PAIL1FIM PTT A L JOIIRNAli 8ALEM, OREGON, SATURDAY, JULY 23, 1904. NO. 16S. WMANY RESENTS CONFERENCE ENDS WITHOUT RESULTS GAMBLERS TRIED TO RUN FRONTIER TOWN STEAMER SEIZURE I m Make Immediate Demand for the Release of Vessels Carrying Its Flag Berlin, July 23. Great indignation IjPrevaiLs hero over the capture of the Snnan steamer Scondia. Herr Bal- HMMjnanaging director of the Hamburg ESmerican steamship line, dispatched IB.W Ursenit. tolAn-nm in. thu hies, of iNortli Capo protesting against the Igglzure. The company publishes a fKausment that the .steamers owned by WRro forbidden to carry contraband pftwar. Nearly every afternoon paper I ww an da a naval demonstration! at co. Order have already been die- itched to the German! ambassador at Petersburg demanding the release Jhe Scandia. From information re ived hero it Is known that flvo Ger- steamers bought by Russia and hsformed into cruisers: sailed from Iitbau yesterday, for an unknown des KStion. They will probably prey on iediterranean commerce. ceived from the captain of the cruiser Petersburg that .two more 'steame'rs, carrying contraband of war, have been seized by him in the Red Sea. More Steamers Seized. St. Petersburg, July 23. It Is an- fSounced that advices have been re- Suez, July 23. The Hamburg-American steamer Scandia arrived hero to day flying the Russian flag and in pos session of a prize crew. She will en ter the canal immediately, and pro ceed to a Russian: port, where a court will pass upon the claims. Tokio, July 23. A telegram received this afternoon reports heavy firing at 10:30 o'clock off Boso peninsula, at the east entrance to Tokio bay. It ds pre sumed that tho shots were fired by tho Vladlvostoclc squadron. 1 ,, Strikers and Trust Are Equally De termined to Make a Last Ditch fight Contraband Found on Malacca. London, July 23. It Is reported in stock exchange circles that contra band of war was discovered aboard the steamer Malacca), now at Suda Bay. It was shipped at Antwerp, marked sugar. i . - n fANKEE ATHLETES VICTORS lYIle and Harvard Defeated Oxford and Cam- ,c) ndon, July 23. In the Inernatlon- ftUItrack and field meet today tho KAjiericarr Athletes won from the iKngllahroen by a final score of 6 to 3. EfTho events were as follews: BIllo run Gregson, of Cambridge, won, time, 4:211-5. ,Thb American fcoutestants dropped out. Half-mile Holding, of Oxford, won. Kuarter-mile TMvers, of Harvard, won; timo 49 4-5. High jump Victor, of Yale won, at ICTfoet inch. BOO yard: dash Schuck, of Harvard, won; time, 9 4-5. Hammer throw Shelvln, of Yale, (won. ! Hurdle race Clorip, of Yale,. won. Broad Jump Sheffield", of Yale, won. TYO-mile run Godbe, of Oxford, Other Fellows to Blame. Chicago, July 23. Both the packers and unlcn leaders gave out statements this afternoon th'rowlng the disagree ment on tho other side. The unions state they have forwarded to tho pack ers a final ultimatum, which if not agreed! to by Monday morning will f'causo a cessation of work." Their statement is signed by a committee I representing 27 affiliated unions of the federation of labor. FIGHT TAKES 2-p. PLACE Fitzsimmons and and O'Brien Bout Cannot Be Stop ped by Mayor "Philadelphia, -duly- 23. Tho Fitz-simroons-O'Brden fight will come off as advertised; is the decision of tie of ficials and promoters of tho fight after a short conference after their arrival at tho national league ball grounds this afternoon. Tho crowds assembled slowly on account of tho threatening weather. Fitzsimmons arrirver at 1 o'clock from New York, accompanied ,by his wife. But few spectators greet ed him as ho crossed! tho field. The provious interference of tlio mayor ao'ed a a deterrent on the betteing. Woman Was Sharp, Reno, Nev., July 23. Dr. Francis C. Williams, a woman physiclan from Cal ifornia, succeeded in purchasing and securing am option on every foot of ccal land in tJhe Coaldale district, near Tonopah. The Information reached hero today, and has caused a consider able ir, for the reason that the Coal dale coal is Ui'o only coal In paying quantltios thus far discovered In Ne vada. Railroad companies have had representatives there several times negotiating for their- purchase, but Miss Williams has now closed; the deal. She is incorporating a company for $5,0X10.000, with capitalists behind her, and Intends developing the property. m 9 J0Z&ti6 Hose Supporters Don't tear the stockings. They're the most satisfactory you can buy. Full line of black ami fanoy colors Just received direct from the factory, Tho new pad front is what you want for tho straight front effect. Have you tried them? NEW IDEA DRESS PATTERNS Any pattern 10c. They have stylo and fit to recommend them as well as price. f Wo sell shoes that give satisfaction. Our plan of business enables us to un dersell "regular stores." Dry goods, clothing, hats, shirts, hosiery and underwear. Chicago, July 23. With tho reas sembling of the packers and strikers at 8:40 o'clock this morning to discuss tho new strike situation, comes hope that somo ultimate solution of the dif ficulty would bo reached before furth er damage was done. Both sides ap pear to bo stubborn1, however, and rather inclined1 toward an independ ent defiance. Tho verbal proposition, one man from each side to proceed to tho yards tomorrow morning, to make selections from tho ranks of tho strik ers, with no discrimination, was re jected, because it was not in writing, and the discussion branched off along other lines. At the yards 'there was comparative quiet, although a number of girls on their way to work woro Jeered and covered with mud, and their garments rent by. l'rlko sympathizers. Kansas City, July 23. No trouble at tended tlio opening of t'no packing houses this morning, and several thou sand workers passed in without trouble. Tho allied trades meet to night to dlscii3s a sympathetic strike. Chicago, July 23. At noon all nego tiation? between tho packers and strikers were declared off, and tho fight will be carried to tho bitter finish. Tho packers, after consider ing tho last demands of the union, that tho cattlo butchers bo reinstated within 24 hours, and alt other strikers within '10 days, positively refused to accede. Tho strike officers departed to hold a,pecial meetlng-for tho en largement of itho strike to all other trades connected with the stock yards. Quiet at St. Paul. St. Paul, July 23. There was no disorder In theo stoclcyards this morn ing Both sides aro awaiting tho ac tion of tho Chicago people. BOLTS WALL ' STREET Exchairmanof the Iowa Dem ocratic Committee Quits Party Sioux City, July 23. A. W. Maxwell, ox-chairman of tho Democratic State Comm'itee has bolted tho Democratic ticket. Tho following telegram tent in reply to a message from tho Sioux City Journal asking him If ho had bolted tho ticket explains itself: "I have already repudiated tho tick et nominated at St, Louis. Tlio Sey mour Leader has declared for Roose velt, and It is not Improbable ithat I may go on tho stump for the ticket a little later, providing I can arrange my businois affairs, and tho campaign managers feel I can bo of assistance to tho cause. A. W. MAXWELL " 3M-W Drtu. eixcn 0, g, 10, 12, II year. The New Yok Racket Salem's Cheapest One-Prlco cash store. E. T. BARNES, Prop. MONTANA FOREST FIRES Helena, Mont., July 23 A florco fire was started on tho Fiathead forest reservation was started by a spark from a Northern Pacific locomotive. Tho forest rangers and all availablo railway employes aro fighting the flames, but a largo area rnas already burned. Thoro aro three other forest flros In tho vicinity of Kalispeil, where hundreds of acres have been burned. o Wagner Festival Begins. Bolrutb, Bavaria, July 23. Tlio Wagner fosthal began today with tho performance of a; Parisian adaptation of "Tannhausor." Miss Isadoria Dun can, tho American dancer, particl eseea s ELECTRIC COMPANY ORGANIZED Will Build Electric Road From Portland Through the Wil lamette Valley Capital $1,. 000,000. The Portland Southern Elec tric Railway Co. this afternoon filed articles of Incorporation, with a capital stock of $1,000, 000. The Incorporators are F. B. French, of Detroit, Mich.; W. J. .Cook, of Astoria; M. J. Kin ne, G. W. Waterborgand, C. W. Miller, of Portland, and J. H. Albert, of Salem. The purpose of the company is to construct an electric road from Portland to Eugene, and branch roads therefrom to summit of the Cas cades and the Coast ranges to build and operate telegraph and telephone lines, to produce and se'l electric power, to buy, sell, and operate all kinds of electric plants, to own, hold and operate water powers, etc., and to trans act all lines of business proper ly connected therewith. The special telegram to The Journal on another page, relates the de tal's of where the new company proposes to get a portion of Its power. www Police and Vigilance Committee sent Their interference and Battle Ensues Bonssteel, S. D., July 23. As Uic result' of a wild night of shooting and rounding up of the graftors by a vigi lance committee, troops aro likely to bo hero soon. Two policemen, Schoen brough and Harris, were shot In front of the "Pike" saloon. A gang came out of tho joint and ordered the police away, when tho shooting began. Tho former received! a scalp wound, and tho latter was shot in tlio leg. Tho policemen began to round up tho gam blers and crooks, who hacked felowfy east, making a .stand at tho railway"" tracks, whero 200 sliots woro flNxL. Tho gnmblera weno- seen to carry Bf a number of their men. Tho boot es timates say that 12 wero wounded. For ty-flvo prisoners wero captured nndJ held today in tho stockyards, and s guarded by 100 men. It is feared thi a riot wilt bo attempted. MURDER SUSPECT CAUGHT Accompanied Alining Engineer on a Prospecting Tour Bakorjflold, Cal July 23. Alex. Pontan, tho suspected, murderer of J. A. Valentine, tho Los Angele mining engineer, was captured at Tonopah, Nevada. Pontan accompanied' Valen tino on a prospecting trip. A few days later Valentine's body was found on tho edge of tho desert. y o Boodler Two Years. St. Louis,, July 23. Jerry J. Hanni gan and Charles J. Denny today got two years in tho penitentiary for brib ery deals. COTTON MILLS STRIKE Decision of . Manufacturers Will Force a Great Walkout Monday Fall River, Mass., July 23.-Tue manufacturers mot hero today noG voted not to withdraw t'no notlcoa E tho reduction of wnges at tho various mills.' This mnkes it cortaln that tlio big textile Industry strike will bogla on Monday. Will Tell Him. Esopus, July 23. It Is announce! that tho formal notification of Judso Parker will take placo dp AugUBt lOtl. re4&3 cm Midsummer Sale THE POLICY Of this house dooi not sanction misrepresentation, nor do wo allow anything designed to mislead, a Blngfe (purchaser. We have nevor permitted, and novor will permit, anyone to undersell iu or successfully dlHpulo our supremacy In any branch of our business; meanwhllo your attention Is colled to appropriate offorings for your outing season. w Ladies' Suits There Is no timo to lose Prlcos have been cut to an extromoly low point to offect a most decisive and rapid clear ance of every garment mado for this season's wear. You'll need one at the Coast. Get It Now. Half Price. Wash Goods This will bo a Joy this summer at Joy-creating prices. Handsomer or raoro excluslvo wash fabrics aro not to bo fouml, and certainly none are likely to bo lower priced. Better make hay whilo tho sun shines, figuratively speaking. Many have availed thorn selves of this great saving oppor tunity. Have you? Trunks FOR YOUR OUTING TRIP. You'll certainly neod a now trunk to pack your outing clothoB in to go to tho coast or mountain rwoit or perhaps' you need a SUIT CASE BASKET GRIP TELESCOPE HAND SATCHEL Wo can supply your going away wants at prices that will pleaso you. St Louis Fair Contest Total cast 6G.104 Miss Mellon, East 21,025 Miss Bholton, Music 20,996 Miss Cosper, East 3,015 Miss BiiBhnell, Park 2,812 Miss Thomas, Park 2,324 Miss Cordon, North 1,359 Mlsa Knight, Musio , 835 Mlitf Kramer, East 633 Miss Prunk, Elocution 528 Miss Patrick, O. B. S 410 No July vote counted after 0 p. m., Saturday, July 30th. lihood this is !mfmE Mho grentostftttfrner 919 offer yelfrfade ftjtV fcM stock of mon's and youth's1 sultK and overcoat (except blues aniE blucl(s) at greatly raducfid prfauu 8.50 Suit or overcbat CX0 10.00 suit or overcoat 7.001 15.00 Suit orovorcqat 10.00 18.50 Suit or overcoat 13.5T 20.00 Suit or overcoat 15.0a 22.60 Suit or overcoat JC.OO 25.00 Suit or overcoat 1700 I I Neckwear Many now attractivo IJoas for aummor woar aro being shown 1 this department. When you wont tho latoat come horo first. I OpandouJn Outlno Capt. Have you seen them? Tho newest headwear for men, womeir and children. We have them In colors, Red, White, Blue, Red andj Brown and Dark Mixed Tweede. 5Q( 65C and 85C patod in the ballot