Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, July 27, 1904, Page TWO, Image 2

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    ""Wpf1 ''
The Industrious Meter.
Tho tenant ho ha laft his home to
slimmer by tho Ida
And seek the dhango which all must
oek by fashion's high decree.
Tho pldera weave their gossamers on
window, wall and door;
Tho liltlo mlco and water-bugs are
camping on tho floor;
Tho oJock Ib dumb; tho cat Is dead;
all silent. Is tho flat;
Tho vory microbes In tho air grow
somnolont and fat.
Ah, ilttlo think tho paseer-by of ono
who tolkJ within
Tho cmirty walls and darkoned halls',
nor pralso nor gain to win!
Tho humblo son-ant of tho lamp, tho
'leotric motor hlght,
Knows naught of holiday or roat tho
livelong day or night
It only food Is dry amperes and un
attractive volts,,
And now and thon a tasteloss ohm or
arid watt It bolts.
3t murmurs not, but tolls along, with
every cog and whcol.
Until Its honest vltngo glows with In
dustry and zeal,
at Ik not to tho dynamo that scloneo
owes success;
It Is not to tho bookkoopor, though
bookkooorn can guess;
Tis not to him' who makos tho bills
that sllenco snocer and doubt,
Wut o tlio patlont slavo who works
whoti ovory light Is out.
-Ala! It only worked too well; thus
mortals vain asplre:
"One night It Bllppod a cog and touched
an unsuspected wire,
Ami wtion tho nearost cop awoko. the
Hat was all on fire.
Throo w;cks thoy inked tho wreck
age up, uml down In the dobrls
Thay found tho trusty metor, still n-
muting gallantly,
''its faithful hands yet whirling round
as busy as could bo.
JThoy out tho clinging w.'ros; Iho ro
miovod It from tho place;
JThoy smoothed tho ludontntlona from
Kb scaned) and wounded enso.
Tho while thoy gnsodi In wonder at tho
figures on Us fuco.
JThoro wore mllus of voltsi recorded;
,-r thorn wore watts and oliiiw ga
lore; It took a ream of paper to foot up the
mighty score;
And when tho tenant saw the bill, ho
vory nearly swore.
Ho did not iwtar; ho did not know
the words to fit tho oaw,
Because, UmiiKh vigorous and apt,
thoy wore not words of grace.
Ho could not viiIcuhUo his speeoti as
other mortal) can;
Ho had not IwrtijKl lt alplmhu-h
ho wnil u Boston man.
Ho Ik a Hoorton mem w mora In
HIimuititHdale ho lies,
A wolttht of wulnuw on his henit and
tuadutMH In his eea.
At time he dream of wenhli untold,
enoiigii to tot hi in fr
And xy Hi lmuuUoiii debt he owe
tint 'Iwtrto couiimnlu.
And tlMMc Im huiglia si mlrlhlwR ImiRh
tlt0 knnlwt heart to chill
Ho known Uuit cefttnrliM of toll would
never tm that litM;
The meter's wiMiekt are In his henilt
it Umn Qmw wMrilmr Mill,
There Is uo mural to my tnle; I tv- It
wiUi rert:
'Leetrloily U In IM yottlWK ha ho
moral y.
JaHMa JMry Itorfe In 5krtlmr' for
. . .. ...
in is hwI two Ju lHriMr vjtt
fur Hi n una hre tyc.
Tue Dtnuormtte sMte roBVMttWs,
hld t Altwr, N. v.. o Aril IS.
1U, luMimH.si th New York iklv-
BtUloti in miwuH Jutx I'nrVvr's cki-
dM v fur ih prlfuiy, It adopted
UtMmtiuotntlv ti ilKorut wtilcb oust-
IsUmmJ te u!uikM. Itu IimUus h cWumm
for ' it'aaousMv muioii of Ui tmrtst."
When tho
,Pitit near
and tit) ten.
Im, vou will
luul few dotH
-I the IllUeri
will da yeu
world at ),eod.
tt tunes up the
uouiaou sua
Liver Trouttes
Try a Bottle
On tho quostlon of'lho gold standard
It waa silent. Tho platform' had Judgo
Parkers' approval In. advance.
- For two months and Iwonty days,
the candidate stood on that platform
and said nothing, while his frlonls
hunted for delegates.
On tho morning of Friday, July 8,
the resolutions committee of tho Dem
ocratic national convention agreed
unanimously, after a sixteen hours
wranglo, on a platform which ommlt-
ted all roforence to the gold stand
ard. Dispatches received at Eopus dur
ing tho day and evening contained
this Information and brought tho news
that tho coirvontlon had adopted tho
platform as roported from the corn
mi tteo.
Judge Parker remained silent.
Judgo Parker was nominated on
the morning of Sautrday, July 9. Mar
tin W. Littleton, In presenting his
namo to tho convontlon, referred to
him as a man whoso policy "will be
that policy which finds expression In
tho platform of his party."
Norman B. Mack, tho Now York
mombor of tho Democratic national
commltteo and one of Judge Parker's
supportors at St, l)uls, made a state
ment ovor his own slgnaturo on Fri
day morning, after the nomination, as
"Tho real slmplo truth of tho fail
ure to put tho gold plank In the plat
form Is this: It would have resulted in
a minority being presented to the
convention, and If that had bcon done
wo would havo bcon bontoa and Judgo
Parker would not have been nomi
nated." On. Saturday morning, July 9, tho
throo loading Eastern Democratic
nowspapora, tho Now York Times, the
Now York World and Hie Now York
Sun), contained odltorials fiercely de
nouncing tho eowardlco of tho conven
tion, demanding that the candidate
should make known his position in re
gard to the gold standard, predicting
Parkop's defeat unlos this was done,
and throatoitlng to bolt the ticket.
After reading those odltorials Judgo
Parker, according to a statement glv
on out at Ksoptis, sent tho dispatch to
Mr. Shoehan. It' was Uien too lato
for tlio convention to name any other
candidate. "
Four yeans ago at the KansaB City
convention when Mr. Hrynn was tho
candldato for nomination, tho resolu
tions committee was sharply divided
upon the question of excluding the
money plank. "Instead of waiting
until aftor the platform had boon
adopted mid tho nomination of himself
had boon mndo." says the Springfield
(Mass.) llopubllcnn (did.), "Mr. Hrynn
promptly sent word to tlio convent km
buforo any action whatovor ha,d been
taken, that ho must not be considered
a candidate for the nomination In
ease the money question woro Ignorod
In the resolution. That was straight
forward and It wan dealing fairly with
all,.. wings and blanches of the Demo
crat lo party."
"It Is a manly thing," said Mr. Hry
an. In his speech, at St. Louie, after the
leadline of Jin) Parker's dlspatuh,
"for a man to uxprew his opinion be
fore the convent Ion adjourns. It would
havo been manlier to havo expressed
It before tit convention met."
This Is the way our neighbors In the
north view our patriotic xeal. The
Montreal Courier niy: "The hauling
down of a UrJtUh Hag In Now York ou
the fourth would m to overslmdow
the Dtiiiihxmld Incident. It Ik, howev
er, very wittily expluluod. It Is another
gum of 'bulling la.' No wme man
humid Iirvh rnuwd tho Union Jiuik In a
country wlwre the hm( are so stuck
on theoieelvtw that they allow tliem-
elvee to bo blown to ptwee In eele-
bratluy the fact that next to the In
diana tbt are the Slimui jMire ubor
ittte. Tnlk about SuUm awl the
Hluttou JuMwnftiK. Why they sre
lot In It with the fourth et July U re
works UliH)r."
In tuec strifeej tkeiv Is alwnyt tae
rent mm of the oontwon peat,
ttoeMrttclmnu in the trouble, to Ik
tftlN Into rottttldorftUo
The oor widow with a family, bur
ly tS to earn enough eren in good
Uhmw to kei the wolf from the door;
the hanl working mechnnlo with h be
rltiteu wtfti tolllnc InceeMntly to be
both father and mother to the hooae
hold; the weekly wage earner every
whre fo the ninth when an extrn
ceot or two U clapped on a staple r-
UcH of die. A great cy naturally
arleee: "Why do they deal with u?
How are w to bfcuaer And for an
wor there I bat the vreJ.uorK tale
of how a few men of a few Inns hare
got those produota uudor their con
trol ao that not can be bought or
4d. eupt at Um prtco and undor the
cototUioas they wt.l; that hosauaa
Owe mm and their otuutom
eom lo tennn rK l at a ataadetlll
la Mag? detritBe4le of ladttttrfcl
Hfe AMI wl Pious of dttfkiw are beiax
am uak rivnt otroaJatioa. Hence
(! coMtry mfltert. or ralkw the Ml-
Ing masees are compelled' to suffer
and ondure and, Idle, ."
Thero Is Indeed room IrC tho coun
try for some exhibition of really wise
strongth In the handling of the prob
lems created by prosont Industrial con
ditions, and the man who can success
fully cope with ,all the forcos of a
great strike, developing tho good and
annihilating the bad, has yet to ap
pear, True once In a whllo a man
who appears to be a leader is brought
to public notice, but ho quickly gives
up his Job, either to take one under
government at Sing Sing, or write
special articles for tho magazines at
so much per for "the masses" are
ofton fickle in their devotion. Never
theless tho nation would love the man
strong enough to load It through such
trying periods as the present.
This Is a work emanating from
Bojton purporting to bo executed by
Gideon Welrdz. Wo give a fow speci
mens from thlsi book of roferenco to
iin-certain English words, their Illegi
timate use, etc.:
Accldont Acondltion of affairs In
which presenco of mind Is good, but
absenco of body Is better.
Good Advlct Something old men
glvo young men when thoy can no
longor glvo them a bad example.
Alderman A political office known
as tho Crook's Itoad to Wealth,
Appendicitis A modorn pain costing
about $200 moro than tho old-fashioned
Athlote A dignified bunch of miiB
cle8 unablo to split the wood or sift
tho ashes.
Worry A state of mind that leads
some persons to fear, every time tho
tldo goes out, that It won't como In
again, ,
Weeds Found In gardens and on
widows. For removing easily, marry
tho widow.
Trust A small body of capital en
tlioly surrounded by water.
Tobacco A nauseating plant that
Is consumed by but two creatures
a largo green worm and man. Tho
worm doesn't know any better.
Slnnor A stupid person who gets
found out.
Rhetoric Langungo In a dross suit.
Polyglot A parrot that can swear
In sovoial languages.
Postscript Tho only thing rondnblo
In a woman's letter.
Pullman Portor A legalized train
rubbon. Pole-cat A small anlinnl to bo killed
with a pole tho longer tho polo tho
Piano A tool frequently usod In
building a rough houso.
Pnnts Tiousors' country cousins.
Parachute A succoesful method for
getting the drop on tho earth.
Orchard Tho small boy's Kdon of
today. In which tho appel again oc
casions tho fall.
Onion Tho all-round trongth cham
pion of the vegetable kingdom.
Obesity A surplus gono to wnlst,
Nlf Something bracing from with
out or within. When folt In tho nlr
It's a Trost, When In a glass, a lifo
tiver. Neighbor Ono wln knows moro
about your affnlis than yourself.
Mouse Tho frequent cause of a rlso
In cotton.
Mtno A hole In the ground owned
by a liar.
Murk In Germany twenty-tlireo
cents. In the United State only Twain.
I-ovo A man's Ineaue desire to be
come a woman's meal tlckot.
lAtrthA soMd mihetiince much de
sired by the seasick.
Duet Mud with the Juice squeexod
inixior-oue of the tlrst thiugs to
ch yow eye In trawMng.
OaHMttower A cabbage with a col
lege education.
lMrthdaV AnulversKjr)- of one's
Mrta. Obwrx-od only by uon and child
ren. A few sage uroveroa aiv ihiown In
at irregular Intervals In tht i.Hk, only
a few of which we copy.
llotae la witere the mortuaso u.
People who Uvw In g!a. housas
should drees la tho dark.
A word to the wiae u um'uw
Whore thore la a will tht-rv i, a kw
A fool and his wif are soon parted.
A win l m good aa hr am lie.
It's the ftrst straw bat whU-u show
how tho wind blows,
North Carolina Editors.
More Clt, ,N C.. July ?T -120I-
tow m NVUi CfcroiliM. monitors of tlio
itess) prog utsocsalkm. ar rounded
at th Attawtfc Hol for their an-
w OHtrnttost. Oovofttor Ayaook,
qMMU PHshftgfe U aHl othw men
of v4to Bfomlmituioi m tLk,.i..i.t
t&k artK tbe two day.' msloa
Feeling of Uneasiness Has
Entirely Disappeared
From Wall Street
Henry Clews & Co , In their weekly
financial letter say:
New York, July 23, 1904.
Stocks havo shown exceptional
strength during tho past week, owing
largely to the strong support of big
Insiders, whoso operations were un
doubtedly Influenced by good crop re
ports, easy money and tho consequent
better feeling In business circles. It
is worth while, however, stopping for
a moment to consider the extent of tho
advance The active stocks have risen
10 to 15 points above the low prices
of this year, and some have scored
considerably larger advances. Not a
fow stocks are at the highest point of
tho year; and if the comparison be
made with the low prlcesi of 1903, tho
advances are still more striking. This
brings us to tho question, has tho rise
yet reached tho danger mark? So far
as legitimate influences are concerned
it seems as If the advance had been al
most sufficient. Good crops and bet
tor business have been for the present
fairly discounted, especially as both
aro still In tho realm of expectation,
and realization remains a matter of
two or three months. It seems the
part of prudence, therefore, to beeln
to exorcise somo caution In hereafter
following tho upward movement. What
would happen In case of serious re
verses to olthor corn or cotton? Neith
er is yet out of danger. August 13
often a month of deterioration; and
aftor such a prolonged' spell of favor
able weather tho probability of a set
back Is measurably greater. In the
Iron trade a great deal more has been
nuulo out of tho Improvement than Is
justified; apparently for the purpose
of stimulating speculation in tho steel
Iseuos. A turn for the better has re
ally appeared in the Iron trade, and
buyers aro rather moro willing to place
orders slnco thoy aro convinced that
tho decline In Iron has ceased; but
prices aro still veifc' low and tho vol
ume of orders Is far below the normal.
When bountiful crops become a cer
' talnty general trade will assume more
activity, and tho railroads may then
8eo their way to .larger purchases of
ral' and rolling stock; but that will
show In the la-'t quarter of the year,
and not In tho present quartor, al
though there ha9 certainly beeji suffi
cient lmprovomont lit tho Iron Indus
try to warrant a more hopeful feeling.
Moro attention has beon paid to for
eign complications than thoy de
served. Russia Is altogether In too
strained a condition to Invito sorlous
troublos with Great Britain or any oth
or great power. Sho Is fully oceupIeJ
',Vn Pcrfcctlr llnld 'When He Started
to 1e N'evrbro'n Herplclile
Frederick Manuell, Maryland block,
Xiutte, Montana, bought a bottle of Now
bro's Ilerplcldo, April 6, '09, and began to
uno It for onttro baldness. The hair fol
licles In his scalp wore not dead and In
20 days he hnd hair nil over his head.
On July 2 ho writes, "and today my hair
Is as thick and luxuriant ns any one
could wish." Nowbro's llerplclde works
on an old principle and with a new dis
coverydestroy the enue and you re
move the effect. Ilerplcldo destroys tho
germ that causes dandruff, falling hair,
nnd finally baldness, so that with the
enute gone tho effect cannot remain.
Stop fnlllnK hair at once nnd n new
growth Ftarts. Sold by londlnir
druirglsti. 8end lOo. In stamps for sample
to Tho Ilerplcldo Co., Detroit. Mich.
Dsnlel J. Pry. Special Agent.
and put tin In uoarty a completo
nu of iww UMchluery, toe nian
aemat of the Slm Stun
ljwmlry fvel proud that tlioy
lv on of tho nut conv
pte plants In the country, and
ar Usls wwk givlac s tan4.
mcm touvMir fun which re
tall U PofOtuttf at SSc ach)
with aok paom of kwimiry.
Try th new work nod receive
Salem Steam Laundry
230 Liberty 8t Phone 411
atitaBttwg sshZ
1904. - '
fk v.ac
TKToMClllr dark? Can't sleep? Restlessand
iyCrVUUo worn out? "Nervous exhaus.
. ,, ... j,,r envs. Ask him to tell you all about
"on' ,yc" Lnorilln. Sold
AyC, 3 "' ',.", T
with the Japanese attentions at pres
ent, and Is mora in need of friends
than additional enemies. The war has,
moreover, ceased to be a factor In
Walt street, except In event of large
additional loans, which would Inevit
ably cause a shifting of Investments
and firmer money In the European
markets, all of which would be Indi
rectly felt at this center.
We havo enjoyed another week of
admirable crop weather, and experts
now figure on 2,5000,000,000 bushels
of corn. 11,500,000 bale of cotton and
G25AWO.00O bushels of wheat, these
figures allowing for the fact that con
dition of cotton and corn may fall off
somewhat during August, As pro
ducers are generally securing profit
able prices even 9-cent cotton yield
ing more than an overage profit It
follows that Interior merchants should
experience a reasonably satisfactory
season; for In spite of Industrial
growth tho agricultural Interests are
still the backbone of our national
All indications point to an active
market. As said above, tho advance
appears to be all that is Justified by
natural conditions; but manipulation
is a factor that must always be consid
ered In stock market movements, and
tho recent rise has had the help of
very powerful Interests, who may, If
they choose, easily carry prices to a
still higher level, or completo long
delayed deals that must have Im
portant effect upon values. As the
market rises profit-taking grows, and
tho consequent changes of position
crea'o a more even balance of opinion
that conduces to activity. There has
alieady been a considerable expansion
of tho short Interests ready to take
quick advantage of any unfavorable
developments. Very soon crop de-
Chittim Bark
Highest Price paid at Fry's
Drug Store, Salem, Oregon.
Parties desiring to hold their
bark for higher prices, will bo glv
on Free Storage at our warehouse.
Wo are tho largest buyers of
Chittim Bark, Oregon Grape Root,
Oregon Balsam of Fir and Bees
Wax. Wo will buy for cash, sell on
commission, or glvo you free stor
age. Write or call upon us before
you sell. DANIEL J. FRY, Whole
sale and Retail Druggist, Salem,
' I .1 tilt n oefvt t!itA rtskltiM
n. 3
Phene: Main 2953,
193 Commercial St,
Oner The Journal,
J-H linin...,
n..t...,' ' ' ' WWI 1 1 1 1 1 1 I i is 1 1 1H
: e ioS.rr.7 rau am,1Y L,0f Store
: Full l.no ot S and ' T Cm street
I McBrier branKS 7 T 1Cedarbrok whisky-formerly the
I Urered la the city limit! .m T U8J' AU orde fllled and Je"
WIMinill 11m Phonn Maln "61.
.. . in Tl.1 I .
v aiscounmuur i iiums inni
for 60 years. tSsSb
Western banks will coramenco to drat
against their bnlanccs here, the effect
being tho cutting down of local bans
reserves; and this fact should not In
However, tho business- outlook ij
satisfactory Evidently thlsi county
has turned its back upon the period
of extreme depression which began it
1903, but no wild boom. Is in sight, aad
none Is wanted Tho country needs a
slow and substantial recovery, andthij
Is all it is likely to get. Any attemjt
to create a spirit of unreasonable
hopefulness in Wall street Is suro to
end in disappointment and delay. Tfce
market hereafter will present excel
lent opportunities for quick In-and-out
transactions, as the fluctuations would
be Important and' of frequent occur
Sure Cure for Piles.
Itching piles produce moisture and
cause itching, this form, as well at
Bllng, Bleeding or Protruding Pilej
aro cured by Dr. Bo-san-ko's Pll
Remedy Stops itching and bleeding.
Absorbs tumors. 50o a jar at drug
gist, or sent by mall. Treaties free,
Write me about your case. Dr. Bo
sanko, Phlla., Pa.
Fore sale by Dr. S. C. Stone, druggist
. o
Holding a Reunion.
New York. July 27. The men who
constituted tho state constitutional
convention of 1894 began a two days'
reunion In this, city today. A banquet
at Dolmonico's has been arranged for
this evening, and tomorrow a shore
dinner at Coney Island will be had.
Pay high rates for insurance onun.
ex pi sed dweUings.
The old line companies charee you
$3 lor $500 of insurance, while for 76
cents yearly you get the same amount
by becoming a member of the
Oregon Fire Relief
ot McMinavlIlc, Ore.
A home company working for homo
imurance on a home plan. Let me
tell you about it!
H. A. Johnson, Murphy Blk.
Salem. Head off ice McMlnnvllle,
.. I'
At all times when leaving their
order at our discretion that we will j
cut, trim and send homo ready for 1 1
the flie tho prlmest, choicest, ten-1
dorost and Juicost beef, lamb, mitt- J
ton or pork. We keop at all times j
choice meats, and wo cut thorn in ! i
expert manner, and sell at tho low-
est prices.
E. C. Cross. I
State Street Market.
Hop Tickets
your tickets numbored on stub and
lilUliif "" - v j sn
uouy aua Know whore you are at nil tho time
193 Commercial St., Salem, Or.
Prints, numbers, preforates, and binds your
tickets hi books of 50 $x per tliousnnil
cash with order. Get your order in NOW
and you will havo your tickets when you
need them,
un all nuRK,
"t-Mr-t44-Hj ,
Has been taken to supply tho stock of.
lumber in our yards. Our stock !!
complete with all kinds of lumber.
Just received a car load of No. 1
shingles, also a car of fine shake-! 1
We are able to nil any and all kind;
of bills. Come and lot ub show youj;
our stock.
Yard and office near S. P. passenger, ,
depot. 'Phone Main 651. ! !
- V
,,TTTr' till S-H-HH lilimilllUii
iHitail hMKiitim