Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, July 21, 1904, Page FOUR, Image 4

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    I I
'( 1.4.
Pain Weakens
Second Saloon Case Caused
r.teite Turner to Burn
"" Midnight Oil
Thocaso of the Stato vs, J. A. Coop
er, charged with, keeping his saloon
Open Sunday, Jii'ty 10th, occupied the
4esi)lr&rtime of Justice Turner's court
yesterday, and tho Jury was not dls
clmrgell' until almost midnight. A ver
dict' of guilty was returned after an
hour'stdellboratlon, and defendant will
ho sentenced tomorrow.
Almost 100 'men were examined and
drawn beforo a Jury was secured, and
every inch, of tho ground was con
tested by "tho opposing attorneys. The
i state had a number of witnesses on
ihand to prove that defendant kept a
saloon at tho place named In tho com
plain ti and others were called to sub-
jjta-ntlato tho story of Drew, French
and McCrackcn regarding tho condi
tion of tho saloon on that day, ,
frhefclso, like tho ono against J. P.
Rogers, will ho appealed to tho circuit
jjTJid othor cases will como for hear
ing ' an oon as they can bo heard.
Judge Turner took a vacation today in
ordoSto straighten up his work, but
wJH proceed with. tho trials at once.
Ton cancr remain undisposed of, nine
forkooPiiK open on Sunday, and one
for soiling liquor on election day. Tho
dpfondanta expect to mako a similar
fight In each case, and it will tak'o sev
eral weeks to concludo tho hearings,
ILthOjSamp tactics are pursued in tho.
other cases as in tho first two.
Tho question of securing a Jury
seems lo bo tho hard ono to solvo, and
an tho trials become moro numorous,
tho dlfflculty will bo groator to select
six men acceptable to both slilos.
And Destroys
Do you know that pain fa almplr tha
nerves crying for helpT
Haa It ever occurred to you that pain
weakens and destroys the nervous ays
temf For thM reason you should act prompt
ly In every case of headache, backache,
stomach ache, sciatica, rheumatism,
neuralgia, toothache, and all other pain.
Dr. Miles' Antl-Paln Pills will relieve
pain almost Instantly, because they act
In a natural and harmless manner upon
the nerve tissues, and relieve the con
ditions which cause the pain.
While very prompt and effective In
their action, they do not effect the
bowels In the least, are perfectly harm
less, and leave no disagreeable after
effects. Delicate women who suffer from
headache, bearing-down and periodical
pains, can use them with Impunity.
Tou may also give them to children
with the assurance that while they will
relieve, they cannot possibly harm.
"Dr. Miles1 Antl-Paln Pills never fall
to cure licudache, pain In back of neck,
cold pains, neuralgia, or In fact any
pain, i nave laxen mem Willi best re
sults, and have given them to others;
they never disappoint."-
aiLBKUT It. 110U8ER, Milford Cen
ter, Ohio.
25 doses for 2$ cents. Never sold In
bulk. If first package falls to benefit,
your money back.
State Fair iPromlses a Good
Number of Speed
Ti,'D'l,E, Write to us for Freo Trial
X JfcEjfj lockage of Dr. Miles' Antl
Paln Pllli, the New Bclontlflc Itemed
for Tain. AIko Symptom Blank. Our
Hpeclallst will dlagnoite your cane, tell
you what Is wrong, anil, how to right It,
fro. un. mit&n
Porker and the Trusts.
Thomas W. Iawaon charges that
Standard Oil holpod very materially In
tho nomination of Alton Drooks Park-(pies,
or. Ho declares that Senator Patrick
McCarren, so prominent In Parker's
fight, Is on the payroll of tho Standard
Oil, and guarantees to pay tho Demo
cratic national commlttoo $100,000 If
ho cannot prove it from the books of
that company.
As W. J. Ilryan welll said, this fight
Is to bo between plutocracy and
Return of Mgr. Falconlo.
Home, July 21. Mgr. Falconlo, the
apostolic delogato In tho United
States, who has been on a vUIt to tho
Vatican, sailed for America today on
itho steamor SardoKna. leavlnir Na-
1 aw Bass m
Sale Ten Million Boxes a Year.
Free Information
About the World's Fair
If you have nny iiton of visitinK the World's Fair this
year, ask mo today (or a copy of our World's Fair Folder.
It tells just what you want to know about railroad
tickets, ImiiKaRu arrangements, sleeping car borths, how
to roach tho ISxposition wounds, what to do when you
Kct there, how to see the Fair to the best advantage,
how to got a boarding placo, and answers nearly every
question of this character that may be asked.
Contains .naps of the Fair grounds, of tha City and
of the Burlington 'Route.
Freo for the asking A postal card will do.
100 Thiso Sisi.t. PORTLAND, OHB.
rtetty neatly time to Win
thinking about a new an?e.
isn't it Rememfee we have
the latgest line to select from
in the citv -wJfJ u n-
Majestic as a leade.
R. M. Wade 3c Co.
The official racing program of the
stato fair was issued by Secretary
Moore yesterday, and is as follews:
(tunning Races.
Woodman Stakes, J500, of which
$10i) to second and JE0 to third. For
3-year-olds and upwards; weight for
age. The winner to bo entered; to be
sold for $1000; if for less, four pounds
allowed for each J1000 less to $300.
Starters and selling price to be named
through tho entry box tho day before
the race; $5 to accompany tho nomi
nation .August 25th; S20 additional to
start; to bo run Tuesday, September
13th; distance, six furlongs.
Salem Stakes, $500. A handicap
for all ages; $! to accompany tho nom
ination August 25th; S20 additional to
start. Tho Oregon State Board of Ag
riculture to add an amount sufficient
to make tho value of the stake ?C00, of
which $100 to second and $G0 to third;
weights announced Monday, Septem
ber 12th; acceptance to bo made to
the secretary Tuesday, September
13th. To bo run Wednesday, Septem
ber 14; dlstanco four furlongs.
Oregon Derby, $000. A handicap
for 3-year-olds and upwards; $10 to ac
company tho nomination August 25th;
$20 additional to start. Tho Oregon
Stato Board of Agriculture to add an
amount sufficient to mako tho value of
tho stake $000, of which $100 to second
and $50 third. Weights announced
Tuesday, September 13th; accept
ances to be made to tho secretary,
Wednesday, September 14th. To be
run Thursday, September ICth; dls
tanco Vt miles.
Consolation Stakes, $300 of which
$C0 to second and $40 to third. A free
handicap open to all horses entered In
running stakes at the meeting. No en
trance fee. Weights announced
Thursday, September 15th. Starters
to bo named to tho secretary Friday,
September ICth. To bo run Saturday,
September 17th; dlstanco seven fur
longs. Harness Events.
Monday, Soptember 12Trottlng, 2-year-old
stake (closed); pacing, 2:20
clnss, 2 In 3. $500; trotting, 2:19 class,
2 In 3, $500.
Tuesday, September 13 Pacing,
2,: 25 class, 2 in 3, $500; pacing, 3-year-
old stake (closed), $5-00; trotting, 2:15
clnss, 2 In 3, $500.
Wednesday, September 14 Pacing.
year-old stake (closed): trottlnir.
23 class, $500; pacing, 2:15 class.
Greater Salem Stake (closed), $2000.
Thursday, September 15 Trotting,'
3-year-olds (owned In district January
1. 1904 $400; pacing, 2:17 class, 2 in
3, $500; trotting, 2:17 class, Lewis and
Clark Stako (clohed), $2000.
Friday, September 1C Pacing. Con
solation Greater Salem Stake. 2 in 3.
$600; trotting, 2:20 class, 2 In 3, $500.
Saturday, Septembor 17 Pacing
-V.-11 class, Rural Spirit Stake (closed),
$1000; trotting, free-for-all. 2 in 3.
$500; trotting, consolation, Lewis and
Clark Stake, 2 In 3, $500.
Lane County Wan Meets
Warm Reception From
Eugene, July 21. W. W. Korn. re
siding about threo and a half miles
above Mabel, In the Mohawk valley,
was shot and seriously Injured by hl3
brother-in-law's wife, Mrs. James
Kinman, about 7 o'clock Tuesday
Dr. C. Hi Atwood, of Eugene, was
sent for, arriving there nt 2 o'clock
yesterday morning, making the drivo
of 23 miles In four hours. The doctor
found ,tho man In bad condition, and
when ho left there at 9 o'clock was
In doubt as to whether or not the man
would survive tho Injuries. The shoot
ing was done with a shotgun loaded
with No. 2 shot. Several shot en
tered tho -abdomen, some struck him
on the breast, one In tho mouth, and
others in the limbs.
According to Dr. Atwood's story of
the affair, it appears that Korn and
Mrs. Kinman had not been on the
best of terms for some time. It seems
that Tuesday morning Mrs. Kinman
found Korn's cow on her placo, and
tied it up with a rope belonging to
her. Korn hunted nearly all day for
his cow, and, finally finding It, drove
It home, taking tho rope with him.
Mrs. Kinman- shouted to him to bring
the rope back, and if ho didn't she
would shoot him. Korn refused to do
30, whereupon tho woman went to her
house, and, getting a double-bar-relel
shotgun, proceeded to mako good
her threat. As Korn approached her
with a milk pail in his hand she fired
at him at a distance of about 20 yanls,
tho shot taking effect as before stated
his family and neighbors at once
gathered at the scene of the shooting,
and carried him to the house
""ST" 3 J 1 f A araugnr. a quics. cokh
Quick Colds &&&.
pneumuuirf """
Judge McBrldte Dead.
A dispatch from Spokanelsays Judgo
John McBrldo died suddenly at noon
on Wednesday of hemorrhage of the
brain. Judgo McBrldo was a brother
of ex-Sonator Geo. W. McBrlde, of
Oregon, and an undo, of Attorney Lor
Ing K. Adams, of this city.
When a young man he entered poll
tics, and was elected on the Republi
can ticket to the stato legislature, and
afterwards to congress, being the first
Republican congressman from Oregon.
Ho was afterward appointed to a ter
ritorial jmlgshlp in- Utah.
He practiced Jaw several years' in
Salt Lake, and later removed to Spo
kane, where ho has since practiced
law, making a specialty of mining lit
igation. Ho was a son of Dr. Mc
Brldo, an Oregon pioneer, who was
appointed by President Lincoln to bf
unuvu oiaies minister to the Sand-
o. Mil.
wich islands. He also leave- -
er brother. Judge Thomas A. McBrldo
of Oregon, and Dr. James McBrldo, of
Illinois. He belonged to a very old
and leading family and will o
mourned by many warm rlend
througout te state. His wife died In
Portland a few weeks ago.
IT "
Thin People.
Thin, scrawny, fleshless people are
usually nervous, Irritable, bilious and
dyspeptic. Every change of weather
effects them, if they happen to eat or
drink anything containing dlsenso
germs, It develops at once, and they
are the first subjects of any cona
glous dlseaso coming in tho neighbor
hood. Their life is a continual worry
In their efforts to avoid exposure to
damp and malarious atmosphere. Peo
ple can gain from one to three pounds
of solid, healthy flesh' per ween i
tho use of Dr. Gunn's Blood and
Nervo Tonic, It puts their system In
condition to resist sickness. This
Tonic is In tablet form, to be taken
right after meals. Sold by all drug
gists for 75c per box or three boxes
for $2. It turns tho food you eat Into
strong rich blood, this prevents and
cures diseases. Peaplo tell us wno
have used the Tonic that It cures
them, then keeps them from getting
sick afterward.
For sale by Dr. C. S. Stone, druggist.
New Dentist.
Dr. Kelty extracts and fills teeth ab
solutely painless, by a new procesa
All work guaranteed for five yeara
Gray building. Phone Main 1C17.
Bmti th A I nfl m lOyJWAMyS BOOfifl
Battleground's Meeting.
Lafayette, Ind., July 21. -The tin,
teenth annual session' of tho Battlt
ground Cnmpmeotlng association
gan to day at tho Tlppacanoo battle
field, seven miles nontli of this cltt
and will continue for 10 days. Thi
Rev. Henry Ostrom, of Qreon castlj
is in charge or mo meeting, and' Join
HUlls has direction' of tho music. ThJ
program Includes tue names of a ntiu
ber of noted speakers and leetruen
Chittim Bark
Highest Price paid at Fry's
Drug Store, Salem, Oregon.
Parties desiring to hold their
baric for higher prices, will bo giv
en Free Storage at our warehouse.
Wo are tho largest buyers of
Chlttlm Bark, Oregon Grapo Root,
Oregon Balsam of Fir and Bees
Wax. Wo will buy for cash, sell on
commission, or give you freo stor
age. Write or call upon us berore
you sell. DANIEL J. FRY, Whole
sale and Retail Druggist, Salem,
Gone to Chicago
and New York
Who's Gone?
For What Purpose?
Watch the Papers
In the meantime his business will
be in tho charge of Anderson and
Martin. If you see the prices oa
clothing, hats, gents furnishing
goods and notions, you will find
that tho business will not diminish
You will got bargains at 149 State
Pay high rates for insurance on un
exposed (hvo'llnga.
The old line companies charge you
3 for (500 of insurance, while for 76
conts yearly you get the same amount
by becoming a member of the
Oregon Fire Relief
ol McMtanvitte, Ore.
A homo company working for home
insurance on a home plan. Let m
ten on nDout it I
11. A. Johnson, Murphy Bi
Salem. Head office McMlnnvllUi
The Children's Department.
When the managers of the great
Flota shows organlrod this beautiful
exhibition, they did not forget that to
please and amuse tho little folks Is to
please and amuse tho entire world.
With this thought in mind they have
aiMwi to their already costly shows
a department for the children, Includ
ing many fairyland; features, the beau
ties of which have never been equaled
by any similar exhibition.
in tho parade will bo see many cost
ly miniature wagons, floats, tableaux
and open cages containing the smaller
spoeloj of tho animal kingdom. Ono
hundred beautiful Shetland ponies, 100
dogs of nil species and sizes; scores
of rare bints, baby elephants, and
monekys too numorous to count Thoso
ate all for tho children and each and
every little animal performs Its re
specthe part In- tho difficult programs
arranged by Prof. D. G. Markel, tho
King of animal trainers.
The Cooatant Wcariaar of Hat propo
mmttB Dandruff derma.
Mrs. Logan to Speak.
Indianapolis, ind.. July 2i.ThA -
annual chantauqua assembly of tho
v .iriMian etuireh opened auspiciously
today at Bethany park and will con
tinue until the middle of August Great
preparations have been made for the
celebration of O. A. R. day tomorrow.
When Mrs. John A. Lown ,, olho
i'wnuua oi note Hill be
There are many mon who wear their
huts practically all the time when awake,
and are blessed with a heavy shock of
hair; yet If tho scalps of these same men
once became Infested with dandrult
germs, the parasites would multiply all
tho quicker for lack of air. Baldness
would ensue as tho final result. New
bro's Herplcltlo kills these germs and
stimulates unhealthy hair to abundant
growth. Herplcldo Is a pleasant hair
dressing as well as n. dandruff cure and
contains not an atom of Injurious aub
stance. Sold by leading drugrlats. Send
10c. In stamps for sample to The Herat,
cido Co.. Detroit, Mich.
THnlel J. Fry. Special AKent.
istinawaaiaiaf iemafr
among the
In hot weather doscrlbes the
situation of sensible people. Put
oa negllgeo and defy old Sol at
his worst Such outfits, when
properly laundrled, look exceed
ingly dressy aud annronrlat
Our patrons get the beneflt of
unequalled facilities and perfect Z
lureuous. ideal summer attire 9
Tury largely a laundrWd result.
Salem Steam Laundry ii
230 Ltberty 8t Phone 4t1
That will make good, rich blood,
and that will stick to your ribs,
you can always enjoy when you
buy your meats from our flno stock
The very best beef, mutton, lamb,
veal and pork for roasting, broil
ing, stewing or frying, you will al-1
ways find at prices as low as the i
mwest at E. C. Cross',
v-' "&
E. C. Cross.
Phene: Main 2953.
193 Commercial St.
'r i ne journal.
Safety Hop Tickets
te yiur tlckota numbered on stub and
tmc d kno whoro you- uro at all the tim
x93 Commercial St., Salem, Or.
tinw'.uu.mb.0rfl' Proforatea, and bluds your
... j8.1? booka of 60-x per thousand
J er. Get fou? order in NOW
SKhem " yur tlokotfl wbon yU
'''aWMBiaMMaiMiiiMMiiaMaM 1 fc
Has been taken to supply the stock o
lumber in our yards. Our Btock W
complete with all kindB of lumber.;
Just received a car load of No. 1
shingles, also a car of fine hake-i
We are able to nil any and U klod;
of bills. Come and let u show ra;
our stock. .
Yard and office near B. P. passenjw!
"opoi. 'Phono Mala 661.
ii i'ii i -- m . . ,
Wholesale an fTpT!itH " ' i m 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
5S2S ?? Famtfy Liquor Shift J
s-eckerlen. xTrr"
u ,,no of liquor, and iZ merc5l atreet-
.?"". amna-the beat .7r. .aaroolc whisky-formerly
tn i
. . . - Mm DMf f . ..
"Terea in , , .. .: wnijy
All orders filled and l 1
" " " 'Mth-m i 1 1 m n u 1 1 n 1 1 m