havo a tendency to mako the feet
appear much blggor than thoy really
are. Yet women Insist on wearing
them', and would feel greatly abused
should anything prevent them from
following this fnd. Judging from pros
ont nppoarances tho craze will outlast
tho Biimmor, and, possibly, the fall
scaion. Tho ultra fashionable wo
men mako It n iolnt to havo their
shoos correspond In color with tho
color of tho gown with which they are
worn. That makos tho fad rathor ex
pensive, for It necessitates tho pur
chase of as many different kinds of
shoes as tho woaror has summer dres
eg. Hut, this Is not all, the fashion of
wearing whlto and colored shoes- has
led to anothor peculiar wrinkle. Fash
ion demands that the rubobrs worn
ovor white Bhoos should bo whlto,
thoso worn ovor tan shoos tan and
those ovor black shoes black, and so
on through tho whole list of colors.
Itubbors In whlto and various other
colors nie now In tho market, and they
cost but little more than tho ordlnnity
black rubbors.
Many a hand-some bodice or skirt
ha been ruined because careless or
awkward hands spilled some liquid on
It. which loft a moro or loss conspic
uous murk. Thousands of women aro
confronted with the problem of find
ing somo way to remove the spots
without destroying at tho same time
the natural color of the material.
Usually thero aro but two ways epen:
To throw tho garment away or havo
It dyed. The first mothod Is nlwayw
itnsatWfnclory nml nither oxpouslve.
The second method soiuetlmos give
good rooulUi, but not very often.
And yet, as dlllloult as the problem
oom, thero Is n way to solve It. It
Is perhnp not always possible, but
In n majority of casus It U. Tho solu
tion was suggested to the writer by
the clever expedient of an Ingenuous
housewife, who covered an ugly and
'conspicuous Ink ttpot on tho wall with
n handsome and ornamental Japanese
'panel. The sixK was too low to be
'covered with a ploturo, but tho long
I pane) was Jiut the thing. Spots on
bodice or skirts may be treated In
n similar inunmir. There are many
J methods to do this, und tho choice
'depends uon the location nml site
(4 the spot or spot The spot may be
cut mil uud a laco Insertion may be
put In ltn place. Knelling, paesemou
terte ami even button or braids may
be uirtxl to cover smalt kHh. but care
mux be taken to make the lace, rib
bon, or whatever Is ugu part of a
rmuur deeifiu of trimming or orua
nwulMtluu nud to make It look nat
ural. With u Uttto tugNulty that cau
be etwily tfcxw in eucii h uraiMtei- tlU
JttoWtly would siMMrt the ornament
or trtMMitBtt a mn epMent em
! phtyea for Ike purvey of Wiring a -
Au .prl vim hM studied th alt-
jUattoa In llurfc Ulw that the kwc
wt will W a rwuir of tktt eowlttg
wtutr gowiw. It wilt Ml b alt
RKkw tk Iawi XV or tke ImiU
XVI. but Wnw MIR an4 wuok k)er.
Opau v,il b elabomwl' trtmiiMKl,
loo, o m to w)M tkelr toagtfc km
aiwwiii. Tkjr will Also U vr
wide, looking ioww1iat Ilk a skottec
skirt wor ovc ft Joimwc owe. Saut
vr) kaiMkmMte eaHHt)M ot tkoj kH
wait) kave kn coatirueted lu m
at tk ftuktonaUlo skoiw la Paris ud
tly will undouUedly somi find their
wy acro the ocvas,
Yvu ma not brieve it. but It U a
fact that socks, or as thoy are called,
"half-hoso" aro worn a great deal by
women this summer. They aro in
solid colors or In fancy effects, plain
or In open worlc, and are fastened to
tho laco-trimmed tights by means oi
safety nine. Some of these socks
havo quite gay designs and there Is
oven a novelty which stimulates high
buttoned boots.
(Continued from first page.)
ground that If triumphant they may
bo trusted to prove falso to every
principle which In tho last eight years
thoy havo laid down as vital. There
ia nothing oxporlmontal about the
govornmont wo ask tho people to con
tinue In power. In dealing- with the
trusts wo do not havo to explain why
the laws wore not enforced, but to
IKjInt out that they actually have been
enforced Assuredly it is unwise to
change iwllcles which havo worked so
woll, and which arc now working so
well. Wo havo placed tho finances of
tho nation on a found ground basis. So
long as tho Republican party Is In pow
er, tho gold standard is solid. That
whenever It next arises there should
bo a readjustment of tho tariff sched
ules la nndoubted, but such changes
can bo mado with safety only by those
wnoso (lovouon u uiu imuuiiuu m
protective itarlff is beyond question.
Wo bollevo in reciprocity with foreign
nations on tho terms outlined liy Pres
ident McKinley's last speech, In which
ho urged tho extension of our foreign
markets Uy reciprocal agreements
whonovor they could bo mado without
Injury to American Industry and labor.
Wo havo already shown that our pol
icy Is to do fair and equal Justice to
all men. Construction of the canal Is
now an assured fact. Uut most cer
tainly It Is unwlso to entrust tho car
rying out of so momentous a policy to
thoso who havo endeavored to defeat
tho wholo undertaking. A party is
worthy only In so far as It promotes
na'Ional Intorest, and evory ofllclnl,
high or low, can servo his party he3t
by rendering to tho people tho best
sorvlco of which ho Is capablo. Effect
ive govornnumt comes only as a result
of loyal tho eo-oioratlon ot many dif
ferent iwrsous. Wo wno havo ' been
Intrusted with power as public ser
vant during tho past seven years of
administration and legislation now
como beforo tho people content to bo
Judged by our record of achievements.
In years that havo gono by wo have
mado deeds square with words, and If
wo nro continued In power we shall un
swervingly follow out tho great Hues
of public policy which tho Republican
party has loid down.
(Continued from first page.)
r I turn, has boon released, nud Is now
proceeding to Yokohama.
I.omlon, July 27. In tho house ot
pomnnoiiH Premier Ilalfour expressed
the Iioik) that ho would be nblo to
make a stntmuont tomorrow regarding
the stoppngo of tho Hrltlsh vessels in
the Red Son. Hu added, with regard
to tho Knight Oommandor;
"I rgrut to sa" that information
Touched horo this meriting which
Itxntw llttK) doubt In my mind that a
r8rUnbk incident lu occurrod,
Thwe U no tpieMlon ns to the loss of
life, but 1 am ufrol.1 thoro Is n qustlon
ns to a bwaek of Intwnatlonal laws,"
TImj stattmMUt cnuswl a nrofouud seu
gat Ion.
Squadron Sighted.
ToWo. July T. Tha Vladlvoatoak
ltMulrm wtti litktl today tW mllos
off Tokio bay, going south uuder full
Reduced Rates to St. Louis Exposition
Tl Southern Pacific Company wUl
Mil round trip tickets at greatly re
duced rates to St. IxuU and Chicago
on account at tke St. Uut expoltton
on tke following date June 16, 17.
IS; July 1, S, S,; August S. , 10. Sep
tember S. 6, T; October 3, 4,$.
Coins trip muet be completed with
in 10 days frotu date of sale, and nas-
tengom will ke permitted to start on'
nay day tkat will enable tkem to
reach their destination within tho
ton-day limit. Koturn limit M dava.
but not later than December 31, 1904.
or full Information as to ratej and
routes call on asent of S. P. Co at
The United States
were organized in 1792.
The coinage of nickel, was begun in
18G6. The latest report from the
Mints shows that 445,841,054 mckels
have been coined since that time,
value $22,292,052.70
fan .i al Jig:
m Wfifib
Mormon Town of St. George
Swept Away by
St. George, 'Utah, July 27. Now Har
mony, a smal town 40 miles north of
horo was -almost swept away by a large
cloudburst this morning. The Mormon i
settlement near the town was the
heaviest loser, 20 housesi being demol
ished by the rushing waters. No lives
were lost, but a largo number of cat
itle and other stock wore drowned.
Ciops and orchards are ruined, and
the loss will reach many thousands
of dollars. A wall of water eight feet
high flooded the canyon and the entire
May Be General Strike.
San Francisco, July 27. All the
union bollermakers In tho shops of the
Southern Pacific Company In this city
quit work Into yesterday afternoon. At
tho same time threo men walked out
In San I-ouls OblsiK). No question of
wages or hours Is said to bo Involved.
Tho men gave up their positions be
causo thoy would not work with non
union bollermakers tho company had
placed beside them-. So far tho strike
has affected only the two places
named. A number of non-union men
are still nt work.
Tho president of tho national !ody
of bollermakers has arrived, and It Is
understood tho men on tho whole
Western system are to be cnlleil out.
Possee After Outlaws.
Choyenno, Wyo., July 27 A mon
Btor po?bO has beon organized nt Pine
Dale, Fremont county, to proceed
against the Big Horn outlaws. Both
sides are armed to tho' teeth.
T ANGIER-The Wonderful
City of Morocco
A most vivid word picture, profusely illustrated
with striking photographs of the scenes so lately
made famous by the kidnapping of Ion Perdicaris
and his stepson, in the August Number of the
Metropolitan M
R. H. rWU. Puttee,
New Vok 3ty
The Nickels
Ever Coined
would not pay for
Cremo cigars smoKea
in one year
Largest Seller in the World
Threescore Democrats Call
on Their Presidential
Esopus, July 27 The Democratic
national committeemen and
other I
prominent Democrats, numbering
tn '
all 01, arrived here at 2 o'clock this af
ternoon, and wore driven to Rosemont
In a long line of carriages. Among the
first to alight from the train was Sen
a'or Hill and Perry Belmont, Chair
man Taggart, and Secretary Woodson,
Hill was taken Into Parker's wagon-1
ette. Murphy was prevailed to await
tho arrival of tho committeemen, but
the meeting with Hill betokened no
particular cordiality. Parker intro
duced them, and the following hand
shake was merely perfunctory'- The
crowd, after shaking hands, spread out
over the lawn to talk polities. Park
er's greeting of Taggart was effusive,
and the pair were soon closely engaged
in conversation.
Bein tke l 1Ib Kind You Have Always Bought
pov iii u;q2lawricc DCKVc! CO'.O
i yjranVJy$ft"7V',il'"''"3
A 35-cent Magazine for 15 cents
Agents wanted everywhere to Ui i .
Funeral of Miss Anita Thurston.
The funeral services over tho re
mains of Miss Anita Thurston were
held this afternoon at 3 o'clock at the
family residence on tho corner of
Eighth and Pearl streets, by the Rev.
H. N. Mount, of tho First Presbyterian
church, of this city. The room in
which tho remains lay In state mas
packed with beautiful flowers and
floral pieces, tokens of respect and
love in which the deceased was held
by her many friends.
After the services at the resldenoe
the remains wore taken to tho family
lot In the I. O. O. F. cemetery, where
I.I.- , 1 t tl.sv nnntuinna nf
1110 were IllXUilUU IU UIO incacuio l
many friends. Eugene Guard.
Open for
1 1
The Star Bottling Works, cor- j
ner of Broadway and Market 1 1
streets, North Salem, aro now
ready to fill all orders on short
notice, In tho line of soft drinks. i
All kinds of sodas at 75c per , ,
0 rtnan Htioff rrnnrla nt 41 Kf fiftf ' '
S dozen. Quality guaranteed.
0 Special Rates to .Dealers.
2 Phono 235 White.
w if wwwww iff w vvW Ww wwOTWww
' "TTTTTTTTT'h I 'I'i1 1 fi I I Iliit
:: Voget Lumber
'' AND
Ftici Company.
; ; Rough and dressed lumber,
;; sash, doors, lath and shingles,
; ; ash and fir wood, alera. Ore. t
; ; Down town ofllco 112 Court J
I! street. Telephone Main 2451.
; ; One block east of S. P. pas- J
! I senger depot.
w-iin inmn ii i ninuH
TTiti ilrrf'n'iT'iTfllffl Hfi linimii