Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, July 26, 1904, Page EIGHT, Image 8

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M as W sWHsass" ! -
toothing fo Me and Boys
Voti can mvb money by buylnfl clothlnfl at cur store. Wc give you an
honest deal on honest 0od. VVe are offering special price, to make
room for the famous STEIN-BLOCK CLOTHING, which will arrive In a
short time.
Read It
La Ilea'
Washable Shirt-Waist Suits reduced one
Shirt Waists reduced from 25 to 50 per
Worth twice tho price asked for
Several fines aro reduced to
for outing and vacation wear re
duced to. 25c each.
AU wash goo.Vi have been reduced
to closo them out.
J; L. Stockton &
Vf. U Beckneis superintendent of
1ho Dluo Wver Mining Company, Is at
Wihomo In Mbntavilta for a day or
twe. having arrived froim tho Dluo
Hirer mining district In Lane county
yesterday evening. Ho stated that two
quart milla were already running,
JBgl there would' oon bo twotnoro in
operation In that district. Tho Dluo
JUtpsr Mining Company la controlled
fey Philadelphia capitalists, and tho
jastifelnory baa arrived for a 10-stanip
wiHto bo built on tho property. It
win bo p!aced tn position as- soon as
tho recti la completed over tho moun-
Bugeno, July 26. Sunday morning
tho many friends of Miss Anita Thurs
ton wcro surprised and shocked to
hear of tho young lady having been
drowned Saturday afternoon, near
Gardner, Douglas county, whore sho
has been teaching school
Tho details of tho drowning wero
not learned until this morning, when
tho remains of Miss Thurston arrived,
accompanied by Miss Raldlere, who
gavo an account of tho sad affair.
Miss Thureton had' been, teaching
school at Sampson, a little Village on
tho banks of Schofleld creek, about
six miles from Gardner, and In anoth
lain. n the mli locution. "Thorn Is
ploaty of or In sight that will average or wools tho tonni would have been
J0 to $12 por tort in) gold," said Mr. 'completed, and tho young lady intend
Dcckner1. "C, IL Paria, who has cora jed to go to tho beach, a fow miles dls
plcted oxtonslvo dovolopment work on tent; with friends for a Bhort tlmo bo
thu Treasury, whoro 20 meiv aro now fore returning homo,
employed, has tho machinery ready to With two other girls' Anita was in
tho habit of going bathing Inithe crook
and learning to swim, h as to bo able
to onjoy wlmming In tho surf at tho
beach. On Saturday afternoon, about
1 o'clock tho girls went In bathing as
Install a.'SQ-stnmp'mlll, This pronosi
lion in backed by ICnglUlv capitalists,
surd Mr. k, who has recently re
lumed from London, statist tnat Eng
lish and Eastern investors would soon
arrive to make an Inspection of the usual, tho water being about four or
Last Week Favorable for
Saving Grain and
Late Hay
The weather during tho week has
been unusually warm and dry, which
wo favorable for harvest work, but It
caused tho grain to fill and ripen a lit
tle too fast. Fall wheat west of Uie
Cascades' has mostHy been cut and
shocked, and cast of tho Cascades its
harvest is progressing rapidly. But
little threshing has yet been done in
tho Wlllametto valley. In. the Colum
bia river valley and In Southern Ore
gon the yields are gene-ally reporteJ
to bo better than expected. Early
eown spring wheat and oats wore
greatly Improved by the rains of last
week, and they promise from fair to
good returns. Late sown spring wheat
and oats are thin, heading short and
generally eo poor that thoy are being
cut for hay.
Peed on the ranges continues better
thanu usual, but In the Willamette
valley pasture Ib getting short, 'and
stock Is beginning to lose flesh! Where
properly cultivated, hops, gardens,
corn, potatoes and field onions are do
ing well, but thefc; all, as well as pas
turage, would be greatly benefitted by
more rain Some spraying has been
done In the hop yards, but the hot
weather killed most of tho lice-, and,
B.t a rule, tho yards aro remarkably
freo from vermin. Apples continue to
drop, but not to an alarming extent,
and an average or better than an av
erage crop of apples Is expected.
Peaches and blackberries are plenti
ful, and early apples and early pears
aro rlpo.
A Retraction.
Prom July Number Ladles Home Jour
na). ,
In tho May number of The Ladles'
Home Journal wo published, In the ar
ticle entitled "The' Patent Medicine1
Curse," on analysis of "Doctor Pierce's
Favorite Prescription," in which that
preparation waa represented as con
taining, amonjj other ingredients,
tincture of digitalis, tincture of opium,
and alcohol. Imcmdiately upon publi
cation1 "of the number a suit for dam
ages was instituted by tho R, V. Pierce
Medical Company of Buffalo, New
York, proprietors of tho preparation
In quostlon, against The Curtlsi Pub
lishing Company, based upon tho claim
that nono of tho three ingredients was
contained In tho medidno.
9T n.
Going to St. Lows? O the Coast?
' Of to the MOUiuattw
, i rase or bag of some sort to carry your
You'll suroly need a suit case or ub
thlng8' .. ( row words that we have tho best of linos
US u" C etc etc. n the city. Lowest prices,
of traveling bags, etc., en., "
Salmon Canners Will Fhn
After the Season Is
Dluo river country. Tho Lucky Boy
has a 40-stnmp mills on Its proiwrty,
ud It la reiwrted to huvo cleaned up
. 18,000 Vast mouth. Work also U
jousted en (ho Unolu Sam. which promt
i.vto boouo of tha best paying noh
4rtioif In that canj.'
tlvy feet deep. Tho tide waa going out
and there was a strong undoreunrent.
Upon tho filing of tho suit, wo of
course, Immediately looked into tho
published analysis It appears that
this particular analysis had been made
if made at all, fully 25 years ago. We,
thereupon, employed three leading
chemists In different cltlo3 to make
an analysis of tho preparation from
bottlos bought in tho open market
Those annlyso, one and all, now show
to us conclusive)" that not a single
ono of tho Ingredients mentioned by
The salmon canners, according to
the Astoria Budget, will disregard the
fish larws this season. It says:
"Tho run of salmon that had been
around the mouth of the river for the
past few day disappeared almost en
tirely last evening, without any ap
parent cause, and the catch was very
small In coraparison,wlth the few days
previous. That this was entirely un
expected was shown by the fact that
the canneries and cold s'orage plants
sent all their launches- down early this
morning, and some of the Packers'
Association launches had plungers In
town, to assist in bringing the catch
up from the mouth of the river.
Whether It wa? only a spurt, and all
tho fish' were caught, or whether they
returned to the sea again cannot be
told, but each theory has Its support
ers. Every day there are new assur
ance3 that there is an abundance of
salmon off the mouth of the river, but
why Jthey do not come Inside now
that conditions aro favorable Is not
known. For some time past there has
been considerable talk as to what will
be done this year when tho end of the
fishing season arrives, and there are
plenty of salmon of good quality still
in the rlvej That the pack will be
short now appears certain, and the in
terests involved, which means much
to tills city, will be desirous of amic
ably arranging it so operations may
continue, but If It cannot be done that
way they will feel obliged to protect
their property to continue operations
anyhow and stand any consequences ,
that may be forced on them. This will
not bo considered In tho light of a wil-
On Time Every Time
We have adopted this as a motto and live up to It. We don't prom
ise a Job tomorrow and deliver it next week or next month-it will
be on hand when promised, or before.
If you have a Job of work you want done quickly, neatly and at a
reasonable price, call up Main 2824 and we will call and get it' and
deliver it on time. Try us; we aro doing some fine printing now
printing that attracts.
The Gault Printing Company
Y. M. C. A. Building
71 Chemeketa Street
'Phone 2824 Main.
all wont under. The girls began strug
gling and tried to swim, but In. vnin.
Mr. Ileckuor nrophMto that the . Miss Taunton's companions came to
ltruo river dlttrlot will become one of
Iho richeot camp on the coast. He
brought, along some rich Sample of
ore from hla own mine, and will have
away tcctn made.
'0 i
Ran on Rocks.
Rockland. MUtl!y 20. Tho steamer
City" of Ilooktand tttnick on the rocks the- young hul) back to Mfe, but with
ui n iuk iwif m meriting, ami was. out ttmiK
beached to v hcr from kinking. The
1saungeni tushod roan their sloop,
and wore paplc-stTlokett for a time,
but all were saved.
! The Small
. ..v i""'vr ntiBHiiwn iu our (r. A iu cant Job reci s
tha same care and attmiiou ho nnalrlK it. n a ti dollar Job
I Tali is vhat lm built our biu!n up to U" Pwnt blfih aiandard
w iKvponioo. uur repair department t whore w Hv and its
a common fact that when work has bm a failure eUw here.lt finds
iU ay to u and U niado the same as new People Mvlng along
K. P . can send ua tholr work and get It back the next day. Try
Umj up-to-date Watch and Jewlry Repairer.
The three girls took hold of hands and uslnthoana'is quoted that Iselther
wadod In, and. before thoy realized It, ,dlgltall, opium or alcohol was con.
thy were carrleil Into deep wator, and talned in tho bofles analyzed. We
then tho president of this company
am) the writer porsonally; visited The
It V. lMerco Medical Comimny, at
lluffalo. and wero there convinced
tnat not ono of thoao Injurious ingix
dients waa contained in "Doctor
IMeree'a Favorite prescription " Nat
urully. since tho anarj-sis se printed
hau ben proved erroneous, the de
duction made In connoetlon with this
preparation are unwarranted and un
founded Umtor thwe clKtunata.nres it U now
perfectly phitn to us that thl maga
zine wa unltMeationally, bit never
thel absolutely nXfcled In making
the original statement, and we hereby.
ef our own volition, nwke this unquaM
llwl aekaowledgmvMU of our mistake
to the H. V. Hertii MtsHcst Oornpa)
and to our ntadera.
The Willamette.
J. M Sinclair, San Francisco.
Charles Cornelius, Nelllsvllle, Wis.
Wm. Huntley, Nelllsvllle, Wds.
Walter Hclnman, Butteville.
W. B. Comam, Portland.
A. C. Churchill, Portland.
Wmi Clomo, Portland.
Wm Foley, Portland.
A. N. Smith, Portland.
J. H. Gllbaugh, Portland.
Geo. P. Story, San Francisco.
L. Obenger, San Francisco.
T. D, Taylor, Pendleton.
Gus A. Lowit, New York.
B. M. Denison, Portland.
Roy Huggott, Tacoma.
Chas. J. Gray, Portland.
Geo. L. Taylor, Portland.
Suit for Money.
The hCapltal National Bank to.lav
ful disregard of tho law as the flsh filed ani attachmhent suit acainst K1.
are believed to bo the result of artJ- Boyer and Ellsa Bojer to recover $125
naar propogauon anu p:acea m uie and costs. Carson. Adams & Pnnn
river by the states of Oregon and are the attorneys.
Washington and by the national gov- ,,
ernmont for tho purpose of being
the surface and were resetted by a laifty
who could swim and1 waa watching
them from tho band, but Anita sank
to the bottom and did not come to the
surface. Help wan called for, and' In
about 20 or SO minutes tho body was
found and taken from tho water. Bv
vo thing possible was done to bring
A Fine Steak.
Hump'H tew meat market la
place to get fine. Juicy steaks.
caught and it is now an accepted fact
that they never return to sea again
and If not caught now tnere will never
bo another chanco. As a canner well
lltusttutea tho matter, ho says that It
would be the same if a fanner was
told that ho could not harvest the
whoat that he had planted because the
season was la'e, and It had not ripened
within the usual time.
Chas. H. Hinges,;!
rwnwr optician. 89 6UU gtmt Next doer to Ladd & Buih Bank
For Sale or Rent. A good stock
ranch. Inquire at the Journal of
fice. 7-26-t
Lost Last Satu:daj June 23d, a
ohaln purse containing some mont
Finder please leave at Damon's
store. 7-26-at
For Sale. Roof tin. at lc por foot. In
quire at White Corner, or F. Vander
Ban, -181 Winter r reel 7 26-3t
Hon. Henry Keene and Wm. Queen
er, two capitalists and politicians from
Stayton, v, ere Salem visitors today.
RICHARDSON. At tho family home,
in. East Salem, Tuesday morning,
July 20, 1904, to Mr. and Mre. W. Y.
Richardson, a daughter.
Hookless-Gunless Sport.
Prof. B. Cooko aPtton, after a week's
successful run at a local theatre, where
he mado a hit wltli his hypnotic and
sleight of hand program, tcSt yesterday
for Clear Lake, and other Southern
Oregon resorts. He has recently de
vized a way (to catch flsh and door
without tho use of weapon, and ex
pects to bring back tho limit Ho will
not discuss tho new method, but
simply termed it tho "latest revised
bookless-gunless suggestive isolution
of the sporting problem 'and the read
ers will await his return for addition
al information and confirmation; also
for tho game and flsh.
New Meat Market.
Ramp's Commercial-street moat
market, near Ferry, is putting out only
the best steaks to the trade. Practical
buyers are sure to be pleased.
Advertising Is Necessary.
The store window spkiy, hoeer
auraothe it may be, oiMy answer toe
iwrjioeo of istwresHng a certain por
tion of the people who pa that way
TbW nmy Im said withwtt any retieo
on upon modern window drowrtjur.
re k is otw of the most attractive
fwttirk of any store. Nevorthoiese,
the adrUMiniHfl of tse saruo store
p"aed in tse felly newspaper will be
read by a teand people for every
10 wfco wtti Motive the w1ndw display
The window dlHy is nil risht In us
". biH its chances of attmotiRg bust
ness u the store are x'sry Hmtted. a
eoittparett with Ike kvrvtce offered by
a KVKHt Ualiy ewaper.
o a. a? c xt x sl .
B4ttti IMlCMYwRwJlNqnEagM
Wanted. A position of any kind, by
a healthy, amoktoue youug man, not
afraid to work. Can furnWi the
let of references as to reputation
and ability as a bustness man Am
at present employed a finance clerk
la a jotoirioo of tho first class Ad
dress E. V. Smkh. Danville III
Wanted. A girt foe general house
work; 12 ;er month and no wash
Ing, Inquire at Rostoiu & Green
baums, 302 Commercial street.
7 26-lwk
For Sale. Thoroughbred BngUsh set
ter. Inquire at SIM and State
streets. 7-36-lt
Wanted Energetic, trustworthy man
or wvman to vrork in Oregon, repre
senting largo Manufacturing com-
lB $&??310 to J9 Pr nnh
paTdw'oekV; oxponsea adv-anced. AJV
Wheel Snaps
We can make it very interesting for
olther lady or gentleman cmtomers
for wheel.
There la a $50 gent's Pierce toadster,
scarcely soiled. $35.00.
A $40.00 gent's Tribune, in perfect
order, riddon but a little. $25.00.
A $46.00 Wolf American in eouaiiv
good order, $25,00.
All abovo new goods and only re
cently reclaimed. There are a fow ex
collent snaps in second-hand wheels
uom males' and gentlemen's,
your while to see.
Gold Dust Flout I
ER COMPANY, Sidney, Ore
gon. Made for family use. Ask
your grocer for It. Bran and
shorts always on hand.
P. B. Wallace
F. A. Wiggins' i
Just received a lot of new tires
direct from the factory. If In
need of a tire see me.
Century thorn-proof tires $8 pr.
Century toughtread tires $7 pr
Cen'ury No. 100 tires $6.00 pr
AU guaranteed.
ggg BUMMf
Implement House 255-257 Liberty Si MonCV to Lotl
Farm Implements, Automobile,, I ' -Jr0311
Sewlnn Ml.l... --.. .. ' THOMAS k imTm
---vhm. anQ supplies. Over Irf A r,..u.. "..". L
- "ua" i uanic, uaiem, ur.
We Ate Ovestocked
lS2"Sr, RE0ADLE8S 0F C0ST.
Rest standard caMcow. pretj,
'"'. yaru ...
"v cumoo wrapper,
&c Kal Kai Crystal Cord wash
silk, yard ioc
75c laco curtains, dearinn
Price pair i5o
dross " with stamp; J. H. Moore.