eess SSdSSSt- j'-i W'i -!7l!X'JaaWuBfflsfliS59 8IX DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, 8ALEM, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, JULY 6, 1904. IJf y They never pay. Don t Cheap doctors don't recommend Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. The best doctors endorse it for colds, coughs. a&jfiiSfc HOW MANY VOTE8 WILL BE CAST Awards for Those Estimating Near est the Winning Vote In the Presl dentlnl Election In 1904. Tho Florodora Tag company hns jnado arrangements for the distribu tion of 10,855 cash awards, aggregat ing l-5,000, among those who esti mate nearest the vote cast for tho winning candlJato for President of the United States In tho election. Tues- , Pay high rates for insurance on un exposed dwellings. The old lino companies charge you f3 for J500 of Insurance, whllo lor 76 cents yearly you get the same amount b becoming a incmbor of tho Oregon Fire Relief Association ol McMtanvilfe, Ore. A home company working for homo insurancoon a home plan. Lot mo tell jou about It I H. A. Johnson, Murphy Blk. Salem. Head office McMlnnvlIlc, Orcjron. day, November 8, 1904. Tho only conditions imposed are that there shall bo sent with the estimates five of tho tacs or Ave of tho whole cou pons or ten half coupons or ten of the cigar bands or the kind mat are being redeemed by the manufacturers through the Florodora Tag company, and all estimates must bo received not later than November 5, 1904. Further Information, which will be useful In maklne estimates, together with estlmato blanks, will bo furnlsheJ by tho Florodora Tag company, Jer sey City, N. J., on receipt of two cents for postage. o ROTAN BRIDGE VICTIM Work of Dragging for Body Will Be Continued SMALL POX AT ALBANY Notice. Depositors in the Savings Depart ment of tho Capital National Hank are requested to present their pass books for tho purpose of having cred ited tho semiannual Interest due July 1st. JOS. H. ALBERT, Cashier, o For $60 We are offering during our special midsummer salo'bur regular $75'buggy for $C0. Mitchell, Lewis & Staver Company, 8alera branch. C-30-tf 0AS7OZIZA. y 1M King Yoa Hare Always Boaght IM WHO TCI it MM... . . I , , ........ OS Federated Trades Council and Fraternal Orders Mardi Gras and Carnival PORTLAND, OREGON, June 28th to July 9th, Inclusive spectacular Mardi Gras over Tlio greatost and most olaborato producod In tho West. A stupendous show undor a monstor tent seating ten thousand peojilo. Special rato on all railroads and steamboats. dlvon under tho management and authority of GC I,nbor Unions and 34 Fraternal Soclotlcs, all of Portlanl. Msumated dnlly attondnnco expected to avorngo thirty thousand. MHHHHMHHHHMMii Improved Perfection Tins The Improved Tins have the Patented Groove and will not leak batter. Other Rinds are useless. For rich, delicate cakes always use the Improved Perfection Tins. 55 R. M. Wade & Co. The work of dragging the river for the body of J. A. Rotan, who Jumped from the bridge on Monday, as first told in Tho Journal extra on Tuesday evening, will be commenced in ear nest today. Mr. Clark, of Portland, on-in-law of deceased, will superin tend the arrangements, and it is thought the body will be recovered within a few days. The river Is quite deep at and below tHe bridge, and, It Is said, is full of holes. The current swings in along tho east bank of tho stream, and nat urally the body would follow the chan nel. The Workmen will assist the family In recovering the remains. Deceased left a letter in his desk at the store, tellinc his wife and fam ily that he Intended to commit the rash act, and asking their forgiveness. It was not found until yesterday after noon, when Mrs. Rotan became alarmed at the absence of her hus band, and entered the store, which had been closed during the day. His coat was In the store, also his watch andi a number of papers connected with h(g business. In the letter which ho wrote his wife he explained his af fairs thoroughly, giving a detailed statement of tho condition his finan cial matters are In. Tho act was pre meditated and carefully planned. For a number of years ho had beon a sufferer with, his eyes, and was afraid that ho would be totally blind. This infirmity, together with financial roverses several years ago, led' to his unbalancing, and caused him to com mit tho rash deed. .Air. Rotan built tho brick block where Eckerlon's cafe and wholesale llauor house Is now located, and mn. ducted a large furniture store there for a number of years. Ho lost tho property through reverses In business, nnd with It went a large amount of his personal effects. He continued to conduct a store, although on a smaller scale, and at tho time of his death was seemingly doing a good business at his Court-street place. Two Benton County Men Ar rested and Sent to Jail - -T an n wtm a tt MM,-, tWMMimnMttWmtt)wttta THE BEST I CanfeehaciatFRIEDMAN'S "VST DHC A. T Zit'cuT' '" C,0,h,n' H'U Trunk. Telescope, DreM,, Quilt.,, Notion etc. 8u U in ,nny .tore, for f 16 nd 1S go at ... . ,9 ftn , ,,n BulU worth fltM are sold for.. 9 ftnU ,10 Buita worth 00 nro sold for . 7-50 Hats, all tyl8 nt .... .' 500 IXwton. worth U.00 sold for $ U ll0Qk Prlces lacific Coast overall, .old at.... Collar worth uc sold for ....... A Ana lino nt n.iiv-ti. . .... Suspenders worth Sic to u. .,., W 19c Punts worth si.M tun ... .. ' 19e ...... . .. . t -in. nv ikij- un for ago 5 to 9 soil at i Itergnln in towU. tauin v. i'".V '! '.' x a rod MrtB,; r " r " ir. ' " ,ae . f iMiu Ud ..a ;; w-,w ' 67c 46c 9c .19c each . .. . . ,19e 97c ..U5 loucll aad .tatiouerv c boxw paiwr and envelopes are sola at MI, A Identity Disclosed. (From 5:30 Kdltlon July 6th.) John A. Rotan, tho pioneer furni ture dealer of this city, was the un- fottunato man who Jumped' from the high bridge into the Willamette river yesterday afternoon, and met death In tho swift currant of that stream. This Is cortain bejond a ouostlon of a doubt. The stiaw lint nickel m. In tho river has been Identified bv Mrs. Rot an, wlfo of tho dead man as being that of hor husband. Othors nl- M) recogniml It as tho ono worn bv Rotan yostordny. Tho body has not beon found, but a search will bo Instituted at once and parties will guard the rapids below tho city. Yesterday morning decoaod wont to W, T. RIgdon and borrowed $10 with which to pay his duos in tho A. O. U. W. of which he had beon a membor for about 20 years,. He wanted to glvo .Mr. RIgdon security for tho amount, but tho latter rfii8.t to take it, as they and tho raattor morning Mr. Rotan did not onon hi tuiv. hu iaiO mis aflnrrwinn tfc fact was established that ho was th unfortunate individual whn im.i a.i hla existence. A number of people, it Is snl.i nn. UcihI Wm standing on tho bridge, but never once thought he would commit sulcldo He had been a resident of smam for nbout 26 ears. conducting a fur niture wore tturliiK the moat nt ti,. time. Ho leavw a wife and three iinn.!,. ters. Mrs. I), n. Clark and Miss Cora, Albany July 6. in or near Philomath were arrested in this city at 10 o'clock last evening, and locked up in a cell in the city Jail as being Infected with smallpox, and steps will be taken to rid the com munity of the two men, either by quar antining them, or sending them back to the county In which they belong Benton. One of them is so far ad vanced that bis face is breaking out, and, of course, following in the lead of some of tho people who do not be lieve In smallpox or diseases of that kind, he calls his affliction a rash or Manila Itch, an excuse for the more severe but eminently correct term of smallpox. The two men came from Philomath to Corvallis yesterday morning, and there they were arrested and exam ined by physicians, who pronounced the disease one of them had a.i small pox, and the men were ordered to leave at once and return to Philomath. This they promlseJ to do, nnd drove away. Philomath authorities were no tified that tho men were coming, and were Instructed to place the two in quarantine at once. During the after noon the Corvallis officials were In formed by telephone that the men had not nrrived at Philomath, and a search for them was instituted. Last night when the Corvallis stage nrrived here, the driver, while walking- about the city, accidently ran onto the two men he had seon at Corvillis dur ing the forenoon. They were In tho act of entering the Franklin House when seen by the stage driver, and he at once notified the officers of his dis covery. Tho men were arrested and placed In a cell in the city Jail, and Dr. W. H. Davis, the mayor, examined them, expressed his conviction that only one of them had smallpox, and t'aat tho disease hnd not progressed far enough to make It dangerous to the patient's surroundings. The men will either bo sent to a pest house. where they will bo kept until all dnng er of infection is removed, or they will be returned to Benton county, where they belong, and where they ought to be cared for. lienton county has had several cases of smallpox recently, all of them very mild, and the disease, whatever there Is of It, seems to come from the country between Corvallis and Philo math. There is only ono way to stamp It out, and that is to place ev ery suspect In tho pest house, and Keep him thore until all danger of in- fection disappears, and at the same time, for the protection of the public, general vaccination would! be advised. FIRST CLASS ROOMS. Hotel Scott Will Accommodate Guests on European Plan. A. Scott, the Commercial street fur niture dealer, has rented the upper .vmo in, (7iV Cottle block and! la rapidly converting themi Into what will make a good 35 room European Two men residing hotel. Tho entire place is being new ly furnished, papered, renovated and put In apple pie order. Mrs. Scott will be in charge, and hereafter per sons can get good clean rooms of a reputable character at reasonable prices. Not an old article left In the place. If you want a clean, sweet room call at Hotel Scott, in the Cottle block. Who Is It? The marriage of a prominent Hap rlsburg business man and a Salem teacher is said to be an event of the near future. Albany Democrat. S0Z0D0NT THE REAL TEST Of Uerplclde I In Giving It a Thor ough Trial. There Is only ono test toy which to Judge of tbo efficiency of any article and that is by Its ability to do that which it Is intended to do. Many hair vigors may look nice and smell nice, tut the point is do thoy eradicate Dan druff and stop fallinj; hair? No, they do not, but Herplcldo does, because it goes to tho root of tho evil and kills the germ that attacks the papilla from whence the hair geta its life. Letters from prominent peoplo every where are dally provlngr that Nowbro'a Herplclde stands tho "tost of use." Tt u n dnllchtful drcsslntr. clear, sura and free from oil or grease. Bold by leading druggists, bena ioc. in stamps for sample to Tho Herplcldo Co., Detroit. Mich. IHnlel J Pm. Special Agent A?X4arV! H Oil SHOJf LING A PERFECT LIQUID DENTIFRICE FOR THE TEETH " BREATH. USE WITH S0Z0D0NT TOOTH POWDER jhd miuiftm&;iri&3 Three Trains to the East Dally. Through Pullman standard and tourist sleeping cars dally to Omaha, Chicago, Spokane; tourist sleeping cars daily to Kansas' City; through Pullman tourist sleeping cars (per sonally conducted) weekly to Chica go; reclining chair cars (seats froa) to the East daily. 70 HOURS v PORTLAND TO CHICAGO Mo Chance of Cars 70 e'HB-r099e0 ', I - IT V .;.'iJWs i X' i 1 " ' "! J Summer Excursion Rates and Special Train Service Now On Between Portland and Clatsop Beach. Tho summer schedule of the As toria & Columbia Rlvor railroad ha3 been Inaugurated botween Portland, Astoria, Gearhart and Seaside, in con nection with special round trip excur- siono tickets to all Clatsop and North Beach points, and train leaves Union depot S a. m. dally and runs thrmiPh i direct, arriving at Astoria 11:. in n m ' Gearhart 12:20 p. m. and Seasldo 12:30 p, m. i i By the Fruits of Our Labor. We are known to all people of taste in Oregon who have a horror of cheap and common laundry work. Anythlne: fin- ished at our establishment Is as it fine ns a poet's fancy, having J ; received a touch which may be described as a verse form of I ! linen, Come to ur for inim,!- ( ' results, as suggestive of satis- ' faction as home sweet home. DEPART FOB Chicago Portland Special 9 15 a. m na ilnnt lngton "TuTntlo" Express 1:15 n. m. rla Hunt lnijton " 8t. Paul" Fait Mall 7 45 p. m, via Spokane TIME SCHEDULES From Portland, ur, ARPJVB FBOM MAlt ljLkff. llAnVAF. tt ---..., .u.., .( nuiu, vmana, aauaae UltT, m. L0Q1), Chicago u ji&u. alt Lake, Denver Ft. Worth. OmAhA. ITntiAA. Icily, m. Lonlj, Chicago inu uui, IVallA WAllT'.wlc,rn Spokane, Wallace, Pull- jian, Minneapolis m. Pan, rinlnth Mllumi!, Chicago, aud Koot. 5 2ip eb 9.00 a, a. Ocean and River Schedule. For San Francisco Every five day at 8 p. m.. For Astoria, way polnta and North Beach Daily (except Sun day) at 8 p. m.; Saturday at 10 p. m. uaiiy service (water permitting) on Willamette and Yamhill rivers. Salem Steam Laundry I 230 Liberty St. Phnn. ah ffrWliMM Cam fulU. 1 .. i I'm iuiiw imoimmiou asK op writ a (your nearest ticket agent, or ! A. L. CRAIG, General Passenger Agent The Oregon Railroad & Navigation Co., Portland, Oregon. REDUCED EXCURSION RATES. From S. P. and C. & E. Points to tho Seaside and Mountain Resorts for .the Summer. S That Smell If there Is anything you need It Is to remove the death-deal-lng sewer gas from your house. Mod etn The Portlanri.SnncMa P!. i ley of ton had doallngs Union depot ovary Saturday at 2 30 f Zl. was passed over. Thlsk m arriving Astoria 5:50 p. m."and PitlUlb .u mrougn oiroct, arriving at Gear hart 6:40 p. m. and Seaside C:50 p m. ' In connection with this improved servlco, spoclal round trin BOnc tlqkets are sold flora Portland to nil Clatsop and North Roach points at rate of $4.00 for the roun.i trin ., for roturn passage until October 15, Spoclal commutation tiAr ,.,i for fivo round trip, are sold from Portland to same points for ?15o0 good to return until October 15. Saturday special num.! tri ' slon tickots from Portland to all Clat SOI) nrtll Vnrtli tln--v . . - Jon, awi MtM o. ofThU every Satur iuT I2W ! ing will do this and give you com fort as well as health. Have your old plumbing inspected and you may save a heavy bill. BURROUGHS & FRASER I J 105 8tat St, -Phone 1511 Main. O. C. T. CO.s"pA83ENQER" OlfcAMERS WHERE? Why at 3PIR3CJa30avCJSk.lB"S J49Stati-strt. MMww..MwwtMtwM,WMtMJ J city Midsummer Ii briuglng msauy gol thlg to the public, and one is the erar ! f buni0, iurrles, runabout. n.ftl! in. ana mi u M8ura round trip, good to return s,,n... Tiolwte sold from Portland to North iiench points are issued In connection with I. R. & N. s;eani9r8 from Ag torla and bagswre is tnr,.., . and from depot and steamer dock at .vVuna ire of charge, and all tickets - . .. FOT.Hra vtMicieg urm ire or charge and all na.-,,. I mtly reduced at Mitchell. Lewis ioM U- the O. R & n Z tL ,t , I ' v.misoi, aa North Reach Points are iaterehangTOble and will J hoaored on trains of this company in either direction between iw,i.... and Astoria. Kor additional lnforaHn .... t,. A. Stewart, asent, stS Alder street Portland Oron. or J. O. Mayo, G.' '. A: P. A.. Astoria. QrMas. sa....i MWvwUr of 1904 will be mailed to vour address free unon nnnii..., Write for 712m Staer Company Salem tf CASTOR I A r imunis auu Children. Tii8 Kind You Have Always Bouehf It POMONA and Altona leave for Portland daily except Sun day at 7 a. m. Deck: Foot nf T J. -. M. P. BALDWIN. Ant PILES iSrSSSi ssssss&tLirnas i..W..Tt' ?.f. Tt., t ' ?, .-'. v&y&fziteyxxsK ." . u r."V"" rwMdi. Uu.- d. oldln8ai,rnby8.C.8Tor -or Te BunpUa. SSSZaissr On and after June i inni tu Southern Pacific, in connection with tho Corvallis & Eastern reallrlad, will have on sale round trin tlcknts tv. points on their linos to Newport, Ya quina and Detroit at very low rates, good for return until Octobor 10, 1904.' Three-day tickets to Newport and Yaquina, good going Saturday nnri returning Mondays, are nlRrt n onT from all East Side points, Portland to Eugene inclusive and from all West Side points, enabling peoplo to visit their families and spend Sunday at the seaside. Season tickets from nil ttoc qmo. Points, Portland to Eugene, inclusive, and from all West Side points, are also on sale to Detroit at vaPv i rates, with stoD-over nr!vii0o. Mill City or any point .east, enabling tourists to visit tho Santlam and Brol tenbush hot springs in tho Cascada mountains, which can bo rno,n in one day. Season tickets will hn p - -- turn from all noints nntn rw.. in Three-day tickets will ho mA i., on Saturdays and returning Monlays ui,. ncKets from Portland and vl dnity will be good for return via tha East or West Side at option of pas senger. Tickets from Eugene and vh clnity will be good coine via th tu. anon-Sprlngfield branch If desired. Baggago on Newport tickets checked through to Newnort- n v..i tickots to Yaquina only. Southern Pacific trains connect with the C. & E. at Allmnv. .! r, ,., for Yaquina and Newport. Trains on tho c. & E, for Detroit will leavo Al uany at 7 a. m,, enabling tourists to "10 hot springs to reach there tho same day. Full information no f ...v beautifully illustrated booklet of Y, quina bay and vleJnlrv iimotoku, etc. can be obtained on application to Edwin Stone, mnnnirn,. n f. n railroad, Albany; w. E, Coman, G. R A., Southern Pacific company, Port land, or to any S. P. or C. & a agent RatO from Salem t 'Manr. e nn Ra 0 from Salem to Yaquina ....J4.50 ate from Salem to Detroit ....J3.C0 Three-day rate from Salem to NwPort j3.0() mm&rrix BHHHtaMiJl m:Krmewam