TWO DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, 8ALEM, OREGON. MONDAY, JUNE 20, 1904. L If i l DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL BY'HOFER BROS. cegg THE NATIONAL REPUBLICAN PLATFORM. Seldom If over before la tho history of tho Republican, party has It been jxmlblo to make in accurate a fore cast of tho platform In advance of the assembling of tho national con vention as il" tho case this year. A draft of tho platform was completed weeks ago, after a series of White House conferences among tho party Senders, and If any changes are maJe Joy tho committee on resolutions' they iwlll bo of tho most minor character. Aftern the usual expression of con- ffldenco In the eternal principles' oft itlio Requbllcan party, the platform will specifically commend Theodoro Itoosovolt, tho man, for his 'faithful jodhoronco to tho policies of McKJnley 'ion his fearless discharge of tho dutlos of Ills high office, for the Important jpart ho played In the crisis of the an thracite coal strike, anJ for represent ing tho highest Ideals of American manhood. The platform will then review tho fforelgn relations of the United States tundor President Roosevelt's adminis tration, assorting that no function of "Sila office renders an. untried' and) president more liable to Involve Jtho nation dni grave and inextricable complications than tho administration of its foreign affairs Among the achievements of Theodoro Rooso welt's administration will be enumer ated tho accomplishment of Cuban reciprocity and tho ratification of tho reaty with Cuba which incorporates tho Piatt amendment. The wl3e and 'conservative course of tho administra tion in the Vonezulean affair, which -resulted Jni tho mtet' signal recognl 'tion by tho foreign powers of tho iloriroe doctrine, as an important triumph for arbitration and In tho pro jection of Venezuela's American cred itors, will be so exhibited' as to throw Hnto stiong contrast the Venezulean message of President Cleveland. The .settlement of the Alaskan Tboundary dispute, another triumph for JVmorlcan diplomacy and for arbitra tion, accomplished by peaceful means, under critical circumstances will bo mado tho basis for further approval of Mr. Roosevelt's -administration. Thefiklllful and farseelng diplomacy "Which effected tho negotiating and ratification of tho treaty with China,, whereby tho Unltod States in tho faco of subtlo but poworful opposition, ac quired treaty rights In Manchuria, will bo cited In substantiation of the assertion that Theodoio Roosovolt Is an oxcoptlonal'y conservative and wJbo executive. Tho administration and congress will bo warmly commended for tho acquisition of tho Panama canal, tho completion of which must nccruo so largely to tho advantage of tho United States and to tho world at largo. Tho President will bo praised for Ills successful enforcement of tho Shormam antl trust law, which was onactod by a Republican congroas ami first appllo by a Republican Presi dent. Spoclal attention will bo given to tho phraseology of this plank of tho platform. It will say In effect that It Is not tho policy or Intontlon op tho Republican party to assail logltlmato Industry and' business or to lufrlngo on tho rights of porsons or propoity, but to attack only tlioso monopolies which are In tho nature of a conuplraey ngaliwt commerco. Omteful comment on tho oxtin ordinary prosperity of the nation will bo followed by a biiof oontnut of ox Isting conditions with tlioso of 18D3 ami by Uio'TUJsortlon that tho mone tary system of tho nation Is now on iiuch a stablu and satisfactory basis thai men look back with wonder and nmazomont whou they recall tho wild vagnrlos and still wllilor Domocrntlc theories of 1890. Tho section of tho platform which deals with protection will bo almost ti ropllcu of the Massachusetts plank. It will rend substantially as follews: "Protection, which guards and de velops our Industrie Is a cardinal principle of tho Ropubllcnn party. Wo InsM uMn the malntonnnco of this YOU MUST EAT Hut then there's (he four of tho pain and diitioM that always follow. Why not strengthen the stomach by taking Hostottor's Stomach Ulttors and bo nblo to onjoy your moak. It la far abovo any othor modlclno as a stomach atrengthonor and blood puri fier and uovor fails to euro Poor Ap potlte, Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Flatu lency, Bloating, Heartburn, Flatu ache and Nausea. Try It ami soo for youreolf. At all Druggists, HOSTETTER'S STOflACH BITTERS principle, but wo Tecognlzo that par ticuiTar Jtariff schedules are notther isacred nor Immutable Rates of duty may' be altered wHen changed con ditions demand their alteration, but no revision should bo undertaken un less it Is clear that the benefit will more than compensate fon tho distur bance of business which inevitably attends a revision of tho tariff sched u lea Nor can isnicli revision be in trusted' with safety to any other than the party of protection. To intrust it to Iho Democratic party Is again to invito tho Democratic disaster and panic of 1893." Other planks deal with tho nation's debt to those who Imperilled their lives for tho preservation of the Re public, which will b,o declared to have been faithfully paid; with the respon sibilities Incurred by the treaty of Paris, which will bo declared' to have been sacredly kept, as wltnessthe prosperity of Porto Rice and tho Phil ippine Island's; with tho sacrednesb of tho ballot, tho equality of all citi zens, etc. o PROFITABLE BUSINESS. 'Hie lighting business is a profit able ono for some people, at least, and ospecjally for tho promoter. It Is reported' that tho Salem elec tric light, street car and gas plant recently changed hands at $300,000. Portland wholesalers bought It, and, on the showing made, they consider that they will mako bigger profits than at wholesaling. The deal was consummated by J. J. Henry, and ho Is reported to have Cleared ?50,000 on tho transaction. He has added another laured to his reputation as a promoter, andi is cer tainly to bo ranked with the success ful men of tho West. This Is all very satisfactory to ev erybody concerned, but the people who pay tho bills. Salem consumers of light are to pay still more profits on watered values. If tho public could get better and cheaper light, and hotter street car sorvlco, and If Salem1 could get exten slon of linos, It might bo all right from a municipal standpoint. There would .still be the private light consumer to bo reckoned with He Is a factor to bo considered, and Is very often overlooked. )WHt'? S&s vmz lOHTtC SCHL0S3R0S& XT'. 4-l - H -r. lino Routes r,irxneisj BALTIMORE NEW YORK G. W. JOHNSON & CO. INCORPORATED Warm Weather Wear Yotir own personal comfort now de mands clothing of lighter weight. SEND SALEM AHEAD. Thore Ib a good deal of improve ment going on in this city, but there could Just as well bo ten times as much. .There should bo ten times as much public and privato street improve ment going on a? thoro Is at present. There should bo ten times as much street sprinkling as thore Is being done, and' we would' have better streets. Thoro should bo ton times as much sidewalks and crosswalks built as Is being done at present, and tho city would bo bottor for It. All tho .school houses should bo given a coat of paint from top to bottom, and tho state house should bo painted whlto. It would lmprovo every man's busi ness 25 per cent to havo that railroad to Dallas built this year. There should bo at least ono fine street permanently Improved this year, ir wo are to kcop up with tho procession started by tho Red Hills farmers. Send tho Capital City to the front It has boon at tho rear of tho preces sion nltogothor too much. Proporty can just ns well bo advanclrig twice us fast. X-RADIUMS You don't have to swelter for ten days waiting on a "merchant tailor " when yott can slip into a stylish Schloss-made suit that costs one-half the price he would charge you. Bat there's always something more than price behind the clothing made by Schloss Bros. & Co. There's vafoe, there's qaaltty, there's style, there's reliability and darability. And, too, there's incomparable fit. What more does the most particular patron demand of the "merchant tailor?" The Three-Button, double-breasted coat shown In tho picture Is designed with an eye to comfort and coolness. It looks summery, but not negligee. Indeed with this suit one Is dressed In the top notch of fashion. No vest' Is worn, and the trousers are made with peg tops, cuff bottoms and belt straps. THE PRICES BEGIN AT $12.50 This Label oh garments "Drop in and let us talk it over." Kr-X 11 (J Wholesale Drapers IX CBOT1UAMTKO M.l 4. Covistm SttMrtvlbL G. W. Johnson & Co. Outfitters to Particular People. INCORPORATED M Sale Ten Million Boxes a Year. M W3m A Tllc FAMILY'S FAVORITE MEDICINE H " ' (Ol rf&inf mfflVl&fWk 0iTI:i rale BESTFOTHBOWELJP jj lp) VP HIlllIIIIIIinaMUHIIIlHHIllllllllilllMHIHii Tools Strlkosi nie pretty near what Tecum seh Sherman said of war-hell. In Colorado nt- looat. This Bchool olectlon will mark a mllostono of progress or erect a. tem porary monument to consorvatlsm. I At any rate wo shall quit advortls-! Ing that wo havo a high school, and "graduating" children out of tho ninth grade. For the Farm, g Workshop, s Household s The best in every department and at 2 prices that will make you feel ' satis- S J fied. g H ' 8 f R. M. Wade & Co. I S M UlllIIIIUIIUIlUIMHHUHIIHimillllUIIIIMMl aaaat aMMtmatfttfttwl A Royal Feast can be enjoyed in our choice fat lamb, prlmo ribs and loins of beef, legs of mutton or choice cuts ot veal. Wo can cater to tho most fastidious palate In tonder, Juicy and richly flavored moats. Let us sond you ono around for dinner. You can't beat either our prices or our meats. E. C. Cross. State Street t a Market, fiaiaiaiaiaiaaiaiaiai;yiMiaiaaaiaianin tmw Kx-Oov. Geer, who has boon there, antl "saw la," has unmoasured con tempt for tho Oregon building at'tho St. Ixnils Fair. Thore is full cor loborntion for what ho says by others who have boon thore and who also "havo env It." Portland llrioilot. "Koop out," says tho Anglo-Saxon. "Kindly do not ou ter." nys tho JaiMinoso. But tho vis itor to tho St, Louis fair who romom Jors tho words of President Roose velt, "SixmU softly, and carry a big stick," fools that ono roauost Is Just a offectlvo ns tho othor. Ono would naturally concludovthat men omptoyod as principals In our public schools who got out and fought highor grades foared tholr adoption and why? Tlwro Is only ono natural Phene: Main 29S3, AUL, WORK DELIVERED WHEN PROMISED 193 Commercial St, Oirer The Journal, .Booklet 5UI41 ;r3'Pe is the C, . latest tinner to 5 51 1 51 lOg MC be added to THE N. D. ELLIOTT PRINTERY If you are planning a trade Catalogue it will pay you to investigate my facili ties and workmanship. PROOFS SUBMITTED OS All WORK, conclusion. I HHHHI II Hllllin H 1 1- H 1 1 H H I Hi 111 1 1 1 1 H l-fr-H-H-t 90 per cent of all cases treated at Boswell Springs ate Cured Capt. Ben D. Boswell, Proprietor and Manager, Boswell P. O., Dotfglas Co., Oregon I i i 111 HW H-l M t III at It H -i-l 1 It II 1 1 lit I H 1 1 ni i I immense stock of Carriage Harness Work Harness and; Saddles All up-to-date and first class. See ue or anything in our line and save money. E. S. LamportSaddlery Co. 289 Ommercial Street. i A. wt fiii8iienui wf isii)iaiifrw-i m Nitf iMM-tf f itatiiaiiinmnnmniJm ::::::::A G E N C Y O F:::: i BALFOUR, GUTHRIEl & CO. ! GR AIN'BDYERS AND SH1PPBRS0F GRAIN I Oats For Sale. OOP GROWERS SUPPLIES. Crude and stick Sulphur. J. G. Graham, Agent, 207 Commercial St.. Salem, Ore. wiai iota ib i 9f tif f aumiiia lain iiiii'1 f mif f-MH maminn f tHf iit'HMB X ' T'ft7- Iv vv vlw I911 TrE PICK OF THE FOREST Has been taken to Bupply the stock oa lumber In our yards. Our stocK V complete with all WndB of luml .Tuaf TtwnlvnA n. ear load o! "0 i.i, i -. nt fine 8balH Wo nm nhin tn All any and all W 1 of bills. Como and let us eho TM Alii tjfrvnV Yard and offlca near 8. P. PnrJ depot 'Phono Main 651. GOODALE LUMBER CO. "J