4 4k I DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM, OREGON, SATURDAY, JULY 2, 1904. THREE 4' U1 ' ' ' ' I l-rJ ' ' ' ' 1' ''' ' ' ' ' il-l- 11 I 1 1 U I I I III. S3 m W IRON BEDS BY THE CARLOAD THAT'S WHY WE SELL THEM SO CHEAPLY FIFTY STYLES BUREN HAMILTON 8 3 l.tft m v . ! cv) .JUn 'HI sjfc" je(ttP- . - i 18 NAUGHTY AUTO MOBILE Experience of Several Albany People With Steam Roadster bridge, and, with the buggy scraping the railing for a, distance of fully six or seven rods, finally got past the ma chine. There were quite a number of people ion the bridge at the time, and there was consternation and fear that the railing would give way with the result that ,the buggy and its oc cupants would be hurled Into the river below. One of the ladles In the buggy was Mrs. W. M. Phillips, who resides a half mile north of the Benton county end of the bridge. Parties who were on the brlJge at the time report that the auto stopped about the center of the bridge until Mrs. Phillips had come within about 50 feet of the ma chine, when it suddenly started up at the same time sounding the whistle. This so frightened the horse as to I The Albany Herald relates the ex perience of several Albany people Kith an automebile: George H. Graves, wfth his big au tomobile, was in the city yesterday, land last evening, while driving the big pouring car about the city, he came make the animal unmanageable, and jnear causing several accmcnw, nurses, DUt f0r the timely assistance of a iking fright at the big machine, andcoupie of young men on the bridge, was we grcaieai oi juck loni no one .would have gone over the railing. Mrs. iras injured. During the evening he Phillips' efforts to hold the plunging tad gone across the steel bridge into. horge severely strained her back, and Benton county with a party of friends, after her arrival home she was com- bd on the return, while driving across pelled to send for a physician. "Dr. the bridge at a rapid rato of speed, 'winnard. was called, and he found the aet a single buggy going In the op- jady jn a serious condition, suffering iosite direction. The two ladies in severe pain, and he reports her in a the buggy did their best to control ua(i condition as the result of the Ehelr horse, but succeeded In passing strain and the fright received. the big auto only after a narrow es- Later in the oveninir a well known ape from being hurled into the stream business man who drives a good horse any reet ueiow. me norse, ingni- met the big auto in the street. Four ned at the appearance of the auto. dIk ehB on the swift movlnc ma- eared and sprang to the side of thejchine frightened the gentleman's , horse almost out of his wits, and, while .the driver kept control of the animal, he was compelled to turn quickly arid get out of the way of the maqhlno, Which he did while using language that was far more emphatic than ele gant. j A third case of frightening a horse occurred when a well known horse man, having In the buggy with him FOOD BECAME POISON MR. TOBIN'S BLOOD CIRCULATED DEATH THROUGH HIS BODY. Scrofulous Conditions Beyond Power of Physicians to Check Cured by Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. Chittim Bark Highest Price paid at Fry's Drug Store, Salem, Oregon. Parties desiring to hold their bark fpr higher prices, will be giv en Free Storage at our warehouse. Wo are the largest buyers of Chittim Bark, Oregon Grape Root, Oregon Balsam of Fir and Bees Wax. We will buy for cash, sell on commission, or give you freo stor age. Wrlto or call upon us berore you soil. DANIEL J. FRY, Whole sale and Retail Druggist, Salem; Oregon. Mr. William Tobin, of No. 20 Smith's court, Newburyport, Mass., a well-known engineer, is very enthus iastic ovep- the remarkable change which has occurred In his physical condition. "A few years ago," ho says, "scrofula showed itself In the swell ing of the glands of my neck and the disease gradually extended until my whole body was affected and I was covered with sore3 practically from head to foot; little watery putfs kept appearing, growing -larger, and finally breaking and discharging a yellow fluid. After a whllo they" would, dry up in some places only to break out anew jn omer pans oi my oony. "The physicians who attended mo- said I had scrofula in its worst form. Their treatment Instead of arresting the spread of the disease only caused it to break out more extensively. After I had suffered in this way for four months, my misfortunes were In creased by a severe attack of typhoid malaria. For some time I gave up all hope of recovery, but after five weeks the fever was checked and the doctors said the danger point was passed. "I was still, however, affected as badly as ever with scrofula and It looked as if I 'never could get rid of that dlseabe. A friend chanced to call on me one day and told roe about the excellence of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills as a blood remedy. I became In terested and bought a box and began X-RADIUMS Oregon has gone geance. dry with a von- L. S. Knapp has moved his oak saw mill into Dallas. Polk ' county hasr recurrent attacks of the oil well fever. The Turner campmeetlng has only added to tho spell of the dry, it seems. Tho Newberg city council will put In an $150,000 concrete reservoir for Its water plant. Tho best newspaper advertisers are, as a rule, the best and most success ful business men. If this is tho first effect of local a Portland; friend to whom ho was lo lUKO u,reo . uu lwo i"a showing his fine driving horse, ami each nt the fl8t Pox wns U8ed "P ovnnrwiini, n,, ,,!... f , Then I bought a second box and in- i ., i ...., ... 'creased the dc animal, showine esneclallv how centle . an.i ohPrtipntAho wns Whn 'hrv!the end of the second box, I notice J .. w .. -., .. - ,-.,, , creased the doso to threo pills. At that the old sores were healing some Call for Bids. The City of Salem, Oregon, does hereby call for bids for the public lighting of its streets by arc electric system, In full accord with tho plans and specifications now on file in tho office of the recorder of said city, and for the interior lighting of tho city hall in said city In the same volume and system now in operation In said build ing. All bids in response hereto to be filed with the recorder of said city on or before 5 o'clock p. m. on Monday, August 1, 190 i. And the city of Sa lem reserves the right to reject any or all bids filed In this behalf. Done by order of the common council this 28th day of June, 190L U W. ACHESON. Chairman, Committee on Printing. 6-28 lOd met the blc automobile? Tho machine. with Its glaring headlights, suddenly and tnnt thore wero not many freh hove in sight, and away went the gen- Boros breaking out. I kept on using tlemen, horse and buggy, and the drlv- tho PJlls unt11 l had ta,ten ten boxes er could not see his own animal for and then r was entirely cured. I have . tho cloud of dust kicked up by the lat- had no rmira of the d,6ease Blnce ter. Ho said little at the time, but he n "av "ol 0bl u b wor "uB.i can bo depended upon to enter an em- flickuess since Jwas cured by this Phatlc protest against tbo fast run- wonderful medicine." nltfg of automobiles on tho streets and ' Ia cas of scrofula the blood bo roads. It is saiii that, as a result of cmes vitiated to suchan- extent that the three occurrences of last night, u no lnBr abI to. bu,ld UD tho propor restrictions on automobiles will body- IJ carr'08 to every part Irrlta be asked for at the hands of the city UH and dcay!- Instead of renewal of council. The streets of the city and Ufe. Dr. Williams' Pink Pills relievo the bridge, all of them Jnslde the city n two ways. They stimulate the di- limits, should and doubtless will be seetlon. which Increases proper nour- REPRESENTS A GREAT HOUSE. Geo. C. Mltty, Valley Agent for Web ster's International Dictionary. Herewith Is a llkoness of George C. Mltty, a young man of Polk county who has resided In this state for near ly 15 years and in Polk county for about 14 years. Ho graduated from option, pleaao excuse Oregon from going dry any more. You can take your cholco botwosn !tho Portland 10-cent vaudevilles and the Oregon City Chautauqua. All the Fourth of July celebrations this year in Oregon have for orators in Oregon the most prominont natlvo sons. Tho post office department has or dored that carriers need not leave mail at houses whoro vicious dogs aro kept. Tho Salem business mon should not bo working for another bum Port land directory, that noyor does Jus tice to this city, Tho carnival, tho campmeetlng, tho Chemawa graduating, not even tho Fouth of July colcbratings seem able to break tho drouth. A motor lino half way to Liberty will havo plenty of business. It will mean tho extension of city homes for nnothor milo further south. Tho Brownsvlllo Times lsa-modol country newspaper, It Is a(crodlto that city,' and the city?' that 'producos such a paper Is a credit to tho state, ., ,;,., All the snake charmers 'nro lftSa lem this week. Independence" Enter prise. Even tho Entorprlso mnn hadj. to come over;, , yQ Corvallls Gazottoi' John BaynO and wife, of Boise, Idahko;N are spending a short vacation In" tho Willamette Val ley. Last wools thoy visitod Newport, and ara now visiting in this city. ' . Tho first number of tho Gresham Gnzotto has been rocolvcd'at this of fice. , Wo can remember when that place was a more hole in tho woods. Now it Is a full fledged incorporated city. It has a nowspaper ami wants a bnnk. It alo has a cemetery and a public school. !! Geo. C. Mltty, the public schools of Oregon In March 1894, and from the Capital Business college in March 1902. He is engaged In a work that will provo of Inestim able value to the public schools and educational intorosta of this stato and we commenJ him as worthy arid de ROSTEIN & GREENBAUM Dry Goods and Millinery, will remain ifi, business at the old stand, 302 Commercial Street. 1 1 We Have Put chased ! ! the Adolph Clothing Store, 295 Commercial street, ! ! opposite oar regular place of business, which we will ; ; proceed to dispose of at greatly reduced prices. ;; jv uits viiu tuiug eiiiu- aai J AT GREATLY REDUCED PRICES I Gents' Underwear, Socks, Suspenders, Shirts in fact S every article in the store will be sold at Greatly Reduced Prices f g Sale Now On 295 Commercial Street serving liberal support and patronage made safe for all classes of citizens, lament; and thoy Introduce into the J Mr. Mltty is propared to employ blood elements that purify ana agenis in nm worK ana can oner goou Btrengthon It.. They are sold by all druggists. o Good buggies aro now being sold during our special sale at tho prlco of cheap ones. Mitchell, Lewlla & Stav er Company, Salem branch. 6-30-tf New Dentist. Dr. Keltv extracts and fills teeth ab- OASVOIIZA. L1..,,. nnls.. t. . nruuita C&ytfffl&&t 'Gray building. Phone Main 1617- Inducements. Correspondence soli cited. Ho represents tho G. & C. Mor rlam Company, publishers of tho In ternational Dictionary for tho-entire Willamette volloy. Call on or address Goo. C. Mltty, box 30, Salem. Enquire Journal office Htrie Wing Sang Co. Great sale of fireworks, at wholesale and retail prices. All kinds. Court street, corner the alley. MOHlmlHHWWHHf lflMWMtM T MERCHANT TAILOR- . !... bl..1. JJMI Ct.A. Jupcra HUU3C mum- ,. vvutw.v Experienced cutter and fitter. Will guarantee all work Also dea f ng, pressing ana repairing. glMHtHmiHiilftOlf