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About Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919 | View Entire Issue (July 7, 1904)
EIGHT Stockton & Co AT THE OLD GREAT EST OF ALL 3 Prices during sale will range from 25c to $3.95 Largest stock of white lawn waists In the city to se lect from. Free Methodist's Quarterly. Quarterly meeting iwvlces will bo hold In tho Free Methodist church, In North Salem, commencing FrIJay, July 8th, at 8 p, in., and continuing over Sunday, conducted, conducted by Dintrict Bldor W. I'earco. SEASONABLE GOODS. BINDING TWINE MACHINE OIL8 PAINTS AND 0IL8 HAY CARRIERS PULLEYS AND DLOCKS HAY ROPE JONES MOWERS JONE8 RAKE8 LEAVER DINDER8 DRIVING BUGGIES MOLINE WAGONS TENTS AND CAMP CHAIRO PORKS AND RAKE8 WE HAVE THEM. MANNING & FERGUSON SALEM, OREGON. in f atn Best work at honoit prices. Tiro, Rims, Coaster Brakosand All othor repairs. All work ful ly guaranteed. Free nr In connection. f. J. MOORE. it W " " -- m (mniMtHMattiMf Money to Loan THOMAS K. FORD. Orcr Udd ft Bush's Bank, Salem. Or """ '' 1 1 1 1 1 i i ' .. - j I Coachelia Cantaloupes FINER THAN SILK-awpctcd -.j... . I : Tho -MMIMAID BRAND" I, the Ins markets and grocers. ' "" """ aSJS&SWSS& Sole ARets. f 1IMIII1II I HI I I I . .... rnwuuutMB- ASSOCIATION. piiimtHwWwt.HwwwiWwm TWJ WILL NEVER KNOW I What comfort in eye glasses I TAlTTl -.- wv aup luc annoyance, can't come off ! INVISIBLE BIFOCAL LENSES Toricfc and other improved lenses, in fact wc arc p to the moment Opticians and hav'e tho! " " ,Uy wouraD"y cases. Chas. H. WHITE CORNER EVERY WAIST IN THE STORE REDUC'D ales MARRIED. DONCASTBR SHORT. Miss Goldio Beatrice Short and Mr. C. H. Don castor, of Abordeen, Washington, wero married at the residence of the bride's, parents, Rev. and ,Mrs. Wm. Short, of this city, yesterday at 12 o'clock. Rov. Short, the brldo's fathor, performed tho cere mony In tho prosonce of a few rela tives nni friends. They left yesterday for a wedding trip among tho Sound cltlos, after which they will make their future home In California. o British Losses Light Gyangtse, July 7. The British cas ualties on tho Thibetans wero one of ficer and three men kllle.l. four of. i , fleers and 23 men wounded. The ene- linys losses wero very heavy. MMM i at Gold Dust Flout Mado by THE SIDNEY POW ER COMPANY, Sidney, Ore gon. Made for family use. Ask your grocer for It Bran and shorts always on hand. P. B. Wallace AGENT f (MMM HIMtMl IB a. Wanted: f ROYAL ANNI CHERRIES i$ Highest cn-h price paid for Royal Ann Cherries, at James M Kylo & Co , 175 Commercial Street. ' IWMMIMI h - H"HI ttlllllimilllDllI Are Now Enough only J,,, l..r.. . Is until yo get and wear - or yr At the most complicated I Hinges, 0A,LY CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM, WILL SMELL SMOKE Series of Sham Battles Will Be Held at the Encamp ment A special from Ameilcan Lake, Washington, says: More than 2000 troops, mostly of the regular army, are now encamped In tho picturesque country about American Lake. Thursday, the open ing day of the big encampment, will hrinir fullv 2000 more men Into the Held, representing the national guards of Oregon, Washington and Idaho. The arrival of these troops and their assignment to quarters will be the signal for the opening of hostilities between the hosts of the bluej and the browns, which are the names under which the men of the flist and second brigades? are to be arrayed against each oijher. Preparations have all been completed for the two weeks of mimic warfare nnd by Saturday every man In camp will bo tasting active service, minus the leaden bullets and the flow of gore. These two element salone will be absent, for there will bo all the noises of war, and all tho hardships of forced marches on short rations and abbreviated sleep will have to be en dured. It Is intended that the men shall know what actual warfare Is, and that the officers may derive the benefit of working out Impromptu and perplexing problems In strategy, and In caring for their troops. Four miles of alternately timbered and open land will separate the two armies. The first brigade head quarters are designated as Camp Mur ray, which Is locnted 12 miles south and east from Tacomn. Four miles to tho Eouth and west Is Camp NIsqually. where tho second brigade Is to hold forth. Both camns have Iripni lora. tlons, with plenty of level space for drills and parades, as well as woods, whero tho men may rest in the shade during tho rare moments not taken up oy tho multiclpllcity of military du ties. The coolest and most desirable points have been selected as sites for field hospitals. Oregon's troops, which arrive Thurs day afternoon, are to bo divided be tween tho two brigades, although It has been decided that thcro shall be no separation of organizations. All of the Third Oregon Infantry has been assigned to tho second brigade, at Camp Nisminlly. Tho uMn.i. battalions of Oregon Infantry and tho troop nnd tho Oregon field artillery will maneuver with tho first hrimirt The tuo brigades nre made up as fol lows- First brigade, dnslimntai r. ,u blues. Colonel K. S. Godfroy. U. S A cemmanding: Fir8t and second 'baj tnllon of the Nineteenth United States infantry. In command of General Jas. F. Houston; Twenty-sixth battery field nrtlllory. under Captnln Harry" Hawthorne; troop F, Ninth United States cavalry, under Captain H. A. Slebert; detachments of sip-nni ,i hospltnl corps of the romilnr m-, Second Washington Infnntrv w...' Ington signal corps; troop Washington cavalry. Second brigade, doilgnated as the browns. Colonel Chas. R. v0blo m. mandlng: First nnd second hnttnii,, lenin rnlted States Infantry, under Colonel B. n. Ilolten: Eirtith lbm field artillery; troops K and H. Ninth United States cavalry; second com pany of the Instruction hosnitni M,., dotachmontl of signal eorpi; Third Oron Infantry; Second Idaho in fantrj; Oregon hospital corps. HOTELS The Willamette. T M WixxU Portland. John Cordano Portland. John W. Pugh. Portland. W A Cllund. Portland. Thonuu Kan Chicago K M. Human. Taroma. J O Ryan. ilty. D A Mannew, St. Im. nj V. Sfcapro. Sn PrancUco. Uh. Dorca. Uly. K I Hurt. St. Louis. Ca. Hartman. Mugte. C K wniUanw. Sacramento. U . Packara. am Angle. Jim McParland. Saa PrancUco H D. Walker. Sn Francisco. O W Ahford. Portland Ouy Clark, Bakw city. Ru.Mll Wlch. n)tr City " o It put Cascadla Mineral Springs At Cacadia. Onuk . .... . c., an ,uvn, gum. i mtr rewt, a AmA MmBl. "" ; OREGON, THURSDAY, JULY 7, 1904 I I PRINTING FOR EVERYONE We are equipped to care for the corporations In the most satisfactory respectfully Invite correspondence or a personal thnK rnntpmnlatlnc niacins: printing. No matter business, you will receive courteous treatment and every facility of our office will be placed at your disposal. The Gault Printing Company ON TIME Y. M. C A. Building 71 Chemeketa Street MARKET QUOTA TIONS TODAY "Make Salem a Good Home Market" Capital City Mills Quotation. Bryant & Penned, Props. Wheat 77c. Buckwheat 80a Poultry at Stelner. Spring chicken 12lc. Chicken's Sc. Eggs Per dozen, lCc. Market Hop Markat 1926c. Hops Potatoes, Vegetable. Etc potatoes sue. Onions 20. Wood, fence Post. Kte, Second growth $5.75. Aph $3.00 to IS.7D. Grub oak $G.60. Cedar posts 12c. Hide, Pelt and Fur Green Hides, No. 1 Be, Green Hlues, No. 2 4c Call Skins 46c. Bheep 76c. Goat Skins 26c to II M. Qraln and Frour. Wheat, Salem Flouring Mills, port value 70c. Oats Buying, $1.10 per cwt. Barley $21 per ton. Flour Wholesale, 3.75. Live Stock Market Steers 3Vi4c. Cows 3c. Sheep 3c. Dressed pork VA5K, Dressed Veal 56c. Dressed hogs 66c. Live hogs 56J4c Mutton 2 3c. Hay, Fed. Et, Baled cheat $10$11. Baled clover $9. Bran $22.50. Shorts $24.00. Eggs, Butter and Cream. By Commercial Cream Co. Eggs 15c, cash. Butter 22c, wholesale. Butter fat 20c at station. ex PORTLAND MARKET. Wheat Walla Walla, 6769c, Valley 7Sc. Flour Portland, best gtade, S. ?4.06; graham, 13.00$4.00. Oats Cholco white, $1.20. Barley Feed, $23.00 per ton; rolled $24.50(ff$25. Mlllstuff Bran, $19$20. Hay Timothy, $15(g$l6. Potatoes Fancy, 75c.00. Kggs Oregon ranch, ligc. Poultry Chickens, mixed. i?(RM9 per pound; turkeys, UlGc. Pork Dressed, 66c. Beef Dressed. 6M,e. -Veal 67c. Hops 1903 crop, 23c. AVool valley. 19tf20c; Eastern Or-, egon, 10Cl7c; Mohnlr. 30c for choice. Hides dry, 16 pounds and upwards ' IfifPlSHc j Butter Fancy creamery, 20c. ! Reduced Rates to St. Louis Exposition ' The Southorn Paolflp rnmn.n .m ' call rnim.l !.. ill. . t av. ,UUuu mjj uukbis ai greatly re ducod rates to SL Louis and Chicago ou account or the St. Louis exposition on tho following dates June 16, 17, IS; July l. 2. 3.; August S, 9, 10, Sep tember S. 6. 7; October 3. 4.5. Going trip must bo comnlotart with. in 10 days from date of sale, and una. tsengars will be permitted to start on any day that will enable them to reach their destination within ,., ten-day limit. Return limit an ri.v. not later than Docembr 31, 1904. or tun information as to rata n,i routes call on agent of S. P. Co., at Salem. ortDw BORN. printing of individuals, firms and and up-to-date manner. We interview with how small your EVERY TIME. SALEM OREGON Phone 2824 PARKER NOT NOW UNWASHED Took Both in Hudson and No One Watched Him Bsopus, N. Y July 7. Judge Park er this morning stole a march on the curious, and took his plunge In the Hudson at an earlier hour than usual. At 7 o'clock, when several visitors ap peared, the candidate was dressing for breakfast, after which he took an half hour's gallop over the Esopus lanes. After 9 o'clock he was Invis ible to callers, remaining In the house all morning at work of a private na flit. ThQ Nn.n D vn.itl l..mrl. n bllShAl Of letter nf nH,l,.nn TTn to 11 o'clock Parker received no tele grams from St. Louis. This afternoon he was engaged for several hours with the photographers from New York. o RIVER GIVES UP its dead (Continued from first page.) of work, in securing the body so promptly. This Is the 90th body he has taken from a watery grave, and he says that he has never failed to find one that he searched for. It certain ly must be a great source of satisfac tion to Mr. Rotan's family that his body has been so promptly recovered. The body shows no perceptible signs oflnjury, except a slight abrasion of FRANK DAVEY Notary Public; conveyancing and examining titles. Life, health ind accident insurance Room 9, Odd Follows building, opposite Court House. Clearing . ' vtBMfrjmm i j -jumu3 Jtuwmmmoijrs&?- Wednesday and TWsday "oax standard porcales, yd n. o,o . ' " rsc "-v o a-oc apron gingham, yd . . 5C nest 75c taffeta silk, yd .. iSc Summer wash goods, half price! Clearing prices on laces and on broideries. 36c cream wool voile, yd .. i9o 36o silk chiffon, yd .. ' " 45c Crjtal Cord wash sllkiVa.25c 1M- W.50 spun glass black Mo Shepherd's pIall! dregs Beet 45c ladies' silk v. .-. -c iM;sroii7F MflTmFR,. "Moneybak" I Fine Black Silks on sale I at this store. I The Best Stm- me VAiiW Corsets I wlTMOOf -yitnucw o aa?e Warners We carry about 35 styles in this celebrated make of and also the "REDFERN MODEL." Every pair of corsets sold here is guaranteed. the head, which probably was the re sult of his fall, or possibly of con tact with the snags In the river. (M HP Sure Cure for Piles. h Itching piles produce moisture andS' cause Itching, this form, as well as In? Blind, Bleeding or Protruding Pllesjfa are cured by Dr. Bo-san-ko's Pile!?) Remedy. Stons itchlnir and bleeding. l"i .,. . .... " . A , ler . uvusurua luinuis. ouo a jar at orus ' &, OT Sent by mall Treaties free.sS? Write me about your case. Dr. Bo-3n sanko, Phila., Pa. era For sale by Dr. S. C. Stono, druggist. If It's Buggies, Sec Us We've done a highly satisfactory!! business because we've had the goodsHi people want, and the prices are rIghtM We want to "show you." If It's Bikes. See Us It's worth your while to get a reli able wheel when It's but a trifle more than a cheap one. Some good snap3 In both new and second hand wheels. Two second-hand top buggies and two open ones. An Ell Hay press, good as new. A. Wiggins' i Implement House 255-257 Liberty StJSS Farm Implements. Autnmnhii.. '?S sewing Machines and Supplies, i -. - .... ! ttfs Sale iot goods, clearljg price, yd ....19c $1.35 wool voile, 46-In., yd ....75c Host ans .silk, ball 2c Best shoo laces, 2 for ....". '.'.', lc 18o black shell combs ....!.!, 9c 15o gold buttons, doz .'..' 6o Best 15c hair rats gc Children's double knee, "fast black cotton hose, pr 9e Best 200 yd spool cotton .. Men's 35c summer underwear. 19c Men's straw hats, 10c, 15c and 25c Children's trimmed hats 35o i a I A 1 1' vo "is ma pre cat I L w art) TOoi Th"! :; . WMM. I r Mri , -lw- fr . i. tiMMfeCourt St., Salem ve . ,v" . " i. ijw, to Mr. and T.Kt 'r -. . . " !t Aire mane Stanton a daughter ffi-tiaSkwKTi