.fwikft fteH yjwjfcrtfwft -SM -vf .RIVE Ai t ja U.'4lMh9'vlrtaU -H WES V HOUND MILITIA BOYS LEAVE MEET APPROVAL KICKED GROUND mth Salemite Realizes That DAILXJCAerTAUOURNAj; SALEM, OREGON,. THURSDAY, JULY-7, 1904. Great Southern Oregon Gold Discovery Made by a DC Sixty Men Start From This City for American Lake Camp Crossing Must Be Protected " PlSar Jeurnal: ls w,tn a grat do s Vreo of plensure that I note In the col- turning of tho city papers that steps yafSjjjBelng taken by tho city council to i?- getlthe Southern Pacific railway com- AStianvt' to nut In nntomntln crntpai or a flagman at their ' crossing on South Commercial street. As a resident of is wSo'uth Salem, I especially appreciate 'this, as it ls almost a dally occurrence 'wltK me to bo held by a freight train 'atthat place while passing back and forlS to and from mvi home. While thTsJklnd of protection will not relievo usftfrom tho annoyance of being . blocked by switching trains, it will at fyeast reduce tho possibility of acol- "'MSI' ,denta to a minimum. I have many jjtnhes shuddered at tho narrow es fcapes of persons and teams while wonder is that such protection has .nqbeen afforded long ago. During thef-past four or five years requests Jiaye been made to the councllmen for smch protection, but nothing but prom ises were ever received. Now that South Salem is a part of the city prop ter.' It Is but just and right that such protection should be given us. SOUTH SALEMITE. Satem Man Present 'ho Republican party celebrated Its ftleth anniversary at Jackson, Mich igan, yesterday, with a number of Seeches by prominent men. J. C. LOoodale, Sr., of this city, was one of e seven men who met at that place ML half a century ago, and formed the party, and he has voted tho ticket 3vcr since, His children are also Xstaunch Republicans, and have always Identified themselves with the organl- Ization. o Celebrated His Birthday. Mr. Will Crawford was tho victim or a delightful uirtuaay surprise on londay evening, when a crowd of oung peoplo gathered at his home, at lena, and prepared to spend an en- oyable time, which they did. Games aofflall kinds were Indulged in, and a Selightful spread was served at tho close of the evening. Two kinds of goods and trade; a bargain's a bargain land moneyoack. unc matces friends, and the other loses em. Schilling's Best at your grocer s. Ti n 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 m i 11 hhh-M; j ICE CREAM in paper pails j ; to take home ; ; ; i 1 -2 Pt in paper pail 1 0c : : 'i 1 oint in paper pail 1 5c 1 quart in paper pail 25c :; 11 -2 gal in paper pail 50c : '. if Zmns ; Bf154 State St. Phone 1971 nil H-a-M-M-fr-m-n 1 t pu : Wall Paper : Latest designs in stock, and good work guaran- m m teed. We have the small w g store and small prices J E. L Lemmon 299 Liberty St. J Phone 2475 fL 1 1 u i 1 1 1 1 fr-H i nun H A jolly good meal well I cooked, well served. Clean, appetizing, cheep t White House i Restaurant i George Bros. Props. It was the contrary antics of a com mon "cultis" sort of deorhound that caused 18-year-old Harry Brlggs to make tho recent rich discovery on Grayback mountain, In Josephine county. In fact, the dog really kicked up tho earth that brought to light tho quartz ' stringer streaked' with gold, and has since developed Into a four foot ledge with $400,000 in sight. This ls the story told by a promi nent mining man from that section, now In tho city, and he received the Information from the sister-in-law of young Brlggs. Deer have been hunted so long In the mountains of Southern Oregon that they have become wild and wary, and a popular way ls to put a hound on fresh tracks, and chase the deer along its regular trail, while the hunter lies in ambush to shoot It. Early In the morning young Brlggs loft his Sucker Creek home and went 10 or 12 miles back Into the mountains among the Grayback peaks. He was accompanied by the family dog, a deorhound that had been In service for many years. In a brushy spot, covered with leaves, fresh tracks and deer signs were discovered, but the dog was contrary, and would not fol low tho scent Tho young master became angry, and severely chastised the dog with a stick, and in the scuf fle, the dog scratched up the leaves and earth, and brought to ,vlow a chunk of quartz. When Harry Brlggs picked up the piece of rock It was dis covered to bo fairly lined with gold, Furthen Investigation showed that It came fronn a rich stringer, and almost on top of the grouud. o . RAIL ROAD PROJECTS The Salem-Dallas railroad commit tee will meet at the ofllco of Hon. Til mon Ford this evening to discuss tho loan proposition. During tho last few days a number of local capitalists have signified their intention of sub scribing heavily to tho fund, and pros poets were never brighter for raising tho amount asked. The Llberty-Rosedalo extension will bo considered at a meeting of tho com mittees on Saturday afternoon, at tho office of Mayor Waters. The peoplo along tho lino are very enthusiastic for the road, and will do all In their power to hasten Its construction. Order of Lions Meet. One of the most prosperous and best attended lodges In the city Is Capital No. 34, of tho Order of Lions, and at their hall on State street last night a large crowd of members gathered for the election and Installation of officers for tho current six months. The fol lowing were chosen to All the various statiens: H. B. Munson, past presi dent; Mrs. Helen M. Southwick, pres ident; Frank Davey, vice-president; Miss May Sheridan, chaplain; Mrs. Hattio F. Cameron, secrotary; Mrs. Elizabeth T. Adair, treasurer; Miss Martha Shorldan and Chas. Kingston,' sorgeant-at-arms and assistant; Enill Donaldson, doorkeopor; Geo. Rudolph, sentinol; Margaret Munson, musician; Dr. W. S. Mott, medical examiner; Mrs. Kato Benoit and Arthur Wil liams, trustees. The ofilcers were In stalled by the past president, Dr. T. W, Butler, and, after the ceremony, a feast of Ico cream and cake was on- Joyed by tho happy throng. A source of pleasure last night was tho receipt of a new sot of beautiful regalia for tho officers and membors, a present from the supremo lodge,- in recognition of tho largo number of now membors received In the lodge during the past six months. Excursion Rates to Yaqulna Bay. On Juno 1st the Southern Pacific Company will resumo Balo of excur sion tickets to Newport and and Ya qulna Bay, both season and Satur-day-to-Monday ttckots will be sold. This popular resort la growing In fa vor each year, hotel rates are reason able, and tho opportunity for fishing, hunting and sea bathing are unex celled by any other resort on tho Pa cific coast. o.a.iBi'X'on.acjfli.. BljiutM jr tJrf-t' r Karr. t&uzi Company M, Third Regiment, Ore gon National Guard, left this morning at G o'clock for American Lake, near Tacoma, Wash., for a two weeks' en campment. ' The armory was a busyplace last evening. Lieut Holman had charge of Issuing tho necessary supplies, and he was doing all kinds of business. Every man ls supposed to have a full equipment when ho starts for camp, and ho ls compelled to sign a receipt for the goods issued. In addition he must deposit 25 cents for the metal lic regimental ornaments that he wears on his hat and blouse. This ls required simply as a guarantee that they will be returned at the close of the encampment, when tho money will bo handed back ttuthe depositor. The special train carried tho Al bany company, and also picked up the Woodburn centingent: Tho boys were dressed! In regulation brown khaki un iforms, with blanket roll, shelter tent, and' other field equipments. They carlred one day's travel rations, and they will arrive at tho lake In tlmo to pitch their tents tonight. The complete list of men attending 13 as follews: Captain, Chas A. Murphy. First lieutenant, Richard W. Hol man. Second lieutenant, Carl Abrams. First sergeant, Harry H. Lucas. Quartermaster' sergeant, Roscoo Shelton. Sergeants, Howard Sharp, Lewis Judson. Ralph White, Earl Sperry. Corporals, Robert Duncan, Fred Kress, Will Kantnor, Ed. Rosteln, Chester Abrams, Walter Ross, Musicians, Ed. Bemls, Ed. Copper, Cooks, Ed. Bullock, Geo. DeMaren vllle. Privates, Albert Aahloy, Herbert Burton, Chester Bowon, Frank Barton, Roy Bailey, Fred Brannlng, Justus Co burn, Lewis Craven, Floyd Frazler, Herman Glenz, Arch Humphries, John Htrons, John W. Holman, Herbert Hqwltt, Fred Haas, Roscoe James, Robert Jones, Percy Johnson, Jnsper Longcore, Arthur Lonon, Jos. Lem mon, Peter C. Munn, Paul Miller, Har ry Maurer, Roy Neer, Herbert Nutter, Morton J. Parsons, Lyman Roberts, U S. Rider, Chas. Reed, Leroy Rullfson,.homo In Aurora yesterday, aftor hav Clyde Rumbaugh, David Simpson, Au gust K. Thompson, Frank Voge, Lor en Wann, Chester White, Chas Wil liamson, Ora O. Worley, Tracy Wal ling. This gives a total of three commis sioned ofilcers and 57 non-commls-sloned ofilcers and privates, tho larg est company that ovor left Salem for an encampment. o , Catarrh Cannot Be Cured with LOCAL APPLICATIONS, as they cannot reach the fceat of the dis ease. Catarrh Is a blood or constitu tional disease, and In order to cure It you nuist tako Internal remedies. Hall's Catarrh Cur ls taken lntornal ly, and acts directly on the blood and mucous surfaces. Hall's Catarrh Cure is not a quack mediclno. It was pro scribed by one of tho best physicians In this country for years and ls a reg ular prescription. It Is comporad of tho best tonics known, combined with tho best blood purifiers, acting direct ly on tho mucous surfaces, Tho per fect combination of the two lngredl ents ls what produces such wonderful results In curing Catarrh. Send for testimonials free. F, J. CHENEY & CO., Props., To- lodo, Ohio. Sold by druggists, price 7Cc. Hall's Family Pills are tho boat. o Perry Arrives at Port Townsend. Port Angeles, Wash., July 7. The torpedo boat Perry arrived horo yos tenia) from Gray's Harbor, where' sho attended trio Fourth of July celebra tion. She will jomaln horo until tho 10th of tho month for practice. Tho gunboat Bennington sailed from hero to Bremerton. o Chicago Markets, Chicago, July 7. Whoat. July, 8D 90; now, 8988; July corn, 48 49. NEW TODAY. For Sale. A nice Jersey cow with calf, fresh July 1st, and 3 years old. Can be led or handlod by any one. Address J W. Gash, Sllverton route No. 2, residence Howell Prai rie. 7-7-lwk MHMHMnHHHi V-8:Si js$ fifty f-ASS i -If fi$ PERSONALS Mis. Campbell, of Chemawa, Is vis iting frle'nJs In this city. Mrs. C. L. Watt went to Brooks last evening for a short visit. S. C. KIghtllnger went to Woodburn last evening on a business visit. Frank Catterlln returned homo last evening after a visit with Portland friends. Miss Stella Morelock returned last evonlng from a visit with relatives In Portland. T. E. Cornelius returned to his homo at Marlon last evening, after a visit in this city. Mrs. A. J. Lowery returned homo yesterday after a visit with friends at Hillsboro. Mrs. J. N. Ryan returned to Port land last evonlng, after a short visit with friends In this city. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Langdon, of St. IiOUla, Mo., arrived in tho city yester day, and will make an extended visit. Miss Sellna Bchot, of Woodburn, arrived In tho city yesterday, and will visit with Mrs. Chas. Lampkln, In this city. MUs Sallte Jones, of Oakland, who has been visiting at tho homo of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Johnson, left yesterday for Turner. Miss Emma Her returned to her ing spent several days with friends in this city. Mrs. Johi Hnghes, of this city, is in Gold Hill with her daughter, Mrs. W. A. Carter. Mrs. Carter's little son, John, ls very sick. Mrs. R. M. Steele, county president of tho Marlon county W. C. T. U., came down from Turner yostordny for a short visit in this city. Mrs. Genella Parker, of Ballard, Wash., who has boon In this city slnco boforo tho death of her father, tho lato Geo. II, Jones, returned to her homo yesterday. Miss Elizabeth A. Packard, who Is a teachor In tho English department of tho Oakland, California, high school, arrived-In tho city yestorJay, and is tho guest of Dr. and Mrs. G. C. Eshelman. Mrs. R, S. Stamp, of Dawson City, who has beon-vlsltlng frlonds In this city, wont to Turner today, whore sho will visit rolatlvos, Mrs Stamp was formorly Miss Robertson, who was an omployo at the asylum. In a recent Iseuo of Tho Journal, It , was stated that Mrs. F. A. Wiggins .had gono to Nowiwrt. This was a mistake of tho reportor, and Mrs. Wig- Kins Is Just homo from Europe, and is at home on South High stroot Dr. George Ruqsoll, of Coqulllo. Or., was In tho city yesterday, on routo to his home. Ho han beon visiting dur ing his vacation at his homo In Sllvor ton. Ho studied mediclno at tho Wil lamette University, and was a gradu ate of the 1902 class. Ho has a flour ibhlng praotlco In Coqulllo. H. E. Sprlngor loft last night for Oklahoma City, Okla., whero ho has accoptod a position with the electric light and gas company, ownod by J. J. Henry, formoriy of the Salem com pany, His many frlonds are sorry to loso him from among them, .but with him prosperity In his new home. Mrs. Eugene Broyman roturnod yo terday from an extended visit of sev eral months with her daughter, Mrs. Dr. Snedcoro. formerly MUs Iona Broyman, of Birmingham, Alabama. Mr . Broyman wont there In March and remained thero during tho bull.l Ing of tho now homo, which had been burned. Bhe spont a very pleasant tlmo while with her daughter, and la Reliable Clothing Our' assortment of suits In chovlots.Scotchs, 'cnsslmores, homespuns', wor steds and sorges Is well worh coming to see. Tho tailoring Is exceptional. It's more It's elegant. Collar and lapel hand finished hand made button holes, seams welted and stitched. It's wonderful how wo can crowd so much style and tailoring Into go lit tle money. We are surprised at It ourselves, and wo think you'll bo. Coma and see. Smat Neckwear Now weaves In neckwear silks. Something different from what you havo seen. Tho Tobacco Browns aro, tho proper things now. Seo our window. Salem WoolenMill Store C. P. BISHOP, Prop. now at homo with her other daughter, Mrs. R, P. Boise, Jr., at tho family homo on. Court street. Sheriff Tom Word, of Portland, was In the city last evening on buslnoss. Miss Neva Griswold loft last oven Ing .for Portland) whoro sho will visit friends. Mrs. Asp, of Astoria, returned to her homo last evening, aftor a visit In this city. Miss Bertha Kny left this morning for Roseburg, where sho will spend several weoks. Mr. and Mrs. Gideon Stolz went to Newport today, where they will en Joy a summer outing. Mr. nnd Mrs. John Griffith and fam ily loft for Newport this morning for their summor outing. Mr. and Mrs. Orr Royal and chl)dron went to Portland yoaterday, whero they will visit for a fow days. Misses Ruth and Jeanotto Gray, of Portland, passed through this city this morning, on routo to Newport. Mrs. F. C. Mack, of Dallas, who haa beon visiting In tho city, wont to Can by, whoro sho will visit with friends. Mrs. John Dorcas and daughtor Ethel went to Newport this morning whero thoy will spend the summor months. Mrs. J. W. Harrltt returned homo from Portland this mprnlng whero sho has spent tho past weolc with rel atives nnd friends, Mr. and Mrs. George Litchfield passod through on tho nftornoon train on their way to Portland, whore thoy will spend their honeymoon. Mrs. George Hooyo nnd llttlo son, Emerson, of Oregon City, returned homo last evening after a visit with relatives and frlonds in this city. Mrs. W. II. Chatton, of Portland, who has boon visiting her paronts, Mr. and Mrs. George Collins, of this city, roturned homo last ovenlug. 'Mrs. Cora Wlttschon, of Oregon City, who hns beon visiting In this city, loft fon Newport this morning, accompanied by her sister, Miss Maudo Griswold, and Miss Margaret Patrick. Thoy oxpoct to spond tho entire summor over thoro. Mr, Grls wold and daughtor, Nova, oxpect to Join them inter in tho month. Ed. C. Hoguo camo down from Al bany last evonlng, nnd spent a fow hours with Salem friends, leaving on tho spoclnl this morning with tho Al bany company for tho American Lake oncampmont. Ho will roprosont Tho 1 1 Bargain Hunters, j ; Listen, take in the rem nant sale At The Old Cronise Studio, Over the New York Racket Htore, I llllllllllllllllllliillH' THE WILHOIT WATER. I havo arranged, as usual, with Mr. W. T. Stolz, of tho Spa, to draw tho famous Wllholt Mineral Water through his foun tain, and your peoplo can rely on Its purity, W. P. McLoran, Proprietor Springs. JllllllllllllllilllHIHI Journal during tho war, and1 Salem peoplo can look for breezy letters from him. Miss, Nolllo Swafford roturnod! to her homo in Oregon City last evening aftor an extended visit with tho family of E. J. Swatfordl lnthlai city. Mls Swafford ls a former W. U. studont, and: was horo to attend tho commence ment oxorcisos. Quito a number o the students wore at tho train last or- enlng to seo her off. Turner Personals. Mrs. 1. L. Hllleary and Mrs. Mattlo Morris Btarted for Newport Tuesday for a month's outing. Turner camp mooting closed Sun da Tho attendance was not so largn as tho Sunday, boforo, owing to Mon day being tho Fourth. Mlssos Jonnlo Gunning, Barr, Rich es and Recs aro attondlng Prof. Krapp's summer school In' Salem. A number of Turner peoplo went to Jefferson Monday, and report a good celobratlon, Mrs. Barney Is recovorlng from & weok's lllnoss. Mrs. Dick Mead and babies, of Port land, aro spending a couplo of wcoks with Mrs. Wllllns. Mrs. Graco Barney and children, oC Portland, aro visiting at tho Barney homo. Miss Bertha Roes, oldest daughter of Rov. Roes, was married Sunday morning to Mr. Wind, of Salem. Midsummer Is bringing mgany good things to tho public, and ono ls tho great salo of buggies, surrlos, runabouts, road wagons, and all ploasuro vehicles greatly roduced at Mitchell, Lewis & Stavor Company Salem branch.G-30-t TABLETS i Thousands upon thousands J 9 f tho most oxqulsito tab- W H lots Just rocolved. Wo aro ( A ready to supply your wants, g mm and furnish you a much k a hlghor grado tablet than you m 2 cnn A"d olsowhoro for tho J samo monoy. Wo innko w TABLETS Q A speclnlty, and study tho flg h wants of our customera 4h a closoly. Next tlmo you need mg 2 a writing tablot try oun kind 5 nd mako comparisons. 2 2 Patton's Book Store, q Don't Use Too Much OF OUR Pure Cream Tartar Baking Powder This has been the only cause of fail ure. It does uot require na niuch of our powder as the cheaper onea. Try Eppley's Perfection If your grocor doos not carry It tolephono mo. Hi ' ' Phone Main 1(M1 C. M. Eppley FINE GROCERIES. Nineteenth and Btato Stroot,