DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, 8ALEM, OREGON, SATURDAY, JUNE 18,-1904, EIGHT Stockton & Co At the Old White Corner. Satin Girdle Corsets Best in America Tor 65c Embroideries 3c yd, 4c yd 11c yd Worth Twice the Price. Chicago Markets. Chicago, June 18. July wheat, 85 85; July corn, 48Q48. Mf Gold Dust Flour ; " " 4 ' " " Mode by THE SIDNEY POW- X ER COMPANY, Sidney, Ore gon. Made for family use. Ask your grocer for it. Bran and shorts always on hand. P. B. Wallace AGENT ilMIHIIIimtllMIMMM f BICYCLE HOSPITAL. Best work at honest prices. Tires, Rims, Coaster Brakes and all other repairs. All work ful ly guaranteed. Free air in connection,, F. J. MOORE. iwwatff REAL ESTATE Call and lpave a list of your city Froperty and farm lands which you wish toput on tho market with DEMOREST & HANNING. WWW WWW WW VVWflWV WW WW www www Bicycle Busted ? We fit all makes of Tires at all Prices-- $2.25 and Upwards We fit all makes of Rims. Bicycje Frames and Forks. If it is for a Bicycle, we liave it. Best Workmanship and Prompt Attention. Phone Red 2151 Baseball Waft shinn y g T cJUJJIIS3 WWWWWW WW wwwwwwwwwwwww wwwwwwwww wwwwwwv j Restoring Failing E esight Is our buslnoss. Wo have hundreds of customers who are testimo nials, who sing our praisos, for tho roason of having received per feet satisfaction. Eyesight made as good as it evor was. Wo are progressive opticians, and lately have added the exclusive agoncy for tho greatest optical invention over Jnvoutod. The Invisible Bifocal Lenses With a pair of thoso you overcome all the old drawbacks of seeing tho Beams, going up or down stairs, In fact they aro perfect, "Wo also tit them. Torlk, doprossed and round sogmont Bifocals. Come In and re ceive tho advantago of skill and Improved Instruments. Our charges are reasonable. Chas. H. Hinges, Pioneer Optician. 83 8tato Street Next door to Ladd A Bush Bank Tl SPRIHTLY PALE OF Shift Waists Swooping reductions on all our beautiful new shirt waists. Nothing roseived or held back. Every waist is guaranteed to fit or money will be refunded. Torchon Laces Beautiful assortment. Over a hundred different patterns. 5c y&td EMBROIDERIES. 25c and 50c Special Worth 40c to 75c yard J WENT DOWN PLUNK Two Torpedo Boats Collided and One Sunk London, June 18. The Central News bureau of Paris, reports that during tho British naval nmnoeuvers off AJacclo, Corsica, today, two torpe do boats collided, and one sunk. "Rase ball ; Salem vs. Eugene Athletic Park June 16-1 7-1 8-1 9 We repair all makes of j T wMiu mS 9 BvJr The Bicycle Man. iMHmt t M0BaMMMft HELD FOR THE CASH Bandits It Is Thought Will Do Nething: Rash Washington, June 18. Consul-General Cummere cables the state depart ment from Tangier that it has been arranged that a cash ransom for the release of Perdlearts and Varl'ey will be paid today, but Intimated that there was some doubt that the bandit was in good faith. o Batc's-Slmeral Wedding. A very pretty and quiet wedding was solemnized Wednesday evening, June 15th, at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Oren A. Hoyes near Shaw, Ore gon, when Miss Elsie Anna Bates be came the bride of Mr. Raymond Wil- I ton siemral, Rev. W. S. Gordon, of Sa lem, officiating. ' As the first strains of Mendel sshon's wedding march pealed forth, rendered by Miss Eva McAllister, of Salem, four young ladles, gowned in white, entered the room, bearing an arch of white ribbons, through which the bridal couple passed, ami stood under a lover's knot of white ribbons suspended frora a canopy of ferns. The home was beautifully decorated for tho occasion. The front parlor, with woods fern and white roses, and the back parlor with ferns and pink roses, while in. the reception hall and dining room red and green predomi nated. The bride's bouquet wa3 caught by Miss Sibyl Cummlngs. Dainty refreshments were served -to about CO guests. The groom Is the son. of Mr and Mrs. W. L. SImeral, and 13 an engineer at the asylum farm, while the bride Is one of Marlon county's successful school teachers, 'and a very estimable young lady. The happy couple received many beautiful and1 costly presents, which speaks of the high esteem in which they are held by their many friends. o State of Ohio, City of Toledo, Lucas county, ss. Frank J. Cheney makes oath that he is senior partner of tho firm of P. J. Cheney & Co., doing business In the City of Toledo, county and state afore said, and that said firm will pay tho sum of ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS for each and every case of Catarrh that cannot bo cured by the use of Hall's Catarrh Cure. FRANK 'J. CHENEY. Sworn to before me and subscribed in my presense, this Cth day of De cember, A. D. 18SC. Seal. A. W. GLEASON, Notary Public. Hull's Catarrh Cure la taken Inter nally, and acts directly on the blood and mucous surfaces of tho system. Send for testimonials, free. F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, O. Sold by all Druggists, 7Bc. Hall's Family Pills aro tho best. "The Easy Running Ttihimeff The wheel that nover retrogrades. Always made as good as It could be, and nothing better over made or mar keted. t Tho proof of this statement lies In the service they give, and In tho last ing qualltlos of every wearing part. Trlbuno bearings never wear out. Trlbuno cranks don't break. Trlbuno forged crowns never been a brokon ono known.' Tribune boarlngs stay In adjust ment. Tribune cranks stay on. Trlbuno sprockets won't looson. And coupled with all tholr Inher ent goodnoss they aro so easy riding, duo to tho perfect Trlbuno Cyclodlal sprockets tho original of all similar typos ami to tho perfect shape of the bearings, which aro scientifically ox act, and which positively cannot and will not bond or Jam. Call and soo the wheels, and try ono as long as you wish. That's the way we soil them. Sundrlos of all sorts, too, for all sorts of wheels. Somo good bargains In ladles' whoeli. Also a few mon's. F. A. Wiggins' Implement House 255-257 Liberty St Farm Implements, Automobiles, Sewing Machines and Supplies. Another Ftee Concert Stalwart Quartette Male Chorus Hardman Piano Flayer Phonograph Concert Selections Monday Evening Everybody Welcome Allen & Co. Oldest, Largest, Strongest Salem Branch. c uummcrcia) oircei. RAILROAD BOND COMMITTEE Appointed to Receive Sut scription for Dallas . Proposition The following committee of the Commercial Club has been agreed upon to solicit subscriptions for $72,000 of first mortgage bonds on tho Dallas and West.Salemi railroad. Mayor F. V. Waters, chairman. ' Wm. Brown. Hal D, Patton. D. J. Fry. Tllmon Ford. MeJsrs. Ford and Fry will take $1000 each of the bonds. The com mittee Is already at work. o Attention, Modern Woodmen. Tomorrow Is Memorial Day for Modern Woodmen and Royal Neigh uqrs and all members and visiting neighbors aro requested to meet in Holmnn hall, corner of State and Lib erty streets, at 9:30 a. m., sharp. B. B. MARTIN, V. C Help Wanted, Male Circular and sample distributors wanted every where. No canvassing. Good pay. Co-Operatlvo Adv. Co., N. Y. C-18-lt For Sale. Nearly new one-horss Sludebaker wagon, wide tire, bought of F. A. Wiggins, and has hauled but few loads. D. C. Howard, South Salem. C-lS-3t 1 NEW TODAY Normal Students Board and rooms reasonable 108 High, stroet. G-18-3t 1 o ' Lost. A pointer pup, three months old, browni and 'white, with brown face. Return to 118 High street or leavo next door. C II. Lange. 6-18-3t WEDDING OF HIS NIECE Mr. and Mrs. Roosevelt Will "Z Spend Sunday in Peace Washington, June 18. The Presi- dent, Mrs. Roosevelt, Miss Carow, and Secretary Darne3 quietly left tho enp ital last night for Hyde Park, N. Y., where, at noon today, they will attend tho wedding of his niece. The utmost secrecy is maintained! regarding tho trip. Returning, the President and his wife will pass Sunday as guests of Senator Knox on his Valley Forge farm. OASTORIA. r ili& Kind you Have Always uongni iniKininoi "Queen Esther 1) HHMBHMBMIHHH The Beaatifal Qaeen . KingAhaseraus And his Coor t. With a Chor es of i 00 voices. Friday and Saturday Nights at the Gancl PRICES 35c, 50c and 75c. : Going at Cost 1 9 wmk& j Ladies' Hats j To tedxsce out Now is the A Coast Hat A Mountain Hat An Outing Hat A Street Hat ot A Dess Hat Mt s. Hilke' Millinery Pat lots First National Bank Block. (hi c ago Store PEOPLES. BAJRGASNlHOVrSr Friday and SattiffcJay Bargain Days Every article advertised for thoso two days: are bargains. Quick sales and small profits Is our idea of doing business. Call and see for your selves, and you will cay that tho goods are better and tho prices lower than you expected. Children's 15c double kneo Children's 10c hoso supporters 5c black stockings, pair lQo 35c Arabian tab collars 2c Stock foundations 5c Ladies' double hoso supporters. 10c 15o lac medallions, yd 9c Best 15c hair rats 8c Bost spool silk, each 3c Men's 35c summer underwear,19c Bost darning cotton, ball lc Boys' nuspendora, pair 5c Bost shoo laces, 2 for lc 25c silk neckties, each . ...I2tt Bost lace lisle gloves, pair ..19o 15o black cotton socks, pair.... 9 Ladles' 15o summer under vf6ts 9c Best collar buttons, one doz for c Ladle-' corset covers , 9c Ladies' summer nhlrt waists Soiled white sklrta ....Half Price and dres9 .skirts at little ueBt standard apron gingham yard, Go THE CHEAPEST STORE M'Evoy Brothers.Court St, Salem! Only a Few Days Moe of the Jtne White Days Take advantage of the low prices on all muslin tm- dewea,etc.,etc. now c?fa New Dentist. Dr. Kelty extracts and fills teeth ab solutely painless, by a new process All work guaranteed for five years. Gray building. Phono Main 1C17. Money to Loan THOMAS K. FORD, Over Ladd & Bush's Bank, Salem, Or. stimme stock time to get At Cost Price prices, 75c lace curtains, pair .. 5c IN TEE NORTHWEST: m ' -- M-,- . "