'smm& DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM. OREGON. TUESDAY, JULY 5, 1904. MjaOT poun & &v : ..: 16 ' r K r- ahgr IT " r- (i' Sri u. . w ' C . as- I n wsww" , SWAT """ Jf w m ft TOOK SERIES Past Holiday Games at Park SjWilnessed by a Large UUWU Saturday'! Scores Salem 10, Albany 0, , Bugene 8, Rbsoburg 4. Sunday's Scores. i Salem 9, Albany 0. Monday'o Scores. Albany G, Salem C. ' Salem C, Albany 1, The Raglans took three of tbo Ave panics this season, closing on tho af ternoon of tho Fourth with a brilliant victory over tho Albany toam, with a wcoro of 0 to 1, In ono of tho best played games of tho year. It wai a pitcher's battlo, and In somo respects Gregory had tho best of It. Ho struck rut 10 men, and only Issuod ono pais. "Flvo safo hits wore mado off him, tbnt ono was a homo run when two men were on bases and it was costly. Threo errors at critical times put him 3ntho holo aftor tho sixth Inning, a) tfbough ho had hold tho locals down to oi measly llttlo hit upto that time. Emerson was effective;' but ho was Xn rororel bad holes at various times, and It required somo protty heady "work to extricate hlmsolf. Long running catches of high flics tty Rupert, Williams, Johnson and Davis wero features of the gamo. Tho score was as follews: Tabulated Score of Game. Salem. All R II PO A E Fay, ss 3 1 0 lougheod, 2b .. ..4 0 0 Wilklns, c 3 Stohring, lb 4 Davis, cf 4 "Wlljlaius If .. ..i.. 4 Downlo, 2b .. f..i 3 JcssfcPiayIngjasAijBijuiu RagtanlpuTj not connect at the right time, antt wore forced to accept de feat. Tho score was as follews: Salem.' ' i AB R H PO A B Pa J m nnl 3h .... 6 1 2 If, 2 3 s " - - Loughoed, 3b and s 4 1 Wilklns, c ..".V.... C 1 Nelrlns, lbv ...... v TJavfs. ef .' .3? Williams, If 4 0 Downle, 2b t 4 2 Malnis, .rf V WJ. 3 .0 Lueal TA$'H?5" Tfltals-.. V.' ..'n?36- 0 8 27 11 6 Albany. AB R II PO A E Johnson, cf . . Donovan, 2b .. Davlscourt, lb Suess, c .. .. Nevlns, ss 4 Cartwrlght, 3b .... 4 O'Day, rf G Rupert, If 4 Howard, p 5' 3 1 2 0 11 11 SALEM iWOMAN ABROAD . MnUMBMMBaHBBkkMilHLMHLmSLLLLaaHHI Tells of the Beauties of British Columbia Scenery the Mclnlra, rf 3 -Emerson, p 2 totals 30 5e fi 5 27 11 Albany? AH R IB PO Johnson, cf .. Donovan, 2b ., Davlscourt, lb Btioss, c Novliw, ss . . . qaftwrlght, 3b rf It .... .... r, i i 4 9'Da'. Rupert, Gregory, p 2 Totals 33 Salem . , 1 0 2 1 1 7 1 11 0 1 1 2 n i 1 1 0 0 A R 0 0 2' 1 Totals 40 C 11 27 10 0 Runs and Hits by Innings. 12345G780 Salem 0 1210010 0 0 Hits 112 0012108 Albany -. 0 0-2 $-0,1 3 0 0 C Hits .. .. ..1 1' 31 1 3 1 0 011 Summary. x Bases s'tolen tfohnson, Donovan, Suess. Two-baso hits Nevlns, Cartwrlght, Wilklns. ' Home run Downlc. Doublo plays Nevlns to Davlscourt, Lucas to Fay to Downlo. Bases on balls Off Howard 3, off Lucas 4. Struck out By Howard 5, by Lucas G. Passed balls Sues 1, Earned runs Albany 1, Salem 3. First bPto on orrors Albany 6, Sa eom C. Lett on bases Albany 12, Salem 8. Time of game Two hours. ' Umpire McCormlck. Scorer Shellort o Victoria, B. C, June 29, 1904. I will try and tell you of my trip to Victoria, and what a beautiful placo It I. I loft Seattle Wednesday at 8 o'clock on tho Rosalie, and camo by way of Port Atogcls. I took a berth and had a good night's rest. I got up at 4:30 a. m, and wont out on deck awl saw a glorious sight, tho sun Just touching tho snow on tho Olympic mountains, and tho water was as calm as ono could wish for; then wo stopped at Port Angeles about half an hour, stayed on deck until wo got to Victoria. I never saw anything anywheio equal tho view at tho ap proach of tho Victoria harbor. Tho morning wat perfect; my friends met me at tho boat, and I had such a kind welcome. We took a car out to their home ,and It was 3-Jch a pleasant ride. I l 90131 "1 THE HOUSE FURNISHING CO, 269 Liberty Street. DRESSER A vey pretty line of Di?esses and Dressing Table, in Golden qatuteted Oat, Bird's eye Maple and Mahogany just in. You may look the country over and not find their supeAot Hits liv Thin People. Thin, scrawny, floshless people are usually nervous, Irritable, bilious and dyspeptic. Evory change of weather effects them, If they happen to eat or drink anything containing disease gornis, It dovolops at once, and they are tho first subjects of any conta gious dlsoaso coming In the neighbor-j hood. Tholr Ilfo Is a continual worry In tholr efforts to avoid oxposuro to damp and malarious atmosphere. Peo ple can gain from on'o to threo pounds of rolhl, hoalthy flesh per weok by tho ubo of Dr. Ounn's Blood and Noro Tonic, It puts tholr system In 1 7 24 7 I condition to resist sickness. This 12340C789 (Tonlo Is In tnhlot form, to bo taken 00000 0 33 G right aftor meals. Sold by alt drug 00001121 S K'8'8 for 75c por box or threo boxes It turns tho food you oat Into 1110 0 2 0 07 . strong rich blood, this provonts and cures dlsoaso. Pooplo toll us who havo used tho Tonic that It cures thorn, then keeps thorn from getting sick aftoiward. For sale by I)r S. U. Stono, druggist. AJtbany 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0-1 for - Suess, Hits 2 Summary of Game. Ilosoa stolen Douovan, Qartwrlght, Two-baso lilts Wilklns, Johnson. Home run Williams. . Double play Downlo to Fay. Basus on balls Off Oregon I, off Einorson 5 Hit by pitched ball Davlscourt. Struck out By Oresory 10. by Km- liarnod rum Albany-1, Salum'tl. First bate on errors Albany 2, 8a. lorn 4, I,oft on base Albany II, Salm 3. Tlmo of name 1:30. Umpire MeCormlok. Hciiror Shulton. First Game. The flrs-l gamo was called at 2 o'aloek, uut w a htimmsr frem stmt to finish. Hownrtl pitched for Albany, wh(li) Uiouh was lu thft box for the Only a Hackdrlver. Thtt "romantic" nodding of Oraco Wright, a Union county girl to a "mlllloimlro." which tho Baker Clti and Union imperii havo oxnlollod so VQlumlnqusly, falls Hat. Tho "million aire" did chore for his board last win tor at tho hotol on nod by Miss Wrlght'u fathor, and he turii out to lie a hackdrlver. which Is no disgrace, If he Is a good ono. Pondletou Rust Oreaimlan. Cascadla Mineral 8prlnQs At Cascadla. Oregon, an Ideal sum. liter resort, hotel and cumplng with line mineral waters. Address as above 7 2-Ct MiNMlMlMCttieCtICHMaf ROSTEIN & GREENBAUM! ; ; Dry Goods and Millinery, will remain iu business at I me oia stand, d02 Commercial Street. We Have Putch&sed I the Adolph QoUUng Store, 295 Commercial street, M.ua.ic uur regular piace ot business, which we will proceed to dispose of at greatly reduced prices. Fine Clothing and Hats AT GREATLY REDUCED PRICES J Gents' Underwear, Socks, Suspenders, Shlrts-tn fact ! v, v i ,.; lu me arofC wm bc soI(J at Greatly Reduced Ptices i Sale Now On 295 Commetcia! Street '""" '""" iMtttn ima? think Victoria ha3 the prottlest homos anywhere on the cotst. After breakfast we went through tho bush and picked somo wild flowers, somo of tho prettiest I havo ever seen; then I climbed up on an old oak stub and took a vlow of tho town, and took a view of ttio town, and I think I nevor saw such a protty place, tho rocks and tho beautiful homes and tho roads and dtlvoways. And tho soft breeze is so refreshing; ono never feels tired here. Then wo went up on the rocks, and from there we could get a view of Craig Darroch or Dunsmuir Castle, as evorjono calls It here. Wo came home, had dinner and then In tho ev ening wo took a boat rldo to tho gorge by moonlight. Tho gorge Is about sev en miles long and I shall never for got It. It Is ono of tho most beautiful places I havo over seen. It Is an ex tension' of Victoria harbor, throuch which tho tldo rushes. Tho water Is very warm, and In1 tho evening the beach U lined with camp fires and pooplo In bathing suits. There Is one smnll placo In the gorgo which is very narrow a'nd when tho tldo 13 Coming In It Is a vory hard placo to row- a boat through as the water seems to boll up llko foam. It Is a very easy place for ono to got a bath If thoy should lose their oars. Over this placo Is a stout bridge for a drive way Tho snmo evening we wont down to Oak bay, another beautiful place, there I saw tho wreck of tho'!. Clalnm and got a piece of rock to tnko homo with me nnd a fow sholls. Saturday ovonlng we went to an entortalnmont and I can't bogln to toll you how much I onjoyed mybelf. Sunday morning wo went to the En glish church, which Is a vory pretty church in the Inside, nnd tho music was grand. When tho sorvlcos wore out wo walked homo and no ono could over unlk through tho city of Victoria without recognUIng that It Is a city or Jiomos. ou soo comfort every where. Fooplo live bore to milnv themsolvos. Victoria is not a liusl net.H place, for everywhere ou tnko time ami ou don't go down the streot without seeing happy faces every where, in the evening we wont to the M. k. chinch; It Is a ery large church nnd vory beautiful. The pas tor gao such a good sermon. I wont homo feolfnjr like I was really nt home In Salem again, In our own church, for I think thoro Is no church Hke It, os en If U Is not to beautiful. Monday monrfng we went for a bloj "i ride: we wont down by the par llmeiH bulldluies to Ileueon Hill park; the roads were simply grand nml such a grand view of tho mountain nnd the beach recks. I urn In loe with them. There Is suoh lovolj big oaks liere. The park It a beautiful nlaco. with artificial lakes and a flue collec tion of beatte imuI birds and the sea khore l somvKMns; graml; at how l enjojml the rMo, no one can kno or leans. 1 Ua& a fine cuom down Hill to 0k bay ami then we eamo home and In the evetfug w went on a mooftltibi i-urwion wa t.i, .1.., twin to Sidney, an hours ride, and when vc took Um boat Uark to Ale iwltt. un the Mrftfetu of Arrow, and a grand sight, Ui lWKW tt,8 Usntlful ami we had jtudj a rtw u th wiamw we bad two or three hpure oh the vmer we took their train home an.t it was about 1:1$ a, m wh we arrived. Today I hay.a ilM lauh4is nml sleopii dn4 roeUs. for toteljjJit and temorrow we are going to the government bulkUiwe and h a took al them. Well. I mwt chwo and e 0h- for tinner, for we are goiag for a ride T O ClOCk. MRS S C KIQllTUNOER, China Closets Recent arrivals in China Closets pats us in a position to supply you either in Gold en Oak ot Weathered Oafc Also plain ot mittoted backs zzzzz imnnnns 1 jj 41 I j I MORRIS CHAIRS Ttc choicest m Mortis Glials, all finishes, all kinds of cushions and tpholsteing. The simplest and most sensible back adjustment. Mission frames in weathered oak are among the most popular sellers. The House Furnishing Company 269 Liberty St. Next to Jos. Meyers & Sons. Stores, Salem and Albany. uiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiii ii i n i n i ii ii 1 1 n it ii iiiiiiimini mum hi- The Best of All ii PENN MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY. Sherman & Harmon, General Agents PORTLAND, OREGON. Fank Davey, District Manager, Rooms 9 and 0, New Opera House, SALEM, OREGON. t Insurance in Oregon, January I, J 903. State Treasurer Chas. S. Moore. Dr. . s. Mott. Kugeno V, Smith, Miss Bthel Rlylon. FEW OF SALEM'S Attornoy-Genoral A. Dootor E. A. Pierce. David J. Walling. Miss Winifred Itlgdon. $2,617,217 $3,681 ,099 POLICY HOLDERS: M. Crawford. Professor L. R. Travor. Doctor W. B. Morse. C. L. Parrlsh, state Land Office. Theo. 1). Wilcox, Proeldent Ktour- Ing MiHa Co. ' Walter P. Ilurrell, CapltaMeL Rev. Alexander ntacliburn, Plrat UniHIst Church. A FEW OF PORTLAND'S POLICY HOLDERS: W. Coe, State Sen- Dootor Henry ator. Kdtard CooWngham, of Ladd & Tllton Bank. W. E. Coman, General Agent Ore gon Short Lino. Carl T. Roberts, Manager Salem Woolen Mill Store. Doctor A. E. Rockey. General Owen Summers. isugene Shelby, Manager The above names, taken at ranHnJ , ... ... targo Express Co. "v"' uu.r "5l 0I P0'" holders, Indicates the "c renn Mutua . r.rtMt? ahik ,. vwniu niLi SEE ME. Wolls- confldence of all classes In t miniiiiiiiiii. " .y- 'Mu 9 Opeta. House. i ii mil i iiiiii n i ..... iw iimiHiiin Began Business in Oregon, Ap?ii i , 1 893. : : Insurance In Oregon, January J, JS94 t6rt 7;n T -."- T rmr- t- w, . ww j ; ; insurance in isregon, ;anuary , OO $354 250 ; : Insurance in Oregon, January J, J896 $394000 : : Insurance In Oregon, January J, J897 liA.nLitzn Tnci ia i iiiAMM Tm..j-. 4 4 QAO ,, "um wieguu, jrtuuaiy , o?o $633 Mb : : Insurance In Oregon, January I, J899 $ j 79028 : : Insurance In Oregon, January t, J900 -. .f. '. $1 462'978 ; ; Insurance InJOregon, January t, 90 $2 lft 78 T . -. . ' ; ; insurance in uregon, January X, J902 hi 1 1 1 1 1 1 n 1 1 1 1 1 1 Hm i - Teachera Meet at Cornell. Rhaca, N. y. Jmy 5 -scores of teachers, representing all branches of education from the prlmarj school to the highest Institutions of learning, are gathered here for the 68th annual meeting of tho New York state Teach- era association The weinr , h I lie ho.l ...i i. - -v. uuvr lno allSpkeg 0j c)r nell university. At tho opening ses blonthls evening President Schurman of Cornell wm welcome the visitors, and Superintendent J. M. Edsall li deliver the annual president's a"! dres. The regular sessions of the convention for the discuss,on of ed cattonal methods and ork Mil begin tomorrow morning throuh Thursday. and continitfj OABVOTIT - Bw tl Tha Kisj Yoo Haw Wrs Bo fll,.t f . m . I I "fcSS?5aSf