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About Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919 | View Entire Issue (July 19, 1904)
u W v k n k ' TWO OAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM, OnEQON. TUESDAY, JULY 19, DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL OY HOFER BROS. &VBUC OWNER8HIP OF ELECTRIC LIGHT. Beforo thfs city mnkos a now con duct, for electric lighting there ahoulJ Ibe a. thorough Investigation of what other communities hare accomplished TwJth .public ownership, ' tl there 1b a water-power avaltaulo to be convorted Into an electric light 8ns and p,ower plant, the question of tpabllc ownership should be given a ftlr and Impartial trial. Tha present !iy tehartor porralta of this being dose. 22ie Journal would llko to submit tuuao facts on the question of tho ad wstitages of a public lighting plant. XNo doubt many of our readers have al u Xacts and experiences to hear out war contention that public ownership xwonld glvo better sorvlco for less ox rfense. Any such facts we would bo tgtnd lo publish. We have a letter from E. S. Nichols, dltor of tho Auglalzo County Demo crat, to a friend, dated July 2, 1004, totttloalng tho soventh annual report af Old Wapakoneta, Ohio, public dec itrto lighting plant. He says In his lot ting "Enclosed you will find tho last an mail report of the tnuteas, which will tzlvo you an excollent Idea of tho sue- vent of tho plan Tho amount Invested Is about $100,- 00. Tho Intorost on bonds amounts tto 5120; the net earnings ICS39.72; ttotal earnings on investment $10, SCTJ2, or about 11 por cont. In addl ttlwi to this, as you woll know, our Tptxplo ot a much more liberal supply df wntor than they woull from a pri vate company. THE NET COST TO "TOE TAXPAYERS PER ARC LIGHT IPErt YEAR WA8 ONLV $32 91. Tho merago costs In Ohio towns ,nd cities winder contract I; about $90. Tho sav ting Is apparent. "Othor years hove made a much tetor showing, tho not earnings run- nlng to 14 and 1G por rent, the loss be lng duo to tho very high prlco of fuel. Tho showing this yimr will slavery. A farmer might oven wanl to go to congress. Tho cranks and kickers should be squelched. Farmers should not want the places Intended for tho pets of the political oligarchy. Occasional)' a fanner's boy or girl may stray into the agricultural college. But n far as possible thoy will bo diverted into in to other and more refined pursuits. FEELS MIGHTY GOOD W. H. Egan, of Brooks, was In the itv fnrtnv marketing his first peaches. He says there Is a magnificent crop of this fruit, but, In fact, says thcro la to nnrnslon to find fault with any kind of i:aLn, uiiL iiiui &i u uuiiii muHtiwiiw" . -..- - w imnir nr Ti-nirri wnu in MLLitriLiiiiL. ui . "-.- -- ,, In acreage and In merchantable tint- political offenders to Siberia without the anna, road dlgtrIct accounts. The a crop. The late rains and cool wcatn THE FOREST SUPPLY. From Maine to Texas there are for ests, but thoy aro being diminished of the trusts and of the money power. Mr, Bryan is now supporting him, and In so doing Is proclaiming himself a political degenerate." FORCING NEEDED REFORMS. The Oriental war Is forcing the Russian government to Introduce do mestic reforms to allay domestic dis content and stavo off revolution. The latest is tho Issuance of an Imperial court was the heaviest 0f the year, as decree abolishing tne vicious system . , , , always Is. Warrants or condemning political prisoners uy administrative order. The exiling of MARION COUNTY EXPENSE The past term of the Marlon county Ings recently, S. H. Friendly, the'!,, l...t iMt )inn fi(ntl l . . CHOIll,' uuh uiu OIUICU iu nig nouso some ou ions oi cnitton, bart This Is by far the largost lot of bart ever held by ono specu'ator In the rec. oras oi dealings in uiis product la a state. iMiguuo negiaier. were Issued, aggregatj'ng $15,777.09, mmt of which was In settlement of bor with frightful rapidity. The two1 any Judicial formality Is discontinued statos, howevor, representing differ ent sympathies, different aspirations and different politics are as one on for hereafter persons accused of poll tlcal crimes will have a hearing In court under the regular procedure. the question of tho preservation of the t The number of oxlles may not be any forest acreage remaining within their less, but those transported In (future respective boundaries tho work Texa3 Is doing to the penal colonies of Siberia will on her own responsibility have had at least the semb'ance or and defraying the cost nnd expense Justice granted to them and an oppor tunity to offer a defense, it they have any. out of her own treasury. Tho tnrlfty Yankees of Maine, with lesser acreage and not so much mone'y In their purses, have taken the proffer of tho United States to do tho work of survey on tho co-operative plan, with the United States paying one half and tho state of Maine, as well as In Texas, that something had to be ' done In the matter, and tho question of cost is secondary. Texas has tho largest woodland ncreago of any ono of tho forty-five states. Flvo years ago It was esti mated at 61,000 square miles. This year's estimate places It at only 27,000 , square miles, an enormous acreage but one that will not last long If the ' rato of annual cutting 12C.OO0 acres Is kept up. Sho has within her for ests no less than 61 species of com mercially Important and valuable timber, tho Industry being ranked only ' by hor cotton and cattle products. i In Maine tho fire losses of 1903 woro estimated at tho largo sum of $1 000,000. tho burned area exceeding 250,000 acres. Tho survey under way Is for tho purpose of furnishing a basis for legislation ombodylng suprovlslon of prlvato forests and for the pur chase of forost ranged by tho state, tho extinction of private ownership being tho ultlmato object. ronnsyivania nns not only pur- warrants were Issued on the various funds as follews: Roads $12,502.59 Pauper 342.71 Justice 202.75 Sheriff . 387.13 Clerk 254.17 X-RADIUMS No one ever stops to enquire to what parfly "Coin" Harvey, "Calamity" Wei- ler, and ex-Senator Pettlgrew belong. . Every busybody who wants the wheels of progress blocked Is con vinced that President Roosevelt Is dangerous. ' No organization In the history of the world has been so successful os the Democratic party In telling us the things that were not so. Slimmed up, tho Demccra'lc plat form read "Wo know that wo were wrong before and aro not cocksure that wo aro right this time." Tho Republican vocabulary Is com posed largely of words of encour agement; tho Democratic Is limited to words of woe and warning. Like a man lost in the snow, the Democratic party spends most of Its Recorder Treasurer County superintendent Coroner Assessor Current expense3 Court house Jail Insane Election County court o 233.33 83.33 100.00 5.80 350.00 421.49 467.71 53.78 30.00 104.40 235.40 l. i i,ia oatimaMon. will add millions to the products of Western Oregon this year. Mr. Egan is an extensive farmer, and depends upon all kinds of crops for his Income. He Is thorough ly satisfied with the prosperity, which Is a fact that ought to give comfort to everybody. o Corner In Chlttem. In purchasing several large hold- 80FTNE88 OF 8EAL8KIN. nlvnlcd hy Dandruff Jiuuinn nnr a an JJ,rnIICIltf,1. ClArtlalrfn la nrtmli-nil 41.a ......-. u.uton... .- .- ilia vvuiiU OVer fo.l na fiuLuivsD ii fiiuoaiuess; ana yet H human hair Is equally as soft and tin. '! n-hnn hpnlthv! nnrl thn rnrilnnt 6'"171 hair trouble Is dandruff, which is cam, I lfn1ffv nf tht tintr nf tt -. . k "'! Hcrplcldo is tho only preparation th.iV i. v;..-."::,:?. ".,v,nout uiu niu.u o ..v i.M.iufj imir, uut a Ira ,nln Qnnnrlnn. Ih. ...I. .. VCT' l"" UVUU....J, ...o p.i.j, nun I cure dm druff. Kill tho dandruff germ, Tho - hn Mnn,V,n tt. l.i,, SUttl leading druggists. Send 10c. in ,(., . ...- ....r...-. -., vuuu, mica. nonlpl J Vrv Rneo.lal Agent ti99iag9aeiM I time traveling over its own abandoned chased onormous tracts of mountain" t,n"8' nnd I)rn'lnB for a way(out, Two Insane Patients. Two Insane patients were today committed to the asylum from this county. The first was Tom McNary, who has been on a terrible drinking bout at St. Paul. This is his second trip a? a result or the same cause. The other was an old lady named Margaret Kelly McC'alno, aged 60 years, from ML Angel. She came to town last evening, and was found wan dering about aimlessly. Nothing Is known of her history. o ; Closed for Repairs. The Salem flouring mills closed . down yesterday, and will Install sev eral new machines, and make other Improvements. Tho season will open J again about September 1st, and tho nun puopie expect to De aDie to supply their many customers, even better than heretofore. Manager Babcock re ports fall wheat as looking woll, and Geat Removal Sale Dry Goods Millinery Clothing , and i i ! i i i We will move one door soath of oar present loca linn en as tn rnrndhio nrtr fwn sfnfffS. Tn ffio m -. liuu aw W ,, war w wvw wM JUAWfA time we will reduce prices on all oar goods to raise money to pay the mechanics for altering the new store. We will sell the goods at a discount. Now is the time to get BARGAINS ROSTEIN & GREENBAUM 1 1 i 2 Stores--295 and 302 Commercial street, almost j opposite each other. land, covered with forests, but has ! purchased and Is reclaiming marsh1 l" In(1,""rlnl organizations dlstrlb lands under her forestry lec'sla- ,ltod 13 1,000,000 In dividends in New probably bd better, as coal Is cheanor. I tlon-nntl Is selling them at profitable York on July a- Not much encourage- -If you doslro anything further will bo J8"res. Now York Is tho ownor of mcnt ln that for calamity shouters. Jjrlad to furnish It If I can." parse nnd vahlablo tracts In tho Adl-1 Tho rocolpts of tho electric lighting rondaoks, nnd even staid old North Tno '"cI'"""cnn party fights things plant frem: prlvato consumers have In- J Carolina li following tho oxamplo sot nnd ton(lltlo that threatens to tatoo roasod from $4336.23 In 1899. to,t' tbo four states In acquiring forost tho nallon wltl Indollblo marks of ranges that will bo parked and nre- tummil- i"" Democratic party wo!- Mlss Dell Somers, of Portland, who has been visiting ln this city for the past week, went to Albany this morning. not In the serious condition some peo- iMMMHiMMiinMniiMfttf!mttttttMi)() I'lC tlUlt.U IIU1U us uuuuvu. t$8226.62 In 1903. Number of Inrnndos cent lights Incrcmod from 1565 tn 1896', to 3829 In 1903. Tho abovo figures provo that tho lighting system Is popular with the .people. sorvod systemntlca'ly. comes them. THE SECRETARY AND HUMANITY Tho only picture displayed at tho COL- 0-- THE OREQON FARMER'S LEGE. "i;ho one-horso editorial dopnrtmeiit f tho ono-cont Dally Cnpltul Journal sccro'ary Hay has roipondcd to tho , l-ouls convention was that of aiipoal Of tho Armnnlnn lilBhotis fnr Thomas Jurfarsnn Thin li.n,ia n ti, I suspicion that tho only gcod Demo crnts. like good Indian's, aro tho dead ones. American pressure! against Tuikls.1i ntrocltlos, ln a way to cause astonish men!, ovor his promptness and to com pel tho Intorvontlon of Great Ilrltalnl on behalf or humanity. Tho guaran-l Run nnd Ilradstieot roport that tho nrlies again to observe from the UIih't i """T , w rl8l""' ' u,,m,lus? '"lort"3 or tho country are ..r ifu ,,, .., ... 'n,,rl0- wn8 K'vo by France. Russia, rocovoilng from tho recent temnorarv Kuglnnd. Oormnny. Austria nnd Italy , depression and that tho outlook Is on tho closo or tho war between Rus- most promising for an exceptionally sla and Turkey. How tho guaranteo Prosperous yoar. That will bo good huh noon illinium is shown In tho blood i news to ovorybody but the Domocrnta, oi L-nnstians shod by tho Turk tu frightful quantities, nnd when tho Ar menian bishops appealed to tho Unltod wimciiy or its montal vision, nnd tho twmowliat limited nnd blurred compre hension of Its concept, that tho an- omally of running ti fnunor's collugo lor literary, commercial and mochan leal purposes titlll exists, Thoro ore still occasionally porsons o donsely narrow-minded ns to advo cate that the agriculture collogo should haw more to do with actual, practical farming, nnd bo loss given up to elawlcnl and literary claptrap. tnuy pmistoniiy Harbor nn Idea Salem Teacher Weds. A very protty weddinc took- ninno D . . I . " mr nui ami assistance both " '"O home of Mr. and Mrs. J. Gordon woro oxtended In tho sharpening of M Clarke street. July n, nt S o'clock' thosclmotnrorthoUnspoakabloTurk.hvhon tholr daughter, Annie was So vigorous woro these prosontn- "nltod In marring to Wilfred R. Frank tlons of Secrotnry liny (hat KtiKland . of Vancouver, n. ft Tni- 'in Dial appears a hny In tho yes of'. " T"rk of ,he Klwrnn- R' Mc0lau0- f AlUpah Presbyterian ino undo was glv fathor, and lookod . ttlil nMiktl.k.t ...14 1. 1 . . . . 1 t ... ur most nmminnn. iiiii. ,..."" "'"iu iui a uomniiu mat the reu, omciatoa, thoro inlgliL with propriety bo at' .fJlloTj1!!. '0M; "'D 1an0' n,8 no all-aunind agrieulturUt appoint. " " M' iTZ "''. '", Mbntlv i viiij. inu iiiiiz in init iinimn on the board of regents, This claw of iwriHin. sh imrslsls Iu halnic rigid and Imprnctleni rsallsts, wuld 0vn put up with nn (military, common furmer on thn boartl of thv innuer couor ut thy flothlag so wtiio or rational. xpot en away by her very beautiful ln a hnndsomo gown of whlto silk orgnndlo, carrying a showor nouquet of whlto carnations. Tho brldoemaid, Miss Knno Young, woro a becomlug gown of whlto orgnndlo. and carried pink carnations. Alexander F. Slates Is more than a mere symbol of Amoilcan liberty. It floats for human Ity In nil quartan of the globe, and for the upholding of tho rights of con. selenoe for Christian and for Jew, for Oordon, brothor of tho brldo. acted ..... mi lor .Macedonian. oosi man. After congratulations n . . ii iu n nnttiti. n.i .. . .. '.!... .. a juain. ooinmou. everyday farmer In , . ,w K ,or ""may ."" suppor was sorvod. Mr. and fho can. through days of advorsital ,',,., 0t,Ut Ho08eV8lt tmtm In JMm. Franklin left on the evening train manage a twuple of Iimulrad aerw of llJln ant' Umt 8crotnry Hay ls,o visit points of Interest on tho mnu wiinmit n mortgage plaster, would !, B w"u u,e Mw rails "i. ami will then proceed to Van manage an "agricultural' not tu to wHobo. Th fuum are taxd to turn out ilappor drug clwks, civil ngtswr. rldB bulUldm, HghtMtng calculator, axiwru tu patent HRtit hh4 quaru urushew. All tum johiik ium u. oome wou tmliMM) a( motball, and all xpeU In thtt hall itKim. u would probably U ttolttK a crtmlnal Hinxrticy and iio, dlsax if inJZL Z :r" ""' W ' ng to yung (Hsu nei) yHS mfn Wttmti for coiiH-luBce sako. DED3 HAS OPINIONS. mlmo Dttbs. the SwInlUt cn4ldato for PuMdont Iu klu irf tat Demo cratlc Homlnatlon says: "OrHHMU! labor nas m mor un- vviiuitrouiwiHc anvHA than !! n n V ' "'" ara. Davis. w rtaJi?; J2TI.S. r"",n "' " h . """ " ! I iiiiii'ii UHiittlUitea couvor. I). C. their future home, 1105 rentier stroet, after July 15th. IVJrt land TtleBram. The bride to w' known In this city, as n most wiccetsful school teacher! """ IMxMtlon In the .orth SaUui fituvnt r.M .n """ " iKi sven ears. mmBmma,,gKaiBtKnBBH&KMIKBBltlKKt&BM flHk -.mtSsv jL fTt ' ' riTS"T I ' I f 5B&?48.II1 I M m l Minw&mM.'M t i j v I Economy 1 1 vJ' fl I Evaporated I A J I I Cream b (k I H goes farthest, H i& Rr" H Is most nourishing, H NjTI . B because richest In cream; M ti&f'lbJlLJ! ' iH m03t Perfect, jl ifcfmi&M&. H because most skillfully M wSH Q0 H prepared. M 3 H Its purity is guaranteed -r- B under forfeit of $5,000 to aV i'--miiii imm. JBB anyone able to prove any adulteration in our aV I I want to ice the furrln citlet all along the trick, !.7?m' ,0 10 ,llronf h p,,l l0 JtruiaJem and back, I (Mike tone the Hull ofit-l think I'dlctanoon Tiketheiubmarme to Ilidci and tKe altihlp to the moon. I don t care how I get there, friend, but when I make a itrilj It I me fer old St. Loui, Jen to live along the Pike. r ' m ?f ""! Plkt'" by wlll ''"I"- Copytlfbted I; --" " "'i;, luomnea ey permuiioa. 67.P To St. Louis and Return $ oc'tooin'.lt '' ' " AU8U" "' 9' ,0i WH Return limit, ninety dayi. The Rock Island System offers two routa j iu inc world's rair City via St. ft I Minncapoh's, and through Scenic Colors No change of cars, Ogdcn to St. Louii i ot. ram to St. .Louis. Full Informidon on request. Call or write, "; McDmald, General Ae't. "0 3rd Street, cor. Alder Street, ruruana, ore. ;;" ' ' ' " ' i t i i i i i i i i l4i. : : Hot weather meals, cool ; ;; weather meals, every- '' . thing appetising and . i m - iresh. li an rtlrli- and yttt)atl way tiio elo0 of family a cjU( U1 -.--v.nw W axricMuiiru nuU .u rHde UHtottt. vi,n tho Und mIm Wcrtim wn contiueuns a strtk Ih Wm Virginia I wHt th9r at U n. Ht of nurt with UalttH .nt, w. WHrtaiia. u' BlaftoiwvU.uafM.w,.1irB.. o' .. . .ww W Uy lhytey afttl OrKk. aiulTn ' e .v, UtW J,ckWH from much I ."' "' """ B,w"Jp wnwn If Ure wr a eoj Uosethr Menu! to Tnctulns - tUat oocHpailon wld bim Uialfld. ami would bo id9 klhly Mf,HH)talIA N0 (0,,iBS what It lrtt laj to. FftreilBK of tVls ct. 4lng. lr. I.. U. Stlttsnn. wai prweut at the wed- an. very InearnaUou of tha obittma i.... , .-.v ..IV "A to 1-arKw , , wrely tvA ., wb cawitdat of Joh D. Rookf. Mr. Six wV . viu... . .. ,, ,. . --"-- " uiiuw j. wrjan An Albany Divorce Case. lr. W. H. Davlg. mayor of Alluiny. was gntHtd a divorce from hi ,..if a, . . " NV ' "mi win or cottrt hold in that city y Judge Galloway on Monday. "" ir Good ugglM aro now u 8oij aurlug our suciai atg .. fllo ,.A . akAA . '. W Ul vn unw. Mitchel . Lutu a q... r Company. Salem branch. t3Mf IbUMYMmnlhBffBautt : White House : : Restaurant George Bros. Props. T0 ST. LOUIS AND THE WORLD'S FAIR if Wall Paper i Latest designs in stock, J J and good work guaran- ced. Wc have the small J -a . uuu annul pnCCS Travel via Denver--,, .. n ,. you want nn !.". the BurlnBton Route to St. Louis Th p .- "linK' c'fortable and safe journey. he Burlington is th t trains over its ow m y ra,,road running its own St, Louis. Fabt tinw T M the way from Denver t0 employes, good mJl , ' a.nd comfortable cars, obliging " ' oinmg -i me E. L Lemrnon 299 Liberty St. Phone 2475 oars at moderate prices. ' -. d mzrzz ClVtJ Vnii j. . . Wnte vour . ' . "1 formation about the trip. Vitwt AJJrttt II leu cut out th?R nt 4, . maay and mail to EN.AQeNTBURL,NQTONRouTE 100 Tmi" sTtT. POItTLAND. ORE. AN Vf SP n p f n Oc "'US is(MJ9lSf3K Ji NttMfeSf Z fl Sj&Ji w '