Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, July 22, 1904, Page FOUR, Image 4

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Woodmen of the World
Salem, Oregon, Five Days Commencing
Thatsd&Yt August 9th
Are the Three Naughty Things
That Swallow Would
Is a Candidate for President,
but May Be Near Salem
Mitchell Will Remain in Ore
gon During: Summer
The Oregonlan says United States
Senator John II. MItcholl camo homo
from Washington yesterday after
soon, early' enough. Ire the day to And
that ho hadn't run away from the
warm woather.
Seroral of "tho boys," as the sen
ator calls thorn, were at tho train to
extend tho glad hand. After dinner,
canes In hand, tho sonator and Fdst
mastor Mlnto strolled about tho town
Tor an hour. It was still warm, but
later In tho ovonlng with tho distance
softened strains of tho band outside
floating through tho windows of his
grouna-noor parior ac mo noiei ion
land, Senator Mitchell quaffed Ico
vvator and siioko of men and things,
"HoWjiriany federal places qro (hero
Jeft beside (ho district attorneyship?"
bo was asked.
"There's not much besides tho cob
lector of tho port at Yaqulna," ho ro
lled. "And as to Mr. Hall's Job?"
"Tho delegation has not yet decided.
I am In favor of Judgo Moroland for
tho place, and so Is Williamson, but
Winger Hermann and Senator Fulton
ftavo anothor man In view."
""Then tho raco is between Judgo
Sloroland and Oeorgo Brownell?"
"No, Mr. Urownoll Is not trying for
tho position any longer. Ho was mon
tlonod nt first, but no longer desires
Mr. Urownoll has othor alms, then?"
"I nupposo so, ho has nlwnys boon
a good frlond of mlno, and ho has al
ways kept his word to me."
"And who Is It that Senator Fulton
nnd Ulngor Hermann favor?"
"Oh, I couldn't say about that," an
wworod Benator MItcholl. Evidently
ttio iiecroto of tho delegation aro to bo
of tho dologatlon exclusively, nnd not
of thft world at largo.
"Yes, Mr. Hall has held tho placo for
n long tlmo'" nddod tho sonator, and
ho smiled In a puzzled manner.
"No. I can't say anything about tho
assistant postmastor," ald ho of tho
toga, In reply to a question. "Mr, Mln
to is In tho ostolllco now, and ho
must run It. I was .sorry to seo Mr.'
uancroft go. I held out for him. but
three Inspectors modo reports ngalnBt
hla administration. Yes, Station A
will bo re-ostabllshedj It should never
linvo boon discontinued,"
As Senator MItcholl hnd arrive 1 In
town but a few hours previous, ho de
clared utter Ignorauco of all move
ments toward reorganizing the legls
latum, and tho bulectlot of lenders',
which aro already on foot.
But tho.cenntor spoko warmly of tho
visit of the Merchant Marino' Commis
sion "Thoy will try to Interest local
capuai in shipbuilding, and try to
work up a merchant marino for tho
t-ountry nt largo." said ho. "I have
received n Jotter from Sonator flailing,
er saying that tho commission would
reach PorUftiul on tho last day of July,
and would hold Its first session An.
ut 1st."
Indlnnanolls. July 22. 'Redeem us
from bunco, boodlo and booze" Is the
battlecry of the Prohibitionists for
this campaign, as laid down by Rev.
Silas 8walIow, tho Prohibition noml
ness In his speech of acceptance, after
his notification hero thU afternoon.
Almost three-fourths of tho delegates
to tho national convention witnessed
his notification. Swallow expressed
his confidence In being elected to tho
presidency, and was loudly cheered.
Vice-Presidential Nominee Carroll at
so spoke.
Tariff Would Ruin Japan.
Pendleton. Or.. July 22. Byers, the
miller, takes so llttlo stock In tho re
port that the Japan eso government Is
about to Impose a heavy tariff upon
forelcn flour, that ho openly expresses
his disbelief, and attributes tho origin
of tho report to speculators, or other
Interested parties. He believes such
a step beforo tho end of tho war
would bo ruinous to Japan, nnd such
a policy could hardly bo put Into oper
ation, or If It was, would block tho
wheels and stall tho wholo machine.
During tho past two weeks Mr. By-
ors has sold nnd shipped from this
point 10,000 barrels of flour, and with
in a few weeks will hnvo tho entlro
stock of 40.000 barrels which ho had
on hand three weeks ago. sold out. In
addition to tho dally output of G00
barrels, which tho mill Is now yield
Tho output of tho mill will decreaso
steadily from now on for a couple of
months or porhaps longer, on nccount
of tho diminishing volume of tho
water supply. This Is a condition
which every year ropeats, and cannot
bo avoided.
Mr. Byers pronounced tho trials of
Turkoy Red wheat In this county to bo
an unqualified success. His daughter,
Mrs. McComaB, has 80 acres of Tur
key Red In this year, an! Mr. Byers'
candid opinion Is that It will ylold from
35 to 10 bushels por aero
Mr. Byers hlmsolf Imported tho first
of this variety Into this county, and
many faimors were Induced to sow It
upon his porsonnl solicitations and representations.
Physician Shows Pluck.
Oakland, Cal., July 22 While Dr.
Kmorson wns operating on Mrs. I),
Robinson, nt hCr homo, two small
chlldron set tho promise on fire. To
hnvo desortod his patient would havo
resulted In hor death: the plucky why.
slolan completed his work, though tho
smoke was so thick he oould hardly
see. Whon tho operation wns con
cluded ho carrlod his unconscious
patlont down a stnlrwny to a place of
Dougals county has a crank who has
announced that he is an Independent
candidate for President. From the
tone of his letter It Is evident that ho
Is hitting a rapid pace toward a large
brick Institution not far from this
city, or Is having considerable fun.
Tho Rosebiirg Review says:
Wo aro In receipt of a large com
munication from JaB. Inman, of Look
ing Glass, In which he announces that
his platform as Independent candidate
for President of tho United States will
soon be Issued. Of the proposed plat
form ho says:
"I claim that tho people will read It
with astonishment and with reverence,
and that tho world will wonder, inas
much as It will bo tho best of its time.
And that which Is the best of its tlmo
is ever ahead of its time. And that
which is ahead of Its tlmo becomes
quoted more and more as time rolls on.
Thoro will be 14 planks In the platform
and a sultablo appendix, etc."
Ho cays tho platform will contain
several thousand words, as It will
vorlfy each question or proposition
taken, while the appendix will in part
take tho place of speech-making dur
In tho cnmpalgn, and Include a sum
mary of tho candidate's life.
Tho platform, ho announces, will
Include planks on good roada, labor,
money, pensions, the race question,
foreign relations, tho Mormon ques
tion, Chinese, Japanese nnd Philip
pine questions, tho Panama canal, na
tional legislations, reasons for having
a woman for vice-president, and as
many women as men In tho cabinet.
It wilt vigorously opposo all species of
public graft, nnd everything that In
terferes with liberty nnd Justice. He
has no quarrel with tho Socialist plat
form, except that It does not go far
enough, and .says ho has moro fear
of Debs than of Roosovelt or Parker In
tho1 result of tho Impending campaign,
for "tho tlmo has como when merit Is
to take tho placo of money."
The Nat Reiss Southern CarnivalM
Honor- S .
if iPm
I rrn if il
ducted igjjj j II
Tttfth- iffll If J
fully ' HI JIB A
Adver- rflpll Wm!Sjm
Big Free
Diavalo Looping the Loop
Free Acts
More Real
and More
Than Any
Big Pay
WlUon Darrett Dead.
London, July 22. Wilson Ilarrutt,
tho great notor and dramatist, died
hero today.
Much Cheaper,
Cheaper than wood. Try It and bo.
Om of our now gas ranges. CltUvu
Light & Traction dCo 7-22-tf
! I I .
: : Hot weather meals, cool
; ; weather meals, every- I
: : thing appetfctag and
;; fresh.
j ! White House
:: Restaurant
; ; fceorgc Bros. Props, i
Costly Elk Teeth.
Hoqulam, Wash., July 22. A. I).
Hicks bus purchaied tho pair of oik
tooth, which aro said to ho th in.st
pair In tho world, from C. I). Hanson.
of Axford. Tho o)k from which alio
teeth were taken wns UJIJod by Mr.
Hanson hlmsolf September 23. 190B.
Ill tho Olvilllllc mimninlnu l.n.ia
say tho teeth, whon mounted, will bo
worth at least $500.
: Wall Paper
Latest designs In stock,
and good work guaran
teed. Wc have the small
store and small prices
C. L Lemmon
299 liberty St.
Phone 2475
T "H W W4
Grip Is Abolished.
Cincinnati, July 22. Tho grand
lodiw of Hlka was In session all dav
and again tonight. The rwommanda.
tlon of (Jrnnd Hxalted Rulr Fnnninr
abolishing the grip and sign, was
udoptwl nnd the commlltoo on ritual
was directed to prepare a now edition
ror exemplification nt the lluffalo
lodge next July.
Czar Hat Other Trouble.
St. Petersburg. Julv Tim ....
peror today dlMMissed with the novar.
nor-Konernl of tho Cuueiuus tho situ
atlon In connection with the move
menu In Armenia of tho linumt ti,
Tho Miuperor alto ognforred wlUi ghi.
erul KoutaUon. mllliurv ......v. .
Irkutsk There HimeAra to lm ..
-- - - (V-
tutionary muveravw H each pkioe.
Stole Sacred Picture.
St. Petersburg, Jv n.Th dkiu
am woman who tXoto the "mtraoJ
working" pktur erf the Madonna from
Kasrnv caikeUral have ba nii
at Nttjnl Norsonlo. and will b9 token
. to rwuan. Tho jtwela which
adornea the rtcturo havu h ,.
rl, but the Icon ltW l ui.i ...
t. . . -- -m w untw,
uvn uurneu.
Sawmill Burned.
ha sawmln of Joioph PoUel, near
reitorJay. Thi loaa nt ...L ..
'about jjwo whkwt iMurance.
Lincoln, Nob., July 22. William J.
Ilrynn's plan for tho reformation of
Domocrncy was published yesterday.
In It Mr. Ilryan favors radical changes
and a departure from tho conservntlvo
linos, but ndvocntes tho election of
Judgo Parker as a good boglnnlug. Ho
declared for stato ownership of rail
roads, governmont control of telo-
graps, abolUhmont of private monop
oly, the Income tax, and tho election of
fedornl Judgos by tho poonle. Mr.
Bryan snjvj, In part
"My selection as btnndnrd beaier of
the Democrntle party In 1S90 and
nsaln in 1900 mndo mo tho nominni
loader of that party, and as such I
did not feol nt liberty to onc-mf nw
doctrines upon tho party creed I
contented myself with tho defenwj of
thoso priuolplos and pollcios which
were ombodled In tho platform.
"Now that tho loadorshlp devolves
upon anothor, and I boar only tho re
sponsibility that each cltlznn .m.ut
boar, namoly, responsibility for my
own opinion, my utterances and my
conduct. I am froo to undortnko n
work which until now I have avol.io.1
namely, the work of organizing tho
radical and progrosfclvo olomont In
the Democratic pnity."
Hrjan nihocates the follnn-imr .-..
Stuio ownorehln of railway, r.nv.
eniment control uuuld remit In an
uiiHweeMary centraliiatlon of .inr
ami warring between certain wm...
to secure a ftitr section of the naw
IwikMag. With control vete,i i. ..,
. all thU nouM bo avoided
The tonice ileirtment houl.l
wnbmce a telegraph as wU ak R n,aH
Private monopolv is iiniaf-nii.i
ami iHtulernk); it iut be dwtroysd.
m mu iq wmtrol of th ,. wv.
OM9 to accept the lncoma , ,.i.i'.
emlMxUed in tho tart two ptalfonni!
v BTowntf u would JeoaanMw
icea In tho Kat. Thi m..i '
ean have no wnlgkt hn the party
aiwte to tho mas, ns u ronH u'l.
Hiualrty do.
The Most Sensational Act Before the Amasement World"
DI AVOLA. LoP,ng the IooP on a common bicycle, defying all laws of
gravitation, moving through space head downwards, mat
iug a cumpieie saumersaoir in mioair.
HARRY DU BELL 5PING A bicycle on an eleva
Tan Funklnos slide for life; dazzling fireworks display; band concerts; sports; contests; every day a big
uuy, every mgni a teaiure night; something doing every minute.
Two Petfownances Daily--2:30, 7s30 P. M,
General Admission JOc
Dewey Heirs Dissatisfied.
"Weellng, W. Va., July 22. The will
of tho late Charles S. Dewey, who
died In this city about a month ago,
disposing of an estate In Chlcaeo and
olsowhere valued at approximately
9i.uuu.uuu will probably bo contested
by his daughter by a former wife and
Ills son, Chauncoy, who was recently
acquitted of charges of murdor, grow
Ing out of the ranch feud with tho
Berry boys in Kansas. Chauncoy
Dewey and his sister havo Just re-
turned frcm abroad, and they will be
present In Chicago next week when
tho will is offered for probate.
Medals Distributed to Cossacks.
Slnt Sim In, Manchuria, July 22.
St. George crosses and medals "for
braverj weio distributed today to Cos
sacks hero who have returned from
tho Corean raid, carrying 30 of the r
wounded comrades 550 miles. A num.
ber of Chinese bandit bands are oper
atlng In Mukden province.
i, :
Chinese For Mexico.
El Paso, Tox., July 22. Officials of
the China Commercial Steamsii
Company have received a concessloa
for tho establishment of a Chinese
ony on tho southern coast of MiS
layman Mowrv. nf Snn TTVnnelSCO. lU
chargo of these arrangements. wW
contemplates bringing over Chltesi
Of all classes, nnd establishing a V&
"Little China" on tho Western hemis
A series of beautiful illiKh.
m the August number of the
Just In.
A large and comntote IIba r ..
ranses Just recolycd. CXtliens' ught
& Traotton Qo,
Metropolitan Magazine
R. H. Ruwell. PublUher. Ntw York Gly
Local Agents evervwherp ,rn
incomes Jt7
' gJiyj'-
Slj','7"- ' ,m niJf - SSfcaJJaSHy l..i'T