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About Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919 | View Entire Issue (July 9, 1904)
DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM, OREGON, 8ATUnDAY, JULY 9, 1904. RUSSIA'S FIGHTING ARMY Estimate of Strength of the Czar's Forces in the East London, July 9. According to tho latent estimate of the available fight ing strength at General Kuropatkln's command It Is Improbablo, after allow ing for lossej already sustained, casu i ultles and! 111. that tho Russian com 1 mandor-ln-chlef can dispose of moro than 94,000 bayonets and sabres, with 2G3 field guns. His force can hardly on a liberal calculation, exceed 100.- r 000 Jnfantry, 300O engineers, 10,000 Cossacks and 311 field guns. With this number General Kuropat kin has to retard tho Japanese ad vance and defend tho long line from Nlu-Chwang to Slamatse, on tho road to.Mukflen from tho Yalu river, In or I der to keep his lino of communica tions open along the Trans-Manchur- : Ian railway to Harbin, COO miles from I the sea. This army forms the main group of tho Russian forces. It consists of ; 63 batalllons of the East Siberian j Hies, of tho soenth, second, third, fifth sixth and ninth divisions, 1G batalllons of tho tenth and seven teenth arniV corps and 48 batalllons of Siberian Infantry, or a total of 127 ibatallons, with 41 batteries of field and two machine guns. The second group Is that of General jStoessol, Intrusted with the defense j of Port Arthur, consisting of tho '4th I division, three infantry regiments and tho seventh division, the total male- Sing- probably about 28,000 of the land army, allowing for sick and a loss of 2000 at Kin-Chow. With 10,000 sail ors his combative strength should, be 38,000 men, with somo 5a field guns and four hundred siege guns, besides naval ordinance. Tho third and lost group of the Russian forces In the field la that of the troops assigned! to Vladlvostock, consisting of the eighth division, and fortress troops, and a number of Cos1 sacks raiding In northern Corea. These are under tho command of Goneral Llijovltch, nnd1 In number probably do not exceed 12,000. Tho Russian staff has arranged for tho despatch of JG2.000 mon and 83, 000 tons of stores during ,thp six months from May to Octohor, a monthly supply of 27,000 men and 13, 883 tons of stores. With' tho most favorablo circumstances and tho un hampered uso of tho Trans-Siberian railway, it seems improbablo that General Kuropatkln within tho next few weeks can oppose anything like equal numbors of the Japanese armies attacking him. Sura Cure for Piles. Itching piles produco moisture and cause Itching, this form, as well as Blind, Bleeding or Protruding Piles aro cured by Dr. Bo-san-ko's Pile Remedy. Stops itching and bleeding. Absurds tumors. COc a Jar at drug gists, or sent by mall. Treaties free. Wrlto me about your case. Dr. Bo sanko, Phlla., Pa. For sale by Dr. S. C. Stone, druggist. o New Dentist. Dr. Kelty extracts and fills teeth ab solutely painless, by a new process All work guaranteed for five yeara Gray building. Phono Main 1G17. OASTOHIA. Bwith yTh8 Kind You llaia Always Bought Blgofttnra of ThsKInilYt W5& FERRY STREET FAIRY Jumped In the Fiver Because She Was Not Merry A Ferry street '"fairy" took a plunge In tho Willamette yesterday, and If hor "lover" had not arrived Just In tlmo Goroner Clough would have bad a second-class Inquest on his hands. The woman' had had a quarrel with her lover during the day, and she determined to end her miserable ca reer on this earth. Down to the riv er she hurried, but she met a. man on tho street, and, woman-like, she told him what she Intended to do. He gave tho alarm, and ' the Ro man's companion followed her, reach ing tho river after she had made the plunge. Ho quickly rescued her, and was brought back to her hovel. . Sho soon recovered, nnd was on, tho street during tho evonlng. John Redmond to Attend. New York, July 9. Great prepara tions aro being made for tho Irish convention which Is to be held hero next month. John Redmond and sev eral members of the parliamentary party aro expected to nttend. Th United Irish League, under whoso aus pices tho gathering will Jako place, has made arrangements for a great public meeting on August 28 at Car negie. Mu3ic Hall. The local commlt toe on arrangements Is composed of many prominent mon, clerical and lay and it Is said that this will bo ono of the most Important events In Irish American circles in many years. SEVEN iftfciuiimi PASTOR JUMPS FLOCK Actions of California Minister Caused a Shock Oakland, July 9. The officials of tho Plymouth avenue Congregational church have a3 yet taken no judicial notice of the disappearance of their pastor, Rev. Charles Wayland Hoag, and his rumored departure with Mrs. William Nelson Benedict, who until a fortnight ago was a member of tho church' chlor They have, howover, Irifo'nnaily discussed tho fact that tho nnmC'df the pastor has been coupled with that of Mrs. Benedict, but they hold 'that, Inasmuch as they granted hlnf a month's leavo of absenco, that ho-has a perfect right to go whoro ha pleases, and, If he sees fit, to refrain from advising them as to his where abouts. For this reason they 'say that they have not undertaken any investiga tion of the informal charges male against their pastor. At a mooting holci'last ovonlng tho subject was In formally discussed, and Benedict, though? not a member of tfiq, church, was present at tho meeting, Just what najnre the discussion look Ben edict, as well as tho trustees, .decline to state. Benedict declines to an swer direct questions as to whether ho has any posltlvo Information as to the whereabouts of his wlfo, and Inci dentally Pastor Hoag. Ho declares that he has no Interest In locating Mrs. Benedict except that ho may per sonally serve her with a copy of tho divorce complaint which ho recently ti TO ST. LOUIS' (' AND THE WORLD'S FAIR Travel via Denver and the Burlington Route to St. Louis if you want an interesting, comfortable and safe journey. The Burlington is the only railroad running its own trains over its own rails all the way from Denver to St. Louis. Fast time, clean and comfortable cars, obliging employes, good meals in dining cars at moderate prices. Let me give you detailed information about the trip. Write your name and address here. Name Address . Then cut out this ad today and mail to NB7. A. C. SHELDON. GENERAL AQCNT BURLINQTON ROUTE. 100 THIRD STRICT. PORTLAND, ORE. filed In the superior court of this county. As for Hoag, ho Insists that ho Is not trying to locate him oxcopt that his location might dead to the discovery of Mrs. Benedict. Benedict has, sinco tho disappearance of Mrs. Benedict and Pastor Hoag, held a number of conferences wjth Mrs. Hoag, who Is as much in the dark, or at least professes to bo, as is Benedict regarding the whereabouts of her reverend spouse. Sho Is still living In tho parsonage, Just back of tho church, and Intends to stay there for tho tlmo being, -at least. Sho pro-; fosses to bollovo that her husband Is' resting somewhere far from tho' nialla" and dally papers, and that at tho ox plratlon of hie furlough ho will roturn to hid chargo and td her. b w ak HMMP9toflP4ttMW0l',dMBWHta0MBMPnrtPMP,tffegdPIdMW,MiV14MMV4V gan. UHkWKKMMMkBMkHMKnhiHkflMb.Mittfl&.MiteM.ttMh. aMHLa! Mid-Summer Sale of Buggies 3 D '4 6fa 8 V Will Continue Another Week. Surries, Runabouts, Road Wagons and all Pleasure Vehicles Every Job Reduced; GOOD BUGGIES AT THE PRICE OF CHEAP ONES. - , r. REAL BARGAINS ,S HMo Vf tiMira ') ? " lii honest values for a short time, to clean up after the spring trade and prepare for fall stock. $ 75 Buggies for - $60.00 $ 45 Road Wagonsfor$37.50 $((0 Bike Wagon for $95.00 $100 Road Wagonsfor$85.00 Seven Styles of Hacks Five Styles of Surries 25 Styles of Top Buggies Six Styles of Road Wagons Six Styles of Runabouts TOP BUGGIES AT BIG REDUCTIONS. No shoddy, worthless stock. All good reliable work; built especially for this trade. Will be sold for a short time at prices below those usually asked for cheap trash or qualities we do not handle. ALL AT GREATLY REDUCED PRICES J BUY H5H!IL:B TMjB S AL13 13 OK. CALL EARLY AN 33 GET FIRST PICK. MITCHELL, LEWIS & STAVER CO. F. E. CARY, Manager, 51 State Street, Salem, Oregon. IMPLEMENTS, VEHICLES, BICYCLES, HARNESS. A Stylish Rtmabocst at a Low Price. 1 m m i 1 1' f i S0SiSSSS&JiSuJs!3 i