!55Jw "rws'w-f'WVf p -t" Often The Kidneys Are Weakened by Over-Work. Unhealthy Kidneys Make Impure Blood. It used to be considered that only nntiary and bladder troubles were to be DIIUi" 4,1 41 1.1.1 tiuv-vu iu iuc Kiuueys, but now modern science proves that nearly all diseases have their beginning in the disorder of these most important organs. The kidneys filter nnd purify the blood that is their work. Therefore, when your kidneys arc weak or out ot omer, you cuu uuuerswiiu now auickly your entire body is affected and Cow every organ seems to fail to do its U jou are sick or " feel badly," begin taking the great kidney remedy, Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, because as soon aS jour kidneys are well they will help all the other organs to health. A trial will convince anyone. If you are sick you can make no mis take by first doctoring your kidneys. The mild and the extraordinary effect of Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, the great kidney remedy, is soon realized. It stands the highest for its wonderful cures nf the most distressing cases, and is sold on us menia uy un druggists in fifty-cent and one-dollar size pottles. You may .. ... - t... -II M.tn liae a sample uotue noroeofSwamp-itoot. by mail free, nlso a pamphlet telling you liow to find out if you have kidney or bladder trouble. Mention this paper when writing to Dr. Kilmer & Co., Hing bamton, N. Y. Don't make any mistake, but remember the name, Swamp-Root, Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, and the ad dress, Uinghamton , N. Y. , on every bottle. 4j aTrnj- JBi'if 7iT'"U'3h wiwtiMHMnimmnmmmtMMHWM Do What We Claim 1 9 We guarantee sufficient proof that Dr. J. F. Cook the 'Botanical Doctor cures all kinds of diseases after all other schools and doctors have failed, such as cancer, tumors, (external and Internal) Gravel kidney, bone diseases. Consumption, gall stones, rheumatism, dropsy, and diabets, appendicitis have never yet failed, and female diseases, all the foregoing without tho knife, or plaster or poisons, and with no pain to tho patient whatever. Testimonials of prominent people. Consultation free. D. J. F. Cook ! 301 Liberty St., Formerly of 9W9V9M9W99999S999Wf9m9M999B9eS llllllllCllltltl t rftr - JTL YY The Heath ft Mlllljtnn I i&xr.l )irr ! seerr? wfjir.- r a b i M WL & UH r r-w II HI A- 9 ; ikM in 9 ivffl W 9 &$& I JE"1 9 mw vfliW 9 I ami Keep imm irom decay, dtnbllihcd 1831. ImATfi & MilligAn MfgG. cmcMi For Sale by Savage & iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiinik 90 per cent of all cases treated at Boswell Springs ate Cuted Capt. Ben D. Bos well, Proprietor and Manager, Boswell P. O., Douglas Co., Oregon H I I I H I I I I I 1 I HWIi'IIH f Have You Ever Ordered Hattitt & If not, you aro away behind the !w&ys glad to boo new patronB, and If you call on them, you will be more than pleased. You will And them at tho corner of Commercial and Ferry street Iy)iif aB8fjaif(ia88wiiai jH-H I H 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 hi iinilllllllll III 1 1,1 1 H I M H1HW Wholesale and Retail E. ECKPni FM. '2fift nnmrnerrfal Street. I Pull line of llquora and wlnea. Cedarbrook whisky formerly the T curler brand tho best for family t"erea ia tho city limits. 'Phono Main "M-l 1 iH4H-H II 1 1 1 1 1 1 HOMERS WERE PLENTY Five Fence Balls During One Game Was Quite a Treat Standing of the Clubs. P. W. L. Salem 29 20 9 Eugene 31 17 u Albany 19 10 9 Roseburg 30 10 20 PC C90 548 526 333 Yesterday's Scores. Salem 14, Eugene 2. Roseburg C, Albany 2. The ball game Friday afternoon was of a better quality than the one on Thursday, but the Eugene boys were not In It at any time after the third inning. The game started oft all right and after three trials on each side the score stood one to one. People were certain that It was going to be a corker, but when six hits were made off Nefzger in the fourth and threo of them were over tho fence, they knew that it was only a ernes- tlon of" tallies. The Raglans batted like fiends and s Salem, Oregon. Omrha, Neb. Rests nn 52 imocc aC - - jr J M9t successful business.. To serve you when in need of Paint.... Covers a mult! tude of sins, Paint covers building PstSe r , " dLED irJrtflWn HI fi wzaswram Fietche ) - 11 1 1 1 I I 18 I I I I I H I I I I I I l- Your Groceries from Lawrence times. However, they are al- Family Liquor Store use. All orders filled and 'Jo- 1151. 1 B 1 8 1 II 1 1 1 1 1 1 1' I II C I if DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, 8ALEM, OREGON. SATURDAY, JUNE 18, swatted the decoptive little sphere with a vengeance. Two-baggers, In spite of fast fielding, wore tho rule, and when a spasm was concluded Salem had added Beven runs to their side of tho ledger. Eugene nursed one lonely run, which by the way was a homer, until the nlneth, when McKuno drove the ball over tho center field fence for another one. ! Salem added to their score almost every inning until tho total reached It. It was one continuous strike fost and was certainly "home-run" day at the park. Salem had the four, station drives to her credit, and Eu gene two of tho same kind. Nefzger pitched a good game at times, that is squirmed tho ball around tho rubbers In a way that fooled somo of tho best of them, but at other times he was up against It good and hard and was bumped with a vengeance. Mclnnlss was working all tho time, and never got a bad hole until the nlneth Inning, but he pulled out of It and ended tho agony. Berth Lougheed' played first base for Eugene Just to help them out be cause their new men had not arrived. He covered tho bag In good style. Rube Sander played center field for the visitors and he won great ap plause from the spectators when ho caught a long fly in 'tho center field, after a hard run.; it looked llko a sure two-bagger at least, but Rube stole it. Salem. AB, R H ? 4 13 0 3 0 G 0 0 Fay, 3b 4 Wllklns, c 4 Nehrlng, lb 5 2 Davis, cf 4 Emerson, ss Williams, If Downle, 2b . Mclnlss, p . Callff, rf .. ... 4 ....5 ... B ... 3 ... 3 Totals 37 14 12 27 18 0 Eugene. AB R H PO Brlseno, ss 4 McKune, 2b . Clynes, If v Radford, c . . Downing, 3b Lougheed, lb Shofield, rf ., Sanders, cf Nefzger, P Totals 30 2 5 24 5 G Runs and Hits by Innings. Salem 10073012 14 Hits 100G2012 12 Eugene 0 1000000 12 Hits 0 1000010 35 Summary. Bases stole dyne's, Fay, Wllklns, Mclnlss. Two-base hits Fay, Wllklns, Davis. Home runs McKune", Downing. Nehrlng, Downie, Mclnlss. Double plays Emerson to Nehrlng. Bases on balls Off Nefzger 5, off Mclnlss 2. Hit by pitched ball, Mclnlss. Struck out by Nefzger" 8. by Mc lnlss 3. First base on errors Salem 3. Earned runs Eugene 2, Salem C. Loft on bases Eugene 3, Salem 5. TImo of gamo, 1:45. Umpire, Derrick. Scorer, Shelton. 0 ' Wery Annoying to Some People. People that aro known to bo weak and sickly, by their nolghbora, aro asked tho question every day whether they aro feeling bettor. Do you feel stronger? Are you gaining flosh? Their friends know if thoy aro gain ing flesh, It Is ono of tho suro signs of returning health. If they can only get a romody that will mako Bolld flesh, recovery is assured. People with nervous troubles, loss of flesh and strength, no ambition, languid, and always tired, have thin watery blood The food they eat does not nourish them, it does not raakp blood. If after each meal they would tako Dr. Gunn's Blood and Norvo Tonic, thoir food would bo turned into rich, red blood, making solid flesh and Btrength The tablets are sold In boxes by all druggists for 75 cts. or 3 boxes for $2. People who uso this tonic gain in solid flesh from 1 to 3lbs. per week, they feel hotter and know thoy aro on the road to health. For sale by Dr. S. C. Stone, druggist. Brletenbush Hot Springs. Tho trail to tho Brletenbush Hot Springs is now open. Wo aro prepared to furnish pack and saddle horso3 at a very reasonablo rate. Parties de siring to go to tho Hot Springs or othor mountain resorts will find it to their best interests to address tho un dersigned for .information as to rates, etc. SHORT & MILLOY, 5-30-tf. Detroit, Oro. 0 Betntiit y?Th8 Kind You Haifa Always Boagfit Bfeutaie SJ SIS ?-- of Wfity k,cJLrt " I am well now and enjoying better health than ever before in my whole life." That is the statement of a woman who had never been well until she was made ,-well by the use of Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription. There are a great many other women in like case. They have always been sufferers from disease. They have never known the joy of perfect health. For all such Women Dr. Pierce's Fa vorite Prescription holds out the pros pect of perfect and permanent health, by the cure of the womanly diseases which, weaken women. It establishes regular ity, dries weakening drains, heals inflam mation and ulceration, and cures female weakness. It makes weak women strong and sick women well. "It give me pleasure to let you know of the great benefit received from Dr Pierce's medi cine and the Kdvlce which you so kindly sent.1 write Mrs Ilertle Parker, of nonham, Fannin Co, Texas "I took your 'Favorite Prescrip tion,' 'Golden Medical Discovery and ' Plemant Pellets, and followed your advice regarding the 'I.otlou Tablet,' and am cured I had been treated by different doctors and spent one hun dred dollars for treatment and medicine, but received very little relief I have only spent seventeen dollars and fifty cents for your medi cine and it has cured me in three or four months of ulcentlon and falling of uterus I suffered severe misery in my back, nlso irregular period. Had bearing-down in lower portion of body aud great pain nil through my body. Pain In uterus was very severe Had smothering spells, breath wa very snort all Hie time, nnu paiti in stomacn, pain In my thluhs, pain In breast, also between my shoulders bowels constipated I am well now aud enjoying better health than ever before in mv whole life Am haonv to tell you that I was cured by your good nuvice and good medi cine, the ' Favorite Prescription,' 'Golden Med ical Discovery.' 'Pleasant Pellets' and 'lotion Tablets ' These medicines cured me and will cure others nlo " The dealer who offers a substitute for Favorite Prescription " does so to gain the little more profit paid on the sale of less meritorious medicines. His profit is your loss, therefore accept no substitute. Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets regulate the bowels. Good Spirits. Good spirits don't all como from Kentucky. Their main source Ib tho liver and all the fine spirits ever made In the Blue Grass stato could not remedy a bad liver or the hundred and ono 111 effects it produces. ' You can't havo good spirits and a bad liver at tho same time. Your liver must be In fine condition if you would feel buoyant, happy and hopeful, bright of oyo, light of step, vigorous and successful in your pursuits. You can put your liver In fine condition by using Green's August Flower the greatest of all medicines for the liver and stomach and a certain cure for dyspepsia or indigestion. It has been a favorite household remedy for over thlrty-flvo years. August Flower will make your liver healthy and active and thus Insure you a liberal Bupply of "good spirits." Trial size, 25c; regular bottles, 75c. At all druggists. At Dr. Stone's drug stores 0 Reform School Supplies. Sealed proposals afet hereby request ed for furnishing the Oregon Stato Reform School with supplies for tho next six months, ending December 31, 1904. Lists, with Bpoclflcations, will bo furnished upon application to tho superintendent. All bids must bo in by Juno 28th. N. H. LOONEY, C-13-lGt Sunerlntondent. 0 Bean tie Tho Kind You Have Always Bought Bids Invited For supplies for tho Oregon Stato Penitentiary during the period end ing December 31, 1904. Sealed bids for drugs, dry goods, groceries, shoes, leather and findings, plumbing supplies, hardware, flour, Ash, meat, etc., will bo received at the ofllco of the superintendent of tho Stato Penitentiary until Friday, July 8, 1904, at 2 o'clock p. m., nt which time they will bo opened. A deposit of $200 In cash, or certi fied check, payable to tho sunorln- tendont, must accompany each bid for meat or flour, and all othor bids must ue nccompanieu iiywi nmount equal to 10 per cent of tho amount of tho bid. Samples to accompany all bids Shrived to reject any an(i all bids, and to accent or rolnot any portion of a bid. On each envelope should bo in scribed tho nature of tho bid, Goods of Orogon manufacture or production will recelvo preference, othor things being equal, All goods and supplies must bo de livered to tho penltontlary within 20 days after tho contract Is awarded. Schedules of tho various linos ot goods will bo furnished upon appli cation to tho superintendent. Vouchors will bo issued for pay ment on tho first of tho month fol lowing tho completion of contract, and monthly on continuanco con tracts. Biddors aro invited to be present. C. W. JAMES, Suporlntondent Orogon Ponltentlary Salem, Orogon, Juno 14, 1904. j i Sttawbeitfy ; Crates , j any kind at i i G. F. Mason Miller street, South Salem PHONE 2191 Red. ! Maiaaw 1904. CLASSIFIED WANTED Wanted. Lady or gentleman of fair education; to travel for a Arm of $250,000 capital. Salary ?1072 per year and expenses; paid weekly. Address with stamp, J. A. Alex ander, Salem, Oro. 6-17-3t Wanted. Teams to haul wood, also wood In tho timber for sale. In quire of R. R. Ryan, 123 Stato street. C-13-lwlc Wanted. By a young man, a position ns clerk in a storo or to drive a delivery wagon. Havo had somo ex perience in delivering. References can be 'given. Apply at Henry Smith's North Salem, Routo 9. 6-13-lwlo Wanted. To rent or lease, residonco with modern Improvements, good sized premises, and located near business section. Inqulr eor write, this office, "F. G. D." 5-18-tf FOR SALE. For Sale Cholco canning cherries. Inquire of Mrs. L. Campbell, South Salem. Phono White No. 284. C-17-3t For Sale. Eight-room house, with pan try, bath, barn, fruit garden nnd located only ono and) a half blocks' north of Stato house, 352 Summer street. 6-17-3 1 For Sale, Thoroughbred Irish Sotter pups. Inquire at the offlco of the Salem Brewery Association. 6-16-3t For Rent. Seven-room house on Com mercial street, two blocks from business center; all modern Im provements; largo yard and barn. Inquire at 85 Commercial street. 5-31-tf For Sale. A good rubber-tired bug gy or runabout; almost new; also a first-class surroy. Either or both at a bargain. A. F. Hofer, Jr., Journal office. For Sale. Fruit land in Benton coun ty, 320 acres of land, south half ot Boctlon 15, township 10 south, rango 5 west of Willamette Meridian, con taining 320 acres of unimproved land, half a mile from Arlle station, and about four miles from Wlllam otto river. On main county road. W. B. Irwin, 338 North Main street, Los Angeles, Cal. 4-13-tf Screen Doors Lawn and Hold fence, barb wire, shingles, P. & B. ready roofing and building paper. Exten sion ladders, gates and gato hard waro. All at lowest prices. Walter Morloy, CO Court Btreet, Salem. MI8CELLANEOU8. New Lodging House. Everything new, clean and cdmfortablo. Schrolb er block, 149451 State street. Mat tlo Hutchlns, prop. G-9-tf Say Havo you tried Edwards & Lusch er's for meats. Wo havo tho best Bausage In town. Como nnd try it, and be convinced. 410 East State street Salem Truck and Dray Co. Oldest and best equipped company In Sa lem. Piano and furniture mov.ng a specialty Offlce 'phono, 8S1. W. W. Brown & Son, proprietor. Offlce No. CO Stato street 9-1-lm Strayed or Stolen A light colored thoroughbred Scotch colllo, 18 months old, answors to "Shop" broken to drive in harness as woll as to drive stock. Name of Hud Mc Candidas on collar. Llboral re ward offorod for Information thai will lead to tho recovery of dog, by J. O. McCandloss, Independence, Oregon. C-lC-3t. Hop Baskets. Hop Baskets. One-fourth and one half box for picking. Full-box baa kets for measuring. Best In the market. Hold' your orders for 'Walter Morloy, CO Court street, Sa lem. RE8TAURANT. Ferguson's Restaurant 95 Otau stroet. Open day and night Ok 20o meals aro bettor than any QU house In the state. Six 20c mb for H.00; 21 20c meals for 13.00. OSTEOPATH8. Drs, Schoettle and Mercer, successors to Schoettlo, Barr & Barr, Oste ophaths, Odd Follows' tomplo, Sa lom, Oregon, II III III II III 1HH-H II II lit ;i German Market ii ; ; next door to Harrltt & Law- 1 renco Grocery. . ' '.', SAVE MONEY :: ; ; Best cuts of fresh meat, 5 to ; ; 10 cents per pound. !! MILLER & BECK, Proprietors '.'. 'nun 1 11 in 11 1 11 11 11 1 iHh- SEVEN PHYSICIAN AND BURGEON, . Dr. I. W. Starr Offlco In Bush ft Brjl building, over Oregon Shoo Store Offlco hours, 9 to 12 a. m. and 3 ttf 5 p. m. Calls attended In city country. Residence 'phono 23M Rod. 1-B-tf Dr. W. 8. Mott Will hereafter found In tho Drey block, 275 Oaafr morclal street, over Oregon rffcNl Co. Offlco tolophono, 2931; w donee phono. 2751. Office homrc f to 12, and 2 to 5. TON80RIAL AND BATHS. Evan's Barber Shop Only flrot-clMM shop on Stato street Every tUafl, now and up-to-uato. Finest pore Iain baths. Share, 15o; hair-cut H baths, 25c. Two flrst-closa bet blacks. C. W. Evans, proprietor UNDERTAKERS. Undertakers. We carry tho lwgH and finest lino of undertaker's gooAl in tho city. Prlcea- to suit & Black and white hoarse. Promt reliable. Savo money by calling 4 No, 107. A. M. Clough, A. J. BWy. 146-ti u LODGES. Olive Lodge, No. 18, f. O. O. F. I. O. O. F. Hall, Saturday each week, at 7:30 p. m. B. B. Horrlck, Jr., N. O.J Frank F. Toers, recording secretary. Salem Camp, No. 118, Woodmen of Mm World Meets In Holman Hall ererji Friday at 7:30 p. m. P. L. Frasler, Consul. Wyllo A. Mooros, Secre tary. 1-12-lyr Valley lodge No. 18, A, O. U. W. Me In their hall in Holman block, ner Stato and Liberty, overy XCe day evening. Visiting bretimsg welsome. Roy Mclntiro, M. W. A E. Auf ranee, Recorder. Central Lodge No. 18, K. of P. Otttfti Hall in Holman block, corner MtaM and Liberty Sto. T-eaday of mM week at 7:30 p. m. H. H. Turner, 0. C; W. I. Staley, K. of R. nnd S. Foresters of America Court wood Foresters No. 19. Meets ft day In Turner block. H. 9. Meyer, C. R,; A. Lv Brown, Sea ' Modern Woodmen of America Or gorr Cedar Camp No, 5246. Mwies every Thursday ovenlng at 8 o'cleett Holman Hall, E. E, Matten, V. P.; A. L. Brown, Clork. WATER COMPANY. SALiiirwATir OFFICE CITY HALL. For water sorvicd apply at ofle. Bills payable, monthly In adniaML Mao all complalnta at the office. DENTI8T8. O. HL SSAAOi Successor to Dr. J. TH. Keene, la White Corner, Salem, Oregon. PartlM desiring superior operations at mo, erat fee In any branch aro In Vjspeciai request HUIE VYING SANG CO. Qreat sale of Chinese and Japanesa fancy goods. . Wo also make up all kinds of wrappers and waists, under wear and Bklrts. Gents' and ladles.' furnishing goods, silks, laces and em broideries, All kinds of summor goodr matting, etc. Court street, corner a alloy, Salem SUMMER SCHOOL The first term of tho Capital Summer Normal opens May 2d, and will contlnuo olght weeks. Tho second torm opons Juno 27th, to contlnuo untill tho August exams. ClassoB will bo formed In all tho branches required for Stato and county papors, and In Latin, Stenography and Type-writing. Address J, J. Kraps, Supt. E. T. Mooros, Prof. Matthews. MtuMmiMwamMinif Are you looking for nice SPRING SHOES? Thoy'ro horo, styles now, good wear, lino solectlon, low prices, wo repair nlso do It woll, JACOB VOGT, 99 State Street Salem. yaais)e)88) Ftee, Yes Ftcc. Dr, Stono makes no charge for con sultation or proscription. Can be found daily at hlB drug Btore, SaV Oregon. 80UVENIR PO8TAL8 Of Salem, Capitol Building, Court Houso, City Hall, Silver Creek Falls, Postofllco, otc, The Vatiety Stote 194 Court St. Annora M. Welch, Proo -7 ,r '$ iV "' '"A . j fR u t- t , X m H ' fY V