Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, July 20, 1904, Page SIX, Image 6

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    TT4 7 ifr
Saloon Cases Attract a Lage Ntwnfce
of People Including a Rosen White
Ribbon Women
Tho Jury in tho caso of Ibo Btato vs. vestigate this matter.
J. P. Rogers, accused of keoplng his I Wo o both a manner members
01 mo JLaw ana uraer jeaguo oi mo
jiflJoon, known as Uio "Bank," open on
Sunday, July 10th, brought In a ver
dict of guilty, and tho court will pass
ontcnco on Thursday morning.
c., ... . . , ... . , . ,
jib uio iriai iiruvi-euvu yciuuruuy ui-
-ternoon tho crowd Increased, and at 6 ,
o'clock, tho time that tho caso want to
tho jury, tho court room and hallway '
wero crowded with curious people.
! Tho attorneys for tho defense ralsod
no point of moro than usual interest '
when they questioned tho standing of
too present Sunday law, undor which
state; acted with their consent. The
last meeting of tho organization was
In a hall on State street known as the
U. V. U. hall. Don't know whother
McCracken belongs. Drew and myself
do. Briefly stated, we went out to
work up cases. Returned to the
"Bank" with McCracken In order to
havo a wltnoas. Went from the saloon
to tho church to meet Prof. Drew, and
ho and Mc Cracken went with him to
the saloon.
All went from tho M. E. church to
Uio saloon together. Hadn't known
4 ft A ttfirfmiR put rum mnn wnrn lrwtfttri1 I
Tho contention of tho defense Is that iM'-f M?rkofn bcfore lba evf1D,,n&
Uio state legislature repealed all the1, Mft McCckcn was next called. He
old territorial laws and all state laws.18 carpenter and conducts a lumber
you employed by Mr. Rogers on the
10th of Jul," but he refused! to an
swer the question, clalmipg "for Ma
own protection!." The court directed
tho witness to answer tho question,
and he said that he wai employed by
the month. Mr. McNary then a9ked
witness If he was In the place on. that
day, but witness refused to answer,
and Mr. McNary excused him.
W. P. Drew was ca'led and related
how ho had stood on tho sidewalk and
watched French and McCracken enter
the saloon by a small door north 6f the
....., Qnnr hnWftTl.lpr with recti
,...- -It.. .i... Th room was. San Francisco, Cal., July 20. Ar-
well lighted, didn't look anything like rangements have been completed at
a "bank." He did not go In, but looked the Union Iron Works for the launch-.
around through the door, and also Ing tomorrow of the cruiser 'South Da-1
hm...h the front ulas. On cross-ex- kota, which Is to be one of the finest
animation witness said that he came and most formidable fighting mac-1
to Oregon about five years ago, came, bines of the new navy. In order to
here from Chicago, where ho lived 23 get the best advantage of the tides
. .... n. n.l... . loiinf.hlni-' will Tint tAlff" T)1PP UI1-
years; teacner ai wiiiameuu umvui- " -v-.-0 -
Attorney Kaiser and witness til aooui nan pasi o in iue eveuiuB.
"Make Salem a Good Home Market"
Fine New Vessel Will Be
Launched With Great
Capital City Mills Quotations.
Bryant & Pennell, Props.
Wheat 77c.
Buckwheat 80a
Poultry at 8telner' Market
Hens he.
Eggs per dozen, 17c.
Harrltt & Lawrence.
Bgg3 Per dozen; 18c.
enacted prior to 1862 by a direct stat-1
nto la 1864, oxcept certain laws spo-1
ciflcally named In tho enactment. Tho
Sunday law does not appear in tho list '
of laws, and hence was repealed.
Tho caso will go to tho circuit court
on a writ of review, and tho higher
courts will dotermlno tho standing of
the law.
Mr. French, in concluding his tes
timony yesterday afternoon, said that
ho knew Rogers Is tho owner of tho,
place, Ho stated that ho entered for
tho purposo of seeing whether It was
open. Ho entered a llttlo door north
of tho main ontranco, with Mr. Mc
Cracken, belweon 9:30 and 10 o'clock
A Tie passed 15 minutes before and
looked through tho window and saw
persons about tho bar. Tho place was
lighted. Tho bartondor was behind
the bar with an apron on and hat off.
He was In thoro about a minute, but at
that tlmo saw no ono oxcept Mr. Mc
Cracken and tho bartender, and ho
leard no voices. Prof. W. P. Drew nc-
conpanled thorn. Cigars was a'l ho
bought, and that was all ho know was
kopt for sale Ho then described tho
place. It Is in this county and state,
Cross, examinations.
Havo lived hero nearly three years,
ramo from Kansas. Tostlflod that Mr.
Rogers was not tho man behind tho
bar. Why did you peek through tho
window? For tho purposo of having
tho saloon closed on Sunday.
Had thought about It for somo tlmo.
Had arranged with Prof, Drew to In-
yard. Camo to Oregon 13 years ago, arguments
had quite a tilt, creating considerable
Attorneys for the defense stated
that they did not care to examine wit
nesses, but Introduced a certified copy
of an act of 1SG4 In which it is con
tended that the law of 151, under
which tho defendant was arrested, had
been repealed. Attorneys McNary, for
the state, and Carson, Kaler and Web
Holmes, for the defense, made their
and been hero greater part of tlm
Was with Prof. Drew Sunday even
ing, July 10th. Prof. Drew called up
on him early In the evening, and in
vited him to tako a walk with him,
when ho told him what ho wanted pf
mo. Then went wIUi Drew and French
to the "Bank Was there two min
utes, but saw nobody elso except tho
bartender. Tho saloon was lighted.
Tho room was elegantly finished and
looked HIo a saloon. We bought cl-
gaw, and noticed bottles and different an(1 jury
,. . uu u. . imr. x-.ui. ur,w JluUJ0 Txmcr submltted
v. . .' ' f comB,T without Instructions, and, after
union aim wiiit;, jivaru uu musiu,
While the attorneys were making
their arguments about a dczen women
visited tho court room and were In
terested spectators during the re
mainder of the trial, braving the warm
atmosphere of the court room with
fortitude. They worse small badges
of white ribbon and represented, no
doubt, the W. C. T. U.
The South Dakota is a fine repre
sentative of the class of magnificent
armored cruisers of which another of
the same type is tho Colorado, which
recent'y established a new speed re
cord. Tnese two ships, with the Mary
land, California, Pennsylvania and
We3t Virginia, all of them of the same
clas?, dimensions and armament, have
been likened to battleships possess
ing a protection of armor only a little
under the weight of that designed for
the huge ships of the Georgia ctass,
while they are greatly superior to all
battleships in point of speed.
The South Dakota will have an un
UFiially powerful battery, maHe up of
a great number of 8 and 6 Inch guns. '
She will have a total displacement of
14,000 tons and will be exceeded In
size by only four vessels now build-'
nor machines. "
Qamo from Pennsylvania' In 1891
Joined tho law enforcement league last!
winter.- nave Known urew a coupio or
years. Tho Ipaguo aro In sympathy
wfth, ilils prosecution. Know nothing
about these cases until Drew came
after mo. Wltnois was asked what he
know about liquors, when he admitted
that ho bad rank nearly all kinds of
liquors somo 10 years ago. Thought
ho saw liquor bohlnd tho bar, but did
not know for sure. Entered by small
sldo door, but admitted that It wasn't
the main ontranco.
Tho noxt witness was Albert Smith.
Is a carpenter, but Is now tho bartend,
tor In tho "Bank" for Mr. J. P. Rogers.
Admltotd that ho sold such liquors as
are usual)' sold In a saloon.
Mr. McNary asked witness: "Were
hour's deliberation, the
returned. a
N. Haas, of tho state department, ing, these being battleships of 15,000
brought the original acts Into court, tons. The South Dakota will derive
and these were examined by the court pre-eminence from two qualities j
speed and concentration of fire. Her
wonderful engines, driving twin screws
will develop a horse power of 23,000 )
capable of propelling tho ship at a
speed of 23 knots an hour perhaps
even faster. This speed will at once
take her outside the reach of pursuing !
battleships, while her powerful bat-'
tery will make her a dangerous an
tagonist both In engagements with
vessels of her own class and'those car- '
rylng heavier ordinance.
New Dentist.
Dr. Kelty extracts and fills teeth ab
solutely painless, by a new process
All work guaranteed for five yeara
Gray building. Phono Main 1C17.
Hop Market.
Hops 1925c.
Potatoes, Vegetables. Etc
Potatoes 50c.
Onions 2&c.
Wood, Pence Pott, lit.
Second growth $5.75.
' Afh 3.00 to JS.75.
Grub oak $6.50.
Cedar posts 12c.
Hide, Pelts and 'urn.
Green Hides, No. 1 6c.
Green Hiues, No. 2 4c.
Calf Skins 45c.
Sheep 76c.
Goat Skins 26o to 11.01
Grain nt. Flour. .
Oats Buying, $1.10 per cwt
Barky $21 per ton.
Flour Wholesale, 3,76.
Live Stock Market
Steers 3 4c.
Cows 3c.
Sheep 3c.
Dressed pork 66.
Dressed Veal 56c.
Dressed hogs 66c.
Live hogs 55Uc.
Mutton 2 3c.
Hay, Fed. Ctt,
Baled cheat $10$11.
Baled clover $9.
Bran $22.50.
Shorts $24.00.-
Eggs, Butter and Cream.
By Commercial Cream Co.
Eggs 16c, cash.
Butter 22c, wholesale.
Butter fat 20c at station.
Three Trains to the East Dally.
Through Pullman standard and
tourist sleeping cars daily to Omaha,
Chicago, Spokane; tourist Bleeping
cars dauy to nansas tjuy; inrouga
Pullman tourist sleeping cara (per
sonally conducted) weekly to Chic,
go; reclining chair cars (seata free)
to tho East dally.
Mo Chaste of Cara
9 IS a. m
Tift Huntington
8:16 p. m.
t1 Huntington
From hortlatid, Or,
Salt Lake. Dearer. Ft,
OTn.!. rtwnaKa Vm m.
U1 bu, wiumun, aujib
City, Bt. louli, Chicago
and Kan.
St. Paul
c if . . m.
4alt Lake, Denrer Ft.
Worth, Omaha. Kansas
Citr. Bt. Luou, Chicago
tnu mun.
Walla Walla. Lowlnon.
Spokane. Wallace, Pull
nan, Minneapolis BL
Paul. DuluUi. Milwaukee
Chicago, and Kaal.
7 15 a, a
8: a pi
Ocean and River Schedule,
For San Francisco Every five days
at 8 p. m.. For Astoria, way points
and North Boach Daily (except Sun
day) at 8 p. m.; Saturday at 10 p. m.
Daily service (wator permitting) on
Willamette and Yamhill rivers.
For fuller information ask op writ
your nearest ticket agent, or
General Passenger Agent
The Oregon Railroad & Navigation
I Co., Portland, Oregon.
Wheat Walla Walla, 6769c.
Valley 78c.
Flour Portland, best grade, $J.90
$4.06; graham, $3.60$4.00.
Oats Choice white, $1.20.
Barley Feed, $23.00 per ton; rolled
Pleasant Picnic Supper.
Miss Eva Coshow gave a picnic sup- Fined a Stranger.
per on Tuesday evening at Bingham's ' Judge Judah sentenced a stranger J24 E05BS2K
grove. Tho out of town guests were to pay a fine of 5 and costs for being Mlllstuff Bran, $19$20,
...nan .iimiiuurim iiiuinoiTKun, oi nniDn ami oisorueriy, ana the amount
Port'nnd, who is visiting Miss Co- was forthcoming. He was out for a
show; Miss Gertrude Gray, of Seattle, high old time, and tanked up on the
who is at tho homo of Mrs. John Mc- red Juice. i
.A ,4,,'B9C 80 I,nlnfu' anil far-reaching in its effects
tipon the human aystcm as Rheumatism, must have nS
nd veil laltl foundation. It originates and devdoMS
the Wood and. like other diseases of the blood is f r
SOT'"- , Thc Pronoun acids with which the
I,"?,'. "" "K '". J01"" I h.d.,.r,,. at. .W?.0., Mar 00.1008.
iuuM.-icat an
sharp, cutting j
to Rheumatism
blood ia nitrified, taints ,,
inusclca become coated with couia
ine ncria matter and arc rcn- u,,!
Ucrcd stiff and sore, and the w"t
ncrwa completely wrecked. "OOatt. VrnouAr.
4vuciiiuaiisiti. ueintr n rniiKtitnt n..nl 1.1 i ;
went. IJnlments .da,..;, n c ' ,. IT, ..",scnse' rcl.,r 'tnn! treat-
..- "'in (1I1L41 UIlIIir.H UN fn fltitla.uI A..t Ai
onlv t..ninnrnr, Ji "f S ""'' uuiwaniiy, gnc
. . ....' -
Nary, and Miss Grace Carter, of Hood
River, who is a gue3t of Miss Ruth
.Gabrlelson. There were about 20
young people present beside tho chap-
erone, Mrs. C. B. Shelton. After dis
cussing a delicious supper, the entire
party adjourned to tho veranda of the
Cooko Patton home, and enjoyed tho
band concert.
Eagles State Convention.
Reading, Pa., July 20. The city Is
In gala attlro today In honor of tho
Fraternal Order of Eagles, whoso an
nual state convention Is In session.
Tho convention Is tho largest ever
held by tho order in this state, large
delegations being prosont from Pitts
burg Harlrsburg, Allentown, and
other chief cities of the stae. The
business sessions, which win last
u ttsmWWWWW
tijaBRni 1
tdniug up
R. ir. ciiAPMAjg'.
Unlmcnts, plasters and such thing
S.S S. is the recognized great-1
if.... "I";",.-V""". " ""' ucneucially ns UIteu,ua. nation to take effflp nnn n.h -nna I
""i ivillllllizmir tiiu nl.lo n...1 - 'i .1 .. . .--... ..v..v.
. . . .:? "." "" cionnr me 11 cvui . Mi- T..in ...m 1
r, oroiMu uo., ATLANTA, GA.
Hay Timothy, $15$16,
Potatoes Fancy, 75c$1.00.
Bggs Oregon ranch, 1919c.
Poultrj- Chickens, mixed, 1212c
per pound; turkeys, 1416c.
Pork Dressed, C6c.
Beef Dressed, G'ic.
Veal 67c.
Hops 1903 crop, 23c.
Wool Valley, 1920c; Eastern Or
egon, 1017c; Mohair, 30c for choice.
Hides dry, 16 pounds and upwards,
Butter Fancy creamery, 20c.
Valley Crops Good.
F. E. Shafer. tho Raiom t.-
ZZzztzZZZTTz; dealer, came down fiom the home farm
Summer Excursion Rates and Special at Turner today, and talks very hope
Train Service Now On Between fuI of tho croP situation. Ho says
Portland and Clatsop Beach. Winter gra'n ,s a ful1 croP. as is also
The summer schedule of the As- ea!"Ir S0Wn sp,lne gra,n- HoPs in all
tona & Columbia River railroad hai ... .' g0Ml as average, but
been inaugurated between Portland ps and lat0 sown spring
through tomorrow and Friday, will bo Astria, Gearhart and Seaside, In con- n poor ground. or on wound
liberally Intorsporsed1 with feature? nectlon with special round trip excur- Prepared, is natuially light.
,of entortalnment arranged by the lo- 8lono tickots to all Clatsop and North UUnltS faiIners will have little to
cai lodge of tho order. , "oacn points, and train leaves Union "um''miu OI-
,., . -."T - : uv-iiui. o u. m. uaiiy and runs throuch
... . ' """u ueuruau i:l'0
W Tnvlnr nt U't VI..I.I. .... . ..
.......... . ,,vav iiiHiuiu, ciiiBi 1:30 p,
vni k. oi mo i-osi uiuce tlonartmnnt
From S. P. and C. & E. Points to the
Seaside and Mountain Resorts
for the Summer.
In this packsfc yoa get both liquid and
jowder. This Is the Lane Site.
P. m. and
ci ,. iii., r .... ,v " viw
doesnactUrnr13! - V " Union depot
. tIWnr ,e,,ta .d tefi
Tho Portland-Seaside Flyer leaves
every Saturday at 2:30
North Dakqta Republicans.
Grand Forks, N. D.. July 20.-Tho
Republican state convention assemb
lod here today and was called to ol
der by Chairman Hanna of the state
Petty neatly time
thinking about
a new
isn t it? Rememfe
tEe latjrrest
t we ihavei
to select f torn I
No. 2 for Yaqulna
Leaves Albany 12:45 PM
Ioave Corvallls 1-45 p.'jt'
Arlves Yaqulna 5:40 p
No. 1. Returning
lavos Yaqulna 7:15 am
runs throusL direct, arriving r--
now chief of hart G:4(i .. m .. c..,,. . a"
-... ... .. tJUtta,uu o:ou p. m.
I in connection with this
service, special
office supplies
round trio snnsnn
tickets are sold from Portland to all
Clatsop and North Beach noluu nt
nomination a full stat hm, ,
eluding a candidate for governor to
be voted for at tho coming state elec-
rate of $4.00 for the round trip, good m"11 'M Hind Ycu Haw Alrvays Bocrtt
for return nassnfr ,ii ..' .. gsw SIX sJ . yt
. .,w vytuHjur ia. . 1 s: s x rs '.'-
for roturn
Special commutation tickets good
for five round trips, are sold from
Leaves Corvallls i,.sn V " C.7'. :':.!" w'"'m8 ,or ',
.,riVM ... -w "" fcu u miurn uniu October IE
Arrives Albany 12:1b p.m. Saturday special
in the citywith the Giet
Majestic as a leade.
R. M. Wade & Co.
tortWW.r.Mfimr.wili unmmlW
.miii aaii rctviiriDcr.
""' 'Mnunnmn,,
Also clca-
HW'l v v
No. 3 for Detroit
Lave Albany i.0o
Arrives Detroit C:00
No, 4 from Detroit
Lave Detroit 6:30 A.M
Arrives Albany n:15 AM'
Train No. 1 arrives In Albanv in
time to connect with tho S. p. south
bound train, as well as ch-ln t .
thrW bours In Albany bofora depart
ur of s. P. north bound train.
1 rain No. 2 connocta with the S. P
trains at Corvallls and Albany giving
direct service to Newport and adja
ient beaches.
Train No, 3 for Detroit, nreltnnh,,
mm omer mountain resorts leaves Al
bany at li00 p. m.. reaehlag Detroit
about 6:00 p. m.
For further Information apply to
T COCKRELU Agent, Albany. ' ,
H. II. ORONISE, Agent. Conallls.
j l'uviui luuun inn nvnnr.
slon tickets from Portland to all Clat
sop and North Beach points on sale
every Saturday at rate of $2.50 for
round trip, good to return Sunday.
Ticket sold from Portland to North
Beach points are Issued In connooH
With I. It. & N. steamora r, ..
torla and baggage is transferred to
and from depot and steamer dock at
Astoria free of charge, and all tickets
sold by the O. R. & N. Co. from Port
land to qjatsop and North Beach
points aro Interchangeable and will
bo honored on trains of this comnnn
In either dlreotion between Portland
boh Asioria. .
For additional Information address
Q A. Stewart, agent. 24S Alder street I
Portland. Oregon,, or J. C. Mayo, 0!
F. & P. A Astoria, Oregon. Seaside
80uveoXJ9pjwjii be mailed to
your aaaress free upon application I
" there Is anything y00 need
It is to remove the death-deal-,ng
sower 8" Torn your house.
On and after June 1, 1904, the
Southern Pacific, in connection with
the Corvallls & Eastern reallriad. will
havo on sale round trip tickets from
points on their lines to Newport, Ya
qulna and Detroit at very low rates,
good for return until October 10, 190i.
inree-day tickets to Newport and
Yaqulna, good going Saturdays and
returning Mondays, are also on, sale
from all East Side points, Portland to
Eugene inclusive and from all West
Side points, enabling people to visit
their families and spend Sunday at
the seasfde.
Season tickets from all East Side
points, Portland to Eugene, Inclusive,
and from all West Sldo points, ara
also on sale to Detroit at very low
rates, with stop-over privileges at
Mill City or any point east, enabling
tourists to visit the Santiam and Brel
tenbush hot springs in the Cascade
mountains, which can bo reached in
one day.
Season tickets will bo cood for re
turn from all points until October 10.
Three-day tickets will bo good going
on Saturdays and roturaJmr Monlavs
only. Tickets from Portland and vi
cinity will bo good for return via the
East or West Sido at option of pas
senger. Tickets from Eugene and vi
cinity will bo good going via tho Leb-
anon-Springfleld branch if deBired.
Baggage on Newport tickets chocked
through to Newport; on Yaqulna
tickets to Yaqulna only. .
Southern Pacific trains connect with
the C. & e. at Albany and Corvallls
for Yaqulna and Newport. Trains on
the C. & E. for Detroit will loavo Al
bany at 7 a. m., enabling tourists to
the hot springs to reach thero the
same day.
pull information aa in rntnn with
beautifully illustrated booklet of Y-
qulna bay and vicinity, timetables,
etc, can be obtained on application
j t-awin Stone, manager O. & &
railroad, Albany; w. D. Coman, G. P
A., Southern Pacific company, Port
land, or to any S. P. or a & B. agent
Rate from Salem to Newport ...$5.00
Rate from Salem to Yaqulna ....$4.50
Rate from Salem to rAtmtt 19.60
Throe-day rate from Salem to
Newport $3.00
will do this and give
iori as well
your old
"Write for It.
you com-
health. Hav
Plumblnc lnn,u..,
aDd you mi " a heavy bill
and Altona leave for
Portland daily except Sun
day at 7 a. m.
Deck: Foot of Trf trt
m.f. BALDWIN, At
It Is a Beauty.
Our finest $150 buggy will fori $100
during our midsummer sale, Mitchell,
Lewia & Staver rmnnnv- flalem
-- WW ',. . -