Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, July 16, 1904, Page SIX, Image 6

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JJcw York, July 16. Present tosh, considoiSjd ami preservod by various
fon may have their fault and draw- Ingenious artlflclato. Of colors there
, A. , , ,,. ... has never been a greater nor mow
back, their incongruities and unrea- than tho nt
onablo point, but they posses one t)mo and tho fashlon artigts display
a rcroarkablo taste, for harmonious
combinations. One of the most strife-
great redeeming feature, which com
jieneates to & great extent for all
ebortcemings: Uioy possess artistic ,ng fcatures hoover, ia the exqulslto
qualities that delight tho eye of an
jirtlot Present styles show ft much
greater appreciation of beauty In out
taste which these artists show in har
monizing tho general effect of wo
men's costumes by establishing close
aincs, color, proportion and general ftn, anMo tlova of lines and
effect than any fashion; of which wo , wwcon tho various Darts of the
jhavo any record. Whether tho artls-
tic taste of tho makers of fashions Qr boJko and porhap8 tho
jias improve, or touuht u. ku. of wap but afio tho hat, tho parasoIp
merely an acdtlent, tho result of happy
gcther to produce, unconsciously, an ftudjlng new fashion,, at least during
almost perfect result. I cannot Joclde,
but, tho fact It self cannot bo denied.
31jo prevailing styles show a remark
ablo understanding of proportions, a
tfttnlTllv tnni-Vf.lnna nnnfarlntlnn rt ihi
iltnws of certain materials to produce nppoar on, ?e, " ln "ew .
shoes, gloves, belt, eta
Tfiero Is probably no better place for
tho summer months, than at the
"Grand Prix," as tho great Trench der
by Is called. On that occasion every
woman who can afford It and a great
many women who cannot afford It,
pertain effects, a keen Insight Into tho
tqmes and It Is quite astounding how
fnT.H ,,f .rti.M m,.n,,(ion , gorgeous tho display on that occasion.
of colors and dellcato discernment In I Jh dlfrplay at he recent "Grand
Electing tho most effective lines. Prix' was unusua"y Interesting and
Of course, not all makers of fashions 'n,;er fo,ro f neater number
poetess tho qualities of tho eye and f bcaut,ful and artistic tostumesdl&
Wo which make tho artist, but the P at a similar occasion than then,
number of artists In their profession 'T "?? T1 atrlk,DB featur0 wa
oem to bo increasing from year to Ith" wl T f detdI
IwnlMl nrtl wWtie4anHnr Vi tart 41io4-
jcar. These creators of fashions , ' ""-""""""& " " "
iavo raised their profession to tho n a gonoral ino coslumes w
dignity of an- art and It cannot bo do-!ln ,pe rrnony with tho present
nlod that thr .x nwh .rtin etyo eacn on0 of costumes repro-
?norlt In many of their modern crca
lens as there is in a great many works
'at tho painters of sculptors art.
Tho artistic instinct which soems 8Picuouo oy their absence.
io govcrni fashion at the present tlrao.tho 8klrts w"" plaited
manifest Itself In various way.s. First
iti tho beauty of tho linos, which aro
as delightful to tho eyo as tho lines of
a flno plcco of architecture. Tho
beautiful curves of tho healthy and
normal human figure arc not dlsgulsod
or hidden but rather displayed with
out accentuating thorn too much. Tho
harmony of proportions Is carefully
sonted a distinctive Individuality.
Wbbona as docpratlvo featuros of
skirts and frocks were rather con-
Many of
thoro wero enough costumes in the
Ova1 1 uYT&B-rTr u
TiMisiHds Have Kidney
Turtle and Never Suspect it.
How To XMnd Out.
I'lll a Itottlc or common glass with your
water and IctU staud twenty-four hours ;
, unhcnlthv con-
Mitiou of the kid
neys ; if it stains
your linen it is
evidence of kid
ney trouble ; too
Irequent desire
to pass it or pain
in the back is
sUo convincing proof that the kidneys
and bladder are out of order.
What To Do.
There is comfort in the knowledge so
often expressed, that Dr. Kilmer's
Swatnp-Koot, the creat kidney remedy,
fulfills every wish in curing rheumatism,
pain in tho back, kidneys, liver, bladder
ami every part of the urinary pasMRe.
Jt corrects inability to hold water
and scalding pain in justing it, or bail
effects following ue of liquor, wine or
hetr, and overcomes that unpleasant nc
rcsslty of being compelled to go often
during the day, and to uet up many
times during the nliilit. The mild and
the extraordinary eflect of Swamp-Root
it noon rcaltted. It stands the highest
tor iti wonderful curct of the most dis
tressing cases. If you need a medicine
you should have the lcst. Bold by drug,
gists ill fifty-cent and one-dollar sues.
You may liavc a sutunle lxittle ami n
uook uiai lens all
by mail. Address Dr.
Kilmer & Co., lllnj;.
namtotl. N Y When Hm.. tili,w.
writing mention this psiwr and don't
make nny mistake, but remember the
name. Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, ami
the address, Ulughnmtou, N. Y.
1830 stylo in evidence to introduce
variety Into tho picture, they wero
by no means predominating. Somo re
markably original and handsome ef
fects in sleeves wero notlceablo. Somo
of tho sleeves wero onen tin to the
Bhouhlor, falling gracefully over rather
tight fitting undorsleeves of lace.
Drooping shoulder patterns, high cein-
lures nnu a rather: small number of
pointed bolts wore characteristic of
tio display. Hats of every variety.
some with, somo without veils, wore
In ovldenco, and most of them wore
unusually handsome and picturesque.
ino rasruoaablo dressmakers of
London and Parts havo Inaugurated a
now fad, which will probably bo tak
en up by tho faBhlon artists In this
country. Tho fad consists in giving
names to drosses they make; not
trado numoi, which miriit servo for
classification, but individual names,
which, as a rule, are of a symbolical
character. "Tho first Kiss" was the
namo of a dress constructed by one
of tho most fashionable dressmakers
of Ixmdan. It wa of dellcato white
material with edging? and ends of the
samo material, tipped with roso leaf
shaped bits of crimson probably sug
gesting tho bright color of a maiden's
lips. Anothor dress, called "A dream
of Iaradlso" was trimmed with filmy
laco. tlirough which ran tiny threads
of sliver, with an occasional silver
bead. Somo of tho gowns aro named
by tho ponson for whom thoy aro made
and a begiuiKng has oven been made
io esiannsti n certain harmony be
tween tho general offect of the dross
and its name "Second Thoughts,"
for lnsianco, was the namo of a dress
which was ordered by a handsome and
young widow after her return from' a
house party that had boon almost
scandalously gay. It may bo said hore,
urni mo costurao was of a sevoro and
plain gray and evldontly suggested Uio
mood of tho wearer. If this fad be
comes popular, it may lead to tho de
velopment of a symbolist school of
Petticoats with several detachable
and adjustable flounces are becoming
quite popular this season and they
really deserve their popularity as
they are extremely practicable. One
of these skirts recently Imported, has
a Jersey top with three flounces, one
block, one plaid and one of change
able bluo and green material. These
flounces are quite deep and frilled and
niched at tho bottom. All aro of taf
feta and are fitted with button holes
at the top, concealed by a band. The
Jersey part has a row of buttons at
Its lower edge. Detachable flounces
of flno cambric and embroidery are
also seen In the shops.
One of tho most striking features
of this summer's styles Is the exten
sive use of handpalnted decorations.
This new fad has opened a field of re
munerative employment for many
young artists, art students and ama
teurs. There Is scarcely any part of
a woman's outfit which is exempt
from that fad. Stockings, waist and
hat ribbon, saiihes, entire gowns,
parasols, fans and even straw hats
are decorated with handpalnted flow
ers and other decorative designs. Par
ticularly poor art students will wel
come this fad, which enables them to
earn enough money during the sum
mer months, to continue their studies
during tho fall, winter and spring
months' at somo academy.
Ono of the handsomest and most
artistic costumes worn at a recent
garden party was decorated In hand
painted designs by the hand of a clev
er artist. The young lady, who wore
tho costume, a pretty and very weal
thy girl, attracted considerable atten
tion by the beauty of her costume.
Sho was dressed in white and tho same
decoratlvo design1 waj consistently
And Worry Sap Worn-
an s
There Is nothlnc more nerve wrecking
than household duties and the care of
children. Tho drudgery, worry and pet
ty annoyance of tho day, and broken
rest at night soon exhausts her vitality
and sho becomes nervous, irritable and
restless. If allowed to continue, It ends
in Sick, Nervous Headaches, Stomach,
Liver and Kidney troubles, and those
terrible Periodical Bcarlns-down pains,
which como from nervous exhaustion.
Dr. Miles' Ilestoratlvo Nervine Is a
never-falling remedy for such cases. It
builds up and soothes the nerves, and
brings tho sweet, restful sleep, so much
No other medicine Is so pleasant or
go curatlvo In every caso of female
weakness, nervousness or general worn-'
out condition.
Try It ct our risk.
Cost rcf-.Jcd if first bottle falls to
benefit you.
"I had been sick several years with
Indigestion and nervous prostration,
which kept me almost constantly under
a physician's care, and wlillo I had been
treated by four doctors, 1 received only
temporary relief. I was very weak and
helpless, and unable to attend to my
household duties. After reading about
Dr. Wiles' Nervine, 1 concluded to give
It n trial. The first few doses brought
restful sleep at night, nnd an appetite
for food. Continuing the treatment, I
rapidly Improved, and now I am well
and able to do all my work."
WHS. M. J. OLDS, Clarkston, Mich.
Mi..iinnl Chautauqua.
Crystal Springs, Miss., July 1G.-Ar-rangements
aro complete for the open
ing tomorrow of the annual session of
tho Mississippi Chautauqua assembly.
Many visitors aro on the grounos uuu
,1, MnP nromises to bo the most
largely attended In the history of the
assembly. An attractive pruB.
I,. hm arranged. In addition to re
ligious services and addresses by noted
divines, evangelists, educators and
other publis men, there will bo a va
riety of lectures, concerts and other
forms of entertainment,
"Make Salem a Good Home Market"
Flrirt Appenrsusce o Dandruff a p0P.
runner of Future Baldnesa,
That such is the caso has been coiT
cluslvely proven by scientific reseat'
Prof. Unna, the noted European ki
specialist, declares that dandruff Is Jh
burrowed-up cuticle of tho sealn ....5
by parasites destroying tho vitality in
the hair bulb. The hair becomes llfeW
nnd, in time, falls out. This can be pr
Newbro's Herplcldo kills this dandruff
germ, and restores tho hair to its natuwi
softness and abundancy. "'
Herplcldo Is now used by thousands nr
people-all satisfied that it Is tho mo
wonderful hair preparation on the mr.
ket to-day.
flold bv leading1 druggists. Send in .'
stamps for Bamplo to Ths Herplcldo Co.
Detroit. Mich.
THnlol J. Krv. Special Aeent
,7?,I, Write us and we
X XV.Ci.Ei y0U a Freo Tri p
will mall
you a. Free Trial Pnckaca of
or. Miles' Antl-Paln Pills, the New,
Scientific Itemedy for Pain. Also Symp
tom Blank for our Specialist to dlagnoso
your case and tell you what Is wrong
and how to right ft. Absolutely Free.
Capital City Mills Quotations.
Bryant & Pennell, Props.
Wheat 77c.
Buckwheat 80a
Poultry at Stelner's Market
Hens 8c.
Eggs Per dozen, 17c.
Harrltt & Lawrence.
Eggs Per dozen, 18c.
carried out in every part of her cos
tume, fronv her skirt and bodice, to her
hat, parasol, sash ribbon and fan.
Tho general tendency to simplify
all non essentials in a woman's ward
robo and to avoid everything that
would add bulkness to her toilet, has Gearhart
caused many women to dispense with
corset covers, except in cases where
unlined blouses are worn. In place of
tho corset cover many women wear
gauze scarfs, which aro wrapped tight
around tho body and fastened under
tho arms 'with small gold pins. These
scarfs give amnio protection to the
corset, without Increasing tho buik-
Many girls keep a supply of these
scarfs in different colors on hand to
bo prepared for any. emergency.
Combinations of black and white
laces aro worn a great deai this sum
mer and. In some cases, tho result is
quito pleasing. White chiffon para
sols, trimmed with black and whlto
Summer Excursion Rates and Special
Train Service Now On Between
Portland and Clatsop Beach.
The summer schedule of the As
toria & Columbia -River railroad has
been inaugurated between Portland,
Astoria, Gearhart and Seaside, in con
nection with special round trip excur-
slono tickets to all Clatsop and North
Beach points, and train leaves Union
depot 8 a. m. dally and runs through
direct, arriving at Astoria 11:30 a. m,
12:20 p. m. and Seaside
12:30 p. m.
The Portland-Seaside Flyer leaves
Union depot every Saturday at 2:30
p. m arriving Astoria 5: GO p. m. and
runs through direct, arriving at Gear
hart 6:40 p. m. and Seaside 6:50 p. m.
In connection with this improved
service, special round trip season
tickets are sold from Portland to all
Clatsop and North Beach points at
rate of $4.00 for the round trip, good
for return passage until October 15.
Special commutation tickets, good
for five round trips, are sold from
Portland to same points for $15.00,
good to return until October 15.
Saturday special round trin nvrii
11 AilB MM.V Itnif. i .! -1 t 1L - - I I . A
""" "uu "u iruniui-u in wo same sion iicneis from Portland to all Clat
manner seem to bo quito popular and sop and North Beach nolnts on Knio
Hop Market.
Hops 1926c.
Potatoes, Vegetables,
Potatoes 50c.
Onions 2&c.
Wood, Pence Potts, It
Second growth $5.75.
APh J3.00 to 13.75.
Grub oak $6.60.
Cedar posts 12c.
HI act, Pelto and Pure.
Green Hides, No. 1 5c.
Green Hlues, No. 2 4c
Calf Skins 45c.
Sheep 75c
Goat Skim 26o to ll.iJ.
Grain and Frour.
Oats Buying, $1.10 per cwt
Barley $21 per ton.
Flour Wholesale, 3.76.
Live Stock Markat,
Steers 3 4c.
Cows 3c.
Sheep 3c.
Dressed pork 6J,46.
Dressed Veal 56c
Dressed hogs 66c.
Live hogs 55c.
Mutton 20)30.
Hay, Fed. tEU,
Baled cheat $10$11.
Baled clover $9.
Bran $22.50.
.Shorts $24.00.
ESflSi Butter and Cream.
By Commercial Cream Co.
Eggs 16c, cash.
Butter 22c, wholesale.
Butter fat 20c at station.
Three Trains to the East Dally,
Through Pullman standard and
tourist sleeping cars daily to Omaha,
Chicago, Spokane; tourist Bleeping
cars dally to Kansas City; through
Pullman tourist Bleeping cars (per.
Bonally conducted) weekly to Chica
go; reclining chair cars (seats free)
to the East daily.
Cbsoce of Care
9 IS a. m
na Huntington
8:15 p. m,
tl Huntington
Bt. Pant
Fait Hall
C v . . m,
from Portland, Or,
Salt Lake, Denver. PL
Worth. Omaha. Kuuu
illy, tn. Jjouit, CbJcaro
and Kan.
salt Lake, Denver Ft
worth, Omaha, Eansai
Cltv, St. Lonls, Chicago
Walla Walla. Lewlstnn.
Spokane, Wallace, Pull
man, Minneapolis SL
Paul, Daluth,MUwaukc
Chicago, and East.
5 Zip
7 15 a, &
Ocean and River Schedule.
For San Francisco Every five dirt
at 8 p. m.. For Astoria, way point
and North Boach Daily (except Sun
day) at 8 p. m.; Saturday at 10 p. m.
uoiiy service (water permitting) ca
Willamette and Yamhill rivers.
somo of them, shown in tho shops, are
unsusally attractive.
Free Information
About the World's Fair
you have any idea o( visiting the World's Fair this
year, ask nu- today for a copy of our World's Pair Folder.
tells just what
Good Spirits.
Good spirits don't all come from
Kentucky. Their main source Is the
liver and all the fine spirits ever
made in tho Bluo Grass stato could
not remedy a bad liver or tho hundred
and ono ill effects it produces. You
can't havo good spirits and a bad
liver at the same time. Your liver
must he in flno condition If you would
reel buoyant, happy and hopeful,
bright of eye, light of step, vigorous
and successful In your pursuits. You
can put your liver in fine condition by
using Green's August Flowor-tha
greatest of all medicines for tho liver
and stomach and a certain pnr r
iU'enaniiln f si .
,vi.a,u or inmgesuon. It has hwm
a favorite household remedy for over
"uny-nvo years. August Flower will
make your liver healthy and mi-
and thus insuro you a liberal supply
good spirits." Trial sio .
regular bottlet, 75c At all dnii.t'
oionos arug storea
every Saturday at rate of $2.60 for
round trip, good to return Sunday.
Tickets sold from Portland to North
Bench points are Issued In connection
with I. R. & n. steamers from As
toria and baggage is transferred to
and from depot and steamer dock at
Astoria free of charge, and all tickets
sold by tho O. It. & N. Co. from Port
land to Clatsop and North near
points aro Interchangeable and will
oo nonored on trains of this company
in either direction between Portland
and Astoria.
For additional information address
C. A. Stewart, agent, 248 Alder street,
Portland, Oregon, or J. C. Mayo, G.
F. & P. A., Astoria, Oregon. Seaside
souvenir of 1904 will bo mailed to
jMui uuuruss iree unon annllmH
wrue xor it.
Wheat Walla Wnlla, 6769c.
Valley 78c.
Flour Portland, best grade, $1:
-yo; graham, $3.50$4.00.
Oats Choice white, $1.20.
Barley-Feed, $23.00 per ton; rolled
Mlllstuff Bran, $19$20.
Hay Timothy, $16$16.
Potatoes Fancy, 75c$1.00.
Eggs Oregon ranch, 191&iac.
Poultry Chickens, mixed, 12tfjl2c
per pound; turkeys, 1416c.
l'ork Dressed, 66Vc.
Beer Dressed, 6c.
Veal 67c.
Hops 1903 crop, 23c.
Wool-Volley, l920c; Eastern Or
egon, 1017c; Mohair, ffOc for choice
15Sldry' 1C PUDd8 &nd UPd'.'
Putter Fancy creamery,
TiYlP fflltA. InAHM...!.- .- ...
. - w. .-..i iiuuimuura asK oi wnvt
I your nearest ticket agent, or
General Passenger Agent
The Oregon Railroad & Navigation
Co., Portland, Oregon.
At Dr
12:45 P.M.
1:45 P.M.
VOtl want to know nl.m.t ...:i i
tickets . boBKRe mmnRuimiMi, sl-pig ear barths, how
to roach the Exposition Bround, what to do when you
got thoro. how to so the Fair to thu bast advantage,
I'ow to Bot a boarding place, ami answers nonrly ovory
quwtion of this character that may bo askod.
Contain, mar oi tho Fair KroundS, of the City and
of tho UurlinRton Kouto.
" ty tho Mjog-A postal oard will do.
tOO Tmiro Btiust. PORTLAND. ORB.
The Rummage Sale
Given by tho ladles of the First rv.
gregatlonal church will ho w
tho storo room formerly occupied by
J U Stockton & Co,. and w, ,,
--- Vl
"TO on Saturday morning. Anyone
wishing to contribute will please send
articles to tho storo. or loav ..,
with Mrs. Morrison. Chomok, ,
and they bo called for. A good
Plan to cot von- h ..!-,.. ",wu
--- --. ..j. inciting outrlt.
Notice to Doq Owners.
The annual lleonso on .W i ..
-.. O.I.. . --CT- UV
j k- , 3 rr th0 year Zoning
July i. 1904. and enJing July ,, 1905h
is now due. and the or.nnn
Ulng same will bo promptly enforced.
Dog owners living n outside Tvards
fan pay license fe to 8,wwi,i .. "
..iv-t...i .. . -- ""icwrs
-.-v.,4, o neceivo samo, others
CT Marshal.
No. 2 for Yaqulna
Leaves Albany
Leaves Corvallls ...."
iflvaa V..l-
iuiiia B.w PM j
w i. nciurning
Leavos Yaqulna ... -.,- .,.
Leaves Corvallls IhIm AM
Arrive Albany 12:16 P.M."
No. 3 for Detroit
T lfiin 11
--., ,l,UUny 1;0()
Arrives Detroit G:00
No. 4 from Detroit
a,V0 De;'t 6:30 A.M.
TrTv n:lBA.M.
Train No. i arrives in Albany n
Imoto connect with tho S. P. south
three hours m Albany before depart-1
uro of S. P. north bound train
Train No. 2 connects with tho S P '
trains at Corvallls and Albany gtvDE
direct service to Newport BL . !
oont beachos. i
Train No. 3 for Detroit. Dreitonbush'
and other mountain resorts leaves Al-1
bany at 1:00 p. m.. ronrhin .!..!
about 6:00 p. m. ."
For further Information apply to
-r. noVIN STONB' Manager.
.. v.wvn.uwuu, Agent, Albany,
H. H. CRONISE. Agent, Corv
" thero ,s "ythlng you need
It is to remove the death-deal-ing
sewer gas from your house.
I Plumbing
will do this and give you
ion as well
your old
IR.GUNN'S onion
S8! liSf&VMiSp"- SYRUP
as health, n...
plumbing InsDeofp
and you may save a heavy bill.
ft ,UB aUte St- 'Phone 1511 M,Ir,
- 2
and Altona leave f0f
PorUand daily except Sun,
daY at 7 a. m.
Deck: Foot Of Tr-rf- ..
M. ALnwf!dV ml.
, . "in. gx.
From S. P. and C. & E. Points to the
Seaside and Mountain Resorts
for the Summer.
On and after Juno 1, 1904, the
Southern Pacific, in connection with
the ComJlls & Eastern reallriad. will
have on sale round trip tickets from
Points on their lines to Newport, Ya
qulna and Detroit at very low rates.
good for return until October 10, 1904.
Three-dav tickets to Newport and
Yaqulna, good going Saturdava and
returning Mondays, aro also on salo
from all East SIdo points, Portland to
Eugene inclusive and from all West
Side points, enabling people tn visit
their families and Knnml Runnv at
the seosfdo.
Season tickets from alt TCnt side
points, Portland to Eugene, Inclusive,
u irom an west SIdo points, ara
also on sale to Detroit at vory low
rates, with stop-over privileges at
Mill City or any point east, enabling
unsis io visit tho Santlam and Brel
tenbush hot springs in tho Cascada
mountalns, which can bo reached in
one day.
Season tickets will bo good for re
turn from all nolnts until ntnhar 10.
Three-day tickets will be rrood colng
on Saturdays and returning Monlays
"y. 'tickets from Portland and vi
cinity will be good for return via th
East or West Side at option of pas
senger. Tickets from Eugene and vi
cinity will bo good golne via tho Lebanon-Springfield
branch if desired.
Baggage on Nowrjort tiMmto ,o,Aoked
through to Newport; on Yaqulna
tickets to Yaqulna only.
Southorn Pacific trains connect with
the C. & e. at Albany and CorvallU
for Yaqulna and Newport, Trains on
tho C. & a for Detroit win leave Al-
i.at 7 " m- onabllns tourists to
lne hot springs to reach there th
samo day.
Full Information no ,nn with
beautifully illustrated booklot of Yfr
qulna bay and vicinity, timetablos,
etc., can bo obtained on application
to Edwin Stone, nlanager O. & ft
railroad, Albany; W. a Coman, O. P.
, 8uthern Pacific company, Port
land, or to any s. P. or C, & B. agent.
irora Salem to Newport ...15-00
Ra o rrom Salem; to Yaqulna ....M-5
ato from Salem. f rintu s.60
Threo-day ralo (rom Salem" to
Newport 3.00
PBlWWtl1giHlh IMMMlTlllll H
"hinc w
3Ws Wf