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About Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919 | View Entire Issue (July 11, 1904)
WWtoiWiiMwiiiiiiii 1,1 1, ' ' ' ' i DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, 8ALEM, OREGON, MONDAY, JULY 11, 1904. THREg CLASSIFIED WANTED. Wanted. A good all around girl to go to tho coast for tho summer. In quire of Mrs. A. A. Sperry, No. 99, Union street, Salem. 7-8-3t Wanted. A compotent girl or woman for general houao work. Good V waeron nntl n nnrninnnnt ntnnn tn the right party. Call at 88 State street for particulars. 7-6-tf Wanted. A good girl for house work. in small family. Apply at corner of Chemekota and 20th streets. 7-1-tf Wanted. To purchase a piece of land Bimauie ior potatoes, hops or hay. Address, with particulars, lock box 488, Salem, Oregon. 7-1-tf Saleomen Wanted. Good, active men wanieui at once, to sell nursery Kl fttoplf tn frv tn.ttsi... . bsvm1 flne,. class. C. F. Lansing, Salem, Ore., Route 7. 6-22-lm Wanted Cherries H. S. Gilo & Com pany will pay cash for any quantity of Royal Ann cherries and dried Blackcap raspberries. Also Cas cara bark, dried cherries and black berries will also And ready sale. ' C-24-tf-dw Wanted. To rent or lease, residence with modern Improvements, good sized premises, and located near business soction. Inqulr eor write, this offlce, "P. G. D." 6-18-tf FOR SALE. Baled Hay. Good cheat hay at ?1G per ton, at George Swegle's place, east of Salem. 7-9-3t (For SaleA good stock farm of 144 acres 15 miles cast of Salem,80 acres of timber In Douglas county, 80 acres in Lincoln county, 40 acres near Chehalls, Washington, for sale cheap, on will trade part or all for most any kind of stock of goods. Call on or write "J. F. G.," 309 Com mercial streot, Salem, Or. 7-6-lwk Wells Dug and) cleaned, Jobbing in brickwork and' plastering, also two cows fresh cows with calves for sale. Apply to A. F. Holt Fourth street, Riverside addition, Salem. . G-7-3t For 8ale. A nice Jersey cow with calf, fresh July 1st, and 3 years old. Can bo led or haudled! by any one. Address J. WV'Gash, Sllverton route No. 2, resldonco Howoll Prai rie. 7-7-lwk For Sale. 115 acres, with 100 acres clear land and 20- acres In hops, good buildings. Four miles from Salem, on tho Wallace road. Geo Bayne, Route' 1, Salem. 7-2-lm A Snap. A high-grade, rubber-tlrod buggy, almost new, at a great bar gain; must be sotd soon. A. F. Uofor, Jr. tf Screen Doors Lawn and field fence, barb wire, shingles, P. & B. ready roofing and building paper. Exten sion ladders, gates and gato hard ware. All at lowest prices. Walter Morley, 60 Court street, Salem. MISCELLANEOUS. Hotel Scott Newlyi furnished, every thing clean and first class. Rooms at reasonable prices. In Cottlo block, Salem, A. Scott, prop. 7-G-tf. New Lodging House. Everything new, clean and coraionauie. ocmuiu 1 er block, 149-151 State street. Mat- no iiutcmns, prop. "" lay Have you tried Edwards & Lusch er'a for meats. Wo have the best sausage In town. Come and try it, and bo convinced. 410 East State street lalem Truck and Dray Co. Oldest and best equipped company in Sa lem. Piano or-d furnlturo a specialty Office 'phone, 881. W. W. Brown & Bon, proprietor. Office No. 60 State Btreet 9-1-lm UNDERTAKERa Jndertaker. Wo carry the larrw and finest line of undertaker's good) in the city. Prices to suit all Black and white hearse. Prompt reliable Save money by calling ' No. 107. A. M. Clough, A. J..BSJW l-t-tf rour Stepmother Is Btlll here, and as busy as ever. trhnn vntir ointhM are worn and iirfv mi thn hnitnna oil take them to ter, at the Salem Dyeing and Clean- fig Works. Repairing ana renwng; ew velvet collars put on overcoats; Jso four suits a monta ior ai. uuw or aul returned. liKS. O. H. WALKER, Prop. 15 Commercial atreoi From this date unUl July 10 we will Iffor reductions on certain lines In lur stock of chlnau (Jet our prices be- oro purchasing; ! THE VARIETY 8T0RE. MNORA WELCH, Prop., 85 Court 8t FOR RENT. For Rent. Large, pleasant furnished rooms for light housekeeping, or In single, with baths, telephone, etc. Call at 138 Mill street, phone 155 Blue. C. W. Ilellonbrnnd. 7-6-lwk Rooms to Rent Twelve furnished or unfurnished rooms to rent. Loca tion on street car line, and one block to S. P. depot. Call on J. C. Goodalo, 12th andi Ouk streets. C-20tf RE8TAURANT. Ferguson's Restaurant. 95 tiU- street Open day and night 0 20c meals are bettor than any hi houBo in tho state. Six 20c mai for $1.00; 21 20c meals for 19.08 OSTEOPATHS. Drs. Schoettle and Mercer, successors to Schoottle, Barr & Barr, Osto ophaths, Odd Follows' temple, Sa lem, Oregon. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Dr. W. 8. Mott Will hereafter fc found In the Broy block, 275 Ooa morclal street, over Oregon 8ko Co. Office telephone, 2931; r donco phone, 2751. Offlce homrs to 12. and 2 to 6. TONSORIAL AND BATHS. Evan's Barber 8hop Only first-claw shop on State street Every t&lit now and up-to-uato. Finest pore lain baths. Shave, 15c; hair-cut Ifc baths, 25c. Two first-class boo blacks. C. W. Evans, proprietor LODGES. Olive Lodge, No. 18, I. O. O. F. I. 0 O. F. Hall, Saturday each week, ft' 7: SO p. m. B. B. Horrick, Jr., N. Q. Frank F. Toevs, recording secretary Salem Camp, No. 116, Woodmen of th World Meets In Holman Hall error? Friday at 7:30 p. m. P. L. Frasler Consul. Wylle A. Moores, Seer tary. 1-12-lyr Valloy lodge No. 18, A. O. U. W.-Mwt in their hall In Holman block, eoi ner State and Llborty, every Hex day evening. Visiting bretkrs welsome. Roy Mclntire, M. W. i E. 'Aufranco, Recorder. Central Lodge No. 18, K. of P. CaU Hall In Holman block, corner Stab and Liberty Sts. T-esday of eaei week at 7:30 p. m. H. H. Turnej C. C; W. I. Staley, K. of R. and S. Foresters of America Court (Hum wood Foresters No. 19. Meeti Wn day In Turner block. H. G Meyer, C. R.; A. L. Brown, Sec, Modern Woodmen of America On gon Cedar Camp No. 6246. Mtt) every Thursday ovenlng at 8 o'cleel Holman Hall, E. E. Matten, 1 C; A. L. Brown, Clerk. Hop Baskets. Hop Baskets. All kinds of baskets. Hold your orders for Walter Mor ley, CO Court street, Salem. wATE.R c-0M.p-AfjY- SALEJH WATER COMPANY OFFICE CITY HALL. For water service apply At offlc Bills payable monthly In adranw Mae all complaints at the office. SUMMER SCHOOL The first term of the Capital Summer Normal opens May 2d, and will continue eight weeks. Tho second term opens June 27th, to continue untlll tho August exams. Classea will bo formed in all the branches required for State and county papers, and in Latin, Stenography aud Type-writing. Address J. J. Kraps, Supt. E. T. Moores, Prof. Matthews. 1 1 H IB I II 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 fl 1 1 1 1 1 144 i : Violin, Mandolin and Guitar. . ' ! ! Thorough Instructions. Pupils '. ', 1 prepared for clubs, recitals and ', ' entertainments. Special terms ' ' to pupils starting now. Private . , lessons COc, Class lessons 2Cc. , , ) ) Club rehearsals free. ) I ; 8IDNEY HAYE8, ', ', ; ; 101 Commercial Streot ; ; ' 'l i I IHHII I M III I II t-HHK HHIHHIIIOHIIIIIIHII G. F. Mason Miller street. South Salem PHONE 2191 Red. 'HI WHO CAHMOT BE OUKEO. So uniformly successful hu Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription proven lu all forms )f Female Weakness, Prolapsus, or Falling of Womb, and Leucorrhea, that, after over a third of a century's experience in curing thd worst cases of these distressing and debilitating ailments, Dr. Pierce now feels fully warranted in offering to pay $500 in cash for any case of these diseases which he cannot cure. It Stands Alone. The "Favorite Pre scription" stands alone, as the one and only remedy for these distressingly com mon tonus of weakness, possessed of such positively specific curative properties as to warrant its makers in proposing-, and binding themselves to forfeit, as we, tle undersigned proprietors of that wonderful remedy hereby do, to pay the sum of $500 in legal money of the United States in any case of the above diseased in which after a fair and reasonable trial of our treatment, we fail to cure. No other medicine for the cure of woman's peculiar ailments is backed by such a remarkable guarantee ; no other medicine for woman's Tils is pos sessed of the unparalleled curative prop erties that would warrant its manufacturer in making such an offer ; no other remedy has such a record of cures on which to base such a remarkable offer. Therefore, insist on having Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription and turn your back on any nnscrupulous dealer who would insult your intelligence by attempting to foist upon you some inferior substitute, under the plea that "it Is just as cood." Insist on having the article which lias a record of a third of a century of cures and which is backed by those willing to forfeit $500 if they cannot cure you. In canes attended by a leucorrheal drain a solution of Dr. Pierce's Lotion Tablets should be used conjointly with the use of the "Favorite Prescription." They are sold by all druggists, or sent post-paid to any address, on receipt of as cents in stamps. Send 31 cents in stanips for Dr. Plerce'a Common Sense Medical Adviser. Address World's Dispensary, Buffalo, N. Y. Weak and Bick women are Invited to consult Dr. Pierce, by letter, free. AH correspondence is held as strictly private. Address Dr. R. V. Pierce, Buffalo. N. Y. Dr. Pierce's Pellets cure biliousness. COURT ALLOWS CLAIMS Russell, C. W., labor f 11.00 Stephens, Orovor, labor 1.50 Anderson, Q. W. supervisor acct Burns, Adam, do 84.25 Cutsforth, .1. E.,'clo 111.50 Davidson, W. P., do 115.00 Dormau, M do 93.75 Elgin, Cieo. M., do 23.75 Hobart. A. F do 91.25 Janz, A. P., do 115.10 K03ter, M. D., do' 93.50 Lambert, L. S., do 103.25 Lander, W. W., do 15.00 McKee, Chas. A., do 117.50 Nelft, Henry, do 70.50 Spraguo, II. O., labor 28.50 Spong, J, M., labor 102.00 Staiger, Jacob, labor 3.00 Stauffer,, Samuel, labor C.75 Starr, J.' N., labor 54.00 Strauffer, Wm labor 13.50 Steelhammer, A., labor 3.20 Stewart, W. H.'IJ., labor 4.50 Stone, O. W., labor COO Strode, Wm labor 24.00 Taylor, E. A., labor , 9.00 Baker, O. It, labor 3.00 Temple, H., labor 9.00 Temple, H., labor 12.00 Thomas, Archie, labor 0.00 Thomas, I. D., labor ,33.00 Toewlck, L. T 7.50 Tounsen, James, labor 9.00 Treat, Howard, labor 11.70 Treat, H., labor 3.00 Trice, Thos., labor C.00 Twedd, John, J., labor 3.00 Tucker, A. B. & Sons, labor.. 3.85 Urbahns, Rudolph, labor .... 27.75 Vallet, F. A., labor COO Vallet, John, labor 4.50 Vandorbeck, Jas0 gravel ...... 15.00 Vllllgor, Peter, labor 9.00 Voget Lumber Co., lumber .... 21:GG Wade, R. M. & Co., mds 10.23 Watter, Al., labor 12.00 Radabaugh & Pratt, livery .... 4.00 TtfintRliv. Ivan, labor '. 18.00 ,, , . Ramseyer, C, labor ' 3.00 Randon, G. F., labor .; 3.00 Rapo, ElBWorth)Oabor - 2.25 Rape, T. E., labor 2.00 Ratzburg, J., labor '... 12.00 Ratzburg, Fred, labor ,f..' 18.00 Ranch, John, labor 45.00 Rancher, Andrew, labor 13.50 Roveau, Lewis, labor J.. 3.30 Roveau, Paul, labor .' 8.40 Roveau, Paul, labor ..........' 28.70 Ronlmrdt, John, labor ', Riches, C. II., labor .;.., 7v inn . 15.00 Olfsen, Martin, labor i,,e C7.G0 Opsund, Theo., laborL-.i 9-00 Orr, R. H labor .,..: ,. 8.40 Orr, R. H.,. labor, ..'....A.... 2(5.13 Orroy, R. J! labor ,.v 2.00 Osterman, W labor ..T.: 1C.00 Otjen, Hormau, labor 12.00 Pac. States T. & T. Co. phone at crusher 1.50 Pate, Frank, labor 9.75 Pendleton, D. E., labor .. .... C6.00 Petzol, Jos., labor 10.88 Pohlo & Bishop, plates, otc. .. 11.50 Porter, Frank, labor 22.50 Pollratz, O. E., labor 7.50 Prulttl Egbert, labor 1200 Rabens. W. H., labor 3.00 Zlromorroan. C. C, labor 3.00 Zoesel, Waltor, labor 9.00 Zuber, Martin, labor ........ 4.50 Adams, L. J., labor ........ . C4.99 Barrty, Willie, labor 160 Budd, Geo., labor . .1, ,. . .. 9.20 allien, Patrick, Iumb&r J. jt,.X 31.34 Gooding, John N?, labor ...I'.V .10.25 Herrlck, B. B , Jr., sotting grade etc. 58.00 Hicks, J. A., labor ...$.... 10.00 Mlley, Wm road Inspection . . 34.05 Needham, I. C, road Inspeqtion 44.75 Potter Clyde, steering emglne on; grado ..". '.'.(...:! 1.50 Russe.11. S. H., labor . , . . s, ... t 4G.00 RuseqU, H. L labor ir'-00 Russell, C. It, labor, .v.n.t.Tf.SCV)0 Ward, M labor'f .?V.....jf.f.'8.00 Walbel, Mat, labor 1.50 Walker, M. B., labor 1G.50 Walker, C. V.. lumber 3.80 WatTter, Francis, labor t 3.00 Welch, W. F., hauling powder. . 1.50 Weller Bros,, labor 27.70 Whlteaker, D. F., labor ....... 9.87 Whltaker, F. L 7.50 Whltaker, II. C, labor ....... . 15.00 Whltaker, F. P., labor 21.00 Whitney, Honesty, labor 13.50 Whitney, G. B., labor . . .- 1 7.50 Wood, F. A., labor ' 1.50 Wood, Earl, labor ." 3.00 Wray, C. M., labor 5.25 Scholl, David, labor 24.00 Short, H., labor 8.00 Short, J. F., supervisor's acct.. 12.50 Shaw, D. W., labor 7.G0 Shaw, D. W., labor 27.20 Shaw, Harry, labor 3G.C0 Shultz, L. II., labor 19.50 Sliver, W. W.. labor COO Slewert, A. D labor 3.00 Slewert, Ed., labor .13.00 Simmons, Earl, labor 18.00 Smith, Chester, labor 10.85 Smith, Lester, labor 41.25 Snyder, Israel, labor 27.00 Snyder, A. C, labor 12.00 Sorensen, B. P., labor 3.50 Rltzlger, Nick, labor 3.00 Robertson, Clarence, labor .... 12.00 Robertson, C. H., labor 21.00 Robertson, J. N., labor 3.00 Robertson, A. E., labor 43.50 Robins, W. R., labor 12.00 Rogers, J. P., labor C7G Rossell, Chas, labor 3.00 Russell, S. E., labor : 7.00 Sagsvold, H. L., labor 0.00 Schmidt, Jas., labor COO Sandblas, Lawrence, labor .... 7.50 Scott, John H exponses In In specting road, etc 9.05 Solfer, Stevls, labor 3.00 Seres, Nlckolas, labor 3.00 Shephard, M. G., labor 3.00 0 Patent Medicines. A man that compounds or Invents somothlng that is Just a little bettor than tho next best thing, Is certainly entitled to the best sharo of tho profits to bo derived from tho sale of the article. So ho patents or copy rights to protect his Interests. Pat ented goods are' good goods, poor goods aro never patented. Wo have 20 years of trial behind us to give us tho assuranco that wo have tho best medlclno compounded for tho cure of dyspepsia, slcli headache, billions ne3s, Indigestion and all stomach dis orders. We protect tho public as well as ourselves by keeping tho formula a .secret, as long as wo make It wo know It Is made right and It euros these diseases. Druggists toll us that It Is tho ono medlclno that tho Bale is ever on tho Increase. To got tho best remedy for dyspepsia or indi gestion ask the druggist for Dr. Gunn'fl Improved Liver Pills, prlco 25c per box, only ono for a dose. For sale by Dr. S. C. Stono, druggist. o For $60 We are offering during our special midsummer salo o,ur regular ?7G buggy for G0. Mitchell, Lewis & Stavor Company, Salem branch. fi-30-tt o O -3l 19 "OP o n x ua. . Stan ti t"a m oa llan wnj'5 Dgu6nl Slgaatnr ifm& of nm ion n hh 1 1 n hit;; j ! German Market ! next door to Harrltt & Law ; ! ! renco Grocery. ; 8AVE MONEY '. ; ; Dest cuts of fresh meat, 5 to ; 10 centa per pound. ; I! MILLER &. BECK, Proprietors "mm minimi Hum IIUIE WING SANG CO. Great sale of Chlneso and Japanese fancy goods. Wo also make up all kinds of wrappers and waists, under wear and skirts, dents' and ladles' furnishing goods, silks, laces and em broideries. All kinds of summer oodr matting, etc. Court street, corner c slier. Salem PILES B' iuPPOSltorfl U. t m i iUUi Ut Wtm," bf f . K, lurW. I btNlMI.V T,.llU TtrilllfWMlllU-l cmima." vr H u. uuio. uhumii. Tt.L. trv t wia fflfUH w .ui. .... Ri.. ft. i.u mn1 n. faw. M Owm. Kulw Vim. I Ifltnitittf. MARTIN Utior, UMCATt. M. CU for Trm tHaylw. Tho Kind You Havo Always in uso for over 30 years, and lbrT7if,s sonnlsuPorvisIon slrtco its Infancy. r, t-C&ccsU&i Allow no ono to dccolvo you In this. All Counterfeits, Imitations and "Just-as-good" aro hub Experiments that trlilo with and endanger tho health of Infants and Children Experience against Experiment What is CASTORIA Onstoria .is a harmless snhstituto for Castor Oil, Paro- ' gorlc, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is Pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic substance. Its ago is its guarantee It destroys Worms and allays Fovorlshncss. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colic. It rcliovcs Teething Troubles, cures Constipation and Flatulency. It assimilates tho Food, regulates tho Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. Tho Children's Pauacca Tho Mother's Frioud. GENUINE CASTORIA Soars the OSSr The KM You Haie Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years. THt eiNTAun oompanv, tt huhhay tikct, ntw vork orrv. mm wMHww8tttttf Do What We Claim We guarantee sufficient proof that Dr. J. F. Cook the Botanical Doctor cures all kinds of diseases after all other schools and doctors have failed, such as cancer, tumors, (external and Internal) Gravel kidney, bone diseases. Consumption, gall stores; rhjoumatlsn, dropsy, and dlabets, appendicitis have never yet failed, and fomars diseases, all the foregoing wlthuot the knife, or plaster or poisons, and with no pain to the patient whatever. Testimonials of prominent people. D. J. F. Cook 301 Liberty St., Formerly of WWf WlMWWMMHlMllt ft Xr J& lATjg ,,n .ftRrrK w -W WJ ' m 'ffi mtisw W -mk Tit. Ilcalh A Mllll?n Paint conn bulkjlnfi W vtV HEAraa MilligAn m . laUy Savage & Fletche Di wumtitnnwnniaiaunnuMtx miwiwibhhh ::::t:A G E N I BALFOUR, GUTHRIE & CO. ; fiRAINBOTlBB AND Oats OOF GROWERS SUPPLIES. I J. G. Graham, Agent, wwwinnmwiMiimtwiimifiiiiiiw HMHIMIMMIIIIIIIIIIIIMIMMIHIHIIMIHMIII Have You Ever Ordered Your Groceries from Hatfitt 8c Lawrence ff nnf vriMt flrA AivftV TiAiln1 ways glad'to bob new patrons, and luuro uiau yicttutu. xvu nm uuu and Ferry streets. MMiiMttiiitieittiaiieitiiiiiiiiyw Bought, and which 1ms been has homo tho signature of has been inado under his pcr ALWAYS Signature of Consultation free. Salem, Oregon. I Omaha, Net?. Rests on 5 yearsiof successful businessw Toserve you when JY Covers a mult! tude of sins nu itctpt in.m rrom atctjr, CttAbllihcil 1831. MMiG. cmcAdi C Y O Fm::: SHIPP2R8Qy GRAIN it For Sale. Crude tad stick Sulchur. 'i 207 comercui ., siiinv o. !i I! tliA llmntt YTrtWAVAP. rtlAV AFA ml. 9 If you call on thom, you will bo lucui v uie vuuv v uuuiiuvtvuu m msA A l 8; m m 9 m m 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9