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About Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919 | View Entire Issue (June 18, 1904)
FOUR DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, 8ALEM, OREGON,. 8ATURPAY, JUNE 18, 1904. HEADS BOWED DOWN! WWMMMM9J I Ail With Grief Over the Hundreds of Victims 1 Because i it's Good Siiltan of Turkey Wires the President Sympathy With the Sufferers by the Slocum Horror Constantinople, Juno 18. The Sul- .Heaping Measar e Nearly nil the grocera are carry 2 ing our fine pure cream of tartar 2 BAKING POWDER S 2 "Epploy'a Perfection" la fully g recognized as being a'l that is $ claimed for it. Then again there'a 0 oz. in a glass jar and not $ in a UBolees can. Buy it. Try it. S Phone Main 1041 PIONEER WOMAN PASSES ON C. M. Epplcy FINE GROCERIES. Ninotoonth and Stato Street tan of Turkey has cabled to President j Iloosovolt lils sympathy for the m Amorlcan people In their grief ovor ! &a&tt4S98ia)e8SSa$68&ee i the loss of life by the Slocum- horror. - Now York, June 18. Today wast tho first funeral of the victims of tho Slocum disaster. It saw the stricken East Side thronged with peo plo, and many wore mourning for friends and relatives of the dead. Others wero attracted to the scene by morbid curiosity. Tho throngs were subdued and respectful. Mon and boys removed their hats- and caps whenovor a funeral cortege was en countered passing through the nven ues of crepe, while women and girls stood with heads bowed. Many wo men wept, especially at. tho sight of tho whi to liearsos with sometimes two or threo little caskets In them. Arrangements havo been made for more than 100 funerals, and a3 early as 9 o'clock tho first sad cortego be gan to move. Services wero held In tho' cburche( of all denomination's. Scores of ministers arranged to do pastoral work. By 10 o'clock constant streams of carriages and heaes flowed'out of the district, and ma.lo their ways toward tho cemeteries. Tho Brooklyn Lutheran cemetory will recelvo tho bulk of tho dead'. Tho coroner, police and other an lliorltloa, who havo been receiving and checking tho bodlos at tho scone of tho disaster and tho morgue, havo carefully revise! tho list of tho dead avid mls'slng, bo that a comparatively correct estimate can bo given today. Tho total indicated death list Is 833, and 280 of tho recovored Joad aro children, 253 women, 23 men. A large" numbor of tho missing are bolloved to ho wedged under tho hull at the stem. A disputo has arose as to tho romovnl of tho steamer, tho company claiming It la tho duty of tho marine underwriters. Tho coroner's Inquest begins Monday. Of all pitiful Inci dents connected with tho dlsastor that Juet roM)rtod by James Sorcoran, a mombor of 'tho crow, Is probnbly tho most horrifying. At tho holght of tho tragedy, ho said, ho saw a woman glvo birth to a child, and thon jump overboard with tho now born babo. Ho snld ho saw both die. 0f monoy and Jowolry and othor valuablos, taken from tho IkxIIos of tho victims, It Is estimated at "50,000, which has already boom claimed by relatives of tho dead. o HAS AN EYE ON SIBERIA. FIGHT GROWS WARM Secretary Cortelyou Opposed by a Large Number of Republicans Japan Is Believed to Be Planning to Arm Prisoners. Paris. Juno 18. From qulto depend able Japanoso lourcoa a correspond ent Is able to stato thoro Is not tho least doubt as to JapauoBb designs on Oriental Siberia. It Is loarnod that one of tho most Inllueutlal Nihilists In IliiBsIn has been approached by a roprosontntlva of tho Japanoso gov ornmout, and law boon engaged to fur nish tho lnttor a list of all tho gonulno political prisoners In Slborln. Japan Is anxious to avoid tho re proach of cnuslng a moro uprising of criminals, and will thoroforo nogotl nto only with thu polltlenl olomout In tho Siberian poual sottlomonts, which !nuludo mon of tho highest character and ability. To thaso convicts Jnpan will socrot ly convoy anus, and when thoy aro ripe for revolt, a Japanoso army will bo. wont to Uiolr assistance. Japan will bo proud to think that In this way she will have struck a blow for humanity ami progress, as well aa agntuyi her uaemy. Your correspondent Is further as mired on the mim depoudablo author ity that it Is tho Japanese consul In New York who is organising this bvIioiuo In conjunction with the Rus utan liberal association. j Chicago, Juno 18. If Cortelyou Is to bo elected chairman of tho Repub lican committee, It Is absolutely es sential for him to come hero Imme- j dlately, Is the substance of a tele gram that has been sent to President RooseVelt by Cengressman: Lltauer, of New York. After a careful sizing up of tho strength of tho opposition ; to the selection of Cortelyou, this call for -assistance shows the Intensity of feeling among the membors of tho national committee, who believe that practical politicians should be chosen to run the campaign. Senator Lodge and Cornelius Bliss, both of whom full,)' approve of tho President's choice of Cortelyou, aro expected hero today or tomorrow.. Their ar rival may create a change of tho present sentiment, and If tho Presi dent determines to havo Cortelyou It Is certain that the natlonnl committee will acqulesqo. Among tho conspicuous delegation!) to arrive today wa3 that from Califor nia, en a special of six Pullman cars. In tho delegation camo Goo. A. Knight, who will, mnko ono of tho sec onding speeches nominating Roose velt. Knight' Is a candldato for the California member of tho national comnvlteo, nnd will bo clectod. Tho Callfornlans organized on their way to Chicago, and olectod Judgo J. W. McKinnoy, of Los Angeles, chairman of the delegation. They arlrved In greater stylo than usual, Including a cnrload of wlno and fruit, vnlued. at $10,000. This was distributed to vis Itors at 'the elaborate California head quarters In tho Auditorium. Whore asked for tho preforonco of Califor nia for vlco-prosldent, Knight said: "Wo havo nono, wo will voto for any man tho administration wants." o Jeffries' Knee Better. Harbin Springs, Juno 18. Mnnngor Coffroth. of tho Yosomlto Club, and Munroo's manager, Polllck, arrived noro eany mis ntiernoon, nnu, auor n examination of Joffrlos' knoo, and a conforonco with Doaaney, thoy wl)l decldo whothor or not tho fight will bo deolarod off. Joffrlos' knoo shows a groat improvomont this morning, nnd tho champion Is confldont that ho will bo'ablo to got Into shnpo for tho fight on Juno 30, but bis frlonds fear ho Is ovor sanguine, nnd that tho fight will havo to bo cancollod. o r Sure Cure for Piles. Itching Piles produce moisture and cause Itching, this form, as well as Bllng, Blooding or Protruding Piles nro cured by Dr. Bo-sau-ko's Pile Rociod. Stops Itching and blooding. Absorbs tumors. 50i a jar at drug gists, or sont by mall. Treaties free. Wrlto mo about your tinso. Dr. Bo sanko. Phlla.. Pa For salo by Dr. S. C. Stone, druggist. . e Gets Grand Cross, Purls, Juno 18. Ambassador Por ter was today presented with tho grand cross of the I.oglon of Honor by Forolgn Mlnlstor Dol Cnsso. ' o Hurricane In Europe. l)ru80iw, Juno 18. A hurrlcano today deatroyod a part of tho town of Virion. Many aro reported doad. Weak Li Possiblv a case or two of UJIQS consumption in the family. U men dont neglect your cuugus ana coias. neai your tnroat with Ayer's Cherry jreciorai. ask your qoctor about this. J.O.AmCo., UHIII. U. The Venerable Jane G.Alberl Completes Her Life Mrs. Jane G. Albert, widow 'of the late E. T. Albert, died at her homo at the corner of Mill and Winter streets, In this city, 'at 11:35 o'clock last night, of the Infirmities attending old age. Jane Gilchrist was born or Scotch parentage In Pittsburg, Pennsylvania, in 1818, and was1 the oldest of a fami ly of 17 children. In 1819 the Gil christ family removed to Wheeling, -West Virginia, whero, In 1837. Jane was married to Eben T. Albert. In 1865 Mr. and Mia. Albert moved to Ohio anl later to Lansing, Iowa, whero they resided until 1881, when they came to Salem. Mr. Albert died In 1899, aged 84 years. Mrs. Albert was a noble Christian woman, whoso whole life was devoted s to her family and to work of charity. In tho Presbyterian church, of which she was a member from childhood, she took a prominent part In tho active work of tho Home and Foreign Missionary societies and the work of her hands has supplied tho necessi ties of tho poor in this and other lands. Until tho day of hor death she retained the full use of her men tal faculties and until tho last few weeks she was physically able to keep up the needle work In which sho has found so much pleasure In hor declining years. Out of a family of 10 children, eight aro living. ' Thoy are John H. Albert, Mrs. Elizabeth Holton and Mrs. Sarah A. Robinson, of Salem; Mrs. C. D. Purdy, Salem; E. T. Albert, Columbus, Ohio; Geo. W. Albert, Lansing Iowa, and Thomas G. Albert, Sho also leoves sixteen grandchil dren and eight grent grandchildren Sho leaves two brothers and ono sis tow. Tho funeral will be conducted from, the rosldonco Sunday afternoon, at 2:30, complete arrangements to bo announced later. As a mark of respect for tho late deceased, tho doors of the Capital National Bank, conducted by her son and grandson, closed at noon today. o THOUSANDS OF FAIR WOMEN HERALD PRAISES FOR PERUNA, Catarrhal ZCr! of School Election Monday. Monday promises to show up a very fight for tho directorship of tho Sa lem school district, and ovor tho question of having any grades above tho ninth grade Tho progressive olements of the district havo put up a popular young Republican, A. A. Leo, employod by tho Salem Abstract Company, who has publicly declared himself as favoring grados above tho ninth, Thero nro campaign committees at work for Mr. Leo composed of prom inent Republicans nnd Democrats, In cluding two membors of tho Salem Woman's club, who will labor to got out a full voto of tho district on Mon day, and to placo tho principles of their candldato boforo tho votors. Tho opposition havo put out J. W. Young, a Republican aldorman and contractor and builder of tho fifth ward. Ho la roprosonted as tho can dldato of tho olemonts opposed to pro gross In tho affairs of tho district. This makos a squaro issuo between tho two olomonts, nnd tho fight will bo a warm one. Mr. Young wns a can dldato for tho nomination n year ago. i o . Arguments for Progress, Tho committeo In chnrgo of Mr. Loo's campaign say that thero Is not tho sllghtost porsonnl objection to Al derman Young going on tho school board, although thoy dony that Tils bolng a carpontor and contractor Is any bottor qualification than being a first-class biulnoss man, as Mr, Loe Is. Tho objoetlon to Mr. Young la solely that has fallou Into the hands of tho ultra conservative olomonts who oppose bottor public schools as n mnttor of principle, porsons who would cut out ovou tho ninth grado if publlo sontlmont would permit such a movomont, Thoy say -that when a tenth gmdo was carrlod on tho past year without additional oxpenso, tho ultrn-consorvfttlyo woro not satisfied, but forodd n resolution through tho board on a baro majority of threo out of flvo raombors cutting out the tontli grado.- This was not dono as a inoaa uro of oconoiuy, but in opposition to having any grados above tho ninth, which can bo had, thoy say, at Salem as well as at Eugolio, and many othor cities in tho state. Allan vF37 z vV Systomlo catarrh causes nervousness, poor appetite, ttrod feelings. Poruna cures catarrh' whorovcr located. LETTERS TOOSI WOMEN. MUs Anna Prcoott' totter. Mlsa Anna Prcscott, In a letter from Sid South Sevonth street, Minneapolis, Minn., writes: ' was completely used up last tall', my appetite had failed and I telt weak and tired all tho time. My drug gist advised me to try Peruna and the relief I experienced after taking one bottle was truly wonderful. " I continued Its use tor five weeks, und am glad to say that my complete restoration to health was a happy surprise to myself as well as to my friends." Anna PrescotL I'e-rn-na a True Friend to Women, Miss I'loroneo Allan, a boautlfal Chi cago girl, writes tho following from 75 Walton Place: "As a tonlo for a worn out system, Peruna stands at tho head in my esti mation. Its offects aro truly wonderful In rojnvonatlng tho ontlro eystem. I keep It on hand all tho timo, and never havo that ' tired fenllng,' as a f ow doses always makes me fuel like a dlfforent woman." .Florence Allan, Poruna will bo found to effect an Im mediate and lasting euro in all cases of systomlo natarrh. It acts. quickly and boneflclallyun thodlseascdmucousmem branes, and with healthy mucous mom branos the catarrh con, no longer exist. Poruna Makes You FeelLlkeaNawPertoi, Miss MarloCoats, a popular young vo manof Apploton, Wis., and Prwidentol tho Apploton Young LadIes'Club,wtlt4: "Whon that languid, tired fcelhj comes over you, and your food no loop; tastes good, and small annoyances liri tato you, Poruna will mako you feel lib another person inaldo of a week, "I havo now used It for three eeuom, and And It very valuahlo and efBuct ous." Mittd Mario Coaut. If you do not derivo prompt and nit factory results from the nso of Pemi wrlto atonco to Dr. Ilartriian, givlnf i full statement of your case, and he vO bo pleased to glvo you his valuable ii vico gratis. I Address Dr. Hartman, Presidents Tho Hartman Sanitarium, Columbuw Remember f Tho curtain (I003 not rise tonight until 8:45, thus giving thoso who aro in the stores plenty of tlmo to so tho firot net. Telephone now for your tickets, If you havo not received them. Chittmi Bark Highest Price paid, at Fry's Drug Store, Salem, Oregon. Parties desiring to hold their bark for higher prices, will .bo glv on Free Storage at our warehouse. Wo aro tho largost buyers of Chlttim Bark, Oregon Grapo Root, Oregon Balsam of Fir and Bees Wax. Wo will buy for cash, sell on commission, or glvo you freo stor age. Wrlto or call upon us bororo you sell. DANIEL J. FRY, Whole sale and Retail Druggist, Salem, Oregon. vS7WwSjSjSjSjvvs3s)9$l9v009999S)ttAvvvvwvft)9Sj9SjSjvJ9v Gives Vigo, Life and Energy . to the Invalid and satisfies and pleases the Healthy a i Bicycle ' i Repairing We do all kinds of Bl- cycle Repairing and do it first class. Work called for and delivered. Baseball and Lawn Tennis supplies. Salem Gun Store PAUL H. HAUSER, Proprietor. Salem Beer BHsjsjaBBBBHHBjiaMnsBSHtjsHBMasjBWSjsasaaasHsaaaBa Bottled especially for Family use. Salem Brewery Association 9mmwmm Office, 1 74 Commercial Street. aMS)Mf Phone, Main 2131 wi$L Modern Woodmen of America Free Street Fair and Carnival Salem, 0e., Jtme 27 to Jtly 2. DORA THOMPSON, World's Greatest High Diver. BIG FERRIS WHEEL UKAbb BANDS. On the Streets of Salem. FREE, FREE,