Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, July 27, 1904, Image 1

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NO. 17f.
Characteristic Speech by Speak
er Cannon Virtually Opens
Republican Campaign
Now York, July 27. The keynote
of the Republican presidential cam
paign was sounded today. In the
presence of a committee of distin
guished party leaders representing
every state and territory of the Union,
who called at Sagamore ,Hill to for
mally notify him of his nomination by
the Chicago convention, .President
Roosevelt read his letter of acceptance
discussing at length the political
events of his administration and his
views on the platform adopted by the
party at Chicago.
The notification took place this after
noon and were marked by extreme
simplicity. The members of the noti
fication committee and a number of
other eminent republicans arrived at
Oyster Bay shortly before noon and
were driven at onco to the Roosevelt
home. After tho President had shak
en hands with each member of the
party the visitors gathered on the
lawn in front of the house prepara
tory to the formalities of the occasion,
Tho crowd was considerably larger
than had been anticipated and Secre
tary Loeb and his assistants were
kept busy for some time In providing
for tho comfort of the guests.
Speaker Cannon was intrusted with
the task of delivering the notification
speech and ho acquitted himself with
credit as was evidenced by the enthus
iasm) wl'h which his remarks were
greeted. The President's speech of
acceptance was delivered from the
veranda and was listened to with the
closest attention by those present. At
tho conclusion of his speech three
cheers and' a tiger were given in honor
of tho President. The formal cere
monies lasted scarcely half an hour
and after they were concluded the
President and Mrs. Roosevelt enter
tained tho visitors at luncheon, which
was laid on the wide veranda which
encircles tho Sagamore Hill house
Speaker Cannon, in notifying Presi
dent Roosevelt, said:
"Tho Republican party, under your
leadership, keeps its record from the
beginning under Lincoln of doing
things, the right thing at the right
time, and in the Tight way, notwith
standing the opposition of those who
oppose the right policies from a sel
fish or partisan standpoint They dare
not tell the truth about your official ac
tion or the record of the party, and
they condemn it. They can for selfish
or partisan reasons abuse you person
ally and misrepresent the party which
you lead. It is true, however, that so
far their abuse of your action, and
their alleged fear of your personality,
Is insignificant, as compared with the
personal and partisan carplngs against
Lincoln, Grant and McKinley, when
they were clothed with power by the
people. Those whose only grievance
is that you have enforced tho law, and
those who carp for more partisan cap
ital will not, in my judgment, reap a
harvest of success. The Republican
party for you and under your leader
ship appeals to the great body of peo
ple who live by the sweat of their
faces and made civilization control the
republic. They fight its battles and
determine its po!Icle3 for approval and
continuance In power. The office of
president of the United States, the
greatest on earth, and many promi
nent men in the Republican) party are
ambitious to hold It, yet the Republi
can convention met at Chicago In June
last, and cordially, with ono accord,
nominated you as the candidate for
President. I am sure 'all Republicans,
and a multitude of good citizens, who
do not call themselves Republicans,
sa!d "amen." In pursuance of the us
ual custom' the convention appointed
a committee of which it honored me
with tho chairmanship, to wait upon
you and Inform you of its action, which
duty cf speaking for tho committee 1
now cheerfully perform with the hope
and confident expectation that a ma
jortlty of the people of this republic
will in November next, approve the
action of the convention by choosing
electors who ,will assure your elec
tion to the presidency as your own suc
cessor." President Roosevelt in reply said:
Mr. Speaker and gentlemen of the
notification committee. I am deeply
sensible of tho high honor conferred
upon by the representatives of the
Republican party assembled in con
vention, and I accept the nomi
nation for the presidency with
a solemn realization of the obligations
I assumo. I heartily appreciate the
declarations of principles which the
Republican national convenr.ion has
adopted, and on some future day I
shall communicate to you, Mr. Chair
man, more at length and in detail, a
formal written acceptance of the nom
ination. When I became President
because of tho death of my lamented
predecessor, I stated that it was my
purpose to carry out his principles
and policies. To the best of my abili
ty I have kept that promise. We are
more fortunato than our opponents
who now appeal for confidence on the
(Continued on fourth page.)
Hose Supporters f
Don't tear the stockings. They're the most sausiaciory you ..
buy. Full lino of black and fancy colors just received direct from the
factory. Tho new pad front Is what you want for tho straight front
effect. Have you tried them?
iutni,i. rw.
Bite 0, 8, 10, 13, 14 ywft.
Any pattern 10c. They bavo style
and fit to recommend them as well aa
We sell shoes that give satisfaction.
Our plan of business enables us to un
dersell "regular stores."
Dry goode, clothing, hats, shirts,
hosiery and underwear.
The New Yotfc Racket
Salem's Cheapest One-Price cash store.
E. T. BARNES, Ptop.
International Law Will Be Disregarded
by the Czar's Government When
on the Seas
London, July 27. The Exchange
Telegraph's correspondent at St.
Petersburg wires that tho Russian for
eign office, In the matter of tho sink
ing o ftho British steamer Knight Com
mander, has como to the conclusion
that, under exceptional circumstances,
ships whoso cargo contains contra
band may bo sunk.
steamera, with troops and ammuni
tion, arrived at Yinkow yesterday.
German Steamer Released.
Suez, July 27. The German steamer
flolsatla arrived hero with a Rus3lan
prlzo crow aboard, but was subse
quently released.
Algiers, July 27. Tho British steam
er Malacca arrived here today.
Rome, July 27. Tho Yinkow corre
spondent of tho Italic Mllltalro re
ports that the Russians, before evacu
ating that port attempted! to destroy
all food stores, but citizens, aided by
a downpour of rain, prevented tho out
rage. Twenty-four large Japaneso
St. Peterrburg, July 27. Tho news
paper Russky Vledomostl today prints
a striking article on tho possibility of
war between England and Russia,
showing that England's navy Is strong
er than tho combined navies of Russia,
Gormany and Prance. ' Great Britain
could close ail Baltic ports, and bom
baid the coast wherever she desired.
London, July 27. Lloyd's Perln
agent wires that the new British
steamship City of Agra, from Liver
pool for Kurrachee, passed there to
day and signalled that sho had been
decayed by the Russians.
Flames Originated It Is Believed Frotra
an Overheated Dynamo in
Lard Refinery
Chicago, July 27. Fire started at
8:80 o'clock this morning In the lard
refinery of tho Swift, plant, and de
stroyed two-thirds of tho building be
fore it was brought under control. Tho
lojs is ?15,000. Tho structure was sit
uated so that a spread would have
meant the destruction of tho entire
plant, but tho prompt work of tho fire
men prevented further damage. The
flames originated, it Is believed, from
an overheated dtynamo. Tho crowds
were not permitted within tho pack
ers' zone, In which tho plant is situ
ated. No teamsters reported for work this
morning, and tho tleup In that direc
tion Is complete.
Formosa Released.
London, July 27. The steamer For
mosa, which was captured by tho Itus-
(Continued on fourth page)
Chicago, July 27. Tho members of
tho stato board of arbitration this
morning conforred with President Don
nelly and other labor leaders, and later
they all loft tho labor headquarters for
an unknown destination. It Is said n
last appeal will bo made to tho pack
ers. In the yards tho packers claimed
to havo 100 teamstore at work this
morning, but nono woro sent out of th'cs
danger zone. Schwarzchlld & Sulz
berger, at an early hour, sent out nlno
wagons newly painted, so ns to dfe
gulso them, and they succeeded Ir
getting their loads delivered boforo tub
strikers suspected tho purpose. The
independent packers this morning
cured 12o union cattle handlers.
Jamo3 Hall, a striker, died tht
morning as a result of a bullet wounA
received a week ago.
Kansas City, July 27. Tho packers
this morning assert they nro well sat
isfied with tho' situation, and that de
sertions from tho union aro frequent.
They expect a complete forco to be?
employed during tho next 48 haure
Thoro has boon no vlolenco reported
Omaha, July 27. Tho striko sltu
tion Is quiet. Tho pnekors continue
to get now mons and tho sheriff now
states that ho can li audio the sltua
tlon without state troops.
Ladies' Sttits
Every customer who comes to us
for a tailor suit or skirt Is so de
lighted at the splendid results we
give that they aro loud In pral3o,
and send their friends to us. Wo
guarantee a fit. A splendid assort,
ment of the season's best styles to
select from at the remarkably low
price of
Half Pffice
Wo spread out an alluring display
of summer stockings for women
and children, The lines comprise
tho best known makes In the latest
lace effects. Among tho children's
sizes will bo found all tho popular
shades for the little tots, and you
can got them in lace effects also.
You won't find equally good quali
ties anywhere else at our prices.
Pasta Mack
for bath and toilet uso. When
used in sea water it fully keep3 Its
refined and delicate aroma and its
refreshing qualities. No ono should
go to tho beach without a supply
Put up in nico boxes $1.00
yyi o
Ladies9 Gloves
Seasonable and reasonable these
gloves for women. The newest
Ideas in silk gloves with tho new
est weaves have Just boon received
Wo have them in champagne,
white, pearl gray, etc,
50c and 75c
Suiting Silks
Compare qualities with $1.00 qual
ities shown elsewhere. Yostorday
a lady secured a Bult pattern hero
and remarked, "The $1.00 qualities
shown at don't begin to
comparo with these you aro show
ing at C9c." Just ono of tho many
similar remarks hoard hero dally.
An elegant assortment to select
from at
Still a good assortment to select
$a.50 valuos now $2.00
$2.75 values now tZ25
busy sho
Beginning tomorrow, Thursday, July 28, and continuing up to noon
Wednesday, August 10, wo will glvo to ovory child undor 1C years of
ago calling at our storo a ticket which entitles thorn1 to a FREE ADMIS
SION at tho main gato of tho colloseal W. O. W. CARNIVAL. Ticket
good for afternoon iwrformanco only, on WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 10,
Men's Stiits
Dress- yourself properly got tho
sort of clothes you ought to wear
you will bo surprised at tho Im
provement In your wholo nppem
anco, grntlfled at tho wear which
properly mado and well flttlnB
clothes will glvo you. Select from
our ontlro stock (oxcopt blues aud
blacks) at tho following reduced
$8.50 suit or fi KA
overcoat jJOC3x
$10.00 suit or tf AV
overcoat p f vr VF
$15.00 suit or frAft ft fa
overcoat Cj7 1 JmJf
$20.00 suit or (tl C AA
overcoat P I 3vFvF
$25.00 suit or tf4 7 AA
overcoat $ I UU
Wash Goods
Lest you forgot, wo'll gently ro
mind you today of tho boat summor
dreas goods offerings of tho soa
son. All are washablo, suitable
making tho prettlost of drosses
and shirt waist suits, and tho
prices alono aro sufficient Induco
mont: lOo valuos now 8c
20q values now 15c
35o valuos now , 27c
50c valuos now 37c
85o value now 65c
Cotton and Hnon suitings at apo
dal reductiens:
50c values ..38c C5c valuos . .48c
The Latest
hemstitched collars and cuff sets,
tho daintiest ones yot shown.
You'll want several set .7c
St. Louis Fait
Ono voto with ovory 2Cc purchase.
Only 3 days more In which to vote
your July votes.
No July vote counted aftor 9 p. rrr.
Saturday,. July 30.
Uosult or voto up to 5:30 p. m
Tuesday, July 20, 1901:
Total number votes cant ..,.59,446
Tho Ten Highest:
Miss Mellon, East 22.213
Miss Sholtoni, Muslo 21.907
Miss Dushnull, Park 3,418
Miss Cospor, East 3.1C1
MIm Thomas, Park 2.324
Miss Gordon, North 1.480
Mlsa Knight, Muslo 835
Mlsa Kromor, East ROC
Mlsa Patrick, O. 13. S 573
Miw Prunk, Elocution 528
Men's Hats
Somo broken linos in men's smooth
and lough strn'w sailor hats, also
somo of tho sofMirimmcd kinds at
tho following prices:
75c values now 45c
$1.50 valuos now 95r
2.00 valuos now $1.0
$2 50 valuos now $t Jffl
$3.00 valuos now ,'$t.50'
$3.50 valuos now ..$2.00.
Shitt Waists
This season's boat stylos to Solent
from and at such low prices you
can't afford to ovorlook this great
buying oppertunity:
50c to 75c value 42o
$1.00 to $1.25 v'aluo 68c
$1.60 to $2.00 valuos $t.10
Tho now outing cap, big rango of
colon 50c 65c, 85c
Tho season's snappiest stylu. Ho
euro thorn now. they won't laac
long at these price:
$2.60 values now $1.95
$3.00 values now $2.25
A now lino of handsome silk imv
brollos Just recelvod. Thoy comn
in tho plain colors and with Vu
changeable effect. So othem.
Not many left of this popular
$2 25 values now $1.98
$2 50 values now $2.15
$3 50 values now .,$2.05