w. Veather. Tonight and Saturday, Mr; wanner Domiuuj, ILY CAPITAL JOURNAL NO. -144; ': SALEM, OREGON, FRIDAY, JUNE 24, 1904. . 0SSIANS CANNON GOOD WORLD'S FAIR BLAZE YANKEE SKIPPER WINS WERE ROUTED VERY PLUMS FALL SICK BANDIT RELEASED CAPTIVES Bandit Raisuli Receives Cash for Perdicaris and ((tacked a Japanese Strong- noia. out t-ire was Too Hot Mans o, June 24. An army of 4000 attacked Aiyang Pienmon hy, Theywero repulsed and re- ted towards Shlnkallng, leaving lirge number of killed and wounded the battlefield. Tho Japanese will Isue tho retreating forces. Tension Gets Tight. London, Juno 24. A letter from St hrsburg which has reached an of- L) authority In London states that t tension between Russia and. China I growing, the latter showing open opathy with, tho Japanese and de- ice to Russia. Heavy Shots Heard. Che Foo, June 24. Heavy firing heard In the direction of Port plur last night, and was resumed morning. The firing last night jted for several hours. o Hltt Feels Better. lifashlngton, Juno 24. Congrois- i Hltt sat up this morning for the I-t time since his Illness, and will hrn to his Illinois farm as soon as (Is able to travel. Ho approves of iom's withdrawal of his name at 3, though tho latter did not I suit him. Varley Washington, June 24. Consul-General Cummer cables to the state de partment that a letter has been re ceived from Perdicaris and Varley, stating that they will leave this morn ing from Lafouly, and expect to ar rive at Tangier tonight. The ransom has been paid, and the captives re leased. Speaker Afflicted With Bad Attack of Malaria Supreme Court Cases. 1e Judges of the supreme court e assigned tho following cases to teard tho first week In July: tuesday, July 5 State vs. Eggles- It; Robertson vs. Law. IVednesday, July 6. Eldredge vs. !er & Zorn. Tlarsday, July 7. Johnson vs. Mngton Northern Building, Loan Insurance Asosclatlon. Meeting of Woman's Club. lucre will be a business meeting of Woman's Club at tho library on Saturday, Juno 25, at 2:30 Election of delegates andi alter- as to tho Oregon State Federation Woman's Clubs to be held at Baker Hr next October will be held. Other :fortant business will also come up iore the meeting. A full attendance ; desired. o Sick at Oak Grove. I Mrs. J. P. Craven Is very sick with pendlcltls at the homo of relatives ' Oak Grove. She resides at Inde- b and was visiting when she In attacked. Dr. Byrd was called says that her condition Is very Vessel Had Rough Trip. San Pedro, Cal., June 24. The bark Holllswood 119 days from Newcastle with, coal, which was given up for lost, -was sighted off San Pedro this morning. It put In shortly before noon. Cap tain Knight says that the vessel was almo3t totally disabled In a gale two weeks ago, 200 miles from San Fran cisco. The vessel has since then was tossed by countless gales and half the rigging Is lost. The captain's wife and 17 months old baby are little the worse for the terrible experience No one on board suffered seriously. Northwest News. Portland Is to have a $5000 beef packing plant. It will be operated by the Independent packing company In opposition to the trusts. The Wool Growers' Association met at Antelope yesterday and. offered a reward of ?B00 for the arrest of any person guilty of killing sheep. The association is determined that the slaughter of sheep on the ranges of Eastern Oregon shall stop. W. Shearer, a Montana criminal, was shot through the heart by Mar shal William McCann, of Helena, yes terday. He lived about seven hours after ho was wounded, and walked more than a block. George Joyce of Oregon City, found a burglar. In his boarding house, and received1 a severe blow on the head. He Is unconscious and may not re cover. Tho United States war ship Wyom ing, and torpedo boats, Paul Jones and Perry, wil larrlve In Portland on Sunday. They will remain In that har bor several days. Jesso Madison and) George Irwin, robbed the saloon of Selsby & Co., at Medfordi at an early hour this morn ing. The burglars wore arrested as they were emerging from tho rear of the building. They had secured about $50 and when thej- were discovered, they throw the money under the side walk, and attempted to escape. Chicago, June 24. Speaker Can non Is a very sick man, and was taken to his homo in Danville, 111., last night by his daughter In a special car. He is afflicted with malaria, and It was only on a supremo determination that ho was permitted to preside over tho national convention. If no further se rious developments come, an attempt will bo made to have "Uncle Joe" take a sea voyabe to the North Cape3. o Live Sparks Pruned Down. Col. Wright Egerton, of the depart ment of mathematics at West Point academy, died today. Secretary Cortelyou leaves Chicago tomorrow for Washington. Thero will be no politics until July 1st, when he goes out of office. His temporary headquarters will be at Washington for a month. Assistant Secretary Loomis is In formed that his brother left the steamer at Plymouth, ad Is not alarmed. One thousand Republican dele gates arrived this morning from Chi cago to visit tho fair. Thero was no program. Charles Swayze, of Detroit, Mich., a widely known Insurance agent, aged 53, and married, this morning sought an Interview with Efllo Elford, a pret ty clerjc, and when she refused to elope, shot her, and as sho fell shot himself and. leaped from a nearby window, and was "dashed to death on the pavement eleven stories below. The girl was shot twice In the neck, but may recover. The total number of bodies of the Slocum disaster recovered is 908. Forty remain unburied and unidenti fied. Tho work of pumping out the hull of the Slocum was completed to day, but It is not believed that any more corpses will be found there. o On Summer Vacation. Washington, Juno 24. Mrs. Roose velt, accompanied by her sister, Miss Carow, left this morning for Oyster Bay, to pass tho summer, The Presi dent will join her there July 2d. President Appoints Three New Cabinet Officers to Fill Vacancies Washington, June 24. President Roosevelt this morning announced cabinet appointments as follews: Moody, of Massachusetts, attorney- general; Paul Morton, of Illinois, sec retary of the navy and Victor H. Met calf, of California, secretary of com merce and .labor. The resignations of Secretaries Knox and Cortelyou havobeen accepted to take effect on Julylst. Secretary Morton dined last night at the White House, and had a long conference with the President. He hesitated to accept the naval portfo lio, on account of a lack of special knowledge in naval affairs, but tho President finally persuaded) him that it was not necessary. Tho President desired to have one of his ministers representative of the business Infer 03ts of tho country. Metcalf's appoint ment' was determined upon by tho President shortly after It become cer tain that Cortelyou would accept tho chairmanship of tho Republican na tional committee. Metcalf was a mombor of the McCall committee, which investigated the relations' of that congressman with the postofllco department. Number of State Buildings Were Threatened With Destruction A Depot Blaze. A, fire was discovered at , 12:25 o'clock this afternoon in tho balus trade runningalong tho eaves of tho depot. Tho depothose was brought Into play, three chemical extinguish es turned upon It, a fire department hose attached to the hydrant, and a stream secured by the engine, and tho flames which had blazed high woro ex tinguished, after a big erow.d had gathered. The big S. P. sign was burned off, as well as considerable of the balustrade. The fire caught from an engine or flue. Albany Democrat. o Traction Cars Collide. Lima, Ohio, Juno 24 Two Western Ohio Traction Line cars collided last night one mile south of here. 'Laura Keppen," aged 8 years, of Spokano, Washington, was killed, and three others probably fatally Injured. St. Louis, June' 24. Fire this morn ing burned the Hoo Hoo house at tho world's fair grounds. Tho loss Is $50,000, with Insurance at about $2000. Tho Union Banking Company's con cession In the building suffers to tho extent of $8000. The flames spread so quickly that for a timo It was feared that a serious conflagration would occur. Several occupants of the building had1 narrow escapes. Tho fire Is supposed to have started from the electric light wires. The Texas, German, Oregon and Mines and Met alturgy buildings adjoining were In danger for a time. o Dallas Brakeman Injured. Arthur Lynch, a brakeman bn the Salem, Falls City & Western railroad was Injured at Dallas . last evening, and was brought to this city today. His left foot was crushed, and It was necesisary to amputate tho front por tion of tho member. The operation was performed at the Florence San atorium by Drs. Cartwrlght and Mc Callon. Lynch was switching when the ac cident occurred, and was standing on a car loaded with lumber, when, his foot slipped and was caught by the wheels. o Salem's Enterprising Musicians. Salem can well feel proud of soma of her musicians. Yesterday thero ar rived at Geo. C. Will's music store a monster BB bass silver-plated horn, for John F. Steelhammer. ThlB Is one of four or five in tho entire United States aa large as this. It measures 35 Inches across the bell, and to get It plated they had to make an extra tank nt Chicago. Tho price of tho In strument Is $350, as much (is a good piano, and tho amount paid for this, and tho iseveral other very costly In struments received latoly, surely is a credit to Salem musicians. o License Issued. A marriage license was today Issued to Lena Brunk and Hiram H. Saxton, both of Salem. Charley Barr Gives Emperor William Pointers on Yacht Racing Kiel, June 2-4. Commodore Plant'ot American yacht "Ingomar," with Capt,. Charley Barr at tho holm; tho Gor man yacht "Meteor,' 'with Kaiser WH helm at the wheel; tho Empress' yacht "Iduna 'and Herr Ballin's yacht "Hamburg," started1 In the moat Interesting of today's races. As tho four yachts crossed the lino the Em peror's stentorian voice could btt heard shouting his orders to the crow. Tho German empress was In full yachting costume on tho deck of tho Iduna, and; was accompanied by the Crown Prince, while Herr Ballln watched hla quartermaster frora a comfortable seat near tho wheel of his, racer. The Ingomar won, with the Ham burg a closo second. Tho Kaiser's Meteor lost her topmast, and was towed into the harbor, while the Iduna. abandoned tho race. o . Marlon Square Social. Tho ladles of tho Marlon Square-. Improvement League certainly mean business ,and the public certainly ap-i predate their effort. Tho band stand" and new seats in Marlon Square aro fruits of their labor. A fountain la. the next thing in order. Walks and; othor plans aro under consideration. - Tho public should oxpross their ap preclntlon by attending tho concort' tonight and takjng a dish of dco cream and a piece of home-made cake. Miss Ethel May Raymond (tho . beautiful Queen Esther) ' will please tho public with her sweet song. Loomis Doesn't Loom Up. London, June 24. Tho American embassy has no Information regarding-! tho disappearance of Kent Loom la, but Secretary Carter saysithe matter will bo thoroughly investigated. Tho suggestion is made that Loomis met friends at Plymouth, and has gone la ta the country with them. o Tho United States government will erect flvo buildings at the Lewis and Claflo fair, with an aggregate floor area as great as that occupied at St. Louis. f E9MI SHOES With Goodyear Welt Soles Mean COMFORT SV&KQEWfc Vwt tW 5 , WHITE HOUSE SHOES 03 j. i tether wj our extremely low The Insole Is smooth, and en tirely free from nails and thread They are moro flexible than the ordinary "sowed soles," and gives bettor service. If you want to know more about a welt shoe, let us show you one that is sawed in two to show how they are made Inside. Wo can supply you with Goodyear Welts, In Patent Colt, Vicl Kid, Volur Calf, Box Calfl and Genuine Kangaroo, Jn great, va riety of new and Btyllsh lasts. The quality of our shoes, to prices makes our business grow. The New York Racket DRY GOODS, CLOTHING es 'and Men's, furnishings. Salem's cheapest one-price cash ttore. E. T. BARNES, Proprietor. Shirt Waist Irons The now shape for Ironing shirt waists. Highly nickle plated, detachable handle. 50c each eueMdSi Men's Hats 5c to $3.50 I It Hi Tj 1 rwft w r 9 r 9 ? A4s a wv -ti n KA ' loss than hats as flne cort any whoro outside this Btoro. eat Sale of Men's Syfe Great special reductions in our big suit department Genuine bargains of great interest. The best saving oppor tunity we have offered for many months. Absolutely every suit, overcoat and top coat (except blues and blacks) in the house radically reduced in price. Now's your opportunity don't let it pass by. Read the great price reductions then .profit by them. I $8.5o Suit or Overcoat $lo.oo Suit or Overcoat $15.00 Suit or Overcoat $18.5o Suit or Overcoat $ 6.50 $ 7.00 $10.00 $13.50 $2o.oo Suit or overcoat $22.5o Suit or Overcoat $24.oo Suit or Overcoat $25.oo Suit or Overcoat $15.00 $16.00 $17.00 $17.00 Ladies' Suits A Pronounced Cut Price and re duction, sale of ladies' suits. This Bale includes tho finest creations from tho best markets of tho world, Make the most of this splondid saving opportunity while you may, Not a garment but what is now. The very pick of the new fashions. You will surely find something in this bunch of bargains that will Interest you. You won't bo disap pointed in tho values ottered hero. MMMMMHMWMMHHMMMMHMMHI St. Louis Fait Contest One vote -with every 2Cc purchase, two with a 50c purchaso and so on. No June votes counted after 6 p. m., Thursday, June 30th, 04. Bo suro to get your Juno votes In boforo tho timo olapaes. Vote as often as you like. Ballot booth at Court-street entrance. Result of vote up to 5 p. m. last Evening. TOTAL NUMBER VOTE8 CAST 25,651 TOTAL NUMBER PERSONS VOTED FOR 60 of which tho following ton received tho largest number, Misa Sholton, Music S975 Miss Mellon, Ebat 89C9 Miss Thomas, Park 1C72 Mlsa Cospor, Bast 1333 Mtaa Bushnell, Park 11G0 MIbb Kramer, Bast 634 MJsa Knight, Music ., 451 Miss Prank, Ettpcutlon 356 Miss Patrick, O. E. 8 324 Mis Gordon, North 233 Unprecedented Silk Values' Greater than ovor chenpor than over aro tho values that wo aro now showing In our silk depart ment. No matter whother you want plain silk, or fancy silk, black ellk, or colored silk, for skirt or suit lining or trimming, wo nro al ways tho best and tho cheapest. Our silica aro bought direct from tho leading manufacturers of tho country no seconds or auction salo goods, nothing but tho vory nowost and: boat in tho market. Special lino of broken checks and stripes worth $1.00 at othor stores 69C THE YARD. M Ml Hi .' m m &i Hi e 5! HI ' ! r 3'