Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, July 01, 1904, Page TWO, Image 2

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'garden. Thoee were the beautiful
dreams of his home and hors.
I Tho horaa that she has dreamed of,
thlB li It, until today It has always
been omthlng to long for. something
to hope for, something to pray for.
Now It Is here, her own and his.
Her own and his. Everything
Now York city has not yet fully re- m QOat Ther( hang8 hls hat- Thore
covered from the shock which was (f( hjB K,ovei
caujied by tho terrlblo disaster on the There ,n th(J homBi bo lt paj.
General Slocum The llst.of the dead ac8 or cfl,jn wwe he hag hrougnt
passed tho one thousand limit and ,jer mugt the ,jrdo 0(1Jut ,)Gr dr(jam8
nearly every day one or moro bodies nnd tako up Uje ))Ur(en or roalty
aro found and new namos added to( Thore aonei w)1Ie ,)0 ,aI)0W for
the list pf victims. The testimony of ho broad of for tf)e w,na that w,
tlie Wltnosse at the Inquest, so clear- mMn hor( mugt sho weavo nt0 the
ly Indicating tho most flagrant nog- roa flf loJay thQ thread8 of tho
lectf every precaution against flro dream Qf yof)terday
or snipwrocK, nas surruu up pupum. ... . .ccomni,Bh this7 How
Indignation and arousod a peremptory I wIgojy w), ,hg Mig of ft nmh tako
up tho now life, nnd color It with tho
romance of thoso golden droanu?
Alono, she stands striving to place
her foot moro firmly in tho path of the
convicts shall not bo employed moro'ed Improvement, and tho rest of the
district will sustain muiu.
Senator W. Kuylsendall is proml-
.. ,,.. .i .i.-t - ,... r nentlv mentioned as candidate
laixjr. iMouny uu mui u ic va
buys Is bought In the open market.
Tho ntniilni-mrmt of nnnvlnt labor on succeed
than eight hours a day.
It Is hard to see Just how confining
convict labor to articles UBed by the
state prevonts competition with free
president of the next state senate to
domand" for reform. Tho outcome of
tho official Investigation Is awaited
with great Interest and thero scorns,
a determination on tho part of tho
cHizem. io eu io it i.mt u. " nw ,f0i It ,g wI,,0 he S gono that
persons shall be discovered and pun-gl)o udJuts honjo,f wlh bmvo (lotor.
minatlon to tho now conditions, to the
now surroundings.
I Father, mother, sister, they aro far
nu-nv Htin liflR rnnunrrntnil hor lift.
J ! A iIihIpa nfrmm tlitn1 tiihlinttii
UD r:' "' . ' ' "' ho has given horsulf to him
And as sho sits alono and ponders,
she remembers that ho, too, must
have dreamed. lie, too, has forsaken
family and friends, has given himself
to her.
I Thore, alono, with tho firm belief In
her dreams, which only tho loving
iwlfo can hope for, with tho unnaver
iihed. It Is a strango fact, that It In
variably requires a powerful stimu
lus llko tho Iroquois theater fire or
the Oeneral Slocum disaster to arouso
construction of highways comes near-
ost to accomplishing the purposo
sought In tho above hill.
Tho way private corporations are
managed, there is no preventing a
rapid development for public owner
ship of public sorvico franchises
Private ownership resolves Itself In
to an almost continuous graft, with
poor sorvlce, and as llttlo enterprise
as possible, and all at the expense of
tho community.
Public ownorshlp means that any
citizen might own a share of stock,
and tho benefits would como back to
tho people. The laboring man would
bo on equal terms' with the capitalist
in dividing the earnings.
Tho people would be Interested In
tho best possible lighting service, and
In the best possible car service. They .
would be Interested in all the exten-
kondall entered the senate six years
ago ho has gained a high standing
among Oregon's lawmakers, and Is
regarded as one of the most Influen
tial men In the upper house, and Is
well qualified for prosldlng ofilcer.
Florence West.
When will
log days be over?
Winter street should
resort these days.
be a popular
The best school town In tho state
Is what Salem should be made.
electric line
Ask Henry.
for half a century has boon dormant,
but never asserted Itself.
For several generations tho public
and tho authorities permitted the
erection and uso of tho most danger
ous nrotraps for tlioalor purposes.
Evor now and then a volco of warning
would bo raised, but as no serious ac-
rfdonl hfimifinftil lYin mihllf. wna lnllnil
Into a deceptive' fcellngof safety. Tho in "T" f. th .lVfd T' ?U?h
awakening was torrlblo and tho reac
tion positively revolutionary. With
ono fell atroltu everything was to be
changed from a state of tho most np-'
palling Insecurity to a state of abso
lute security. The theaters wero I wmou na i glow with moro rosy
closed, and not only the real nrotraps ltonI. iwhlch shn'l bo Brace
but also thoso that heretofore had "' ,n d0i"Bn' moro ,,entf'l Prom
been considered models of safety. ,B0' a tl10 dn,'s ,1rlft on' as tho ycaTa
SllOh Violent reactions, however rare, "UB8 "' ua u,u" "a,rB f" Bra
ly lat long. 8 In this cane. Anyone
who itoubtH thin linn nnlv In im In
ono of tho smaller outlying theaters -h happlnoee of his life and hors,
of a largo city and figure out, nflor
alono Is her strength In this becln.
ning of the new life, she knots tho
threads of her dream Into a moro
boautlful reality. She marks out a
pattern for her life, for tholr life,
It Is thoso first days of loneliness
and awakening upon which doponds
duo consideration uf oxlstlng coudl
tloiis, what would happen should over
a fire break out In one of those
iWoro loh the CJonorn! Slocum ill,
aitor will, bo fprgotton; carolow or
corrupt officials will continue to fill
Important oltlcoi and In a few years
conditions will probably be rlpo ngaln
for another torrlblo lusson. Tho pres
ent agitation has had at least ono
good effect. It has made tho people
moro cautious nnd tho excursion and
Sho, In thoso days, holds In hor
trembling hand tho harmony of tho
homo-ilfo, tho truth nnd honor of tho
I Sho, In thoo days, needs all hor
'wisdom and all her wifely devotion,
that sho may plan nrlght.
Today tho world Is filled with
brldos. For Juno, the month of
rosos, Is, as well, tho month of brides.
Upon tholr wisdom, upon tholr
strength, upon their devotion to tho
men whom they bavo chosen for their
life companions, hnngs tho gladness
plonsuro boats have not boun hnlf so of "l0 l'o-llfo of joars to como,
crowdod since tho disaster as thoj ' Tn,,so '"Ides, In tho first days, can
used to bo boforo It occurred. . "tBml out this divorce evil which
. o- threatens our women's honor, and tho
HERE'8 TO THE BRIDE. Kood namos of our men.
It Is all Avar. Tho vows n,i tl,., ,.,. ' T,UM brl,Iofl' ' ,,,o un8 n'ono. can
fume of (lowers, ami to iho (omul of 8,nm,) 0,,t "10 xmo of ""'cl'Io. which
geully swelling mulodlos. havo 1iim.ii u,rM,8l,i t t n slur upon wo
blHiken. , nmn 8 v,r"10 nil'l "inn's morality.
Tho ruth for tho train, tho Huiiy of Thls 'lH, U ,ho,re' nll,, ,holrH '"
flowars, the ruin of rice, It is nil ovor. ,.
The Idlo. enro-froe wmuluriiiK of the Il0,'8 lo U,B wisdom of tho llttlo
wedding Journey, It Is a thing of tho U,mm" who Is n" l'"wurful.
past. I Hero's to the bravo llttlo bildo.
The happy homo-comlng, It Is ovor. ' "
Tho wchIiUiik Miris have bwiu nt- THE LARQEST STEAMSHIP,
knowlt'dged. bolatUl gifts have been' Nttw Yorlv ,H nwnltlns; with consid
Opened, and all have found their WUH' Intoroet tho arrival In port of
XMm. the llaltlc. the latut White Star lei-
me wtMitt journey souvenir hnve "l""11 """ ,lle largest steamship ever
bgcn oonspletiouftly hung hero and '"""cIieHl. Tlie llaltlo left Liverpool
UlJtW. or oecuiiy the place of honor Jui" uml ' ' ' New York oaii)
fin: Uie inantel. et week
riJoloe of furniture have been re- 8HtrlnK as the does, ai.ooo
UhUflO. and llttlo home luueho imva U)n. the Halite e.ceu th Pa.'iri
Ii84w nthled. The heuse has tnken on "mU cu,b b" " tons. nar cu
ha almphere of home, jjwclly for onro U about ss.ooo loiu.
The day of quiet has come. For nml ll" dlplceiuent at her load
WBflk the woman's fitment have been t,raft n,MMIt .ooo toiw. she Is 720
iMW wild ueKlle For week the wo- ftM,t ln . or SU ftwt longer than
nwn' brain h been bun)-with plane u,e t-'rle and Celtic, whleh. with
fQT the uaw home. Por wttk and hr lw rwt fuuueU and four polo
wfiflk the wwmau'8 heart hns beeniwnj!' sraatly resemblee.
dtsamlug, dreawlmt. aiway dream.' T,M' "nry other hull le 0 per
lmr of the lav4iain, whtali U8lhr. f,ct t"1 only whe In Just a no-
m w Uie tuv ae. kmU bulhl "tl0N her craft thui the steam
temwlvei. ,er' iremaatow else U mmt. SUe
iUaB dreemetiQt Uie ihwIhk lHrll) liuended to meet the wnnt
MHl& She m dreamed of n,e r aR llnt uumUer of travelers
,$&e rtHr. when wk fw the ny whiw firel deelre Is ot great sp,i
U- ' btt awdm " taU U, n 1M'H Of (HUUfort
wHv ' w"iwuui. al " ""T mm twceeHavrs, beeldes
virffTrT "r n,wc ws the KHit HO. All her aret-chw
5jjnu.u.hmUlQfhwPWMW. m il)Unt Mlp0tt 8UiwuM 8n iaw
-lL ... .,-... 1 1!!?.. ?' width of
.IZ . "T T " m mecB '" "-i tm. u ,,, ,,, flIV
m 4rUMd of i)i lu .wwnttotoito for w ueoul
- '--
slons possible, and ln cars whenever
they want them.
Public ownorshlp would produce ex
actly the opposlto results from the
prosent stylo of corporate manage
ment expansion In place of restric
tion, tho be3t instead of tho poorest,
tho most Instead of tho least.
Salem should tako deliberate steps
to buy and own a lighting plant. Tho
city council should act under tho au
thority given in tho charter, not to
cripple any service tho city now has,
but to protect tho community.
Tho election of Leo director has
been followed by putting In a clerk
of the district, Jas, Goodalo, who I al
so In sympathy with tho progreidUo
spirit In our public schools.
This meanB a great deal for the city
of Salem. It means that our commu
nity shall no longer bo stigmatized as
Indifferent to public education and
mossbacky on higher grades.
No school district In tho stato Is In
hotter shapo to go forward, and there
Is no longor any excuse for anyone
connected with our public schools op
posing pi ogress and Improvement.
With a surplus In tho treasury of
nearly $15,000, tho present school
buildings should nil ho finished, tho
buildings should bo painted, and the
grounds put In fairly decent order.
With abundant means, thero should
bo no hesitation about condemning
tho old shacks on Center street, and
erecting In stoad a neat cnildron's
building, to nccommodnto that part of
tho city.
ino children of thnt pan of town
What went with that
extension to Chemawa?
Salem Indian Training School can
boast of being the best and most prac
tical institution of tho kind In tho
Gentlemen, oil or anything, but givo
us ono permanent street Improvement
at Salem tnls year. Next year we
shall have visitors from all over tho
world. Let us not wait.
A school director who stands for a
high school; a largo majority at a pop
ular vote for a high school; a school
clerk In sympathy with the high school
movement; well, tho world do move,
nnd wo might as well all preparo to
move along with lt,
The Piohlbltlonlsts have named a
man by tho name of "Swallow" for
president, and a dispatch says ho may
not run. What did they expect him
to do, anyway. And then one swaller
never caused any trouble These Pro
his are funny fellows.
.aaaaawBWritgSJ JHlPMTTrt JwF' 'TJvSlSlCliBaaaaaaaaV
Piaffe -''"'S-'IB
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.aaaaaaam . r i s fc.- jtrtEts? 't. mnw
-aaaaaaaaaaw MKm.--'- M p.
aaaBiHaHiN IW M
vA prominent club woman, Mrs. Dan- B i I
Tried and Convicted of Murder In Lees
Than Thnee Weeks.
Portland, July 1. Standing with
his left hand In his trousers pocket,
Gugllelmo at 5:12 yesterday aftornoon
stood with downcast eyes nnd heard
the vordlct of tho Jury, which charged
him with murder ln tho first degree.
Gugllelmo shot to death Freda Guar-
ascla, a 16-yearold Italian girl, on tho
aftornoon of Juno 14th. Ho was ar
rosted within a couplo of hours after
tho commission of the awful crime.
should not longer bo forced to sit In BBd '" l0SS thnn threo week" ,m8 been
poorly-llchtod. unsanltnrr nn,i ,!,. i tri0(l antl convicted, making his caso
pooriy-iigiitod, unsanitary nnd
ing mumings. or bo forcod to cross
railroad trncks to got to the Cast
Let tho people of thnt part of tho
clt start the ball rolling for this need-
tho most speedy criminal trial ever
hold In Multnomah county.
The ostate or tho Into African
ploror. Stanley, was proved today
amounts to JU145.8G5.
I'Wlv Uie
OHM life KU k..
'7 S meie4tfcM
m tnUt iMwe an lUt, U.ej- wiM
ml perfect tee. uMinudj u .
. w.,,l4i iBBt
la KbollsJiliix ,,..,,., I-lM.
Jd bjr Uie last , th ,
letletiUMre bcwe effecllve today
WO fc. wi. ... ' '.7 """ W w.a ,M.d lar.
mm hum. sb . tmZ iT, ? , "" ,m mdtt b-
itmm ak ik. u r MrKl a Uiewftftt advauri u-...
JJN- A.;;; J - J MM eve, adeaTu;
te.ler urm, WM ,h y ' Ww U abollUtea m
. I
'..' M-.- iML ' ' 1
srrzvm wy.m.m
that ever mSlm. i
mjmr crossed &. S
Cig'ar Counter ym
prominent club woman,
forth, of St. Joseph, Mich., tells how she
was cured of falling of the womb and
its accompanying pains and misery by
Lydia E Pinkham's Vegetable Compound.
"Deab Mrs. Pinkham: Lifo looks dark indeed when a woman
fuels that her strength is fading away and sho has no hopes of over
being restored. Such was my feeling a few months ago when I was
advised that my poor health was caused by prolapsus or falling of tho
womb. Tho words sounded like a knoll to me, I felt that my sun had
set; but Lydla E. Plnklmm's Vcpotablo Compound, camo to me as
an elixir of lifo ; it restored tho lost forces and built me up until my
good health returned to me. For four months I took tho medicine
daily and each dose added health and strength. I am so thankful for
tho help I obtained through its uso." Mns. Florence Danforth,
1007 Miles Ave., St. Joseph, Mich.
A medicine thnt has restored so many women to health and
can produco proof of tho fact must ho regarded with respect. This
is tho record of Lydla 13. Plnkhnm's Vegetable Compound, which
cannot bo equalled by nny other medicine the world has ever pro
duced. Here is another case:
"Dear Mrs. Pinkiiam: For years I was
troubled with falling of tho womb, irregular
and painful menstruation, leucorrhoea, bearing
down pains, backache, headache, dizzy and
iainung spans, ana stomacn uouDie.
" I doctored for about ilve years but did
not seem to imnrovo. I ocean tho use of vour
medicine, and nave taken seven bottles of
Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound,
three of Blood Purifier, and also used the
Sanative Wash and Liver Pills, and am now
enjoying good health, and havo gained in flesh.
i manic you very much tor what you
havo done for me, and heartily recom
mend your medicine to all Buffering
women." Miss Emma Snyder. 218 East
Center St., Marion, Ohio.
Women would save time nnd much sickness if they would
write to Mrs. Pinkham for advice as soon as any distressing1 symp
toms appear. It is free, and has put thousands of women on tho
right rond to recovery.
Mrs. Pinkiiam nover violates tho confidence thus entrusted to
her, and although sho publishes thousands of testimonials from
women who hnve been benefited by her ndvice nnd mediclno,
never ln nil her experience has she published such n letter without
tho full consent, and often by special request of tho writer.
3Knnn FiS.5Lttff.cK.Sktt ku o
ffiilllllll -t I'tuio iucii ausuiuio Kuiiuiueness
VB v tf BK
MM v
LyUla K. l'luklmm Medietas Co., Lynn, Mm.
f i'bI",'Bi
YzS mfflSth
" ewttfcftttftfttwftftftftftfttfcfrfrtgM
Thnt will make good, rich blood,
and that will stick to your ribs,
ou can always enjoy when you
buy your moats from our flno stock
Tho very best beof, mutton, lamb,
veal and pork for roasting, broil
lng. stewing or frying, you will al
ways find at prices as low as tho
lowest at B. C. Cross.
E. C. Coss.
fc"wMjsar..,ssr. . . ,
193 Cvmmettial St
wmf III VI SI 1141 iype is the
C1 :M a I o r ti e !atest,t!lit0L
"" be added to
it m arC ?hmilus a tnide Catalogue
::::::::A GENCY O F:::::::: ! '
"" "" ( I
Oats For Sale.
a w. vmuc ouu awes auipnur.
t -J. u. ura am. Aopnt
m.JZ: . U7 UommflrciaI St. , Salem, Ore. I
-- ---rif-aiwii !
t a w
Has been taken to supply tho stock of! !
lumber in our yards. Our stock Ib
complete with all kindB of lumber.! I
Just received a car load of No. ill
shingles, also a car of fine shakes.!
We are able to fill any and all kind! ;
Of bills. CnmA mil i ,,, t.nnr nnf
1 KtKf iJs "AbV mKLewSIwJ
m ii p)'a i f I nBHBlfw5flil?vi
1 1 ' MgmFM
:- Mm
our stock.
W All 0
Yard and office near 8. P, passenger?
vw I Journal
uepot 'Phone Main 651.
: &v"W m MftWl