'"" PflilPPP5$?S!5TOP "sT DAILY OAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM, OREGON. MONDAY, JULY 23, 1904. SEVEN CLASSIFIED "Wanted. .: Wanted. (inn OP t.tt'n nlilwlrnn tn unm HK 1 TiV.. tini4lnnti. hh..Ihm .. It... Misses Goode's store, 309 Commer cial street. 7-23-3t Wanted. Forty or fifty thousand hazel hoops per month. Address Geo. B. Rate, Portland, or American Ex change warehouse.' 7-22-3t Position Wanted. By a competent girl to do housework. Apply to Chas. Dlotz, North Salem. P. O. box 209, Salem, Or. 7-21-3t Wanted. To purchase a pteco of land suitable for potatoes, hops or hay. Address, with particulars, lock box 488, Salem, Oregon. 7-1-tf FOR 8ALE. For Sale. Fresh Jersey cow with calf. For Particulars see J. H. or J. M. How ell, Cross and 12th streets. 7.-23-3t For Sale. One good1 sow, with five choice pigs. Price ?10. George Swe gle. 7-21-3t For Sale. A big bargain, 7 acres of land this side of (Liberty. Some Im provements. Part trade of the right kind will be taken. Inquire of Geo. D. Sprague & Co., 180 State street. 7-20-lwk For Sale. 115 acres, with 100 acres clear land and 20 acres In hops, good buildings. Pour miles from Salem, on the Wallace road. Geo Bayne, Route 1, Salem. 7-2-lm A Snap. A high-grade, rubber-tired buggy, almost new, at a great bar gain; must be sold soon. A. F. Hofer, Jr. tf Screen Doors Lawn and field fence, barb wire, shingles, P. & B. ready roofing and building paper. Exten sion ladders, gates and gate hard ware. All at lowest prices. Walter Morley, 60 Court street, Salem. MISCELLANEOUS. Rooms, Board and bath. Inquire at 108 High street. 7-21-3t George H. Hall & Co. Livery and transfer line, Newport, Or. Special attention given to handling baggage and camp outfits. Hack to Otter Rock and Lighthouse. Good saddle herses. One block east of steamer landing. 7-13-2m Hotel Scott Newly furnished, every thing clean and first class. Rooms at reasonable prices. In Cottle block, Salem. A. Scott, prop. 7-6-tf. New Lodging House. Everything new, clean and cdmfortable. Schrelb or block, 149-151 Stato street. Mat tie Hutchlns, prop. C-9-tf Say Have you tried Edwards & Lusch er's for meats. We have the best sausage in town. Come and try it, and be conNinced., 410 East State street Salem Truck and Dray Co. Oldest and best equipped company In Sa lem. Piano and furniture mov.ng a specialty Office 'phone, 8(1. W. W. Brown & Son, proprietor. Office No. 60 State street 9-1-lm FOR RENT. For Rent. A modern six-room houso, ready August 1st. Inquire of J. O. Goodale, Sr., at the lumber yard on 12th street. 7-21-3t Rooms to Rent Twelve furnished or unfurnished rooms to rent Loca tion on street car line, and one block to S. P. depot. Call on J. C. Goodato, 12th and Oak streets. G-20tf RESTAURANT. Ferguson's Restaurant 35 Bt&u street. Open day an night Ow 20c meals are bettor than any at house In the state. Six 20c mJi for $1.00; 21 20c meals for 13.00 UNDERTAKERS. W" Undertaker. We carry the larreii and finest line of undertaker's goodi in the city. Prices to suit all Black and white hearse. Prompt reliable. Save money by calling at No. 107. A. M. Clough, A. J. Basey M-tf FRANK DAVEY Notary Public; conveyancing and examining titles. Life, health and accident Insurance Room 9, Odd Fellows' building, opposite Court House. Your Stepmother Is still here, and as busy as ever. When your clothes are worn and dirty, or the buttons off take them to her, at the Salem Dyeing and Clean. ing Works. Repairing and rellnlng; new velvet collars put on overcoats; also four suits a month for $1. Cahed tor an I returned. MRS. a fL WALKER, Prop. 195 Commercial Stre&t OSTEOPATHS. Drs. Schoettle and Mercer, successors to Schoettle, Barr & Barr, Osto ophaths, Odd Fellows' temple, Sa lem, Oregon. PHY8ICIAN AND SURGEON. Dr. W. 8. Mott Will hereafter fc found in the Brey block, 275 Con merclal street, over Oregon 8kt Co. Office telephone 2931; rs) donco phone, 2751. Office hoar I to 12. and 2 to 5. TONSORIAL AND BATHS. Evan's Barber Shop Only flrst-cUw shop on Stato street Every thJaj new and up-to-aato. Finest poret lain baths. Share, 15c; hair-cat IS baths, 25c. Two first-class boa blacks. C. W. Evans, proprietor LODGES. Olive Lodge, No. 18, I. O. O. F. I. O O. F. Hall, Saturday each week, at 7:30 p. m. B. B. Herrlck, Jr., N. Q. Frank F. Toevs, recording secretary Salem Camp, No. 11B, Woodmen of th World Meets In Holman Hall overj Friday at 7:30 p. m. P. L. Frasler Consul. Wylle A. Moores, Scr tary. 1-12-lyT Valley lodge No. 18, A. O. U. W. Meet In their hall in Holman block, coi ner State and Liberty, every Mm day evening. Visiting brethrw welsome. Roy Mclntlro, M. W. 1 E. Aufrance, Recorder. Central Lodge No. 18, K. of P. Ccsttt Hall in Holman block, corner 8tt and Liberty Sts. T-eeday of eal week at 7:30 p. m. H. H. Turner C. C; W. I. Staley, K. of R. and 8. Foresters of America Court Bki wood Foresters No. 19. Meets Fri day in Turner block. H. 0 Meyer, C. R.; A. L. Brown, See. Modem Woodmen of America On gon Cedar Camp No. 5246. Meeti every Thursday evening at 8 o'cltwl Holman Hall, E. E. Mattes, 1 C: A. L. Brown. Clork. Hop Baskets. Hop Baskets. All kinds of baskets. Hold your orders for Walter Mor ley, 60 Court street, Salem. . WATER COMPANY. SALEM WATER COMPAM OFFICE CITY HALL. For water service apply at offle Bills payable monthly In adva.net Mae all complaints at the office. f H i H H I i i I I I I HWtil 8-j I Violin, Mandolin f and Guitar.- X Thorough Instructions. Pupils prepared for clubs, recitals and J entertainments. Special terms t . to pupils starting now. Private ! ! lessons 5bc. Class lessons 25c. 2 ' ' Club rehearsals free. SIDNEY HAYES, I 101 Commercial Street. T HIIDIHIIIIIIIIMIIHIH ALL KINDS OF FRUIT TRAYS AND ORCHARD BOXES at the S shop of G. F. Mason Mlllor street, South Salem PHONE 2191 Red. HUIE WING SANG CO. Great sale of Chinese and Japanese fancy goods. We also make up all kinds of wrappers and waists, under wear and skirts. Gents' and ladles' furnishing goods, silks, laces and em broideries. All kinds of Bummer goodr matting, etc. Court street, corner c alley, Salem PBljES ru- Bupposltoro D. UilL ThdMBM. L. I urd4 Bcfcetu, ButMTiut, Jf v vriwi -1 i . - . . j.. -11 . 1. . bn PrB li lTMt, 1 Tfccr tlrt volftriU tl I I U MrUe f II Ttf, I kf fol M rwf -1 ltU imn." Thco, M Curt: 0tylM rr. lAiul WUM, VT U U MIU1J, UWIIItrii IMLi WW - . MARTIN RVDT, LANCABTSH. F. told In ialsm by . C. Ston. Gall for Ftm Bamplao. TELESCOPES, SUJT CASE8 AND LUNCH BASKET8 AT THE VARIETY STORE, ANNORA WELCH, Prop., 95 Court 8t A True Friend. A friend to tho ladles and a saving to the men. Our new gas ranges. Cltl zena Light & Tractloa Co. 7-22-tf LIGHT AND MRK, Day and night, sunshine, and shadow are not Inore different from eacb.6tb.er than a healthful from a sickly woman. The healthful woman carries light and sunshine with her wherever she goes. Tue woman who suffers from ill-health casts a shadow on her own hap piness and the happiness of others. She cannot help it. Those who suf fer cannot smile and sin?. Ill-health ta woman is generally trace able to disease of the delicate womanly organism. Many women have been re stored to happiness by the use of Dr. Pierce's Favonte Prescription. If there is an "invalid woman, suffering from female weakness, prolapsus, or falling of womb, or from lcucorrliea who has used Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription with out complete success Dr. Pierce would like to hear from such person and it will be to her advantage, to'write as he offers, in perfect good faith, a reward of $500 for any case of the above maladies which he cannot cure. v -'i icx;i 11 my uuiy 10 laiarm you inai i naa I been a sufferer for many years from nervous- ucijwiiii an us symptoms arm complications,' writes Mrs. O.N Fisher of 1861 Ixington Ave,, New York, NY "I was constantly goin? to see a phvsiciau. I was induced to aslc Dr. Pierce's advice I then took five battles of ' Fa vorite Prescription. I am not now cross auJ Irritable, and I have a good color in ray face; have also gained about ten pounds la weight and one thousand ef comfort, for I am a new woman once more," ' The dealer who offers a substitute for w Favorite Prescription" does so to gain the little more profit paid on the sale of less meritorious medicines. Dr. Pierce's Common Sense Medical Adviser is sent free on receipt of stamps to pay expense of mailing only. Semi ar one-cent stamps for the paper-covered book, or 31 stamps for the cloth bound. Address Dr. R. V. Pierce, Buffalo, N. Y K. of P. at Jamestown. Jamositown, N. Y., July 25, Pythian flags and omblems decorated the streets of this city today In honor of tho delegates to the annual session of tho Now York state grand1 lodge of the Knights of Pytihias, which will bo In .ees'slom during the next few days. Ar riving trains .ils morning brought largo illalegatlons from Buffalo, Roclv eslt.er, Albany, Binghampton, Elmlra and other cities' of tho state, nwdntho attendance promises to set a new re cord for the grand lodge meetings'. Elaborate preparations "nave been mado for the entertainment of the dele gates, m'arly of whom are accompanied by their wives and families. Catarrh Cannot Be Cured with LOCAL APPLICATIONS, as they cannot reaph tho seat of tho dis ease. Catarrh Is a blood or constitu tional disease, and in order to euro It you must take Internal remedies. Hall's Catarrh Cure Is taken Internal ly, and acts directly on tho blood and mucous surfaces. Hall's Catarrh Cure is not a quack medicine. It was pro scribed by ono of the best physicians In this country for years and is a reg ular prescription. It Is composed of tho best tonics known, combined with tho best blood purifiers, acting direct ly on tho mucous surfacos. The per fect combination of the two Ingredi ents Is what produces such wonderful results In curing Catarrh. Send foe testimonials free. F. J. CHENEY & CO., Props., To- lodo, Ohio. Sold by druggists, price 75c. Hall's Family Pills arethe best. 0 : Notice to Dog Owners. The annual license on dogs in the city of Salem, for the year beginning July 1, 1904, and ending July 1, 1905, Is now dte, and tho ordinance author izing same will bo promptly enforced. Dog owners living In outside wards can pay license fee to special officers authorized to receive same, others pleaso call at City Hall and pay up. D. W. GIBSON, 7-15-HH City Marshal. The Yost No. 10 The Machine Behind the IFne Work. Excels all others In LIGHT RUNNING PERFECT ALIGNMENT PERMANENT ALIGNMENT EASE OF ACTION BEAUTY OF CHARACTERS AND DURABILITY. 75,000 Sold Yost Writing Machine Co. 230 Stark Street, Portland. C. M. LOCKWOOD, Local Agent, 233 Commercial Street, Salem, Oregon. We Rent We Sell. We Exchange We Repair. SALEM BOY ON THE SEA Writes off His Trip and Re latesMlny Interest lag: Episodes Clydo Mason, writes to his parents In this city ftom Newcastle, New Soth Wales. Ho is on the sailing vessel Reaper andl la having considerable experience. His letter is as follews: Although the tost trip didn't havo the novelty of the first one It did Slave a novelty of iUs own. . Our Jap cook daierted In Africa and after considerable difficulty during tho iUerval-s of which I was cook for the wholo 'sixteen, wo shipped a lean, long, lank Dane that j-ald ho could cook and make bread. Tho next Jay wo sailed and tho facts began .to develop, His cooking wasn't exactfly up to tho standard of American ships and ho could not make bread, then (ho became sick and I re sumed operation In conjunction! with one of tho sailor, a Frenchman. But still there was no bread so we ato hard broad. As tho mate hag only orae tcotln and that is right In front ho curse.!; tho old man loosened his crown, work and it fell out so he cursed, and as tho orow was accustom ed to soft broad tihey cwrsed, In fact wo had a delightful time. Then there was ono day when I was helping thlo poor Dano In tho gal ley. Wo bad been having fair wind and very little rolling though wo were In ballast, iinidl things In tho galley were standing and laying around rathsr caiolc"ly. Then the wind) changed, and with tho chango came a heavy swell. But tho wind was dead aft and tho swefil was right abeami so that &ho bo gan ,to roll rather fiercely and then thero was things doing. The long way of tho galley lies across tho vessel and when) she began to roll, things began to move. First to onio side and down came a bunch of pans; back with a Jerk and over goes a slop bucket or kettlo of scup. Then picture If" you canr the sick Dano sitting In tho doorway (tho sll'ls aro knee high) with his feet braced against a locker and myself trying to stand on tho now thoroughly greased linoleum floor and at tho same time trying to catch everything possible. Downi to ono waU kor bang lr a mess of pots, pans, anli kettles! kor swish back toho other wall (some 15 feot)with tihe'isamo mess and a few more. But of course this rolling Is In spurts and wo soon had everything hung up oni a hook- where It could swing or mado fast so that It could not. All tlnlntu havo nn ondl so now wo havo a real Hvo cook, a gonulno Uncle Tom's cabin. Newcartlo Is ono of tho greatest coaling depots In tho world and Is naturally rather grimy. Many of the shafts aro sunk right hero 1m tho city and somo of tho lovols oxtotid a far as thirteen miles out under tho ocean. Tho coal Is loaded ore special cars holding about 8 or 9 tonn each. Tho cars aro so built Rhat tho car sots on tho truck. Tho truckfl run along Immediately back of tho coal wharfs along which are numerous largo hydraulic crnnos. Tho cranosi lift a car off Its trucks, andi swing It out ovor tho ship's hatch, anda man, thoro prossoa the button and tho bottom drops out of the can Tho crnnos lift a car off It truck, the lvoxt ono la shunted up and tho pro cess repeated. But Sydnoy 1h tho place. With tho eilmalo of Los ATigoloa and ono of tho fihosc harbom in tho world has boon combined a beautiful elty and tho re sult cortainly looha goal to mo. Tho harbor, called Port Jackson. Is mado up of deop wator bays and inlots andl I studdod with Wands, thus giv ing plenty of good anchorage und shol tor from all wind. And tho points, Island awl hoad lanxta aro olthor military ixftorves bristling with artilfory or pubrio paries speoMed with statuary. Thoro aro many Hvoly suburbs, many fino buslnotw and public build ings, somo magnlfloont oathodrato and floliegoj, excellent furry and tram (straot car) Korvdoa and although tho strgaU Boom to have baon throwm to gether vory trruolv Mko omo of our own oltlos tho streot Uiomaolvos aro well paved and woH kept From hero wo go direct to San. Fran olsco and as tho avorago passago Is .somewhere between 70 and 100 days and wo expect to otoar shortly after tho first of Jury wo alEo expect to ar rive In Frisco during Soptomber or. the etu'Jy part of Octobflr. IgrMIjJJj Tho Kind You Havo Always lu uso for over 30 years, and &XP?j01j sonal supervision slnco its Infancy. r, t-ctcC'fU'X Allow no ono to dccelvo you in this. All Counterfeits, Imitations and" Just-as-good" arc but Experiments that triflo with nndondangertho health of Infants and Children Bxpcrlcnco against Experiment. What is CASTORIA Castoria is a harmless substltuto for Castor Oil, Pare goric, Drops and Soothing Syrups'. It is Pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Dforphluo nor other Narcotic substance Its ago is its guarantee. It destroys W.orms and allays Poverlshucss. It euros Diarrhoea and "Wlnil Colio. It rellovos Teething Troubles, cures Constipation and Flatulency. It assimilates tho Fopd, regulates tho Stomach and Bowels, git ing healthy and natural sloop Tho Children's Panacea Tho Mother's Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA Bears the avVu The KM You Have Always BougM In Use For Over 30 Years. " TH OCNTAUN OOMMNV. rt MURRAY CTntCT. NIWTOHK OITV. t wwawf Do What We Claim We guarantee sufficient proof that Dr. J. F. Cook the Botanical Doctor cures all kinds of diseases after all other schools and doctors have failed, .such as cancer, tumors, (external and Internal) Gravel kidney, bone diseases. Consumption, gall stonea, rheumatism, S dropsy, and dlabets, appendicitis diseases, all the foregoing wlthuot tho knife, or plaster or poisons, V S and with no pain to the patient Testimonials of prominent people. i D J. F. Cook 301 Liberty St., Formerly of HMMIUHMHMUHHIMHHMMIHMIMWHMMW IT" 11 IT- 7 TTI fit Ouri m'xvj tZZs&x ffAff! I M.T I .JBLWe 3 (NKnTy-pEf " M m ,.yV- : MmgKSvr m W t?v Th llmllt ft Mllllian Paint covert building I unu nrtp. !HeAth6 MilugAn I I 1 & Savage & Fletchc, 0--i Wf'tsHllll8'stIHitlHilII ! WrtMi ::::::::A G E N i BALFOUR, GUTHRIE & CO. I AR . A.I W BDYJRB AND SHIPPERSOF OR A I W I Oats For Sale. nop 0R0WER9 SUPPLIES. Crude and stick Sulphur. I J. 6. Graham, Agent, 207 Commercial St.,Sa!em, 0r. nnwwwwwwnumnNnwiwimwt Havo You Ever Ordered H&ttitt & If not, you are away bobtnd ways glad to toe new patrons, and more than pleased. You will find and Ferry streota. iiiiiiiiHiiHimiintiiniHiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiir Bought, and -which has boca has homo tho signature of has becu inado under his pcr- ALWAYS Signature of have nover yet failed, and female V whatever. Consultation free. . . . . . . Salem, Oregon, Omaha, Neb. 1 1 1 litlWBMaMWMMMMMiJIMMMMM m Ppc:fc nn K2 imm.. f successful business,' To serve you when in need of Paint.... 88 ITY Covers a multl tlfrln rtlMr. iMwv ui qiiig..u.. inm irom aC8, CMabllihcJ I8JI. Mire 6. czcffiMsA i C Y O F:::::::: Your Groceries from Lawfencc tho times. However, they an al z If you call on then, you trill b them at tho corner of Commercial 1