Image provided by: University of Oregon Libraries; Eugene, OR
About Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919 | View Entire Issue (July 8, 1904) W$W3t'iM sAfei 'r. rlAl aix DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, 8ALEM, OnEOON, FRIDAY, JULY 8, 1904. a "" It tells of Inflammation in the y . on Gfi throat brnchial tubes r Iun8s j Ayers inerry rccjorai quiets hr irritation, heals tne oruisea mcmDranes. iuui uuwui will explain. He knows. Trust him. J.O.AyirCo., XOTrtll, i NEWPORT CROWD GROWS What the Editor Sees at the ;Farnbus Summer Resort (Editorial Correspondence ) Newport, July 7. A boatload of pas sengers was added to the Newport beach crowd last night, and tho cot' (ages, hotels and camping places are rapidly filling up. Tho flrst arrivals of tho Eugene col ony Indlcafo a larger crowd than usual this year from tho University City, president Campbell has been a stead iest rnen a of Yaquina Bay. Tho llfesavlng crow has regular ap paratus and beach drill Wednesdays anil Thursday, But these drills are off whon It Is foggy, as tho crow then pa trols tho beach. John Howell and family and Miss Nancy Baker are at tho old Howell seaside cottage, Mr. Howell Is one of tho best posted fishermen among tho summer visitors.. He has mado eomo great catches of kelp and sea bass. Rock cod and channel cod aro bo Ing caught In Yaquina Bay earlier than usual, as they do not run much before August. The supply of perch, flounders and kelp In the bay Is bet ter than last year. H. C. Paulsen and wife, Minnesota; Clyde Kelty, McCoy; J. Syd McNalr, Ashland: Ira Ham Tillamoek: Eric Anderson, Seattle, are recent arrivals. The Misses Jennie, Lou and Carrie Ooode, of Salem, havo a cottage at Nye Creek. Tho northwest winds have abated and surf bathing and beach wading are becoming more popular. The low tides about noon make the walk around Newport head and to the light houso very pleasant. Tho young man who lues the butt end of a cano fish pole to walk around with Is becoming more numerous. Bridal couples aro quite plenty. A fa vorite amusement of some of the com mercial travelers Is to snap a pocket jeloclrlc searchlight on them when the train Is at the darkest fart of the tun nel. Wo enjoyed a delightful sail -with Captain Olson up to Yaquina and back Wednesday. The bay Is one of the finest sailing waters In the world, and Captain Olsen has handled everything affoat from a three-master down. E. HOFER. SUICIDES WERE PLENTY Record Is Startling for Past Few Months in New York more than anything else, Is, will It bo possible to put the hotel on a paying basis? Many hotelmen strongly doubt this and express tho belief that tho hotel will probably prove a very expensive plaything for Mr. Astor. James Morgan Smith, the brother-in-law of Nan Patterson, the chorus HH rhnrcpd with the murder ot Caesar Young, has been heard from. After successfully escaping the de tectives, who had been sent to Wash ington and' Philadelphia, to arrest him on suspicion of being Implicated In the crime. Mr. Smith sent a letter to the counsel of Miss Patterson, In which he states that he will come port In large quantities, but notwlth- f0invard at the proper time to testify standing their watchfulness they n the case. He denies that he pur never succeeded In finding positive chased the pistol, which caused proofs, until one day last week. It, Young's death. It Is reported that Is not aulte clear whether the treas-' smith's ruifn mnw mar Ma rafnsni ury agents had received a pointer or to appear as witness for Nan Patter whether they merely had a partlcular-'scm, has separated from him. ly strong suspicion on general prln-i clpals, at all events, when the The order of Secretary Conelvou. to THEFIRSTSTEP Toward recovering your health Is made when you commence taking Hostetter's Stomach Bitters. Io re stores the stomach to a normal condi tion, corrects the liver, promotes tinwnl rmnilnrltv And IndllPfiS sleel). Doctors endorse and recommend it. I It always cures Vomiting, Bloating, Dizziness, Cramps and Malaria, Fever and Ague. Try one bottle and be con vinced of Its value. HOSTETTER'S STOAUCH BITTERS New York, July 8. The date for the formal opening of the subway has finally been set for September 1. The completion of the enormous undertak ing has been delayed so often by various causes, that the public finds it hard to take the announcement of the management seriously. It Eeems, that even the management does not feel quite certain of being able to keep its promise and made the an nouncement In a conditional form. saying, the subway would be opened steamer Indrawadi came Into port re-Inspect all excursion steamers em- rn Cantarntim. 1 AWtMo.1 nn cfrllAa thn nfhnt- ilnw a rwl nloAfarl ia tvnnt. ... .. .. .., i .. w,vv....uw ., ,,.u,.u,.u .. u, ..... ..,... u, ,u t.tweu . mour pioyeu in1 mis uisinci, nas causeu would interfere with the work of com- fested cargo, the treasury agents Je- consternation among the government pletlng the ta3k. The work Is one elded, to make a search of the steam- insnpr-tnrQ nmi nmvm-fni nnnneltinn In . . .. . . . . ' ' "'' 01 iremenaous maKmuiae ana imnor- tane and will not be fully appreciated until later on, when It Is In full opera tion. Very few people In New York have a clear Idea of the extent of A WOMAN TO BE PRETTY Slnt nave Luxuriant nnd Gloy Blair, No Matter What Color. The finest contour of a female face, the sweetest smile of a female mouth, loses something If the head Is crowned with scant hair. Scant and falling, hair, it Is now known, Is caused by a parasite that tiiirrnim Intn thl flnnln in thn rnnf tt th hair, where It saps tho vitality. Tho lit tie wnite scajes me germ inrows up in burrowing aro called dandruff. To euro dandruff permanently, then, and to stop falling hair, that germ must be killed. Ncwbro's Herplclde, nn entirely now re sult of the chemical laboratory, destroys the dandruff germ, and, of course, stops the falling hair, and prevents baldness. Sold by leading druggists. Send 10c. in stamps for sample to Tho Herplcldo Co Detroit, Mich. rKnlel .1 ' Snpcls.1 Aennt Jr JL ff "kw I fcBB? er for contraband. The result of their brought to bear upon tho government to prevent the execution of that or- search fully confirmed1 their susplc Ions and proved even more remuner ative than they had expected. Hid der. Although the order was quite premptory, no steps were taken by mhyi Pay high rates for insurance on un. izposed dwellings Tho old line comnanfoa rhurmi m 3 for 600 of Insurance, whllo lor 75 cents yearly you get the mmo amount ur uwuuunga int-innor ol tne Oregon Fire Relief Association ol McMinnville, Ore. A home company working for home Insurance on a liotne plan. Let tne toll jou about It! H. A. Johnson, Murphy Blk. aunt. Heid office rtcMlnnvllle, Orerea. y mas w etg i So-Bos-So Keeps the lies ol. Makes More milk and more money. We cell it in any quantity desired, We have sprayers to apply it with, Mole and gopher traps and guns that kill the varmint ID. A. White& Son PEEDMEN & SEEDSMEN SALEM, OREGON 30 1 Commercial St. Phone i 78 t the undertaking and of the enormous difficulties which had to be overcome. Up to the present time the citizens havo only become acquainted with the disagreeable features of the work. tho blockading of streets In conse quence of the excavations necessary along the route of the subway. It Is safe to say, however, that they will soon forget these petty annoyances when they begin to reap the fruits of tho enormous undertaking and rapid transit becomes more than a mere dream of the future. I I ) i ii Improved Perfection Tins I The Improved Tins haye the Patented Groove ana will not leak batter. Other kinds are j useless. For rich, delicate cakes always use I the improved Perfection Tins. I IggSgggP" BBKGI I R. WT W4A jk "V I -st ! TT CwVfO ULi VjII. w "- -w n The unusually great number of sui cides, commltteed In this city during tho past few months has attracted the attention of the authorities and a movement Is under way, to enact such laws as will make at least onn mothod of self-destruction moro diffi cult to accomplish. Statistics' show that during the year 1003 no less than 337 persons committed suicide with carbolic acid'; next In- number came 153 who ended their lives by shooting themselves; 131 died by asphyxiation; 67 by hanging; 45 by cuttlnir tholr den away In the crew's quarters and the inspectors office, to obey the com behind false partitions they dis- mand. It is said that the heads of covered dozens of cases with .Tana- t.h nfflrn went tn WaMntnn t nose silks, bronzes, pottery and curios ' use every means for preventing' the in all representing over $8000. Ono onfntmpnt nf tho nrrior Tho vnri. of the strangest features of the dls-'ous steamship companies, running covery was that neither the officers excursion steamers about New York, nor any member of the crew was able are maklnir the best usp of tho .lavs to enlighten, the treasury officials r p- von thom i, rosinn concerning the owners of the goods ' their steamers and making them more or how they had been smuggled on 'secure against fires and accidents. It """" u'' lo ine Present time no- j3 qUite probable, that, If the re-in-body has claimed the valuable contra- '.spectlon Is delayed much longer, the """" " V I.VUCLLIUU WU UU IIMiri Itir enoli I nr 4hn fnnn.AlH .111 X. .. I .. luouit, ui Lilt? iiiniitrui mil will iim ii i tftTrj&3fifl M k 0RHXPN Three Trains to the East Dally. Through Pullman standard and tourist sleeping cars dally to Omaha, Chicago, Spokane; tourist sleeping cars dally to Kansas City; through Pullman tourist sleeping cars (per sonally conducted) weekly to Chica go; reclining chair cars (Beats froe) to tho East dally. 70 " HOURS v PORTLAND TO CHICAGO No Cause e of Cars 70 DKPAKT FOB TIMB SCHEDULES From Portland, Or, ARR1VH FROM a reasonable time and the government. then sold by THE RFW i CanfeehadatFRIEDMANS i Whv. h.. ,. .. , ...... : m- - Bull rV. ii a " 0, HU' Trunk8 Telescopei, Drew flu ln ' Und0rwer- Q'lt. Overall,, Notion, etc. flulU In many store, for 15 and J18 so at .B . Suit, worth I1S.S0 aro .old for.. ,9 nml ,10 SulU worth 8 00 are wld for ' ,750 ltat. .11 ....i .. IKftfl Dustora worth 11.00 sold for " l k Prlco I 76o ovoralln and coats go at i7c t I I'aoMo Ooast ovmlls told at G7c S Oollam worth lo sou f, c S A flno line of atKMlM are soid'at" 9c SuBwufor. worth Mo to 36c aro solVat 19 " NuiU worth ?1)5 to U0 sell at 19c Hoys' suit, for ao 6 to 9 nll at 9Tc lUrgalrui in towels, table covom '. " ". ". J A Kood ...ort. of pur fL S': " JwnolU and tationjnr . wirs, raaow. onp. 85c box, papor and ni0pM are w!(l at WHERE? WW,T i JEsxjM:A.3xr' j...-. estate street. H -- Iff T1. ----,- throats; 10 by drewnlnc: 7 enoh hv pans green nnd raorpnlne. There seems to bo a kind1 of fascination In carbolic acid as a means of slf.ri. structlon and even the most harrowing reports in tho paners about tho .. onles suffered by persons who had selected tho carbolic acid route to the Breiu ueyond. do not seem to have any deterring offect. The principal reason for the preference which is glvon carbolic acid, consists undoubt edly In tho fact, that tho io., i cheaply and easily secured. Any child can go to nlmost any drugstore and obtain onough carbolic acid to MH a full grown person. The statis tics for tho flrst ouartor of iho r. ent year show a startling incroaso In the number of suicides Uv mn. ,. wrooiic acid nnd tho health nuthorl ties will domand the passago of an amondmont to the statute, whloh will place restrictions nnnn ,ho -, --- ..,-w.. .,ic oam ui cnruoiie acid. Vhen- completed the Hotel Astor. which Is buldlng now on Forty-second street, will probably be the most costly and luxurious hotel building In the world. The ground alone ronre. sents about one million dollars and the cost of the building, not including the furnishing and interior decora tions will be about ?5,000,-000. Prob ably two more millions will be ex pended on the Interior furnishings. William Waldorf Astor. who Is build. ing tho hotel, has practically dven Icarte blanche to the architects, build ers and decorators and it is said by thoso who are In a position to ludce. that the new hotel will not only be a wonderful beauty, but also be enuln- ped In the most modern manner and as safe as any building can possibly do mado. The license nuestlon Is still unsettled, but it is stated on coort authority, that Mr. Astor has found a way to overcome tho opposition of certain opponents to the granting of practical exoneration of the steamshln companies as well as of the Inspectors. O .L JS F O 3RL X &. . Bean tl ) Tba Kind Yen llarc Always Bought Big nature of nhiMiM Portland IR.I, I.,. v Special Worth, Omaha, Kanaai 9 io a. mio-ity, at. Loan, Cblcago lim ixuufr- lauu JUMl ingron Atlantlo Kzpieta 8:16 p. m. rla Hnnt-InRton lWttHHlll. a liquor license to the new hotel. ' Tho next quostlon, and ono which I tercsts the hotel keepers of this city mky&4rw in i iJrPfr.M lP I St. Panl Fast Hall 7 4S p. ra. via Spokan -alt Lake. DonTnr Ki "ui"', umaiia, nnilNU Cltr, ft. Loqu, Cntcagt) ind Kail. Walla WatllVirtAn Spokane. Wallace. Pull! aum, Mlnneapolii Si. Pnnl. ftnlnfh Mllwan, Ohicaxo, and Kant. 5 24 p ra 9.00 a,-m. 8: ir Ocean and River Schedule. For San Francisco Every five dav at 8 p. m.. For Astoria, way points and North Beach Dally (except Sun day; at 8 p. m.; Saturday at 10 p. m. Daily service (water permitting) oa Willamette and Yamhill rivers. For fuller information ask on writ i your nearest ticket agent, or A. L, CRAIG, General Passenger Agont Tho Oregon Railroad & NnvlimH Co., Portland, Oregon. ' The work on tho now East River bridge, which will be the third to con nect Manhattan with Brooklyn will be gla in a short tlmo. ti, ... !.... ,. " " "HIIRO. the cot at hi. , . . ., . , "" " usumatoa at about $1600.000. will connect Pke Hmn.... ""' WHh Mw,e "venue, "rooklyn. On the .Manhattan side the approach will practically extend to the interwet on of i, i n , . " "" ury anu ,u s.reot. while on tho Brooklyn 0e -u will bdn somewhere between Gold and Prince street. Thtre ar onhliiMr . which was deigned .,' . .7 ' r" 1,a"8. Steel con-1 -i.-uon win n h Summw Excursion Rates and Special Train Service Now On n. ,.,-. Portland and Clatsop Beach. Tho summer schedule of the As toria & Columbia River railroad ha3 been Inaugurated between Portland, Astoria, Gearhart and Seaside. In con- nectlon with special round trip excur slono tickets to all Clatsop and North Beach points, and train leavos Union ' dopot 8 a. ra. dally and runs through direct, arriving at Astoria n-sn m I - ..ww u, ill,, Gearhart 12:20 p. m. and Seaside isiau p. m. , Tho Portland-Seaside viva i. Union depot every Saturday at 2:30 l. iu.. arriving Astoria 5:50 p. m. and runs through direct, arriving t n. hart CM0 p. m. and Seaside C:50 p m In connection with this Improved -wwce. special round trip season tlokots are sold from Portland to all Clatsop and North Boarh ,,omt . rate of M.00 for the round trip, good By the Fruits of Our Labor. Wo aro known to all people of taste In Oregon who havo a horror of cheap and common laundry work. Anything fin ished at our establishment Is as flno as a poet's fancy, having received a touch which may be doscrlbed a3 a. verso form nf linen. Come to us fm- innrwi results, as suggestive of rhs. faction as home sweet home. Salem Steam Laundry '-' :)u Lmertv st. duah. a .. REDUCED EXCURSION ATE8. From S. P. and C. & E. Points to tho Seaside and Mountain Resorts for the Summer. nm.1.,! I. T""" 4U l" rouna trip, jrcod material and oven the tow-, u-i I"?i " r6t.Urn pa8sne October 15, "7' om n'ry. as they are on the other fu i.-i.i..,- ... " - --... UK,, 0Ul of sUe, work, h u m,., .w- ' ,,,D pMionofheUHd,eUrequ,;:fZ rour to six yoars. Atoiaudw Dowl !j,0 ' ". VI1 John stj led Spoclal commutation iv..o i or live round trips, are sold from lortland to same points for ji50o good to return until October 15. Saturday special roim,i t,i.. slon tickets from Portland to all Clat -w u Aonn ueach points on sale 9999999B99999Q9O0 a IT 4t si nat omen It there Is anything you need It Is to remove the deatn-deal. ing Bewer gas from your house. Modem Plumbing KHJoh HI., di.i , i"w' auiuruay at rate of J?sn tnr r, inrrv nnu .A. i .. " T---w twi m New York. aftar ha ....... r ,",rnU trip, good to tho .u ... - "" .ru oere 9 other dav m .,. ... . ro,aB trliJ r."L:ZWUMt9 la uhuk .v wane manner vv tv mriiiiia mi. rrnm c..M.i t Ticket sold from Pnrtin.i . :'... ' Beach ,lnt8 are Issued In connection with I. R. & v. slaamB , . torla and baSgage is transferred to c m wUtim. aw M,UML.!! an,J 'win depot and steamer dock at 1 wtural ckeek in u, le,t. ,,! ! , "a ' of ohar8. and all tickets a. ?;, 7 '"" Port- I wr?s of .. Z, Z -T' "a """reil Street. ore x Bs,ii M. .7 .r:."-"fcfc" a I UTore4 la the i h-,.: 7. JT"?. u0' au filled a -wsswsyau-mHJ .. nm m uuHitmu nn.! K ,.. .T " "" Breve as "" nan exurasjAd v.w, .. aUo to retHfii to Naw w- "w,rwu hu -- vT7? wk wlU " "w w wa aoUier effort to convert the sinful ..w ., ":" Kreat cltj-. ""- w ,a, The treaeenr aii .u- . Ue watc , JTZJZ. "2 to jwevm mutm, for sowe tiI orio.i.1 .ooo. w ,mugg.ed a ' ," KV v"aiw' an North Beach points are interchangtable and will be honored on trains of this company ln olthor direction bu-aa, ..,.. and Astoria. For addtUosal Informal,,,, i., 0. A Stewart. ageBt. US AWer street PorUam.. Oregon, or J. c. Mayl G F- & P. A.. Aefciria, Oregon. Seaside souvenir of 1904 win .TT . 8 ---r - r,. uv miwicu to your address free upon annHcation will do this and give you com fort as well as health. Have your old plumbing Inspected and you may save a heavy bill. BURROUGHS & PRASER 105 State St, 'Phone 1511 Main. ..(WWtaat.0 .niiiiino POMONA and Altona leave for Portland daily except Sun, daY at 7 a. m. Wille for it TEl rr;w 712m Lrssi On and after Juno i ionj i. Southern Pacific, In connection -wita the Corvallls & Easterp reallrlad, will have on sale round trln tlnknt t Points on their lines to Newport, Ya qulna and Detroit at very low rates, good for return until Ontnhm- in. ion , Three-dav tickets to Newport and Yaquina, good going Saturdaya and returning Mondays. ar nic i from all East Side points, Portland to Eugene inclusive and from all West r, P0UUS' onab'lne pooplo to visit their families and spend Sunday at the seaside. Season tickets from nil ... c,a Points, Portland to Eugene, inclusive, and from all West Sldo points, are also on sale to Detroit t oJ, ,. - v tot; jun Mm8n,. th stop-ver Privileges a m 11 City or any point east, enabling tourists to visit the snH,m ., t,.-. tenbush hot springs in tho Cascade mountains, which can be reached In one day. i Season tickets win ho .i ' turn from all nninto ,,nn .- , J fhree-day tickets u-m , ..-. on Saturdays and returning Monlaya onl . Tickets from Portland and vt dnlty will bo nvvi tn ! ... East or West Sldo at option of pas senger. Tickets from Eugene and vr unity will bo good colnc vio . tk. anon-Springfleld branch if desired. Baggage on Newport tickets checked through tO Nwnn,t. ...,. tickets to Yaquina only Southern Pacific trains connect with the C. & e. at Aih -.,. .- for Equina and Newport. Trains on , c- & B. for Detroit will leave A "any at 7 a. m nK,. -..,-.. .- ne not springs to , . ih same day. Full lnformnttnn x- x. ...v v- a. . -mwu ua io rates, wiu beautifully illustrated bookJet of Yt qulna bay ami viin .-v. etc. can bo obtained on application to Edwin Stone, manager 0. & Jt ""iroad, Albany; w. E. Coman, O. P. a.. Southern Pacific company. Port 'and, or to any s. P. or C. & a agent 'WO from Rnlnm f-v xt .enn a e from Salem to Yaquina .... 14.50 "ate from Salem to Detroit ....$3.60 Three-day rate from Salem to wport 3.00 'i A INN