Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, July 25, 1904, Page FOUR, Image 4

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f-HHimnn nil Mm mi; M A fC
: a i?iiir LITIAUU
:: &J&5U&WI
Mcatlons Point to Selection
mi the Indiana Man by
Esupufl, July 2C Sheolian loft (or
JSTcw York thin morning, and will ro
Ouate Micro until tlio national chair
Boast bus boon elected. Jamoa K.
Sautm and Danlol Campau wired Judge
RttHeer thla morning Uiat thoy would
UUvpX Eaoous today, on routo to Now
TatBa. Senator Danlol, of Virginia,
tirtZ) a&o stop off. It Is admitted there
r&sttQie man who will bo chairman is
SnsorWcnlly settled upon. Taggart le
ttlto cmly name heard now,
a ii
Immense Automobile Run.
astow York, July 25. Everything Is
feor TwuDncwa for the- automobllo dnva-
ttfcm of tho world's fair city and Urn
wetk beginning today la destined to
tga emi record o Wio most notable
nfiitoe th motor car fad flits becamn
9tbU&"nodi In rtlila country. Tho big
ran to St. Louis, for which proparo
ttooB bavo boon going forward for
texuwuy a jvar, tin Ita commencement
ttatay when a contingent of Now Eng
lAini.' automobiles leaves Boston for tho
aBaMil Olty. Tho Now York section
twl Itoyo Oils city tomorrow at tho
(Huno Umo ilia! Uio Soutliorn section
nalu?s lUi start from Baltimore. Other
tacoUona, Inctudo thdjo from tho
2raortfi)wsBt and from tho vicinity of
afcnvur, Kaiuwb City, and Omaha, wfll
xnaJuj Oioln Btarta eo aa to reach tho
oajeotivo ilivt at tho same time. It
'Ja irtainxiedf that all of the soctlons shall
romltatvouB at Alton, III, August 0,
Xmsel which' place tho great procession
of enotor cars will mako It tilumph
anl try Into St. Ixmlfl.
Oil Ii a Purifier,
t)rogon City, Or., July 25, Crudo oil
Upon tho Willamette has solved the
tavowmlto . problem for Groou Point,
aoap thin city.
Until this year, Qreon Iolnt, locat
ed mar tho confluence of tho Wlllanv
tMn and OVackaniris rlvora, has been
sooted for Its plentiful hupply of mas
qttltoti. All known means of ojcturon
Inatinj; Uio WBt woro omployod with
o Mitlsfactory rbult. Tills year tho
taosqultoes woro found to liavo prac
tically dlnapHard. Tho ctiuu. until
uvuuV ny inn. IIUIUHUIUI.1I, II I1UW
tJwrolopa tlnat Mio stronms of wntor Mllor.
MUrallll.llniT riniuin IVJnt nr.. . ...,,. ..I I Will Y
lth. tlvo leakago of itrudo potrolotim
Troin Uio lcwl aior in 1 1 to, whoro tho
product 1b mswl for fuel. With tho
axiUnued umi of this product as a fuol
tr iho loon) manufacturing IiimUUi
Woaa, and tlio proposed sprlt-kllng of
Umi HtrootH with crude potroleum, for
vtblvh tho ummtclpallty has nrratw-Hl,
lb U very probnbto that Orogon City
xrlll 1m) exempt from this Host.
Old Not Display Llnht.
A. 1'. Aufranco mot wlih quite an
aswjldont at tho eortwr of State and
Cottago Htreets on Sunday ovonltig
vrhllo tiding a blcyolu. Tho city Is
'building u tww cimiont oro-nlk, and
la tho oxcarat1oi without a wnmlng
MKht of any kind. Mr. Aufranco did
not know of tho danger aud rodo his
lkWvKj Into Uio tlltcli. Ho was tlashod
hwullong against tho bank, and nv
otlwil a soveu gtwli In tho upper Mm.
TioMwwltattn Minn) stltchos. Tho
-M-unnit Is u lulnful one. and will eauie
5ttr. AufraiKHi to lose mmw time from
tola wirk.
Entertained Their Friends.
Tho MIssos Lena Mclntlre and Bea
lo Schultz entertained a large num
ber of tho member of tho Criterion
Olub and their friends at Oak Drove,
on North Uberty street, Saturday ev
ening In a most delightful manner.
Tho beautiful grove was tit with Jap
aweso lanterns, anid hammocks wore
swung under tho wide spreading
branches, and; together with the gay
throng of young people, made a very
pretty fccene, Mrs. Etta Kneovey told
tho fortunes of tho guests In a little
don, which caused great merrlmenrt.
Punch was served throughout the ev-
onlng by the Misses Marguerite Os-
trander, Zoo Tcothacro and Blanche
Tho music for the occasion was fur
nlshcMl by Messm Charles and John
Nolan-, who gave many selections on
tho guitar and mandolin, rilch were
much appreciated. Ice cream and
cake woio served at the close of the
evening. Tho Misses Matlfda Eckor
len, Maymo Stout, Nancy Baker and
Marguorlto Ostrander assisted the
hostesses In .serving. The favors for
tho girls woro umatl Japanese fans,
whllo thoso for tho boys were small
bottloi IabeloJ "Curo for Ive," and,
upon opening, disclosed ilny mittens
attached to tlio corlc . ,,
Tho wholo evening passed off Very
pleasantly with mute, singing and
dancing. Mrs. O. Kaiser acted aa
chaporono for tho party. i
Tho Invltctl guestsiworot Voy Baw.
Hattlo Odcklrk, Motile Hofer, Beulah
Bruce, of Portland, Emma Miller,
Fay Savage, Hattlo Miles Maymo
Stout, Lou Armstrong, Many Ecketlen,
Mnl'IMa Eckorleu, Bertha Eckorleni
Ella Schu it, Eva. Kalsor, Eva Savage,
Alto Savago, OHvo ' Mltcholl, Oraco
Hlnoman; Bds Schaofer. Wllda Ro
land, Hytli, aatclr, Clhlro ChadwJck,
Ama Strong, ' Nettlo Frozuio. Boryl
Emerson, EUiorCalvort, Eunnno Craig,
Mina Gobo', Carilo Good. Lenta
Stahloy, BlliralMnii Keoton, Mabel Bak
or, Belle DurlW. Lou Cary. Nancy Bak-
on, Zca Toothacfo, Blanch Knox, Map
gnorlto Oetramler: Messi Frank Har-
rJtt, Harry Wlnstaniloy, Ralph Dorcas,
Rolwrt McCarl. Phil Patrick. Eldon
Damoi Clb'du Ijiughead, Ross FIIsh
burn, Ralph Moores, Ralph Cronlso,
I-rank Rhoces, Oliver Meyers. Otto
Orover Bollinger, WllUama,
oung. Nod' Gamble. Howard Cat-
llii', Claudo Belle, C'arouco Parker.
Walter pstrandor, Oeorgo Rudolph.
Claudo LUcas, Bert Hewitt, Walter
Ml Ion, Fred Mclntlre. Roy Mclntlre,
Dan Qtilnnv WIIHs Butler, of Mon
mouth; Harvoy Nervell, of Pertland:
John Nofand, Charles Noland. Charlcti
Roth. a Wosdbrook and Ross Me
I ntl iv.
Antics of Russian Army Faded
by the Journal
yW umiiw
A Journal reporter today made a
grand awoop for news, and came as
near getting nothing as Is possible.
Ho rounded up tho office of tho gover
nor, tho M?crotaiiy of state, treasurer
and supremo court, and at place got
nil. and yet somo of theso officials ob
ject to drawing a flat salary. At the
court house Sheriff Culver was busy
wrestling with a real estate descrip
tion, whllo his deputies woro trying to
find a two-cent discrepancy In a tax
receipt, but not a bit of news did they
havq to divulge. At tho county clerk's
offlco Mr. and Mrs. John Roland were
quietly keeping house, but had nary
a syllablo of news, excopt In tho-mar-
rlago certificate department (where
thero Is no dry season. As a result
of tno entire day's business, tho fol
lowing named parties are allowed to
wed, as prescribed by law: "Miss
Lena Andres to John P. Zlellnskl. The
reporter says "amen" to the match. '
MMItllllltltl" I,""V
We Will Be Ready For You
Y HllllllltllMIIIIHHi
; ! Hot weather 'meals, cool f
; ; weather meals, every
: : thtag appetising and
: White House
:: Restaurant
; : George Bros. Props.
Wall Paper
Latest desiens !n stork.
J and good work guaran-
teed. We have the small
J store and small prices
, l. Lemmon
299 Liberty St.
Phone 2475
Birthday Party.
Will llochtel was the recipient of a
delightful party Friday afternoon. In
honor of bis eighth birthday. Tho
tlmo was spent Jr, play lug numerous
gama, ntul tho afternoon wound up
with a dainty apivadi tu which all the
young HumtH did amplo Justice. Mrs
Januw McCourt and Mrs. lint Sheldon
nwlstod Mrs. Uvchtul In utitertalnlng.
Tluo pnteont wore: Master Frank
Hurbln, DtuMll GllUaiu, Will and VA
dy Braimlng, George Manning. Lloid
Cospoa FVtxWIo Goodnough, Harry
OWhnm. of I'orthtnd, and Will BechtwL
Q. A. R. Picnic.
Tlw aimuul ramp llro uml tmskut
Honle of thu conmidos ami IndltM of
Uio (l. A. R. took nltitM at tlu. Inuiu. r
Mr. ami Mrs. R. R WaivU nir this
Htj Friday. About UW ku. u,iv
prwnni, ami a ey plaaut day was
spent by hU. Agood iniialcal iukI Ht
wary promm wh ruiulvivd, ainl a
lwMrtoUc adttrtMs wm vm b) uidor
Bnt. of lint Ftr Christian thmh
lc nwttt Hihl cuktt vtmv t'i(d dm
Ing tit afterwoou.
St. Ix)ul3, July 25. Tuesday. July
2Gth, will bo Elks' Day at tho World's
Fair, and for ono day anil a very long
night tho purple colors will float over
iho exposition. Tho members will
como to St Louis Im a body after the
adjournment of tho grand lodge meet
ing at Cincinnati. A special nroeram
has been provided for their entertain
ment white at tho Worldfs Fair.
Assembling at tho local club room))
In tho Holland building on Seventh
and Ollvo s'tTocte, tho visitors wilt If
ptovlded with automobiles- and tally
hoe, nnd wilt parade through tho prin
cipal fctreers of tho city to tho expedi
tion grounds.
Upon tholr arrival at tho main en
trance thoy will bo met by an escort
or 200 Beer foldlois ami proceed
through tho grounds to tho Temple
of Fraternity, whero na addrcia of
wolcomo will bo delivered by John
H. Holmos, exaltedi ruler of St, Ixntls,
Lodge, No. 9. to which address the
newly exalted rulor will respond.
President Francis, of the Exposition
Comiwmy, will wo'tome tho visitor
on behalf of tho World's Fair manage
ment. Following a general recoptiom, the
concessional les on Tho Bike will rive
a spectacular parade especially for the
uonent of no Elks. This pniado will
pans tho Tomplo of Frnternltw whlta
the guosto are gathered there, and, will
lueluilo a doimtatiore fromi Mvsterions
Asia strange muslo makers from In.
dla, Japanese Golshu girls, Spanish
dnneora fion tho btioeU of Soiii n
tletaohmont of Halo's fire fighters, and
roprosQiitaUvu of other attractions on
tho amusement street.
After tho parade tho Elks niu ho
unharnessed nnd nllowel to forago In
tho pantiiKia of tho World's Fair
ground, At 6 p. nu thero will bo a
competitive drill on tho Plnsa of St.
Louis between se-om Elk teams. Tho
winning team will bo presented with a
beautifut flag li'v commemoration of Its
vlctonj ,
To make y0 selects hom the EWALJD FRUIT
CTAOTOTQ W f,av about 8U ttaCtS pia uuW rang
II fcom 4 to 8 aci;cs to the tract, itom which yoi can select
1 1
! j what yoc want.
;; Tt, uu ( iu mh-c will be surveyed by Thtwsday,
j; and will make a gt&nd total of 150 lots.
The tracts now open to selection comprise auiorsmneavy
timber, and 50 lots in brash and unimproved land.
J Blocks, carrying the lot number, are set along the roadways
I and show both lots and course of roads.
i w uiinA i.n rtrrt Uoco frfc fin to selection owinv
;; TT ; a7lt UUJllgV W Wjf kuvv -,k -jc ------ m
ii td the great demand for them. Nc contracts of sale can be
; ; written before the latter part of the week, but yot can se-
lect what you want before that time.
We are selling this land at $5 a month, without interest,
n T c wlffin tniemtoti tsiantr wltr of the street Cat. Witflffl
:: UaU a sn'Ao nf iho riiv Tlmifc aA (fee nn the. Libertv crtisheri-
; rock county road, and along the proposed extension of the
i i Liherty-Rosedale electric car line.
i i
i Salem Abstract and
Land Company.
I Frank W. Waters, Mgr. First Nat'l Bank Building.
.. A
W4wwwtiunnmmniiniii t oimis iniaiaiaaiaiiiiiaatt8t
O .A. s T c m t v.
B th j Tlu Kind Ym Han klnjt Boajtt
Tin Wail Ym
Headquarters for Granjers.
St l.uul. Jb- 16. A WHHlon iu,
BOk for nHtloM4 Oran) hedamu,.,.
i to Ih ftrwotwd at our in ih.. so,,,t,
wd i th pnhtc of rlroltu!t t n ,
World' Pitir u win h ,!, . ,,
a recHott iwh. kwlie' iom.u?
roHWB nd phok txMuwt xer, jwis
my Im Mt fw of rim-. Th.,
(hH wt uk ctwm of th igo,la
a"ui uMt UU. Competent mkP'(.
NWH b OIM(KUAIy on dutv to
iwtro-, si,! Uw i i,t,n., .
to h the fair.
84Hdl ftMUira l)i ha. nu.,1.
Ww4s Ut of raodonitely.pric!
lwa so iMt ay oo waj- conw to
0ga kaauartca wllh Uio fHti ..
wtUHc of tlndlBS wltobH roonw at
W1 wWa mmV umw. i
flboiif 200 Drdminer's
AH wool, two ply, 35c each or 3 for $ 1 .00
Extra heavy all wool Rajah ad Flemish Tap
esty, 45c each.
These Will Be on Sale
For Sale by
269 Liberty St.
Ses Safem and Albany.
rTTM1 ' f tmnmnm hmhi