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About Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919 | View Entire Issue (June 22, 1904)
- W?l&tVIJ'i-1f'VFrrr ' DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, 8ALEM, OREGON. WEDNESDAY, JUNE 22, 1904. TWO naaBOBannuanaamBBnamiKnBWMHa ,i1" DAM CAPITAL JOURNAL BY HOFER BR08. F1 THE "RAILROAD ERA," Half a dozen paper projects have oprung up anil headed for this city slnco tho new census! was promul gated by the city council and tho Commercial Club. The peoplo of Salem are to bo con gratulated on becoming tho center of interest for so many projects, oven though they be on paper, and have hot air for motive power. All these corporation plans may ma terialize In something after while, but tho peoplo of Salem should not be de ceived for a moment by all these schemes that are popping up so sud denly, i Thoy realize that tho Salem light .nnd power plant, that has valuable franchises, Is growing more valuable, nnd ha? Just been transferred to new owners for a sum named at $300,000, and wo doubt Jt not. It has also been reported that Mr. Henry made ?60,000 by tho transfor of ithe property to a now company at Portland. This proves that, In skill "i'ul hands, thoso franchises aro very waluable trading stock. Tho latest paper enterprise on foot Is a double-track electric lino to Ore son City. That Is to have fifty-minute trains to Portland. That will want a franchise from this city, and so will othors. No sooner would that franchise bo granted1 than tho present street car Dine and electric plant would probably again bo transferred, and some opera tor would mnko another hundred thou sand dollars. The people should seo to It that they got substantial values for theso franchises, and that they pay a tax on their franehlEoa Into tho city treas ury. More operators should also pay -a tax on operations. Thoso may bo considered radical views-by some, but tho peoplo should roallzo and mako a distinction be vtwoen real bona fide Investments of capital nnd mero hot-air paper opera tions. The exploiters of franchises will not respect t, community that Is oa3y In thoso mattore, Tho railroad era Is moro apt to be a period of looting tho substantial resources of tho commu nity. Salem should, wolcomo men who wmo with capital to Invest In Im provements, and give them every en couragement, but of tho moro promot ing oxplolter, with watered stock to Bell, and earnings then to bo screwed out of tho peoplo to pay for It all, Is a tllfforent proposition. MR SYSTEMIC CATARRH Peculiar to Summer Pe-ru-na Gives Prompt and Permanent Relief. C.B. Ithoods, Indianapolis, Ind., writes: " For tho past two years I havo hardly known what it was to liavo a sweet, ro,tful night's sleop. Cares and overwork Boomed to weigh me down moro than It should or would had I boon ablo to got my proper rest. My doctor was unabli toholpme and ordered mo South for a complete rest and change As this ww limply out of tho question, and as 1 hnd hoard sevoral of tho mon under me spook of how much Pcruna had helped thorn, I decided to try it and am glad indeed that I did. Six bottles mado a now man of mo. I oat well, sloop woll and get up fool ing refreshed and rested. "My ofllclal duties are not half so hard and I certainly havo good reasons tc heartily ondorso Peruna." C. S. lthoads. i ji ,.' JSiMMlll11IMIWMM M - (sllli. 'KtSs '' A Prominent Business!; mHL W Man of Indianapolis Re- JHhK'wI ;storcd t Health and IwGBPlllllV Wmal ;V'r by Pc-rn-na. He ' AM&mtiMvffitt, ffwM Isays: "Pe-ru-na made a L C'S'RlOadS- J S New Man of Me." I BIB il m " " '" asacsaajy f THE HOUSE FURNISHING CO. 269 Liberty Street. DRESSER A vety pretty line of Desses and Dressing nTaUio. n Golden qatirtered Oak; Bird's pv 81 a v; - - - v U Maple and Mahogany jst in. You may look the country over and not Una their sttperiog Jndgo Wm. T. Zenor, of Washington, D. 0., writes from 213 N. Capital street, Washington, D.O.: "I tako pleasure la saying that I can cheerfully recommend the use of Feruna as a remedy for catarrhal trouble and a most excellent tonlo for genoral condi tions." Wm. T. Zenor Mrs. Amanda Merrill, 180 Held street, Bllzaboth, N. J., writes: "lb avo been sick over two years with nervous prostration and general debil ity, and heart trouble Havo had four doctors t all said that I could not got woll. I had not walked a stop In nine months, suffering with partial paralysis and palpitation of the heart every other day, and had become so reduced In flesh as to be a mere skeleton, weighing only 85 pounds. " Up to this dato I havo takon Pernna tor seven mouths. It has saved, my life at I can safely testify. I hare not tch so well In five years, having walked over one mile without III result, ana have also gained thirty pounds since commencing to take Peruna. In fact, I cannot praiso It too highly." Mrs Amanda Merrill. Pernna nover falls to provont systemic catarrh or nervous prostration If taken In tlmo. Poruna Is the most prompt and permanent onro for all cases of nervous prostration caused by systemic catarrh known to tho medical profession. If you do not derive prompt and satis factory results from tho ubo of Peruna, wrlto at onco to Dr, Hartman, giving a full statement of your caso and he will bo pleased to give you his valuable ad vlco gratis. Address Dr. Hartman, President of The Hartman Sanitarium, Columbus, Ohio. PROGRESS IN SALEM SCHOOLS. Whllo tho public won a substantial victory at tho school election Monday thoy will get very little fruit of that victory, unless thoy book up their votes with action. Tho now school board will ho com posed of Messrs Condit, Crolsnu and Ieo, Republicans, and Messrs Ilyrd and Fletcher, Demoorats. Aftor the voto of tho peoplo thoro ought to bo no division among thoao gontlomon on the question of higher gindes. Hut In Albany, whore tho people voted to have a high school, the school board has dofoato.l tholr action by not piovldlng room for tho higher grades, nnd so Albany lacks two years of hav ing the full public school courso. So If tho peoplo want to reap the full fi nits of their victory for hlghor grados they must tnko an lutorost In tho mattor, nnd follow It up by de manding that their expressed will bo rospectol by tho directors. Tho old board voted to throw out all above tho ninth grade, abolish tho East Salem principal, and went on teeord ns opposed to progress. Thoy took no stops looking to a now build ing on Contor street. If tho peoplo get any of theso things they must pull for them, as tho school board Is still imbued with a conservative spirit, and that means that Sulem do nothing, or do as little as possible. Thoro la not a good reason why a now building for tho chlldron of tho Contral district shall not bo erected at onco, this fall, and the unsightly, unsanitary rolics on Center street dis posed of. Tli ore Is an abundance of surplus money to do that with tho taxos al ready levied, and tho fallacy of having school nionoy lying Idlo ns deposits In some bank Is a llttlo shelf-worn, to say tho least. Wo havo only this to soy In conclu sion, that tho peoplo who stand back of tho movement for bettor public schools will appreciate tho right spirit manifested by any of thoso gontlomon of tho board of education, and thoy aro Hiilllclontly American and intelli gent to condemn tho wrong attitude, or any displays of opposition or Indifference X-RADIUMS China Closets Recent aivals in China Closets puts as in a, position to supply yoa eithe in Gold en Oak ot WeatlWect Oak. Also plain o mittoted backs V jir M,fjjii..i Miwiniix.iMMiiJ 'tJ lifl MORRIS CHAIRS The choicest in M$fts Chairs, all finishes, all kinds of cushions and upholstering. The simplest and most sensible back adjustment, Mission frames in weathered oak are amonf the most popular sellers. The House Furnishing Company Next to Jos. Meyers & Sons. Stores, Salem and Albany. 269 Liberty St. For Strumous Lift it Is necessary to have your system In good working onler to havenn energy born of pertcct health nnd strength it Is imperative that each organ bo kept in free action, niul BEECHAM'S PILLS are foreinosrui Hit? few things that will do it. For Active Brains your liver must be right, your stomach in a healthy condition nnd your kidneys properly performing their peculiar unctions, or your body won t stand the strain ami your brain won't bo active. If you would hnve n clear head anil keen perception, get n box of BEECHAM'S TILLS, use tliemaiul see how much more olive you will be. For Perfect Health there is nocreater promoter than these famous l'ills. You will find it so all over the world, and, mark you, the most erfect specimens of manhood, womanhood and childhood are the users of BEECHAM'S PILLS Sold Everywhere In Boxes, I Go. and 25o. NO DEBT FOR SALEM. Tho Eugene Uoglstor has this: "This sort of a plea for higher edu cation ought to win out. Tho Journal Is right. Kugono is loading tho rost of tho stuto on educational mattors, niul tho growth of a city Is always nugmontod by tho quality and extent of Its educational facilities. "Tho result of Monday's school election should lmvo boon and no doubt was, for advanced grades nnd a hlghor school. Any other stop by n city of Suloin's pretentions is llttlo short of disastrous to hor futuro wel fare." Tho difference Is, thnt Eugene Is sued $25 000 bonds for a high school building, and tho pooplo of Salem. will got one without Increasing taxes or going in dobt. Valuable Horse Dead, Jnck Kays, tho blacksmith lost a valuable horso on Tuesday. Tho ani mal had mot with nn accident sever al days ago, and had a log fracturod by a Ulclc. It was a running horao, and valuod at about $300. Has No Equal. After nil tho fuss la over, and you want a good quiet smoko, nothing oquals LaCorona clgara, manufactured by Aug. HucKostoln, at Salem, 2t Salem has too good newspapers for some people. As usual, Tho Journal was only on one side of tho question. Tho peoplo of Salem havo had enough motor lines and railroads op erated by hot air. Salem Is now a good baseball town and a high school town. Now mako It a good streets town. Woll, It Is supposed that tho school board, too, has heard from tho poo plo of this school district. It was refreshing to seo heavy tax payers lino up Monday and sny with their voices and votes that they were ready to bo taxed moro If necessary for bettor schools. It romalns to bo soon whothor a majority of tho now Salem school board stands with tho peoplo who havo chlldron to send to school, or with tho capitalists, who have nono. By all moans lot us give fianchlses to all who como and ask for thera. 1jt us give everybody right of way Into Salem, now that thoy havo heard that It Is indisputably as largo and larger than Eola or Oregon City, I Now It Is tobe a double-track lino to Portlnd. with through trains in 'GO minutes. By tho way. It would bo I Interesting to know whothor somo of theso promoters rosldo anywhere, "br merely drift In on tho brako beams. Tho city council cannot do too much to oncourago nnd promoto tho Im provement of our parks. Wo haven't vory much In that, lino, and about ?15 is the limit of tho city's expenditure In that direction so far. Mako It at least $30, gentleman. o The Clearance Sale. Whllo I sold sovornl of tho marred and rontod pianos yestordny I recolvod two pianos that wore out continuous ly for two yoars, nnd both camo back In tho vory flnoBt Bhnpe. Tho places whoro thoy wore will be given If do sired. If you nood any call on Geo. O. Will, Uio music and sowing ma rhino doaler. Around the Court House. A marriage license has been Issued to Robert Wormeth and Myrtle Heck man. Tho real estate sales recorded to day aro a s -follews: A. Trumbull to.-S. M. Snoll, lots 1, 2 and 3, block 5, Prick's addition to Sa-' lorn. $1050. W. A. Laldlow to C. C. Carr, ICO acres, t8 s, r 1 o, ?700. A. D. Oulsa to P. A. Gunderson, 17 acres near Woodburn, $1200. Haynes Can Vote Now. Governor Chnmborlaln this morning restored to citizenship Thos Haynes, who was .sentenced from Union coun ty for larceny for three years. He had served his time, less several I months for credit marks, and tho par don was granted on tho recommenda tion of tho presiding ofllcers and others. Piano Recital. Tho pupils of Miss Eva Cox, assist ed by Mrs. Hinges, will glvo a piano recital tomorrow evening at 8 o'clock nt tho Presbyterian church. The pub lic Is cordially Invited. 2t '...4. h.hh i mniw THE WILHOIT WATEH. I havo arranged, as usual, with Mr. W. T. Stolz, of tho Sp, to draw tho famous Wlftolt Mineral Water through his fo '. '. tain, and your people can rev ; ; on its purity. W. F. McLeru, 1 ' Proprietor Springs. -M"H l 01WWW1 ttimtnnnim'il ' ;: Just It! i ; 1 1 Gives Vigo 9 Life and Energy 11 wnatyotf snouio ao is ; bay yoar 1 1 i i Clothing, Hats ;;and Furnishing ;; Goods Of 1 iiEMIL KOPPE-;!! J Y. M. C. A. Btfllding, j j 1 4 I Hosiery, shawls, lounge, ;; !! table and stand covers, made to order. 1 1 to the Invalid ijiiand satisfies and pleases the u Healthy laacssses O JSu 18 T? Ct 3F1. X JEk, Bwttt ylbt Klsd Ym Haw Ahrcr Bwgbt Blgatw of G&M&&afc We Have a Few HAMMOCKS j Left which we will sell at I Ten Per Cent Reduction Salem Gun Store PAULH. HAUSER, Proprietor. Salem HHHHHHHHHHMBMHBKHMMHMHHi Beer X .J Bottled especially for family use. Salem Brewery Association Office, 1 74 Commercial Street. Phone, Main 21 3 j inimBinimMmmiiiinnimii k.