EIGHT DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM, OREGON, MONDAY, JUNE 20, 1904. M i',. Stockton & Co. &BkMk 1 3 off The former price of little girls ages 3 to 14 years. Silks The highest grades which are shown this season are to be found In our silk department. The kind that other stores call 85c qualities, we are selling for 52c yd Our $1.00 values are all reduced to 69c yd New Dentist. . Dr. Kelty extracts and fills teeth ab solutely painless, by a new process All work guaranteed for five yeara Gray building. Phono Main 1C17. Ht8tllHMmt'tt BICYCLE HOSPITAL. Dest work at honest prices. Tires, Itlms, Coaster Brakes and all other repairs. All work ful ly guaranteed. Free air in connection. F. J. MOORE, MWeW(MWW8W REAL ESTATE Call and leave a list of your city Property and farm lands which you wish to put on tho market with DEMORE8T & HANNING. Money to Loan THOMAS K. FORD, Oyer Lndd & Bush's Bank, Salem, Or, WtMMtHtHWMMtMl We fit all makes of Tires at all Prices $2.25 anc!Upwacfs We fit all makes of Rims. We repair all makes of j ! Bicycle Frames and Forks. If It Is for a Bicycle, we ! ! ! fcnve It. J ; Best Workmanship and Prompt Attention. Phone Red 2151 ! ! i Baseball Watt diiuiii Qflirfcrtflix? vjuppuc? ltlMHMWWWIMtNMIMHImHtimHIMMi itMinmiuMmtumummnnMUMmiiMMiM ! Restoring Failing Eesight! HMHBBMHHMHHHHHHMHHHIIHMM Is our buslnoss. Wo have hundreds of customers who aro testlmo- nlola, who sing our praises, for tho reason of having received per. loct satisfaction. EyeBlght made as good as it over was, Wo are progressive opticians, and latoly havo added tho exclusive agency lor tho greatest optical invention over Invented. The Invisible Bifocal Lenses With a pair of those you ovorcomo all tho old drawbacks of seeing tho seams, going up or down stairs, in fact they aro porfoct. We also fit thorn. , Torik, doprossod and round jogmont Bifocals. Como In and ro celvo tho advantage of skill and Improvod Instruments, Our chnrgos are reasonable, Clias. HL Pioneer Optlolan. 88 State Street itw a8ttBf i Ail Shift Waists Reduced 25 per cent reduction on all our fine shirt waists for summer. dresses LADIES' SUITS AND SKIRTS AT SALE PRICES. Sweeping Reductions On Mente clothing and special lines of mente shoes, also ladies and children's shoes. Much-Abused Taxpayer. Somebody who slgnes himself "Tax payer" has a talo of woe in the Siui' day Statesman about The Journal giving unaskod-for advice. Who is this "Taxpayer," and who has asked him for advice? A writer who dare not plead his1 cause in the open, and Is ashamed to sign' his1 name to his articles Is In poor position to attack anyone. Hasn't that word "taxpayer" been overworked. saaww I Gold Dust Flout I Mado by THE SIDNEY 'POW ER COMPANY, Sidney, Ore gon. Mado for family use. Ask your grocer for it. Bran and shorts always on hand. I P. B. Wallace I AGENT MIMMMNMMMMflMfM . t"r !! The Bicycle Man. n Hinges, Next door to Lndd & Bush Bank MtatmttgBtiMMi yr LEITER 4 WILLIS A BIRD Charity and Public Treated WithSelfishnessUnheard Washington, June 20. The will of the late Levi 's. Letter was flled for probate this morning. His widow and son are named as executors, without bonds. There 'are no charitable or public bequests. The entire estate Is valued at 25,000,000 to 130,000,000, and Is tied' down for at least a gener ation of Loiters. The widow receives throughout her life one-third of the net Income of the state, In lieu of dowry. Trustees are named to con trol the Investments and distribution of the Income from a fund of $1,0&0, 000, Independent of the previous" se't tlement; $700,000 was set aside for the benefit of the wife of Lord Curzoa, vice-regent of India, BERRIES GOING TO WASTE." Public at Hood River was Invited to Take Away 1000 Crates. Returning delegates to the G. Af R. encampment at Hood River express appreciation of the hospitalities ex tended them- during their stay. I lie Gowan, member of Sumner Post, No. 12, gives nm account of a vtelt to the Ahmoteh farm. He says that J, W. Moore, manager and part owner of this farm1, of which 30 acres are in Wilson strawberries, furnished the old soldiers transportation to that farm free of charge. "From the Ahmoteh farm." says. Mr. Gowan, "300 crates of berries have been shipped the present season and 100 remain unplckedi because of no market, and Mr. Moore has thrown the place open to the public, inviting everybody to help themselves. Dur ing the picking season 125 people are employed, 83 In picking and 40 in packing, no Indians or Chinamen be ing employed. o Court House Doings. Tho will of B. F. Snyder was admit ted to probate. The estate Is valued at $1000 and Sarah J. Snyder was named executrix. H. H. Ollnger, W. T. RIgJon and John Gilpin were ap pointed appraisers, Elizabeth T. Adair and Ida M, Lockwood havo commenced an ac tion ngalnst Claude and B. M. Hurst for $90, alleged to be duo for the rent of a hop yard for tho year 1903. Hulda Grlswold Is suing her hus band,, Philip Griswold, for a divorce. The parties were married In Novem ber, 1901, in the state of Michigan, aud only resided together, so it is al leged, for about ono month. The suit Is brought on the grounds of deser tion. Turner & Inman are attorneys in both cases. Minister Chadwlck cables from Tangier that Perlcardls and Varley Will probably be realesed tomorrow. "The Easy Running Ttibtme" The wheel that never retrogrades. Always made as good as It could bq, and nothing bettor ever made or mar keted. Tho proof of this statement lies In tho service they give, and In the last ing qualities of every wearing part. Tribune bearings never wear out. Tribune cranks don't break. Trlbuno forged crowns never been a broken one known. Tribune bearings stay in adjust ment. Tribune cranks stay on. Tribune sprockets won't loosen. And coupled with all their Inher ent goodness they aro so easy riding, due to the perfect Tribune Cyclodial sprockets the original of all similar typos and to tho perfect shape of the bearings, which aro scientifically ex act, and which positively cannot and will not bond or jam, Call and see tho wheels, and try ono as long as you wish. That's the way w fell thorn. Sundries of all sorts, too, for all sorts of wheels. Some good bargains In ladles' wheols. Also a fow mon's. F. A. Wiggins' Implement Hous 255-257 Liberty St. Farm Implements, Automobile, Sewing Machines and Supplies. 1 P i YOU ARE INVITED To attend .a musical hour or two at the piano rooms of Allen & GUber-Ramalrer Co. tonight at 8 o'clock. THE STALWART I QUARTET WILL SING. ' i THE , GREAT ' HARDMAN PIANO PLAYER. Will demonstrate its orlty and the super!- CONCERT PHONOGRAPH n I Will record the Stawlart Quar tet's music, aifo will reslng it. EVERYBODY WELCOME Allro tt mien Gilbert- Ramaker Co. Oregon's Oldest and Largest Music House. Salem Branch. 299 Commercial Street. Jj The Turkish Sultan has decorated Miss Lelschman, daughter of the American minister, with the grand cordon Chefacat and Compte Blron, to whom' she is engaged with the second-class title of MeJIdie. NEW TODAY Lost. A lady's gold watch, Saturday evening, between 7 and 8 o'clock, on Court street, heave at Journal of fice. G-SO-tf Oak Posts 300 oak posts for sale In the timber, four miles west of town. - S. E. Purvine, Box 115, Salem, Or. - C-20-3t Rooms to Rent. Twelve furnished ot unfurnished rooms to rent. Loca tion on street car line, and one . block to S. P. depot. Call on J. C. i'Goodale, 12th and. Oak streets, G-20tf For Rent. Or lease, a 7-roonv house, ' close to business part of city; largo lots, with fruit. Geo. Hatch, 456 '. Front street. G-20-3t Wanted. To rent, a stock ranch, 4 with some tillable land; on shares ( oj' for cash; best of references C. F. Rape, F. R. M.. No. 7, Salem, fc.Ore. 6-20-2 w Lost Between hero, and RlckreaU, a leather grip. Return to this of flce. 6-20-3t , o For Rent. For rent now .7-room cot "tago, corner of 12th and Center streets; ready July 1st. '. Inquire of A. J. Basey. fcC-20-3t Help Wanted, Male Circular and ' sample distributors wanted every where. No canvassing. Good pay. Co-Operatlvo Adv. Co., N. Y. 6-18-lt For ! Sale, Nearly new onc-horsj Studebaker wagon, wldo tire, bought vof F. A. Wiggins, and has hauled 'but few loads. D. C. Howard, South Salem. C-18-3t Normal Students Board and rooms reasonable, 10S High street. ClS-3t o Lost; A pointer pup, three months old, brown and "white, with brown faco. Return to 118 High street or leave next door. C. H. Lange. 6-18-3t NO TARIFF TINKERING (Continued from first page,) administration's connection with the construction of the Panama caha, set tlement of tho coal strike, relations of labor and capital and Porto Rican and Cuban policies considered. The chief mission of the Porto Rice delegation Is to secure a plank In favor of extend ing to the islanders recognition as citizens, and looking to ultimate state- hood. Suffering from a cold caught In tho recent Illinois deadlock conven tion. Speaker Cannon is confined to his room here, while his daughter ad ministers medicine. Maintaining ex clusion, the speaker yet admits his confidential cronies, and a few dozen newspaper friends. To the latter he said there was nothing to add to what he had already said on the vlce - presl dentiat boom started by the New Yorkers. He would decline If the nomination were tendered. Shaw says there will be a' Philip pine plank promising some sort of au tonomy to the Filipinos, that condi tions will be attacked1 demanding a higher standard of civilization from the brown men before the step can be taken. It Is also declared 'that the financial plank of the last two plat- I m i x 5 2 z m h m tt z w z i s - g p to a I 'S-S s 5 1 M o i ra E 2 m m w o o c -n r w si - m s w n , z 1 o i m ? g imc ago Store JREOPZJES BARGAIN MIOU$& AS SILK SELLERS WE STAND AT THE Head of tne Class. SEE OUR PRICES FOR Monday and Tuesday's Sale From actual knowledge -we lnow"that there are big stores in large cities that Jo not sell as many silks as we do, How does this como about? From knowing the silk business thoroughly and keeping In stock the correct styles of silks that are most fashionable and most suitable to the people's tastes. Our store is not tho largest In Salem', but we sell the silks Just the some. The following price list will give you an Idea of our silks and their prices. FINE BLACK SILKS 75c white Taffeta silk, yd 69c 45c black India silk, yard 29o $1.50 white Watered silk, yd... 96c 65c black India silk, extra wide, 75c 'white jCbiffon silk, 44 ln,yd 48c yard 45c C5c "'white Satin1, yaid .., 45c 75c black Chiffon . silk, 44 In. FINE.COLORED SILK wide, yard 48c 39 colored wah Ind,a sl,k' 69o black silk Taffeta, yd ...,54c P,nJ& blue cardinal, maze, $1.00 black wash Taffeta ilk,. ,mo low Bn. . n'Ie- yard i ; . . . . :69c sef cgrose; sale price, yd . . 25c $1.00 black silk Peau de Sole, 12I?d Tmh Taffeta' ?' yard .., ..68c JW1". 'd r08. cardinal, $1.35 black silk Peau de Sole. NUo' ' royal blue amL yani 85c oerese; sale price, yd wc $1.75 SC-lnch biack ' rustle' s'lik f1-00 colored rustto Taffeta ,sillC Taffeta, yard 98c nayy blue- cardinal, wine, $1.95 black silk Peau de Sole, rose toWo' blue' cereS5' yanj jj 35 Pink.,, dark? and light blue, $1.50 black sl'lk Grenadines',' 44 ' old rose' Nl,e STeen' etc; Ea,ef()c inches wide, yard 95c prlce- 'ard , $1.50 colored silk Pea de Sole, FINE WHITE SILKS pinfc, 8ky blue old roso 39c whlto wash India silk, yd.. 25c in0j cardinal, moss green; C5c white wash India silk, yd.. 45c pric0, yard 89c $1.00 white wash Taffeta silk, FANCY SILKS yard 69c 75o Pongee silk, sale price, yd.48c $1.50 whlto Peau do Solo silk, $1.25 Pongee sllk,sale prlce.yd.79o yard 89c $1.35 Foulard sllk.salo prlce.yd 85c $1.39 white Crepe de Chine silk, 45c Kai KaL wash silks, yd... 29c r yard 85o $1.35 Scotch plaid silks, yd1... 85 50c white Crystal Cord sliu- vh mk en. mmu. nt, w.t 29c TEE CHEAPEST STORE OTEvoy Brothers.Conrt St., Salem Only a Few Days Moffe of the June White Days Take advantage of the low prices on all muslin tm- dewea,etc.,etc. now - 1 forma will be approved. Governor Cummins, of Iowa, who was sent to the convention as a delegate at large by the "stand-pat" convention, says there Is a big change of sentiment since, the adoption of tho Iowa con vention platform. "We believe the tariff should not be so high as to per mit home producers to soil goods at a profit that' be called unreasonably large." Senator Han3borough; of North Da kota, is also making .a fight. Fight over Vice-Presidency. Chicago, June 20. The Tennessee delegation this afternoon declared unanimously for Fairbanks, and the New York delegation, which meets to night, will endorse him. Senator Cullum1, of Illinois, will make the ef fort of his life in presenting Hitt's boom. Dolllver, of Iowa, will sec ond the nomination of HItt, B6ara th A Tha Kind You Hava Always Boul4 Blgnatnro of 7&&hi 'VSKUFiMV IN TH$ NORTHWEST. w " ""