SEVEN DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM, OREGON, SATURDAY, JUNE 25, 1904. Dr. Stone's Drug Store F YOU WANT PHYSIC PILLS GO TO STONE'S DRUG STORE. F YOU WANT LIVER PILLS GO TO STONE'S DRUG STORE F YOU WANT KIDNEY PILLS GO TO STONE'S DRUG STORE F YOU WANT AGUE PILLS GO TO STONE'S DRUG STORE F YOU WANT QUININE PILLS GO TO STONE'S DRUG STORE F YOU WANT QUININE CAP- SULES GO TO STONE'S DRUG STORE F YOU WANT A POROUS PLA8- TER GO TO STONE'S DRUG STORE F YOU WANT TASTELE8S SALTS GO TO 8TONE'S DRUG'STORE F YOU WANT CAMPHOR GO TO STONE'S DRUG 8TORE F YOU WANT RHUBARB 'GO TO STONE'S DRUG STORE F YOU WANT SASSAFRAS BARK GO TO STONE'S DRUG STORE F YOU WANT CALOMEL TAB- LETS GO TO STONE'8 DRUG STORE F YOU WANT BIRD SEED GO TO STONE'S DRUG STORE F YOU WANT A CATHETER GO TO STONE'S DRUG STORE F YOU WANT VASELINE GO TO STONE'S DRUG STORE F YOU WANT AN ELECTRIC BATTERY GO TO STONE'S DRUG STORE F YOU WANT AN ELECTRO MAGNETIC BATTERY GO TO STONE'S DRUG STORE F YOU WANT AN ELECTRIC BELT GO TO STONE'S DRUG STORE F YOU WANT A PAIR OF CRUTCHES GO TO STONE'S DRUG STORE F YOU WANT ABSORBENT COTTON GO TO STONE'S DRUG STORE F YOU WANT A GOOD CIGAR GO TO STONE'S DRUG STORE F YOU WANT GLYCERINE GO TO STONE'S DRUG STORE F YOU WANT SNUFF GO TO STONE'S DRUG STORE F YOU WANT BEDBUG KILLER GO TO STONE'S DRUG STORE F YOU WANT GASOLINE GO TO STONE'S DRUG STORE F YOU WANT BENZINE GO TO STONE'S DRUG STORE F YOU WANT SULPHUR ' GO TO STONE'S DRUG STORE F YOU WANT SHEEP DIP GO TO STONE'S, DRUG STORE F YOU WANT MEDICINE FOR MAN GO TO STONE'S DRUG STORE F YOU WANT MEDICINE FOR A HORSE GO TO 8T0NE'S DRUG STORE F YOU WANT MEDICINE FOR A COW GO TO STONE'S DRUG STORE F YOU WANT MEDICINE FOR A DOG GO TO STONE'S DRUG STORE F YOU WANT MEDICINE FOR A CHICKEN GO TO STONE'S DRUG STORE F YOU WANT MUNYON'S REM EDIES GO TO STONE'S DRUG STORE F YOU WANT HOOD'S REM EDIES GO TO STONE'S DRUG STORE F YOU WANT SHOOP'S REM- EDIE8 GO TO STONE'S DRUG STORE F YOU WANT PIERCE'S REM- EDJES ' GO TO 8TONE'S DRUG STORE F YOU WANT PINKHAM'S REMEDIES GO TO STONE'8 DRUG STORE IF YOU WANT KILMER'S REM- EDIES GO TO STONE'S DRUG STORE F YOU WANT STUART'S REM EDIES GO TO STONE'S DRUG STORE F YOU WANT LIQUOZONE GO TO 8TONE'S DRUG STORE F YOU WANT SOME MONEY CHANGED (So TO 8TONE'S DRUG 8T0RE F YOU WANT POSTAGE STAMPS GO TO 8TONE'S DRUG STORE DR. STONE OWNS A DRUG STORE, CARRIES A LARGE 8T0CK, DOES A STRICTLY CASH BUSINES8. PRACTICED MEDICINE FOR TWENTY-FIVE YEARS, MAKE NO CHARGES FOR CONSUL TATION OR PRESCRIPTION, IS NOT BLUE BLOODED, DOES NOT BELONG TO THE FOUR HUNDRED, , IS AP PROACHABLE AT ALL TIMES BY THE RICH AND THE POOR OR THE YOUNG AND THE OLD. CALU AND 8EE HIM AT 8ALEM, OREGON. , ... OREGON STILL AHEAD Salem Boy Designs Roosevelt Campaign Button Oregon boyn aro continually "bob- blng ui)," anJ tho latest to attract at tention is Sam VanDorsal, who lias brought out tho Roosevelt campaign button for 1904. Tho button mado Us nppearaneo In almost overy part of tho United States, and for originality has novor been surpassed. Sam was born and raised in Marion county, and several years ago went East to beek his fortune. Ho eccupied: a mediocre place, go far. as his friends know, un til recently, when Eastern papers commenced to exploit ills campaign buttons. Tho Kansas City Star of Juno 12th says: Tho first of tho campaign buttons for 1904 has mado Its appearance, and it is based on' tho ranch days of Theo doro Roosevelt. Samuel Van Dorsal, a Kansas City man, is tho origin ator. Mr. Van Dersal was publisher of tho Montana and Dakota state brand books when Mr. Roosevelt has ranches In that country. In each book aro registered thousands of brands, and among thorn aro tho three used by the ranchman who became President. Ono is a triangle, another tho Elkhorn and tho third tho Mai- teso cross. Mr. Van Dersal recently sent to North Dakota and received in return tho original applications filed by Mr. Iloosovelt and registering his brands in the state capitol at Bis marck. Ono of thorn, tho Elkhorn brand application Is here reproduced. When Mr. Roosevelt sold his ranches ho also transferred his brands to Ferris Brothers, Medora N. D., who still use them. The button shows a red steer, wear ing tho tlireo Roosovelt brands, and bears tho Inscriptien: "Don't bo a Maverick Join tho Presidential Roundup, 1904. Roosevelt hal two ranches In tho Dad Lands of Dakota. Ono was eight miles up tho Littlo Missouri river from Medora. This was known as tho Chimney Butte ranch, but the cow boys called it tho Maltese Cross ranch, because all Its cattlo were branded with the cross. Thirty miles down the river from1 Medora was tho Elkhorn' lanch also owned by Mr. Roosevelt. There wero flno buildings on tho Elkhorn, but tho Now Yorker preferred to live on tho Chimney Butto although the house was a one-story affair of logs with three rooms, a kitchen, a living room and a roonii for tho owner and his ranch manager Sylvano Ferris, who, with his brother now owns the Roosevelt lands. Medora is not much of U town now, but it has a history. Twenty years ago tho lato Marquis do Mores, who was killed In tho Soudan by the Mahadlsts, established the town and namrfd It after his wife, who, before her mar riage, was Medora von Hoffman of Now Yorlc Pretty nearly overy ono hears of tho schemes of tho marquis. Ho was going to raise his own cattlo, slaughter them in his own abattoir and: sell tho meat in his own stores in ovory city In tho land. Ho trio!, ho failed and ho left Medora. Roosevelt came hero a year before tho marqulB and started In to do somo reforming. Tho "bad men," who abounded hereabouts in thoso days, wore just ready to kill hlnv when do Mores wafted along and monopolized all tho attention. Tho Frenchman at once became as obnoxious to tho cat tlo thlevo3 as tho Now Yorker' ami tho would-be klllors concentrated up on' him. But de Mores killed two of them and wounded half a dozen moro, making tho first actlvo move against tho toughest gang of cattlo thlovo3 in tho northwest. f After do Mores fadod away some of tho former mombors of tho gang mado spasmodic efforts to return to tho old order of things, and thoy wero aided secrotly by tho then sheriff. Rooscvolt showed then that ho had good stuff in him. Ho called a meet ing of all tho ranchers In tho country, tho sheriff was summoned, and with his hand on his gun Roosevelt told tho official that ho was a liar and a horsethlof. It was swift language to uso in that country, but tho sheriff saw that ho was against a bad man, took his medicine and resigned. That . . .i, in nnnwvnU's ran was a uig luuwiwi mi ww -.- .- In other ways ho snowea urni mu." of tho country wero not too naru ways for him t?! it a nractlco winy i prupureu 10 uropiuy buy tho' buckiest, ugliest cow ponies agenta in his work and can offer good ho could find in tho country, and when Inducements. CorretJpondonce soli tho boya kicked against riding such cited. Ho represents tho O. & O. Mor nasty beasts ho would pick out tho riam Company, publishers of tho In toughest ono In the lot and ride It. ternatIonal Dictionary for tho entire ". .. k,w hut nvnntuallvi Willamette valloy- ' w ... onen no w i. ...., , -... r - I i nnnn fni nr nm rinst ... i. I HO conquerea. v,..v -. -- ----, eie smashed In by the nraj, la i, but he said nothing -and finally sub- ducd tho brute. If a Now YorKcr could rido tho horses the cowboys ar gued that thoy should bo able to man- ngo them. It Is Tho samo way with shooting. Mr. Jtoosovolt cannot seo a dozen yards away without his oyegiasses, but ho can do somo fancy shooting that would win npplauso In a Wild West show. Ho Is not so good with a lovolver, but In long rango work -with llfles thero Is no man oa tho two ranches who can bent him. Ho is a good man at wrestling and Is handy with tho gloves, bplng well urrln all tho tricks of both sports. In friendly bouts ho has taken in somo of tho biggest men on tho ranch and has shown that he Is no tender chicken. Do li iooay. The time-worn injunction, "Never put off 'till tomorrow what you can do today," is now generally present ed In this ferm: "Do it today!" That Is tho terse advise wo want to give you about that hacking cough or de moralizing cold with which you have been struggling for several days, per haps weeks. Take somo reliable reme dy'for it TODAY and let that remedy 'be Dr. Boschee's German Syrup, which has been In uso for over thlrty-flvo years. A few doses of It will undoubt edly relievo your cough or cold, and Its continued use for a fow days will euro you completely. No matter how deep-seated your cough, even If dread consumption has attacked your lungs, German Syrup will surely effect a cure as it has done before in thou sands of apparently hopeless cases of lung trouble. New trial bottles, 25c; regular size, 7Cc. At all druggists. At Dr. Stone's drug stores. o The Creffleld Reward. Sheriff Burnett is .sending circulars abroad in tho effort to locato, Croflleld. circulars glvo notice that .a reward of $350 is In tho sheriff's hands to bo paid for tho arrest and conviction of tho fugutlve apostle. Of tho sum, $200 Is offered outright for tho aircst and an additional $150 for tho arrest and conviction. Tho $200 is a sum contributed by private subscription, largely from persons whoso families have becomo victims of tho fallacious teachings of the bogus high priest. Of the other $150, $100 is offered by tho county court, and the balance by S. L. Kline. It Is figurod that tho in creased reward will Intel est Bherlffs and detectives In tho search for Cref fleld with a possibility that his. hiding place might bo discovered. Contrary to reports current, tho'offlcors have no clue to his whereabouts, and but a vaguo Idea of whero ho might be. Biooks and Lovcns aro known o be at Seattle, but ho olllcors aro con vinced that tholt chief is not with them. Tho circulars sent out by Sheriff Burnett announce that tho reward will hold good for tho period of ono year. Thoy also glvo a description of Crof field, which is as follews: Edmund Creffleld, alias "Joshua" Creffleld, is about 30 years old, very REPRESENTS A GREAT H0U8E. Geo. C. Mltty, Valley Agent for Web ster's International Dictionary. Herewith is a likeness of George C. Mltty, a young man of Polk county who has resided In this state for near ly 15 years and In Folk county for about 14 years'. Ho graduated from the public schools of Oregon in March 1894, and from the Capital Business college In March 1902. Ho is engaged In a work that will prove of lnestlm ablo value to the public schools and educational Interests of this state and . v.... ...., ...... urvuijj nuuiu; bumiuii uuu iwb". . ' V , -& . .. ...MM.WW ...VJj(- . n.uj ,.. ... ...T.i -....,. rv..'nr lit.. - -. ,- T jf ujui uh uuuuuicon1 uuu. wmmji Geo. C. Mltty. iW . oagM. mi UMK:Kt3U'l 'HI -IHI ll flee. T light complexion, light hair, may bo smooth-shaven, if not, beard will bo vory light, weight about 135 pounds, height C feet G Inches. No. 5 shoo, may wear black suit or may wear blue colored Mous, with bolt run around It, also vory often wears brown logging. Ho Is nlmost surd to have n Biblo with, him. Ho talks broken as If Swedish, but Is Gorman descent. o It Is Up To Tho Doctor. A lady wroto ua from Winchester, Va., that sho had been under a doc tor's care for 4 years ,for dyspepsia, tho pain-appeared to'contor undor tho left shoulder blado, was so severe at times that sho could neither eat nor sleep. Sho had lost faith In her homo doctor, anl asked us to send her sam plo of Dr. Gunn's Improved Liver Pills which had been recommended to hor. Wo sent hor two pills, in a fow days sho sent or a box. Now sho writes that tho pain undor hor Bhouldor has left hor entirely, Bho enjoys hor meals anil novor sloops less than 8 hours ovory night, and this has all como about in 2 weeks, and cost her 50 cts. for two boxog of pills. Says tho doctor charged her $50.00, and that sho told him ho had bettor take tho $50.00 and dnvost It- all in Dr. Qunn's Improved Liver Pills and build up his practice. Sold by druggists for 25c per box. Any ono having dys pepsia, bilious spoils or slckheadacho can get a speedy euro by the uso of theso pills. For sale by Dr. S. C. Stone, druggist. o New Dentist. Dr. Kelty extracts and fills teeth ab solutely painless, by a now procosa All work guaranteed for flvo yeara Gray building. Phono Main 1C17. PURE AND MELLOW RICH AND DELICATE For Sale by AUGUST SCHREIBER "SEE HARPER WHISkEY EXHIBIT IN AGRICUL- TURAL BUILDING, WORLD'S FAIR, ST. LOUIS. m 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 t W-W-H-W i m PFNN MIITIIAI H-1111 lfv w m r ' in HARPER! WHi$KY'; Sherman & Hamo General Agents :;l Fank Davey, District Manage, Rooms 9 and JO, New Opera House, SALEM, OREGON. Began Business in Onegon, April I f i 89B. 1ncmmnnt in Circcynrt. Tnmfarv 1. IS94- : Insurance in Oregon, January i, f 895 ' ' Insurance in Oiccon. tanaarv t, J 896 ; ; Instf Oregon, January i , 1 897 : : Insurance in Oregon, January J, i 898 - Insurance Oregon. January i, 1899 ; ; Insurance in Oregon, January i, 900 : : Insurance inJOregon, January 1, i90t : Insurance in Oregon, January i, X902 : : Insurance in Oregon, January i, 903 Uplift I Alfll: I Stale TroasurorCliaH.-a. Mooro. Dr. W. S. Mutt. Kugono P. Smith, . h MIhb Kthel UlKKioni . T Theo. II. Wilcox, President Flour- lng Mills Co. Walter P. Burroll, Capitalist. Itov. Alexander Blackburn, First Baptist Church X The above names, taken at random from i , x V .. , t i. '- TO ST. LOUIS t AND THE WORLD'S FAIR Travel via Denver and the Burlington Route to St. Louis if you want an interesting, comfortable and safe journey. The Burlington is the only railroad running its own trains over its own rails all the way from Denver to St. Louis. Fast time, clean and comfortable cars, obliging employes, good meals in dining cars at moderate prices.' Let mo give you detailed information about the trip. Write your namo and address here. ( Name Address Then cut out this ad today and mail to A. C. SHELDON, QENCRAL AQCNT BURLINGTON ROUTE. N(ff- 100 Tmibo Strebt. PORTLAND, OBK. eSt8tSt8888'g)itl!BillB,,,l Reg. No. 26531 RED SIRE OF JOE SEAL 2:11. Sired by Red Heart 2S19V4, the'alre of Chain Shot 2:06Ja Red Seal 2:10, Etc. Dam ALICE M. (trial) 2:25 Dam of Rod Seal 2:10 Al- Biro of DalBy Fields 2:08, Mam lawood 2:19. brino Field 2:11, etc. Second dam DAY BELL by Advance, slroof Malraska2:2G,etc, Dam or Veritas 2:16, Vlndex 2:29. Third dam daughter of Tlppo Saib, a thoroughbred. Red Heart'is by Fred Wilkes, out of Swootheart, by Sultan; Becond dam Minnehaha, tho dam of Beautiful Bolls, etc. RED SEAL standi 1G.1, compactly built, with great speed. Ho -will make' tho Benson of 1904 at tho OREGON STATE FAIR GROUNDS Terms, $40 Season With the usual return privilege. Good pasture at reasonable ratea,r to marcs sent from a distance. liiiHitniiiiniimmnMinnnM""'1"'11111', f i'aiiggtfliiiitfiwitii ihhhm tHwiaif r MERCHANT TAILOR- nnnrn rtnimft Rlnclt. S Experienced cutter anfl fitter. me, pressiac Biit,iasf jiKiiiajiitaigiigiiiiir nn i n 1 1 n 1 1 1 1 1 ii f 1 1 1 i m i - - r pesc ot I IFF INSIIRANfF COMPANY?!! - -..-. .. v w... .. - FEW OF 8ALEM'9 POLICY HOLDERS: Doctor 12. a. rierco, David J. Walling. MIbs Winifred lllgdou. FEW OF PORTLAND'S POLICY Doctor Henry W. Coo, Stato Ben. , ator. Edward Cooklngham, of I;add & Tllton Bank. W, 13. Coman, General Agent Oro- gon Short Lino. therPenn -. - T" I iVlTn I fffl HI II SEAL Tri'l2:06 Rcc. 2:10 Mark Flold (son of Geo. Wilkes)1,1 9'K quality and a auro alro of great!! SA$I -CASTO, Fate Grounds, Oe. COHlt StCet Will guarantee all worK Also c1m-I aqs repainiu- n 1 1 1 1 1 1 m ii i m i g n i ij.i tJ fci a la "fg . . . - -j;. -m 'r. : 7'. : ?' 366 .750: 1 , $354,250: ; V...-. ......... $394.0CHuV! !l . v.n $474,750) ,.. i,.1 $633,k7S! j; 7.: $M79,028F::1 ... $it462t9til, '. : $2,338,373): f $ 2;6 1 7 9v!$ ! -. 7 - . I Professor L. 11, 'Pmvwp , ' vLikt ! fV Doctor W. B. Morse. ': O. U Parrlsh, Stato Land OfflcmK helders: Carl T. Roberts, Managor Woolon Mill Store. Doctor A. 13. Itockoy. Gonoral Owen Summers. Kugono Shelby, Managor Fargo Express Co. Salem . If 7. JiiA... ' V. I II I fit rnTTl iTTn I lT :. i '4 . it ri ''If ' mwrri