Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, June 17, 1904, Page SEVEN, Image 7

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- 1
n ii ani a
' in i i ! 1 1 1 i
This Cap Label
la a guarantee of the purity
ana ncnness oi our
We offer
$5,000 reward
to anyone able to prove
of our product.
Do WHat
Wo guarantee -sufficient proof that Dr. J. P. Cook he Botanical
Doctor cures all kinds of diseases after all other schools and doctors
have failed, such as cancer, tumors, (external and internal) Gravel
kidney, bone diseases. Consumption, gall stones, rheumatism,
dropsy, and diabets, appendicitis have never yet failed, and female
diseases, all the foregoing without tho knife, or plaster or polsoua,
and with no pain to tho patient whatever. ,.
Testimonials of prominent people. Consultation free.
D. ! F. Cook
301 Liberty St., Saiem, Oregon.
Formerly of Omrna, Neb.
- 9
Th Heath ft Millisrnn
rT. lfrff SSL
m i k, w
iwffiP A --j A1?
w m
aim Keep, mem irom orcijr.
EitablUhed 1831.
IHEAiUft MilligAn MfgCq. mcMfisA
11. iiiiiJih rtmemmmmmmmmmmmsmmm
: & Savage &
yiniiiiiimii 1 iiiiim miuiiiiiim nmiiiiiiii
90 per cent of all
Boswell Springs ae Gated
Capt. Ben D. Boswell.
Proprietor and Manager,
Boswell P. O., Douglas Co., Oregon
Have You Ever Ordered
Hamtt &
If not, yo are away behind tho
S -,.- bw iu .t) now yuiruuB, uuu u ;uu tuu uu uicuj, ;uu nm urn
more than pleased. You will find them at the corner of Commercial
S and Ferry streets.
wiiiiini niiiiHiii iiiiiniiini 111 Milt!'
Wholesale and Retail Family Liqaor Store
E. ECKERLEN. 258 Commercial Street
I ll lind of liquors and, wines. Cedarbrook whisky formerly the
I McBrier brand the best for family uso. All orders filled and 'Jo-
JL UTPI-Ot In . -Il II 11. mi rl
iiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiinnmiiiiiiiiii hi ?
H. F. Atcllwain of Albany
Meets With Very Serious
Mr. and Mrs. H. F. Mcllhvaln were
returning from a trip to Ca3cadla to-
j day when they stopped awhile before
noon for their lunch, and to water
their horse. While waiting Mr. Mc
Ilwnin set up a target, and Mrs. Mc
Iiwntn shot at it with a 22-calibro
smokeless gun with a dry bullet. The
bullet hit a twig, and, glancing, struck
Mr. Mcllwain la tho abdomen two
inches below tho heart. They got In
to their wagon as. soon asf possible,
and Mr. Mcllwain drovo most of tho
way horn hlmsolf,ns fast a3 tho horse
could run. Ho walked into Dr. Ellis
office, and' Dr. Ellis and Dr. Wallace
probed for the bullet, later beinir as-
sisted by Dr. Davis, but it could not
be found. Mr. Mcllwain weighs 290
pounds, and probing was difficult. He
was taken to Ms. Neeland's hospital,
We Claim I
Rests on 52 years of
successful business.,?.'
To serve yM when
- v 'iit
r '
Covers a multi
tude of sins,
P.ilnt coven building
cases treated at
It l-fr-ltl IIM I I lit M I 1 1 I I
Your Groceries from
times. However, they are al-
and everything possible is being dono,
but tho caso b serious. Albany Dom
ocrat. 0 :
Slightly Mixed.
The Albany Herald reporter says:
"Mr. and Mrs. D. a Minto of tho SI
letz reservation passed through- this
city yesterday from Salem, going
home on the bay train. They wero1 re
cently married1 and wero on their way
home from an extended bridal tour.
Mr. Minto Is a prominent farmer of
the Slletz country, where Mrs. Minto
also lived before going to Salem.
For a number of years she hold the
position of stenographer in the office
of tho secretary of Elate, but gave up
that place when sho became a bride.
Harmony at Albany.
A year ago President Iioo offered1 ft
year's free tuition in Albany college
to tho student In the graduating class
of tho high school having the high
est avoiage standing on tho work of
the last! year. Tho scholarship has
been figured up for the class, result
ing In Miss Martha Montague secur
ing the valuable prize. Miss Gene
vieve Rains was ri, close second. Al
bany Democrat.
Tonight and Saturday.
You will be charmed with tho pro
duction) of Esther, the beautiful queen.
All tho parts will be well sustained.
If you li3ten attentively in one of the
choruses, near the close of the opera,
you will hear Miss Raymond take high
C with a strength and clearness that
you seldom) hear.
State of Ohio, City of Toledo, Luca3
county, ss.
Frank J. Cheney makes oath that ho
Is senior partner pf tho firm of F. J.
Cheney & Co., doing business in tho
City of Toledo, county and stato afore
said, and that said firm will pay the
for each and every caso of Catarrh
that cannot bo cured by tho uso of
Hall's Catarrh Cure.
Sworn to before mo and subscribed
In my presenso, this 6th day of De
cember, A. D. 188G. i
Seal. ' A. W. GLEASON,
Notary Public.
Hall's Catarrh Curo is taken intor
nally, and acts directly on tho blood
and mucous surfaces of tho system.
Sond for testimonials, free.
F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, O.
Sold by all Druggists, 75c. '
Hall's Family Pills are tho best.
Excursion Rates to Yaqulna Bay.
On June 1st tho Southern Pacific
Company will resume sale of excur
sion tickets to Newport and and Ya
quina. Bay, both season and Satur-day-to-Monday
tickets will bo sold.
This popular resort Is growing In fa
vor each year, hotel rates are reason
able, and tho opportunity for Ashing,
hunting and sea bathing are unex
celled by any other resort on tho Pa
cific coast.
o i -
Don't Forget
That tonight and Saturday Esthor,
the beautiful queon, will be given In
costume at tho opera house. You will
regret If you miss. it. Seats 35, SO
and 75 cents. There aro not very
many 60-cent seats, but they will bo
sold as long as they last. Gta !n
Sure Cure for Piles. ,
Itching' Piles produce moisture and
cause itching, this form, as well as
Bllng. Blooding or ProtrudlnK Piles
are cured by Dr. Bo-san-ko's Pile1
Romed. Stops itching and bleeding.
Absorbs tumors. 50c a Jar at drug
gists, or sent by mall. Treaties free.
Write me about your case. Dr. Bo
sanko. Phlla.. Pa.
For sale by Dr. S. C. Stono, druggist.
O i
B6 tu p Tha Kind Yen Have Alvrays Bought
The first term of the Capital
Summer Normal opens May 2d,
and will continue eight woeks. The
second term opens June 27th, to
continue untill tho August exams.
Classes will be formed in all tho
branches required for State and
county papers, and In Latin,
Stenography and Type-writing,
Address J. J. Kraps, Supt. E. T.
Moores, Prof. Matthows.
I: German Market !l
; ; next door to Harrltt & Law- ;
renco Grocery, . '
; ; Best cuts of fresh meat, 5 to ; ;
10 cents per pound.
'.', MILLER & BECK, Proprietors '.'.
Good Bogs
Are the bad boys very often-. The boy
that's good for anything is generally
pURnaclous. He's A healthy animal,
and the healthy niiimal will always fight
for his rights.
, .When a boy shuns the rough sports of
lus contn-tuioiis he is
apt to be a weakling,
and to be conscious
of the fact.
A great many
mothers have testi
fied to the wonderful
curing aud strength
ening power of Dr.
Pierce's Golden Med
ical Discovery. All
strength comes, from
food after it has been
perfectly digested
and assimilated. By
curing diseases of the
stomach and other
organs of digestion
and nutrition, "Gold
en Medical Discov
ery " enables the p2r
fect nourishment of
the body, which is
thus built up in the
only way a body can
oe bunt up oy toon.
There is no nlcohol in "Discovery,"
and it entirely free from opium, cocaine,
and all other narcotics.
"Dr. Tierce' medicine has done wonders for
my two Rom," writes Mrs. M. Hartrick, of llem
stcr, Otweso Co., N Y "Both lind scrofula
Mv etdeU son was taken two or three years igo
w(th hemorrhage from the lungs. It troubled
him for over a year He took Dr. rierce's'Oolden
Medical Discovery aud has not had one in over
a year My younger son had scrofulous sores on
his neck; had two lanced, hut has not had any
since ho commenced, to take your medicine."
Dr. Pierce's. Common Sense Medical
Adviser, in paper cover, sent free on re
ceipt of ai one-cent stamps to nay ex
pense of mailing only. For cloth bind
ing send 31 stamps. Address Dr. R. V.
Pierce, Buffalo, N. Y.
Sealed bids will bo received at the.
office of the undersigned, at tho Ore
gon State Penitentiary, Salem, Ore
gon, until 12 m., Wednesday, June 29,
1904, for painting the outside brick
walls, wood and Iron work of tho pen
Itontlary buildings. Specifications for
same can bo seon at the ofllco of the
All bids must be acompanled by a
certified check In the sum of One
Hundred Dollars, to be forfeited to
tho state In caso the bidder to whom
tho contract Is awarded falls to qual
ify. The right is reserved to reject any
or all bids.
Salem, Oregon, June 15, 1904.
Superintendent. Orogon Stato Peni
tentiary. G-1G-17-23-24
Brletenbush Hot Springs.
Tho trail to tho JBrletenbush Hot
Springs Is now open. Wo aro proparod(
to furnish pack and saddlo horses at
a very reasonaulo rate. Parties de
siring to go to tho Hot Springe or
other mountain resorts will And It to
their best interests to address tho tin
dorslgned for information as to rates,
5-30-tf. Detroit. Oro.
Reform School Supplies.
, Sealed proposals aroj hereby request
ed , for furnishing the Oregon State
Reform School with supplies for the
next bIx months, ending Decombor 31,
1904. Lists, with specifications, will
bo furnished upon application to tho
superintendent. All bids must bo In
by June 28th. N. H. LOONEY,
6-13-16t Superintendent
; 0
Bwn tt a ! mm ion naro Always
TM Kind You Hare Always Bought
PTT Yin Ann(uraM4u7M
IOr44 MaU, SulMTllto, X. 0., vritM i ! 117
ttjr Hilw cltla hr th, Dr. S, V. Iftrm,
1 fMtlK.M Dr. II. D. If G1U. Curkabar. T.bb.. w.t
-lm rrwiiu r 11 JM. I km fool nwtL J
4ul inn." run, HI Cim Sb;Im FrMilw
' -" MArvriw K'jor. LANCAarcn, rA.
Sold In Salam by S. C. Stont.
Gall (or Free Sample.
Are you looking for nice
Thoy're hero, styles now, good
wear, flno selection, low prices,
wo repair also do It well.
99 State Street Salem.
j I Sttawbetxy
J any kind at ,
iiG. F. Mason
! ! Miller streot, South Salem
isss ssssssssesssspasfr
Free, Yes Ftcc.
Dr. Stone makes no charge for con
sultation or prescription. Can .14
found dally at his drug store, Sa, -&
Wanted. Teams to haul wood, also
wood In tho timber for sale. In
quire of R. R. Ryan, 123 Stato
street. 6-13-lwk
Wanted. By a young man, a position
as clerk In a storo or to drlvo a
delivery wa'gon. Have had some ex
perience In delivering. References
can bo given. Apply at Henry
Smith's North Sajein, Routo 9.
.Wanted. To renl or lease, residence
with modern .Improvements, good
sized promises, and located near
business section. Inqulr eor write,
this office, "F. G. D." 5-18-tf
For Sale. A fine cow. Inquire of J.
W. Roberts, near Lincoln school,
South Salem. G-14-3t
For Sale or Trade. Beatty parlor 6r
gan; will go cheap. D. P. Jerman,
second-hand storo, 210 Commercial
streot. G-14-3t
For 8ale. A fresh Jorsey cow. Apply
to C. F. Anderson, 1& miles north
wester tho pteel brldgo. G-13-3t
For Sale A farm of 95 acros, rich,
lovol bottom land, running water,
ono-half farmed, rest In pasturo;
' plenty of fruit trees and good barn
and house, 1 miles from Sublim
ity. Terms part la property, small
tract preferred In or near Salem,
rest In cash on easy terms. Inquire
phono 195 Blue, Salem. 6-3-2wk
For Rent. Seven-room house on Com-
merclal street, two blocks from
business center; all modern Im
provements; largo yard and barn.
Inquire at 85 Commercial street.
For 8ale. A. good rubber-tired bug
gy or runabout; almost new;' also
a first-class surrey. Either or both
at a bargain. A. F. Hofer, Jr.,
Journal office.
For Sale. Fruit land in Benton coun
ty, 320 acres of land, south half of
section 15, township 10 south; ran go
5 west of Willamette Meridian, con
taining' 320 acres of unimproved
land, half a mile from Arlle station,
. and about four miles from Willam
ette river. On main county road.
W. B. Irwin, 338 North Main Btreet.
Los Angeles, Cal. 4-13-tf
Screen Doors Lawn and field fence,
barb wire, shingles, P. & B. ready
roofing and building paper. Exten
sion ladders, gates and gate hard
ware All at lowest prices. Walter
Morloy, GO Court street, Salem. .,
Employment. Ladlo wishing em
ployment call at No. 56 Court street
from 5 to 8 p. m. Easy work, big
pay. Salary guaranteed. 6-14-3t
Lost-A gold' locket with Initials "F,
C. F." Findor will please return-to
The Journal offlco.
Any ono wanting A good, steady, re
liable hand at driving team' or othor
work loavo word for- "H. J.," care
Journal G-14-3t
Lost. Black and white brlndlo
smooth bull dog, part Bhephord,
.bob-tall. Write Newton Lowia,
Gates, and get reward for informa
tion. 6-13-3d
Found. A lady's purse containing
money. Ownor can havo same by
calling on engineer at Capital Lum
ber Company, proving property and
paying for this notice. G-13-3t
New Lodging House.- Everything
new, clean and comfortable Schrolh
or block, 149-151 State street. Mat
tie Hutchlns, prop. G-9-tf
8ay Have you tried Edwards & Lusch-
cr"s for meats. We have the beat
sauBago in town. Come "andtry it,
and bo convinced. 410 East State
Salem Truck and Dray Co. Oldest
and, best equipped company In 8a
lorn. Piano and furniture mov.ng
a specialty Ofllco 'phone, 861. W.
W. Brown & Son, proprietor. Office
No. GO Stato street. 9-1-lm
Just Received '
We havo Just received a shipment
of ono-horso wagon whoelB, which wo
can sell at $16 set, tired and
'painted. Pohlo & Bishop, Salem, Or
egon. fi-21-lmo
Hop Baskets.
Hop Baskets. One-fourth and one
hdlf box for picking. Full-box bas
kets for measuring. Best In the
market. Hold your orders for
Waltor Motley, GO Court street, Sa
Ferguson's Restaurant 96 8tot4
street Open day and night Ofc
20c meals are bettor than any 9Kt
bouse in 'the state. Six 20c mk
for 61,00; 21 20c meals for 13.00.
j- 1
pre. Schoettle and Mercer, successors
to Schoettle, Barr & Barr, Osto
ophaths, Odd Fellows tordplo?' Sa
lem, Oregon.
Dr. I. W. Starr Ofllco In Bush ft Bwy
building, over Oregon Shoo Stom
Office hours, 9 to 12 a. m. and S t
5 p. m. Calls attended In city ?
country. Residence 'phono 2199
Dr, W. 8. Mott Will hereafter frt
found In the Brey block, 276 Ooa
merclal street, over Orogon tkmt
Co. Office tolephone, 2931; rwfr
donee phono, 2751. Office how!
to 12. and 2 to 6.
Evan'o Barber Shop Only flrst-chWB
shop on State street Every tUag
new and. up-to-uato. Fine$t porM;
lain baths. Shave, 15a; hair-cut 9m
uatiiB, Z6c. Two flrst-clase
blacks. O. W. Evans, proprietor
Undertakers. Wo carry the largwrt
1 and finest lino of undertaker's good
In the city. Prlcos to suit aJL.
Black and white hoaroo. FrowH,
reliable. Save money by calling &
No. 167. A. M. Clough, A. J. Bawyj
Olive Lodge, No. 18, I. O. O. F. I. 0.
O. F. Hall, Saturday each week, M
7:30 p. m. B. p. Herrlck, Jr., N. Q.J
Frank P. Toovs, recording secretary.
8alem Camp, No. 118, Woodmen of ttt
World -Moqto In Holm an Hall evwrjl
1 Friday at ,7:30 p. m. P. L. Frasta)
Consul. Wylio A. Mooros, SecrV
tary. M2-lyr
Valley lodge No. 18, A. O. U. W.KMM
In their ball In Holman block, ear
ner Stato and Liberty, every Mmt
day evening. Visiting bretknw
welsome. Roy Mclntlro, M. W. JL
E. Aufranco, Recorder. 2
Central Lodge No. 18, K. of P. C
Hal! in Holman block, corner Stats
and Liberty Sts. Tuesday of mH
week at 7:30 p. m. H. H. Tunwr,
O. err W. I. Staloy, It of 11. mxT
Foresters of America Cosrt
wood. Foresters No. 19. Meets T
day in Turner block. H. .
Meyer, C. R,; A. L. Brown, See.
Modern Woodmen of America O
gon Cedar Camp No. 6246. Mevta
every Thursday evening at 8 o'ekH
Holman Hall, E E. Mattea,sJy.
0.; A, Lu Brown, Clerk. ' ,
For water servlcd apply at ofltoc
Bills payable monthly in adrftM.
Mao all complaints' at tho office.
Hucceusor to Dr. J. M. Keene, i
White Corner, Salem, Oregon, Part
desiring superior operations at Ea
erat fee in any branch are In eeDeefatf
requost g,
n 1111111 1 111 n 111 11 n
Violin, Mandolin 'j
and Guitar.
X Thorough Instructions. PupUo !
T propared for clubs, recitals and i '
eniertainmonts. Special tonna ; '
to pupils starting now. Private '"! '
lessons BOc. .Class lessons 26c. ', ',
Club rehearsals froo. '
101 Commercial Street ';
! Ml III! II II IIM 1 1 Mil l
Your Stepmother
Is still horo, and as busy as ever.
Whon your clothes are worn and
dirty, or tho buttons off take thorn to
her, at tho Salem Dyeing and Clean
ing Works. Ropairlng and rellning;
new velvet collars put on overcoats;
also four suits a month for $1. Cahe4
for ant returned.
MKS. C. H. WALKER, Prop.
106 Commercial Streei
Groat sale of Chinese and Japanese
fancy goods. Wo also make up all
kinds of wrappers and waists, under
wear and skirts. Gents' and ladles'
furnishing goods, silks, laces and em
broideries. All kinds of summer goodr
matting, etc. Court Btreot, corner c
alley. Salem
Of Salem, Capitol Building, Court
Houso, Clly Hall, Silver Creek Falls,
Postofflco, otc.
The Vatietv Stoe
194 Court St. AnnoraM. Welch,' lrop